OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

April 2022


Thai New Year and I have planned to visit a few eBird hotspots in and around Bangkok during the holiday. And I will visit the below areas to see if there are any exciting birds.

Safari World (eBird hotspot: )

Wat Hong Thong (Hong Thong Temple) (eBird hotspot: )

Bang Pu--Recreation Center (eBird hotspot: )

Chulalongkorn University (general area) (eBird hotspot: )

Department of Public Relations (eBird hotspot: )

Phutthamonthon Park (general area) (eBird hotspot: )


I don't use any bird watching Guide in / around Bangkok. eBird is a great help to find spots for bird watching in Bangkok

Land transportation

Taxi is a very convenient way of getting around in Bangkok. I rent a car for full day if I have planned to visit a couple of areas in the same day. I ca keep my things in the taxi while I am walking around looking for birds.

Trip Report

Safari World (eBird hotspot: )

Monday 11 April 2022 and I went with my friend to the Safari World. I discovered that Safari World is an eBird hotspot: so we went expecting nothing much. As soon as we came in we spotted thousands of Asian Openbill, Black-headed Ibis/ African Sacred Ibis and Painted storks.

The Openbills where busy with their nests in the trees and the Painted Storks were feeding their young on the ground.

I did not have any camera, not even my glasses so I could not see very much. I only had my mobile phone so the video of the Painted Stork feeding the young ones leave a lot to wish for.

It was amazing to see all the birds nesting and I will come back with my camera as soon as I have time.


eBird Report

Safari World, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon [Bangkok], TH
11 Apr 2022 12:53 - 14:07
Protocol: Traveling
4.53 kilometer(s)
Checklist Comments: We all wonder where all the Egrets disappear, one day they are gone sitting in trees with their nests and we don't see them any more. Area around Bangkok usually have plenty Asian Openbill, Black-headed Ibis and Painted storks.

Now they are all at Bangkok Safari, thousands of them.

Painted Stork already feeding their big babies on the ground Black-headed Ibis feeding their small young in the nest Asian Openbill sitting in nest, I could not see any babies Cattle Egrets, sitting in trees with nest, no sign of babies Night-heron, sitting in nests in several trees. Night-herons spotted outside nest was all carrying nest material

27 species (+1 other taxa)

Feral Pigeon X Many all over the park
Zebra Dove 2
Lesser Coucal 2 Looked like 2 birds flirting
Greater/Lesser Coucal 1 In a tree so not possible to make a proper ID
Asian Koel 1 Heard only
Plaintive Cuckoo 1 Heard only
Common Moorhen 1
Black-winged Stilt 16
Red-wattled Lapwing 1
Asian Openbill 200 Usually a lot of them in the fields around Bangkok. Same as with the Egrets, suddenly they are gone and you find all of them in a tree with a nest.

Now I know where the Asian Openbill are going to have their babies, sitting in trees at Bangkok Safari. Hundreds of them with nests but no sign of any babies yet Painted Stork 200 Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAkh-HK8HnI&ab_channel=www.aladdin.st

Usually a lot of them in the fields around Bangkok. Same as with the Egrets, suddenly they are gone and you find all of them in a tree with a nest.

Now I know where the Painted Storks are going to have their babies. The park is full of babies crying food from their parents.

Little Cormorant 5
Spot-billed Pelican 100
Intermediate Egret (Intermediate) 1
Little Egret 2
Cattle Egret 100 Usually a lot of them in the fields around Bangkok. Same as with the Egrets, suddenly they are gone and you find all of them in a tree with a nest.

Now I know where the Cattle Egrets are going to have their babies, sitting in trees at Bangkok Safari.

Javan Pond Heron 1
Black-crowned Night-Heron 30 Now I know where the Night-herons are going to have their babies, sitting in trees at Bangkok Safari. Trees full of them with nests. And the birds out of the nests are carrying nest material
African Sacred Ibis 100 About 50/50 Black headed and African. Usually a lot of them in the fields around Bangkok. Same as with the Egrets, suddenly they are gone and you find all of them in a tree with a nest.

Now I know where the Black-headed Ibis are going to have their babies, sitting in trees at Bangkok Safari. Hundreds of them feeding babies

Black-headed Ibis 100 About 50/50 Black headed and African. Usually a lot of them in the fields around Bangkok. Same as with the Egrets, suddenly they are gone and you find all of them in a tree with a nest.

Now I know where the Black-headed Ibis are going to have their babies, sitting in trees at Bangkok Safari. Hundreds of them feeding babies

Coppersmith Barbet 1 Heard only
Malaysian Pied-Fantail 3
Large-billed Crow 8
Streak-eared Bulbul 2
Common Myna 1
Great Myna 8
Oriental Magpie-Robin 2
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 3

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S106767448

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 ( https://ebird.org/home )

Bird watching at Safari World, Bangkok
Today's track at Safari World

Wat Hong Thong (Hong Thong Temple) (eBird hotspot: )

Wednesday 13 April 2022 and I was going to visit Wat Hong Thong with my friend. We were going to have a look for amulets and I went to pick him up in Bang Pu. Very close to the eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center. To reach the temple we just need to drive towards east on Sukhumvit Road and you can see the high riser at the temple from Sukhumvit Road. We have to drive through some salt pans to reach the temple

I book a taxi with my LINEMAN app and the taxi arrived in a few minutes, Thai New Year and the roads are almost empty. The toll way are free as well so we made it to my friend in no time. I had asked the driver if he wanted to continue to the Wat Hong Thong / วัดหงษ์ทอง. It was not like he had much to do, and to take us is better than to drive around looking for passengers. Now he knew what to do for the next few days.

He will take us around town for 1100 Baht and I accepted the offer. We took off and we followed Sukhumvit Road and we could see the high riser at the temple.

