OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthanaburi

Sunday 26 th of August 2018 and I skipped breakfast at the hotel. It is included, but never mind. I had some bread in my room with a MAX My driver was waiting when I came out at 7 and we left Hotel D Varee Diva Rimnaam behind. We will start at Chanthaburi Municipal Secure Landfill Refuse Disposal Station to see if we can try to bribe our way in to the landfill to see the birds.

Bird watching in Chanthaburi

We approached Chanthaburi Municipal Secure Landfill Refuse Disposal Station and it started to rain. I told the driver to abort the mission and we left to check out the Klongnarai waterfall in the Namtok Phliu National Park.

Raining and the sky was black so I had not much hope. But I wanted to check out the different areas for when I come back here to look for the elephants in December/ January.

We pass the unmanned check-point to the Klongnarai waterfall - Namtok Phliu National Park. We drive around 100 meters up the mountain and we arrive to a parking lot where we stop.

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Klongnarai waterfall - Namtok Phliu National Park
Entance to Klongnarai waterfall - Namtok Phliu National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Klongnarai waterfall - Namtok Phliu National Park
Entrance to Klongnarai waterfall - Namtok Phliu National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Klongnarai waterfall - Namtok Phliu National Park
Driving up the mountain

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Klongnarai waterfall - Namtok Phliu National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Klongnarai waterfall - Namtok Phliu National Park
Walk path to the left and parking to the right

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Klongnarai waterfall - Namtok Phliu National Park
We reach the end of the road

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Klongnarai waterfall - Namtok Phliu National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Klongnarai waterfall - Namtok Phliu National Park
Some information - Big picture HERE

We park the car and we start walk towards the waterfall following the waterfall. We walk about 100 meter before we reach the stream. I keep my ears and eyes open for birds. I can hear some bird sounds in the forest, but I never saw anything.

But it was a beautiful area, of course, a lot of garbage thrown around the place. We walked past the stream and there was some benches and tables for picnic or just to sit down having a rest looking for birds around the stream.

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Klongnarai waterfall - Namtok Phliu National Park
Map over the area - Big picture HERE

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Klongnarai waterfall - Namtok Phliu National Park
We start to walk up the walk path

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Klongnarai waterfall - Namtok Phliu National Park
The walk path

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Klongnarai waterfall - Namtok Phliu National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Klongnarai waterfall - Namtok Phliu National Park
We reach the stream

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Klongnarai waterfall - Namtok Phliu National Park
Plenty garbage and a place to sit at the stream

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Klongnarai waterfall - Namtok Phliu National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Klongnarai waterfall - Namtok Phliu National Park
The walk path continues up the mountain

I hanged around the rest place looking for birds in the stream area. It was wet from rain so it was not possible to sit on the wooden bench. Continuing up the mountain and it started to rain. I had forgot about the rain and my camera. Lucky we had not come any longer, we were still pretty close to the parking lot.

We were covered by the foliage on the first stretch of the walking path. I heard some sound from the forest and I was looking in to the darkness. Sounded like an animal looking for food in the leaves on the ground. I saw a shadow on the ground, but nothing else. Walking back to the car and there were some activities around the forest at the car park.

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Klongnarai waterfall - Namtok Phliu National Park
Looking out from the parking lot

The birds don't like rain so they were hiding in the trees. There were birds around, but I could not see them, only hear them. Like yesterday, I walked down and my driver followed in his car. Reaching the bottom and I got in to the car and we left the area.

We drove down towards the sea front to check out some shrimp farms. This area is covered with shrimp farms and we might be lucky to find birds there. There are mangroves, mudflats and shrimp ponds in the area so we hope to see some birds. We stop at lo look at a Little Egret in the mudflats along the road towards the Laem Sing Bridge.

I walk along the road and I see Fantails, Scarlet-backed Flowerpeckers, Yellow-vented Bulbuls and many more small birds. Cormorants and Egrets.

