“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

January 2012 - Part 2

Monday 16 th of January 2012 and I was tired when they called me at 7 thirty, about the sametime my alarm went off. Advancing ships time two consecutive days and it was like 5Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrathirty in the morning.

Yeah, I was tired and I spent a very long time in the shower. And no, the water wasn'tvery warm. But it made me feel a wee bit better and I was not in the mess room until 10 minutes before 8 o'clock in the morning.

So I turned on the kettle and Iwent to my office for the good morning meeting and when we were ready I returned to my tea. Our Bosun and one of the ABs started with the greasing and the rest of the guys started with the chipping and painting.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Our Pump Man busy replacing a valve

We have 3 HUSKY GRACO pumps onboard and we need spare parts. So our Pump Man searched the internet and we found 2 manuals on GRACO's web page. We have one Wilden M2 pump as well, butAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk CassandraI never managed to find any manual on line. Well, I had my tea and black bread while our Pump Man searched the internet.

Our Pump Man went to exercise the bolts to the blinds on the IG line to SLOP tank Port when he was finished with the internet. We will do repairs after discharging so I need to do tank cleaning and then we need to blind the IG line from SLOP Port or there will come gases from this tank.

He also had time to replace a drain valve on Port #4 manifold before we tested our MMC. Yeah, we were kicking arse and when we were ready I sent him on deck to dip our ballast tanks. I was back in my office when I realised that it was quarter to 6. Soon dinner and my wrist watch is quarter to 5. So I went on deck and I called our Pump Man.
- We continue tomorrow, it is time for dinner now. I thought it was 5 o'clock.

Well, I was in Captain's cabin in the evening and we got new loading orders. Lay can 14th of February. Loading in Adelaide for Singapore and we will be back in Singapore in the beginning ofMarch and it will be time for me to go home. A few weeks late, but moredays more dollars. Yeah, I need all the money I can get my hands on.

Loading 14 to 16, maybe. Then 2 weeks to Singapore and I might be back home in FUNKY TOWN first or second week of March. And I will go straight to Bangkok Fight Club to lose weight when I'm back home.

Tuesday 17 th of January 2012
and I was dead tired when my alarm went off. And that's even though I went to bed early.Hmm, maybe too much sleep. Well, anyway, I went down to theAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandramess room aftermy shower and I toasted 2 slices of black bread and a cup of tea. I brought the stuff to my office and we could start the good morning meeting with the crew.

We got Pilot early in the morning for the passage through Torres Strait between Australia and Papua New Guinea. We arrived late yesterday night and we got Pilot early morning for passage duringAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraday light. Well, anyway, the watch man was on the bridge steering so we were one man short on deck.

The guys went on deck for chipping and painting and I went down to the ECR with a bucket of stuff I needed our Fitter to change. We have an upcoming winch brake testand we need to change our winch brake markings and our Fitter need to do some welding.

And while I was in the engine room talking to our Chief Engineer I took the opportunity to ask him some questions about our computer bases maintenance system. I was soon back in my office and I started to purge the air lines to the ballast tanks and the draft measurement.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Passing some islands North of Cape York in Torres Strait

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Passing some islands North of Cape York in Torres Strait

And I was soon back in the engine room. There are labels for each tank in the box for theAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraremote measurement in the CCR. But they are all loose and they have marked it with a marker pen.
- What the
So I decided to go down to the ECR to see if they had any Loctite I could borrow so I could put back the labels. ECR was empty, but I decided to check behind the control panels and there I discovered our 3rd Engineer lying on a camp bed enjoying himself.
- I wish I was an Engineer, I said.

I asked if he had any Loctite
- How much do you need?
- Only a few drops
- We only have this left, he said holding up a small bottle with a little of the Loctite left on the bottom.

The 2nd Engineer had arrived to the ECR and he wasn't too happy about me disappearing with the Loctite.
- Can't you use rubber clue instead.
- I need Loctite
Well, they had ordered Loctite, but as with anything else, nothing ever arrives.

I disappeared to the CCR and I put back the labels and I returned he Loctite before IAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrapurged the ballast tanks. And I was ready just in time for lunch, black bread and tea and I was off to my cabin and Thai books.

I was in a good mood when I finished my Thai books, no need to think about any studies tonight. I left my cabin and I went to the bridge to see where the hell we were. I had no idea where Torres Strait was. I was surprised to discover how narrow the straight was. I have been to Australia before, but I have always understands it like Australia is in the middle of the ocean far away from everything.

So when we saw islands this morning I asked what country it was.
- Australia
So I had a look at the chart and it is very narrow with plenty corals and small sand islets. So I asked the Pilot if there were many tourists coming to this beautiful area.
The Torres Strait

is a body of water which lies between Australia and the Melanesian island of New Guinea. It is approximately 150 km (93 mi) wide at its narrowest extent. To the south is Cape York Peninsula, the northernmost continental extremity of the Australian state of Queensland. To the north is the Western Province of Papua New Guinea.

- No
He pointed at a very small island
- There is a resort. Takes 45 minutes to walk around theisland and the people still use cars

(Good luck trying to save the world)

Our Pilot told me that he had stayed there one time.
- You can fish, otherwise there is exactly f@ck all to do!
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Torres Strait

Torres Strait

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Torres Strait

The Pilot left us around 4 o'clock and the guy son the Pilot boat sold 2 big fishes to us. What the? The Pilot is onboard eating having a good time and then we had to pay 14 dollars for theAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrafishes. OK, they were big, but some common courtesy, PLEASE!

I don't know what's wrong with my wrist watch. I was busy in my office and I was in the middle of a cubic ton of papers on my floor when it was 6 o'clock and I left for dinner in the mess room. Captain, 2nd Engineer and Chief Engineer at the table. AND THEY WERE EATING CAKE!!
- What the? Are you starting dinner with cake?
- It is 6 thirty and we were wondering where you was
I looked at the clock, yeah, it was 6 thirty and I was half an hour late for dinner. DARN! I put 4 slices of black bread in the toaster and I made a glass of tea. And I'mAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrahappy to say that I skipped the cake. I finished my toast and tea and I went over to the crew's day room.

I could hear the Karaoke already when I passed my office. They were singing Karaoke and it is terrible. I told them that I understand why people are shootingat each other at those Karaoke bars.

Wednesday 18 th of January 2012
and I was dead tired when my alarm went off at 7 thirty. Even though I was exhausted after the “Feel stupid” karaoke contest yesterday I could not fall asleep. I was tossin' and turnin' in my bed and it was 4 o'clock or something like that before I managed toAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrafall asleep. I was just about to knockmyself unconscious when I managed to fall asleep.

And one thing is for sure, I will never sing any karaoke again, and that's even though I was whopping ass. There is a “SCORE METER” on the karaoke and I got a whopping 72. One of our painters got 68 and he was dead serious. I was just skylarking and whistlingmy why through the boring song.

But our 3rd Engineer got a whopping 98 points so he is Mr. Karaoke. Well, anyway, I had a hot chocolate in my office while we had our good morning meeting. The guys went on deck for chipping and painting and 2 of my guysAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrawould help our kitchen department to clear out the stores.

I finished my hot chocolate and I went on deck to measure our VOID spaces for gas. This took me about one hour and I was finished 20 minutes before lunch. It was hot on deck so I decided to have a shower before lunch. I don't know how I do it, but on my way to the shower Icame up with yet another “SUPER” brilliant idea.

So I brought a pair of scissors to my cabin and I cut of the legs and arms from my white boiler suit. It was very comfy and I took it on first thing when I was out of the shower. And it was an instant success as soonAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraas I stepped inside the mess room.

I don't want to say that I'm number ONE handsome onboard, but I just heard some whispers. Well, anyway, I finished my Thai books after the dinner. And yes, I was almost falling asleep while study my Thaibooks so I hope I can fall asleep earlytonight. For sure, if I will have to spend one more night tossin' and turnin' in my bed I will go crazy.

I spent the afternoon discharging ballast, but first I had to see our Engineer to fix ourAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraoverboard valve. We could operate the valve from the engine room and they will look for spares tomorrow and we willhopefully be able to operate the valves from the CCR tomorrow.