Bird watching at Wat Hong Thong / วัดหงษ์ทอง
Arriving to the temple

Bird watching at Wat Hong Thong / วัดหงษ์ทอง
Entrance to the temple

Bird watching at Wat Hong Thong / วัดหงษ์ทอง
Nice mudflats around the temple

Bird watching at Wat Hong Thong / วัดหงษ์ทอง
Nice mudflats around the temple

I had not brought my camera so I could not see what kind of waders that was walking around on the mudflats. But I could see that it was Javan Pond Herons on the mudflats.

It was low water and I regrated that I had not brought my camera but I made a mental note that it will be low water when I visit eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center tomorrow morning. I have already booked my taxi that will come to pick me up tomorrow morning at 06:00.

Me and my friend were looking for the amulet shop and we were told that they were for sale at the entrance.

Bird watching at Wat Hong Thong / วัดหงษ์ทอง
Walking around on the temple ground

Bird watching at Wat Hong Thong / วัดหงษ์ทอง
Asking good luck

Bird watching at Wat Hong Thong / วัดหงษ์ทอง
It is a nice area

Bird watching at Wat Hong Thong / วัดหงษ์ทอง
You can see this building all the way from Sukhumvit

Bird watching at Wat Hong Thong / วัดหงษ์ทอง

Bird watching at Wat Hong Thong / วัดหงษ์ทอง


eBird Report

Wat Hong Thong (Hong Thong Temple), Chachoengsao, TH
13 Apr 2022 12:32 - 13:13
Protocol: Traveling
0.85 kilometer(s)
9 species (+1 other taxa)

Feral Pigeon X
Whiskered Tern 3
Little Egret 3
Javan Pond Heron 6
pond heron sp. 1 Winter plumage so no proper ID
Coppersmith Barbet 1
Streak-eared Bulbul 1
Great Myna 4
Oriental Magpie-Robin 1 FEMALE
House Sparrow 1

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S106917351

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 ( https://ebird.org/home )

Bird watching at Wat Hong Thong / วัดหงษ์ทอง
Today's track at Wat Hong Thong

We find the amulet place and we buy 3 amulets and a couple of the “holy” cloths. Walking back to the taxi and we have one Coppersmith Barbet singing from a tree outside the water shop.

We get in to the taxi and we go to another temple on Sukhumvit Road. It is the temple where to monk that made my tiger amulet lived. This was 125 years ago so it is a very old magic. A famous amulet and everyone know the name of the monk, ลวงพ่อปาน. He is famous for making the เขียวเสือ amulet.

We found the stall and we bought a couple of amulets and we were back in to the car. I started the eBird app but there was no birds at the temple so 0 birds reported.. We drove to Robinson and we had tea and coffee with a little bit of food before I returned back home with the taxi.

Thursday 14 th of April 2022
and the taxi was here at 06:00 and we took off towards Bang Pu--Recreation Center. We stop at the first 7 Eleven to buy water and MAX . We take the highway and it is free today as well, and almost empty so we make it to eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center in record breaking time.

Bang Pu--Recreation Center (eBird hotspot: )

I get out of the car, I have paid for the whole day so the taxi will stay with me, very convenient, I keep my “drinks” and equipment in the car while I walk around looking for birds. I walk on the walk path along the mangrove and there are plenty Fantails and I can hear the Collared Kingfisher everywhere.

Bird watching at Bang Pu--Recreation Center
Fresh access to the canopy walk

I end reach the end of the walk way and I see that the canopy walk is upgraded and I go up to have a walk across the mangrove, but the gate is closed so I have to go down again and walk back the same way I came.

I spot 2 Common Iora but no pictures, actually I never got any pictures, at least not any good ones. The first picture I got was a Collared Kingfisher calling from top of a tree. I also managed to get a recording.

Bird watching at Bang Pu--Recreation Center
Greater Coucal

Listen to the Collared Kingfisher

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

Bird sitting in top of a tree and we can hear another bird replying far away. Same bird as on the picture below.

Collared Kingfisher, Todiramphus chloris, นกกินเปี้ยว, White-collared Kingfisher, Mangrove Kingfisher

Listen to the Dark-necked Tailorbird

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

Bird jumping around in the tree so I could not get a picture of the bird to ID the bird. After the recording I managed to get a poor picture, but good enough to ID the bird.

I also managed to get a recording of one Dark-necked Tailorbird and there were two Collared Kingfishers in the tree a bit from the Dark-necked Tailorbird tree. But I fail to get any recording. I continue towards the taxi and I get out on the pier to see if there is any mudflats.

The water was on the way out when I came and when I walk along the walk path and I flush hundreds of waders resting in the mangroves waiting for the low water so they can go look for food o the mudflats. I could not ID any of the flying waders but I hope to see them on the mudflats.

Collared Kingfisher, Todiramphus chloris, นกกินเปี้ยว, White-collared Kingfisher, Mangrove Kingfisher
Collared Kingfisher / นกกินเปี้ยว

I walk out on the pier and I pass a couple of egrets and Javan Pond Herons. The water is on the way out so no mudflats yet. I had seen huge groups of Brown-headed Gull flying over me when I was in the mangroves so I expected them to be at the pier.

One of the attractions here is to have the Brown-headed Gulls eating from your hand. They sell food at the pier and you hold up the food and the gulls grab it from your hands.

Bird watching at Bang Pu--Recreation Center
Walking out on the pier

Javan Pond Heron, Ardeola speciosa, นกยางกรอกพันธุ์ชวา

Little Egret, Egretta garzetta, นกยางเปีย, コサギ

Bird watching at Bang Pu--Recreation Center
Plenty gulls and terns

Bird watching at Bang Pu--Recreation Center
Plenty gulls and terns

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybrida, Chlidonias hybridus, นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว

Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybrida, Chlidonias hybridus, นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว
Whiskered Tern / นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว

Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybrida, Chlidonias hybridus, นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว
Whiskered Tern / นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว

Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybrida, Chlidonias hybridus, นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว
Whiskered Tern / นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว

Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybrida, Chlidonias hybridus, นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว
Whiskered Tern / นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว

There were a lot of Brown-headed Gulls at the pier and there were also quite many Whiskered Terns and I tried to get pictures of birds in flight. Not so easy with the small terns but it was fun to watch the birds flying around. I want to get to the west part of the hotspot and I walked back to the taxi.

