OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Turkish Airlines
Thursday 26 th of September 2019 and I booked a car from AOT yesterday. Booked it for 5 thirty in the morning and I almost forgot to book the car. Busy all day in my room with the AC, one motor have burnt. So this will be ready when I am back from Copenhagen next week. My storage room was ready 2 days ago and I am really happy with the floor.

They should have finished the furniture as well, but they didn't brought the top shelves, but anyway, I was happy that I could start to use the room again to store my things. But the best was that Mama and Papa pigeon found their two babies.

Handyman Bangkok
Putting up shelves in my store room

Handyman Bangkok
Start with the floor

Handyman Bangkok

Handyman Bangkok
I really liked the new floor

Handyman Bangkok
The floor is ready in my store room

Handyman Bangkok
Not so long ago

Handyman Bangkok
Not so long ago

There was a lot of bird shit and feathers on the balcony (without door) where I have my AC compressors. So I wanted to put a net to prevent the birds from coming in there. So I had the handy man to clean the area before setting up the net. He discovered a pigeon nest with two babies. What to do with the nest and babies?

We moved the nest and the babies to the next balcony. My plan was for “Mama Papa” to find the nest there. I see the pigeons pottering about looking for food in the flowerbed along the balcony. So I thought my plan, well, nothing less than a winner.

Hours went by and I was chasing away crows sitting in the trees looking at the babies while drooling. And I was getting worried. Where is “Mama Papa”? I tried to feed the babies but they didn´t want to eat and I was getting more worried.

I checked the babies first thing waking up, still alive but not eating. I tried with oatmeal but no success. “Mama Papa” was sitting at the area where the nest had been before wondering where their babies where. I felt bad and I came up with a new plan.

Rayong in Thailand
Feral pigeon on my balcony

Rayong in Thailand
Feral pigeon on my balcony

Rayong in Thailand
Feral pigeon on my balcony

I put oatmeal and an old ham & cheese sandwich that I had threw away yesterday. I put it on the edge of the flower bed to make it more visible from where “Mama Papa” was hanging out. After I while and I could hear a terrible ruckus from the balcony when I was in the kitchen. I ran out on the balcony thinking it was the crow.

What a relief!!!!!! It was “Mama Papa” that had found my oatmeal and then discovered the nest with their babies. So now I can hear when “Mama Papa” is coming back with food, I can hear the ruckus when they feed the screaming babies and when they fly away to look for more food it is quiet. So I can follow their food routines just by listening.

Pepsi MAX in Thailand
MAX coming off Rita in Map Ta Put

Pepsi MAX in Thailand
Bangkok next

Rayong in Thailand
Our Time Keeper with the 2nd Engineer

I got Line messages from our Time Keeper and they had brought ashore my stuff from Rita and it was loaded in to a car for transportation to my room in Bangkok. He also sent a picture of him and the 2nd Engineer eating lunch ashore.

My stuff arrived at 8 o´clock in the evening and as soon as I had it in my room I went to bed with my alarm set to go off at 4 o´clock and the AOT car will be here at 5 thirty.

My stuff arrives to my room

My stuff arrives to my room

We left for Suvarnabhumi and we arrived not long after we had left Sukhumvit. Light traffic so we were hauling arse early morning. They seem to have new airline signs at the doors at Suvarnabhumi. A lot of doors for Vietjet but no sign with Turkish Airlines so I had lost some of my good mood when I finally found the check-in row.

I found Turkish Airlines lounge, a new lounge. Last time I flew with Turkish Airlines I had to use Thai Airways lounge. The lounge was looking very nice and I sat up my IT centre in the “business centre” before going to look for baklava.

Turkish Airlines lounge at Suvarnabhumi International
Business Centre at Turkish Airlines lounge

Turkish Airlines lounge at Suvarnabhumi International
Turkish Airlines lounge at Suvarnabhumi International

Turkish Airlines lounge at Suvarnabhumi International
Turkish Airlines lounge at Suvarnabhumi International

Turkish Airlines lounge at Suvarnabhumi International
Turkish Airlines lounge at Suvarnabhumi International

I could not find any Baklava and I went to ask the staff. They didn´t had any Baklava in the lounge and I was at least to say disappointed. Main reason for booking with Turkish Airlines was the Baklava. Well, they will have Baklava on board the plane.


(/ˈbɑːkləvɑː/, /bɑːkləˈvɑː/, or /bəˈklɑːvə/; Ottoman Turkish: باقلوا [bɑːklɑvɑː]) is a rich, sweet pastry made of layers of filo filled with chopped nuts and sweetened and held together with syrup or honey. It is characteristic of the cuisines of the former Ottoman Empire, and is also found in Central and Southwest Asia.




Although the history of baklava is not well documented, there is evidence that its current form was developed in the imperial kitchens of the Topkapı Palace in Istanbul. The Sultan presented trays of baklava to the Janissaries every 15th of the month of Ramadan in a ceremonial procession called the Baklava Alayı.

