OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Wednesday 28 th of February 2018 and I have time for a quick birding tour to Huai Tueng Thao before going to the airport. Alarm went off at 4 o'clock, tea at my desk and I went for breakfast at 6 o'clockish. I booked a Uber car and we were soon on our way to Huai Tueng Thao.

We had a little problem getting to Huai Tueng Thao as Uber had put the route through some military areas. But we managed to find the way and we were soon arriving to Huai Tueng Thao.

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Arriving to Huai Tueng Thao

Click HERE to view the map in a full window

We took left when we arrived to Huai Tueng Thao and we drove across the dam wall and I asked the driver to stop on the west side of the lake. And again, a Greater Cuocal was in the pasture on the other side of a fence. And again, the Cuocal got away. We had agreed that driver would be with me for three hours. So he parked the car and I started to walk along the road.

I could hear at least two Cuocals in the bushes but I never spotted any of the birds. I don't see many birds while walking along the road, a Greater racket tailed drongo sitting low in a tree. But the bird was gone by the time my camera was ready. When I come out on the open field I could see that they have built like a village and some rice paddies, looks like a place for tourists as there were platforms with pillows in the rice paddies.

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Rice paddies and huts for rent

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Rice paddies and huts for rent

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand - Scaly-breasted Munia
Scaly-breasted Munia sitting in the hay roof

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand - White-throated Kingfisher
White-throated Kingfisher far away

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand - White-throated Kingfisher
White-throated Kingfisher far away

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand - White-throated Kingfisher
White-throated Kingfisher far away

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand - White-throated Kingfisher

Not much birds in the rice paddies, of course Pond Herons and Little Egrets. Scaly-breasted Munias sitting in the hay roof but they took off as soon as I came closer. There was also a White-throated Kingfisher sitting on one of the huts. I walked up behind the road, there is a dirt path along a creek. More White-throated Kingfishers and some Green Bee-eaters. There was a bad smell of garbage, seriously, what is wrong with these people? Destroying a beautiful place, well, Thailand could have been a very beautiful country, but totally destroyed.

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand

I walked back towards the car and I could see the Pond Herons and Little Egrets in the paddies. Passing the paddies and I spot a bird in a tree. When I come closer I see that it is a Green-billed Malkoha OK, I had almost given up to spot anything “exciting” I tried to sneak up on the bird and I was lucky, there was a dust path leaving to paved road.

I left the paved road and as soon as I stepped on the dirt path there was a dog starting to bark at me. And the dog was soon joined by his friends.
- That's the spirit! Scare the bird.

The Green-billed Malkoha was sitting 20 meters from the paved road, in the T where the dirt path joined the dirt road. There were some trees between me and the Green-billed Malkoha so I had good hopes to be able to get close.

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Passing the rice paddies/ guest house walking back towards the car

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Passing the rice paddies/ guest house walking back towards the car

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand - Little Egret
Little Egret in the rice paddies

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand - Pond Heron
Pond Heron in the rice paddies

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand - Pond Heron
Pond Heron in the rice paddies

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand - Green-billed Malkoha
Green-billed Malkoha from the paved road

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand - Green-billed Malkoha
Green-billed Malkoha from the paved road

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand - Angry dog
Yesterday it was a snake, today it is a dog

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand - Green-billed Malkoha
Green-billed Malkoha, as close as I can come before the bird take off

The Green-billed Malkoha disappeared before I could come close enough for a good picture. Back at the car and we took of towards the abandoned ZIP LINE towers. Just want to make a quick check of the area before I return to the hotel. We drove slowly keeping our eyes out for birds along the way. We left the paved road and we drove along the dirt road towards the old ZIP LINE towers while keeping my eyes out for birds.

We spotted a few Scaly-breasted Munias next to the road, and that was it. Well, I spotted a Cuocal flying over the road when we were in the forest. I asked the driver to stop in front of the bushes. We could hear the Cuocal pottering about in the dry leafs under the bushes. We could see the bird coming up from the bushes to have a quick look around.

After 10 minutes I decided that we had nothing to lose so the driver started the car and drove 4 meters forward. We saw the Cuocal but the bird took of immediately when she saw the car. OK, let's go back to the hotel. I ordered some “snacks” in the bakery at the hotel. I took a bag of Earl Grey tea and I went to my room. I turned on the kettle and by the time the tea was ready the “snacks” was at my door.

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand - Scaly-breasted Munia
Scaly-breasted Munia

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand - Scaly-breasted Munia
Scaly-breasted Munia

Birding/ Bird watching in Huai Tueng Thao, Chiang Mai, Thailand - Scaly-breasted Munia
Scaly-breasted Munia

And yes, Thai Airways flight TG 111 from Chiang Mai to Bangkok was delayed. And no, I'm not surprised, I'm used to Thai Airways delays by now. Well, I spent, no I wasted 50 bath on 10 minutes in a massage chair, what a pointless exercise. Maybe I can claim the 50 Baht from Thai Airways as I would never have wasted the money if it wasn't for the delayed flight.

Chiang Mai domestic and there isn't much else to spend time at. Well, I could have spent the time in Thai Airways lounge, but that is outside the security and I don't want to go through that trouble again, so the departure hall it was.

