OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Birding/ Bird watching on a scooter in Thailand

Monday 12 th of August 2024 and it is a gorgeous morning and I take off with my Honda Giorno after my morning tea. I have decided to go visit a few eBird hotspots after having studied eBird on internet while enjoying my morning tea.

1) Bang Duan--Chumchon Boran mangroves

2) Bang Duan--Wat Bang Duan Nok mangroves

3) Wat Bang Fai (Sukhaphiban 20 Alley)

4) Bang Hua Suea

The hotspots that I have choose for today is just north of my apartment and it is a little bit more than 10 minutes to drive there. I make a stop for a refreshment at 7 Eleven on the way to the first hotspot.

Turning off Sukhumvit Road and I am on a very narrow street. I missed the street first time so I had to make a U-turn to get back to get up on the road. Narrow street for about 100 meters and I reach a small bridge across a Canal, Khlong Bang Nang Kreng.

The bridge is for motorcycles only, very narrow and when I am in Bang Nang Kreng (บ้านบางนางเกรง) across the bridge there are no roads. Only the concrete bridges to drive on.

Birding/ Bird watching in Bang Nang Kreng (บ้านบางนางเกรง), Thailand
Khlong Bang Nang Kreng

Birding/ Bird watching in Bang Nang Kreng (บ้านบางนางเกรง), Thailand
Khlong Bang Nang Kreng

Birding/ Bird watching in Bang Nang Kreng (บ้านบางนางเกรง), Thailand
I get out on the concrete bridge

I stop on the bridge but a motorcycle is coming and I roll down to the Bang Nang Kreng (บ้านบางนางเกรง) side of the canal. There is one lady coming out from one of the houses. I tell her that I am here to look for birds.

I really do not like to drive on the concrete bridges, hell, I am even afraid to walk on them. Will they collapse dropping me down in to the water/ mangroves and only God knows what is waiting to eat me down there.

The lady tells me that the concrete bridges are very sturdy so no problem to drive on them. I was still hesitating when a scooter came across the bridge.

The scooter crosed the bridge and took off on one of the concrete bridges. The Thai girls, known to be petite, well, that was maybe 20 years ago. Now it starts to look like Europe or USA.

The girls, around 75% of my size. Each, so that is a whole lot of % and I sat up on my Honda Giorno, said thanks and bye bye to the lady and I took off on the concrete bridge going towards the Chao Phraya River (แม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา)

Driving along the Khlong Bang Nang Kreng and there were not many birds to be seen. A Zebra Dove (นกเขาชวา) on the concrete bridge and one Spotted Dove (นกเขาใหญ่, นกเขาหลวง) sitting on the wire along the concrete bridge.

A slow start, but I was still excited, always a slow start. Well, I had seen two Barn Swallow (นกนางแอ่นบ้าน) Well, even if there is no bird it is quite interesting and beautiful surroundings. But I am sure there will be more birds to report in my eBird app.

I was soon hearing a Collared Kingfisher (นกกินเปี้ยว) from the mangrove next to the concrete bridge. And a little further down the concrete bridge, at a T section. One way crossing a bridge going to Sukhumvit Road and the other leaving the canal behind. There was a White-throated Kingfisher (นกกะเต็นอกขาว) flying across the bridge.

Continuing and I am soon driving past a few houses on each side of the bridge and a little bit after that I am in a village. The houses are on stilts in the mangroves next to the Khlong Bang Nang Kreng. And the concrete bridge stretch between the houses and the canal.

Birding/ Bird watching in Bang Nang Kreng (บ้านบางนางเกรง), Thailand
Passing some houses

Birding/ Bird watching in Bang Nang Kreng (บ้านบางนางเกรง), Thailand
I am not alone on the concrete bridge

Driving through the village and I cross the bridge to the other side of the canal. I continue until I reach a road and I turn back to get on the concrete bridge and the mangroves again.

Crossing the bridge and I turn left to continue along the canal but I am soon coming to a dead end. The concrete bridge is very narrow and there is really no option to turn around.

There was a guy asking where I was going and he could see my predicament. He came out on the bridge and he helped me to push back my scooter until there was a place to turn the scooter.

Birding/ Bird watching in Bang Nang Kreng (บ้านบางนางเกรง), Thailand
Dead end

Birding/ Bird watching in Bang Nang Kreng (บ้านบางนางเกรง), Thailand
Driving back

Scaly-breasted Munia, Lonchura punctulata, นกกระติ๊ดขี้หมู
Scaly-breasted Munia/ นกกระติ๊ดขี้หมู

Birding/ Bird watching in Bang Nang Kreng (บ้านบางนางเกรง), Thailand
Driving back

Paris 2024

Driving back the same way again and there were not many birds to report. No place to stop the scooter to take pictures. Put as I drive along, I see some small birds on the concrete bridge and I stop to try to get some pictures.

The birds turn out to be Scaly-breasted Munia (นกกระติ๊ดขี้หมู)and I try to get a picture. Coming back to the bridge and I stop to check my map. Next hot spot is not that far away.

Turns out that I can continue along the Khlong Bang Nang Kreng and I keep my eBird app running.

There is only one bird to be seen during the drive along Khlong Bang Nang Kreng, one Blue-tailed Bee-eater (นกจาบคาหัวเขียว) hunting from the wires along the concrete bridge. The bird never came back so there was never any opportunity to get a picture.

The concrete bridge ended at a bridge across Khlong Bang Nang Kreng. I stopped on top of the bridge to get a picture

Birding/ Bird watching in Bang Nang Kreng (บ้านบางนางเกรง), Thailand
Driving along Khlong Bang Nang Kreng

Birding/ Bird watching in Bang Nang Kreng (บ้านบางนางเกรง), Thailand
Khlong Bang Nang Kreng from top of the bridge

Birding/ Bird watching in Bang Nang Kreng (บ้านบางนางเกรง), Thailand
Turning off my eBird app and I leave the area


eBird Report

Bang Duan--Chumchon Boran mangroves, Samut Prakan, TH
Aug 12, 2024 09:06 - 09:50
Protocol: Traveling
2.78 kilometer(s)
11 species

Spotted Dove 2
Zebra Dove 3
Greater Coucal 1
White-breasted Waterhen 1
White-throated Kingfisher 1
Collared Kingfisher 1
Blue-tailed Bee-eater 1 Hunting from a wire
Barn Swallow 2 Sitting on the wire
Common Myna 1
Oriental Magpie-Robin 2
Scaly-breasted Munia 3

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S191131671

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Birding/ Bird watching in Bang Nang Kreng (บ้านบางนางเกรง), Thailand
Today's track at Bang Duan--Chumchon Boran mangroves

Turning off my eBird app and I drive down from the bridge. I start driving towards the next eBird hotspot: Bang Duan--Wat Bang Duan Nok mangroves and I turn on my eBird app 7 minutes later.

There is a big temple and I drive along the mangrove but I cannot find any access to the mangrove. One lady came out from the mangrove carry something on her back. Looked like a bundle of straws or something like that.

But no way I am walking out there among snakes and what else. I found a concrete bridge and I started to drive along. I girl on a motorcycle came in the opposite way.

She asked where I was going and I told he that I was looking for birds. She told me that the bridge ended at private houses and I was not allowed to go there.

