OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti

Djubouti bird watching map
Visit Djibouti Nature´s web page: https://djiboutinature.org/ for much information about birding in Djibouti

Thursday 6 th of September 2018 and I was out of the bed at 4 o´clock when my alarm went off. I was pretty excited to get to see Djibouti. I was less excited doing my morning tea, the kettle wasn´t working. I had the maintenance staff running around here all morning and I managed to get a cup of tea before I went down to meet my Guide at 5 o´clock.

We will drive to the Day Forest National Park and we expect it to take 2 to 3 hours to reach Day Forest National Park, Goda Mountains and the last 25 km is up the mountains on a track, at best a gravel road in some areas, otherwise it is off road. So this promise to be exciting.

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
5 o´clock in the morning and they wait for me

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
5 o´clock in the morning and they wait for me

Acacias Hotel
Leaving Acacias Hotel behind

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
Driving through the city of Djibouti early morning

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
We´re on the highway

We left Acacias Hotel and the driver turned off the radio. I asked why he turned off the music.
- It is not music, it is someone reading from the Koran
- Please, turn it on again

We drove through an almost city centre and when we came on the highway it was a different story. Already when I was flying in to Djibouti I was wondering “what the duck?” Looked like millions of trucks parked outside the city. And the highway was full of trucks. Ethiopia is landlocked and all the goods they import or export is coming through Djibouti.

1000 trucks per day are coming from Ethiopia and 1000 trucks are leaving Djibouti for Ethiopia. So it is a lot of trucks on the roads. And they charge, I think, 20 US per truck so it is 40 000 US per day. And the highway was in good condition. We were hauling arse and the day started to break around 6 o´clock.

I opened the window to take picture and it stank of diesel. I discovered a tanker laying across the road and the diesel was running out the tanker along the road.

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
Day is breaking and I can soon start to take pictures

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
A tanker across the road

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
A tanker across the road

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
Diesel pouring out on the road

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
People are coming running with buckets to collect diesel

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
People are coming running with buckets to collect diesel

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
We have to make a D-tour as the road was closed

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
The tanker blocking the road

We have to make a D-tour around the accident and we were soon back on the highway. And we see containers all along the highway that have felt off the trucks. And when you see how they have secured the containers you won’t be surprised to see them laying along the highway.

There is really just stone, rocks and sand for as long as I can see, but I really liked the landscape. Really beautiful and I was in the back enjoying the trip.

Goda Mountains

The Goda Mountains lie northwest of the Gulf of Tadjoura, Tadjoura Region in Djibouti. They rise to 1,750 metres above sea level and are the nation's largest heavily vegetated area and is the second highest point in Djibouti. A part of the mountains is protected within the Day Forest National Park, Djibouti's only national park. The ecology of this landform is considered an isolated outlier of the Ethiopian montane forest ecological zone, an important island of forest in a sea of semi-desert.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Djubouti bird watching map
Visit Djibouti Nature´s web page: https://djiboutinature.org/ for much information about birding in Djibouti

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
Driving towards Goda Mountains and the Day Forest National Park, Acacias Hotel

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
Driving towards Goda Mountains and the Day Forest National Park, Acacias Hotel

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
We stop to look at a pigeon

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
2018 and people still lives in huts

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
We stop to take a picture of a Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul but we get a camel on the picture

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
2018 and people still lives in huts

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
Driving towards Goda Mountains and the Day Forest National Park, Acacias Hotel

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
Approaching a bridge

Alternativ för Sverige

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti

Ghoubbet-el-Kharab and the Devil's Islands
Ghoubbet-el-Kharab and the Devil's Islands


The Ghoubbet al-Kharab (قبة الخراب, "the Gulf of the Demons") is a Djiboutian cove separated from the Gulf of Tadjoura by a violent current. Ghoubbet al-Kharab is surrounded by mountains and cliffs 600 meters high, as well as by the Ardoukôba volcano which separates it from Lake Assal.

It is very deep (200 meters) and hosts many fish and sharks that grow strong gulf currents. This luxuriance attracts fishermen who make the road from Djibouti City. The cove is visited by divers and scientists like Commander Cousteau.