The Driver showed me a picture and asked if it was a kingfisher. I told him that it was a Blue-winged Pitta and I asked where he took the picture. He had been behind the building where we were parked and he had spotted the bird.

We went to check out the area and there were a couple of other bird watchers. I took a seat and there was four Racket-tailed Treepie and four Swinhoe's White-eye.

Swinhoe's White-eye
Swinhoe's White-eye

Swinhoe's White-eye
Swinhoe's White-eye

Racket-tailed Treepie, Crypsirina temia, นกกาแวน

Racket-tailed Treepie, Crypsirina temia, นกกาแวน
Racket-tailed Treepie / นกกาแวน

Racket-tailed Treepie, Crypsirina temia, นกกาแวน
Racket-tailed Treepie / นกกาแวน

Blue-winged Pitta, Pitta moluccensis, นกศิวะปีกสีฟ้า

Blue-winged Pitta, Pitta moluccensis, นกศิวะปีกสีฟ้า
Blue-winged Pitta / นกศิวะปีกสีฟ้า

Blue-winged Pitta, Pitta moluccensis, นกศิวะปีกสีฟ้า
Blue-winged Pitta / นกศิวะปีกสีฟ้า

Blue-winged Pitta, Pitta moluccensis, นกศิวะปีกสีฟ้า
Blue-winged Pitta / นกศิวะปีกสีฟ้า

Blue-winged Pitta, Pitta moluccensis, นกศิวะปีกสีฟ้า
Blue-winged Pitta / นกศิวะปีกสีฟ้า

Blue-winged Pitta, Pitta moluccensis, นกศิวะปีกสีฟ้า
Blue-winged Pitta / นกศิวะปีกสีฟ้า

Blue-winged Pitta, Pitta moluccensis, นกศิวะปีกสีฟ้า
Blue-winged Pitta / นกศิวะปีกสีฟ้า

I did not have to wait for long before the Blue-winged Pitta showed up and I got a few pictures. I will have to come back for the Swinhoe's White-eye as the light is very poor and I will most likely have to use a flash. Too much grain in the pictures as I had to use a crazy ISO speed.

I left and I walked back to the taxi and we continued towards the western part of the area. I have been here many times and I always walk around, this time I will try to go there sitting in the taxi. Walking and you scare all the birds.

And yes, my taxi plan paid off immediately. We spotted a White-breasted Waterhen family and they would have taken off instantly if I had been walking. We managed to come quite close to the birds. First they walked away when we stopped, but they came back a few seconds later as they did not bother with the car.

Streak-eared Bulbul, Pycnonotus blanfordi, นกปรอดสวน

White-breasted Waterhen, Amaurornis phoenicurus, นกกวัก

White-breasted Waterhen, Amaurornis phoenicurus, นกกวัก
White-breasted Waterhen / นกกวัก

White-breasted Waterhen, Amaurornis phoenicurus, นกกวัก
White-breasted Waterhen / นกกวัก

White-breasted Waterhen, Amaurornis phoenicurus, นกกวัก
White-breasted Waterhen / นกกวัก

Bird watching at Bang Pu--Recreation Center
Red-necked Stint

Bird watching at Bang Pu--Recreation Center
Red-necked Stint

Bird watching at Bang Pu--Recreation Center
Red-necked Stint

Bird watching at Bang Pu--Recreation Center
Pond Heron

Bird watching at Bang Pu--Recreation Center - Plaintive Cuckoo, Cacomantis merulinus, นกอีวาบตั๊กแตน

We also spotted one Plaintive Cuckoo sitting on a wire. Lucky to see this one as it was behind bushes along the road, but I managed to catch sight of the bird through an opening in the vegetation.

Too far away for any good pictures but anyway, I had seen the bird that have been heard all over the area. And it is very easy to recognize the bird song. Have a listen to my previous recordings of the Plaintive Cuckoo / นกอีวาบตั๊กแตน below.

Listen to the Plaintive Cuckoo
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

I have never seen so many Plaintive Cuckoo before. I use to hear them all over Bangkok. And I get to see them in the trees some times. Maybe because of breeding or something, but now they were perching on handrails, sticks etc. Something I never seen before.

Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

I have never seen so many Plaintive Cuckoo before. I use to hear them all over Bangkok. And I get to see them in the trees some times. Maybe because of breeding or something, but now they were perching on handrails, sticks etc. Something I never seen before.

Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

Recorded outside the Blue-winged Pitta hide at Baan Maka Nature Lodge


adjective sounding sad and mournful: a plaintive cry .
Well, I don't know, does the Cuckoo sound sad?

I like the sound of the Plaintive Cuckoo / นกอีวาบตั๊กแตน and it is nice walking around looking for birds while listening to the singing. We spotted one Great Egret just before we were about to leave the area. I was about to take a picture when the egret jumped out in the water to catch a fish.

I discovered one Bar-tailed Godwit on the other side but a little too far away for pictures, and twigs in front of the bird ducking up the focus. But I need one picture to help me ID the bird when I come back home.

