OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

July 2024

Wednesday 10 th of July 2024 and I wake up at 3 thirty, 30 minutes before my alarm is set to go off. So, I am drinking tea when my alarm goes off.

I open the blinds on my window around 4 thirty and I am surprised to discover that it is day light.

Looks to be gloom and grey, but the sun is shining when I open the blinds again 30 minutes later.

I had finished my tea and I went to look for a taxi to take me to the first eBird hotspot for the day. And I was pretty excited.

Best Western Hotel Fino Tokyo Akasaka
Tokyo from my window around 4 thirty

Best Western Hotel Fino Tokyo Akasaka
Tokyo from my window at 5 o'clock

Best Western Hotel Fino Tokyo Akasaka
Street empty outside my hotel

Best Western Hotel Fino Tokyo Akasaka
Street empty outside my hotel

Best Western Hotel Fino Tokyo Akasaka
My hotel

The streets are empty but I manage to find a taxi after a while. I was really surprised, early morning and it was really getting hot. Arriving yesterday afternoon and it was almost 33°C 6 o'clock in the evening.

And the humidity, it was like a sauna. We have 33 ° C in Bangkok every day and you are not even thinking about it.

The taxi dropped me at the eBird hotspot: 新宿区--新宿御苑 (Shinjuku Ward--Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden) and I started my eBird app around 5 thirty. I turned off the app after a few minutes trying to find an entrance to the park.

The park was closed and they did not open until 09:30 and I looked for a taxi to take me to the next eBird hotspot: 千代田区--赤坂御用地 (Chiyoda Ward--Akasaka Parkland)

We stop at one gate and it turns out to be a private area with police guarding the area. We try the north side and I get out of the taxi. The area is closed and I was disappointed yet again.

There is another hotspot nearby and I decide to walk there to have a look.

Walk in Tokyo
Walking to the next hotspot

Walk in Tokyo
Walking to the next hotspot

Walk in Tokyo
Early morning and the streets are almost empty

Walk in Tokyo
I can see the hotspot from the road

Reaching the eBird hotspot: 港区--弁慶堀--西面 (Minato Ward--Benkei Moat--west side) and I am soon to discover that the area is closed off.

Bamboo gates blocking the trails and I cannot access the area. And I was almost starting to cry. What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stis going on?

All the parks are closed and, well, I had never seen it. But you have the impression is that all theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stJapanese like to jogging and to do gymnastics in the parks. Well, I have seen a lot of early morning joggers but they have been jogging on the sidewalks.

eBird hotspot: 港区--弁慶堀--西面 (Minato Ward--Benkei Moat--west side)
No access to eBird hotspot: 港区--弁慶堀--西面 (Minato Ward--Benkei Moat--west side)

eBird hotspot: 港区--弁慶堀--西面 (Minato Ward--Benkei Moat--west side)
No access to eBird hotspot: 港区--弁慶堀--西面 (Minato Ward--Benkei Moat--west side)

I consult my map, there are two eBird hotspots near my hotel and I decide to give them a try:
• 千代田区--国会前庭 (Chiyoda Ward--Diet Front Park (Kokkai-zentei)
• 千代田区--憲政記念公園 (Chiyoda Ward--Kensei Memorial Park)

The driver stop at the 千代田区--国会前庭 (Chiyoda Ward--Diet Front Park (Kokkai-zentei) and surprisingly enough it is open. Only a very small park and you walk through the park in a couple of minutes if you do not look for birds.

The Eurasian Tree Sparrow is the first bird I see and I can report two of them. There are also two Feral Pigeons I can report before I continue towards the small pond on top of the low hill.

eBird hotspot: 千代田区--国会前庭 (Chiyoda Ward--Diet Front Park (Kokkai-zentei)
Feral Pigeon

eBird hotspot: 千代田区--国会前庭 (Chiyoda Ward--Diet Front Park (Kokkai-zentei)
eBird hotspot: 千代田区--国会前庭 (Chiyoda Ward--Diet Front Park (Kokkai-zentei)

eBird hotspot: 千代田区--国会前庭 (Chiyoda Ward--Diet Front Park (Kokkai-zentei)
eBird hotspot: 千代田区--国会前庭 (Chiyoda Ward--Diet Front Park (Kokkai-zentei)

eBird hotspot: 千代田区--国会前庭 (Chiyoda Ward--Diet Front Park (Kokkai-zentei)
White-cheeked Starling

eBird hotspot: 千代田区--国会前庭 (Chiyoda Ward--Diet Front Park (Kokkai-zentei)
Today's track at eBird hotspot: 千代田区--国会前庭 (Chiyoda Ward--Diet Front Park (Kokkai-zentei)

Walking in Tokyo
Crossing the road to the next hotspot

So only tree species reported at this first eBird checklist for me in Tokyo for this year. Next hotspot is just across the road and I went there and I started my eBird app at 07:03.