The Ghoubbet al-Kharab can be up to one meter from the sea level, because of the narrowness of the pass, but also the tides and winds. In the middle of the Ghoubbet al-Kharab are two volcanic islands: the Devil's Islands.

Ghoubbet-el-Kharab and the Devil's Islands
The Ghoubbet-el-Kharab Map
By Skilla1st - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
Driving towards Goda Mountains and the Day Forest National Park, Acacias Hotel

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti

We drive along and suddenly, I tell the driver to stop and go back. I had seen a deer on the road side. We put the car in reverse and we could soon see that it was a Pelzelns Gazelle, well, my Guide told me it was a Gazelle and I looked up the internet when I was back at the hotel and I´m almost sure it was a Dorcas Gazelle. Wikipedia only list 2 different gazelles in Djibouti: Dorcas Gazelle and the giraffe gazelle

So the day had started good and I hope to see more wildlife in the mountains. It is only stone and rocks and not much vegetation but Djibouti have, not a lot, but there are some exciting wildlife around. And I hope to see some of the wild life.

Dorcas Gazelle

Conservation status
Dorcas Gazelle
Vulnerable (IUCN 3.1)
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Retrieved 18 August 2015.

The dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas), also known as the ariel gazelle, is a small and common gazelle. The dorcas gazelle stands about 55–65 cm at the shoulder, with a head and body length of 90–110 cm and a weight of 15–20 kg. The numerous subspecies survive on vegetation in grassland, steppe, wadis, mountain desert and in semidesert climates of Africa and Arabia. About 35,000 - 40,000 exist in the wild. The extinct Saudi gazelle from the Arabian Peninsula has been previously considered as a subspecies of the dorcas gazelle.

Dorcas Gazelle
Gazella dorcas range

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dorcas Gazelle
Dorcas Gazelle

Dorcas Gazelle
Dorcas Gazelle

Dorcas Gazelle
Dorcas Gazelle

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
Driving towards Goda Mountains and the Day Forest National Park, Acacias Hotel

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
Driving towards Goda Mountains and the Day Forest National Park, Acacias Hotel

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti

300 US Dollars per day for the car plus 200 ++ US per day for the hotel so it sets me back by about 600 US per day to visit Djibouti, but this is a once in a life time thing. And how many people have been to Djibouti and the Horn of Africa. So it is worth every dollar. We drive through a dramatic landscape. Desert, mountains and volcanic landscape. We drive through an old lava river from the last eruption back in 1970´s.


Ardoukôba (Arabic: أردوكوبا‎) is a fissure vents volcano in Djibouti. Located on the coast 100 kilometres from Djibouti City, its summit is situated at 298 metres above sea level. It last erupted in November 1978 following an earthquake, having been dormant for 3,000 years. The volcano's rift is 17 kilometres in width, and has a depth of 800 metres.

The Government of Djibouti has initiated a proposal with UNESCO to declare the Lake Assal zone including the Ardoukoba volcano and its surroundings as a World Heritage Site.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I told my Guide that it looked like Iceland and he told me, and we passed their camp a little later on. Anyway, he told me that there was a group from Iceland building a geothermal power that will be run by the underground steam. And it was a very nice experience to drive through the lava river. Amazing the amount of lava that had come out from the volcano.

Good if they can build a geothermal power and they can use clean energy to run the country, well, I hope they can learn not to throw away garbage where ever they stand. Anyway, we reached a dust road and we left the highway behind, now we have 25 km on a very rough stretch to reach the forest reserve on top of the road.

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
We reach the dust road and time to leave the highway

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
Only two worn signs marking the dust road

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
We´re going to drive up the Goda Mountains on the dust road

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
We´re going to drive up the Goda Mountains on the dust road

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
We´re going to drive up the Goda Mountains on the dust road

Alternativ för Sverige

We left the highway and I was surprised, the dust road was not bad. My Guide had told me that it would be a very rough road. We drove for a kilometre or two and BOOM! The road was gone and we were driving on the bottom of a dry river/ stream and it was a very rocky and bumpy road.