I tested the emergency stop from the loading computer. We get an alarm at 60cm GM and when we have 30cm GM the emergency stop of the power pack kicks in. So this emergency stop is working and I did some paper work. I had to do a work permit so our Bosun could put back the air pipe to the ships whistle aft. But as I was doing the paper work our server seized and I could not complete the paper work and we will have to do it tomorrow instead.

I ended my day with a movie with Captain,but I was dead tired and I was almost falling asleep in the sofa.

Thursday 19 th of January 2012
and I woke up to yet another exciting day when my alarm went off at 7 thirty. I was delirious with anticipation when I jumped out of bed. I turned off the alarm andAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk CassandraI had a showerbefore I went to make myself a hot chocolate.

I enjoyed my hot chocolate during our morning meeting.

The crew had to continue with thechipping and painting. Our Bosun and 1 AB were going to put back the air pipe to the whistle in the aft top mast. So I had to start my day by doing a “working aloft”work permit so the guys could work aloft puttingback the air pipe to the whistle.

And when they were ready I had to do a second work permit. Inspection of our fore peak tank, should have been done on our way to Singapore from Korea. But after a day of waiting for the work permit we cancelled the job and the crew had wasted valuable time preparing the tank for inspection. They were ready with the air pipe in time for the coffee break and I madeAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrathe “enclosed space entry permit” during the coffee break. Yeah, why wasting time with a coffee break?

I can drink my f@cking chocolate whenever I want. And I enjoy doing my paper work listening to funky music more than sitting in the day room watching the bulkheads while wasting valuable time.

I went down the fore peak tank just after 11 o'clock and I had the AB and Bosun to look down the tank so I could have a picture.

The fore peak looked very good, well, very might be a wee bit too much. But the tank was in a good condition, some rust at the edges. And the man holes were very small and I would not have been able to make it if it would not have been for Bangkok Fight Club.

I spent 30 or 35 minutes in the tank, there was some debris lying around in the tank that I brought up. We don't want this ship in our ballast pumps. When I was back on deck the weatherAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrahad turned fromsunshine to rain. Just a passing shower and it was soonsunshine again.

I started the tank inspection report when I was back in my office. But it was 10 minutes before 12 and it was time for lunch. A quick cuppa (Am I getting addicted to this hot chocolate? Let's get us to Australia so I can get some Diet MAX ) and some black bread before I went to read my Thai books in my cabin. I finished the books before I returned to my office, good, I don't have to think about any more Thai studies today.

I stopped in the mess room on the way to my office. DARN! The Milo can was empty so I had to refill it with a bag of I don't know what. But it was written VITA ++ on the bag and I took that as a good sign. VITA must be short for vitamins and ++ much means plenty vitamins. God, was this a good start of the afternoon or what?
Yes it was and took my hot chocolate and I turned cartwheelsto my office.

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Pump Man & AB working with the hydraulic hand pump for the cargo valves

Our Pump Man repaired our control to the starboard winch on the fo'c's'le and when he was ready we started a power pack to try the control. And while we had the power pack up and running I tested to LOW IG PRESSURE emergency stop. Everything worked just fine and our Pump ManAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandracould start with the emergency hand pump for our cargo valves. Our valves are remotely operated from the computer, but we need the hand pump if the shit hit's the fan and we have to operate them manually.

While they were working on deck I filled up the ballast report for the Australian authorities and suddenly it was over 6 o'clock again and I was late for dinner. I had 4 slices of black bread with Camembert cheese and a hot chocolate before I returned to my cabin and a shower. And the night ended in Captain's cabin with the best movie so far and I managed to stay awake until the end of the movie.

Friday 20 th of January 2012
and my alarm went off at 7 thirty and I discovered an e-mail from the American girl at Bangkok Fight Club when I turned off my alarm. She had had a Thai boxingmatch yesterday and she had kicked arse. So this is 2 matches she had won and Imissed both of them. She had a match 28th of December and I left for Maersk Cassandra just before. Well, she will hopefullykick more arse when I'm back in town.

There was also a message from the owner of the Bangkok Fight Club. I think he was worried about me not having been there for a long time. So he wrote to me yesterday wondering where I was. No worries, I will soon be back at Bangkok Fight Club.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Well, it was a busy morning and before very soon it was lunch time. Our Mess Man told me that the hot chocolate was finished. Just enough for an afternoon “DELIGHT” and a good morning cuppaAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandratomorrow to start my day.
- Good, I can really start to kick arse with my diet!
- We have TAN
- What theis TAN
- Orange flavour
- PLEASE! Ram it where the sun doesn't shine.

YIPEEE!! Best news for a very long time. I dashed offto my cabin to sendAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Clubthe good news to my Teacher at Bangkok Fight Club. As soon as I had updated him I went in to me bed room and I had one hour of Thai studies and I finishedmy Thai books. Good, no need to think about them until tomorrow lunch time.

Our Bosun had been busy making a new note board in the morning but he started to prepare for the winch brake tests after lunch. Our Fitter was ready with 4 of the markings so we could start do the test. We tested the first winch brake to 278 bars and I asked them to move the gear to the second winch.
- Call me in my office when you are ready

I wanted to have a hot chocolate, but I decided to save the last for tomorrow morning and by thenAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrasomeone will hopefullyhave finished the chocolate. But I doubt that I will be that lucky.

Of course, the second winch turned out to be troublesome. We could only pressure the jack to 150 bars and then the winch started to turn. And believe me, I had been tightening the brake, hell, I was hanging on the brake. So we will have to do something about this one tomorrow.

The brake lining looks new so I think we will run the winch with the brake on for a while. Well, anyway, time turned fast and it was soon time for dinner.

Movie, we started a movie but I gave up after 30 minutes. I mean, when The Wrestler is better we had reached Rock Bottom. Friends with benefits or something like that. A shit load of crap and a total waste of time. This movie would for sure have got me out of bed even if I would have suffered from a full force 10 hangover. Aren't there any laws against doing stupid movies like this?

Saturday 21 st of January 2012
and I had a very quick shower when I had turned off my alarm. It was very cold so I didn't hang around longer than necessarily in the shower. So I was early in theAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandramess room. 20 minutes before 8 and I made myself a hot chocolate before going to my office.

Our Bosun and one of the OS prepared the winch brake test kit and the rest of the guys continued washing the superstructure. Our 2 painters continued with theAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandranever ending chipping job and Pump Man started to do his weekly check list.

I had a cubic ton of paper work to do and I got started right away. But I had to leave every now and then to go for the winch brake test when they had moved the equipment between the winches. I also had time to go check out the engine room when I was looking for our 3rd Engineer.

He was working with one of our auxiliary engines and I took the opportunity to get some pictures. I also saw one of the Painters cleaning so I got a picture of him as well.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
3rd Engineer busy with one of our auxiliary engines

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
3rd Engineer busy with one of our auxiliary engines

We were running in to trouble with the winch brake test in the afternoon. The holes in the FWD winch on tank deck at starboard side doesn't have the same fittings as the other winches and our test kit turned useless instantly. I was not in a good mood.
- OK, move the test kit so we can finish the winches on the fo'c's'le today.

We did one winch on the fo'c's'le and when we moved the kit to the second winch we could not turnAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrathe winch by hand. None of the remaining winches could be turned by hand and we need the power pack.

I lost my temper and I went for a shower. I told the guys to bring in the equipment and to go for dinner.

Maybe we can finish the winch brakes tomorrow, if we don't have any more problems. Well, honestly, what do I care? Everything we touch turns to shit and I start to get feed up. I'm a Chief Officer not a junk yard worker. We willhopefully be in Singapore soon so I can go home.

I had my shower and I went down to the mess room for dinner. Black bread and tea and our MessAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraman forced me to have a steak with French fries.

And to make things worse, I had ice cream and it didn't take long before we had the whipped cream on the table. I had 3 helpings of ice cream before I had to flee the scene.

And the evening ended in Captain's cabin with a movie about robot boxing. 2 hours long and I was half asleep most of the movie. 2 hours of drivel and I swear to God, this movie could easy have been cut down to 25 minutes. At least this is how long the movie would have lasted me if I had watched the movie alone with a remote control. Yet another day has come to an end.

