OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Weekend in Singapore

Friday 28 th of April 2017 and the driver dropped me at Copthorne Kings Hotel. I told the driverCopthorne King's Hotelthat this was not my hotel.
- Yes it is! Copthorne!

I had booked at Grand Copthorne Water Front Hotel and he dropped me at Copthorne King's Hotel. This was the hotel we use to stay at when joining the ships here in Singapore. A nice hotel,Grand Copthorne Water Front Hotelbut the food is not anything to write home about and I always go to some restaurant. Chinese style buffet is something I avoid. I was not happy when I crossed the road with my luggage going to find “MY” hotel.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stIt was just a few minutes’ walk and I could have taken a taxi. But as I told the beautiful girl in the reception.
- I have no time to take a taxi!

We're in Singapore and I cannot afford to lose 30 minutes waiting for a taxi as I needed to be at Alan Photo at Sim Lim Square before 8 o'clock. My plan is to make Alan Photo (closing at 8) and then Red Spot (closing at 8 thirty) at Plaza Singapura on Orchard Road. I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully find the below today:
Canon Battery Grip BG-E11
Canon Timer Remote Controller TC-80N3
Canon Flash 600EX mk2
Canon wireless remote RC6

And I will by a battery charger for my AA batteries at the Red Spot, Powerex, recommended by one of the photo sites I have read about and studying bird photography using flash. And ofDiet Pepsicourse, I will keep an eye out for Diet Pepsi.

I was at Alan Photo around 7 thirty in the evening. They had all the Canon stuff I needed except the Timer. But they gave me another brand and I was happy with my purchase. I was sorry that I didn't ha dmore time asStork-billed Kingfisherthe salesman showed me pictures he had been taken here in Singapore.

I have booked my self for a few days of birding here in Singapore on my way back from Tonga. He had some very beautiful pictures and he had taken, some of a Stork-billed Kingfisher.

I was sorry that I had left my camera at home and I think I will bring my camera next time signing on. Anyway, Iw as lucky and I was soon in a taxi on myDiet Pepsi in Singaporeway to Plaza Singapura and the Red Dot. I had to call them two times before I found their shop. I left a few minutes later with a Powerex MH-C801D battery charger. Can come in handy on my safaris with my new flash.

And the battery grip came with a battery adapter so I can use it with AA bateries as well.

I was in a good mood when I went down to the Supermarket in the basement. Didn't take me long to find Diet Pepsi. Back up to the ground floor after a stop to buy fish oil capsules at GNC.

Dinner at the hotel and I was back in my room quarter to 10 in the evening. Time to sleep.

Saturday 29 th of April 2017
and I woke up quarter to 8 in the morning. It was 9 thirty when I was down for breakfast, it was OK, but not even close to the breakfast they serve at Marina Plaza in Helsingborg.

I had a walk around along Singapore River outside the restaurant before returning to my room. I really like the hotel and the restaurants are OK, what a difference from Copthorne King's Hotel where you cannot eat the food in the restaurant.

Grand Copthorne Water Front Hotel - Singapore River
Singapore River just outside my hotel

Grand Copthorne Water Front Hotel - Singapore River
Singapore River just outside my hotel

Grand Copthorne Water Front Hotel - Singapore River
Singapore River just outside my hotel

Grand Copthorne Water Front Hotel - Singapore River
Singapore River just outside my hotel

Grand Copthorne Water Front Hotel - Singapore River
Singapore River just outside my hotel

Grand Copthorne Water Front Hotel - Singapore River
My hotel

Grand Copthorne Water Front Hotel - Singapore River
My hotel

Back in my room and I called Thai Airways, no Singapore number so I had to call their office in Bangkok. I wanted to upgrade my ticket. The girl asked for my booking number but as I didn't had my e-ticket I gave her my name and frequent flyer number.

She asked me on what flight I was booked and I told her that I thought it was at 18:45. She told me that they didn't had any flights at that time. She gave me a afternoon flight. She told me that this was the only flight.

I hang up and I looked up their flights on internet, there is a flight departing at 18:15. This was obviously too much for her. Any normal person would have understand that this was my flight as I had told her 18 hundred something. Well, what to say, I'm not impressed.