Bird watching at Bang Pu--Recreation Center - Great Egret, Great White Heron, Ardea alba, นกยางโทนใหญ่

Bird watching at Bang Pu--Recreation Center - Great Egret, Great White Heron, Ardea alba, นกยางโทนใหญ่
Great Egret / นกยางโทนใหญ่

Bird watching at Bang Pu--Recreation Center
Black-tailed Godwit - Poor picture, for ID purpose only

Bird watching at Bang Pu--Recreation Center
Black-tailed Godwit - Poor picture, for ID purpose only


eBird Report

Bang Pu--Recreation Center, Samut Prakan, TH
14 Apr 2022 06:55 - 09:42
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 kilometer(s)
Checklist Comments: Water on the way out and I flush hundreds of waders waiting for the low water in the mangrove when I come walking
30 species (+2 other taxa)

Feral Pigeon X
Zebra Dove 5
Greater Coucal 2
Plaintive Cuckoo X Heard all over the area
White-breasted Waterhen 6 Mama + Papa + 4 babies
Black-winged Stilt 4
Black-tailed Godwit 1 Poor pictures, for ID purpose only
Red-necked Stint 1
Brown-headed Gull 200 Many birds. 200 ++ Not possible to count.
Whiskered Tern 50
Great White Egret 3
Little Egret 2
white egret sp. 100 Many many in a pond too far away for proper ID
Javan Pond Heron 5
pond heron sp. 1 Winter plumage so not possible to give proper ID
Striated Heron 1
Collared Kingfisher 4 Heard all over the area
Coppersmith Barbet 1 Heard only
Blue-winged Pitta 1
Golden-bellied Gerygone 1
Common Iora 5
Malaysian Pied-Fantail 15
Racket-tailed Treepie 4
Dark-necked Tailorbird 1
Barn Swallow 3
Streak-eared Bulbul 4
Swinhoe's White-eye 4 Called Oriental White-eye in my books
Common Myna 3
Great Myna 4
Oriental Magpie-Robin 4
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker 1
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 2

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S106989225

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 ( https://ebird.org/home )

We left Bang Pu--Recreation Center to drive in to Bangkok City Centre and I eBird hotspot: I never heard of before, Chulalongkorn University (general area) Thai New Year and the roads are empty and it is a joy to travel the streets of Bangkok. I started my eBird app exactly 40 minutes after having stopped the app back in Bang Pu.

Chulalongkorn University (general area) (eBird hotspot: )

I stepped in through the gate, well, it was more like I had to “slide” in as the gate was not fully open and I was instantly disappointed. The area was a huge open lawn and there was a pond at my end and it did not look like much. And all I could see was Mynas and Pigeons. Where have they seen all the birds that have been reported in eBird?

Bird watching at Chulalongkorn University
Chulalongkorn University - Pond at the gate

Bird watching at Chulalongkorn University
Chulalongkorn University

Bird watching at Chulalongkorn University
Some flower reaching the other end

Bird watching at Chulalongkorn University
There are also water at this end of the park
I had already made a mental note to not bother coming back again

Bird watching at Chulalongkorn University
It is not getting more exciting than this

Great Myna, Acridotheres grandis, นกเอี้ยงหงอน

Oriental Magpie Robin, Copsychus saularis, นกกางเขนบ้าน

Bird watching at Chulalongkorn University
Common Myna

Bird watching at Chulalongkorn University

Bird watching at Chulalongkorn University
Black-collared Starling / นกกิ้งโครงคอดำ

Bird watching at Chulalongkorn University
House Sparrow


eBird Report

Chulalongkorn University (general area), Krung Thep Maha Nakhon [Bangkok], TH
14 Apr 2022 10:22 - 11:04
Protocol: Traveling
0.88 kilometer(s)
11 species

Feral Pigeon X
Spotted Dove 1
Zebra Dove 1
Coppersmith Barbet 1 Heard only
Large-billed Crow 10
Black-collared Starling 3 Look to be one adult with 2 babies
Asian Pied Starling 3
Common Myna 1
Great Myna 9 Looks to be carry nest material
Oriental Magpie-Robin 3
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 16

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S106991641

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 ( https://ebird.org/home )

Bird watching at Chulalongkorn University
Today's track at Chulalongkorn University

We left Chulalongkorn University and I have planned to visit one more eBird hotspot: here in Bangkok City Centre before going to Phutthamonthon Park. We drive towards Department of Public Relations. The eBird hotspot: Department of Public Relations is one of few hotspots marked with yellow in the city of Bangkok, 123 species observed so this was a place I wanted to visit.

Chulalongkorn University is also a yellow hotspot with 152 species observed, but where did this get me?

Department of Public Relations (eBird hotspot: )

We arrived to the Department of Public Relations and they did not let us pass the gate. I looked inside and it was for sure not looking like a birding hotspot. We asked the security and they told us to try behind the Department of Public Relations

We drove to the back and there were some trees and a pond. But I don't know if this is the area as there are buildings everywhere and people that scare the birds. I will ask someone about this area and I might come back to have a look.

We leave the area and we cross the River to go to the Phutthamonthon Park, last spot for today.

Phutthamonthon Park (eBird hotspot: )

Bird watching at Phutthamonthon Park
Phutthamonthon Park

And again, we were not allowed to enter through the south gate. Same as two years ago, but then it was for Covid. We have to go through the north entrance. This area of the park is for accessing the holy site. I want to get down to the SE corner and the east side. This is where the action is, and to walk several kilometres in the blazing sun, well, no thanks.

Back in the days we used to park the car at the ponds and then we could walk out in the wilderness. At least then the SE corner of the park was pretty much unmaintained and we spotted a lot of birds there. But we have to stay in the PIC NIC corner of the park and I really did not expect any excitements.

Bird watching at Phutthamonthon Park
Striated Heron

Bird watching at Phutthamonthon Park
Striated Heron

Red-wattled Lapwing, นกกระแตแต้แว้ด, Vanellus indicus

Red-wattled Lapwing, นกกระแตแต้แว้ด, Vanellus indicus
Red-wattled Lapwing / นกกระแตแต้แว้ด

Red-wattled Lapwing, นกกระแตแต้แว้ด, Vanellus indicus
Red-wattled Lapwing / นกกระแตแต้แว้ด

Chinese Pond Heron, Ardeola bacchus, นกยางกรอกพันธุ์จีน


eBird Report

Phutthamonthon Park (general area), Nakhon Pathom, TH
14 Apr 2022 12:10 - 12:53
Protocol: Traveling
4.64 kilometer(s)
12 species

Feral Pigeon X
Zebra Dove 1
Asian Koel 1
Red-wattled Lapwing 35
Chinese Pond Heron 1 Coming in to breeding plumage
Striated Heron 1
Indochinese Roller 4
Coppersmith Barbet 2 Heard only
Large-billed Crow 1
Common Myna 6
Great Myna 5
Oriental Magpie-Robin 1

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S106993466

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 ( https://ebird.org/home )

Bird watching at Phutthamonthon Park
Today's track at Phutthamonthon Park

And we can see that it is only the NE corner available by car. Back in the days we could drive to the SW corner and park the car. Then we could walk in to the wilderness. To reach this area now we have to trot for kilometres in the blazing sun and pounding heat. Anyway, we drove back to Sukhumvit and I could have my diner, spinach salad. Very healthy and no carbs.