Sunday 22 nd of January 2012
and I woke up quarter to 7. I was both happy and disappointed when I discovered how much the time was when I woke up
- YIPEEEE!!! I can sleep for another 45 minutes
- DARN!! I woke up too early
I don't remember if I managed to fall asleep again. But I remembered that our Mess man came up to me when I prepared my good morning tea.
- I found more hot chocolate
Aladdin's adventure with NEW BOOST onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Maybe I was to harsh, seems like there is a lot of good stuff in the “NEW BOOST”

I finished my tea and I went forward to see how our Bosun and OS did with the winch brake test. The wind picked up last night and we have water spray over the fo'c's'le and our OS was busy sweeping fish off the fo'c's'le. We finished the remaining three winches on the fo'c's'le before 9 o'clock and I expected us to be ready with the remaining winches before the coffee break.

But as soon as we started with the winches on the port side of the tank deck we ran in to trouble. And if there had been some spray over the fo'c's'le it was nothing compared to the water that was spraying over the forward part of tank deck.
Aladdin's adventure with NEW BOOST onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Bosun preparing the winch on tank deck for the brake test

We ran in to trouble, the deck is sloping and the jack is thus not in a right angle with the winch drum. And we need to use an extension pipe between the winch and the hydraulic jack. When Our Bosun reached 200 Bars on the jack the extension pipe flew over board. Yes, it flew overboard. 200 Bars pressure and as the pipe and jack wasn't in a straight line to the winch the pressure pushed the pipe out of position and overboard.

And it was spraying water over us constantly and luckily enough I had my camera with me.
- Is your camera water proof?
- No, but it is a Canon!
Yes, when I'm not taking pictures I'm busy buying a new camera. To get nice pictures requires heavy duty use. Canon is built for it, but they can't take anything. So I guess that I will have to buy a new camera soon. But if I would want my camera to last forever I would never have got any of the pictures below. Chipping in the rain and painting in the water spray!
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
One of our Painters painting over the old date preparing for the new brake test date

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Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
One of our Painters painting over the old date preparing for the new brake test date

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I had my camera stand-by when the water spray hit us

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More water is coming our way

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Holy Motherf@cker! Try to do that with your Sony or LADY 750 camera

We were soaking wet, but my camera was still working so I continued to take pictures of our Bosunand OS when they worked with the pipe and hydraulic jack. We were all soaking wet and we were lucky that we were in Australia with nice weather. Imagine doing this in Europe in the middle of January. We would have been freezing to death.

My spirit went overboard together with the extension pipe and suddenly it wasn't all that exciting to take pictures while the water was spraying over us. I returned to my office and I told Bosun to prepare the last winch for the brake test. Aft winch on tank deck and the water spray didn't reach us. Sunshine and we were soon dry again. Of course, my shoes will not dry for a few days.
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Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Bosun and OS working with the winch brake test

It was soon time for lunch and we advanced ship's time the last hour before arrival to Botany Bay tomorrow evening. I took the opportunity to search the internet about information on Botany Bay.

So it is obviously a suburb to Sydney, 10 km to Sydney. According to our 2nd Officer. So I wouldAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrabe surprised if I can't find any Diet MAX in the area. And a wrist watch, I need a new wrist watch instead of the f@cker I have now. Showing moon, tides and directions. But it has failed me several times to give me the correct time.

Lunch time and I had our last hot chocolate. Captain told me that he had ordered 24 cans of Milo for me.
- What the??!! Motherf@cker!

I told him to put the Milo in the crew's mess room. I have worked so hard to finish the darn chocolate and now there is coming another 24 cans. I called our Mess man and he came running to our mess room
- We have a serious problem!
I told him to hide the Milo from me when it came onboard or I would kick his behind.

Sunday and even though I should have my day of from my Thai books I finished my Thai booksAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrabefore returning to my office and the paper work.

I was in the CCR reading a SAAB tank radar manual when our 3rd Engineer came by with some test equipment for the fire alarms.
- Sunday and I'm the only one working in the engine department
- Yeah, but you are not alone. The deck department is always working.
- And by the way, I haven't seen you since you copied themusic treasure! But there is plenty FUNKY music coming from your cabin now a days.

1 hour advance and we would have a drill/ meeting/ Videotel at 16 thirty inmy office so I didn't had all that time for my paper work. But I managed to arrange some of my binders before the crew arrived to my office at 16 thirty.

Our 3rd Officer from Burma had spent the afternoon in my office preparing 2 BA sets for the meeting in my office.

We started by discussing the garbage. I showed the crew the difference between paper and plastic and I even let them feel the paper and the plastic and now I hope that I don't have to find anyAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraplastic in the paper anymore.

Then we discussed ISPS and we demonstrated the BA sets and when we were ready in my office we moved in to the day room for a movie about Port State Control. Talking about sleeping pill.

I took the opportunity to hand out chin straps for the crews helmets. And I handed out safety goggles as well. But it is strange, when we asked the crew who missed chin straps and goggles in my office there was 5 ofthem with missing chin straps. When we were in the day room all of them missed and I had to run up and down to my store to get the stuff.

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
I bought a whole box of chocolate

I had time to buy a box of chocolate before it was time for dinner. And I also bought a tube of Pringles and a carton of coffin nails. I ripped open the box of chocolate first thing coming back to my cabin after dinner. A very bad day for my diet. But tomorrow it is a new week and...

Monday 23 rd of January 2012
and I woke up around 5 o'clock with cramp in my left leg. I got very angry, I didn't manage to fall asleep until very late (or early in the morning) and I needed all the sleep I could get. And now I expected to waste valuable time with some serious pain. Cramp and itAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrais said that you should stretch your leg bending the foot upwards.

Yeah, like I had time to waste in that bullshit. I was so angry that I started to kick the wall and I was VERY pleasantly surprised when the cram disappeared and I could go back to sleep.

I started my day with a cold shower and a glass of tea in my office. I sent the guys for work and I went on deck to measure our void spaces for gas.

Our 3rd Engineer came to my office after the coffee break. He was going to give me a few pointers on how to over ride the cargo computer. So I went back to be a student and I grabbed a pen and a paper and we went in to the CCR. It was a short lesson, 5 to 10 minutes and most of the time was spent laughing and to tell each other tall stories.

I had time to finish my cargo plans before lunch. I had already done my cargo plans, but now they wanted us to discharge 21,500m³ @ 15°C insteadAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraof 20,000 so I needed to change the plan. I went for lunch and our Chief Engineer was eating when I arrived.

He had obviously not found his chocolate, I had been in the mess room before lunch placing chocolate bars under his table mat. Yes, I bought a box of chocolate yesterday and the agony was killing me even before I had finished the box so I decided to give away the chocolate.

Captain arrived to the mess room and he noticed the chocolate under his table mat first thing.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra- What is this? Who put this here?
He asked the Chief Engineer if he had chocolate as well. He checked our Chief Engineer's table mat before he even got an answer. He found Chief Engineer's chocolate.
- Is it Aladdin?
- Me!!?? I don't have any chocolate!

Our Captain didn't give up.
- IS it your birth day?
He even went to check the crew list for my birth day. He discovered that it wasn't my birth day (Hell, yeah, I haven't had a birthday for at least 27 years) he asked if it was my anniversary of my exam. Anniversary of the exam??!! Never heard of such a thing. He asked if it was because I had finished my Thai books.
- I will never be ready with my Thai books.
- So why the chocolate?
- It was not me, maybe the mess man.

Our 2nd Engineer came for lunch and he didn't discover his chocolate and Captain was all over hisAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandratable mat. It didn't take long for him to dig out the chocolate.

2nd Engineer was surprised and Captain was really wondering where the chocolate came from.
- You bought a whole box yesterday. It must be you!!

But I found it strange that none of the Engineers discovered the chocolate. They just put their plate on top of the chocolateAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrabar. I mean, there was a big bump at the middle of the table mat and they just continued to eat
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra

I was told that we would get our pilot around 8Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrao'clock in the evening so I decided to try to getsome sleep after lunch. It was a very good idea, at least I thought so.

I'm almost falling asleep every time Iread my Thai books during my lunch break so it should be as easy today. I finished my last chocolate when I came back to my cabin. Well, almost all my remaining chocolate. I will try to find someone to give the last chocolate bar to.

