OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park - May 2017

Sunday 7 th of May 2017 and I was dead tired when my alarm went off at 5 o'clock. A shower and a Pepsi MAX before I went down for the breakfast. The car arrived at 06:45 and we were soon on our way towards the Sanjay Gandhi National Park. We decided to go to try out the Bhandup Pumping Station next weekend.

Driving through Mumbai/ Bombay early morning

Driving through Mumbai/ Bombay early morning

Driving through Mumbai/ Bombay early morning

Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park
Gate to the Sanjay Gandhi National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park
Gate to the Sanjay Gandhi National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park
Gate to the Sanjay Gandhi National Park

Sunday and it was kind of light traffic going to the Sanjay Gandhi National Park. We approached the place and I was a wee bit disappointed, looked more like a park. People came here to do jogging etc. I had no cash so my driver paid the fee, 257 Rupees (around 4 US Dollars) We drove on and we were stopped by a guy in military coloured clothing.

He spotted my camera and he went crazy. A camera like mine was a 50 US Dollar fee to bring in to the park. We had to park again and the driver went to speak with them. I gave him 50 US Dollars but he came back with the 50 dollar note. He told me that he had given us some “discount” If we paid on the way out when no one saw us.

Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park
One of the villages in the Sanjay Gandhi National Park

But the most important was that I should not take any “selfies” I was disappointed, I have been in many National parks in India, beautiful places. This was not one of them. Of course, I had not expected wilderness as we're in the middle of Bombay. NO PLASTC ZONE!! Yeah, fat chance! There was so much garbage all over so it was a shame.

Jogging and bi-cycling and driver cars so it was a constant noise. We passed dwellings on the way so there were small villages. Well, houses made of canvas and wood they have found along the way. And garbage all over the villages.

Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park
I walk along the road and my driver wait up ahead

I was walking along the road but there wasn't much birds to see. I could hear the same birds as I can hear in Bangkok. Asian Koel and Coppersmith Barbets. There were all the Mynas and Magpies. I got in to the car and we drove until I discovered a dirt path going in to the woods. I got out and I asked the driver to wait for me.

It was nice when I left the road and noise behind. But walking in the forest and I make too much noise and the birds fly away. Also, the trees are covered in leafs and the birds was very hard to see. I startled one Greater Coucal that flew up just a few meters from me. A beautiful bird I wished I would have got a picture off.

Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park
Common Myna

Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park
Sunbird, most likely an Olive-backed Sunbird

Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park
Coppersmith Barbet - B now we should be able to recognise this little rascal

Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park
Coppersmith Barbet - B now we should be able to recognise this little rascal

Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park
Coppersmith Barbet - B now we should be able to recognise this little rascal

Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park
Coppersmith Barbet - B now we should be able to recognise this little rascal

Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park
I'm in the real wilderness

Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park
As soon as you leave the road behind it is quite beautiful in the park

Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park
As soon as you leave the road behind it is quite beautiful in the park

Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park
I met another adventurer in the bushes when I was out there trail blazing

I saw parakeets and many other birds, but I never got any pictures, at least no pictures I bothered to save. I was back at the car an hour or so later and we continued searching for birds. And the further in we worked out way in to the park the park got better and better. And less and less people as well.

We continued on the road and when we reached a cross road I asked the driver to turn right leaving the main road. Now there was no people and we stopped after a while. I left the car and I walked in to the forest leaving the car behind. I saw a few birds but no pictures.

Back on the main road and we continued, the forest got denser, at least this is what I imagined. We were soon passing a monkey. Some wild life!

Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park
We see a monkey

Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park
More monkeys at the end of the road

Birding/ Bird watching in Mumbai/ Bombay - Sanjay Gandhi National Park
More monkeys at the end of the road

We reached the end of the road and this was the main attraction, at least it seems so. There was a cave with a Buddha and this was obviously what people came to see. I never bothered, I looked around for birds. Nothing except some monkeys and we were soon driving back to the gate.

Lunch time and I want to go for lunch at Taj Mahal. I hide my camera and the driver accelerated a wee bit when we approached the gate, the Guard isYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully on a break.

We flew by with the camera hidden and we managed to leave without paying for the camera. So if you come here for birding, hide your camera or it will set you back with 50 US. Same as in Sasan Gir, we had to go buy a camera permission every morning before we could enter the park. Anyway my birding adventure in Sanjay Gandhi National Park had come to an end.

