OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in Singapore - Telok Blangah Hill Park

Saturday 24 th of February 2018 and my camera was ready for action. Well, the display is a little, well, I can use the camera. I had tea and oatmeal in my room and I went to take a taxi. And was I unlucky with the driver or what?

It took time for him to find the place driving around. When I finally had got him to the right place I could not pay by card as his card reader was not working. Maybe something that he could have informed me about when we started the journey. Anyway, we reached Telok Blangah Hill Park and I started to walk towards the Terrace Garden. It was still dark, but there were many people in the park. A group doing the sushi or whatever they call the gymnastics and they were just in front of the stairs up to the Terrace Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Singapore - Telok Blangah Hill Park
Good morning gymnastics in Telok Blangah Hill Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Singapore - Telok Blangah Hill Park
Good morning gymnastics in Telok Blangah Hill Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Singapore - Telok Blangah Hill Park
The stairs to the Terrace Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Singapore - Telok Blangah Hill Park
The stairs to the Terrace Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Singapore - Telok Blangah Hill Park
The stairs to the Terrace Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Singapore - Telok Blangah Hill Park

Well, I could hear a lot of birds but I could not see any birds. All the birds were sitting in the trees around the Terrace Garden. I had really been looking forward to coming here after my “sneak peek” yesterday. I worked my way up to the top covering the whole Terrace Garden on my way up, and not one single bird.

I looked around and from the top I got a view of Singapore. But here was no birds so I started to walk down again. My plan is to walk around the Terrace Garden on the “Ring Road” Telok Blangah Green Road and by a circle around the Terrace Garden.

To see the map in a full window click HERE

Birding/ Bird watching in Singapore - Telok Blangah Hill Park
Terrace Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Singapore - Telok Blangah Hill Park
Terrace Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Singapore - Telok Blangah Hill Park
Terrace Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Singapore - Telok Blangah Hill Park
Terrace Garden

I walk down the stairs in the Terrace Garden and when I'm down on the Telok Blangah Green I turn left and I start walk counter clockwise around the Terrace Garden. I could hear many Black-naped Orioles in the trees. I'm halway up the hill when I spot two of the Black-naped Oriole. I try to get some pictures of the orioles when I spot a Racket-tailed Drongo. The Greater or Lesser Racket -tailed Drongo? I have no clue, but I will try to study them when I'm back home.

Well, I found out that it was the Greater Racket-tailed Drongo. And I learned to distinguish the Greater from the Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo

Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo

The Greater Racket-tailed Drongo can be confused with the lesser racket-tailed Drongo, however the latter has flat rackets with the crest nearly absent.

Greater Racket-tailed Drongo: Has a fork tail with bigger twisted pendants at the end.

Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo: Square tail with smaller pendants at the end of the shafts. The arrangement of feathers on its forehead, stretching over the bill gives the forehead that flat-headed look.

The Lesser prefers higher elevations while the Greater are the birds of the lowland forest.

Greater Racket-tailed Drongo, Dicrurus paradiseus, นกแซงแซวหางบ่วงใหญ่
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo , Dicrurus paradiseus
We can see the forked tail and the bigger twisted pendants at the end

Black-naped Oriole, Oriolus chinensis, นกขมิ้นท้ายทอยดำ

Strait Times

Mount Faber Service Reservoir
Long-tailed parakeets

I spotted two Long-tailed Parakeets siting in the top of a tree, but they were way too far away for any good pictures, so the Long-tailed parakeet will not end up in the list of observed birds.

I reached the top and I see a big open field. I found out that it is the Mount Faber Service Reservoir just north and below the top of the Terrace Garden. I don't know what it is, but it was a well guarded place with “You will get shot” signs on the gate. All the latest high tech stuff, motion sensors and everything you see in the Secret agent movies.

Anyway, there was a bird of prey soaring over the field when suddenly, a brown bird with a white head showed up outside the gate to Mount Faber Service Reservoir.
YIPPEE!!!!! A bird I have never seen before.

