OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thursday 29 th of June 2023 and the GRAB car was here to pick me up quarter past 6 and I was at Siam Heritage Hotel 15 to 20 minutes later. I went up to the second floor and I meet one guy that I had not seen for many years.

It was a little bit of adventure to find the wedding. I had a big box and I decided to take the elevator, but I was confused with the buttons in the elevator and I got it all wrong. So, I went back again and I took the stairs to the second floor.

Last time I saw him was when we did bird photography back in 2016. I thought that he had brought his camera but I noticed that he was having a Canon, last time it was a Nikon. I asked if he had bought a new camera. He told me that it was our friend's camera.

My friend bought the camera from me when I bought a new camera back in 2015 or 2016. I had a look at the camera and I notice that my old Quick Release Plate for my Manfrotto tripod was still mounted on the camera.

So now I know I have not used my tripod for at least 7 or 8 years. And when I bought my new Canon EOS R3 I was looking to use my tripod. Well, the Quick Release Plate was missing so the tripod was of no use. I bought two spare Quick Release Plate from Manfrotto in Bangkok so now I have three of them.

We were waiting for the guest to arrive and of course for the couple getting married. The thing will start at 7 o'clock with the monks.

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Leaving home

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
I have to take the stairs as I cannot find my way in the elevator

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
I have not seen him for many years

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Live music

There were a group playing music and it was very nice. But after a while it was like “PLEASE!” People started to drop in but not so many are coming for the monk thing, I think it is the engagements ceremony.

They put on the rings and there is something with a white string the monks are pulling out.

Most of the people will come for the water blessing and this will be at 9 o'clock. I wanted to get some pictures so I was here early for the monk ceremony.

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Waiting for the wedding to start

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
I put my box on the table

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Waiting for the wedding to start

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
The monks are already here waiting

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
People are starting to come, and they want their picture taken

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
People are starting to come, and they want their picture taken

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
People are starting to come, and they want their picture taken

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
The monk ceremony is about to start

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
The monk ceremony is about to start

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
The monk ceremony is about to start

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
The monk ceremony is about to start

The monk ceremony is starting and they are chanting while the newly wed are lightning candles and incense. The monks have a ball of white string and they roll it out, from the first monk to the last monk. And there are prayers or something going on during the whole ceremony.

When they are ready the roll up the string to the ball again. Now it is time to pour some water in a cup. I really don't know what was going on as I was running around trying to get pictures.

When it is ready the monks are going to have breakfast, but first the monk got gifts.

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Lighting candles

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Our Hero in action

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Lighting candles

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Time for the monks to have breakfast

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Time for the monks to have breakfast

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Time for the monks to have breakfast

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Time for the monks to have breakfast

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Time for the monks to have breakfast

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Time for the monks to have breakfast

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

When the monk thing is finished the monk is having their breakfast before going back to the temple. The wedding guests went to the hotel restaurant for breakfast while waiting for the monks to be ready with their breakfast.

I took some pictures while waiting for the Sai monkhon (Joining by thread). The groom and the bride sit next to one another and one family member places traditional headpiece known as the Mong Kol on their head and the two head pieces are joined by a white string.

This symbolizes the bond that will join the couple for the rest of their life.

And then the water pouring ceremony where the guests line up to pour water over the wedded couples’ hands. So, they prepared for this while the monks and guests had breakfast.

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Waiting for the monk to have their breakfast

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Waiting for the monk to have their breakfast

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Waiting for the monk to have their breakfast

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Waiting for the monk to have their breakfast

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Waiting for the monk to have their breakfast

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Waiting for the monk to have their breakfast

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Waiting for the monk to have their breakfast

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Waiting for the monk to have their breakfast

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Waiting for the monk to have their breakfast

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Waiting for the monk to have their breakfast

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Waiting for the monk to have their breakfast

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
The monks are leaving

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
The monks are leaving

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
The monks are leaving

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
The monks are leaving

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
More pictures taken while waiting for the Sai monkhon

