“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

March 2012

Thursday 1 st of March 2012 and I was full of anticipation when I woke up. Will my Diet Pepsi beAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandradelivered today? I for sure hope so, because I'm sick 'n tired of spending the first 10 minutes of my day without any Diet MAX .

So I had a quick good morning fag before I went to my shower and I went to the mess room to get my glass before I went to explore the crew's galley. DARN! A new can of Milo and I was soon enjoying a hot chocolate.

I was in the mess room pestering and blowing smoke on our Captain when I spotted the garbage barge leaving the ship next to us.
I dashed off to my office. I searched my drawers looking for the carton of cigarettes. And where thedid I put the cigarettes?

I found the carton and I ran out on deck screaming at the garbage bag while waving the cigarettes over my head. These guys obviously know how to spot a carton of cigarettes in the horizon. They changed course towards us so I started to scream at the crew and they thought the fire was loose and they came running aft. I was running first (You can imagine the sight, a cubic ton of ChiefAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk CassandraOfficer in a sexy white boiler suit) waving a carton of cigarettes above my head with the entire crew running after me. Yeah, must have looked like the crew was chasing a giant balloon or beach ball down the deck.

Our Russian 2nd Officer is always wearing his paratrooper clothes, so of course, I use to pesterhim about Afghanistan.
- Did you and your PARATROOPER friends kick any arses in Afghanistan?
- I'm too young, I was a baby back then.
- What about all these PARATROOPER stuff you're wearing? I thought you were one of those paratrooper Russian rough guys!
- If you give me your boiler suit I can use it as a parachute
- OK now you have had you fun for today

Well, anyway, we reached the Poop deck and the crew started to throw garbage bagsAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandradown to the garbage barge while I was waving with the carton of cigarettes. We managed to get 20 bags or so of our ship before their container were full and I gave them the carton.
- Come back again in the afternoon

I don't know if they understood but we have more garbage to get rid of so I really hope that they are coming back. There was another small boat passing us. A light blue wood bark that looked like a junk. They stopped and asked us if we had any scrap to sell.
- You can buy the whole ship
- Any copper
- No, we don't have anything
Darn, we should have saved all the metal they changed at the OPL anchorage. We would hv ebeen rich by now.They left in their light blue junk and then it suddenly hit me. We have a lot of empty 200 litres drums. I don't expect to be paid, they can take them for free. I just want to get rid of them.

I will keep an look outfor them tomorrow and I hope we can get rid of some mooring ropes and an old washing machine at the same time.

We received our provision and stores shortly after the garbage barge had left. My Pepsi light wasAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraon the first sling and I asked the guys to put my 5 cases outside the elevator.

We got a few cubic metres of bottles drinking water and I received working clothes for the crew. A cubic meter of gloves and boiler shoes and I asked the crew to put the boxes outside my store on “B” Deck.

Otherwise it was mostly shit coming with the provision and stores. For sure no good news for my diet. The first thing I saw on the second sling coming onboard was a big box of Milo. Someone hates Aladdin, that's for sure.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra - I WILL KILL CAPTAIN!!
And I discovered N utella not long after. I don't know, maybe 10 cans of N utella so I thought that this wasn't so bad. But I was soon to discover cases of N utella
I mean what the? I have never seen anyone else drinking Milo or eating N utella onboard so I only have one explanation: SABOTAGE!

Seriously, I thought we had a deal. NO MORE MILO AND NO MORE NUTELLA!!! And as it looks now, I really hope that we will be delayed here in Singapore and I will sign off next week. For sure, I don't want to go toAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk CassandraFinland if they get this voyage. 30 to 45 days including stops and waiting in the Suezand we can just imagine how much N utella and Milo that will remain at arrival to Finland.

Well, as I said to the guys while pointing towards the City Centre of Singapore on the other side of Sentosa
- I will sit there next weekend watching you on the anchorage

We finished with the stores and it didn't take long before I had 5 cases of Diet Pepsi in my cabin. I ripped open one can as soon as I stepped inside and at first I was disappointed. Of course, I didn't expected it to be as good as Diet MAX and it was way better than Coke Light. But it wasn't as good as I had expected. But after 2 or 3 sips it was quite OK.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra

I finished a can of Pepsi Light in my cabin before I returned to my office. I need to make someAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrarequisitions for razor wires. We need to cover the ship inrazor wires if they are going to Finland because then they will pass through pirate waters. But I think they will top up the security with armed guards that will follow the ship to Suez.

And I hope they don't plan to do it cheap to save a few dollars. A few days ago there was an Italian ship with armed guards that shoot and sank an Indian fishing boat.

All fishermen died leaving wives and children behind waiting for PAPA to come back home with fish to put on the table. And I can imagine these armed guards, drinking wine tellingeach other RAMBO stories and when they passed the fishing boat they were going to show each other that they were real men. Try to explain this for your children.
- Well, hmm, papa is not coming home. Rambo shot papa when he was fishing

Yeah, what have shipping come to? I always say that these training CDs we're doing is all for nothing and we write near missed and several Captains has been upset when I tell them what I thinkAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraabout it. Yeah, I call it stupid, we're doing stupid anti piracy CD training and they are hiring armed guards with only God know what training they have. I'm not sure, so don't run away quote me. But I doubt that they hired the best armed guards, I'm pretty sure that they went for the right price tag. But I'm pretty sure that they crew on the Italian ship had an EXTENSIVE computer based training while the armed guardshad...
And yes, everyone can make mistakes, but just make sure you don't have a weapon in your hand when you make the mistake.

For sure, there are things you can learn from a CD, but proper training and experience, well, I'm pretty sure the CD is quite cheap and today that's the most important.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Rain coming from Singapore and we can see that Greenpeace is coming to town

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Rain approaching from Singapore

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Rain approaching from Singapore

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Rain approaching from Singapore

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Rain approaching from Singapore

The crew as chipping on deck and I could see Singapore disappear in black clouds and we had a thunder storm approaching and the sky was soon opening up and our deck was flooded in rain water. Good, we need some fresh water to clean the ship from salt.

