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ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park

Wednesday 7 th of June 2017 and my alarm vent of at 05:15. I had a MAX and some bread before going to meet the Driver and my Guide. My Driver and I went to look for the Guide and it was 6 o'clock before we left the resort.

I told the Guide that I wanted to do pretty much the same tour as yesterday, except for the afternoon part. So we took of towards check-point 5 and the Minivets. And I was in a glorious mood when we left. I will never have to spend another night in my bungalow (hut) again. And I will never have to eat in the restau…, well, food place again.

We reached check-point #5 and we stepped out of the car.
- No music today! My guide said.
He was not happy with the music on full blast from the guard house yesterday morning. We were soon running in to good music. A Bronzed drongo was sitting in a tree and I made a video of the Bronzed drongo delivering the beautiful morning music.

The bird was too far away for any pictures, but you can enjoy the song. Quality time, just after 6 o'clock in the morning. Perfect and comfortable temperature and a bird delivering a beautiful song. QUALITY TIME! I spotted a Grey-cheeked fulvetta at the boom and I was surprised, the picture was quite OK.

We were not lucky with the Minivets and I never got any good pictures. And today there wasn't so many of them. We left the check-point driving back towards road # 1009. We will go back to the summit with a stop at the bathroom to see if we can see the Yellow-bellied Fantail and the Silver-eared Laughingthrush again.

I took a few pictures of a Grey-breasted prinia yesterday. But the bird was too far away. LO and behold, the Grey-breasted prinia was at the same spot today and we stopped again. Breeding season and the bird was singing away and I made a video of the bird singing. But the bird was still too far away for any good pictures.

Grey-cheeked Fulvetta, Alcippe morrisonia
Grey-cheeked fulvetta - Alcippe morrisonia

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Early morning in Doi Inthanon

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Early morning in Doi Inthanon

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Early morning in Doi Inthanon

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Early morning in Doi Inthanon

Grey-cheeked Fulvetta, Alcippe morrisonia
Minivet - Yet another failed picture

นกกระจิบหญ้าอกเทา, Grey-breasted prinia or Franklin's prinia, Prinia hodgsonii

We reached road # 1009 and we turned right towards check-point 2 and the summit. We decided to stop at the bathroom at the rest place on the way to the summit. I wanted to get a picture of the Yellow-bellied Fantail and the Green-tailed Sunbird.

We leave the bathroom and we drove towards the summit. We were a wee bit disappointed that we had not seen the Sunbird, even though we went through the trouble to “shower” the area. Well, it is kind of chilli up here. But if you come in the hot season, try the water trick during the hot time of the day. Maybe someone come to have a refreshing drink.

My Guide told me about “The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri. There were plenty flowers and they usually spotted a lot of Green-tailed Sunbirds there. We drove up to the gate, 40 Baht entrance. Just in front of us was the most beautiful Sunbird I had ever seen. I had never seen a Green-tailed Sunbird before. But this was a very beautiful bird.

I got out of the car and there was so much noise form the guard house. Screaming and shouting so I left walking back to the road. There are some flowers so I went to try my luck.

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Passing check-point 2 on the way to the summit.

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park - “The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri
We reach “The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park - “The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park - “The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri
The ticket house at “The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri

We had no luck with the sunbird. I saw an Ashy-throated warbler but as the bird was jumping around I never got any picture. Anyway, we gave up the “The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” and we continued towards the bathroom hundred meters or so up the road towards the summit.

There were no birds behind the bathroom. We decided to sit in the car and keep an eye out for Sunbirds coming to the flowers in front of the bathroom. As with the bird bath/ bird pool up on the summit, the bird like water when it is hot. So we took a water hose that we found outside the bathroom and we flushed the flowers and pavement in front of the bathroom.

The only bird showing up was the Dark-backed Sibia. I went back to the plastic chair behind the bathroom and now I had better luck. The Yellow-bellied Fantail showed up and I got my picture.