It was changing between a good dust road and rocks and we didn´t make any speed to write home about. The driver and the Guide was excusing for the bad road, I only said “ass massage” and we were laughing. Well, if you want to see wilderness you cannot expect it to be a comfy trip.

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
Going up Goda Mountains

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
Going up Goda Mountains

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
Going up Goda Mountains

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
Going up Goda Mountains

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
Some kind of squirrel

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
Some kind of squirrel

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
We stop to look for birds

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul

I put down this bird as a Common Bulbul. I also uploaded a recording to www.xeno-canto.org as a Common Bulbul. A few months later the, in January 2019 I got a message from Rolf A. de By, XC Administrator wondering when I would change it to Pycnonotus somaliensis.

Link to forum thread on www.xeno-canto.org HERE

I brought it up on www.birdforum.net as well, link to forum thread HERE

Hi Aladdin,
this Opus page breaks down the taxonomy. Sibley and Monroe accepts 4 subspieces, but Clements recognises 10. It is a bit of a mess as different authorities recognise different things. If you take a peek at avibase you can see all the subspecies recognised by which authority. Some people follow more than one authority, but keep more than one list. It takes a look of time and dedication to do that though.

I started to investigate, and so far, most of the “search results” for Somali Bulbul is links to the Common Bulbul (2019) but I changed the name in xeno-canto and I have changed the Common Bulbul to Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul here on www.aladdin.st

From Opus at Birdforum:
Common Bulbul
(Redirected from Somali Bulbul)
Alternative names: Garden Bulbul; Somali Bulbul; Dodson's Bulbul; Dark-capped Bulbul

Sibley and Monroe propose to split this species into 4 species:
• Garden Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus from Northern Africa south to Congo-Brazzaville and Ethiopia, with the exception of the Sahara and other arid regions where generally absent.
• Dodson's Bulbul Pycnonotus dodsoni
• Dark-capped Bulbul Pycnonotus tricolor
• Somali Bulbul Pycnonotus somaliensis

However, neither Howard and Moore nor Clements accept this split, neither does the Handbook of the Birds of the World.

This split is mainly based on morphology, especially in colour of vent (whitish or yellow), presence/absence of a white patch on the auriculars, and exact chest pattern. They interbreed widely at most localities where they meet.

Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul, Pycnonotus barbatus, Pycnonotus somaliensis
Subspecies Spurius, dodsoni, schoanus, somaliensis - Click HERE for bigger picture
Picture from www.birdforum.net - Photo by volker sthamer

Alternativ för Sverige

We reach a small village and we spot a few birds around a well. I was not to happy about the pictures as the distance was too far. There was a beautiful pigeon that was red around the eyes that I had never seen before. But the pigeon took off and I never got any pictures.

We took off towards the forest but we stopped after 10 meters and I got out of the car. There were plenty birds around a water tap in the village. I walked away from the tap to be able to come back with the sun in the back. I spotted a few birds that I had never seen before.

I tried to get pictures of the red eyes pigeon and the Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul when I, suddenly had a yellow bird in front of me. A bird that I had never seen before. It was a very beautiful bird and I got two pictures that I could use. When I was back at the hotel I looked up the bird on the internet and it was a Rüppell's weaver, Ploceus galbula.

Rüppell's weaver, Ploceus galbula

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul / Somali Bulbul

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Laughing Dove, Spilopelia senegalensis

Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul, Pycnonotus barbatus, Pycnonotus somaliensis
Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul

Speckled Pigeon, Columba guinea, African Rock Pigeon

Speckled Pigeon, Columba guinea, African Rock Pigeon
Speckled Pigeon

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
The village

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti
A donkey shows up and scare all th ebirds

Rüppell's weaver, Ploceus galbula
Juvenile Rüppell's weaver

Thanks to Valéry Schollaert and andyadcock at Birdforum I could identify the juvenile Rüppell's weaver. I had put it down as a Yellow-spotted petronia.