The first birds I spotted was the White-cheeked Starling and there were quite a few of them. There were a couple of Tree Sparrows and I went to the pond and I sat down to see if there were any birds coming to drink.

There were a group of Feral Pigeons coming to drink. Otherwise, nothing and I decided to go back to Best Western Hotel Fino Tokyo Akasaka.

eBird hotspot: 千代田区--憲政記念公園 (Chiyoda Ward--Kensei Memorial Park)
Pond at 千代田区--憲政記念公園 (Chiyoda Ward--Kensei Memorial Park)

eBird hotspot: 千代田区--憲政記念公園 (Chiyoda Ward--Kensei Memorial Park)
Feral Pigeon

eBird hotspot: 千代田区--憲政記念公園 (Chiyoda Ward--Kensei Memorial Park)
Today's track at 千代田区--憲政記念公園 (Chiyoda Ward--Kensei Memorial Park)


Getting out of the taxi and I stopped to buy some breakfast, all restaurants are closed so I will have tea in my room. And I will try some other hotspots in the afternoon to see if I can at least get some birds under my belt before leaving for Mount Fuji tomorrow morning.

Leaving for the eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond)) and I started by walking the the supermarket. They had MAX with pineapple taste and I walked to the next supermarket. All within 5 minutes from Best Western Hotel Fino Tokyo Akasaka.

I bought one “SUPER ZERo” and I left to find a taxi to take me to Tokyo Port. I found a taxi and I was soon on my way. I had only bought one refreshment to try if it was any good before buying more.

Tokyo Taxi
Enjoying a refreshment in the back

Tokyo Taxi
On the way to a new birding adventure

The MAX was, well, they are much better in Thailand. But it was OK I guess and I will buy a couple of bottles tonight to bring with me to Mount Fiji.

The driver asked if it was OK to use the express way, it would set us back by 500¥ and I told him that it was OK.

We ended up at the Tokyo Port and it was industries for long as I could see. More trucks than cars and I was surprised to suddenly see a sign with a bird on it. Making a U-turn under a bridge and then we took off th ehighway entering on a narrow road through a small tunnel.

We parked on a gravel ground. We were next to some kind of industry but the driver told me that this was the end of the road. There was a small gate and this was the entrance to the Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park.

Bird watching at 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park
Some kind of industry

Bird watching at 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park
Entrance to the Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

I walked for 200 meters or so and I came to the Reception Desk and Management Office. And there were vending machines and bathrooms. I bought my ticket, 300¥ and I started to walk towards the first bird hide, the East Observation Blind

About the Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

The park sits along the edge of the Port of Tokyo, with ponds that are connected to the sea and influenced by the tides. Within the park, there is a nice diversity of habitats such as saltwater and freshwater ponds, streams, forests, and grassy fields. Annually, as many as 200 species of birds use the park, from shorebirds, ducks and goshawks to many songbirds.

Many other organisms use the tidal flats as well—crabs, insects, other invertebrates and even mudskippers. It is also an ideal location for kids to observe insects that live in the forest and in the grasslands.

There is an open field with well-maintained tables and benches for families that want to picnic while taking a break and relaxing. There are also a variety of events on the weekends to attract visitors. Usually services are available only for Japanese speakers, but on some occasions bilingual programs are also conducted. History of the Park

The Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (formerly Oi Bird Park) was established in October 1989. Originally, the park was covered by water as part of Tokyo Bay, but it was filled in by the City of Tokyo in order to establish the Tokyo Metropolitan Central Wholesale Market, better known as the Ota Market.

The reclaimed land project was started in the 1960s, and soon after, rainwater accumulated in ponds, and natural grasslands became an attraction for wild birds. People came to see the birds and desired to protect the natural areas, so the local citizens fought to conserve the park for future generations.

The Ota Market retained 38.6 hectares of land, and the park was able to protect 24.9 hectares of wetlands and forested areas.

On June 17, 2000, the park became part of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Network (http://www.eaaflyway.net/about/the-partnership/national-partnership/japan) with the mission to provide habitat for plovers, sandpipers and other shorebirds. It has joined a network of such places that make up an important international flyway for migratory shorebirds.

East Observation Blind
This large viewing area is good for birdwatching at the east freshwater pond all year around. Visitors can watch waterfowl and grassland species here. Spotting scopes are provided (Our stopping for free spotting scope due to the COVID-19).