We have anti piracy water spray machines and our fire pump is just not enough to drive them. Sowe came up with a crazy idea. Why not use the ballast pump? This gives 700m³/h and if we need more we can start the 2nd ballast pump. So I asked Bosun to remove the blind flange on the pipe coming from the ballast to the tank cleaning line. We started the pump and we got sea water on deck through the pipe. Good, it is working so this will be the way to go next time passing through Pirate waters.

Hmm, I almost wish I could stay so I could get some pictures of this 7th wonder of the world. I will not mention any names, but someone asked if these water jet machines were working well.
- Yes, the Pirates will come onboard wet and angry
Well, anyway, the deck was full of salt water after the test so the rain was welcome. The rain didn't last for very long and the sky was soon opening up again
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
The rain have passed and our Pump Man replacing a IG valve to SLOP tank Port

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
The rain have passed

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
The rain have passed

Our Pump Man is replacing the broken IG valve to SLOP tank Port, the last valve to be replaced. We still have the x-over valve on #1 manifold. They will start with this valve tomorrow, Captain managed to “organise” bolts onboard Maersk Claudia yesterday. Then our Pump Man can start to maintain the valves. We have a few IG valves that need to be checked, but the worst is over now. And I'm very happy about that, I have been worried everyday because of the valves. Which will be the next one to break down?

So it is pretty nice now and he will overhaul the IG valves ONE BY ONE when we have the time. So yes, I feel at ease and I can say that they guys have done a good job on deck with the valves
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Pump Man busy with the IG valve to SLOP tank Port

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Pump Man busy with the IG valve to SLOP tank Port

Yes, we're busy and yet another day has come to an end. And I have been able to do some office work today. I have spent the last week on deck, tank cleaning and hot work so I have some paper work to do. Not to mention all the red in our computer based maintenance system. But now I can have some crew to work on this and we're slowly coming upright after a heavy list.

Friday 2 nd of March 2012
and I started my day with a Pepsi Light and a fag. I had a shower and when I passed my office on the way to the day room the crew was present so I gave them today's work order. I unloaded 5 cans of Pepsi Light on my desk before I went to the mess room. Today I skipped the Milo and I just had a Pepsi Light for breakfast before I went to look for the garbage barge.

The garbage barge arrived quarter past 10 and I decided not to give them any cigarettes today. We're nice but not stupid. This is their job but the container is very small on the barge so we were just unloading 10 bags or something and they guys started to scream and honking their horn
- Now it is enough!!!

When we had the cigarettes they compressed the garbage and we could unload much more. ButAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandratoday they didn't compressed the garbage. But I told them that I would give them a carton if they came back in the afternoon.

Darn! We have about 25 bags of plastic remaining onboard and I really want to get rid of this.

I'm also on the lookout for the scrap junk, I would really like to get rid of ourempty drums and the old washing machine as well. And if they would like to have our old ropes I would be very happy. And I will be even happier if I can leave Singapore by air. We're in a new time charter with STENA Weco and they want us to load Crude Palm Oil or NEX.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Busy having a good time
So I was worried that we would leave Singapore before I could go home and it seem like STENAAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk CassandraWelco is in a hurry. We would have to do tank cleaning with hot water and I don't think our steam pipes have been used in a very long time.

I spent time drinking a Pepsi Light at Captain's office while we filled up the questionnaire from STENA Welco and as they wanted us to load Crude Palm Oil I had all crew on deck to turn the spades to our cargo heaters.

Yes, I don't think they have had steam on deck for many many years so there was a lot of job for the crew. Captain andAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk CassandraI did cargo plans during the afternoon. When our 2nd Engineer came I went to the CCR to discuss steam with our 2nd Engineer and we couldn't believe our eyes when suddenly Captain came dancingin to the CCR.
- What theis going on

This was not any good news for me. Maybe we will load on Monday and we will be out of Singapore before my reliever come.
- You can leave when we get the armed guards in Galla
- OK, now you have had your fun!!
We will get armed guards onboard when we're passing Sri Lanka and I prefer to sign off in Singapore for a few days of fun.
- Beautiful girls on Sri Lanka, Captain said.

But a little later on it was my turn to turn cartwheels in the CCR. We got the load orders, 2 parcels on 170000MT each from Singapore to Rotterdam. Laycan 5th to 9th of February. FOR THE FIRST PARCEL. 2nd Parcel laycan 15th of February and I will f@ck off out of here.
Captain was not happy, he wants me to stay until he signs off.
- Galla is much better. Maybe your reliever is sick when it is time to come so don't be too happy. Maybe we will leave earlier

By now it was confirmed that we would not load the Crude Palm Oil so the crew could stop turning the spades on deck and we could start the cleaning.
I was in bed at 2 o'clock and our 2nd Officer did the cleaning during the night.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Now he is asking if there is someone that can cut his hair

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Turning spades on the heat exchangers so we can start the cleaning

Saturday 3 rd of March 2012
and I was dead tired when my alarm went off at 7 thirty. I hadAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraspent most of the night with a cramp in both of my legs.

I felt a wee bit better after my GOOD MORNING Pepsi light. And I was looking forward to getting ready with the tan cleaning. 2nd Officer called me at 7 forty-five and told me that he had had problem during the tank cleaning.
- YEAH! F@cking great

The crew spent the whole day with our pipes on deck and I tried to start our steam around 11 o'clock and a few minutes later we had a big hole in the steam pipe. I was not in a good mood, tired and I only wanted to go to sleep and no sign of us getting started with the tank cleaning soon. At least our tanks are getting gas free while waiting, I'm force ventilating the tanks so the crew can go down to pump up the last water from the tanks when the cleaning is ready. We willAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrahave an Inspector to come check out ourtanks here at the anchorage before we can load.

Well, at 8 o'clock in the evening we got started with the hot water wash. 4 hours of hot water and I was really hopingthat our steam line would keep together until midnight when I expected to be finished with the hot water wash.