Birding/ Bird watching in Bang Duan--Wat Bang Duan Nok mangroves
Wat Bang Duan Nok

Birding/ Bird watching in Bang Duan--Wat Bang Duan Nok mangroves
Concrete bridge to nowhere


I reach the end of the bridge and I turn around. Turning off the eBird app and I had not beenHonda Giornoable to report many birds, only 6 different kinds of birds.

There are two more hotspots to visit and I start driving to the next eBird hotspot: Wat Bang Fai (Sukhaphiban 20 Alley)

Ending up at a factory gate and I have to go back. The factory is covering a huge area and I come to a second gate onYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe other side of the factory and I have to consult my map before I can finally find the hotspot.

Sukhaphiban 20 Alley, once a narrow alley, now just a small path between garbage thrown along the alley.

What a disgrace, Thailand is a beautiful country and they destroy it by throwing garbage everywhere.

I spot a Zebra Dove (นกเขาชวา) and one Spotted Dove (นกเขาใหญ่ and I start my eBird app and I report the birds before getting out on the Sukhaphiban 20 Alley.

I was a little hesitant, what kind of dangers are roaming around among the heaps of trash? Never mind, I threw myself out in the unknown.

Birding/ Bird watching at Wat Bang Fai (Sukhaphiban 20 Alley)
Sukhaphiban 20 Alley

Birding/ Bird watching at Wat Bang Fai (Sukhaphiban 20 Alley)
Sukhaphiban 20 Alley

Driving between the trash keeping my eyes out for birds. One myna was all I could see driving through the trash. Reaching the end of the Sukhaphiban 20 Alley, after about 100 meters and it was all wilderness.

There was a dirt track and I got up on the track and I drove up and down for about 100 meters. I did not want to get out in the vegetation.

I could hear one Red-wattled Lapwing (นกกระแตแต้แว้ด) and I flushed one Striated Heron (นกยางเขียว) There were other birds but I could not ID the birds.

Birding/ Bird watching at Wat Bang Fai (Sukhaphiban 20 Alley)
There is a dirt track

Birding/ Bird watching at Wat Bang Fai (Sukhaphiban 20 Alley)
There is a dirt track

Birding/ Bird watching at Wat Bang Fai (Sukhaphiban 20 Alley)
I have to turn around

One more eBird hotspot to visit before I drive back home. Bang Hua Suea down at the river front. Arriving to Bang Hua Suea Temple (วัดบางหัวเสือ) and I start to start my Ebird app.

Well, I will not waste my time coming back here again. The hotspot is mostly the temple area, mostly parking area. I drove down to the river front and I went to see if there is any birds at the Chao Phraya River (แม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา)

No birds to be seen, but I take some pictures before getting back to my Giorno Honda. I turn off my eBird app when I am back at the temple entrance. I had only been able to report 4 different birds, so I was not very happy when I left.

Birding/ Bird watching at Bang Hua Suea
Chao Phraya River (แม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา)

Birding/ Bird watching at Bang Hua Suea
Chao Phraya River (แม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา)

Birding/ Bird watching at Bang Hua Suea
Construction work and a lot of noise

I drove around to explore the area before I got back to Sukhumvit and I drove back home for my tea and lunch. There were not many pictures to go through from today's bird watching.

Friday 16 th of August 2024
and I did not go to Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym until the afternoon yesterday. I wanted to try to have my session with The Red Devil (ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์) in the afternoon instead of the morning.

My plan is then to go look for birds in the morning and to spend the afternoon at Chaiyasit MuayYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stThai Gym. This was a great idea, both bording and boxing on the same day.

I was in a good mood leaving for my session with The Red Devil (ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์) Leaving 2 o'clock in the afternoon and I reached Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym an hour later. Not much traffic in the afternoon and I think I am on to something here.

Well, going back home was OK, a lot of cars in Srinakarin but it was no problem. But the set back was that I was hungry coming back to Samut Prakan so I went to a Japanese Restaurant. Normaly I have two meals per day, early morning and when I come back home from the gym.

Two Tier Policing

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Ready for some bird watching adventures

So, I will be back to my morning routines. I had my lunch and a shower and I left to explore some areas I had discovered on my map while having my tea. I will not bring my Canon EOS R3 with Canon RF 100-500mm IS USM lens today. I will only bring my binoculars today.

I had discovered two areas that I want to explore and I took off driving towards east on Phraeksa Road. Reaching the area but the access roads are closed. And I cannot turn off Phraeksa Road when I reach the road to the Praksa Withedsuksa School (โรงเรียน แพรกษาวิเทศศึกษา)

There is a huge green area north of the school, the area I wanted to explore. But I could not find any access, on my map there are several roads.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
No access to the area north of the school

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Checking out the area from my scooter

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Checking out the area from my scooter

I decide to drive north towards the Klom Phirun Village north of the Praksa Withedsuksa School (โรงเรียน แพรกษาวิเทศศึกษา). The road is brand new and the school looks new as well. I drive slowly keeping my eyes out for any access to the wilderness.

Reaching Klom Phirun Village and there are some dust roads, like a construction site, but it is not possible to get out as they had put a barrier along this stretch of the road.

I drive in to the village to see if I can find any access to the wilderness. There is a dust road but the road is blocked and I give up.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Driving north on the new road

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Keeping my eyes on the wilderness next to the road

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
The access to the area is closed

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
OK, now I give up

I leave the village and I spot one Brown-throated Sunbird sitting on a wire in the village. I can also report one big group of House and Eurasian Tree Sparrows foraging on an empty lot.

Back on the new road and I drive south towards the Praksa Withedsuksa School (โรงเรียน แพรกษาวิเทศศึกษา) and I make one more check for access to the wilderness and I am not lucky.

But I can report eight Common Myna (นกเอี้ยงสาริกา) and two Yellow-bellied Prinia (นกกระจิบหญ้าท้องเหลือง) otherwise nothing and I turned off my eBird app when I reached Phraeksa Road.


eBird Report

Klom Phirun Village, Samut Prakan, TH
Aug 16, 2024 15:28 - 15:58
Protocol: Traveling
2.94 kilometer(s)
8 species

Feral Pigeon 2
Zebra Dove 5
Yellow-bellied Prinia 2
Streak-eared Bulbul 1 I think there was at least two more, but not 100% so only one reported
Common Myna 8
Brown-throated Sunbird 1 Sitting on a wire
House Sparrow 25 One big group, Tree and House sparrows
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 25 One big group, Tree and House sparrows

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S191623270

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Today's track while looking for access

Brain washed

The next area to explore is just a kilometer further towards east on the Phraeksa Road. I turn off Phraeksa Road after a couple of minutes and I find myself on a narrow street. One side have a wall and on my left hand side there is a wall made out of steel plates.

Behind the steel plates were some industries that looked to be doing recycling. I drive north on the paved street and I reach a dirt track.

I get out on the dirt track but I turn around, the dirt track looks to come to an end after about 20 meters. And it is not the smell of roses around here.

I see something that looks like a huge landfill, Eastern Energy Plus Co., Ltd. (ศูนย์บริหารจัดการขยะชุมชนแพรกษาใหม่) according to the map. So it might be a power plant burning garbage.

Landfill, great places to look for birds and I could see birds with my binoculars. I decided to go there. But first I will see if I can explore this area.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Turning in to the narrow street

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
I turn around

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
I can see the pond from the Phraeksa Road

Driving back to Phraeksa Road and I continue towards east driving past the ponds. There is one place were I can get up to stop next to the pond.

There were two cormorants, too far away for proper ID. One weaver was foraging on the vegetation in the pond and that is about it. No other birds visible from the side walk.