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Little Egret
Little Egret

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker

Yellow-vented bulbul, Eastern Yellow-vented Bulbul, Pycnonotus goiavier, นกปรอดหน้านวล
Yellow-vented bulbul / นกปรอดหน้านวล

Yellow-vented bulbul, Eastern Yellow-vented Bulbul, Pycnonotus goiavier, นกปรอดหน้านวล
Yellow-vented bulbul / นกปรอดหน้านวล

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
A beautiful area

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Little Egret
Little Egret

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi
Small paths along the ponds and mudflats

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi
Mudflats and mangroves

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi
My driver follow me

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi
Small paths along the ponds and mudflats

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi
Small paths along the ponds and mudflats

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi

We leave Bang Sa Kao and we drive towards Laem Sing Bridge. We drive through the shrimp farm land, with mud flats and mangroves. But no birds, Egret and Herons are busy with their young ones and the waders are in Europe taking care of their young ones. I can imagine this place in December and I will be back.

We reach Laem Sing Bridge and I learn that the name of the bridge is Taksin Maharaj Bridge. According to my driver the bridge is 1km long and there is 2 extra lanes on the top of the bridge for parking. And there was a lot of people taking selfies.

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Laem Sing Bridge, Taksin Maharaj Bridge
Approaching the Laem Sing Bridge, Taksin Maharaj Bridge

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Laem Sing Bridge, Taksin Maharaj Bridge
Stopping on top of the bridge

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Laem Sing Bridge, Taksin Maharaj Bridge
View from the bridge

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Laem Sing Bridge, Taksin Maharaj Bridge
Gloom and grey for long as I can see

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Laem Sing Bridge, Taksin Maharaj Bridge

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Laem Sing Bridge, Taksin Maharaj Bridge

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Laem Sing Bridge, Taksin Maharaj Bridge

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Laem Sing Bridge, Taksin Maharaj Bridge

Birding/ Bird watching in Chanthaburi - Laem Sing Bridge, Taksin Maharaj Bridge

No birds, of course, I had not expected any birds around here. But it was a nice sight-seeing tour and I enjoyed the views. We left the bridge and we drove to the Chao Pho Laem Sing (Mai) Shrine. We passed a few monkey on the way and at the shrine there were plenty of monkeys.

I never saw any birds, but I could hear the White-throated Kingfisher and several Scarlet-backed Flowerpeckers. And there was a terrible smell from the food put out to the monkeys. There were many people digging on the mudflats and I was told they were digging for oysters.

I got a picture of the bridge and we were soon on our way again. Back to Chanthaburi and my hotel, the taxi from Bangkok will arrive at 1 o'clock.

Monkeys at Chao Pho Laem Sing (Mai) Shrine
On the way to Chao Pho Laem Sing (Mai) Shrine

Monkeys at Chao Pho Laem Sing (Mai) Shrine
On the way to Chao Pho Laem Sing (Mai) Shrine

Laem Sing Bridge, Taksin Maharaj Bridge
We can see the Taksin Maharaj Bridge and people looking for oysters

Laem Sing Bridge, Taksin Maharaj Bridge
We can see the Taksin Maharaj Bridge and people looking for oysters

Monkeys at Chao Pho Laem Sing (Mai) Shrine
Monkeys at Chao Pho Laem Sing (Mai) Shrine

Monkeys at Chao Pho Laem Sing (Mai) Shrine
Monkeys at Chao Pho Laem Sing (Mai) Shrine

Monkeys at Chao Pho Laem Sing (Mai) Shrine
Monkeys at Chao Pho Laem Sing (Mai) Shrine

Monkeys at Chao Pho Laem Sing (Mai) Shrine
Monkeys at Chao Pho Laem Sing (Mai) Shrine

Monkeys at Chao Pho Laem Sing (Mai) Shrine
Monkeys at Chao Pho Laem Sing (Mai) Shrine

Monkeys at Chao Pho Laem Sing (Mai) Shrine
Monkeys at Chao Pho Laem Sing (Mai) Shrine

Driving back to Chanthaburi and we will stop at Chanthaburi Municipal Secure Landfill Refuse Disposal Station to look for the Cattle Egrets before we go back to the hotel. We stopped at the gate and my driver got out. The guy at the gate refused to let us in. My driver was shown to the office and he was back after 10 minutes.

We were allowed to come in for a few minutes to take some bird pictures. So we drove in to the Landfill and we spotted the Egrets at the end of the dirt road. At the end they were dumping garbage from trucks and there was a caterpillar or something digging in the garbage.

