OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates

30 th of November 2018 and we left Radisson Blu Dubai Waterfront at 6 thirty and we were soon on the highway on the way to our first stop. We drove to Warsan Lake and we went out of the car. A little disappointed with all the reeds growing around the lake and it was impossible to get close to the lake.

The first bird we spotted was a Bank Myna. Looking out over the lake and we spotted several different Egrets and Herons around the lake. But too far away for any pictures.

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Warsan Lake, Dubai
We park the car

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Warsan Lake, Dubai
Warsan Lake

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Warsan Lake, Dubai
Too much reed around the Warsan Lake

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Warsan Lake, Dubai
Too much reed around the Warsan Lake

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Warsan Lake, Dubai
Unidentified bird in the reeds (Clamorous Reed Warbler?)

We were walking along the SE side of Warsan Lake following the reeds. Could not see the water but we could hear birds and I spent quite some time trying to get a picture of a, what we thought was most likely a Clamorous Reed Warbler but I never got any pictures.

We have a Marsh Harrier coming flying towards us and the bird turn around just if front of me. A Gorgeous photo option, DARN! The bird is slightly out of focus.

We walk back towards the car and we see another member of the www.uaebirding.com and he is looking at a beautiful Isabelline Shrike. When he is ready I give it a try to get closer to the bird.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI try to sneak up to the bird but the bird is gone when I come close enough for a picture of the bird.

But I discover a Green Bee-eater and I continue my “commando” styled birding following the Green Bee-eater.

Green Bee-eater, Little Green Bee-eater, Merops orientalis, นกจาบคาเล็ก

Green Bee-eater, Little Green Bee-eater, Merops orientalis, นกจาบคาเล็ก
Green Bee-eater - นกจาบคาเล็ก

Green Bee-eater, Little Green Bee-eater, Merops orientalis, นกจาบคาเล็ก
Green Bee-eater - นกจาบคาเล็ก

Well. I got a picture of the Green Bee-eater and we left the lake driving a few hundred meters to a hole, looked to be a abandoned construction side and we spotted a few birds in the hole.

I walked down to the bottom of the hole and all birds disappeared. But we had time to identify the birds before we went down the hole:
• Common Sandpiper
• Black-winged Stilt
• White-tailed Lapwing
• Common Greenshank

Of course, the area was full of laughing and collared doves. We went back to the car and we left the Warsan Lake driving to the next area to look for birds. Below is my Guide's eBird checklist from the Warsan Lake. A lot of birds, but not many pictures, better luck at the next place?

eBird Checklist Warsan Lake
eBird Checklist Warsan Lakes

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates
On the way to the next birding spot

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates
On the way to the next birding spot

My batteries in my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder had run flat as I had forgotten to turn off the recorder. So we need to stop to buy batteries. We found a service station and I looked towards the fridge. They had Diet Pepsi and I emptied the fridge and no Diet Pepsi when we left.

There was also a bakery and I bought a few ready-made sandwiches for the pick-nick lunch. I had one of the sandwiches when I came out to the car and it was really good.

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates

We drive along the highway on the way to Al Qudra Lake in the Saih al Salam Desert Reserve. We will drive off the road at the Swan Lake and drive the route through the desert to the Al Qudra Lake. The Swan Lake is a private area so we are not allowed to be there. Never mind, we leave the highway and we enter the desert and we're soon at the Swan Lake and I spot the very beautiful Grey crowned crane.

-STOP STOP STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had never seen something like the Grey crowned crane, a gorgeous bird. My Guide was not happy to stop as we might be spotted by a patrol. I got a few pictures and we left and 3 seconds later we saw a car approaching us in full speed.

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Swan Lake at Saih al Salam Desert Reserve
Grey crowned crane

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Swan Lake at Saih al Salam Desert Reserve
Grey crowned crane

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Swan Lake at Saih al Salam Desert Reserve
Grey crowned crane

We are chased by the car and we had to stop. They tell us to leave the area and we drive back to the highway. Disappointed, but I was very happy to have seen the Grey crowned crane. But I was soon disappointed as I learned that the bird was released birds, a private collection so I don´t know if I can put the bird on my list of observed birds.

Back on the highway and we drove a few hundred meters and we left the highway again driving in to the desert. We reach a fence and a sign saying NO ENTRY. We stopped for a few seconds before we continued. We were soon stopping as we had Crested Larks and Black-crowned Sparrow-larks around us in the desert.