We were kickin' arse with the hot water wash and I was in a pretty good mood. I had my camera in my pocket after a few hours under Captain's desk lamp. I have had some problem with my camera the last few days so I will have to buy a new camera. But I reallyhope that this camera will last me until I sign off.

We were very lucky today, our steam line capsized and gave up 5 minutes before midnight and I called the engine department to stop the steam before I went on deck to get a few pictures.

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
We were just about to finish the hot water wash when the steam line gave up

Sunday 4 th of March 2012
and we started the fresh water rinse 20 minutes before 1 o'clock and we finished at 1 thirty or something like that. Stripping and blowing lines and it was 4 before I was back in my cabin. 18 and a half hour yesterday and a few hours in my cabin with cramp in my legs and now 20 hours non-stop and I don't want any f@cking cramp now when I need my sleep.

Captain wanted our 2nd Officer to relieve me at 10 o'clock so I could go to bed, but I'm the nervous kind of guy and even tough our 2nd Officer knows how to do it. Of course, after extensive instructions, I would have had to spend the night in my window looking out on deck. And I need sleep and I told Captain that I would finish it by myself and then I would go to bed.

It was around 5 o'clock in the morning when I was in my bed and I managed to fall asleep and Ididn't experienced any cramp and I woke up dead tired when the “bridge watch alarm” went of around 12 thirty.
- Motherf@cker!! What's thealarm??

I could not fall asleep again even if I tried for almost one hour. Then it was too late, If I wouldAladdin's adventure with STENA Wecofall asleep at 1 thirty it would really be impossible to fall asleep tonight. So I moved to my desk in my day room and I decided to check out what STENA Weco was. I found out that STENA had bought 50% of Weco and they are now in to vegetable oil transport.
I was Chief Officer on a vegetable oil tanker for a year or two and this is nothing I want to do again. So I can't say that I was happy about it.
Aladdin's adventure with STENA Weco

YEAH, this was exactly the GOOD MORNING “PEP” I had been wishing for. Vegetable oil and I'm
Good day, Sir!

Very interesting reading at aladdin.st. Thank you.

I saw some errors on your last page
http://aladdin.st/maersk-11/march12.html - for dates 2 and 3 change the month from February to March.

Best regards,
lucky that we didn't went ahead with the order for 100 cans of snus. Then I would have had to come back to get my snus. But it might turn out OK, I found out that this NEX cargo we're going to load is a BIO diesel so that is OK.

There was also an e-mail and as the writer correctly pointed out, I was still writing Februarywhen we're in the month of March! Thank you Pavel!

I checked out today's online edition of Bangkok Post and one of my Thai schools had been on fire. Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok PostAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Post It is the school just 3 minutes walk from my condo. And of course, I down loaded the page so it is here for you to read as many times you want.

I could have put a link to Bangkok Post, but then I don't know for how long the page will be around. Now it will at least be around until the end of www.aladdin.st

I searched the internet for some interesting pictures to put on my web page. So you don't need to bother looking for pictures. FICO Building and my old school gone, OK, they might be able to repair FICO building. My Thai boxing should still be openand I never had any plans to get back to the school at FICO building.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
FICO building on ASOKE Road

I was in Captain's cabin at 2 o'clock with 4 cans of Pepsi Light and then I went to do my cargo plan. The mopping and drying of thecargo tanks were in full swing when I came down to my office. I was still tired, but I need to be tired to fall asleep tonight. I did a whole lot of paper work and the guys were ready with the tanks just after 6 o'clock. I have a wee bit more to do on my cargo plan, the planning is ready. But I need to do a little on the narrative part and the ballast part of my cargo plan. So I was in a pretty good mood when I went for dinner.

Our Captain and Engineers held me back when I was going back to my cabin so I had to stay for the smallest glass of Milo I have ever seen.

I had had 2 helping s of lasagne, maybe the best lasagne I have ever had. We have a new Cook and he is really good. Only been working on cruise ships and he really put his soul in to the job. He decorates his food and I always feel sorry for him when he starts with my plate. He starts to put the food on my plate, using several utensils so it should look nice. A green thing here and a fewAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandradrops of gravy here and there.
And, yeah, it looks nice but I'm jumping up and down impatiently before he is half done.
- Never mind the look! SKIP THE FANCY STUFF!! Think of me as a horse, just put the darn lasagne on the plate.

The others got a very nice looking lasagne. He had done something with the lasagne and there was other stuff he had made for the lasagne so the kitchen was full of different pan with stuff he put on the lasagne. The best lasagne ever! And of course, I ate too much.

But I blame the Cook. He was in the CCR yesterday evening when I did the tank cleaning. I was sitting there in front of the computer screen minding my own business. Suddenly he was behind me.
- Your not eating. Don't you like my food?
- What... yes, very good
I had other things on my mind giving directions to the ABs on deck.
- If you don't like the food I can make something special for you
- What... yes, very good
I was about to ad SCHOO!!! But I'm too polite
- Why you not eat?
F@cking A. Is it possible that someone can have missed that I'm on a diet. Diet or not, but I explained that I have not have had the time to eat the last few days.
- But I will as soon as I have the time!
And i had the time today and as I had not been eating for the whole day I had 2 giant helpings.
Of course, I had expected to return to my cabin after the second plate, but they held me back for a cubic ton of Milo. Yeah, cheers! GREAT! Thanks

Monday 5 th of March 2012
and the crew had been busy all day yesterday with the tank cleaning so they were sleeping until 10 thirty. I did my cargo plan in the morning and as usually it turned out toAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrabe all for nothing. Now they want us to load Crude Palm OilAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraagain. So we needed to check our steam pipes so they were in order.

So I sent all crew on deck to go over the steam pipes to our cargo heat exchanges with a hammer. 6 or 7 pipes had to be renewed and were taken to theFitter in the work shop. So they willhopefully be ready tomorrow. And we need to pressure test our heat exchanger on CT 5. Our Pump Man loosened the nuts from the bolts, but they could not remove the bolts even though he used a big sledge hammer.

