OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in Kaeng Krachan

Sunday 14 th of June 2020 and I gad my breakfast quarter to 6. My Guide was already there and my Guide from yesterday was there as well. My Guide from yesterday have no experience from guiding outside the National Park so he will come with us today to the first eBird hotspot: “Wat Phra Phuttabat Khao Luk Chang”

We left Baan Maka Nature Lodge just after 6 o'clock and I started my eBird app at 06:43 at “Wat Phra Phuttabat Khao Luk Chang”

We parked the car and we walked towards the temple without seeing any birds. We walked back and up the hill to an area that looked like a playground.

We came up with squat and we walked back to the car. 4 birds but the Hair-crested Drongo looked like a Bronzed or Black but my Guide ID the bird as a Hair-crested Drongo and he is a professional so I go for the Hair-crested Drongo. Back at the car and we left the temple area.

Green Bee-eater, Little Green Bee-eater, Merops orientalis, นกจาบคาเล็ก

But as we left the parking we turned left going through a similar forest area until we reached a lake. I managed to get one bird on picture, a Green Bee-eater.

Otherwise the time spent coming here and walking around among the mosquitos was a waste of time and I was happy when we were back in the car leaving the area behind.

Birding/ Bird watching at Baan Maka Nature Lodge, Thailand
Today's track at Wat Phra Phuttabat Khao Luk Chang


eBird Report

Wat Phra Phuttabat Khao Luk Chang, Phetchaburi, TH Jun 14, 2020 06:43 - 07:34
Protocol: Traveling
0.73 kilometer(s)
4 species

Red-wattled Lapwing 2
Indochinese Roller 1
Hair-crested Drongo 1
Puff-throated Babbler 1

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S70404492

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Birding/ Bird watching at Baan Maka Nature Lodge, Thailand
Today's track at Wat Phra Phuttabat Khao Luk Chang


eBird Report

Wat Phra Phuttabat Khao Luk Chang, Phetchaburi, TH Jun 14, 2020 07:39 - 08:02
Protocol: Traveling
2.32 kilometer(s)
6 species (+1 other taxa)

Red-wattled Lapwing 1
Asian Openbill 1
Cattle Egret 1
Green Bee-eater 2
drongo sp. 1 Too far away for a proper ID
Asian Pied Starling 2
Common Myna 2

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S70405425

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

We are nearby eBird hotspot: “Open areas on Hwy. 3510 at Km.48 vicinity” and we drove by some rice paddies with some birds. So we stopped and went out to walk around to look for birds.

We see a Lesser Whistling-Duck couple in the rice paddy and while trying to walk close to the birds we pass an Asian Koel fledgeling sitting in a tree.

Asian Koel, Eudynamys scolopaceus, นกกาเหว่า

Lesser Whistling Duck, Dendrocygna javanica, Indian Whistling Duck, Lesser Whistling Teal, เป็ดแดง

I also see the White-throated Fantail for the first time in my life, but I never managed to get any pictures. We also spotted the Indochinese Roller, Bronze-winged Jacana and of course many Red-wattled Lapwing. A bird you will see and hear everywhere.

We continue and we reach an intersection and we turn right and we drive toward Hwy. 3510 and we see a couple of Great Egrets otherwise nothing special. We make a U-turn and when we're back at the intersection where we continue straight and we're on a wide gravel road.

Great Egret, Great White Heron, นกยางโทนใหญ่

We spend time with one Indochinese Bushlark trying to get pictures without any luck before we continued on the gravel road. We see the same birds we have seen so many times before. The broad gravel road turned in to a small track.

We reached, well, almost all the way to the end when we turned around. Here was really not any birds to look at and we decided to leave.

Listen to the Oriental Magpie-robin
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

Oriental Magpie Robin Singing and we can hear the Puff-throated Babbler as well

Back on the paved road and we turned left. We drove along the road and we passed a bird that I thought was a Brahminy Starling. We made a U-turn to go back to see if we could see the bird again. And I am lucky to see the bird again, now there are 5 or 6 of them.

We make another U-turn as the bird was on the other side of the road. Approaching the birds and they were not scared and I manage to get both pictures and a sound recording.

Listen to the Vinous-breasted Starling
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

THANKS TO eBIRD FOR CORRECTING MY ID from Brahminy Starling to Vinous-breasted Starling

I see one Vinous-breasted Starling next to the road, I make a U-turn to go back to try to make a recording and to get some pictures. Now I discover 5 or 6 Vinous-breasted Starling next to the road.