Tomorrow it will be New Year Food and the plan is to go back to Bang Pu--Recreation Center on Saturday morning with a flash to see if I can get any pictures of the Swinhoe's White-eye.

Friday 15 th of April 2022
and I bought pasta making equipment to my Kitchen Aid last time in Sweden. And looks like it will be a long time before I find use for it. When my blood sugar are down too next to nothing that will be. But I have friends coming over to cook Thai food and I will take this opportunity to test my pasta machine.

My friend arrived and we got started with the pasta dough. I looked up the recipe on the computer every now and then to refresh my memory. Last time we did pasta we did not have any machine and we ended up throwing all the pasta and we cooked spaghetti that I have instead.

6 dl flour and 6 eggs + a little olive oil and we did the dough. We put the dough to rest for 30 minutes. We prepared the dough for the machine and then we started the pasta machine.

Korv Stroganoff
Korv Stroganoff

I was a little sceptic when we were ready with the pasta but it smelled like spaghetti when I put it in boiling water. I started to prepare the Korv Stroganoff when I started to heat the water. My friend had prepared the Falu Korv and onions when she arrived. So everything was chopped and ready for me.

So it was just for me to put everything in the frying pan.

Korv Stroganoff and the pasta was ready about the same time. The pasta tasted very good and we were pleasantly surprised. Food on the table and we dug in.

Homemade pasta
Food is ready

Homemade pasta
Homemade pasta

Homemade pasta
Homemade pasta

Homemade pasta
Homemade pasta

The food tasted very good and I had a wee bit too much. One hour after the meal my blood sugar was 164. Two hours after and it was 185 and I was pleasantly surprised to see that it had gone down to 147 four hours after the meal.

It is too high, but I had expected the sugar to go crazy, and I was happy to see that the sugar level started to went down again. Well, off to bed early as I will go to look for the Swinhoe's White-eye. I was not happy with my pictures from the last visit and I will bring my flash tomorrow to see if I can get any nice pictures.

Saturday 16 th of April 2022
and reaching eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center and I started my eBird app at 07:00. And I was lucky, I was alone behind the building and I took a seat in front of the bird bath. Really not many seats so if we are 3 or 4 watching birds here there is nowhere to sit.

Did not take long before the Golden-bellied Gerygone showed up for the morning bath. There was the Oriental Magpie Robins coming for bathing and of course, the Malaysian Fantail. I could hear the Collared Kingfisher, Coppersmith Barbet, Plaintive Cuckoo and of course the Asian Koel.

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center
No people watching birds

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center
No people watching birds

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center
The bird bath

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center
Oriental Magpie Robin bathing

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center
Swinhoe's white-eye and Oriental Magpie Robin bathing

Swinhoe's white-eye, Zosterops simplex, นกแว่นตาขาวหลังเขียว, Oriental White-eye

Swinhoe's white-eye, Zosterops simplex, นกแว่นตาขาวหลังเขียว, Oriental White-eye
Swinhoe's white-eye / นกแว่นตาขาวหลังเขียว

Swinhoe's white-eye, Zosterops simplex, นกแว่นตาขาวหลังเขียว, Oriental White-eye
Swinhoe's white-eye / นกแว่นตาขาวหลังเขียว

Golden-bellied gerygone, Gerygone sulphurea, นกกระจ้อยป่าโกงกาง

Golden-bellied gerygone, Gerygone sulphurea, นกกระจ้อยป่าโกงกาง
Golden-bellied gerygone / นกกระจ้อยป่าโกงกาง

I was joined by another bird watchers after 90 minutes or so and a little later a second bird watcher came along. We were soon tree bird watchers. It started to get hot and I was lucky that I had brought a drink with me. I started off taking pictures using my flash but the batteries ran flat after just a few pictures.

I will use my POWEREX Pro batteries from now on, very expensive but they are fantastic. Rechargeable but a special charger needed, but it is worth it. BAAM! And the flash is charged and you can just continue taking pictures. I had a pack with 4 new batteries and I was stupid to load the flash with them.

Took forever to charge the flash and after a while the battery was totally empty. So tomorrow I will bring my POWEREX Pro and I will enjoy a full da using my flash.

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center - Racket-tailed Treepie, Crypsirina temia, นกกาแวน

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center
Oriental Magpie Robin fresh out of the bath

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center - Scaly-breasted Munia, Lonchura punctulata, นกกระติ๊ดขี้หมู, Spotted Munia

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center - Scaly-breasted Munia, Lonchura punctulata, นกกระติ๊ดขี้หมู, Spotted Munia
Scaly-breasted Munia / นกกระติ๊ดขี้หมู

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center - Streak-eared Bulbul, Pycnonotus blanfordi, นกปรอดสวน

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center - Racket-tailed Treepie, Crypsirina temia, นกกาแวน
Racket-tailed Treepie / นกกาแวน

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center - Racket-tailed Treepie, Crypsirina temia, นกกาแวน
Racket-tailed Treepie / นกกาแวน

Listen to the Racket-tailed Treepie
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder. High Pass Filter applied in Audacity

The birds came to bath in the bird bath

Thanks to James Eaton at birdforum for ID the Common Tailorbird for me

Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder. High Pass Filter applied in Audacity