Nature Center
The center overlooks the tidal pond. Rangers from the Wild Bird Society of Japan can answer questions and provide environmental interpretation. The building is comfortably air-conditioned, and facilities include an observation room, exhibition rooms, audio-visual room, eating areas, and a library corner. There are also drink vending machines and wheelchair accessible toilets.

Observation Huts (Birdwatching Blinds) 1,2,3 and 4
These are special buildings that allow you to quietly watch, photograph/video and scope the birds at your leisure. There are benches and spotting scopes provided for free (Our stopping for free spoting scope due to the COVID-19).

From http://www.wildbirdpark.jp/en

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
View from the East Observation Blind

I meet a couple of bird watchers on my way and there was one bird watcher at the East Observation Blind. I can only see one bird from the hide, one Great Cormorant in the fresh water pond. Otherwise, no birds to report from the freshwater pond.

Leaving the blind and I continue and I end up at the Nature Center. It is a huge building with a deck overlooking the brackish water pond and the mud flats.

There were so many Great Cormorants so I could not count all of them. I reported 80 Great Cormorants in my eBird app

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
View from the Nature Center

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
View from the Nature Center

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
Little Egrets and Great Cormorant seen from the Nature Center

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
Can you see the Grey Heron

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
The Nature Center

There was a container terminal on the other side of the pond. There were staff and a couple of visitors and one of the visitors pointed out on whimbrel for me through the binocular that the Nature Center provided.

There were one Great Egret and I could count to 4 Little Egrets. 3 Grey Herons was spotted and a big group of White-cheeked Starlings.

The staff was very helpful and I enjoyed my stay. But I had to continue, there are 3 more bird hides to visit.

Bird hide #2 is maybe 200 meters from the Nature Center and there are two girls in the hide when I enter the hide.

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
Walking towards bird hide #2

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
Bird hide #2

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
Inside bird hide #2

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
View from bird hide #2

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
View from bird hide #2

Eastern Spot-billed Duck just in front of the bird hide and I got a picture. I could count to 13 of them in the pond. On the other side of the pond, we had Great Cormorants sitting in the trees.

I got a picture of the Grey Heron before it took off. I was happy to have seen the Eastern Spot-billed Duck to have something exciting to fill up my checklist with. But I was pretty happy with the checklist so far.

Two Whimbrels, orange in eBird so it was worth the 7000 ¥ to come here with the taxi.

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
Grey Heron

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
Eastern Spot-billed Duck

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
Grey Heron taking off

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
Grey Heron taking off

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
We can see bird hide #1 from hide #2

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
Eastern Spot-billed Duck

Leaving hide #2 to go have a look at hide #1 but there was nothing and I left for the last blind/ hide down at the Tidal Pond. High water so there were no mudflats.

There were a few Great Cormorants sitting on the rocks and two of them were sitting on a light beacon in front of the hide.

I took a few pictures before I started to walk back towards the Reception Desk and Management Office. I will ask them to call me a taxi and I have decided to skip the last hotspot and go straight back to the hotel.

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
The blind at the Tidal Pond

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
Great Cormorant

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
Great Cormorant

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
Great Cormorant

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Walking back and I can take a picture of one Eurasian Tree Sparrow eating something outside the Natur Center. The picture did not turn out very good.

I reached the Reception Desk and Management Office and they were very helpful and they called me a taxi and I walked down to the highway and the taxi arrived after 5 minutes.


eBird Report

大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond)), Ota City, Tokyo, JP
Jul 10, 2024 13:40 - 15:21
Protocol: Traveling
2.73 kilometer(s)
Checklist Comments: Checklist #2202 and # 2203 is the same, my eBird app stopped in the middle of the birding
14 species

Eastern Spot-billed Duck 13
Little Ringed Plover 1
Whimbrel 2
Little Tern 1
Great Cormorant 80 There were so many cormorants it was impossible to count
Little Egret 4
Great White Egret 1
Grey Heron 3
Carrion Crow 2
Large-billed Crow 3
Barn Swallow 1
White-cheeked Starling 35
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 1
Pied Wagtail/White Wagtail 1

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S186287319

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

eBird hotspot: 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (including Tidal Pond))
Today's track at 大田区--東京港野鳥公園・潮入の池 (Ota Ward--Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park)

Tea in my room when I was back in my room and 5 thirty or so I went for dinner and I bought groceries and MAX for the next two days at Mount Fuji. It will be lunch in the wilderness so I will have my pick-nick lunch ready.

And we will take off before the restaurant opens, so a little tea and cheese in my room. My Guide will be here tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock.

Click HERE to find out if we see any birds at Mount Fuji.



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