No new birds or bird pictures to add to my INDIAN BIRD LIST but it had been a beautiful morning even though it was hot.

We were soon approaching Bandra and the Bandra Link. We will cross the Bandra Link over the Mahim Bay and then we're going to drive to Gateway of India and Taj Mahal Palace where I will have lunch. Smoked salmon and Philadelphia cheese sandwiches, like last time I was in Bombay

Mumbai/ Bombay
On our way to Taj Mahal Palace

Mumbai/ Bombay
Approaching the Bandra Link

Mumbai/ Bombay
Approaching the Bandra Link

Mumbai/ Bombay
Down Town Bombay on the other side of Mahim Bay

Mumbai/ Bombay
Passing the Bandra link

Gateway of India Mumbai/ Bombay
We reach Gateway of India

Gateway of India Mumbai/ Bombay
We reach Gateway of India

Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai/ Bombay
Taj Mahal Palace

Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai/ Bombay
Taj Mahal Palace - Stairs to the Sea Lounge

Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai/ Bombay
Taj Mahal Palace - Stairs to the Sea Lounge

Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai/ Bombay
Taj Mahal Palace - Sea Lounge

It took us about 90 minutes to reach Taj Mahal Palace. Located just next to the Gateway of India, one of the most famous landmarks. Of course, a must see monument so here are thousands of tourists and coaches in the area. So it is impossible to find a parking space. I got out and I will meet the driver back here again at 1 o'clock. That will give me 90 minutes for lunch at the Sea Lounge at Taj Mahal Palace.

It was 5 years since I was here last time so the smoked salmon sandwiches were no longer on the menu. But no worries, they would have one of their absolute top guns to look in to it.
- Don't you worry!
- I'm not worried, Taj Mahal Palace is truly 5 star establishment. So for you to arrange smoked salmon is nothing I worry about

They brought tea and 2 different salmon & cheese sandwiches, and it was just as wonderful as I had remembered it. I decided to go with a walnut cake as they didn't started with the HIGH TEA until 15 thirty, and by then I would be back in my room.


Sea Lounge at Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai/ Bombay

Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai/ Bombay
Gateway of India from Sea Lounge at Taj Mahal Palace

Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai/ Bombay
Gateway of India from Sea Lounge at Taj Mahal Palace

Fantastic lunch and fantastic service while overlooking Gateway of India and all the tourist outside the window. Of course, it came with a price tag, 100 US Dollars for a light lunch. But it was worth it, and I prefer to pay 100 dollars for something that is worth 100 dollars than to pay 4 dollars for something that is worth 2 dollars.

I went to look for my driver and we were soon on our way towards Holiday Inn at Mumbai International Airport. We drove the same way back and I was amazed yet again. Every time I'm in Bombay going along the Marina Drive

The place is like Rio de Janeiro, but here they have beautiful buildings along the ocean. Gorgeous houses, well, they could have been if they would have been painted. I was imagine myself the houses painted like the houses on Miami Beach, what a place this would have been. I huge sand beach, Girgaon Chowpatty on Chowpatty Seaface. But no one is swimming because the water is not very clean as you can imagine.

Bombay could easily have been one of the most beautiful cities in the world, but now it is more like a huge garbage dump, what a shame.

Chowpatty Seaface
Chowpatty Seaface

Girgaon Chowpatty on Chowpatty Seaface
Girgaon Chowpatty on Chowpatty Seaface

Girgaon Chowpatty on Chowpatty Seaface
Girgaon Chowpatty on Chowpatty Seaface

Bombay traffic

Bandra Link
Bandra Link

Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport
Back at the hotel I go to look for birds on the roof top

Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport
Back at the hotel I go to look for birds on the roof top

Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport
Back at the hotel I go to look for birds on the roof top

I saw a few birds of prey when I came back to the hotel and I went up on the roof top to see if I could get any pictures. They were too far away so no pictures. But I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully get a chance before I leave Bombay. There are many birds of prey all over the city and I would love to get a closer look.

The rest of the day was spent in my room, we will start the school tomorrow and I need to be rested. The school will be a new adventure to KICK OFF tomorrow so just click HERE for all the excitements. I expect it to be fun and interesting. And maybe I will learn something.


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