Forum thread HERE


Rüppell's weaver, Ploceus galbula
Juvenile Rüppell's weaver

I wanted to record the sound of the Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul and I went back to the car to get my ZOOM H5 Handy recorder. I get back to make the recording, BOOM! Suddenly there is a guy driving thousands of goats through the village so the record is for sure nothing I can upload to the www.xeno-canto.org. But I was very happy about the birds, 3 new birds that I had never seen before:
1) Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul (I had seen several on the way here but today was the first time)
2) Speckled Pigeon
2) Rüppell's weaver

I had seen the Laughing dove in India when I was in Tadoba to look for tigers.

The recording was not good enough for www.xeno-canto.org. but I can keep it for my self and you can listen to it below. Just click on the play icon.

Trying to record an Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul when they suddenly
comes with thousands of goats along the dust path next to me

Alternativ för Sverige

We left the village and after a few minutes the road was blocked by all the goats that had destroyed my recording. It was a little bit of a bother to get passed the goats. It is really not a road to talk about. But we managed to pass the goats and we continued up the Goda Mountains.

We saw some birds, mostly the Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul. We also passed some baboons on the way and they were scared when we came, a good sign, they are not used to humans. Scared baboons so I never got any good pictures of the baboons.

Well, we had seen a Gazelle, Squirrels and now baboons so this have turned out to a real safari.

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
Goats are blocking the road

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
Goats are blocking the road

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains - Grey sunbird
We see a Grey sunbird

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains - Baboons

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains - Baboons

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
More goats

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
Finally, we can see our destination, the forest

It took us about 2 hours to reach the forest. We had to stop at a military check-point to report that we were going to visit the forest. It took us a few minutes to report and we were on our way again. We left the road and we drove in to the forest. Forest, it was not what I had expected, looked like a forest of ghost trees as most of the trees looked to be dead.

We drove through the forest and we reached the end of the mountain. We walked along the edge without seeing any birds. We could hear some bird but we didn´t spotted any.

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
The forest, not what I had expected

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
The forest, not what I had expected

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
The forest, not what I had expected

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
The forest, not what I had expected

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
View from the edge of the mountain

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
View from the edge of the mountain

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
View from the edge of the mountain

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains

There is a village just outside the forest and according to my guide this is the only place in Djibouti you can find the Hemprich's Hornbill. And they were flying around in the village, used to people but too scared to get real close, well, I was close enough but the bird was always sitting so I had the bird between me and the sun. Not a good situation when you take pictures.

But I was happy to have seen the beautiful bird. And the pictures turned out to be OK

Hemprich's Hornbill, Lophoceros hemprichii

Hemprich's Hornbill, Lophoceros hemprichii
Hemprich's Hornbill

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
Egyptian Vulture

Hemprich's Hornbill, Lophoceros hemprichii
Hemprich's Hornbill

Hemprich's Hornbill, Lophoceros hemprichii
Hemprich's Hornbill

Hemprich's Hornbill, Lophoceros hemprichii
Hemprich's Hornbill

Hemprich's Hornbill, Lophoceros hemprichii
Hemprich's Hornbill

Hemprich's Hornbill, Lophoceros hemprichii
Hemprich's Hornbill

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
Our hero in the Hornbill village

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
Campemente Foret Du Day

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
“Rough accommodation ” at Campemente Foret Du Day

We move on to the camping, Campemente Foret Du Day further down the dust past. It is a camp place with “rough accommodation ” as they call it. I spotted a Grey Sunbird and there were several Common Bulbuls / Somali Bulbuls that I wanted to record with my ZOOM H5 Handy recorder. We had seen a white and black, very beautiful Egyptian Vulture when we took the pictures of the Hemprich's Hornbill.

The pictures was of course not any good. We could see 2 brown birds of prey from the campsite, Campemente Foret Du Day. The pictures of the Grey Sunbird we spotted when we arrived was shit but I never found the bird again. I had managed to get my recording of the Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul and it was time to drive back to Acacias Hotel in Djibouti city

Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul, Pycnonotus barbatus, Pycnonotus somaliensis
Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul

Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul, Pycnonotus barbatus, Pycnonotus somaliensis
Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul

Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul, Pycnonotus barbatus, Pycnonotus somaliensis
Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul

Listen to the Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy recorder. Applied High Pass Filter with Audacity. My foot steps are cut out from the recording.