I was sneaking up on the birds when they were sitting outside the gate. They started alarms and stuff when they landed on the fence. Motion sensors sat of alarms but they didn't care so I continued, when suddenly the Guard, secret agent or whatever it was came out from the guard house screaming waving a broom at the birds.

The birds took cover in the bushes so my pictures wasn't as good as I had been hoping for.

Mount Faber Service Reservoir
I'm not joking...

Mount Faber Service Reservoir
...they will shoot you!

White-crested Laughingthrush, Garrulax leucolophus, นกกะรางหัวหงอก

White-crested Laughingthrush, Garrulax leucolophus, นกกะรางหัวหงอก
White-crested Laughingthrush

There is a bridge, or maybe a canopy walk, starting at the Mount Faber Service Reservoir and I started to get out on the bridge. But I was soon turning back again. I don't have time and it seems to be a huge area. I learned about the Telok Blangah Hill Park from my new friend that I met at the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. He told me that it was islands with bridges between them, of course, I thought he was talking about “islands”

But now I get it, it is three parks in the city and there are bridges between them and it is called the Southern Ridges. And of course, I want to explore the whole area so I will have to come back to Singapore again. And as you understand, the Southern Ridges requires more than a day or two to be explored. And this is of course something I look forward to.

The Southern Ridges

is a 10-kilometre trail that connects parks along the southern ridge of Singapore. Some of the attractions along this trail include its greenery and the connecting bridges. This project linked up the parks between the Kent Ridge Park and HarbourFront. The idea to link these parks was coined in 2002 by Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) and it took 2 years to complete and cost S$25.5 million.


There are 3 parks that are connected to each other: Mount Faber, Telok Blangah Hill Park and the Kent Ridge Park.

Mount Faber Park
Mount Faber Park is one of the oldest parks in Singapore and a popular tourist destination. The park is connected to Telok Blangah Hill Park by Henderson Waves Bridge. The park consists of such locations as the Marina Deck, Palm Plaza, Jewel Box, and Faber Point.

Telok Blangah Hill Park
It is a 34-hectare park which is a popular place for wedding couples. A series of semi-circular terrace garden located at the top of the park is the Terrace Garden – the main feature of this park.

Kent Ridge Park
Kent Ridge Park is a 47-hectare public park between the National University of Singapore and the Singapore Science Park. Due to its undisturbed habitat and abundant plant life, it is a popular venue for bird-watchers and eco-tourists.

There are 8 trails at Southern Ridges.

Marang Trail
Marang Trail (Chinese: 玛朗小径)) is 800 metres long and an elevation of 70 metres. It extends from Marang Road, just behind the HarbourFront MRT Station to the cable car station at the Jewel Box on Mount Faber. The trail consists of steps and shaded footpaths through secondary forest.

Faber Trail
Faber Trail (花柏山公园小径)) is a 1-kilometre-long trail going through the Mount Faber Park. It ends at the Henderson Waves. At its peak, it offers panoramic views of the southern part of Singapore and the Southern Islands.

Henderson Waves
Henderson Waves (亨德森波浪桥)) is a 274-metre-long pedestrian bridge. At 36 metres above Henderson Road, it is the highest pedestrian bridge in Singapore. It connects Mount Faber Park and Telok Blangah Hill Park. It was designed by IJP Corporation, London, and RSP Architects Planners and Engineers (PTE) ltd Singapore.

The bridge has a wave-form made up of seven undulating curved steel ribs that alternately rise over and under its deck. The curved ribs form alcoves that function as shelters with seats within. Slats of yellow balau wood, an all-weather timber found in Southeast Asia, are used in the decking. The wave-forms are lit with LED lamps at night from 7 pm to 2 am daily. It also was built in 2008 costing £25.5m.

Hilltop Walk
Hilltop Walk (山峰小径) is a 1-kilometre trail which runs through Telok Blangah Hill Park. The trail connects on one end with the Henderson Waves and the other with the Forest Walk leading to Alexandra Arch.