There was really no option to drive along the pond. The area was paved with concrete, but the concrete was cracked and it was not possible to drive on the concrete.

Big signs “FORBIDDEN TO THROW GARBAGE” but of course, we can imagine how it looked in the area. I spent a couple of minutes and I turned off my eBird app.


eBird Report

Lam Salat, Samut Prakan, TH
Aug 16, 2024 15:59 - 16:11
Protocol: Traveling
0.88 kilometer(s)
3 species (+1 other taxa)

Zebra Dove 1
Little/Indian Cormorant 2 Too far away for proper ID
Baya Weaver 1
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 15

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S191623500

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Today's track at Lam Salat

Continuing towards east on the Phraeksa Road and I turned towards north at the first inter section. I drove north to have a look for the garbage dump.

Not possible to reach the garbage dump from the east and when I was at the closest point it was still far away. I decided to drive back home, it was getting late afternoon.

But I will try to reach the area from west when I have the time, most likely on Sunday whenYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stChaiyasit Muay Thai Gym is closed.

I could see egrets and a lot of other birds flying around the garbage dump area with my binoculars so I am looking forward to go there.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
The garbage dump in the horizon

Sunday 18 th of August 2024
and I pack my binoculars in the basked in front of my scooter. I get up on the Phraeksa Road and I drive for about 7 kilometres before I leave the Phraeksa Road.

Coming up on the street and I discover that the street is lined with garbage. Looks like they just have stopped their cars to throw out the garbage along the road.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
My scooter is packed for bird watching

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
The street is lined with garbage

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
The street is lined with garbage


Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
I can see the garbage dump from the bridge

Driving north on the street and I reach a bridge over a canal and I can see the garbage dump. I look for an entrance to the garbage dump.

I find a gate and I stop to start my eBird app. I report a couple of Zebra Dove (นกเขาชวา) and there was a group of Eurasian Tree Sparrow (นกกระจอกบ้าน)

I could report two House Sparrow (นกกระจอกใหญ่) sitting on the wire before the security guard came to tell me that I was not allowed to take pictures. I was not allowed to get inside the garbage dump and I continued.

There was another gate and I drove up to the security guard. He was hard asleep and I tried to wake him up. He continued sleeping so I could not ask if I was allowed to enter.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Not allowed to pass the gate

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
There is another gate

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
The garbage dump

I spot one Little Egret (นกยางเปีย) flying across so that is another bird I can report in my eBird. I was happy for it because I realized that there would not be many birds reported from the garbage dump.

Making a U-turn to go back where I had started keeping my eyes out for birds. Nothing until I reached some wetland where there were about 30 Feral Pigeons.

I parked my scooter and there was soon a motorcycle with two security guards coming to ask what I was doing. I told them that I was looking for birds.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
The garbage dump

The guards was nervous so I left and they were happy. I drive back towards the gate and there is another guard coming after me with a motorcycle and I stop.

Same question again and I tell him that I look for birds. He tells me that it is a private area. I ask if the road is private and he tells me that the road is public area.

Crossing the bridge north of the garbage dump and I look for a way to explore the area east of the garbage dump. Driving through Pruksa Village and I end up at a fishing pond.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Fish ponds at Pruksa Village

Sunday so there is a lot of people fishing. They pay a fee to use the sun shades/ tents they haveYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stput up for the fishing. Seats and everything provided and they spend the day along the pond catching fish.

I drive along the pond getting over a bridge and I get in to a very small street that ended at a house and a group of dogs barking at me.

Turning around and I drive back towards Phraeksa Road passing the garbage dump again. I can hear one Asian Koel (นกกาเหว่า) and that is the last bird I report in my eBird app.



eBird Report

Pruksa Village (Garbage dump restricted area), Samut Prakan, TH
Aug 18, 2024 16:40 - 17:07
Protocol: Traveling
3.19 kilometer(s)
7 species (+1 other taxa)

Feral Pigeon 35
Red Collared Dove 1
Zebra Dove 4
Asian Koel 1
Little Egret 1
white egret sp. 15 Sitting in a tree, too far away for proper ID
House Sparrow 2
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 5

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S191988498

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Today's track at Pruksa Village

Stopping at MACRO to buy sesame seeds for my TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® and I was lucky. They were out of all pastries so I did not have to destroy my diet when I came back home.

Wednesday 21 st of August 2024
and I had tea with my TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® coming home from Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym and my ten rounds with The Red Devil (ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์)

I studied the map and I think I have found a way to the fishing ponds north of Muangboran, The Ancient City (พระที่นั่งสรรเพชญปราสาท อยุธยา) I have tried to go there before but it was not possible to reach the area behind the industrial area where I was not allowed to pass.

But now I think I have found a way. My scooter is washed and ready for more “mud and dust” adventure. So I suspect that it will be necessary with a new scrub very soon.

Honda Giorno
My Honda Giorno gets a good scrub

Honda Giorno
My Honda Giorno gets a good scrub

Honda Giorno
My Honda Giorno gets a good scrub

Honda Giorno
My Honda Giorno gets a good scrub



I will not bring my Canon EOS R3 with the Canon RF 100-500mm IS USM lens. Binoculars only and if I find anything exciting, I will go back tomorrow with my camera. Thursday and I will take the day off from Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym.

A shower and I went down to my scooter and I was soon driving towards east on Phraeksa Road. I turned off Phraeksa Road after three and a half kilometres and I drove south for 1500 meters.

I turn off Soi Phraeksa 8 and I am on a dirt road. I stop to start my eBird app and I can report two Malaysian Pied Fantail (นกอีแพรดแถบอกดำ) and one Zebra Dove (นกเขาชวา).

It is like a garbage dump next to the road and I can hear one bird singing and I find the bird in my binoculars. I spot one Yellow-bellied Prinia (นกกระจิบหญ้าท้องเหลือง) sitting on top of a bush singing away and I get a poor recording of the bird.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
The first thing a see coming off Soi Phraeksa 8: A garbage dump

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Our hero is looking out over the garbage dump

Listen to the Yellow-bellied Prinia
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my mobile phone using the Merlin app. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

One lonely bird singing from top of a bush in the garbage dump

Leaving the garbage dump, continuing on the dirt track and I passed a couple of houses. There was a house that looked abandoned. I could hear some birds and I stopped.

I did not bring my camera, but I can try to get some recordings. I spot two Oriental Magpie-Robin (นกกางเขนบ้าน), one female and one that I only got a very quick glimpse of before the bird disappeared in the foliage.

They made some very strange sounds and I think that one of them might have been a baby. The female was moving around, but the second bird was hiding. I will send the recording to www.birdforum.net to see if anyone there have any ideas.

Listen to the Oriental Magpie Robin
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my mobile phone using the Merlin app. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

I think it s a baby. 2 magpies spotted, one female and one hiding in the tree before I got a good look.

I turn around the corner and I am surprised to discover that the dirt track ends at a house. I consult my map and I discover that I have to go back to the paved road again.

The road I want to get on is on the other side of the houses and I start to drive back to the paved road to get up on the other road going out to the fish ponds.

I stop to talk with the people sitting on a bench next to the dirt track. They are surprised that I am here to look for birds. I tell them that I try to get to the fish ponds but they tell me it is not possible to reach the ponds from here.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Driving back to the paved road

Paris 2024

Paris 2024

Paris 2024

Back on the paved road and I drive for a couple of hundret meters and I find the dirt road I need to get on to get to the fish ponds.