I had to call 3 times before I managed to get a confirmed seat in biz. Flying should be comfortable so I was happy to get my seat up front.

I was in a good mood when I wrote down my passport number. They needed my passport number to be able to get me the tax return documents. I went down to take a taxi and I was lucky, thereGrand Copthorne Water Front Hotel - Singapore Riverwas a taxi waiting outside the hotel.

We were soon on our way to Sim Lim Square and it took us about 15 minutes to get there.

I went in to Alan Photo and I gave them my passport number. Now it was a different tune. They needed to see my passport and I was not in a good mood. Yesterday it was my passport number and today I had to show my passport. I asked them why they had told me that it was enough with the number yesterday. Well, they blamed the guy that had been working yesterday. I was angry when I left.

Alan Photo at Sim Lim Square in Singapore
Alan Photo

Alan Photo at Sim Lim Square in Singapore
Alan Photo

Weekend in Singapore
Leaving Alan Photo and Sim Lim Square behind

I walked towards Little India, but I decided to take a taxi to go look for a whistling kettle. I asked the taxi driver if he knew any department stores but he told me that it was mostly shoppingNgee Ann Citycentres in Singapore. We ended up at the Ngee Ann City. This was exactly the places I wanted to go to.

But I only knew it had a Chinese sounding name and I had tried a few different names (Chinese sounding) with the driver, but as no surprise, he didn't knew or recognised any of the names I suggested. But we ended up at the place I wanted to be at. And INgee Ann Cityrecognised the back of Ngee Ann City, same place they had dropped me last time here.

Back when I bought my camera after the Doctor visit from Roy Maersk. Anyway, I went to the information and they had household items in the basement.

I was soon spotting whistling kettles, KitchenAid, I didn't liked the kettle but the girl told me that this was the only kettles they had. OK, I didn't fancy walking around looking for a kettle so I bought the kettle and it set me back by 78$.

I had asked the lady “several” times, actually, I had asked her so many times if they had any other whistling kettles that I started to feel stupid. I paid for theWhistling kettle cartoonkettle and I walked away to have a look around. The lady told me that I had to walk the other way and I told her that I was going to look around.

She really insisted that I should go the other way and I shook myZWILLING J.A. Henckelshead at her and I left. I was soon running in to thousands of whistling kettles, beautiful kettles. One of them sticking out as a very beautiful kettle and it will look perfect in my kitchen

It was a ZWILLING J.A. Henckels TWIN® Specials WHISTLING KETTLE and the price was 138$. I was really happy with the TWIN® Specials and I returned my KitchenAid and I paid the extra money for the TWIN® Specials. It set me back with 60$ to trade the KitchenAid for the beautiful kettle.

What a beauty!

I return my KitchenAid and I bought the TWIN® Specials

TWIN® Specials WHISTLING KETTLE - What a beauty1

I told the staff about the other lady. They explained for me that she got a 7% commission on every sale. But that is no reason to try to scam me in to buy a ugly KitchenAid 2-Quart SteelKitchenAid 2-Quart Steel Band Tea Kettle WhistleBand Tea Kettle Whistle

It was not what I had have in mind when I went to look for a whistling kettle. But the WILLING J.A. Henckels - TWIN® Specials WHISTLING KETTLE was exactly whatZWILLING J.A. Henckels - TWIN® Specials WHISTLING KETTLEI wanted to have.

I took my bag with the new kettle and I left to look for a taxi to take me back to my hotel. I don't fancy walking around Singapore carrying a big kettle. And I was really happy that I had looked around making sure they didn't had any more kettles. I'm sure that I would never have grown to like the KitchenAid kettle.

Back at the hotel and I stopped in the restaurant for lunch. A pot of Earl Grey, salmon something and a pizza. The food and tea was lovely. I saw them carry around something that reminded me about the high tea at Victoria Falls Hotel and I decided to try.

The Waitress explained that they did not sell the cookies alone, it came in a set with French Fries, burger or whatever it was. I told her never mind, I pay for the whole thing, but just bring me the high tea thing. You can keep the fries and things.