Impossible to fall asleep and I spent an hourspinning around in my bed before I finally managed to fall asleep.

I woke up 3 o'clock something and luckily enough I managed to fall asleep again and I was out of bed just before 5 o'clock. I had a cold shower and I went down to my office and I called the duty AB on the radio. He came to my officeAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraand we sorted out the garbage and then we lined up the cargo lines on deck preparing for the discharging.

I prepared the discharge papers and motherf@cker, it was time for dinner again. Nothing but eating and sleeping on this ship.

I had my sleep in the afternoon, perfect, if we would have had the Pilot at 20:00. Now the Pilot was midnight thirty and I will have to spend the whole night and morning in the CCR and it would have been better if I could have had my sleep in the evening.

Well, it is better than nothing, I'm pretty sure it would have been impossible for me to fall asleep in the evening. But I can read my Thai books that I skipped during the lunch break, or I can just watch a stupid movie.

My biggest concern now is if I can get ashore to arrange Diet MAX tomorrow.

I tried to get some sleep in the evening, but I was soon giving up and I went for a shower. Thefirst hot shower since I joined Maersk Cassandra. It was very nice and I stayed longer than I had planned for. So I guess that this is the end for the early mornings in the mess room. Now I can spend an extra quarter of an hour in the shower.

I tried to get some sleep at 11 thirty, but I gave up and I was in my office at midnight.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Botany Bay and Sydney from the sea

Tuesday 24 th of January 2012
and, yeah, the day started in my office. Pilot was onboard 5 minutes after midnight and we had first line ashore at 01:18 on Jetty 1 at Liquid Bulk Terminal inAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk CassandraBotany Bay, Port of Sydney. We had to turn around and back up to the jetty heading out when moored. Ahead of us they were in progress of building a new jetty.

The Liquid Bulk Terminal is located in the middle of Port of Sydney's container terminal so there was stuff to watch while we waited for the crew to get ready with our mooring lines.

Our Pilot and Captain told me about a cruise ship that went aground in Italy. I never heard of it and a huge cruise ship had hit a rock and was now lying on the side in the water. And of course, I checked out the internet and I found out that it was a cruise ship called Costa Concordia that ran aground off the tiny island of Giglio near the coast of Tuscany. Several people dead and missing, what a disaster.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Our helms man at arrival to Botany Bay

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Arrival to Botany Bay

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Arrival to Botany Bay

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Container terminal in Botany Bay

We had all fast at 02:18 and the Loading Master and Surveyor was soon onboard. Plenty paper work and plenty waiting for us to start discharging. It was not until 7 when we could start discharging and I had to stay up while topping off out tanks and I went to bed at 10 thirty. I was dead tired after a full night and when I felt asleep my phone rang. It was our 3rd Officer f from Burma that said something about the power pack. I went down in the CCR and the engine department wanted us to swap from diesel power pack 2 to 1.

It was almost 12 thirty and I decided to give it a try to get some sleep before going ashore. Lo and f@cking behold, Port state control and I could just forget to get any sleep. So I decided to

She had too much Milo, and see what happens
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
wait with my sleep until after dinner and I could sleep the
(hopefully) whole evening and half the night. So my plan isAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrato be thoroughly rested when we complete discharging early tomorrow morning.

So I went to check my e-mail while waiting for the Port State Inspector to be ready, he would take e to the shopping mall in Botany Bay so I could buy Diet MAX .

And there was an e-mail and I understood that my Milo adventures have engaged people around the world. At firstI thought “WHAT A STUPID PICTURE” but 2 seconds later I felt off my chair screaming of laughter. It reminded me of my new white boiler suit. And yes, I think you get the picture, it doesn't require too much imagination.

When our Port State Inspector was ready we left the ship. We got one remark at his Inspection and thatAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrais pretty good. We left the Terminal 14:25 according to the log book in the gate and he dropped me at the shopping mall 10 minutes later.

I started to look for a new wrist watch and while I was walking around I stopped to buy some baby aspirin to help me in my fight against cancer. 3 dollar 50 and I had to buy 3 packs. Minimum 10Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandradollars if I wanted to pay with card. And as I didn't had any Scooby Doo currency...

I had a new wrist watch and 3 packs of baby aspirin, now it was only the Diet MAX missing and I asked for a supermarket. I took a shopping cart and I filled it with 6 cases of Diet MAX and 1 extra bottle to enjoy while waiting for the taxi.

I checked in at the gate 15:45, 1 hour 20 minutes after checking out. I meet the engine crew at the gate and they took my taxi to Sydney.Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk CassandraAnd I was lucky when I passed the gate with my 6 cases of Diet MAX . One of our Fitters was on the way ashore and he and our Mess Man helped me carry my Diet MAX back to the gangway.

It was nice to be back onboard and I popped open a Diet MAX first thing when I was back in my cabin. I had a few words on my web page and I was preparing myself to go for dinner when they called from the CCR 10 minutes before 6 o'clock. Problem and I missed the dinner, well, good for my diet. But I need some sleep and I wasn't back in my cabin until 19:30 and by then I was too upset so it was not possible to fall asleep.

So I finished today's adventure on my web page and I'm really hopping that they won't call me with any more problem now. And I hope I can calm down, yeah, fat chance after a few cans of Diet MAX .

It was proven very hard to fall a sleep, tossin and turning for hours and I was still awake at 11 o'clock. But I must have managed to fall asleep.

Wednesday 25 th of January 2012
and I woke up 10 minutes past midnight with a terrible cramp in my right leg. Motherf@cker! This time it didn't helped to get angry. I kicked my walls and I was jumping around, but the pain refused to give up.

Well, I managed to fall asleep again, so I must have been very tired. At 4 thirty 2nd Officer called me and I was hit by his Eastern European accent.
- Just bring it on ! I'm coming
I can't say that I jumped out of bed but it was easier than I thought to get out of bed, I was looking forward to a Diet MAX in the CCR. I grabbed a can of Diet MAX and I left for the CCR. I popped open the can when I left my cabin and it was half full when I reached the CCR 12 seconds later. 3rd Engineer and 2nd Officer having problem to start the power pack.

- Of course, there is low IG pressure in the cargo tanks.
I had to open the delivery valve to the cargo tanks. They had an HIGH OXYGEN CONTENT alarm on the IG gas and the delivery valve to deck closed automatically. So we need to open to the cargo tanks before we can get any pressure in the tanks.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
He had found the wrist watch

We were up and running with the discharging and I went for a quick shower. I was back in the CCR with a new can of Diet MAX and I did some paper work in my office. I had confirmation that we would discharge the original amount and we had to add an hour to our discharge time.

When I came back with my new wrist watch yesterday I put my old wrist watch at one of the ABs place at the dinner table. He lost his watch when we worked with our anchor chain back in Tuban. IAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrapromised that I would give him mine when I had bought a new one. When the ABs on the 6 to 12 watch came on watch I asked him if he had found the watch.

And of course, I wanted a few pictures and he gave me his right hand for a THANK YOU shake
- We use the left hand so I can get a picture of your wrist watch.

6 o'clock and the ship started to come alive, our Painters were cleaning and waxingthe floor. They are alsobusy stitching bags for the lines to our life buoys. So they were sitting in my office stitching while our Bosunwas enjoying himself playing Facebook on the computer.

We completed discharging at 07:18 and the tank inspection was ready at 07:25. Our Pilot came onboard and I was chocked when our Agent told me that Pilot was ordered for 8 o'clock.
- They need 2 hours after loading for paper work
- I was told that you would be ready at 06:00
- When?
- 6 o'clock yesterday evening
- 6 o'clock yesterday evening we didn't even know how much we had to discharge.

We did a record breaking paper work. Cargo hose disconnected quarter past 8 o'clock and when our Surveyor and Agent left I went to my cabin for a quick Diet MAX before going to the bridge.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
The crew is preparing the Poop deck after departure

We started to single up at 08:52 and we left Botany Bay at 9 o'clock. And the crew prepared deck after the departure and I told them to start with our valves on deck ASAP. We have 3Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrabroken valves on deck and we need to repair them urgently. Everything we touch... 3 very important valves busted and we need to fix them before we arrive to Brisbane.