Two well-supported proposals for the pre-Ottoman roots of this Istanbul dessert are that it came from a Central Asian Turkish tradition of layered breads, or that it came from Roman placenta cake, part of the Byzantine culinary traditions of the city of Istanbul, which had been the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But I was very pleased to discover that they had MAX in the lounge so I expected to be able to drink MAX all the way to Copenhagen. I brought a can to the business centre and I spent the time waiting for my flight there.

I also enjoyed a bowl of peanuts. No food as I expect better food on board the flight. The best airplane food I have had is on board Turkish Airlines flights.

Turkish Airlines lounge at Suvarnabhumi International
They have MAX at Turkish Airlines lounge

Turkish Airlines lounge at Suvarnabhumi International
What a pleasant surprise

Turkish Airlines lounge at Suvarnabhumi International
Enjoying a MAX at my IT Centre

Sucking on a MAX and time passing by quite quickly and it was soon time to go to Gate E 3 to board Turkish Airlines flight TK59 to Istanbul. Biz was half full so I was looking forward to the flight. Boarding had started by the time I got to the gate so I was in my seat in a jiff.

I asked for a bottle of water as soon as I stepped through the door to the airplane and when I was in my seat they brought the water and an extension that I had asked for at the same time I asked for the water.

Turkish Airlines flight TK 59 from Bangkok to Istanbul
Boarding had started when I came to the gate

Turkish Airlines flight TK 59 from Bangkok to Istanbul

Turkish Airlines flight TK 59 from Bangkok to Istanbul

Turkish Airlines flight TK 59 from Bangkok to Istanbul
First time ever using the flight slippers

Turkish Airlines flight TK 59 from Bangkok to Istanbul
First time ever using the flight slippers

Turkish Airlines flight TK 59 from Bangkok to Istanbul
Asking what I want for breakfast

To take off my shoes, WHAT A RELEIF!!! Dress code in Copenhagen: Casual Business so I bought new shoes. Safari style Timberlands that I have used before, excellent and comfortable shoes. After having used them for a time. By the time I reached the airport I had a terrible pain in my feet. So the bag with the flight slippers was ripped open and my shoes came off.

To get out of the shoes was the best thing today, even better than to discover MAX in the lounge. And I was very disappointed to discover that they didn´t had MAX on the flight. I made a metal not to bring a few MAX from the lounge next time. Already passed security so I can bring “liquid” on board the flight.

Free internet on board so I could update my friends “STEP BY STEP” via Line.

Turkish Airlines flight TK 59 from Bangkok to Istanbul


Turkish Airlines flight TK 59 from Bangkok to Istanbul

Turkish Airlines flight TK 59 from Bangkok to Istanbul
A power nap after breakfast

Turkish Airlines flight TK 59 from Bangkok to Istanbul

Turkish Airlines flight TK 59 from Bangkok to Istanbul

Turkish Airlines flight TK 59 from Bangkok to Istanbul

I really have grown to like these day flights. Leaving early morning and arriving in the afternoon and it is no problem to sleep at arrival. No jet lag, flying in the night, hard to sleep and arriving dead tired in the morning and the circadian rhythm is all ducked up.

And time passes quite quickly during the day time, watching movies and drinking tea. I started a movie after dinner, John Wick or something like that. Sweet Lord, that was pure tripe and I really didn´t concentrate on the movie.

I had expected Baklava on the flight, they told me that they would serve Baklava. But no Baklava on board, they told me that they had Baklava when I came on board but then they told me that they could not serve Baklava as they didn´t had enough for all passengers and they would get angry if they served me Baklava.

Turkish Airlines flight TK 59 from Bangkok to Istanbul
Approaching Istanbul

Turkish Airlines flight TK 59 from Bangkok to Istanbul
Bosporus and the Black Sea

The Bosporus

Strait that forms part of the boundary between Europe and Asia

The Bosporus () or Bosphorus (also known as The Strait of Istanbul; Turkish: İstanbul Boğazı) is a narrow, natural strait and an internationally significant waterway located in north-western Turkey.

It forms part of the continental boundary between Europe and Asia, and separates Asian Turkey from European Turkey. The world's narrowest strait used for international navigation, the Bosporus connects the Black Sea with the Sea of Marmara, and, by extension via the Dardanelles, the Aegean and Mediterranean seas.

Most of the shores of the strait are heavily settled, straddled by the city of Istanbul's metropolitan population of 17 million inhabitants extending inland from both coasts.

The Bosporus / The Strait of Istanbul
A map depicting the locations of the Turkish Straits,
with the Bosporus in red, and the Dardanelles in yellow.
The territory of Turkey is highlighted in green.