The birds came to bath in the bird bath

Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder. High Pass Filter applied in Audacity

The birds came to bath in the bird bath. Two of the same sounds followed by a different sound at the end of the recording

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, Korean Flycatcher, Tricolor Flycatcher, Ficedula zanthopygia, นกจับแมลงตะโพกเหลือง

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, Korean Flycatcher, Tricolor Flycatcher, Ficedula zanthopygia, นกจับแมลงตะโพกเหลือง
Female Yellow-rumped Flycatcher / นกจับแมลงตะโพกเหลือง

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, Korean Flycatcher, Tricolor Flycatcher, Ficedula zanthopygia, นกจับแมลงตะโพกเหลือง
Female Yellow-rumped Flycatcher / นกจับแมลงตะโพกเหลือง

Striated Heron, Little heron, Butorides striata, นกยางเขียว

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center - Racket-tailed Treepie, Crypsirina temia, นกกาแวน
Dusky Warbler


eBird Report

Bang Pu--Recreation Center, Samut Prakan, TH
16 Apr 2022 07:00 - 11:00
Protocol: Stationary
15 species

Asian Koel 1 Heard only
Plaintive Cuckoo 1 Heard only
White-breasted Waterhen 2
Striated Heron 1
Collared Kingfisher 1
Coppersmith Barbet 1 Heard only
Golden-bellied Gerygone 2
Malaysian Pied-Fantail 2
Racket-tailed Treepie 7
Streak-eared Bulbul 2
Dusky Warbler 1 Thanks to Andy Adcock at birdforum for help with ID
Swinhoe's White-eye 5
Oriental Magpie-Robin 2 Fresh out of the bath
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher 1 Female
Scaly-breasted Munia 4

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S107153398

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 ( https://ebird.org/home )

I turned off my eBird ap at 11:00 and I walked out to the street and the taxi that I had ordered via LineMan. I went to pick up my friend and we had lunch at Robinsons before I returned home to have a look at today's pictures. I had tea and chicken (ONLY) and my friend ate all the good stuff.

He had never been eating Chicken Khao Soi (Thai Coconut Curry Noodle Soup) Add a plate of steamed rice in to the soup and you have something that is really good.

Khao soi

Khao soi or khao soy (Thai: ข้าวซอย; Lao: ເຂົ້າຊອຍ; Burmese: အုန်းနို့ခေါက်ဆွဲ, is a Chin Haw dish served in Laos and northern Thailand. A comparable dish, ohn no khao swè, is widely served in Myanmar. The name means 'cut rice', although it is possible that it is simply a corruption of the Burmese word for noodles – "khao swè" – which may account for the variations.

Traditionally, the dough for the rice noodles is spread out on a cloth stretched over boiling water. After steaming the large sheet noodle is then rolled and cut with scissors. Lao khao soi is traditionally made with hand sliced rice noodles in clear soup broth and topped with minced pork and tomato sauce.

In some markets in Luang Namtha and Muang Sing vendors still hand cut the noodles. These traditionally cut noodles can also be found in several places in northern Thailand.

There are two common versions of khao soi:

Lao khao soiis completely different and has no relation to the more famous Muslim influenced khao soi, a rich coconut curry and egg rice noodle soup, of northern Thailand and Burma. Lao khao soi is a hand sliced rice noodle soup with clear chicken, beef or pork broth topped with a tomato meat sauce made of minced pork, tomatoes, garlic and fermented bean paste.

The dish is always served with a fresh herbs. Lao khao soi noodles are made with steamed rectangular sheets of rice flour batter, the streamed rice flour sheets are then rolled and sliced into wide rice noodle ribbons. The name khao soi is derived from the Lao language meaning 'sliced rice': khao is “rice” and soi means “sliced” and it is probably where the dish got its name.

The northern Lao provinces of Luang Namtha and Luang Prabang is said to be the birthplace of the Lao khao soi. Northern Laotians have a special way of preparing this dish, different versions of it can be found at Lao restaurants.

Northern Thai khao soior Khao Soi Islam is closer to the present-day Burmese ohn no khao swè, being a soup-like dish made with a mix of deep-fried crispy egg noodles and boiled egg noodles, pickled mustard greens, shallots, lime, ground chillies fried in oil, and meat in a curry-like sauce containing coconut milk.

The curry is somewhat similar to that of yellow or massaman curry but of a thinner consistency. It is popular as a street dish eaten by Thai people in northern Thailand, though not frequently served in Thai restaurants abroad.

There is some reason to believe that the Thai version of khao soi was influenced by Chinese Muslim cuisine and was therefore likely served with chicken or beef.

Different variants of khao soi that are made without any coconut milk and with rice noodles instead of egg noodles are mainly eaten in the eastern half of northern Thailand.

Khao soi is featured in the cuisine of the Shan people who primarily live in Burma. This version of khao soi, as well as the version in Chiang Rai Province, can contain pieces of curdled blood.

From Wikipedia

 S & P Bakery
Lunch at Robinson

 S & P Bakery
Eating ข้าวซอย

 S & P Bakery
Lunch at Robinson

Sunday 17 th of April 2022
and I started my eBird app at 07:00 and I was alone at the bird bath. But it did not take many minutes before I was joined by two other bird watchers. And we were soon 5 bird watchers sitting in front of the bird bath.

I stayed for 2 hours before I decided to go back home. And my batteries were flat, imagine my disappointment when I was going to fire up my flash just to discover that the batteries was empty. I was puzzled. Did I bring empty batteries instead of the fully charged?

I tried to order batteries with the GRAB app but they did not have any drivers available so this was very disappointed.

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center
Plenty people watching birds today

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center

Tuesday 19 th of April 2022
and my friend and I went to check out the eBird hotspot: “Safari World” again. We visited back on the 11th of April, but then I had no camera or my glasses. So I brought my glasses and camera when I went for the gym. First a session of yoga and some boxing.