I drive for hundret meters or so before there are some houses on the left hand side of the road. The dirt road leaves a lot to wish for, full of potholes and it was a bumpy road.

Bumpy ride, but I enjoyed the suroundings, fish ponds on my right hand side. Dense vegetation on my left hand side so it was almost impossible to see the water along the road.

Every now and then I passed a house on my left hand side.

Driving along and there is one White-breasted Waterhen (นกกวัก) on the road. The bird take off when I approach. I stop to see if I can spot the bird.

No sign of the White-breasted Waterhen (นกกวัก) but there is one Common Iora (นกขมิ้นน้อยธรรมดา) and I manage to get a very short recording of the bird.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
On the dirt road

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Driving next to the wilderness

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Passing some houses

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
One of the fish ponds

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Driving along the dirt road

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Reaching another house

Listen to the Common Iora
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my mobile phone using the Merlin app. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

Sitting in a tree next to the dirt track

I spot five Asian Openbill (นกปากห่าง) in the pond next to the road. There were three cormorants and two of them looked to be fighting with each other. I study the reeds with my binoculars and I spot one Slaty-breasted Rail in the reeds.

Continue for a couple of meters and I stop to continue checking the area with my binoculars. I flush a Yellow Bittern (นกยางไฟหัวดำ) that takes off in to the reeds in the pond.

The bird come back and landed in the reeds on the southern embarkment, there are some reeds and the bird perch in the reed. I try to get closer and I managed to get the closest I have ever been to a bittern.

DARN! I should have brought my camera. I have seen many bitterns, but always after having flushed them and I had never been very close for any good pictures.

Donald Trump

Enjoying the Yellow Bittern (นกยางไฟหัวดำ) and I spot three Little Grebe (นกเป็ดผีเล็ก) swimming in the pond. I continue south along the dirt road and I am soon stopping to have a chat with a man fishing in the next pond.

Continuing towards south and I spot a few Little Egret (นกยางเปีย) and one crow is calling from top of a pole next to the road.

There is a group of 15 cormorants flying over one of the ponds, but too far away for a proper ID.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Leaving the Yellow Bittern (นกยางไฟหัวดำ behind

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Stopping for a chat with a fisherman

The dirt road is soon turning in to a dirt/ mud track. And when I reach the garbage station at Muangboran, The Ancient City (พระที่นั่งสรรเพชญปราสาท อยุธยา) the mud track turns in to an overgrown track and I turn around.

I have had enough of adventure, no need to get out in “snake land” and all the things just wanting to eat me. So, I turn around and start to drive back towards north again.

And time had turned very quickly and it was time to go back home. And I had enjoyed the trip going south between the Mueang Boran fish ponds

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Mud track

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Garbage station at Muangboran, The Ancient City and I turn around

Listen to the Black-winged Stilt
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my mobile phone using the Merlin app. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

On the mud flat making this non-stop call

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Looking out over the fish ponds

Driving back north and I stop at the mudflats as there are some Little Egret (นกยางเปีย) foraging. I spot many shore birds but too far away for any proper ID. There are 2 or 3 Tibetan Sand Plover with the egrets. And there are Black-winged Stilt (นกตีนเทียน)a and one of them are calling and I get a recording.

Leaving the mudflats behind and I am soon spotting one Plain Prinia (นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ) in the reeds singing away.

I turn off my eBird app when I come back to the paved road. I put on my helmet and I drive back home and I was very happy with today's birding. And it had been a nice area to drive through and I had enjoyed the bird watching.


eBird Report

Mueang Boran fish ponds, Samut Prakan, TH
Aug 21, 2024 15:42 - 17:16
Protocol: Traveling
6.45 kilometer(s)
24 species (+4 other taxa)

Little Grebe 5
Feral Pigeon 1
Zebra Dove 5
Slaty-breasted Rail 1
White-breasted Waterhen 1
Black-winged Stilt 5
Tibetan Sand Plover 2
shorebird sp. 21 One Big group resting, too far away for proper ID
tern sp. 1 Not possible for me to ID
Asian Openbill 5
Little/Indian Cormorant 18 Fight + one Big group of 15 flying over
Yellow Bittern 1
Little Egret 5
Javan Pond Heron 1
pond heron sp. 1
Great White Egret 2
Common Iora 1
Malaysian Pied-Fantail 6
Large-billed Crow 1
Yellow-bellied Prinia 1
Plain Prinia 2
Streak-eared Bulbul 3
Common Myna 1
Great Myna 12
Oriental Magpie-Robin 2
Asian Golden Weaver 1
House Sparrow 7
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 2

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S192229029

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Today's track at Mueang Boran fish ponds

Thursday 22 nd of August 2024
and I am off to the eBird hotspot: Mueang Boran fish ponds that I had visited yesterday. I had enjoyed the area so I decided to come back today with my camera.

Loading my Canon EOS R3 with the Canon RF 100-500mm IS USM lens in the front basket. A refreshment in the bottle holder and I took off towards Phraeksa Road.

Light traffic on Phraeksa Road and I haul arse down to Soi Phraeksa 8 and I turn off the main road. Going south for a couple of minutes and I reach the gravel road.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Turning off Phraeksa Road

Stopping to take off my helmet and I start my eBird app before continuing down the gravel road. I stop after a while to report 3 different birds, nothing exciting. The bird you see all over the town. So, nothing special and I continue.

I see a huge group of House Swift and Barn Swallows among them. I try to take some pictures, but it was impossible with the birds flying around hunting in front of me.

Continuing to the place where I had spotted the Slaty-breasted Rail to see if I could see the bird today again for a picture.

I counted to more than 20 Asian Openbills in the pond and I had one Plain Prinia singing next to the road. But no Slaty-breasted Rail today, but there was one Brahminy Kite hunting over the pond.

Asian Openbill, นกปากห่าง
3 Asian Openbills and a pond heron

Asian Openbill, นกปากห่าง
3 Asian Openbill

Plain Prinia, Prinia inornata, นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ
Plain Prinia

Brahminy Kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy Kite

Brahminy Kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy Kite

Brahminy Kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy Kite

I could also hear the Common Iora from the same tree as yesterday but I could not see the bird. But I was happy to have seen the Brahminy Kite (เหยี่ยวแดง)

Passing the next pond and I kept my eyes out for the Yellow Bittern (นกยางไฟหัวดำ) but of course, when I have my camera there is no sight of the bird.

Driving along the gravel road and I see a lot of birds and I manage to get a picture of one Asian Golden Weaver (นกกระจาบทอง) even though it was hiding behind the grass.

Little Egrets and cormorants, the cormorant was too far away for proper ID. I stop to take a picture of a lizard enjoying the sunshine from the top of a pole.

I could also report one Great Egret (นกยางโทนใหญ่) foraging next to one Little Egret (นกยางเปีย) There were Great Myna (นกเอี้ยงหงอน) and Common Myna (นกเอี้ยงสาริกา) on the gravel road. They take off to a tree when I approach.

Asian Openbill, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill

Asian Golden Weaver, Ploceus hypoxanthus, นกกระจาบทอง
Asian Golden Weaver (นกกระจาบทอง)

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Lizard enjoying the sunshine

There had been heavy rain during the night and the further south I get the muddier the gravel road turns out to be. I stop to check out yesterday’s mudflats, but it was full of water today.

I had seen 2 Javan Pond Herons today, but there were more pond herons, but in winter plumage so no proper ID. And I spotted more pond herons in winter plumage than in breeding plumage.