I started to read my Thai books when I came back to my cabin after lunch. I finished 2 of my books and when I started thethird book I felt asleep. And I woke up when my alarm clock went of 10 minutes before 3 o'clock.

Our Bosun had removed one of the valves on deck and the valve was in the work shop in the engine room. It was the same problem we have had on the isolation valve to 1CT and we willhopefully have spares onboard. And I was lucky, both of our Fitters were in the work shop kicking behinds with the welding machines. And yes, we haven't had any STUPID SLIDE show on aladdin.st for a very long time. So I will throw in a STUPID SLIDE SHOW right here and now.

Stupid Slide Show

Our Fitter would check if we had spares for the broken valve and if we have spares the valve will most likely be back tomorrow. Well, our Bosun was busy with his second valve on deck while the AB was chipping the flanges where the removed valve had been. I really hope that we can manage to repair the valves before Brisbane. The 2 small valves will most likely be ready, but the x-over valve is the one I'm worried about. But our crew is working on it. The weather is for sure not improving, wind and rain and that is for sure not making it any easier.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
AB and Bosun working with the cargo valves

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
AB and Bosun working with the cargo valves

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Work with the X-over valve

Thursday 26 th of January 2012
and I woke up just a minute before my alarm clock went off atAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok07:30. I had set the alarm on my new wrist watch to try it out. Worked good and my alarm clock was a waste of money. Well, not entirely, I can use it at home. No more need to have 3 mobile phones set to wake up mode when I'm up to something important. But my new wrist watch will be sufficient while onboard.
- Hmm, well, I might have a problem. I might just turn of the alarm and fall asleep again.

My alarm clock is in my day room so I have to leave my bed and bed room to turn it off. And while I'm in my day room I can as well pop open a Diet MAX . And when I have a freshly open can of Diet MAX in my hand I can as well have a quickAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrafagand suddenly I'm in a hurry to get in to the shower so I can make it to our good morning “PEP” meeting in time.

Yes, and I have problem getting to the mess room in time for my morning tea since I got hot water. Now I can really enjoy my showers and I have to wait until after the good morning “PEP” meeting to make my tea. Well, one of the PERKS of being the boss. I can drink my tea whenever I want.

Well, there are PERKS but also the downside of being responsible. We have problem with our x-over valve and I had to make a reshuffle my man power on deck. I needed my top gun on the x-over valve detail. So I put our Bosun and one of the OS on the job. Finally some action, and our Fitter was soon joining the team and they were kicking arse.

Yes, I had been a wee bit worried about this valve and now I started to feel better about it. As I use to say: If you're going to kick ass you have to call the ass kickers

I had planned to join them at the valve, butit started to rain so I stayed in my office. Nah, just joking, I ended up doing paper work with Captain and when we were ready I went to check out the progress with the valve. And there was finally some progress and I was happy that I had made the decision to reshuffle the guys on deck.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
It was raining cats and dogs, but they didn't give up

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
It was raining cats and dogs, but they didn't give up

They made good progress and I was happy that I could get back to my office. It was a terrible weather with heavy showers and I did not envy the guys on deck. And one good thing with havingAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraprofessionals doing the HEAVY JOB is that I had plenty time to do work in my office.

I did a list of our valves on deck so theyAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrawill be checked on a weekly basis. And as I was busy time turned quick and it was soon time for lunch.

I had time for a quick meal before I returned to my office. I had to make a requsition for paint so we have paint when the riding squad arrives in
Brisbane. They will change some steel on the hull that was damaged after our “anchoring” incident in Singapore back in December 2011.

We will have a vetting inspection when we're back in Singapore so we can not arrive with the side of the hull painted in red primer when it should be Maersk's light blue.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
It was raining cats and dogs, but they didn't give up

So my lunch break was down the drain, I could of course have went back to my cabin for my Thaibooks when I was ready. But it was almost 1 thirty and I had plenty stuff to do, and I had someAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrareally good music going in my office. And of course, a open can of Diet MAX . Music, Diet MAX and the guys was kicking A's with the x-over valve and I was in a very good mood and I decided to stay in my office.

I have a 49 page questionnaire to go through so I got started right away and every time the questionnaire required that I should go on deck to check out something I paid theAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraguys at the x-over valve a visit. Highly appreciated!
Well, I don't know about that.

I had expected my 6 cases of Diet MAX to last me until Singapore, but if I continue like this I will soon run dry.Hmm, maybe I'm better off. During the “Pre Diet MAX ” days I only drank water andAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandratea and I think that is much healthier.

Lo and behold, I forgot all about the Milo and I reallythink that I'm better off now. But we will get 24 cans of Milo will arrive in Brisbane.

Well, our Mess Man hashopefully understood my instructions and I will never have to see any of the darn Milo. But I must cut down on the Diet MAX , healthy or not, 1 case per day can't do much to improve my health.

Well, as I told Captain when he came in to my office when he suggested that he should keep the Diet MAX in his cabin.
- I can hand you one can per day. Can't be good to drink all that soda!
- Well, take a vitamin tablet with your Diet MAX and you have the best tasting vitamin drink in the world.

It was 5 o'clock when I ran in to our 3rd engineer and I told him that we had to go for a Diet MAX and relax for a minute or two. We sat down in the crew's day room for a few minutes enjoying our Diet MAX and we decided to go look at the progress with the x-over valve.

We came on deck and we were half way to the manifold when we meet the Fitter. He was comingAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandradown the deck pushing a cart and the darn x-over valve was loaded on the cart.
Finally, the darn valve is off and on the way to the work shop in the engine room. Yeah, I was happy and we will (all goes well) most likely have the valve back tomorrow. I told our Bosun that he could help our FitterAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrato repair the valve.

I had asked our Bosun if he wanted to be a Pump Man.
- Yeah
- OK, so you can be the trainee Pump Man
So this is an excellent opportunity for our Bosun to get some hands on experience repairing a valve. And what's better than doing it when we have an expert Fitter onboard as a Teacher.

Yes, this is the first time for our Bosun as Bosun and he has the spirit we're looking for so I think he can make aAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandragood Pump Man. Well, it was almost 6 o'clock and time for dinner. I started to do my tank cleaning plan so this is ready when we're leaving Brisbane. We will clean our tanks and gas freeing all the tanks so they can do the welding on deck.

We will get 6 people onboard for the welding and I hope that thee manage to get ready in a week so we can get rid of them. I went for a shower after dinner and I enjoyed a can of Diet MAX before I grabbed 2 cans to bring to Captain's cabin. I ran in to our 2nd Engineer and he asked if he could try a Diet MAX .
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra- Of course!

We returned to my cabin and I handed him a can. He had never tried Diet MAX before so he was delirious with anticipation.

Captain was watching a movie when I arrived so I joined him. He popped open the Diet MAX , his first ever and he finished his can before I finished mine.

We will retard ship's time by 1 hour tonight so if I manage to fall asleep in time I can get an extra hour of sleep. And while writing this I'm making a mental note to turn off the alarm on my wrist watch.

Friday 27 th of January 2012
and I woke up to a gloomy and grey day. I started my day with a Diet MAX and a fag in my cabin and when I had had my shower I went down to our day roomwhere I had another fag and a Diet MAX before going to my office for our good morning PEP meeting. Most important was to put back the valve at the #3 cross over.

Arrival to Brisbane Pilot station around 1 o'clock in the afternoon and we need to wash our deck before arrival. So I send 3 guys for washing deck, yes, they cleaned deck yesterday as well. But I want it to be free from dirt at arrival. Heavy rain and we wantAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrato avoid any oil sheen on the rain water accumulated on the tank deck. 1 drop of oil on the water surface and it looks like an oil spill.

I went out to see how the washing proceeded and my mood turned from good tosour in a jiff. 3 adults and I have to showthem how to use a f@cking brush to give the deck a good scrub. 2 days work for nothing. And no, I don't expect to have to go inspect a simple washing job. I had to point out where to wash and I had to carry them around on deck, literally.

- There is a spot! I said and pointed on deck
I expected the guy to see when he was ready, but no movement after an excessive amount of time.
- OK, now move to the, I said pointing to a spot 1 meter away.
He moved to that spot and it continued like this. I gave up and I took over the hose and brush. Captain was gaping at me from the bridge taking pictures of me on deck. I didn't know about Captain taking pictures until later on in the evening when he sent them to me by e-mail.