Dark-backed sibia, Heterophasia melanoleuca, นกหางรำดำ

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Behind the bathroom, plenty birds to be seen if you are patient

Yellow-bellied fantail, Chelidorhynx hypoxantha, นกอีแพรดท้องเหลือง
Yellow-bellied fantail - นกอีแพรดท้องเหลือง

Yellow-bellied fantail, Chelidorhynx hypoxantha, นกอีแพรดท้องเหลือง
Yellow-bellied fantail - นกอีแพรดท้องเหลือง

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
The forest from the bathroom on the summit

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park - Ashy wood pigeon, Columba pulchricollis, นกพิราบเขาสูง
Ashy wood pigeon - นกพิราบเขาสูง

Silver-eared Laughingthrush, Trochalopteron melanostigma, นกกะรางหัวแดง
Silver-eared Laughingthrush - Trochalopteron melanostigma

We left the bathroom area after having come up with exactly ZIP and we continued towards the summit. I spotted the Snowy browed flycatcher at the same place as yesterday. We stopped at the coffee shop to buy a few chicken puffs. When we were ready we went to the bathroom. It is not smelling like violet and summer meadow back there.

But if you come, make the effort to go have a look. You have a pretty good view out in the forest. Today we saw several Silver-eared Laughingthrush and Ashy wood pigeons.
Hot birding tipMy Guide told me that it was good birding area behind every bathroom in the park.
HOT TIP! But please, don't tell anyone because then it might be full next time we go for birding.We want to have these spot for our self!

Anyway, the Minivets was very high on my wish list over birds I want to have (good) pictures of. The very beautiful Green-tailed Sunbird was also high up on my list. Well, actually on top of the list as it is a very beautiful bird. So now it was ALL OR NOTHING!

We tried our luck around the coffee shop, nothing. But we got a hot tip, go have a look on the wires along the road. So we did and we saw plenty of the beautiful Green-tailed Sunbird. And it looked like they were looking for food on the wires. Of course, there must be a lot of food on the wires or there would not be any birds looking for food there!

Click HERE to view the map in a full window

Green-tailed sunbird, Aethopyga nipalensis, นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว
Green-tailed sunbird - นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว

Green-tailed sunbird, Aethopyga nipalensis, นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว
Green-tailed sunbird - นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว

Green-tailed sunbird, Aethopyga nipalensis, นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว
Green-tailed sunbird - นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว

Green-tailed sunbird, Aethopyga nipalensis, นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว
Green-tailed sunbird - นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว

Green-tailed sunbird, Aethopyga nipalensis, นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว
Green-tailed sunbird - นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว

Green-tailed sunbird, Aethopyga nipalensis, นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว
Green-tailed sunbird - นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว

Green-tailed sunbird, Aethopyga nipalensis, นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว
Female Green-tailed sunbird - นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว

Bar-throated Minla or Chestnut-tailed Minla, Minla strigula, นกศิวะหางสีตาล
Bar-throated Minla - นกศิวะหางสีตาล

I was very lucky, plenty Green-tailed Sunbirds, but I was not so lucky with the pictures. More practice is required. But I was very happy with the pictures of the Bar-throated minlas. A very beautiful bird. But I will come back to try to get more pictures of the sunbird in the winter time.

We walked to the bird bath/ bird pool to see if we could catch some “pool” action. When we arrived we spotted a female Green-tailed sunbird enjoying herself in the water. We were sitting on a bench and we had a male Green-tailed sunbird in the tree above us waiting for a chance to get a bath before his afternoon nap.

We had a beautiful Bar-throated minla enjoying the water while we were there. We decided to come back at 1 o'clock when it is supposed to be the hottest time of the day. I will see if I can come back in April next year when it is supposed to be the hot season, by then it should be possible to catch some bathing action here.

I didn't want to have lunch at the resort so we decided to go back to the “The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” for lunch. There is a restaurant inside the area. We decided to go there to have lunch and then to come back here again. Well, my Guide and driver will have lunch. I will have a look to see if I can find the Green-tailed sunbird again.

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park

Green-tailed sunbird, Aethopyga nipalensis, นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว
Female Green-tailed sunbird bathing

Green-tailed sunbird, Aethopyga nipalensis, นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว
Female Green-tailed sunbird bathing

Green-tailed sunbird, Aethopyga nipalensis, นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว
Female Green-tailed sunbird bathing

Green-tailed sunbird, Aethopyga nipalensis, นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว
Female Green-tailed sunbird bathing

Green-tailed sunbird, Aethopyga nipalensis, นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว
Male Green-tailed sunbird waiting to get a bath

Bar-throated minla or Chestnut-tailed minla, Minla strigula, นกศิวะหางสีตาล'
Bar-throated minla bathing at the bird pool

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park

I was not very happy with my pictures of the Green-tailed sunbird when we left the summit. Some people just point their camera and get excellent pictures. I'm running around like a proper tw** and only come up with shit pictures. Well, as soon as I have finished my stuff in Bangkok I will go to practice in the parks every day.