There was a dead tree and I could get pictures of the Great Myna/ นกเอี้ยงหงอน and the Common Myna/ นกเอี้ยงสาริกา. There was a group of sparrows and I managed to ID one of them as a House Sparrow/ นกกระจอกใหญ่ but this is no guarantee that they were all House Sparrows.

I have seen groups with a mix of House Sparrow/ นกกระจอกใหญ่ and Eurasian Tree Sparrow/ นกกระจอกบ้าน. But now I have both sparrows in my eBird checklist.

Pond Heron
Pond Heron

Pond Heron
Pond Heron

Great Myna, White-vented Myna, Acridotheres grandis, นกเอี้ยงหงอน
Great Myna/ นกเอี้ยงหงอน

Common Myna, Acridotheres tristis, นกเอี้ยงสาริกา
Common Myna/ นกเอี้ยงสาริกา

House Sparrow, Passer domesticus, นกกระจอกใหญ่
House Sparrow/ นกกระจอกใหญ่

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Our hero

Rain during the night, muddy and I turn around before I get out on the path down to Muangboran, The Ancient City (พระที่นั่งสรรเพชญปราสาท อยุธยา) I turn around and I start to drive north again.

Scanning the area with my binoculars and I can see two Lesser Whistling Duck (เป็ดแดง) at a far distance. There are also Black-winged Stilt (นกตีนเทียน) and Red-wattled Lapwing (นกกระแตแต้แว้ด), of course, too far away for any pictures.

I can see shorebirds as well, but again, too far away for any pictures and any proper ID.

There was a lot of Oriental Pratincole (นกแอ่นทุ่งใหญ่) sitting on the other side of the now flooded mudflats as well. I did not bother trying to take any pictures.

There was a guy and we had a chat before I take off again. He told me to come back in a couple of months and all the shorebirds will have come back from Europe to spend the winter in Thailand.

Stopping after 100 meters to report one Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker (นกสีชมพูสวน) I could never see the bird, but I could hear the bird when it took off.

Stopping again after a few hundred meters, the lizard is still enjoying the sunshine on top of the pole when I come back. There are about 7 Asian Golden Weaver (นกกระจาบทอง) in the high grass next to the gravel road.

They are busy building nest and they take off to pick up grass to weave the nests in the other side of the water. The females come to inspect the nests while the males are away to collect nesting material. I took off in order not to disturb the birds.

Asian Golden Weaver, Ploceus hypoxanthus, นกกระจาบทอง
Asian Golden Weaver (นกกระจาบทอง)


Keeping an eye out for the Yellow Bittern (นกยางไฟหัวดำ) but I had no luck. The Brahminy Kite (เหยี่ยวแดง) was still active and I tried to take a few pictures. The bird is a little bit too far away for any pictures.

I could hear the Common Iora again, and I could see two of them. I tried to take some pictures but this turned out to be impossible.

And I spend quite some time with the Common Iora before I give up and continue towards the paved road and to drive back home.

Brahminy Kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy Kite

Brahminy Kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy Kite

Asian Openbill, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Looking for birds


eBird Report

Mueang Boran fish ponds, Samut Prakan, TH
Aug 22, 2024 09:01 - 10:59
Protocol: Traveling
5.96 kilometer(s)
29 species (+3 other taxa)

Lesser Whistling-Duck 2
Little Grebe 3
Red Collared Dove 2
Zebra Dove 7
Greater Coucal 1
Asian Koel 1
House Swift 12 Flying in a group, and there were some Barn Swallows as well
White-breasted Waterhen 2
Black-winged Stilt 9
Red-wattled Lapwing 3
Oriental Pratincole 12
shorebird sp. 5 Too far away for any pictures and proper ID
Asian Openbill 23
Little/Indian Cormorant 13
Little Egret 4
Javan Pond Heron 2
pond heron sp. 6 Winter plumage so no proper ID
Great White Egret 1
Brahminy Kite 1 Young bird
Common Iora 2 Same place as yesterday
Malaysian Pied-Fantail 4
Yellow-bellied Prinia 1
Plain Prinia 3
Barn Swallow 25
Common Myna 19
Great Myna 5
Oriental Magpie-Robin 1
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker 1
Asian Golden Weaver 11 Building nest in the reeds
Chestnut Munia 3
House Sparrow 7
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 4

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S192317292

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Today's track at Mueang Boran fish ponds

They called from the post office when I was back home. I had a parcel from Sweden and I drove there to pick up my parcel. As I suspected, two wind breakers that I will use when driving my scooter for wind protection.

Driving around in a t-shirt, nice in the sunshine. But this is when you are 20, now it is another story. Pain in my back, shoulders and neck so I need a wind breaker for protection.

My new wind breaker jacket

Sunday 25 th of August 2024
and I studied the map over Samut Prakan while havin gmy morning tea. The western part of Mueang Boran fish ponds is not accessible from the eBird hotspot: Mueang Boran fish ponds

Well, maybe there are, but not without getting out on overgrown paths with snakes and what else. I found a way to get there approaching from the west side of the Mueang Boran fish ponds.

And the area looked very interesting with roads going out in the greenery. So, I jumped on my Honda Giorno after my tea and I drove towards east on Phraeksa Road. After 3 kilometres I make a U-turn and get back towards west until I reach Thetsaban Bang Pu 39 Alley.

Reaching Wittayu Kanbin 59/4 Alley after about 2 kilometres and I follow this soi until I reach Thetsaban Bang Pu 59 Alley. Driving past some industries and I am on the country side with a huge pond on my left-hand side. And water and wet lands on my right-hand side.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Passing some industries

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Country side

Two tier justice

Stopping to start my eBird app and I continue along the Thetsaban Bang Pu 59 Alley. There is a fence on my right-hand side and there are two roads going out in the wilderness, but there are closed gates so not possible to get out there.

And after a couple of hundred meters the Thetsaban Bang Pu 59 Alley is closed. I have passed a lot of closed gates and I think it is because of cattle.

So, I had to stay on the paved road and I made a U-turn reaching the fence blocking the road.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Thetsaban Bang Pu 59 Alley is closed

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Closed gates along Thetsaban Bang Pu 59 Alley

I drive back slowly and I had not been able to report many birds to eBird. Zebra doves and Prinia. I was trying to take pictures of a Chestnut Munia (นกกระติ๊ดสีอิฐ). I see one Asian Openbill (นกปากห่าง) flying over the area.

I spot one raptor and it is soaring very high up. I discover a second raptor and I think it is two eagles soaring this high up in the sky. I try to take pictures of the wing patterns for ID.

Back home and I was surprised to discover that it was two Brahminy Kite (เหยี่ยวแดง). Juvenile and I had never seen kites soaring this high before. But I could update my eBird checklist with two Brahminy Kite (เหยี่ยวแดง).

Brahminy Kite (เหยี่ยวแดง)
Juvenil Brahminy Kite (เหยี่ยวแดง)

Brahminy Kite (เหยี่ยวแดง)
Juvenil Brahminy Kite (เหยี่ยวแดง)

Yellow-bellied Prinia, Prinia flaviventris, นกกระจิบหญ้าท้องเหลือง
Yellow-bellied Prinia/ นกกระจิบหญ้าท้องเหลือง

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand

There was a lot of Yellow-bellied Prinia (นกกระจิบหญ้าท้องเหลือง) and a couple of Plain Prinia. I will not bother to come back here again. There was no way to leave the paved road to get out to explore the wilderness.