Forest Walk
Forest Walk (丛林小径)) is a 1.3-kilometre-long walkway that cuts through about 50 metres through the secondary forest in Telok Blangah Hill Park and connects to Alexandra Arch. The raised walkway with heights ranging from 3 metres to 18 metres brushes the canopy of trees and offers a bird's-eye view of the forest. The Forest Walk also connects to the Labrador Nature & Coastal Walk (拉柏多自然与海岸径), also leading walkers to the Labrador Park MRT Station and Labrador Park.

Alexandra Arch
Alexandra Arch (亚历山大拱桥)) is an 80-metre-long bridge that features a curved deck and tilted arch like an opened leaf, connecting Alexandra Road, Singapore and Hyderabad Road. It was designed by Buro Happold with LOOK Architects. The Gillman Village, which was a former British military camp in the early 20th century, now houses a mixture of restaurants, pubs and art galleries. Like the Henderson Waves bridge, Alexandra Arch will be lit with colour-changing LED lamps. At the end of the Alexandra Arch, there is a path lined with flowering plants which leads to the HortPark.

Flora Walk & HortPark
Floral Walk is a 300-metre trail which offers a stroll along a path lined with flowering plants. It forms the gateway to HortPark (园艺园林)) – the gardening hub. It is a 23-hectare park Southeast Asia's first one stop shop for gardening-related recreational, educational, research and retail activities in a park setting. Some park highlights include themed gardens as well as outdoor display plots showcasing designs and ideas for home gardening.

Canopy Walk
Canopy Walk (天篷走道)) is a 300-metre trail which links Kent Ridge Park to Reflections at Bukit Chandu – once known as Opium Hill and site of one of the last battles of Singapore in World War II and HortPark. Elevated 16 metres at the centre, Canopy Walk goes through secondary forest with groves of Tembusu and dominant trees of the adinandra belukar. It is also filled with rich wildlife that lives there, such as squirrels, sunbirds, doves, lizards and white-crested laughing thrushes.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Click HERE for a map over the Southern Ridges. Can come in handy if you decide to explore theNational Parks Board (NParks)area. And again, visit National Parks Board (NParks) web page.

An impressive site, as good as the information you find about the parks in New Zealand. Well, maybe not, but I won't be surprised if they had visited the New Zealand web pages before making their web page. Maps and all the information you can ever need. It is good and well worth a visit and I give them 5 stars.

Telok Blangah Hill Park
Bridge to Hort Park/ Kent Ridge Park

Telok Blangah Hill Park
Bridge to Hort Park/ Kent Ridge Park

Telok Blangah Hill Park
Bridge to Hort Park/ Kent Ridge Park

I took a taxi back to my hotel and I checked out at 12 o'clock and I was soon in a taxi on my way to Changi International and Thai Airways flight TG 414 to Bangkok. I was very happy that I had more exciting stuff to explore in Singapore. But waiting for the flight was at least to say boring. I spent the time in the lounge eating and drinking soda water.

I was so bored so I downloaded the “LINE CAMERA” I killed time exploring the Line Camera. And with the updates of Line you can make your own GIFs, something I started with right away. I killed time on the flight figuring out the Line Camera and I pestered my friends with the result.

Line Camera
We might have children looking at the pictures

Line Camera
On the way to Bangkok

Line Camera
So, I get familiar with the Line Camera features

Strange, hundred years old and I was laughing so I pissed my pants when I tried out the new Line Camera. And 2 hours passed just by like nothing thanks to Line. well, honestly, i was kind of feed up with the Line Camera after a few minutes, but it was a few minutes with lots of laughs.

Line Camera

Line Camera
In the taxi back home

Arriving, like 2 hours late and I was going to eat dinner with my friend, but by the time we arrived to Bangkok the dinner time was behind me. Well, a taxi back home and I will go back to Suvarnabhumi tomorrow morning to fly to Chiang Mai for some bird watching. So if you would like to find out if we find any birds, just click HERE !


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