It was nice when we finally could board. The flight was OK and my luggage arrived. There was a very long queue waiting for taxi. So it took quite some time before I was in the taxi on my way home. Next flight will be to India next week for my tiger safari adventure. And of course, this is something we look forward to. That is of curse to see the tigers, not the flight, that is nothing I look forward to.

Chiang Mai domestic airport
Chiang Mai domestic terminal departure hall

Chiang Mai domestic airport
Flight delayed and I waste 50 bath in a massage chair

Chiang Mai domestic airport
In the taxi line at Suvarnabhumi Airport

Bangkok highway by night
On my way back home leaving Suvarnabhumi behind

Bangkok highway by night
On my way back home leaving Suvarnabhumi behind

Now I need to get started with my new and healthy life style. So I was off to Tops Supermarket to buy fruit. I spotted a new restaurant when I crossed Soi 23, a Lebanese restaurant. Well, this was good news, Lebanese food is very nice and I went to check it out.

I was excited, a place with good food, but it will not do nay good for the diet. But in this area the open a restaurant and less than a year later they close down and someone else is trying. And for sure, I will not come back to Rawabina Lebanese Restaurant.

Rawabina Lebanese Restaurant
Rawabina Lebanese Restaurant

Rawabina Lebanese Restaurant
I almost never make a 5 star or 1 star reviews. I mean 5 star pizza, we must have some expectations on the food when we enter the restaurant. If you expect dog poo, OK, then a pizza is 5 star. Normally 3 star is good and 4 is excellent. 5 star, that is free food and they wash your car while you eat the free food

I love Turkish, Persian and Lebanon food so I was very happy when I passed this restaurant. I have lived here for almost 20 years and this restaurant is new for me. But this was bad, very bad and with a very hefty price tag.

I asked for a pot of tea, they confirmed that they had tea pots. No sugar but milk. I asked for Dolmas and baklava. Isn't baklava the best with the Turkish, Persian and Lebanese kitchen?

I love Dolmas both in cabbage and in wine leafs. But this was bad and I could not eat all of it. I asked for my tea several times, actually so many times I started to feel stupid.

I had finished what I wanted to have of the Dolmas when finally the tea came. A big pot, but just enough in the pot to fill up the very small cup. I mean, why bother fill it in the pot

The baklava, I have had Turkish, Persian and Lebanese baklava. And we had a fight in Beirut over which baklava was the best. I said the Turkish and of course, they said it was the Lebanese.

Anyway, all baklava I have had have been sticky with all the yummy stuff. But here, they were so hard I had to use a chisel.

I asked for the bill, I told them that I would not pay for the tea as it didn't come until I was finished with the food. I was falling of the chair when I got the bill. 150 Baht for the baklava and 200 Baht for the Dolmas.

For this money I get a nice meal in a real restaurant.

I was not happy when I left, what a disappointment. I crossed Asoke Road and I decided to go in to Big Mama Pizza for my “last” meal. The food was good, I go to Big Mama Pizzeria for their smoked salmon pizza. And as it was my “last” meal I had a wee bit too much to eat. Anyway, asTops Supermarketsoon as I'm at Tops Supermarket it will be fruit only.

Tops Supermarket, if you spend more than 1500 Baht before 6 o'clock they deliverTops Supermarketthe groceries to your door. So I always try to spend 1500 Baht as this is a very good service.

Never any problem to reach 1500 and today I reached 6000 +++ as I took the opportunity to buy almonds and hazel nuts for my fruit salad. Olive and coconut oil and it added on to the bill.

Walking back home and when the food arrived I made me self an healthy fruit salad and I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully never set foot in a restaurant again, ever.

Big Mama Pizzeria
Big Mama Pizzeria

Big Mama Pizzeria
Big Mama Pizzeria

Big Mama Pizzeria
Big Mama Pizzeria

Fresh fruit at Tops Supermarket
Fresh fruit at Tops Supermarket

Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym, I go there every day to do a wee bit of exercise with my friend ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil. This together with the fruit salad will hopefully make more space for mein the seats on board the airplanes.

My next adventures are going to be shorts flights, Calcutta and then to Kathmandu. But my plan is to go to Europe in thesummer to look for bears and other excitements.

But first tigers in India and Nepal and I might be able to do some bird watching here in Bangkok before leaving for India. If I get the time that is, exercise is more important now so I can obtain the V-shaped torso.

ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym
ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym
ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym
ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym
ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym
ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym
ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym
ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

Bird watching in Suan Rot Fai in Bangkok, click HERE to find out if there was any birds in the park. I have not been n Suan Rot Fai for quite some time now so it will be fun.

General election in Sweden September 2018. Sweden is already beyond rescue and this is most likely the last free election in Sweden. They are already changing the “Free speech” laws in Sweden. Censorship and it only show how desperate they are to keep the population in the dark, as by now they have (must have) realised how they have destroyed what might have once been the best country in the world.

State media blasting 24/7 on how well Sweden is doing when it is obvious for everyone how health care, education system, police, judicial system and the welfare state have collapsed.

Where it is now allowed to be married to children, rape is a normal thing that the Police don’t even investigate thanks to the world’s first feminist government. What a sad joke this country have turned in to.

What an embarrasment the Swedish feminist government is

Minister changing tune regarding sex crime

Angry Foreigners U TUBE Channel HERE
Angry Foreigner

Parallel society in Sweden

School bus gender segregation

Warnings: Sweden is Headed Toward "a Cliff"...


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