OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in Japan

Saturday 6 th of April 2019 and my alarm went off 5 minutes before 4 o´clock and they called from the reception at 4. I bounced out of bed excited to go bird watching in the mountains.

My Guide have sent me two checklist and I hope to see many of the birds on the list. Bird check lists as pdf files below:

Tokyo Area bird check list - April
Miyake Island bird check list - April

I wanted to have ample time to find my trains so I left my room just after 5 o´clock in the morning and I took the first train leaving Takeshiba Station at 05:36 bound for Shimbashi.

Birding/ Bird watching in Japan
Empty roads in Tokyo when I walk to the train station just after 5 o´clock

In order to save time I will meet my Guide at the Shin-Yurigaoka Station and we will go with car from there. It is quite easy with the trains, especially after my Guide having sent me excellent instructions. So I will have to change train 2 times. I start my journey from Takeshiba Station, 2 minutes walk from my hotel:

Takeshiba Station

New Transit Yurikamome (新交通ゆりかもめ Shinkōtsū Yurikamome), formally the Tokyo Waterfront New Transit Waterfront Line (東京臨海新交通臨海線 Tōkyō Rinkai Shinkōtsū Rinkai-sen), is an automated guideway transit service operated by Yurikamome, Inc., connecting Shimbashi to Toyosu, via the artificial island of Odaiba in Tokyo, Japan, a market in which it competes with the Rinkai Line.

The line is named after the Black-headed Gull (yurikamome in Japanese), a common denizen of Tokyo Bay and the official prefectural bird.

Takeshiba Station
Yurikamome Line - My hotel is at station #3 Takeshiba Station

I will board the Yurikamome Line at station #3 Takeshiba Station and I will go to station #1 where I will change to the Yamanote Line.

New Transit Yurikamome
Ticket machines at Takeshiba Station

New Transit Yurikamome
On the New Transit Yurikamome train on my way to Shimbashi station

New Transit Yurikamome
On the New Transit Yurikamome train on my way to Shimbashi station

New Transit Yurikamome
On the New Transit Yurikamome train on my way to Shimbashi station

I told my Guide that I could rent a car as this would be more comfortable and we could save time. But my Guide have a car and the reason for us to take the train is, well, to save time. We will lose valuable birding time crossing the Tokyo area in a car.

The Yamanote Line

The Yamanote Line (Japanese: 山手線 Hepburn: Yamanote-sen) is a railway loop line in Tokyo, Japan, operated by East Japan Railway Company (JR East). It is one of Tokyo's busiest and most important lines, connecting most of Tokyo's major stations and urban centres, including Marunouchi, the Yūrakuchō/Ginza area, Shinagawa, Shibuya, Shinjuku, Ikebukuro and Ueno, with all but two of its 29 stations connecting to other railway or underground (subway) lines.

The Yamanote Line

As an official line name, "Yamanote Line" indicates the tracks between Shinagawa and Tabata via Shinjuku that are used by local trains on their own tracks as well as the parallel Yamanote Freight Line which is used by Saikyō Line and Shōnan-Shinjuku Line trains, some limited express services, and freight trains. However, in everyday usage the "Yamanote Line" refers to the entire 34.5 km loop line served by local trains.

I will change train at Shimbashi, #1 on the Yurikamome Line and #29 on the Yamanote Line. I will go to Shinjuku station #17 where I will change to the Odakyū Odawara Line.

Shimbashi station
Ticket machines for the Yamanote Line at Shimbashi station

Shimbashi station
Fare plan from Shimbashi station

Shimbashi station
Waiting for the Yamanote Line at Shimbashi station

Shimbashi station
On the Yamanote Line on my way to Shinjuku station
where I will change to the Odakyu Odawara Line

Shimbashi station
On the Yamanote Line on my way to Shinjuku station
where I will change to the Odakyu Odawara Line

Shimbashi station
BOOM! And one sleeping passenger felt to the floor and continue to sleep

Odakyu Odawara Line

The Odakyu Odawara Line (小田急小田原線 Odakyū-Odawara-sen) is the main line of Japanese private railway operator Odakyu Electric Railway. It extends 82.5 km from Shinjuku in central Tokyo through the southwest suburbs to the city of Odawara, the gateway to Hakone in Kanagawa Prefecture.

It is a busy commuter line and is also known for its "Romancecar" limited express services. From Yoyogi-Uehara Station some trains continue onto the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line and beyond to the East Japan Railway Company Joban Line.

Odakyu Odawara Line

Shinjuku station is #1 for Odakyū Odawara Lineand I will go to Shin-Yurigaoka station #23 and from there we will go by car.

(Sagamihara--Miyagase Lake--Hayatogawa Forest Road--west of Kanazawa River)

As we´re in the middle of nowhere the only option to come here is by car. It is about 90 minutes from Tokyo to get here.