Grand Copthorne Water Front Hotel
Tea and salmon

Grand Copthorne Water Front Hotel
TEMPO High Tea

A couple next to me had the tempo high tea and the Waitress came over to me. She told me that they got all the extra and she asked if I wanted to have a doggy bag. Well, doggy bag is nothing for me so I thanked her and said no thanks. I went back to my room and I was soon back down again. I had brought my passport.

But before going back to Alan Photo at Sim Lim I wanted to walk along Singapore River. I walked down towards Clarke Quay and I crossed Singapore River on the first bridge, a good opportunity for a picture of the hotel.

Saturday and there were many people drinking beers at the bars along the river. But I was not inWeekend in SingaporeSingapore for beer and fun. I have stayed here just to buy some items before going back home on Sunday.

A few years ago it would have been a totally different story, party every day and night.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stAnd of course, hangover and staying in bed all day long and thus not having time for anything. I really wished I have had my camera so I could go bird watching.

Grand Copthorne Water Front Hotel - Singapore River
My hotel from the first bridge across Singapore River

I was almost all the way down at the Clarke Quay when I stopped a taxi to go to Alan Photo. At Alan Photo they told me about a barber shop on the third floor and I went there when I got my tax return papers.

So what to do now? Really not much to do, except to go drink beer and make a tit out of myself. But as these days are behind me I asked the taxi driver for some fun to do in Singapore. All the museums are closed and as the driver didn't came up with any good ideas I asked him to take me back to the hotel. I asked for some milk in the bar and I was soon in my room drinking tea.

Barber shop at Sim Lim Square in Singapore
The barber shop

Barber shop at Sim Lim Square in Singapore
The barber shop

Barber shop at Sim Lim Square in Singapore
The barber shop

Sunday 30 th of April 2017
and I woke up just after 6 o'clock and I was in the restaurant for breakfast. They will come to pick me up at 15:00 (If they can find my hotel) and my flight leavesBreakfast at Grand Copthorne Water Front Hotelat 18:15. Birding tomorrow morning and then I have to pick up my passport at the Swedish Embassy before meeting my friend for lunch.

Yes, now I have got everything I have been looking for here in Singapore and I can't wait to get back home to practice taking pictures of the birds in Bangkok using the new flash. Of course, the first thing to do coming back home is to test my newWhistling kettleTWIN® Specials WHISTLING KETTLE.

Killing time in my room and the time passed kind of slowly. I down loaded a manual for the Canon Speedlite 699 RH II-RT to prepare myself a littleBird watching in Bangkokfor the birding tomorrow morning.

And there was also time to book my tickets from Gulf Harbour to Tiritiri Matangi Island on New Zealand for the 25th of October. One day of birding on Tiritiri Matangi Island.

My Guide reminded me the other day about the tickets, it is a small ferry and they are easily sold out. But now I'm sureGrand Copthorne Water Front Hotel - Singapore Riverme and my Guide have a seat on the ferry to Tiritiri Matangi Island.

I left my room just before 2 o'clock to check out and I have an hour to eat a pizza and drink a pot of Earl Grey tea in the lobby restaurant.

A last pot of tea at the hotel, a tray of the salmon stuff and a pizza. They make very good pizzas here at the Italian restaurant in the lobby. So I was full when I paid the bill. I left to see if mu pick-up had arrived.

Well, still 20 minutes before 3 so I hanged around the area waiting. My car came 5 minutes before 3 o'clock and we packed my stuff in the back and we were soon on our way to Changi International Airport.

Thai Airways departs from Terminal 1 and I know from before that they have a special lounge for checking in to business class. So I asked the driver to stop at door #1. I had soon checked-in and a few minutes after that I had passed through immigration. Next stop the tax return desk to get my tax back for the purchase at Alan Photo.