What a shame, I could only use one of the pictures. I was soaking wet and my wet boiler suite mademe look like an anti aircraft balloon. For sure nothing I want to have the public exposed to on the internet.

Well, anyway, I was furious, this is not my f@cking job, but as I'm responsible I had to take charge. Yes, there is a responsibility that comes with the salary and when everything is working fine it is a very nice job, Chief Officer iskicking back. But when the shit hits the fan I would, of course, prefer to be paid as a Deck Boychipping my way through rust and shit on deck. No need to worry about anything.
- Problem? Not my f@cking problem!

Pilot boarded us at 13:00 so I had to stop washing a few minutes before. We don't want all the water to fall down on the pilot boat. We arrived to Pacific Terminals in Brisbane and we had first line ashore at 18:42. A gloomy and grey evening with an annoying drizzle.
Aladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandra
I call Captain to the bridge wing to get his picture

Aladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandra
Now he want a picture with the ship name in the back

I know that you wonder why I'm using my small pocket Canon instead of my EOS. Well, weAladdin's adventure with Canon EOS D60remember that I came home from a day with the girls. I was told that I was going to leave for Korea the day after. I came home 10 thirty and I checked (by pure luck) my e-mail.my flight leaves in 1 and a half hour so I left for the airport in a hurry and I left my charger behind. But I willhopefully have my charger next time and we have plenty nice pictures to look forward to.

When we had all fast at the jetty I went down to my office and the Loading Master was soon onboard. Paper work and I had to make a new discharge plan as they wanted 2000m³ less of the gasoil at this first discharge. We started to discharge the gasoline at 23:00 and they expect us to be ready Sunday morning.
Aladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandra
Alongside Pacific Terminals jetty in Brisbane River

Saturday 28 th of January 2012
and I was in bed at 1 thirty in the morning. Then I was called for at 3 thirty. Now they had problem with the ballast valves. I was back in bed at 4 thirty and then they called me at 9 thirty. Now it was a drug test. When I was ready with the drug test we were almost ready with the gasoil and we would start the gasoline parcel. So no time for any sleep.

We started discharging our Gasoline and suddenly there was a Inspector from the port of Brisbaneonboard. He was going to do a safety inspection. So I took him on deck and when we were back in to my office he wrote his report.
- Very nice ship. No remarks
Well, there was one remark, about my discharge plan. Excellent! No, not Excellent, but something similar. When he left I told him that he could extend his stay by having a soda with me in my office.
- I'm in a hurry to another ship.
- OK, what about a bonus handshake?

The Inspector left the ship and I went for a shower. I decided to go to buy a case or two of Diet MAX . And I wanted to see if I could find any ear guards for the boxing. So I went down to the CCR after my shower and I called the terminal on the radio. No it was noAladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandraproblem for them to arrange a taxi and I left the ship.

It was quite a bit to walk to get to the gate so I decided to ask the security guy in the gate if the taxi could get me all the way back to the gangway when I return. Worst case scenario, I will only buy 1 case of Diet MAX in town.

But there was no problem taking the taxiAladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandraall the way back to the ship so I was looking forward to bringing back a few cases. I asked the security guy if he knew a place with a sport shop.
- I need ear guards used for wrestling or boxing.
- Well, I don't know.
I asked if there was any big shopping mall close by, or if it was better to go in to the city of Brisbane. He was very help full and he suggested a few places.
- Actually, I have no clue. Let me call my wife

He called his wife on the speaker phone and he interrogated her about a place to buy ear guards. He went on and on in the phone and my taxi had arrived. The driver must have wondered what we were up to because he got out of the car and he came up to us. Well, the security guy's wife must have got feed up and it went something likeAladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandra“What the f@ck do I know?” and the security guy lifted the hand set for privacy.
- No need to be rude!

I was jumping up and down, impatient to leave, I had no wishes to stay here for a full day for a tip about a sport shop. I would find a shop in the mall. But he was nice and helpful so I played it nice. But I tried to get away several times.
- OK, thanks! I will find the place
I had one foot outside when he started again.
- Well, there might be a shop at... I don't know... maybe...

He told me about a Rebel Sport.
- Great, sounds like a place where they have ear guards. Thanks and see you later!
- HEY HEY! Hold on!There might be a shop at...
He wrote down the names and when I left he asked if I wanted him to call the shops to see if they had any ear guards.
- No thanks, I will go check it out in person.
He followed me and the driver to the taxi and he interrogated the driver about the way. Just toAladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandramake sure he knew the place. A very friendly guy, and I think he might have been a wee bit bored sitting there all day long watching cars going in and out from the terminal. So when there is an exotic Swede in the area he wanted to extend our hero's stay as long as possible.

We arrived to the shopping mall, I don't know how long time it took us to get there, but the meter was on 40$ when we arrived. I handed him my AMEX and I was soon to step inside the shopping mall. I walked around looking for the Rebel Sport shop. They didn't had any ear guards, but IAladdin's adventure with STING GEL HYBRID TRAINING GLOVEbought a pair of STING “Gel Hybrid Training Gloves” for 49.99$.Perfect for the punch bags at Bangkok Fight Club and I'm ready to throw myself on the floor to dopush ups. It is a wee bit hardEdwin Jagger Imitation Ivory Contemporary 3 piece Shaving Setto do when wearing boxing gloves.

So there willhopefully be no time wasted taking off my gloves doing push ups after the speed punching next time at Bangkok Fight Club,

Burning calories without any delays is the way to go if you want a V-shaped torso as quick as possible. Well, Rebel Sport was a disappointment, no ear guards and I decided to take a taxi to down town Brisbane.

I walked pass a shaving store and I spotted some shaving sets. Just what I have been looking for. I was looking for them in London, but I only found shaving sets made ofEdwin Jagger Imitation Ivory Contemporary 3 piece Shaving Setplastic, nothing I want to have in my bathroom.

Well, here they had the chrome looking plastic shaving sets. I was disappointed and I asked if they had something real. The guy showed me a set for 49.99$ Seems like everything around here is 49.99$. It was made of steel and I told him that I wanted the set. I was just about to pay when I spotted some classy looking shaving sets.
- Hold it right there buddy boy! What is that?
- That is a Edwin Jagger, 174$
- Is it plastic?
- Not plastic near it. Handmade porcelain and steel.
- I take that set instead.
- A great choice!
- Yes, I like to spend a little extra to get good quality.

I went to look for a taxi stand and I had to wait for a minute before there was a taxi arriving. We arrived to down town Brisbane after some 20 minutes or so. Brisbane looks to be a real gloomy city so I was pleasantly surprised when we arrived to the shopping street. I had asked the driver for an area with good restaurants on the way from the shopping mall. It is either his English or my English because he asked me:
- Cheap restaurants
- Hell no! There were a lot of them at the mall. Only plastic plates and cutlery.

So we had been driving through a gloomy and grey Brisbane, no light of what so ever so I was pleasantly surprised when we turned around the corner to Albert Street. Albert Street, I had to check the address on one of my AMEX slips when writing this. Finally some light and colours, the driver pointed at some restaurants.
- There you have restaurants
- Great, an Italian.

The driver stopped and there was a taxi ahead of us, but the lane next to us was empty and I saw a red light ahead. I could see quite a few taxis ahead of us and next to us was a NightOwlAladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk CassandraConvenient store. Can it be....
- Did we stop because of the red light or is this the taxi stand?

I was hoping that it was because the taxi stand option. Very convenient to buy a few cases of Diet MAX at NightOwl Convenience and just take themAladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandraright out of the door and in to the taxi. The driver told me that thiswas the taxi stand and I turned cartwheels out of the taxi and in to NightOwl Convenience store.
- Do you have Diet MAX ?
- Of course, knock yourself out.

I was a wee bit disappointed, they only had JUMBO size bottles. Great when I'm onboard. But when walking around town a 600ml bottle is a little too big. But I had no choice but to take the 600ml bottle. I paid my drink and I asked the guy if they had cases.
- You mean a box?
- Yes
- Yea, we have
I asked him to prepare 2 cases for me, that would be about the same as 4 cases of cans. I told him that I would be back in an hour.