So I did some cargo calculations and with the tanks used to come as close as possible to 34,000MT NexBLT and 7000MT CPO only gave us about 33.000MT of the NexBLT. So they might cancel the whole CPO adventure. But our crew was busy destroying steam pipes on deck so even if they cancel this voyage we might be ready for the next vegetable oil voyage they throw our way.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Busy having a good time

It was soon time for dinner and some f@cker had put a jar of N utella so I had to finish the jar.
DARN! F@cking sabotage!

My reliever in onboard Maersk Katrina and they are loading Naphtha in Curacao for Brazil so the chances for him to relieve me is, well, slim. We called the crewing department in Singapore because it was said that he was coming to relieve me on Thursday.
- Aladdin!!?? He has asked for extension!
Captain and I were just gaping at each other. They just lied us straight up in the face. Way to go! Especially when they have a hard time finding Chief Officers. This wanker just couldn't give a shit about me sitting here with unpaid bills at home. And they always have to call the Chief Officers for emergency relieves on the ships. WAY TO GO! I hope this guy calling me, I will not even bother answering the phone. They really know how to stay on good foot with the crew.

What a twat! I'm running out of snus, I should have been home in February.
- Aladdin!!?? He has asked for extension!
Would be interesting to know how long extension I have been asking for. 2 months, 6 months or a few years. Yeah, what goes around comes around.

But Captain was happy, he wanted me to stay during the whole Asia operation.
- We need an experienced Chief Officer for this operation
- I'm running f@cking low on snus!
- I'm taking care of it!!
He dashed off to order the snus and I screamed after him

As I told Captain, I can stay until April, but when they treat us like idiots coming up with the “extension” bullshit I just got angry. Not even f@cking bothering to call and ask if I can stay. What kind of parents did this guy have, obviously not being thought how to behave when he was a child. Yeah, really prepared for an adult life going from failure to failure.

Amazing with people that f@cks you over again and again and then when they find themselves in the middle of nowhere hitch hiking, 3 o'clock in the morning, naked and no money they still expect you to stop and pick them up when you passing with your car.

Tuesday 6 th of March 2012
and I was dead tired when my alarm went off at 7 thirty. I went to bed around 9 o'clock yesterday evening. I could hardly stay awake, but as soon as I was in bed IAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrawas wide awake so I returned to my desk and I kept myself busy until sometime between midnight and 1 o'clock.

Well, I was full of VIM after a few sips from a freshly opened Pepsi Light. I lit up a fag and I checked my e-mail. An e-mail from a company called CMX. They are looking to fill a position at their Rotterdam office and they asked if I could put the word out. Of course I can and as I wrote to them: Prepare yourself for an onslaught of e-mail applications.

I finished my Pepsi Light and I had a shower before I went down to the day room for a few sips onAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraa new can of Pepsi Light before going to my office to start the guys. And no one was surprised when they had to continue with the steam pipes.

We have blinded our steam pipe forward of cargo tank 4 so we will not touch these pipes until we haveAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandracompleted 4 to 8 and the heating coils to the slop tanks.

Everything they knocked hole in is at the workshop in the engine since yesterday. So the crew are in the workshop working with the pipes and I had our Pump Man to pressure test cargo heater #5.

I had 2 guys to remove the valves around the cargo heater #5 while our Bosun removed the steam trap. Yeah, the guys are kicking arse and I'm off to my office to enjoy a Pepsi Light, music and some paper work.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
They are busy in the work shop

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Our steam pipes in the work shop

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Our steam pipes in the work shop

I was enjoying my music in the FUNKY corner, yes, that is what they call my office. And I was minding my own business when Captain came by. He started to examine my iPod. Weighting it by hand, turning it and then he started to interrogate me.
- How much music do you have?
- Can I copy your music?
- Do you think you can handle it?
He wanted to copy my music and I told him that I had about 70GB
- I only have 4 GB
- So you have to select carefully! But there is the option to buy a real machine, I suggested.

He was disappointed, he could really use some good music. When he left he told me to come.
- Let's call the crewing department!
- YEAH!! This will for sure improve my mood!!
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Captain talking with the crewing department

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Captain talking with the crewing department

And I can't understand why the guy at the crewing department is still at his job. My contract was finished in February, according to all information we got from the crewing department my reliever was ready to join the 8th of March. OK, I was ready to return to Australia with the ship because we expected to be leaving Singapore before the 8th of March. But as you know we were delayed and I made plans to leave the ship on the 9th.

I receive e-mail from my reliever and he is on another ship and not a f@cking word from the crewing. They send my reliever to another part of the word hoping that I will forget that I'm about to sign off. What a twat! And for sure, there would not have been any action if it would notAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrahave been for the office in Paris kicking behinds. Now the crewing is desperate, upcoming vetting and a new T/C and no reliever.

Now our Hero at the crewing department starts to throw ideas around about me staying on theship until Sri Lanka. Yeah, this guy pulled so many rabbits out of his hat that I lost count. Yes, there will be a night when he is hitch hiking......
Going from emergency solution to emergency solution and I think he would be better off on a good foot with the Chief Officers.

I was in my office preparing a new cargo plan, we still don't know if we're going to load the CPO (Crude Palm Oil) so we leave this option open and we're leaving CT 5 empty. If they have less than 34000MTAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraof the Bio Diesel NexBTL we can leave 5CT empty and we can load the Palm Oil when we're leaving Singapore.

I was in my office when one of the ABs came running and screaming.
I grabbed my carton of cigarettes and I ran out on deck waving the cigarettes over my head. We filled the container on the barge, but they left before we had disposed all our garbage. I waved the cigarettes and the driver wanted to come back for more garbage and cigarettes. But he had a real Naziworking with him on the barge. He was screaming NO NO and the driver was disappointed and they had to leave.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
The garbage barge disappears

I was disappointed when the garbage barge left. But we willhopefully still beAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraanchored here tomorrow so we can dump the rest of our garbage. And I really hope the Nazi is on leave tomorrow. They told us that we might go alongside tonight so I knocked off the crew at 3 o'clock so they can catch some rest if we're going inside tonight.