Crested Lark, Galerida cristata

Black-crowned Sparrow-lark, Eremopterix nigriceps

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih al Salam Desert Reserve
Driving through the desert

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih al Salam Desert Reserve
Driving through the desert

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih al Salam Desert Reserve
We stop to look for the eagle

We drive along and we reach a small oasis and we have a Greater Spotted Eagle and we stopped the car. I got out of the car but I could not see the eagle. But I spotted one Isabelline Shrike sitting in the top of a small tree/ bush. I tried to come close and some “commando” styled birding was required. I started to go around a big tree trying to come up with the sun behind me.

Half a ton bird watcher sneaking through the desert, lucky that there was no one around looking at me. I was taking pictures as I approached as I didn't knew when the bird would take off.

Isabelline Shrike, Daurian Shrike, Lanius isabellinus

Isabelline Shrike, Daurian Shrike, Lanius isabellinus
Isabelline Shrike or Daurian Shrike

Isabelline Shrike, Daurian Shrike, Lanius isabellinus
Isabelline Shrike or Daurian Shrike

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih al Salam Desert Reserve
We are ready to continue our desert adventure

Isabelline Wheatear, Oenanthe isabellina

Isabelline Wheatear, Oenanthe isabellina
Isabelline Wheatear

Isabelline Wheatear, Oenanthe isabellina
Isabelline Wheatear

Crested Lark, Galerida cristata

Crested Lark, Galerida cristata
Crested Lark

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih al Salam Desert Reserve
Driving through the desert

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih al Salam Desert Reserve
Great Grey Shrike

I was lucky with the Isabelline Shrike, maybe thanks to my commando technique. But the eagle was gone and we continued through the desert. We spotted an Isabelline Wheatear and a Crested Lark and when we spotted a Great Grey Shrike we stopped and I went out to try to get close to the bird. Well, the bird took off so no picture, at least not any close up.

We reach the Al Qudra Lake and as no surprise, the area is full of Laughing and Ringed Doves. But we spotted a lot of waders around the lake. We started to drive around the lake looking at the waders along the lake.

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih al Salam Desert Reserve - Al Qudra Lake
We reach the Al Qudra Lake

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih al Salam Desert Reserve - Al Qudra Lake
We reach the Al Qudra Lake

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih al Salam Desert Reserve - Al Qudra Lake
We reach the Al Qudra Lake

Little Stint, Calidris minuta or Erolia minuta

Little Stint, Calidris minuta or Erolia minuta
Little Stint

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน

Little Grebe, Tachybaptus ruficollis, Smådopping, นกเป็ดผีเล็ก

Common Snipe, Enkelbeckasin, Gallinago gallinago, นกปากซ่อมหางพัด

We left the Al Qudra Lake and we had seen quite a few birds at the lake. We are driving through the desert and we spotted the Oryx and also some Gazelles.

We didn't spot many birds and we started to leave the area of Al Qudra Lake behind. Coming to a gate that we had to open and we were at a camel racing court going through the desert.

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih al Salam Desert Reserve - Al Qudra Lake
We drive along a dust track

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih al Salam Desert Reserve - Al Qudra Lake
Oryx running in front of us


Oryx is a genus consisting of four large antelope species called onyxes. Three of them are native to arid parts of Africa, and the fourth to the Arabian Peninsula. Their fur is pale with contrasting dark markings in the face and on the legs, and their long horns are almost straight.

The exception is the scimitar Oryx, which lacks dark markings on the legs, only has faint dark markings on the head, has an ochre neck, and horns that are clearly decurved.

The Arabian Oryx was only saved from extinction through a captive breeding program and reintroduction to the wild. The scimitar Oryx, which is now listed as Extinct in the Wild, also relies on a captive breeding program for its survival.

Small populations of several Oryx species, such as the scimitar Oryx, exist in Texas and New Mexico (USA) in wild game ranches. Gemsboks were released at the White Sands Missile Range and are managed by NMDGF.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih al Salam Desert Reserve - Al Qudra Lake
Oryx running in front of us

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih al Salam Desert Reserve - Al Qudra Lake

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih al Salam Desert Reserve - Al Qudra Lake

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih al Salam Desert Reserve - Al Qudra Lake

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih al Salam Desert Reserve
We drive along a dust track

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih al Salam Desert Reserve
Driving along a camel race track

Below is my Guide's eBird checklist from the Al Qudra Lake, Saih Al Salam and we spotted a lot of birds. And you can find more birding information about the Saih al Salam Desert Reserve from www.uaebirding.com by clicking HERE

eBird Checklist Al Qudra Lake, Saih Al Salam
eBird Checklist Warsan Lakes

We leave the camel track driving towards the Saih Al Salam Pivots, a farming area where they grow food for animals. The place was closed so we could only drive down one field outside the fence. We spotted a few birds, but too far away.