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
More pictures taken while waiting for the Sai monkhon

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
More pictures taken while waiting for the Sai monkhon

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
More pictures taken while waiting for the Sai monkhon

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
More pictures taken while waiting for the Sai monkhon

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
More pictures taken while waiting for the Sai monkhon

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
More pictures taken while waiting for the Sai monkhon

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
More pictures taken while waiting for the Sai monkhon

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
More pictures taken while waiting for the Sai monkhon

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
More pictures taken while waiting for the Sai monkhon

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
More pictures taken while waiting for the Sai monkhon

They only had Coca Cola products at the hotel, so even though I have given up on the MAX I went to buy my second MAX at 7 Eleven next door. I met some of the people from the Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym. They are here to attend to The Red Devil's (ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์) wedding.

We walk back to the hotel together and we are back just in time for another ceremony. I had expected the Sai monkhon (Joining by thread), but now it was something else going on.

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
On the way back from 7 Eleven

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
More pictures taken while waiting for the Sai monkhon

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Another ceremony is about to start

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Another ceremony is about to start

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Another ceremony is about to start

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Another ceremony is about to start

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Another ceremony is about to start

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Another ceremony is about to start

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Another ceremony is about to start

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
We are waiting for the Sai monkhon (Joining by thread)

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
We are waiting for the Sai monkhon (Joining by thread)

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
We are waiting for the Sai monkhon (Joining by thread)

We start the Sai monkhon (Joining by thread) and then it is the water pouring ceremony. We will have dinner and cake and then it is time to go back home. The newly wed got their string and the guests were lined up to start pouring the water.

There was a lot of people so this took quite some time. Pouring water and then sign a book and to get a souvenir. And of course, the box where the guests put the envelope with money.

Well, I gave a wedding gift. I only given cash on one wedding, and it was in the middle of nowhere so there were really no options.

Unless of course, I went to buy a couple of chickens. But cash seemed to be a better option at the time. So, I put cash in an envelope and I handed it to the couple.

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Sai monkhon (Joining by thread)

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Sai monkhon (Joining by thread)

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Sai monkhon (Joining by thread)

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Sai monkhon (Joining by thread)

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Some “holy” cream have to be applied

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Don't look like they have very fun

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Don't look like they have very fun

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
The water pouring ceremony is starting

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Water pouring ceremony

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Water pouring ceremony

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Water pouring ceremony

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Water pouring ceremony

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Water pouring ceremony

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Water pouring ceremony

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Water pouring ceremony

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Water pouring ceremony

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

The staff became busy after the water pouring ceremony was coming to an end. Now it was time for food and they prepared for the food. Many guests so they had to set up a lot of tables and chairs so we could sit down to eat.

I had 5 bowls of soup and it was a very good soup. It was the bride's mother forcing me to have something to eat. My plan was to have my salad when I am back home but I had soup and it was very good. And I drank the soup like tea.

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Thai sweets

I also tried something I had seen for many years but never tried. Small colourful Thai sweets that look, well, not to taste any good. I tried and they were excellent. So good so I had a couple of samples from each one of them.

I was surprised, it looks like small fruits, but it was not fruit and it tasted like candy. And it was very sweet and I will have to find out what it is.

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Time for food

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Time for food

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Time for food

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Time to eat cake

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Time to eat cake

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Time to eat cake

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Time to eat cake

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Time to eat cake

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Time to eat cake

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Time to eat cake

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Time to eat cake

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย
Time to eat cake

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

Thai wedding/ แต่งงานไทย

People started to go home and I left around 12 o'clock and I took a taxi back home. I will go to apply for a VISA extension tomorrow so no gym until Saturday. Yoga on Saturday morning and it will be nice, 3 days with no exercise so this is not good for my diet.

And the Thai sweets at the wedding was a little bit of a setback, but hey! It is party and it was not so much so never mind.

Sunday, and the plan is to go back to the Ancient City (เมืองโบราณ) to look for birds. Just click HERE to find out if I see any birds.



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