OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates

Monday 3 rd of December 2018 and my alarm went off at 3 thirty and I had my tea and oatmeal at the desk while looking at the pictures from yesterday. I found a taxi that accepted credit cards and I was off to check out the Mushrif Park.

They wanted 10 Scooby Dollars to let me in, and no cards accepted. The driver asked if I wanted to go back. But I said no, I will walk around the woods around the park to look for birds as I really didn´t wanted to give up. I walk along the road we had come on and I discovered a gate in the hedge. I go in to something that turned out to be a forest.

Birding/ Bird watching in Mushrif Park, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
I have to turn around at the gate

Birding/ Bird watching in Mushrif Park, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
I found a way in to the forest

Birding/ Bird watching in Mushrif Park, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Walk in to the area

Birding/ Bird watching in Mushrif Park, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
I´m in the forest

Birding/ Bird watching in Mushrif Park, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
I´m in the forest

Required some walking to get in to the forest walking through something looking like a construction site with tracks in the sand from heavy machinery. I walked a few hundred meters before I left the tracks and I walked in to the forest. Plenty White-eared Bulbuls and doves.

So it didn´t look very promising. But I didn´t give up and I continued in to the forest, well, it was mostly bushes. Not really a forest, but as close to a forest as you expect to get in UAE.

Suddenly I spotted a few birds looking like babblers. And I was pretty sure it was the Arabian Babbler but I will have to confirm it when I´m back in my room at Radisson Blu Dubai Waterfront

Arabian Babbler, Turdoides squamiceps

Arabian Babbler, Turdoides squamiceps
Arabian Babbler

Arabian Babbler, Turdoides squamiceps
Arabian Babbler

Arabian Babbler, Turdoides squamiceps
Arabian Babbler

Arabian Babbler, Turdoides squamiceps
Arabian Babbler

Arabian Babbler, Turdoides squamiceps
Arabian Babbler

The first picture wasn´t hard to get. But after that, I mean, the Arabian Babbler is a very scared bird and I spent one to two hours sneaking up on the birds trying to get pictures. I spotted and heard several Grey Francolins but I never got any pictures.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stSneaking after the Arabian Babblers and I spotted a Great Grey Shrike and as always, perching on top of a tree or a bush. I gave up on the babblers for a while and I concentrated on the Shrike.

I never came so close to the Shrike as I had been wishing for, the bird took off and I got back to chasing the Arabian Babblers again.

Birding/ Bird watching in Mushrif Park, Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Great Grey Shrike, Lanius excubitor, Varfågel

Great Grey Shrike, Lanius excubitor, Varfågel
Great Grey Shrike

I´m getting hungry and I start to walk back to the road and I call an UBER car. I walk towards the highway waiting for the car and I spot a few birds of prey along the road. I see more of the Arabian Babblers but I get no more bird pictures.

My plan is to spend the afternoon at the Ras al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary so there willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be more exciting pictures.

I took the hotel taxi to the Mangrove Hide at the Ras al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary. We were heading down the highway and after not so long the driver left the highway and I asked the driver where he was going. He was going to the Ras al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary. After 5 minutes I told him to exit the new highway.
- No no, I will take you to the best place
- I don´t want the fucking best place! I replied.

I had already made a mental not to never use Radisson Blu Dubai Waterfront´s car service again. Two times and two times they have ducked up.

Isabelline Shrike, Daurian Shrike, Lanius isabellinus
Isabelline Shrike

Bozo stops at the Flamingo Hide, exactly where I didn´t wanted to be. I was not happy and I told the idi..., well, Driver up front to leave. We see an Isabelline Shrike sitting on the fence but there and then I was more worried about the driver.

We have to drive around the whole Dubai Creek and I´m delayed arriving to the Mangrove Hide. I get out of the car, and the ride was 3 times the normal fare thanks to Bozo driving around the whole area wasting 30 minutes instead of the 10 minutes direct way to the Mangrove Hide.

I get in to the hide and the first bird I see is a beautiful Black-winged Stilt just 3 meters away from the hide. There is also a Red-wattled Lapwing but too far away for any good pictures. And of course, there are the usual Egrets and herons at the Mangrove Hide.

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน

Birding/ Bird watching at Ras al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Birding/ Bird watching at Ras al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Western Reef Heron - Egretta gularis

Great Egret, Great White Heron, Ardea alba
Great Egret / Great White Heron

Great Egret, Great White Heron, Ardea alba
Great Egret / Great White Heron

Intermediate Egret, Median Egret, Smaller Egret, or Yellow-billed Egret, Ardea intermedia, チュウサギ, นกยางโทนน้อย

Intermediate Egret, Median Egret, Smaller Egret, or Yellow-billed Egret, Ardea intermedia, チュウサギ, นกยางโทนน้อย
Intermediate egret

Intermediate Egret, Median Egret, Smaller Egret, or Yellow-billed Egret, Ardea intermedia, チュウサギ, นกยางโทนน้อย
Intermediate egret

Intermediate Egret, Median Egret, Smaller Egret, or Yellow-billed Egret, Ardea intermedia, チュウサギ, นกยางโทนน้อย
Intermediate egret

Intermediate Egret, Median Egret, Smaller Egret, or Yellow-billed Egret, Ardea intermedia, チュウサギ, นกยางโทนน้อย
Intermediate egret

Birding/ Bird watching at Ras al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Purple Heron and a Great Egret fishing

Birding/ Bird watching at Ras al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Great Egret and an Intermediate Egret looking for food

Great Egret, Great White Heron, Ardea alba
Great Egret / Great White Heron

Great Egret, Great White Heron, Ardea alba
Great Egret / Great White Heron

Purple Heron, Ardea purpurea, นกกระสาแดง

Purple Heron, Ardea purpurea, นกกระสาแดง
Purple Heron feeding on a fish

Purple Heron, Ardea purpurea, นกกระสาแดง
Purple Heron feeding on a fish

Purple Heron, Ardea purpurea, นกกระสาแดง
Purple Heron - นกกระสาแดง

Purple Heron, Ardea purpurea, นกกระสาแดง
Purple Heron - นกกระสาแดง

Great Egret fishing

It had been a gorgeous afternoon at the Mangrove Hide and I had spotted the Intermediate Egret. My Guide had told me that there had only been one Intermediate Egret spotted in Dubai before. At a Golf Course and there had been more people coming to look at the bird than to come to play golf.

I had seen the Purple Heron and the Great Egret catching fishes and it had been a really good afternoon, well, the whole day had been good. I can add the Arabian Babbler to my list of observed birds. So yes, a very good day!

UBER in DubaiI booked an UBER car and I went to the road to wait for the car to bring me back to Radisson Blu Dubai Waterfront.

Tomorrow will be my last day in Dubai, well, I fly home on the 5th so I can spend the morning here again before flying back home.

And I have planned to spend the day here at Ras al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary tomorrow again. Click HERE to find out if I see any birds at the Ras al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary.


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