I don't know if it was due to politeness or if the guy was looking forward to doing BIG business, but he was very friendly and helpful. Most Australians are very friendly, at least the ones I have run in to. Well, anyway, I turned left when I left NightOwl and I was walking up what must have been Albert Street. I went in to two sport shops but no ear guard andAladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandraas it was raining I decided to go back to the ship.

My original plan was to stop for sushi before walking around town. All the walking would make me hungry and I could have some Italian before returning to the ship.

Well, original plan, I don't know. But I came up with the idea when reaching the first intersection after leaving NightOwl. I spotted a SUSHI place across the street and I walked over to the place. Sushi fast food style so I skipped the place.

I walked back towards the taxi stand and NightOwl convenience and I had not been lucky finding any restaurant. Just fast food so I was glad when I passed a small alley. There was a restaurantAladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandracalled Little Singapore and I could see a sign SUSHI at the restaurant next door. I stepped inside.
- Do you have Salmon sushi?

When the guy looked down the cooler it hit me. It is the same f@cking sushi sushi that they have on Singapore Airport. And it is just next to Little Singapore. Yea, we remember my adventure at sushi sushi at Singapore Airport.

This was the worst sushi ever and all served on plastic. Seriously, I feel sick whenever I thinkAladdin's adventure at Singapore Airportabout the place, and that is even though it is several months ago.

How can anyone chose a place like this for their meal. I turned around and I left theplace quicker than I came.

I was most likely doing us all a favour. A meal at sushi sushi would have left a ton ofplastic behind and most of the food. Exactly as when I visited sushi sushi at Singapore Airport.

Destroying the environment for future generations will for sure not give you and KARMA points.Aladdin's adventure at Singapore AirportAnd the disrespect for life will but you right at the bottom of the KARMA scale. A baby salmon growing up with whatever expectations a salmon can have of its future. But it is to much to kill something just to put it on a plastic plate at sushi sushi.

The baby salmon has for sure expected more. But,hmm, I don't expect to be served any “PRIME CUTS” at sushi sushi. So no sushi and I decided to go try out theItalian next to NightOwl and then I would go back to the ship. I went in to the Italian, turned out to be more like a bar.

Obviously no fine dining in Brisbane, at least not in this area. Therewas a girl behind the bar, and God, she was beautiful. I asked the girl if they had a menu. And if it would not have been for her I would have left the place. She was friendly and I grabbed a menu and I went over to a table. I sat down and a Waiter arrived to my table.

I ordered a Bruchieta or whatever they call the toast, a spaghetti and a pot of Earl Grey tea. I was sitting at a table and I was like “Where the f@ck is my Bruchieta?” when the Waiter arrived. He told me that he would try to find out what have happened to my Bruchieta.
- Thanks

I ordered a second pot of tea and the girl undressed me with her eyes when she came over withAladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandrathe pot. Yeah, she was really beautiful, but never the less, I felt quite uncomfortable when she undressed me with her eyes.
- Earl Grey is also my favourite
- Yeah, you really wish I was in town for longer

Finally, they arrived with my spaghetti, one of the biggest helpings I have ever seen. And it tasted good. But I will never order Bruchieta again, at least not at this place.

I paid my bill, I will check if I can find my AMEX slip. Yes, here it is, 32,5$ and the name of the place is Pane-e-vino. Don't ask me what it means. But it sounds like it has something to do withAladdin's adventure at NightOwl in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandrawine.Hmm, maybe the explanations for some of the customers at the place.

I went to the NightOwl next door and the guy was busy with a girl in front of me. Of course he recognised me.
- I will be with you in a sec

The girl left and the guy went to pick up my Diet MAX . He was so sorry, he only had one case.
- I'm very very sorry.
- No problem

I was actually happy, this Diet MAX thing have got out of hand since I bought the 6 cases in Botany Bay. I always have a can of Diet MAX in my hand. So 1 case was good enough and I can'tAladdin's adventure at NightOwl in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandrawait until I have finish my Diet MAX . Then it will be tea and water again.

And of course the guy was sorry he only had one case. One case at NightOwl was the same price I paid for 6 case in Botany Bay. Well, 3 cases, this was the 600ml bottles so it is almost 2 cans in one bottle.

And he helped me to carry the sodas to the taxi, I had to take the sodas by myself back in Botany Bay. So there is the service factor to take in to consideration.

Coming back to the terminal and the security guy asked me if I had have any luck finding any earAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraguard at the sport shops.
- No, but I found apair of gloves that I liked.

He opened the gate and the driver took me down to the ship and I could carry onboard my sodas.

I was back just in time for dinner andI discovered a can of Milo in the mess room. I was disappointed and angry, I thought I had a deal with our Mess man.

I had a chance to test my new gloves for the first time. Our Mess man wanted to remove the Milo from the mess room. But I told him to leave it.
- There might be someone else wanting to have Milo.

Captain wanted me to put my new gloves on the ship's wellfare account.
- So we have gloves onboard
- Nah, I will take them home when I leave.
I asked our Russian 2nd Officer to go ashore to buy some gloves so we could start exercise.
- The company pays for the gloves and we can start training
- Better to buy a gun

I discovered that Captain had taken pictures of me when I went ashore. And he had also taking some pictures of me coming back. What is this guy doing? Stand-by in the window 24/7 to take pictures of me? He told me to check my e-mail in an hour and he had sent the pictures to me and I will put a few of them on my web page for you to enjoy.
Aladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandra
Aladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandra
Our Hero is leaving the ship

Aladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandra
Jetty Man showing the directions to the gate

Aladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandra
Our Hero leaving for the gate

Aladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandra
Our Hero is coming back

Aladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandra
Our Hero is coming back

Aladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandra
Our Hero is coming back
And no, it is not a new hair cut. It's just a failed attempt to try to cover my bald spot in Photoshop

Sunday 29 th of January 2012
and they called me around 03:20. Half an hour to go with the cargoAladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandraoperation. I had a hot shower before I went down to the CCR. I popped open a Diet MAX first thing when I came down to the CCR.

We completed discharging quarter to 4 and Pilot was ordered for 6 thirty. So I had plenty time to finish my paper work before departure. Our Surveyor came onboard andhe measured the tanks for the remaining cargo that we will discharge when they have space in the shore tanks.

We did the calculation and our Agent and Surveyor left us just after 6 o'clock and as our Pilot had been onboard since quarter to 6 I went to the bridge. I had a stop in my cabin for a few sip on a can of Diet MAX and a fag.

It was a gloomy anf grey morning with the everlasting and annoying drizzle, I asked the Pilot if it would ever stop rain.
But as I told him, it is the same in Europe, but with a 25°C temperature difference.
Aladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandra
River Brisbane and Brisbane on a gloomy and grey morning

Aladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandra
Our tug boat on the Brisbane River and we're ready to leave

We left Brisbane at 07:00 and we would turn around in the river and we expected to be at the anchorage around between 9 and 9 thirty. It was so nice to leave this place behind even if only forAladdin's adventure in Brisbane with M/T Maersk Cassandraa few days. Captain asked if I wanted coffee. Coffee??!!

I could not believe my ears, asking me if I want coffee.
- Do you have a Diet MAX ?

I asked why the f@ck he was drinking coffee.
- Finish the darn Milo so I don't have to do it.
He have a few days to finish the Milo, my Diet MAX will last me for a few more days and I'm afraid that I will start with the Milo when I'm out of Diet MAX . The chances for me to slow down on the Diet MAX is pretty slim. I had been up since 4 thirty and when Captain asked me ( around 6 o'clock) what time I got up I answered “ Four and a half Diet MAX ago” Well, anyway, I had some tea for breakfast and I was back in bed at 8.