The Bosporus / The Strait of Istanbul
Location of the Bosporus (red) relative to
the Dardanelles (yellow) and the Sea of Marmara.
By en:User:Interiot - en:File:Turkish Strait disambig.svgmodified from Image:Vertrag sevres otoman.svg,
created by Thomas Steiner., CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5531109

The Bosporus / The Strait of Istanbul
Close-up satellite image of the Bosporus strait, taken from the
ISS in April 2004. The body of water at the top is the Black Sea,
the one at the bottom is the Marmara Sea, and the Bosporus is the
winding waterway that connects the two. The western banks of the
Bosporus constitute the geographic starting point of the European
continent, while the banks to the east are the geographic
beginnings of the continent of Asia.
The city of Istanbul is visible along both banks.
By Astronaut photograph ISS008-E-21752 - NASA Earth
Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=112039

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Turkish Airlines flight TK 59 from Bangkok to Istanbul

Turkish Airlines flight TK 59 from Bangkok to Istanbul

Turkish Airlines flight TK 59 from Bangkok to Istanbul

Flying over the Bosporus while descending towards Istanbul International. Last time I was here it was the Ataturk International, but they have a new airport in Istanbul now. The new airport is simply called Istanbul Airport and the old Ataturk is now used for cargo flights.

So I was excited to check out the new lounge as Turkish Airlines lounge at Ataturk was the best lounge in the world. And Baklava, it is Baklava or bust. One lounge and one flight and not one single Baklava, what a disappointment.

I will spend 4 hours waiting for flight TK 1787 to Copenhagen so there will be plenty time to explore the food at Turkish Airlines lounge. The old airport was at least to say worn so I was looking forward to have a look at the new airport.

I had a bad feeling already when taxi towards the gate. It was a huge airport and it was very long arms with the gates sticking out from the main building. So I knew that it would be a long walk already before reaching the gate. And of course, we used the gate furthest away from the terminal. And I have new shoes so I don´t look forward to the walk.

Istanbul Airport
Trotting for more than 30 minutes before I reach the terminal

Istanbul Airport
Trotting for more than 30 minutes before I reach the terminal

Istanbul Airport
Trotting for more than 30 minutes before I reach the terminal

Took me a very long time to reach the transfer security and my feet was hurting. I swore over myself for using new shoes. Passing the security and it was still a very long walk before I reached the lounge. Escalators up to the lounge and I was instantly disappointed. They have turned the best lounge in the world in to High Chaparral.

A lot of people and there were many food stations with excellent Turkish food. But it was not the same atmosphere as in the old lounge at Ataturk. The tables was very close together and people lining up for food so it felt like a cheap buffet. But the food was good, at least the food I tried. But nothing less was expected with the Turkish food.

Turkish Airlines lounge at Istanbul Airport
Escalators to the Turkish Airlines lounge

Turkish Airlines lounge at Istanbul Airport
Turkish Airlines lounge

Turkish Airlines lounge at Istanbul Airport
Both Diet and MAX

Turkish Airlines lounge at Istanbul Airport
Both Diet and MAX

I discovered Diet Pepsi and MAX in the first fridge and I brought one of each before I continued to look for a table. I found a table and I connected to internet, worst internet ever. Hardly no signal and it was so slow it was almost standing still.

I had one from the staff to help me to get Baklava and tea. I could not find the Baklava table so he told me that he would fix it for me. The tea glass was very small. I was out of tea when I had finished two Baklava so I made a mental not to ask for 6++ glasses of tea next time in the lounge.

Time to leave for my second flight and I went to look for the Baklava table before I left the lounge. I found the table and there was Baklava to last for a very long time and now I know where to attack next time in the lounge.

Turkish Airlines lounge at Istanbul Airport
Bringing Baklava

Turkish Airlines lounge at Istanbul Airport
Tea, not impressed by the size of the cup

Turkish Airlines lounge at Istanbul Airport
Eating Baklava

Turkish Airlines lounge at Istanbul Airport
I found the Baklava

Turkish Airlines lounge at Istanbul Airport
I found the Baklava

Turkish Airlines lounge at Istanbul Airport
I found the Baklava

Turkish Airlines flight TK 1787 to Copenhagen left from gate F2 so it was very close to the lounge. But with my feet and the new shoes it was like walking on fire. Reaching the gate and I felt like a handicapped and I took one of the seats reserved for the disabled.

They started the boarding 30 minutes or so later and we departed before scheduled departure time. 3 hours to Copenhagen and we expect to arrive around 10 o´clock and I hope to make it to the 22:42 train to Helsingborg. I had have a few glasses of water before they served the food and as I am flying with Turkish the food was excellent.

Turkish Airlines flight TK 1787 from Istanbul to Copenhagen
Leaving Istanbul behind

Turkish Airlines flight TK 1787 from Istanbul to Copenhagen

Turkish Airlines flight TK 1787 from Istanbul to Copenhagen

Turkish Airlines flight TK 1787 from Istanbul to Copenhagen
Descending to Copenhagen International

Kastrup Airport train station
Waiting for the train in Copenhagen

I make it in time to reach the train. Well, I had 30 minutes to wait for the train so I was looking for a bottle of MAX, but they only had Coke in the mini mart. I had bought the ticket on the app in my phone already before leaving Bangkok. I had expected to be almost alone on the “night” train to Helsingborg. But the train was almost full.

I checked in to Marina Plaza Hotel just after midnight and I was soon asleep after having been on the way for 25 hours. I will pick up my rented car when I wake up and I will go to look for birds before picking up my nephews at school 4 o´clock. Click HERE to see if I find any birds.


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