Later on it was changed to tomorrow morning, well, no time for Chief Officer to have a rest. I still have my cargo plans to attend to so I kept my self busy in my office and in the CCR. Of course, I took the time to check out what our Cook was doing in the kitchen. I was getting hungry after a day full of action.

Time turned really quick in my office and suddenly I had Captain behind me.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra- HEY!! Time for dinner!!
- What theI'm on diet
He was back after 5 minutes
- HEY!! Time for dinner!!
- What theI'm on diet

I left for the mess room and our Cook had made a cake that I knew that I would have to try to avoid. I finished my lamb and, well, I can have ONE piece of cake. IF I MANAGE TO FIND A VERY SMALL PIECE! So I made myself a glass of tea and I had a microgram of the cake. Just to keep the other guys company.
But Captain, I could not believe my eyeswhen he attacked the cake.
- They are stuck together
The company is down on the knees and he is eating cakeAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraenough fora soccer team. I was so satisfied with my microgram, and even that was too much. I need to get in shapebefore going back to Bangkok Fight Club and Imust try to avoid the mess room from now on.

I returned to my cabin and when I had finished a Pepsi Light I went to see Captain. BIG MISTAKE!! He went on and on, nagging really trying to talk me in to stay until Suez or Gibraltar.
- We're a dream team!
For sure, Suez is not an option, I have seen the pyramids and Egypt is, well, not a place I want to come back to. I even had a cruise on the Nile. Onboard the Queen of Nile or something like that. I told them to return to the jetty after 20 minutes of exciting river cruise between plastic bags and shit.

Wednesday 7 th of March 2012
and we had our anchor up when my alarm went off at 7 thirty. Well, according to the log book our anchor was up at 07:32. I had my good morning Pepsi Light and I hadAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraa look out my window when I came out from my cabin. We were on the way and I went down to my office. I put my last hand on the cargo plan and I had our Pump Man to line up the cargo system for loading according to my plan.

I was up on the bridge just after 9 o'clock when we approached Tuas refinery. We were aiming for jetty #2 and when we passed jetty #1 the shore personnel called the Pilot and told him that we were going to #1. MainAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk CassandraEngine astern and we had to back up to jetty #1.

We had all fast at 10:12 and Loading Master and Surveyor was onboard at 10:20 via the accommodation ladder that we had to put out on the sea side. The shore gangway wasn't working so they had to come onboard via service boat and our accommodation ladder at the sea side.

We finished paper work and everything just before lunch. But now we received new loading orders, now it looks like they want us to load the Crude Palm Oil in CT1. And we were going to load in CT1 according to my cargo plan. So we had to make a new cargo plan and shift the ship before we could start to load at 14:24.

We will load in 4 of our tanks before we leave for the anchorage where we will wait for them to beAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraready with the rest of the cargo. We loaded about 600m³ and we stopped for foot sampling 5 minutes after 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

We resumed discharging quarter past 5 when the samples had passed and it was soon time for dinner again. And when I came back from my office I discovered a jar of N utella at our 2nd Engineer's place and our 2nd Engineer was stuffing himself with N utella

Thursday 8 th of March 2012
and I was tired when my alarm went off at 7 thirty. But I felt much better when I realised that we were still loading. I had expected a wakeup call around 6 or 7.

I had a shower and I stepped in to the CCR with a Pepsi Light in my hand 15 minutes before 8. We finished loading at 9 thirty and we left Tuas Terminal just after 1 o'clock. Back to the anchorage to wait for the next parcel to be ready. They expect us to wait for 3 or 4 days before we can load the remaining cargo. There was a ship at the jetty in front of us, she was discharging Crude Palm Oil and they will make the Nex BTL (Bio Diesel) from the Crude Palm Oil and we will be back to load the remaining cargo before we're leaving for Rotterdam.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
The garbage barge is busy with other ships when we arrive to the anchorage

I was on deck with a carton of cigarettes when we arrived to the anchorage. The garbage boat was busy with some other ships and he was too far away to see the cigarettes. Well, I hope we can get rid of the garbage tomorrow.

Friday 9 th of March 2012
and yet again, I woke up dead tired at 7 thirty. I went to bed at
9 o'clock yesterday. I was so tired that I felt asleep at my desk. But as soon as I was in my bed it was impossible to sleep.

So I went up again and I was half sleeping through a boring movie and I gave my sleep a new try around 2 o'clock. My Pepsi Light gave me a wee bit of vim and I went to my office to get the guysAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrastarted for the day. Continue to prepare our ship steam system on deck. Pump Man have to pressure test heat exchanged in CT #1. Our Bosun will start the day by fixing the protection around the propeller on the life boat.

I returned to the day room for a Pepsi Light and I got right on a list that our Captain and I had printed a few days ago. We were meant to work through the list, but we have been very busy.

Time turned quick and it was soon time for lunch and I had an hour of afternoon sleep after lunch so I was full of energy when I went on deck to pressure test the cargo heater with our Pump Man. The heat exchanger was tight so our Pump Man can put backAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrathe pipes and he will have to pressure test the heating coils in our slop tanks tomorrow.

We got a guy onboard the other night and he is here to teach us about the new onboard computer based maintenance system.

So we meet in the crew's day room at 3 thirty in the afternoon and when we were ready the crew had to log in to their account. I asked the guy to start with our Pump Man and Bosun because I need the ASAP on deck.

There are always a few arses to kick on deck so I don't want them to waste time in front of a computer. I also got the name of my reliever, a new guy is coming and he will be here until Suez when the Chief Officer I relieved in Korea will come onboard.

Captain ordered 2 cases of Pepsi Light for me.
- Good, will last me until the 13th when I sign off, I said.