Grand Copthorne Water Front Hotel - Singapore River
Waiting for my car

Changi International Airport
Premier check-in at Changi Airport

Changi International Airport
Premier check-in at Changi Airport

Changi International Airport
At the tax refund place on the airport

Thai Airways lounge - Changi International Airport
Thai Airways lounge - Changi International Airport

Coming to the tax refund desk and they told me that Alan Photo had cancelled my tax refund. I was furious, this scamming, well, I blame myself. Everyone, including all taxi driver warning meThai Airways lounge - Changi International Airportfrom buying stuff at Sim Lim Square. Well, I was kind ofYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stvery happy with my hair cut.

So, if you go to Singapore, STAY WELL CLEAR of Sim Lim Square, except if you need a haircut, 12 Dollar was a good price for Singapore.

I left the tax refund desk and I went to Thai Airways lounge as I have 2 hours to kill before flight TG 408 is departing for Bangkok and Suvarnabhumi International. I was almost alone in the lounge and I took a table at the entrance. They loungeChangi International Airporthad not been redecorated for a very long time.

Been looking like this for long as I can remember and the furniture have obviously been around for a very long time. I had to call the girl to show her the arm chairs, they were at least to say FUNKY.

Thai Airways flight TG 408 to Bangkok leaves from Gate D36 and it was a wee bit of walking from the lounge. I was through the security in a jiff just to discover that boarding was delayed, no surprises there! I confirmed that the seat next to me was empty when I showed my boarding pass.

Changi International Airport
Thai Airways flight TG 408

Changi International Airport
Thai Airways flight TG 408

Changi International Airport
Boarding is delayed

Thai Airways flight TG 408 from Singapore to Bangkok
Finally on board

Thai Airways flight TG 408 from Singapore to Bangkok
Now, I just need a cup of tea

Thai Airways flight TG 408 from Singapore to Bangkok
Many empty seats so I changed to window seat in the first row

Thai Airways flight TG 408 from Singapore to Bangkok
Earl Grey tea

I was lucky and the seats up front was empty and I moved over there and I took the window seat. We taxi out to the runway and we were soon airborne. I was soon having a cup of Earl Grey tea atThai Airways menumy seat. Only small cups so they brought 2 small cups. As soon as I had finished one cup they brought anotherThai Airways teaso I had 2 cups of Earl Grey at my seat all the way to Bangkok.

Dinner was excellent, Red Snapper, and I always chose the Red Snapper when it is available. Started a few years back when I had Red Snapper for the first time. It was very tasty and I have always taken the fish.

Shrimps as a starter and I was a wee bit surprised, they usually start with salmon on Thai Airways. Anyway, the food was good and I kind of enjoyed the flight. Of course not to the extent that I wouldn't have prefer to be home in my bed.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stTime passed quickly and when we approached Suvarnabhumi International I went to ask for a tooth brush and I gave my tooth a good scrub. I felt fresh when we landed in Bangkok. I was soon discover that we were going by bus to the terminal. First I was a little disappointed but then, the bus takes us to the immigration so no need to trot around for miles.

Thai Airways flight TG 408 from Singapore to Bangkok
Opening the door in Bangkok

Thai Airways flight TG 408 from Singapore to Bangkok
Opening the door in Bangkok

Thai Airways arriving to Suvarnabhumi International, Bangkok
On the tarmac in Bangkok

Thai Airways arriving to Suvarnabhumi International, Bangkok
On the tarmac in Bangkok

Thai Airways arriving to Suvarnabhumi International, Bangkok
The bus drop us just at the immigration

The immigration paper work was finished in a minute or two. The bag was soon on the belt. I stopped to buy milk and a few Pepsi MAX in a convenient store and I was soon in the back of a AOT car on the way home.

Stepping inside the door and the first thing I did was to test the ZWILLING J.A. Henckels - TWIN® Specials WHISTLING KETTLE. What a disappointment that turned out to be. Most of the steam pressure went out through the lid and there wasn't much steam for the whistle. 138 Dollars down the drain, well, the kettle kind of looks nice so, well, it is OK. But not for the price, Singapore, seems like everything is a robbery there now a days.

I'm looking forward to get to Suan Rot Fai tomorrow morning to try out my new flash. I set my alarm to go off 5 o'clock tomorrow morning and I went to bed. If you have any interest in birding you just need to click HERE to find out how my bird watching and the bird photography using a flash turns out.


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