I woke up 20 minutes before lunch and I told the 12 to 4 watch to see me in my office at 1. Our OS and watch man came to my office at 1 and we went on deck and I showed them how to wash deck. I asked them what they thought about that the Chief Officer had had to go washing the deck after that they had spent 2 days washing deck.
Well, they thought it was bad. At least a good sign.
- Now it is no more RELAXING Sundays. We will do this every Sunday until we know how to do it
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk CassandraI asked if any one of them had a car.
- No
- Ever washed a car?
- My neighbour's car, the OS answered.
- Ever waxed a car?
- My neighbour's car, the OS answered.
- How does the car look when it s waxed
- It is shining
- What else?
Our AB pointed on a spot on deck.
- Like that.
Good, we're on the same page. I told them that we needed to wash the areas looking like it was waxed. “No need to scrub the clean areas”

Then we went to get the equipment, our AB had prepared some equipment already and I told him to remove the stuff.
- This is a broom, used for dust.
I crabbed to brushes.
- This is for scrubbing

We took the stuff out on deck and I showed them how to operate the brushes and Iexplained how to use the hose to rinse the area. They got started with the washing and I returned to my office and my paper work. There is always plenty to do for Chief Officer.

And if he can't find anything to do he can always pop open a Diet MAX and turn on some FUNKY music.

Sunday afternoon and we finished the day with a safety video and we were ready just in time for dinner. And I decided to stop eat in the mess room. From now on it will be tea and black bread only. No more ice cream in the mess room. Yeah, my new and healthy life will kick off tomorrow morning.

Monday 30 th of January 2012
and did my new healthy life kick off as expected? I would like to say way better than expected, a He-man vitamin tablet and a Diet MAX and I dashed off to my office.Yes, after all the ice cream and whipped cream yesterday I really need to get started with my new life. I promised myself to only eat healthy food when I left Bangkok for Korea. But yesterday things got out of hand, I wish I could have had the same size of helping as our Russian 2nd officer had but I had 2 buckets of ice cream.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
If I could only have helpings like this...

But today is the day and I only had a Diet MAX for breakfast. Well, I had a constant flow of Diet MAX running down my throat.
We had the good morning PEP meeting in my office and the guys went on deck. Our Bosun and OS would do some greasing so we needed to do work permits for working aloft.

But first they had to take the motor to the winch for the accommodation ladder port side to the engine for repair. I told them to come to my office when they were ready. I popped openAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandramy third Diet MAX for the day, I cranked up my music to a full 10 on the Richer scale and I sat down at mydesk. Exploring my nostril with one finger while scratching my behind with the other hand.

Yeah, I had expected it to take quite some time for them to finish the job and I was looking forward to anice and quiet morning in my office. It is a big winch, but it was only the motor that was broken so they had brought down the small air driven motor to the engine department in a jiff and they were soon back at my office.

So we needed to do the work permits and risk assessments before they could go up in our cranes and life boat davit for greasing. First job was to change the flag line in the aft top mast. 4 “working aloft” permits had to be issued and I asked Bosun and the OS to come with me to the day room so we could do the paper work there instead of in my office.
- We can as well enjoy a fag and a Diet MAX when doing the paper work.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Well, I don't know about you.
But I find it very hard to believe that they have a Chief Officer that looks better in Maersk
OK, Bosun is quite handsome as well, but he just doesn't make it all the way

And of course, when our OS had taken the pictures of me and our Bosun it would not have been fair not to have any picture of him. He was beaming of joy when I asked Bosun to take a picture of us.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra

We had planned for them to finish the flag line before the coffee break, but when we were finished with the paper work it was almost coffee break so I told the guys to come to my office after the coffee break. We went up to the monkey island and our Bosun climbed up the mast while I had a few pictures. I told them to drop by my office when they were ready in the mast.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra

ODME, Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment, a test was due and I spent a few hours with the ODME. I did a test run while checking the alarms and the automatic valves. Overboard to b open automatically when it is clean water and SLOP valve to open and the overboard valve to close when there is oil in the water.

I did calibration, test run, and a back flush after the alarm and auto valve test. While running the ODME in different mode I went on deck to check the pneumatic valves at the ODME on deck. WeAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrahave 4 valves V1' V1 V3 and V5 that I need to check so they are working as they should. Well, they worked as they should in all different modes.

Everything was ready, except the flow meter. The flow meter is showing 186m³/h all the time so I flushed the flow meter in all possible ways. 5 valves to flush and when I was ready the flow meter seemed to work properly. So I was in a good mood when I went for lunch.

My mood didn't turn any worse when I managed to finish my Thai book during the lunch. My new and healthy lifestyle got dented during lunch, but I was still in a good mood. Dinner, tea and black bread only.

I kept myself busy during the afternoon and it was quarter past 6 when I realised that I was about to miss the dinner. Yes, I was very pleased with the day. I had kicked a lot of arse in my office and I had sorted out quite a few things and I straighten a few question marks. But my new and healthy lifestyle started to take water around 18:23. Well, more like it started to take Milo. At 18:35 my healthy life style capsized and it sank a few minutes later. What the?
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk CassandraI promised myself never to have any more Milo and I will start all over again tomorrow.

I was so full after dinner so I could hardly made it back to my cabin. But at least our Mess Man promised me that I would never have to see any Milo again.

I had to watch an episode ofTWO and a half MEN before I could start to write down today's drivel on my web page. I went to bed at 11 and I was surprised, I managed to fall asleep after not too long.

Tuesday 31 st of January 2012
and I woke up around 2 o'clock. Luckily enough I felt asleep again and I slept until 7 thirty when my alarm went off. I had a short shower, yes, the water is back toAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrabeing cold again.

I had a Diet MAX before leaving for my office and the good morning PEP meeting.

We were going to inspect our fire wires and the accommodation ladder on port side and I wanted to start with this. Our Pump Man prepared our tanks so we could strip the after the coffee break and our Bosun and I inspected the accommodation ladder and fire wires.

It was a beautiful day so I had 2 of our guys to paint on deck.

Captain and I were on deck when the Bosun and one of the OS moved the winch motor from starboard accommodation ladder to the port accommodation ladder. Suddenly there were several dolphins swimming around the ship. And I got one picture with a dolphin, I took several pictures but only one came out good. Well, one is better than nothing.

When we were ready with the accommodation ladder we went to check out our fire wires, they were looking good so I returned toAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandramy office. One of our AB's are greasing and cleaning the dogs on our watertight doors.

We have been anchored for 2 night and the watches have been working with the life buoys during their night watches. Repaint the buoys and to put new rope and reflexive tape on the buoys. New stencils with the ships name and home port will be but on the buys as well. They willhopefully look very nice when they are ready.

But so far the buoys have failed to impress and that is after 2 nights of work with the buoys. So IAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandratold the AB to repaint the life buoys and he could continue with the doors tonight.

Well, it will be easier to paint the life buoys during day light and they will hopefully look better tomorrow.

I spoke with Captain about our Life boat and MOB boat launching, overdue and the weather looks very nice so we decided to launch our MOB and life boat after the coffee break in the afternoon. I informed the crew about the upcoming adventure and I told them not to mix more paint than they could finish to 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
A beautiful day at Brisbane anchorage

Our Pump Man and I started to strip the empty gasoil tanks after the coffee break. I expected usAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrato be ready before lunch. But we were soon running in to problem so we had to continue after lunch.

It was one of the valves and our Pump Man removed the gear box after lunch. We pressurised the cargo line and we opened and closed a few times and suddenly it as working again.

I don't even know if there was some problem with the valve, it was just one of those days. But the most important is that it was working again. But now we were delayed so our Pump Man and I could not join them when they were launching the life boat. We were going to finish the cargo tanks so I don't have to think about these tanks any more. And we will save time next time we're alongside when all the tanks are stripped and ready. So I hope that we will leave Brisbane soon.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
We were soon running in to problem

I could see them preparing the MOB boat from my office and I joined them around 6 o'clockAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrawhen we were finished with our tanks. It was almost 19 thirty before we could have our dinner.

Yesterday was quite nice and today it had been very hot. We are waiting for a LIVE tank to beAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraempty before we can go back to the Pacific Terminals to discharge the rest of our cargo.

Our Agent sent us a message that the consumption had been very low after the last days or weeks of rain. The farmers were not on the fields and they didn't know when we were going back inside. The original plan was for us to stay here for 5 days. They are talking about the 3rd of February, but we will see.

Seems like the Adelaide cargo is cancelled. Same with the cargo from Darwin. So we might go straight from Brisbane to Singapore when we're finished with the discharging. But Maersk is looking for a cargo so who knows?

Well, January 2012 has come to an end and it just take a click for you to swing right to the month of February 2012 and the adventure continues.

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
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ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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