I told them to stop at the bathroom, just to have a look before lunch. Lo and behold, the Yellow-bellied Fantail was there. And there was also a Green-tailed sunbird in the tree. So I got a picture of the Green-tailed sunbird that I was kind of happy with even though it was overexposure. The bird is at least not out of focus!

We left the bathroom and we drove down the road towards the “The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” just a little below the bathroom and we were there in a few minutes.

Yellow-bellied fantail, Chelidorhynx hypoxantha, นกอีแพรดท้องเหลือง
Yellow-bellied fantail - นกอีแพรดท้องเหลือง

Yellow-bellied fantail, Chelidorhynx hypoxantha, นกอีแพรดท้องเหลือง
Yellow-bellied fantail - นกอีแพรดท้องเหลือง

Green-tailed sunbird, Aethopyga nipalensis, นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว
Green-tailed sunbird - นกกินปลีหางยาวเขียว

We entered the “The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri and we didn't had to pay any entrance fee as we were going for lunch. I was surprised when we came up the road. A big parking and restaurant and souvenir shops. This looks to be a popular area, not for birds but for the Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri.

I walked around to look for bird, I managed to see a Bulbul or two before it started to rain. Well, at least I could see that this might be a very good place to look for birds because there was plenty flowers. But now it was raining and gloom and grey for long as I could see.

I went back to the restaurant, well, more like a noddle shop. But they had other snacks so this seems to be a perfect lunch place for future visits. We gave up the birding and we decided to leave for the resort to pick up my luggage. My Driver drove down to the gate and my Guide and me walked down the stairs.

By now it was very heavy rain. I decided to go back to the summit when we had picked up my luggage. A quick look and then back to Chiang Mai.

“The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri
“The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri

“The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri
“The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri

“The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri
“The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri

“The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri
“The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri

“The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri
“The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri

“The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri
“The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri

“The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri
We take the walk path down to the gate looking for birds

“The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri
We take the walk path down to the gate looking for birds

“The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri
We take the walk path down to the gate looking for birds

“The Great Holy Relics Pagoda” Noppamethanedon and Nopphonphusiri
Now it is pouring down

We never saw any birds, they are taking cover for the rain. Well, we got in to the van and we were on the way to the resort to get my luggage. We decided to make one more trip to the summit and the bathroom and then I wanted to get back to Chiang Mai and my hotel. A hot shower without having to be afraid of snakes and only God knows what.

Back at the resort and we checked the Munia nest first thing. No sign of the birds and I went to grab my bag. We were soon on our way back to the summit, now it was foggy and we never spottedYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stanything interesting, neither at the summit nor at the bathroom. Chiang Mai and a hot shower and nice food, HERE I COME!

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Last picture from Doi Inthanon National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
On the way to Chiang Mai

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Outskirts of Chiang Mai

We reached Suriwongse Hotel in Chiang Mai. I will check out when the breakfast is served and then they will come to pick me up tomorrow morning for a birding tour at Huai Tueng ThaoSuriwongse Hotel in Chiang Maitomorrow morning.

I found out that the breakfast starts at 06:00 so they will come to pick me up at 6 thirty. I took my bag and I went to my room. And I was pleasantly surprised, a nice room and the whole hotel looks nice. I have paid 40 US dollars per night so this must be a rainy season price.

Here was everything I needed and we're in a good area with restaurants nearby if I don't like the hotel restaurant. Super friendly staff and I was happy to be back from the jungle.

Suriwongse Hotel in Chiang Mai

Suriwongse Hotel in Chiang Mai

Suriwongse Hotel in Chiang Mai

Pizza in Chiang Mai
This was good!

I went to eat a pizza and it was very nice with food at a real restaurant. Of course, hot tea with my food and I was so full when I left I could hardly walk. I had been buying a few bottles of MAX before I went to eat so I was set for a good night in my room.

I stopped for a milk shake on my way back to the room and, well, of course, I forgot my MAX at the milkshake place so I had to go back to get them. Well, the night was spent in my room. Wake up call at 05:00 and we will take off for some birding at 06:30. Just click HERE to find out what we find. I must say that I'm pretty excited to get out for some Chiang Mai bird watching.


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