There were a huge group of Cattle Egrets sitting on the piles of garbage on each side of the machinery in work. We stopped 100 meters or so away from the machines in work. I got out of the car and I was surprised, no bad smell.

Chanthaburi Municipal Secure Landfill Refuse Disposal Station
Entrance to Chanthaburi Municipal Secure Landfill Refuse Disposal Station

Chanthaburi Municipal Secure Landfill Refuse Disposal Station

Chanthaburi Municipal Secure Landfill Refuse Disposal Station
My driver goes to try to obtain a permission to get in

Chanthaburi Municipal Secure Landfill Refuse Disposal Station
We enter the landfill

Chanthaburi Municipal Secure Landfill Refuse Disposal Station
We enter the landfill

Chanthaburi Municipal Secure Landfill Refuse Disposal Station
Cattle Egrets on both sides

I walk down towards the Egrets hoping for them to take off in one huge group. But they were just sitting there. There was a lot of Mynas and crows as well. And the wires was full of Pacific Swallows so at least I got a few pictures of the Pacific Swallow.

It was interesting to see all the birds and I might come back here after the rain season. We left Chanthaburi Municipal Secure Landfill Refuse Disposal Station and we drove back to Hotel D Varee Diva Rimnaam and I will soon be on my way back to Bangkok.

Chanthaburi Municipal Secure Landfill Refuse Disposal Station

Chanthaburi Municipal Secure Landfill Refuse Disposal Station

Chanthaburi Municipal Secure Landfill Refuse Disposal Station

Chanthaburi Municipal Secure Landfill Refuse Disposal Station

Chanthaburi Municipal Secure Landfill Refuse Disposal Station

Chanthaburi Municipal Secure Landfill Refuse Disposal Station

Pacific swallow, Hirundo tahitica, นกนางแอ่นแปซิฟิค

Pacific swallow, Hirundo tahitica, นกนางแอ่นแปซิฟิค
Pacific swallow / นกนางแอ่นแปซิฟิค

Pacific swallow, Hirundo tahitica, นกนางแอ่นแปซิฟิค
Pacific swallow / นกนางแอ่นแปซิฟิค

Pacific swallow, Hirundo tahitica, นกนางแอ่นแปซิฟิค
Pacific swallow / นกนางแอ่นแปซิฟิค

We drove back to my hotel and the driver called. He would be here at 13:00 plus.
- When do you arrive? I asked
- 13:00 plus
- What does 13:00 plus mean? I asked
- ohhhhhh..... 13:30....
- OK, I will wait until 13:30 and then I'm leaving
- oooooohhhhhhhhhh.....14:00.....
- Ok, you can turn around and go back to Bangkok, I take another car

I asked my driver if he could take me to Bangkok. No problem, 2800 Baht and we just picked up my bags at hotel D Varee Diva Rimnaam and we left. We went home to my driver and we changed car, an almost brand new SUV and I was sitting comfortable in the back.

Cheaper and bigger car than with the taxi from Bangkok. And to say 13:00 plus, no way I will sit in the hotel reception for hours waiting for him. About 250 km from Bangkok to Chanthaburi so it should not be any problem to be here in time. Never mind, I had a nice trip back to Bangkok.

Bangkok - Chonburi Motorway
Reaching the Toll booth in Bangkok and the motorway is full

Bangkok - Chonburi Motorway
Reaching the Toll booth in Bangkok and the motorway is full

Back home and I left my bag and I walked down to Little Italy for my dinner. I started with a pizza and as this was my last visit to a restaurant I had a spaghetti salmon. And walking back home and I had an ice cream in the mini mart.

Little Italy in Bangkok
I get tea

Little Italy in Bangkok
A starter

Little Italy in Bangkok

Little Italy in Bangkok

I had bought my new lens and video camera and I booked a flight to Singapore and I can claim the vat. I will spend a few days looking for birds in Singapore and you just have to click HERE to find out if there is any birds in Singapore.

Så att det blir rätt!
Jen Ganman and Magnus Carlssons video “Så att det blir rätt!” was removed from Youtube after just a few hours - Sweden 2018

Youtube censorship



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