But there was the excitement with the cattle coming down to road. So it was not boring.

I was enjoying my birding even though there was not many of them. But the cattle made it a little exciting. I drove up and down Thetsaban Bang Pu 59 Alley a couple of times before I decided to leave the area.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Cattle coming down the road

Asian Golden Weaver, Ploceus hypoxanthus, นกกระจาบทอง
Asian Golden Weaver/ นกกระจาบทอง

Asian Golden Weaver, Ploceus hypoxanthus, นกกระจาบทอง
Asian Golden Weaver/ นกกระจาบทอง

Donald Trump

There were two Asian Golden Weaver (นกกระจาบทอง) that I could report. I spotted the birds foraging in the grass and they took off when I approached. I stopped and after a few minutes they came back again.

Turning of my eBird app and I spotted one Yellow-vented bulbul on the fence. I turned on my eBird app to add the bulbul. And I could also add one Little Grebe. I had to start the eBird app a third time when a bittern flew across the reeds.


eBird Report

Thetsaban Bang Pu 59 Alley, Samut Prakan, TH
Aug 25, 2024 10:21 - 11:13
Protocol: Traveling
1.95 kilometer(s)
15 species (+3 other taxa)

Little Grebe 1
Zebra Dove 7
Asian Koel 1
Asian Openbill 1
cormorant sp. 1
small bittern sp. 1
Little Egret 1
pond heron sp. 1 Winter plumage so no proper ID
Brahminy Kite 2 Soaring very high. So I was actually surprised when I came back home to ID the bird.
I never seen them soar high like this before.

Malaysian Pied-Fantail 2
Large-billed Crow 2
Yellow-bellied Prinia 5
Plain Prinia 2
Yellow-vented Bulbul 1
Great Myna 1
Asian Golden Weaver 2
Chestnut Munia 1
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 11

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S192661536

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Today's track at Thetsaban Bang Pu 59 Alley

Leaving Thetsaban Bang Pu 59 Alley and after 100 meters or so driving along Wittayu Kanbin 59/4 Alley when I stopped. There were some wetlands with buffaloes. Great Mynas “Piggy Backing” on the buffaloes and I wanted a picture.

And there were Eastern Cattle Egret (นกยางควาย) foraging with the buffalos. So, I started my eBird app after having stopped and I started to count the birds that I could see.

I discovered six Asian Openbills as well, so there were a few birds to be reported before I continued to look for another birding place.

Great Myna, White-vented Myna, Acridotheres grandis, นกเอี้ยงหงอน
Great Myna/ นกเอี้ยงหงอน

Great Myna, White-vented Myna, Acridotheres grandis, นกเอี้ยงหงอน
Great Myna/ นกเอี้ยงหงอน

Eastern Cattle Egret, Bubulcus coromandus, นกยางควาย
Cattle Egret/ นกยางควาย

Eastern Cattle Egret, Bubulcus coromandus, นกยางควาย
Cattle Egret/ นกยางควาย


eBird Report

Wittayu Kanbin 59/4 Alley, Samut Prakan, TH
Aug 25, 2024 11:29 - 11:31
Protocol: Traveling
0.1 kilometer(s)
6 species

Zebra Dove 1
Asian Openbill 6
Little Egret 1
Eastern Cattle Egret 6
Great Myna 5
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 15

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S192666329

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Today's track at Wittayu Kanbin 59/4 Alley

Monday 26 th of August 2024
and I will have to drive to Bang Pu post office again. They have called and they have a parcel from abroad. There is no slip in my post box and I went to investigate what is going on.

They have sent my parcel to my friend, so obviously, I have ordered to my friends address and I had given my phone number.

I went out to my scooter and I programmed the Amara Beach Roundabout (วงเวียนหาดอมรา) in my GPS. I had explored Samut Prakan on my map before leaving for Bang Pu Post Office (ที่ทำการไปรษณีย์บางปู) . And the area around Amara Beach Roundabout (วงเวียนหาดอมรา) looks to be interesting.

And even if there are no birds, there will be a view over Chao Phraya River (แม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา)

Driving towards west on Sukhumvit Road leaving Bang Pu Post Office (ที่ทำการไปรษณีย์บางปู) behind and I turn off Sukhumvit after 3 kilometres. Continue on some small streets until I reach Thai Ban Road and then it is straight down to the Chao Phraya River (แม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา)

It is hot so I stop to buy a bottle of water on the way. Approaching Amara Beach Roundabout (วงเวียนหาดอมรา) and I can see the superstructure of one ship passing bound for Gulf of Thailand.

I speed up trying to make it to the roundabout before the ship disappear so I can get a picture.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
The ship disappear

By the time I have parked my scooter the ship is disappearing and it is too far away for any picture. I look around for birds and I can report one Large-billed Crow (อีกา) in my eBird app. High water so there is not much of any mudflats.

There are some tidal ponds and there are many Great Egret (นกยางโทนใหญ่) and I can count 13 of them. There are a few Little Egret (นกยางเปีย) There were a few pond herons in winter plumage so it was not possible to give a proper ID.

Checking the ponds with my binoculars, I did not bother to bring my camera. I could see some cormorants, but too far away for a proper ID.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Ponds at the Amara Beach Roundabout

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Ponds at the Amara Beach Roundabout

I see three Painted Stork (นกกาบบัว) foraging in the water. I had not expected much, but my eBird checklist is slowly getting longer. I drive along the Thai Ban Road and I can add a fantail and one sunbird is sitting on the wire along the road.

Turning around and I drive back towards the roundabout and there is one ship leaving and one arriving. So, I wait for a couple of minutes to get a picture of the ships.

I speak with a guy while waiting and he is wondering what I am doing. Looking for birds, but as it is high water there is no mudflats. He tells me that there use to be birds during the low water.


Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
One ship arrive and one ship is leaving

I leave the Amara Beach Roundabout (วงเวียนหาดอมรา) driving north on Thai Ban Road to go have a look for another area. I stop to turn off my eBird app reaching the end of the ponds.

I discover that this area is an eBird hotspot: Had Amara when I stopped my eBird app.

Good, no need to write any name of the area in the app.


eBird Report

Had Amara, Samut Prakan, TH
Aug 26, 2024 15:54 - 16:29
Protocol: Traveling
2.62 kilometer(s)
12 species (+3 other taxa)

Feral Pigeon 4
Zebra Dove 2
Asian Koel 1 Heard only
Painted Stork 3
Little/Indian Cormorant 6 Too far away for proper ID
Little Egret 3
Javan Pond Heron 1
pond heron sp. 2 Winter plumage so not possible to give proper ID
Great White Egret 13
Malaysian Pied-Fantail 1
Large-billed Crow 5
swallow sp. 1 Not possible for me to ID the flying swallow.
Common Myna 1
Ornate Sunbird 1 Lone bird sitting on the wire along the road
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 3

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S192818949

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Today's track at Had Amara

Leaving Thai Ban and I take the small narrow streets until I reach the Chao Phraya River (แม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา) and the area looked like a storage area for sand and gravel. Heaps of sand and gravel with excavators.

There is no birds to be seen and I end up on a jetty and there are some barges. They load the sand on the barges and there are some excavators on the jetty.