There was not so many Painted Storks feeding their young today. Most of the young Painted Storks were now taking care of them self. But there was still a couple of adults feeding their young. I took a video of the feeding I could see, but most of the young were foraging by themself. We see one foraging at the end of the video below.

Asian Openbills, could see some young birds by them self on the ground. In the nest I could see anything from sitting on eggs to quite some big babies. So they are in all stages. And many Openbills were collecting material to improve their nests.

Maybe to build nest, but the Asian Openbill I spotted with nesting material all landed on existing nests.

Bird watching at Safari World, Bangkok
Bird watching at Safari World, Bangkok
Asian Openbill with nesting material

Asian Openbill collect nesting material

Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Many Asian Openbills in same tree- Siting on eggs and some nest with babies

Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill sitting on egg

Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill sitting on egg

Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill sitting on egg

Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill with baby

Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill with babies

Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill with babies

Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Young ones in the nest

Spot-billed pelican, Pelecanus philippensis, นกกระทุง

Spot-billed pelican, Pelecanus philippensis, นกกระทุง
Spot-billed pelican / นกกระทุง

Spot-billed pelican, Pelecanus philippensis, นกกระทุง
Spot-billed pelican / นกกระทุง

Spot-billed pelican, Pelecanus philippensis, นกกระทุง
Spot-billed pelican / นกกระทุง

Great White Pelican, Pelecanus onocrotalus, Eastern White Pelican, Rosy Pelican, White Pelican

Great White Pelican, Pelecanus onocrotalus, Eastern White Pelican, Rosy Pelican, White Pelican
Great White Pelican

Great White Pelican, Pelecanus onocrotalus, Eastern White Pelican, Rosy Pelican, White Pelican
Great White Pelican

There are also hundreds of Spot-billed Pelicans in the area and we noticed one white pelican and it turned out to be a Great White Pelican. We also spotted Moorhen babies, but no good pictures. The Red-wattled Lapwing were sitting on eggs as well, so there will be many babies in the area soon.

Of course, there were many Mynas in the area.

Common Moorhen, Gallinula chloropus, นกอีล้ำ, Rörhöna

Great Myna, Acridotheres grandis, นกเอี้ยงหงอน
Great Myna / นกเอี้ยงหงอน

Red-wattled Lapwing, นกกระแตแต้แว้ด, Vanellus indicus

Oriental Magpie Robin, Copsychus saularis, นกกางเขนบ้าน
Oriental Magpie Robin / นกกางเขนบ้าน

Oriental Magpie Robin, Copsychus saularis, นกกางเขนบ้าน

Common Myna, Acridotheres tristis, นกเอี้ยงสาริกา

Little Cormorant, Microcarbo niger, นกกาน้ำเล็ก

Little Cormorant, Microcarbo niger, นกกาน้ำเล็ก
Little Cormorant / นกกาน้ำเล็ก

Indian Cormorant, Indian Shag, Phalacrocorax fuscicollis, นกกาน้ำปากยาว

Indian Cormorant, Indian Shag, Phalacrocorax fuscicollis, นกกาน้ำปากยาว
Indian Cormorant / นกกาน้ำปากยาว

Indian Cormorant, Indian Shag, Phalacrocorax fuscicollis, นกกาน้ำปากยาว
Indian Cormorant / นกกาน้ำปากยาว

Indian Cormorant, Indian Shag, Phalacrocorax fuscicollis, นกกาน้ำปากยาว
Indian Cormorant / นกกาน้ำปากยาว

Indian Cormorant, Indian Shag, Phalacrocorax fuscicollis, นกกาน้ำปากยาว
Indian Cormorant / นกกาน้ำปากยาว

Javan Pond Heron, Ardeola speciosa, นกยางกรอกพันธุ์ชวา
Javan Pond Heron / นกยางกรอกพันธุ์ชวา

House Sparrow, Passer domesticus, Gråsparv, นกกระจอกใหญ่

Little Egret, Egretta garzetta, นกยางเปีย, コサギ
Little Egret / นกยางเปีย

Great Egret, Great White Heron, Ardea alba, นกยางโทนใหญ่
Great Egret / นกยางโทนใหญ

Great Egret, Great White Heron, Ardea alba, นกยางโทนใหญ่
Great Egret / นกยางโทนใหญ

Eastern Cattle Egret, Bubulcus coromandus, นกยางควาย, Cattle Egret, Bubulcus ibis

Black-crowned Night Heron, Nycticorax nycticorax, นกแขวก

Black-crowned Night Heron, Nycticorax nycticorax, นกแขวก
Black-crowned Night Heron / นกแขวก

African Sacred Ibis, Threskiornis aethiopicus, นกช้อนหอยขาวแอฟริกา

Black-Headed Ibis, Oriental White ibis, นกช้อนหอยขาว, นกกุลา, Threskiornis melanocephalus

Black-Headed Ibis, Oriental White ibis, นกช้อนหอยขาว, นกกุลา, Threskiornis melanocephalus
Black-headed Ibis / นกช้อนหอยขาว, นกกุลา

Black-Headed Ibis, Oriental White ibis, นกช้อนหอยขาว, นกกุลา, Threskiornis melanocephalus
Black-headed Ibis / นกช้อนหอยขาว, นกกุลา

Bird watching at Safari World, Bangkok
Pelicans and Openbills in the tree

Painted Stork, Mycteria leucocephala, นกกาบบัว
Juvenile Pained Stork, just learn to find food for it self

Painted Stork, Mycteria leucocephala, นกกาบบัว
Juvenile Pained Stork, just learn to find food for it self

Painted Stork, Mycteria leucocephala, นกกาบบัว
Bringing food for the babies

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt / นกตีนเทียน - Sitting on eggs

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt / นกตีนเทียน - Sitting on eggs

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt / นกตีนเทียน - Sitting on eggs


eBird Report

Safari World, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon [Bangkok], TH
19 Apr 2022 12:40 - 14:48
Protocol: Traveling
4.55 kilometer(s)
31 species

Feral Pigeon X
Red Collared Dove 1
Zebra Dove 4
Asian Koel 1 Heard only
Plaintive Cuckoo 1 Heard only
Common Moorhen 6 4 adults and 2 babies
Black-winged Stilt 15 We could see the eggs when the bird was standing up
Red-wattled Lapwing 5
Asian Openbill 1000 1000 ++ birds. Many birds was still sitting on eggs. Babies all from fledgelings feed by the parents and up to have left the nest. Many Openbills collecting nesting material to improve their nests.