I was in my cabin minding my own business when Captain called me. It was around 8 thirty in the evening and I could hardly hear the phone because of the music.
- Excuse me for disturbing
- No problem
- Your reliever has some problem with his documents and he can't come
- What the
- The crewing wants to talk to you.
- I don't want to talk to them
- They are really sorry and they want to explain
- I have got one life, why would I waste it talking to them. I try to avoid people like this

Saturday 10 th of March 2012
and I can't say that I was full of vim when my alarm went off at 7Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrathirty. A Pepsi Light helped a wee bit and I was quite OK after my shower.

The guys continued the job to prepare the ship for vetting and to heat cargo. 2 Painters was kept busy chipping andpainting the manifolds. But in order to complete the manifold before the vetting we need to be delayed by a day or two.

And the weather needs to improve. The afternoon was wasted time because ofheavy rain. The Painters could do the chipping, but no painting. And when the rain started I put 2 of the ABs to hose down the superstructure.

This day was, well, not bad. But I wasn't in my excellent mood. Everything seemed to be at a stand-still and even the garbage barge was a set-back. We have got used to the Nazirejecting the fags, but today they only took very little garbage before they started to give the “No moreAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandragarbage” signal with their whistle and they f@cked off out of here. I logged 0,88m³ garbage as discharged in my garbage log book, the smallest discharge since we arrived to Singapore on the 29th of February.

The garbage barge passed us later on and I was waving the cigarettes but they just passed us. For sure, nothing toAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraimprove my mood. They have found a reliever for me and he will arrive on Monday and I would like to get rid of all our plastic garbage before I leave.

So I know that at least this shit is not ending up in the sea. Never know who is coming to relieve me and for sure, I don't know about his attitude towards garbage in to the sea.

When I was new onboard I had several discussionswith the people responsible for cleaning my office and cabin.
- Where is my garbage?
- I emptied the bins
- Please, I do it myself from now on.
I collect and sort my garbage so I know where it ends up. I even have them to remove plastic tapes and plastic stickers from our cardboard boxes when we have had stores delivered.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
AB chipping the box to the light for the life raft forward

Captain had got some new movies and he has been going on all day long about the movies.
- At 7 I will kick off the movie
When I meet him 10 minutes later:
- Peanuts and a movie tonight, I'm looking forward to it.
When I meet him 10 minutes later:
- MOVIE TIME AT 7!!! You should come
- I wish I had the f@cking time!
And it went on and on. Every time I ran in to him:
- Hey! What about a movie tonight. We need to relax a bit.

Yeah, I wish I had time for a movie. Well, I was still in a, not bad, but a sour mood after the garbage barge experience. And pressure testing the heating coils in the slop tanks didn't turn me in to a festive mood. We pressurised the coils in slop tank STB to 6 bars. One of the drain valves on deck was leaking so we had to blind it. When we pressurised the coils again the T-pipe to the drain valve cracked. The good thing is that it seems to be a problem with the pipes on deck and not in the tank. Yeah, I'm looking forward to testing the heating coils in port side slop tank tomorrow.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
An Engineer busy working

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
An Engineer busy working

Time was somewhat slow today. But finally it was time for dinner. I was caught up helping the Painter to finish the first layer of top coat on our deck house. If we wouldn't finish the top coat today we would miss the opportunity to finish the front of the deck house tomorrow. And then, God knows how it would look when we have the vetting inspection. So it was past 6 when I was back inmy office and I did some paper work and I was a wee bit late for dinner. And running in to Captain at dinner and it was like we never ended our conversation when I left his cabin an hour before.
- 7 o'clock....movie .....peanuts......
- I wish I had the time.....

Well, at lunch he told me that we would sign off together in Suez.
- We can come back together in 10 weeks, he said.
Now he complained that his wife was disappointed that I was signing off
- What the
- Yeah, now she can't follow our adventure on www.aladdin.st anymore.
- There will be plenty adventure on www.aladdin.st but now it will be exciting and fun.
He left the dinner table.
-I'm off to my peanuts, soft drinks and movie
I could see that he was disappointed when there was no “positive” reaction. It was like he was dragging his feet behind him when he left.
-I'm off to my peeeeanuuutttssss, soooffft drrrriiiinnnkkksss and moooooooooooooovieeeeeeeeeee

I called him when I was back in my cabin. I asked what the movie was about.
- Robin Hood
- Robin Hood, are you serious? Wasn't Robin Hood something we used to play in the woods when we were children?
- We can see something else
- OK, I will have a shower, see you in 10 to 15

Sunday 11 th of March 2012
and I was tired as usually when I woke up by my alarm. I had a Pepsi Light and a fag before my shower and the crew was waiting for me in my office when I came down.

Pump Man had to start the day by pressure test the heating coils in Port side SLOP tank. Our Painters continued with the manifold, well, one of them painted the front of the port side deck house so this looks good when the vetting inspector comes onboard.

But the Port side manifold will never be ready in time. Well, unless we will be delayed for a few days. My reliever is coming tomorrow morning so I have some stuff to do to prepare for his arrival and the vetting inspection. I brought my binders, logs and records to the conference room where the vetting inspector will scrutinize everything.

I was keeping myself busy when one of the Painters came running in to my office. And he was screaming:
I looked at my wrist watch, 9 o'clock.
- What theare they doing here at 9 o'clock?

I didn't even bother bringing the carton of cigarettes, I just ran to the poop deck with our Painter following hard on to my heels. We started to throw the garbage in to their container. I was surprised when the guy on the barge asked for cigarettes. Of course, the only day when I didn't bring my carton.
- 30 seconds, I screamed
I dashed off to get my carton of cigarettes in my office and when I returned to the poop deck it was almost empty from garbage. The guy on the barge pointed at our empty 200 litres drums.
- Do you want them?
- Yes, we come back.
I could not believe my luck. Of course, those drums are worth money. And as Captain said when I told him that I had got rid of the drums.
- Did I sign on aflea market? I asked.

Yeah, I remember when I joined M/T Barcarolle. I came down under the fo'c's'le and it was likeAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Barcarolle“What the
- What theis this?
There were, well, the whole Bosun store was full of old mooringAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Barcarolleropes and blaster grits. We could use the blaster grits, but what about the ropes?
- We will sell them and we will make millions!!