I spot a couple of pond herons and I decide to start my eBird app. There is also one Collared Kingfisher (นกกินเปี้ยว) sitting in a mangrove tree.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
The jetty at Thasaidenchai

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
The jetty at Thasaidenchai

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
The jetty at Thasaidenchai

Moving to the north side of the jetty and there is mud flats with egrets and herons. I can also see 4 plovers foraging on the mudflats. But as I did not bring my camera so no pictures, I can bring back home to ID the birds.

The plovers are reported as plover sp. in my eBird app. The egrets were too far away for proper ID so I reported them as white egret sp.

Leaving the jetty driving back towards the paved road and I can report three Scaly-breasted Munia (นกกระติ๊ดขี้หมู) going back. The gravel road is in very poor condition, for trucks only so it was a very bumpy ride.


eBird Report

Thasaidenchai, Samut Prakan, TH
Aug 26, 2024 16:38 - 16:54
Protocol: Traveling
0.5 kilometer(s)
10 species (+3 other taxa)

Red Collared Dove 3
Spotted Dove 1
Zebra Dove 3
plover sp. 4
Painted Stork 1
Little Egret 2
pond heron sp. 7 Winter plumage so no proper ID
white egret sp. 6 Too far away for proper ID
Collared Kingfisher 1
Large-billed Crow 1 .
Common Myna 5
Scaly-breasted Munia 3
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 7

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S192826536

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Today's track at Thasaidenchai

Driving back home and I leave the main road every now and then to look for new birding areas. Did not find anything interest, well, I did not want to spent too much time on it as it was getting late,Honda Giornoand it is soon time to go to sleep.

Driving around and there is a lot of children saying hello and I said hello back in Thai. They kept on speaking English and I realised that they wanted to practice their English.

The people were very friendly, and maybe a bit surprised to see Nelly the Elephant driving around the area on a scooter.

Stopping to fill up gas and I took the opportunity to replenish my refreshments before driving back home.

There are many more areas to explore and I will continue when I have the time, but tomorrow morning, it is back to Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym and The Red Devil (ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์)

Wednesday 28 th of August 2024
and I have my tea coming back home from Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym. A shower and I take off on my birding scooter to check out a place down at the Chao Phraya River (แม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา) hunting over the area.

I drive along the Thai Ban Road towards the Amara Beach Roundabout. I make a mistake and I turn off Thai Ban Road at the wrong street. 100 meter south of the street I was intended to get up on.

But this road looked interesting and I continued and I spot two Blue-tailed Bee-eater (นกจาบคาหัวเขียว) sitting on the wire along the concrete street. Interesting, but no exciting enough for me to turn on my eBird app.

The street ends at a gate to THAI NIPPON STEEL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION and I make a U-turn. Driving back and I see an open gate and it looks to be a bit of wilderness and I drive inside.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
I find an interesting concrete road

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
I find a open gate

Far Right

The first thing I see coming inside as a lot of Feral Pigeons. One crow is flying over the area and I think it is two. But I double checked the second crow and it turned out to be one Brahminy Kite (เหยี่ยวแดง) hunting over the area.

Now things started to get interesting and I started the eBird app. I could report two Little Egret (นกยางเปีย) and one pond heron that was flushed when I stopped my scooter.

I continue following a gravel road going down to Chao Phraya River (แม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา) and I can report one White-breasted Waterhen (นกกวัก) walking across the gravel road.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Following the gravel road

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Reaching the shipyard

I reach the shipyard at the Chao Phraya River (แม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา) and they have pulled up a barge from the river. They were busy painting the barge, the barge was almost completed and they were painting the name with white paint.

The river front was full of garbage and I did not feel like getting out in the garbage. But I could see some birds sitting on poles in the river. Of course, too far away for any proper ID.

I was happy to have found the place, it was nice even though there was a lot of garbage. But I will not be surprised to find myself here again.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Chao Phraya River (แม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา)

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Chao Phraya River (แม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา)

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Painting a barge

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Chao Phraya River (แม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา)

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Chao Phraya River (แม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา)

Driving back to the paved road and I could report five Spotted Dove (นกเขาใหญ่, นกเขาหลวง) sitting on the gravel road. And I could report the Blue-tailed Bee-eater (นกจาบคาหัวเขียว) hunting from the wire next to the concrete street.

There are birds singing from the vegetation and I try to ID the birds with my Merlin app, but no result and I turned off my eBird app.


eBird Report

บริษัท ฮะเฮงเส็ง (1940) จำกัด - Shipyard, Samut Prakan, TH
Aug 28, 2024 15:15 - 15:37
Protocol: Traveling
1.87 kilometer(s)
12 species (+3 other taxa)

Feral Pigeon 41
Spotted Dove 5
Zebra Dove 2
Greater Coucal 1
Asian Koel 1
White-breasted Waterhen 1
tern sp. 1 Sitting on a pole in the Chao Phraya River, too far away for proper ID
Little/Indian Cormorant 1 Sitting on a pole in the Chao Phraya River, too far away for proper ID
Javan Pond Heron 1
Great White Egret 4
Brahminy Kite 1
Collared Kingfisher 1
Blue-tailed Bee-eater 2 Hunting from a wire along the street
Large-billed Crow 1
swallow sp. 1 Sitting on a pole in the Chao Phraya River, too far away for proper ID

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S193037052

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Today's track at บริษัท ฮะเฮงเส็ง (1940) จำกัด - Shipyard

Driving back to Thai Ban Road and I took off on the correct street. And the street was a bridge for motorcycles going along a small river/ canal. There is a small sluice in the river/ canal. So my guess is that it is an old river and they controlled the water to the rice paddies/ fish ponds back in the days before it turned in to a part of the city.

I get up on the bridge and I start to drive along the river. The bridge will take me to the village called Khong Sala Daeng at the mouth of the river.

Driving along the river and there is actually not many birds to report to my eBird app. Two Feral Pigeons and one Little Egret.

Passing a red spirit house/ shrine and I stop to take a few pictures.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Getting up on the bridge

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Driving along the bridge

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Spirit house

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Spirit house

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Continuing towards the river


Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Continuing towards the river

Approaching the village and I could see a lot of Little Egrets along the river. A few pond herons, but mostly Little Egrets. I could count to at least 4 big monitor lizards swimming in the river.

Continuing and I reach a bridge over the river/ canal. I cross the bridge and I am soon running in to trouble. The motorcycle road turns in to a concrete bridge continuing over the mangrove between the stilt houses along the river/ canal.

For sure, I do not want to get out on the concrete bridge so I try to turn around. The platform outside what looks like a restaurant have some wood boards in it. And there are some holes in the concrete so I can see the mangrove under the bridge.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Reaching Khong Sala Daeng village

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Reaching Khong Sala Daeng village

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Bridge over the river

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Bridge over the river

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Crossing the bridge and I soon have to make a U-turn

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
They continue on the concrete bridge, but I turn around

Turning around my scooter was not so easy. I did not want to step on the wood boards or to come close to any of the small holes in the concrete. Imagine falling through with my Honda Giorno, IHonda Giornowould have sunk in the mud under the concrete bridge.

I manage to turn around the scooter and after a bit of a struggle I could get back up on my scooter.

Starting to drive back to Thai Ban Road and I was a wee bit disappointed as I had expected to get out to the Chao Phraya River (แม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา) But the bridge was nothing I wanted to take a chance with so back home it was.

I stop on the bridge to get a few pictures of the river. And the area was full of Little Egrets sitting on the boats and power wires and I discovered more and more of them sitting everywhere.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
View from the bridge

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
View from the bridge

I am on top of the bridge when I see a motorcycle coming up and then taking off towards the river mouth. I have a look and I discover a concrete bridge running along the south side of the river.