Birding/ Bird watching in Japan
Location of Miyagase Lake and Hayatogawa Forest Road along Hayato River

Birding/ Bird watching in Japan
Hayatogawa Forest Road along Hayato River
We park at the bridge that is blocked for traffic

We were driving through inhabited areas most of the way. But it was very beautiful area when we left the inhabited areas behind us. Driving through several tunnels through the mountains on the way to the birding area. We drove along the dam and the water was very low. Same in the Hayato River. It was mere a small stream. So there had not been much rain and my Guide was shocked to discover the low water level. He had never seen it like this before.

Birding/ Bird watching in Japan - Miyagase Lake - Hayatogawa Forest Road along Hayato River
Driving along beautiful scenery

Birding/ Bird watching in Japan - Miyagase Lake - Hayatogawa Forest Road along Hayato River
Driving along beautiful scenery

Birding/ Bird watching in Japan - Miyagase Lake - Hayatogawa Forest Road along Hayato River
Driving along beautiful scenery

Birding/ Bird watching in Japan - Miyagase Lake - Hayatogawa Forest Road along Hayato River
Driving along beautiful scenery

Birding/ Bird watching in Japan - Miyagase Lake - Hayatogawa Forest Road along Hayato River
Driving along beautiful scenery

Birding/ Bird watching in Japan - Miyagase Lake - Hayatogawa Forest Road along Hayato River
We are not alone

Birding/ Bird watching in Japan - Miyagase Lake - Hayatogawa Forest Road along Hayato River
Arriving to the bridge across Hayato River

Birding/ Bird watching in Japan - Miyagase Lake - Hayatogawa Forest Road along Hayato River
From the bridge - Not much water in Hayato River

There was several photographers on the bridge taking pictures of the Black Kites flying in the area. From the bridge there is a forest road, Hayatogawa Forest Road (Closed for traffic) along the Hayato River and after 1,5 kilometres there is another bridge across the mouth of the Kanazawa River in to Miyagase Lake. Walking on the mountain side and you have the tree tops and the river on one side and mountain forest on the other side. The river is pretty far below you when walking on the path.

Hayatogawa Forest Road is pretty flat so not many hills when walking on the mountain side

Birding/ Bird watching in Japan - Miyagase Lake - Hayatogawa Forest Road along Hayato River
A Black Kite from the bridge

Birding/ Bird watching in Japan - Miyagase Lake - Hayatogawa Forest Road along Hayato River
The bridge from the forest road

Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker or Pygmy Woodpecker, Yungipicus kizuki, コゲラ
Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker / コゲラ

Birding/ Bird watching in Japan - Miyagase Lake - Hayatogawa Forest Road along Hayato River
We reach the bridge over Kanazawa River - And we can see that the river is almost dry

Grey Heron, Gråhäger, Ardea cinerea, นกกระสานวล, アオサギ
Grey Heron / アオサギ

Birding/ Bird watching in Japan - Miyagase Lake - Hayatogawa Forest Road along Hayato River
Crossing the bridge over the Kanazawa River

Birding/ Bird watching in Japan - Miyagase Lake - Hayatogawa Forest Road along Hayato River
Not much water in the Kanazawa River

Hayatogawa Forest Road goes all the way to Miyagase we we turned around and walked back after having crossed the bridge over the Kanazawa River. We walked up the hill for a bit to have a look for birds. We spotted the normal birds, but no pictures. And I was swearing, I had a beautiful Coal Tit jumping towards me, but no time to get my camera in to action before the bird was gone.

We had been walking for 1,5 to 1,6 kilometres when we turned around. The road was almost flat, not many hills and it was very enjoyable to walk along the road. A place I would never had got to see without Japan-Birding.

Japan-Birding´s owner is a very dedicated Guide and he have been bird watching for 24 years so he know his way around birds. The only thing I could wish for is a little better English.

But it was no problem and I enjoyed the bird watching even when I realized that we were talking about different subjects at times. But I learned about all the birds and I will use Japan-Birding when I come back to Japan.

And I´m happy to recommend Japan-Birding and it is 4 out of 5 stars. If the English would have been better it would have been 5 out of 5 stars.

Birding/ Bird watching in Japan - Miyagase Lake - Hayatogawa Forest Road along Hayato River - Crested Kingfisher / ヤマセミ
Walking back and we see a Crested Kingfisher / ヤマセミ
along the almost dry Hayato River

Birding/ Bird watching in Japan - Miyagase Lake - Hayatogawa Forest Road along Hayato River - Crested Kingfisher / ヤマセミ
Walking back and we see a Crested Kingfisher / ヤマセミ
along the almost dry Hayato River
Too far away to make it to my list of observed birds

Birding/ Bird watching in Japan - Miyagase Lake - Hayatogawa Forest Road along Hayato River - Long-tailed Rosefinch, Uragus sibiricus sanguinolentus, ベニマシコ
Walking back and we see a Long-tailed Rosefinch / ベニマシコ
along the almost dry Hayato River
Too far away to make it to my list of observed birds

Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker or Pygmy Woodpecker, Yungipicus kizuki, コゲラ
Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker / コゲラ

Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker or Pygmy Woodpecker, Yungipicus kizuki, コゲラ
Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker / コゲラ

My eBird checklist from Miyagase Lake, Hayatogawa Forest Roadcan be downloaded HERE

Or online on ebird´s web page, click HERE

座間市--新田宿の水田 (Zama--Shindenjuku rice paddies)

We stop at the Shindenjuku rice paddies is an area of small rice paddys and patches of arable land where people from the city comes to grow vegetables etc. Leave the bustling city life to spend the weekend growing your own vegetables. This area is along the river so there is both river, meadow and farmland habitate and birds to come with them.