Chief Officer left and we had to pay money to get rid of the ropes on Christmas Eve in Pajaritos, Mexico. And I swear to God, the crew was busy for a full day lifting ashore ropes with the deckAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Barcarollecrane. We must have got rid of 50 to 100m³ in one day and I was in an excellent mood. Well, this was back in 2008, let's return to Singapore in 2012.

We cannot travelling around like a floating junk yard until we find someone that want to buy our old shit. So I was very happy when the guys on the garbage barge said that they would come back to collect the drums later on.
No, of course they didn't said asshole. They called me Sir, but I'm pretty sure that they meantasshole. Never mind, we will get rid of our empty drums and I will take the opportunity to get rid of all our plastic garbage. We have a container that was filled with plastic garbage when weAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraarrived. Now it is empty. No, not empty, I have 5m³ of sorted paper garbage that we can throw in the sea when we're leaving Singapore.

I went to my cabin to take all my garbage and we emptied all our containers from plastic. When they came back just after 10 o'clock we discharged 35 empty drums to the garbage barge. Plastic and glass and metal and we don't have any more garbage onboard. We will have a few bags when they return tomorrow. And I have 30 empty 25 litres plastic drums that I will try to get rid of.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
We're getting rid of all our empty drums

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
We're getting rid of all our empty drums

We have empty paint pots that no one wants to have so I will try to get rid of them some way. But anyway, I was in an excellent mood when the garbage barge left. It was soon time for lunch and we had just left deck for our lunch break when the stores arrived. I was so happy that I was going toAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrasign off. 2 and a half ton of razor wire on the service boat that the crew will have to put up around the ship before entering the pirate waters on the way to Rotterdam.

We received provision, pipes and other stores. And of course, the 2 coils of razor wire, each coil about 1,2 ton. The ship chandler came onboard and he asked me to sign papers. I asked for a list so I could check if we had received it all. First page was for 50 cans of snus.

We also received 10 cases of Peps Light, enough to last me until Suez. But I will leave the ship in Singapore, but Captain never gives up.Yeah, I must give him that.
- Now you have to stay until Sri Lanka so you can finish the Pepsi Light.
- Yeah! See ya!

It was pretty much 4 o'clock and time for our fire and oil spill drill when we were redy with the stores. We had a fireAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrain the galley drill with 2 smoke diving teams and when we were ready we went n deck to check out the oil spill equipment.

Yeah, this time turned pretty quick and it was soon time for dinner. I had time for a shower and 2 cans of Pepsi Light before the dinner.

And I have snus to last me for a few days now. So I'm safe even if I will have to stay until Suez. Yet another day has come to an end and I will continue to upload new pictures to my web page about Bro Jupiter back in 2004. I started yesterday and it would be nice if I could finish before I sign off. Or maybe,I will go see if Captain have some nice movies I can watch.

Monday 12 th of March 2012
and I jumped out of bed when my alarm went off at 7 thirty. I turned off the alarm and I popped open a fizz drink. I had a sip before I lit up a fag. A hot shower, aAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrawee bit longer than expected so the crew was waiting for me in my office when I came down 1 minute before 8 o'clock. Well, it is good to be the Chief Officer, I arrive when I want toarrive. And if someone is waiting...
- Oh! I was busy with some very important paper work

The guys left for deck and I left for a Milo in the day room. I had not have any Milo for quite some time now and it tasted good.

I went on deck and I took a picture of our new razor wire and when I was back to upload the picture I see that I got a bonus picture of our 3rd Engineer saluting in the back of the picture. A nice surprise. Our 3rd Engineer have been on and on about copying my pictures. But the truth is that I delete most of them after putting them on the
on the internet. Or I would have to carry around terra bytes of pictures. And honestly, I can't say that I'm spending too much time looking at old pictures so if I have them on my web page that is enough and I can delete the original. Well, I will copy the pictures I have for him.
- Can you copy your music as well? PLEASE

I copied my music to Captain's hard drive after a lot of nagging
and as I told Captain when he asked for the millionth time.
- I'm not sure that you understand to appreciate the music.

So now he has his own FUNKY CORNER in his cabin, but the FUNKY CORNER “The Original” is still in my office.
And as I told Captain when I returned his hard drive.
- You're not automatically a COOL GUY just because
you have some funky music. It takes a wee bit
more than that!

And our 3rd Engineer also wants snus. He is all over me since he saw me receiving my parcel yesterday. Oh, can I buy one can and give me a souvenir. He went on and on and I had to tell him that there were countries there they had to put a label “FOR MEN ONLY” on the can.

Our 3rd and 2nd Engineer were busy on deck to check our lighting before the vetting inspection, I was on deck to check our flame screens on the P/V valves so I took a few pictures of the guys.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Engineers busy trying to look busy

My reliever came onboard just before lunch and I showed him the ODME during the afternoon. We went through some of the stuff and suddenly it was time for dinner again. No news for us whenthat we're going alongside on Wednesday so I can leave the ship on Thursday after completion of the loading.

The evening will be spent in my cabin updating my web page and I will continue uploading new and bigger pictures to the page about “Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Bro Jupiter back in 2004”

And I had time for a movie before I went to bed trying to get some sleep. It was, as usually hard to fall a sleep and I spent hours tossin' and turnin' in bed.

Tuesday 13 th of March 2012
and I was not exactly jumping out of bed at 7 thirty. But I was in a good mood, I will continue the hand over with my reliever and I really hopethat we receive our berthing prospects today. I want to go alongside tomorrow so I can f@ck off out of here on Thursday. Then I will stay 2 days in Singapore and fly back home on Saturday.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
New crew on a safety tour on deck

But first loading and the vetting inspection before I can leave. I will leave on the anchorage after we have completed loading so let's get us alongside so we can start the loading.

I had prepared the garbage for the garbage barge, but there was no sign at all of the garbage barge during the day. And yes, I was disappointed, I had really been looking forward to havingAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandragetting rid of the last garbage before going alongside.