There are some motorcycles coming and I let them out on the bridge before I get out on the bridge along the river. And there were Little Egrets sitting on almost all the boats and they looked like there were preparing for a night of rest.

It was nice to drive through the village, stilt houses on my left-hand side and the river and fishing harbour on my right-hand side.

There were some small fishing boats, a little bit bigger than canoes coming and going. The people were very friendly, maybe a little surprised to see Nelly the Elephant coming down the concrete bridge on a scooter and a set of binoculars around the neck.

I do not think there are many foreigners coming here. But my concentration was to keep on the concrete bridge as I did not fancy ending up in the “wilderness”

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Driving along the river

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Driving along the river

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Pedestrian bridge
We can see all the fire extinguishers on the left-hand side

There is a pedestrian bridge over the river when I reach the mouth of the river. Next to the bridge, there are a lot of portable fire extinguishers. And I think they keep them here if theyFire fighterhave a fire. The area is not accessible with any fire trucks.

At least this is what I think. Why would they keep the extinguishers at the bridge?

Driving past the pedestrian bridge and I stopped after about 20 meters. The bridge continued for about 5 meters out in to the Chao Phraya River (แม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา)

Did not want to go any longer as I have to turn my scooter around to drive back. The boats were full of Little Egrets and they were looking to prepare for the night rest. There was a little argument over the best places to rest and I tried to record the birds.

Listen to the Little Egret
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my phone using the Merlin app. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity.

Little Egrets resting on the boats in the fish harbour and they had some fights about the best place to sit at.

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand

It was a pleasure to have drove along the river, and the village was really pleasant. I got my recording of the Little Egrets and I turned my Honda Giorno on the concrete bridge.

Was a little effort to turn around, but I managed and I got back up on the scooter and I started to drive back toward the Thai Ban Road.

Following the river back to the Thai Ban Road and I did not see any birds after having put the village behind me. There was a bit of traffic coming from the Thai Ban to the village as it was late afternoon. Mostly students and some motorcycles had 4 people on them.


eBird Report

Khong Sala Daeng, Samut Prakan, TH
Aug 28, 2024 15:44 - 16:21
Protocol: Traveling
3.22 kilometer(s)
9 species (+1 other taxa)

Feral Pigeon 3
Spotted Dove 1
Zebra Dove 1
Plaintive Cuckoo 1
Little Egret 24
Javan Pond Heron 2
pond heron sp. 1
Great White Egret 1
Malaysian Pied-Fantail 1
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 3

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S193035256

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Birding/ Bird watching at Samut Prakan, Thailand
Today's track at Khong Sala Daeng

Reaching Thai Ban Road and I stop at the motorcycle taxi stand to turn off my eBird app. I speak with the motorcycle taxi drivers and one of them tells me to go fill up air in my tyres. He points me to a shop where I can fill air.

I said thank you and I took off looking for the motorcycle shop and I drive along, but I cannot find the shop and they are laughing when I come back. Where theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stdid you go?

The shop was just next to the taxi stand and I had the guy to fill my tyres and it set me back by 5฿ and I took off going back home with a stop to fill up my scooter with gasoline.

Saturday 31 10 st of August 2024
and there will be no bird watching today. We will go to watch two fighters from Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym after my 10 rounds with The Red Devil (ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์) in the morning.

The fights are at Luktupfah Muay Thai and Muay Boran school (ลูกทัพฟ้า มวยไทยและมวยไทยโบราณ) in On Nut. So, it is on my way home and I take my scooter and the rest of the gym goes in cars.

I drive back home and I turn off Srinagarindra when I reach On Nut Road and it is 10 minutes or so to the Luktupfah Muay Thai Gym.

Donald Trump

I arrive to Luktupfah Muay Thai Gym and I park my scooter. There are a lot of cars along the dirt track outside the gym, but I find some space for my scooter in the gym parking lot.

The fights have started and I can hear the cheering and screaming when I park my scooter. Sounds like there was a lot of people and I discover that the gym is full when I get inside.

Taking of my shoes and I have a look for people from Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym.

Luktupfah Muay Thai and Muay Boran school (ลูกทัพฟ้า มวยไทยและมวยไทยโบราณ)
Preparing our fighter

One of the trainers from Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym are there to prepare the first fighter and I go to have a chat. I know the fighter as well and I take the opportunity to “pep” him.

They ask me where the rest of the people are and I tell them that they are on the way. And they arrive when our fighter is on the chair at the ring. He is up next fight and his opponent are in the chair next to me.

We ar joined by 4 other people from Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym are coming just in time for the start of the fight.

Luktupfah Muay Thai and Muay Boran school (ลูกทัพฟ้า มวยไทยและมวยไทยโบราณ)
Getting ready for the fight

The Red Devil (ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์)
The Red Devil (ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์) have arrived

Luktupfah Muay Thai and Muay Boran school (ลูกทัพฟ้า มวยไทยและมวยไทยโบราณ)
Getting ready for the fight

Luktupfah Muay Thai and Muay Boran school (ลูกทัพฟ้า มวยไทยและมวยไทยโบราณ)
The fight is about to start

A bit of Cowboy music while waiting for the fight

Donald Trump

Donald Trump

The Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym Team called me and we went to sit down to have a look at the fight. But I went ringside to have a look and to “pep” our red corner.

The trainers prepared our fighter in the red corner and the fight will start in a few minutes. They did the traditional dance or whatever they call it. The fighters walking around the ring praying.

It did not take long before it was clear that our fighter was much better than the opponent. The opponent looked to fall any second in the 3rd round, he was exhausted. He felt before the end of the round and I was sitting in his corner when the fight came to an end.

Luktupfah Muay Thai and Muay Boran school (ลูกทัพฟ้า มวยไทยและมวยไทยโบราณ)
They are getting ready to start

Luktupfah Muay Thai and Muay Boran school (ลูกทัพฟ้า มวยไทยและมวยไทยโบราณ)
They are getting ready to start

Luktupfah Muay Thai and Muay Boran school (ลูกทัพฟ้า มวยไทยและมวยไทยโบราณ)
Our fighter winns and the opponent is not able to attend the end

There are a couple of fights before the second Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym fighter is going in to the ring. He takes the seat with his opponent when the last fight before their fight is starting.

They seem to be good friends and I think they have known each other for a long time. But I had to step in when our trainer started to prepare the opponent. I told him to attend to our fighter making sure that he would win.

So yes, they were all good friends. It is the first fight for our fighter and his opponent had 10 fights under the belt.

Luktupfah Muay Thai and Muay Boran school (ลูกทัพฟ้า มวยไทยและมวยไทยโบราณ)
2nd fighter is getting ready

Luktupfah Muay Thai and Muay Boran school (ลูกทัพฟ้า มวยไทยและมวยไทยโบราณ)
The fan club

Well, the fight started and it was soon clear that the opponent was better and Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym ended with one win and one lost so it OK.

It was almost one o'clock in the afternoon and I was getting hungry. I had a small bag of peanuts before going to Luktupfah Muay Thai and Muay Boran school (ลูกทัพฟ้า มวยไทยและมวยไทยโบราณ)

But now I was hungry and I went back home for tea and a TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ®

Well, let's swing over to the month of September 2024 to see if I see any birds from my scooter. Click HERE to find out if there are any birds to be seen.



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