Foret Du Day camping and I was happy to finally get the recording. I was recording the bird further down the mountain when suddenly thousands of Goats were passing by.

I had another recording but people are talking all the time around me. Now I managed to get everyone to sand still and to be quiet at the camping. The only thing disturbing is my footsteps when I try to walk close to the bird.

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul, Pycnonotus barbatus, Pycnonotus somaliensis
Common Bulbul / Somali Bulbul

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
Driving back to Djibouti City

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
Driving back to Djibouti City

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
Driving back to Djibouti City

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
Driving back to Djibouti City

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
Driving back to Djibouti City

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
Driving back to Djibouti City

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
Driving back to Djibouti City

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
Driving back to Djibouti City

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
Driving back to Djibouti City

Birding/ Bird watching in Djibouti - Goda Mountains
Driving back to Djibouti City

We left Day Forest National Park and we started to drive down the Goda Mountains and I was not looking forward to the bumpy ride. But it went kind of quick as we didn´t stopped to look for birds or to take any pictures.

It was very nice when we reached the paved road and we could make good speed going back to Djibouti. And we were the only car on the road, I think we meet 2 cars on the road # RN9 going back to Djibouti City and Acacias Hotel.

But when we reached the highway RN1 between Djibouti and Ethiopia the road was full of trucks.

We drove along road #R9 following Gulf of Tadjoura and Lake Ghoubet. And again, we drove through the lava landscape. We made a few stops to take pictures on the way.

On the highways in Djibouti
Back on the paved road # RN9

On the highways in Djibouti
Back on the paved road # RN9

On the highways in Djibouti
Back on the paved road # RN9

On the highways in Djibouti
Long empty roads

On the highways in Djibouti
Long empty roads

On the highways in Djibouti
Long empty roads

On the highways in Djibouti
Long empty roads

On the highways in Djibouti

On the highways in Djibouti

On the highways in Djibouti
We reach the lava landscape

Lake Ghoubet
View over Lake Ghoubet

Lake Ghoubet
View over Lake Ghoubet

Lake Ghoubet
View over Lake Ghoubet

On the highways in Djibouti

On the highways in Djibouti
Ardoukoba volcano

On the highways in Djibouti
Lava from Ardoukoba volcano

On the highways in Djibouti
Lava from Ardoukoba volcano

On the highways in Djibouti
Lava from Ardoukoba volcano

On the highways in Djibouti
Lava from Ardoukoba volcano

On the highways in Djibouti
Lava from Ardoukoba volcano

On the highways in Djibouti
Lava from Ardoukoba volcano

On the highways in Djibouti
Lava from Ardoukoba volcano

We leave the volcano area behind and we can see sand blowing around when we pass the desert area. I pillars of sand blowing around. We leave road #RN9 behind when we reach road # RN1. We stop at a look out point before we reach #RN1 to look out over Lake Ghoubet.

Djibouti highway

Djibouti highway

Djibouti highway

Djibouti highway

Djibouti highway

Djibouti highway

Djibouti highway
The road where we came from the look out

Djibouti highway
Lake Ghoubet from the look out

Djibouti highway
Lake Ghoubet from the look out

Djibouti highway
Lake Ghoubet from the look out

Djibouti highway

Djibouti highway

Djibouti highway

Djibouti highway

Djibouti highway

We passed the tanker that was blocking the road this morning. They were pumping the diesel to another tanker. Of course, there were plenty people with buckets. Back in Djibouti city and we stopped at a Supermarket. They had Pepsi MAX and I bought a bag. Back in the car and I opened the can, a small sip and the content went out the window. That was a terrible Pepsi MAX

We tried to buy a SIM card for me but they needed my passport so we skipped this idea. They dropped me at the hotel and I´m soon to discover that I have forgoten my phone in the car.

Pepsi MAX in Djibouti

They will be back at 5 o´clock tomorrow morning to pick me up and we will drive to Ali Sabieh and Assamo Garden to look for birds. Clcik HERE to find out if we see any birds.

Visit Alternativ för Sverige's You Tube channel by clicking HERE

If you cannot reach their channel, or see some of their videos, it is because of the censorship. China!!?? NO NO, it is Sweden 2018!!


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