Vinous-breasted Starling, Acridotheres burmannicus, นกกิ้งโครงหัวสีนวล
Vinous-breasted Starling

Vinous-breasted Starling, Acridotheres burmannicus, นกกิ้งโครงหัวสีนวล
Vinous-breasted Starling

Vinous-breasted Starling, Acridotheres burmannicus, นกกิ้งโครงหัวสีนวล
Vinous-breasted Starling

Vinous-breasted Starling, Acridotheres burmannicus, นกกิ้งโครงหัวสีนวล
Vinous-breasted Starling

Vinous-breasted Starling, Acridotheres burmannicus, นกกิ้งโครงหัวสีนวล
Vinous-breasted Starling

Birding/ Bird watching at Open areas on Hwy. 3510 at Km.48 vicinity, Thailand
Today's track at Open areas on Hwy. 3510 at Km.48 vicinity


eBird Report

Open areas on Hwy. 3510 at Km.48 vicinity, Phetchaburi, TH Jun 14, 2020 8:29 - 9:55
Protocol: Traveling
8.08 kilometer(s)
23 species

Lesser Whistling-Duck 2
Red Collared Dove 2
Spotted Dove 1
Zebra Dove 3
Green-billed Malkoha 1
Asian Koel 1 Fledgeling
White-breasted Waterhen 2
Red-wattled Lapwing 9
Bronze-winged Jacana 2
Great White Egret 2
Cattle Egret 2
White-throated Kingfisher 1
Green Bee-eater 3
Indochinese Roller 1
Lineated Barbet 1
Ashy Woodswallow 3
White-throated Fantail 2
Indochinese Bushlark 1
Puff-throated Babbler 1 Heard only and recorded together with the Oriental Magpie Robin below
Asian Pied Starling 1
Vinous-breasted Starling 5
Great Myna 9
Oriental Magpie-Robin 4

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S70408635

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

I was happy with the pictures so the spirit was high going back to Baan Maka Nature Lodge for lunch before continue bird watching in the afternoon. I have a nice lunch at Baan Maka Nature Lodge and I have time to look at my pictures before I left with my Guide again. We are driving, well, I really don't know where we was driving around.

But we spotted a Dollar Bird and we stopped to try to take some pictures even though the bird was far away. There was one Indian Roller sitting on the wire above us.

Across the road we had one Racket-tailed Treepie in the bushes and I got a picture of the bird and we left the birds behind going to look for more birds.

Dollar Bird
Dollar Bird

Indian Roller, ठेउवा, Coracias benghalensis, นกตะขาบทุ่ง

Indian Roller, ठेउवा, Coracias benghalensis, นกตะขาบทุ่ง
Indochinese Roller / นกตะขาบทุ่ง

Indian Roller, ठेउवा, Coracias benghalensis, นกตะขาบทุ่ง
Indochinese Roller / นกตะขาบทุ่ง

Indian Roller, ठेउवा, Coracias benghalensis, นกตะขาบทุ่ง
Indochinese Roller / นกตะขาบทุ่ง

Racket-tailed Treepie, Crypsirina temia, นกกาแวน


eBird Report

3432, Tambon Huai Mae Priang, Chang Wat Phetchaburi, TH (12.779, 99.573), Phetchaburi, TH Jun 14, 2020 14:06
Protocol: Incidental
Checklist Comments: Stop along the road when we spot a Dollar Bird
3 species

Indochinese Roller 2
Dollarbird 1
Racket-tailed Treepie 1

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S70412270

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

We continue towards the eBird hotspot: “Kaeng Krachan NP--Hin Lad” Following road # 3410 until you reach a check-point and after passing the check-point we drove up the mountain. Just after the check-point there is a dam / reservoir on the left hand side and we could see white egrets but they were too far away proper ID.

After having past the dam there is a small farming village and some farm land were we spot the birds we had already seen a lot of at other places.

Spotted Dove, Spilopelia chinensis, นกเขาใหญ่, นกเขาหลวง

Birding/ Bird watching at Kaeng Krachan NP--Hin Lad, Thailand
Today's track at Kaeng Krachan NP--Hin Lad


eBird Report

Kaeng Krachan NP--Hin Lad, Phetchaburi, TH Jun 14, 2020 14:32 - 15:25
Protocol: Traveling
7.84 kilometer(s)
8 species (+1 other taxa)

Spotted Dove 1
Greater Coucal 1
white egret sp. 1 Too far away for a proper ID
Coppersmith Barbet 1
Hair-crested Drongo 1
Plain Prinia 1
Sooty-headed Bulbul 1
Great Myna 2
Oriental Magpie-Robin 2

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S70413005

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

We turn around when we're up on the mountain and we drive back to the check-point and leave the area. Back at the hotel and I have my dinner before going to bed. We will start at 6 thirty tomorrow morning for that last bird watching before I go back home to Bangkok.

Click HERE to see if I see any birds tomorrow, the last day of bird watching.

Så att det blir rätt!
Jen Ganman and Magnus Carlssons video “Så att det blir rätt!” was removed from Youtube after just a few hours - Sweden 2018

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