I was spending the day with our new Chief Officer giving him a tour on deck. We checked our stores and equipment on deck and when it was almost time for lunch we got 3 Technicians from Hanla onboard.

They were going to change the cables to our high level alarms and I was very happy to see them. They should have been here yesterday but someone of his colleagues took hour cables to another ship and we had to wait for another day. We were worried that they wouldn't have time to do the job if we were goingAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandraalongside. Yes, the ship is getting in better shape by the day.

The Technicians left us just before 6 o'clock and we had tested our high level alarms and they were working good. I told Captain that it looked like a Swedish ships with the new cables ondeck. I went for a hot shower before dinner and still no sign off the garbage barge.

I was in the mess room 10 minutes after 6 o'clock and I had smoked salmon andAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrasome ham with some French bread for dinner. And of course, I had a glass of tea. It was salmon steak for dinner, but I don't like cooked salmon so I just had the smoked salmon.

Captain asked me to take a picture of the salmon and how can I say no? Yes, the food looks very good and it taste good as well. But I'm too impatient to wait for him to put the food on my plate.

It is almost like he is using a ruler when he put the food on the plate. The food shouldbe exactly at place and I usually jut tell him to throw the food in a bucket for me.

I finished my smoked salmon and ham and I caught sight of the cake. Our Cook had made a cake and I decided to have a small piece.

We were discussing life in general and I caught sight of a N utella jar. Well, the darn jar had been in front of me all the time. So I ripped open the jar and I plunged my spoon in to the jar of the chocolate wonder.
Yeah, I really hope it is true what they are saying “Chocolate is very healthy” It is like eating salad with antioxidants, or I'm in big trouble
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Salmon for dinner

Wednesday 14 th of March 2012
and we were on our way when my alarm went of at 7 thirty. I turned off my alarm while I popped open a can of Pepsi Light. I took my can and I went to look out

Message=Goodday Aladdin,

Best compliments for the way you do all the garbage management. I wish all your colleagues had the same attitude. FYI as per 1st of January 2013 all dumping overboard of cat 2,3,4 will also be prohibited. If you wish I can send you the IMO papers about it.

Have a nice holiday, maybe see you sometime in Rotterdam.


Voor elektronische communicatie hanteert Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V.(HbR) een disclaimer. U kunt deze nalezen op de internetsite van het HbR of opvragen via info@portofrotterdam.com). Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V., Rotterdam, is geregistreerd bij het handelsregister in Nederland onder nummer 24354561.

Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V.(HbR) has a disclaimer with regard to electronic communication. You can read the disclaimer on the internet site of the HbR or ask for a copy by mail to info@portofrotterdam.com). Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V., Rotterdam, is registered with the trade register in the Netherlands under no. 24354561.

my window and I discovered that we were on the way. I also discovered rain and gloom and grey for as long as I could see.

I returned to my computer and I discovered an e-mail from Port of Rotterdam. Well, what do they want? It was about me taking care of our environment. Always nice with some posetive feed back. I went down to my office and I didn't expect to find anyone there due to that we were moving. The crew was busy on deck and I told our Painters to prepare for the vetting inspection. They had to bring back all the garbage I had on the poop deck stand-by for the garbage barge that never arrived yesterday. I had time for some pre arrival checks before it was time to go on the bridge.

Arrival on the 14th and our vetting inspector was busy and he had to cancel. But changed plans,Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandrahe will fly straight from Taiwan and do our inspection before he goes back home to Malaysia.

He would arrive around 4 o'clock so we had a few BONUS hours to prepare deck. We had all fast around 10 o'clock in the morning and we started to load at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. They stopped loading at 14:09 for foot sampling and we resumed 10 minutes past 5 in the afternoon. Our Vetting Inspector was not arriving to Singapore airport until 3 o'clock according to the latest news and he was expected onboard between 6 and 7 in the evening. Good, I had time for my first meal for the day.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Bosun cleaning deck preparing for the vetting inspection

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Bosun cleaning deck preparing for the vetting inspection
Our Vetting Inspector came onboard around 6 thirty with one of the Superintendents from Maersk and we got right on to the inspection. And when we were finished we had got 1 remark, the AC is not working properly. So I was in a pretty good mood when I returned to my cabin to pack my bag. I got my flight details today via e-mail.

TG 404 17MAR Singapore - Bangkok(Suvarnabhumi Intl) 1225 1345 Confirmed and that gives me 2 days for cultural activities in Singapore before I fly back to FUNKY TOWN on Saturday.

Thursday 15 th of March 2012
and they called me 20 minutes before 7 o'clock in the morning.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra- 1 hour until completion
- OK, I'm coming
I had a Pepsi Light and a hot shower before I went down to the CCR where I opened a new can fizz drink. We completed loading 3 minutes after 8 o'clock

paper work was finished around 11 and I went for a shower. The service boat will arrive around 1 o'clock, just after departure. Later on it was changed to 12 thirty. Well, anyway, I had plenty time to pack my bag and I even had time for lunch before it will be time to leave.

We are not allowed to leave at the jetty so the ship has to let go of all the moorings before we could leave the ship. Pilot was ordered for 13:00 and we expected to be off just after 1 o'clock.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Captain force me to hug him

Tug boats arrived while we had our lunch and the Pilot boat and our service boat arrived at the same time. And we were told that we could not leave before we had let go all our mooring lines, but the service boat came to our sea side accommodation ladder and I left with our 3 Painters. Theydon't want any extra Painters onboard during the passage of the pirate waters so all extra crew had signed off 2 days ago.

Our Painters and I was the last to leave before Maersk Cassandra left for Europe. The crew lowered our luggage to the service boat and we left Maersk Cassandra behind.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Boarding the service boat

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Our luggage on the way down to the service boat

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Don't you dare go f@cking sentimental on me now!

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Leaving the beauty behind

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Leaving the beauty behind

Well, it took us about 45 minutes to get to the Immigration at the West Coast Pier. Located just next to Polymarina where I did my Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boat course back in October 2011. Well, anyway, Aladdin's adventure in Singapore could finally KICK OFF!!

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

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ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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