It is an area known for the endemic Japanese Green Pheasant / キジ (キタキジ)

Driving along very narrow dirt paths between the patches keeping an eye out for the Northern Green Pheasant / キジ (キタキジ) and of course, the Japanese Skylark / ヒバリ

We had not been driving around for long before we spotted a female Green Pheasant. I spend quite some time walking after here trying to get some pictures. But DARN! This bird was very shy and I never managed to ge any good pictures.

Japanese Green Pheasant, Green pheasant, Northern Green Pheasant, Phasianus versicolor robustipes, キジ (キタキジ)

Northern Green Pheasant, Phasianus versicolor robustipes, キジ (キタキジ)
Female Japanese Green Pheasant / キジ (キタキジ)

Birding/ Bird watching in Japan - White-cheeked Starling / ムクドリ
White-cheeked Starling / ムクドリ

Northern Green Pheasant, Phasianus versicolor robustipes, キジ (キタキジ)
Male Japanese Green Pheasant / キジ (キタキジ)

Bull-headed Shrike, Lanius bucephalus bucephalus, モズ
Bull-headed Shrike / モズ

We left the Shindenjuku rice paddies and we drove back to Shin-Yurigaoka and I will get back to my hotel. Getting out of the car at the station in Shin-Yurigaoka and I discover a wagtail at my feet. I get the pictures I tried to get yesterday and I was happy when I went for the train.

My eBird checklist from Shindenjuku rice paddiescan be downloaded HERE

Or online on ebird´s web page, click HERE

White Wagtail, Motacilla alba, Sädesärla, Black-backed Wagtail  Motacilla alba lugens, クセキレイ

White Wagtail, Motacilla alba, Sädesärla, Black-backed Wagtail  Motacilla alba lugens, クセキレイ
Male White Wagtail / クセキレイ

White Wagtail, Motacilla alba, Sädesärla, Black-backed Wagtail  Motacilla alba lugens, クセキレイ
Male White Wagtail / クセキレイ

Waiting for the train in Shin-Yurigaoka

Bayside Hotel Azur Takeshiba
Back at my hotel, Bayside Hotel Azur Takeshiba

We will leave for Miyake Island / Miyakejima and the ferry leave at 22:30. The terminal is just next to my hotel, the reason why I chose Bayside Hotel Azur Takeshiba. I will meet my Guide at 21 thirty and I killed the time waiting in the hotel restaurant.

There is no breakfast on the ship and no shops on the Miyake Island / Miyakejima that are open when we arrive at 5 o´clock in the morning. If I knew this I would have brought a picnic basket.

I bought water and juice and some Kit Kats in a shop at the terminal. I paid 11000¥ extra to get my own cabin/ bathroom on the ferry. And the dormatory have no beds, sleeping on the floor. So I invested in my own cabin with a real bed, a smart move.

Ferry to Miyake Island / Miyakejima
My ticket to Miyake Island / Miyakejima - 5540¥

Ferry to Miyake Island / Miyakejima
I upgrade to my own cabin with furniture - 11710¥

Ferry to Miyake Island / Miyakejima
Time to board the ferry

Ferry to Miyake Island / Miyakejima
Time to board the ferry

Ferry to Miyake Island / Miyakejima
Time to board the ferry

Ferry to Miyake Island / Miyakejima
Time to board the ferry

Ferry to Miyake Island / Miyakejima
Time to board the ferry

Ferry to Miyake Island / Miyakejima
Coming on board and I get the key to my room

Ferry to Miyake Island / Miyakejima
I go to look for the life boat first thing

Ferry to Miyake Island / Miyakejima
I go to look for the life boat first thing

Ferry to Miyake Island / Miyakejima
Leaving Tokyo

Ferry to Miyake Island / Miyakejima
Leaving Tokyo

Ferry to Miyake Island / Miyakejima
I´m very happy with my cabin

Ferry to Miyake Island / Miyakejima
I´m very happy with my cabin

Ferry to Miyake Island / Miyakejima
I´m very happy with my cabin

I was really happy that I decided to upgrade myself from a place on the floor in a dormatory to my own cabin. I was really looking forward to a hot shower tomorrow morning. Arriving 5 o´clock in the morning and we will start right off with bird watching. This promise to be exciting, so hang on and click HERE to find out if we find any birds.

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