Video of Asian Openbill collecting nesting material here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6k-xz1TMpMQ&ab_channel=www.aladdin.st

Painted Stork 500 Still some birds feeding their youngs, but most young bird by themself this time.
Little Cormorant 5
Indian Cormorant 4 One sitting alone and three sitting together
Great White Pelican 1 One Great White Pelican spotted among hundreds of Spot-Billed Pelicans. This was the only Great White Pelican I could see
Spot-billed Pelican 200 Many all over the area, at least 200.
Great White Egret 4
Little Egret 3
Cattle Egret 100
Javan Pond Heron 3
Black-crowned Night-Heron 50
African Sacred Ibis 250 Many all over the area, about 50/50 African Sacred Ibis and Black-headed Ibis
Black-headed Ibis 250 Many all over the area, about 50/50 African Sacred Ibis and Black-headed Ibis
Indochinese Roller 2
Malaysian Pied-Fantail 1
Large-billed Crow 18 Fight with Roller. One looked to have a broken wing
Asian Pied Starling 3
Common Myna 5
Great Myna 24
Oriental Magpie-Robin 2
Asian Golden Weaver 1
House Sparrow 1
Eurasian Tree Sparrow X

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S107443550

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 ( https://ebird.org/home )

Bird watching at Safari World, Bangkok
Today's track at Safari World

Bird watching at Safari World, Bangkok

Time had passed very quickly and it was time for my friend to go back to work and I went back home. My plan is to go visit the eBird hotspot: Bang Pu--Recreation Center tomorrow. And I will bring my equipment to the gym and I go straight from the gym to Bang Pu--Recreation Center.

Wednesday 20 th of April 2022
and I booked a taxi with the LineMan app. I have been visiting the bird bath at Bang Pu--Recreation Center early mornings and today I want to visit mid-day when it is really hot as I expect a lot of birds coming to cool down in the bird bath.

And I expect to be alone middle of the week day. There was one birder sitting there when I arrived but he was soon leaving. There were many birders passing the area and they were all in a hurry.

Streak-eared Bulbul, Pycnonotus blanfordi, นกปรอดสวน
Streak-eared Bulbul / นกปรอดสวน

Oriental Magpie Robin, Copsychus saularis, นกกางเขนบ้าน
Oriental Magpie Robin / นกกางเขนบ้าน

Oriental Magpie Robin, Copsychus saularis, นกกางเขนบ้าน
Oriental Magpie Robin / นกกางเขนบ้าน

There was not many birds to be seen at the bird bath. This was a disappointment as I had expected many birds to come for a “swim” to cool down in the heat.

Several birders passed walking towards the sea front so there is for sure a special bird in the area. One birder came and he set up his equipment next to me. We had a chat and he spoke with some passing birders and it seems like there is a Japanese paradise flycatcher in the area.

He asked me if I wanted to join but I did not fancy to be in a crowd. But a few minutes after he had left I decided to give it a try and I walked after him. And I was in for a surprise, never seen so many birders before. There was about 20 birders with their cameras pointing up in the trees.

Bird watching at Bang Pu--Recreation Center, Bangkok
Plenty birders at Bang Pu

Bird watching at Bang Pu--Recreation Center, Bangkok
Plenty birders at Bang Pu

Japanese paradise flycatcher, Terpsiphone atrocaudata, นกแซวสวรรค์หางดำ

Japanese paradise flycatcher, Terpsiphone atrocaudata, นกแซวสวรรค์หางดำ
Japanese paradise flycatcher / นกแซวสวรรค์หางดำ

Japanese paradise flycatcher, Terpsiphone atrocaudata, นกแซวสวรรค์หางดำ
Japanese paradise flycatcher / นกแซวสวรรค์หางดำ

Japanese paradise flycatcher, Terpsiphone atrocaudata, นกแซวสวรรค์หางดำ
Japanese paradise flycatcher / นกแซวสวรรค์หางดำ

I was very lucky, I got pictures of the bird after just a minute. I spoke with some of the birders and they had spent a long time and still no pictures. I was happy with the pictures and I walked back to the bird bath

Back at the bird bath and there was not many birds. I was joined by three other birders that had given up on the Japanese paradise flycatcher. Now we were hoping to see the bird coming here for a swim.

I got a picture of the Scaly-breasted Munia but I failed to get any good pictures of the Swinhoe's White-eyes coming to play in the water. I could hear the Collared Kingfishers from the mangroves but I could not see any of them.

Scaly-breasted Munia, Lonchura punctulata, นกกระติ๊ดขี้หมู, Spotted Munia


eBird Report

Bang Pu--Recreation Center, Samut Prakan, TH
20 Apr 2022 12:15 - 14:21
Protocol: Traveling
0.25 kilometer(s)
11 species

Zebra Dove 3
Collared Kingfisher 1 Heard only
Coppersmith Barbet 1 Heard only
Malaysian Pied-Fantail 1
Japanese Paradise-Flycatcher 1 Male
Racket-tailed Treepie 2
Common Tailorbird 1
Streak-eared Bulbul 2
Swinhoe's White-eye 4
Oriental Magpie-Robin 2
Scaly-breasted Munia 1

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S107516361

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 ( https://ebird.org/home )

Bird watching at Bang Pu--Recreation Center, Bangkok

I booked a taxi with the LineMan app and I went to have a late lunch with my friend. Last birding in Thailand before flying to Europe to look for birds in the Danube Delta. Click HERE to find out all about that adventure.


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