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih Al Salam Pivots
Driving along a field

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih Al Salam Pivots
Driving along a field

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih Al Salam Pivots

Below is my Guide's eBird checklist from the Saih Al Salam Pivots and we just spotted a very few birds. You can find more birding information about the Saih al Salam Desert Reserve from www.uaebirding.com by clicking HERE

eBird Checklist Saih Al Salam Pivots
eBird Checklist Warsan Lakes

We left Saih Al Salam Pivots and now we will cross the United Arab Emirates and drive to the East Coast. But we will make a stop at the Saih Al Salam Oasis Lakes to see if we can see any birds.

The Saih Al Salam Oasis Lakes are a group of man-made lakes in the desert. We entered the area and as it is a 4 day holiday in UAE, the national day there were several people along the lakes camping and having pick-nicks etc. We drove along the lakes and we spotted a lot of birds. Of course, most waders but we also spotted the beautiful Marsh Harrier looking for prey.

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Saih Al Salam Oasis Lakes
Saih Al Salam Oasis Lakes

Great Egret, Great White Heron, Ardea alba

Below is my Guide's eBird checklist from the Saih Al Salam Oasis Lakes and we just spotted a very few birds. You can find more birding information about the Saih al Salam Desert Reserve from www.uaebirding.com by clicking HERE

eBird Checklist Saih Al Salam Oasis Lakes
eBird Checklist Warsan Lakes

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Wadi Shawka, Ra's al-Khaimah
Driving to Wadi Shawka, Ra's al-Khaimah

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Wadi Shawka, Ra's al-Khaimah
Flags along the road to the Shawkah Dam

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Wadi Shawka, Ra's al-Khaimah

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Wadi Shawka, Ra's al-Khaimah

We left Saih Al Salam Oasis Lakes and we drove towards the East Coast. Next birding spot is Wadi Shawka, Ras al-Khaimah and we were driving on the highway towards Fujairah.

We left the highway and we drove up the mountains and after a while we turned in on a small road leading to the Shawkah Dam. The road was lined with UAE flags and when we arrived to the dam the area was full of people celebrating the national day.

So we turned around and left and we turned left after a while and we continued on a dirt road through the mountains. And we spotted campers everywhere along the road celebrating the 4 day weekend because of the national day.

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Wadi Shawka, Ra's al-Khaimah
Driving along the dust road in Wadi Shawka, Ra's al-Khaimah

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Wadi Shawka, Ra's al-Khaimah
We stop to look for birds

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Wadi Shawka, Ra's al-Khaimah

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Wadi Shawka, Ra's al-Khaimah

Striolated Bunting, Emberiza striolata

Striolated Bunting, Emberiza striolata
Striolated Bunting

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Wadi Shawka, Ra's al-Khaimah

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Wadi Shawka, Ra's al-Khaimah
Parking on the dry river bed

We stop to try to get some pictures of a Striolated Bunting that we have spotted along the dust road. I manage to get quite close but the pictures didn't turn out any good. We drive along until we reach a rocky dry river bed. We park the car and we continue to walk down the dry river.

We're soon running in to people and we turn around. We leave the place and it is not easy to drive along the rocky river bed. So we were surprised to meet 4 cars coming towards us. Low clearance and no 4 wheel drive. And they got stuck many times and we were happy to manage to pass them and leave the area.

We continued on the dust road through the mountains. We pass a camel farm and we're soon stopping to check out a small date farm. We get out of the car and we spot an Indian Roller sitting on a post. We walked up the mountain behind the date farm.

Birding/ Bird watching in United Arab Emirates - Wadi Shawka, Ra's al-Khaimah
Parking at the date farm

Indian Roller, Coracias benghalensis

We spotted a whole lot of birds behind the date farm but no pictures. Back in the car and we started to drive back towards Dubai. We spotted two Hoopoes sitting on the wall at the next farm. Below is my Guide's eBird checklist from the Wadi Shawka, Ra's al-Khaimah.

eBird Checklist Wadi Shawka, Ra's al-Khaimah
eBird Checklist Warsan Lakes

Back at Radisson Blu Dubai Waterfront and I spent the evening in my room looking at my picture. My Guide will be here at 6 thirty tomorrow morning and we will drive south tomorrow.

Click HERE to find out if we find any birds.

The Truth About the 'Yellow Vest' Protests by Paul Joseph Watson


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