“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

July 2012 - Part 3

Saturday 21 st of July 2012 and was full of vim when my alarm went off at 7 thirty. I bouncedout to my day room to turn off the alarm. I popped a baby aspirinand I bounced in to my shower and I was in the mess room 10 minutes before 8 to have my tea.

Our Mess man had not put out the cheese so I just had two garlic &Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiacheese toast with my tea before I left for my office and the “Good morning PEP” meeting

I had brought Maersk T-shirts, a whole bunch and the last size M I had in my cabin. When I joined the ship there were several boxes with Maersk caps and t-shirts and now I have handed out most of it. Now I only have size XL and XXL remaining and there is almost no one onboard that can wear size XL. Captain was disappointed when I gave him a size XL.
- What theis this? My whole family fits in this t-shirt!

Well, anyway, I stepped in to my office and I was in a pretty good mood.
- Assholes and Motherfockers!!
The crew got my last t-shirts when we got started with our “Good morning PEP” meeting.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Our 2nd Officer came by and he could take the picture of our GOOD MORNING hug

And as usual we finished our “Good morning PEP” meeting with a group hug. Our 2nd Officer passed my office and I asked him to take the picture. Well, plenty to do on deck so no time for hanging around hugging all day long.

I started my day by doing work permit, 1 for the crew greasing the mooring winches and 1 for ourAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk ClaudiaBosun that would paint some marking on the crane. There is no limit switch on the jib so we need a marking for MAXIMUM topping of the jib.

Our Pump Man had prepared everything on deck for the steam and we are going to try out our steam lines on deck today and our engine department opened for the steam to deck after the coffee break. There was a small leak on aAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiapipe, but nothing I was worried about. We were running the steam for a few hours, only idling, slow start, so we didn't chocked the steam pipes.
Our 2nd Officer was busy with his LSA equipment routines, life boat, MOB Boat, life jackets etc. We will most likely have a vetting in Singapore so we need to be prepared and there is no time for sitting down relaxing scratching behinds.

Our crew was busy on deck, 1 Team greasing, Pump man busy putting back nuts that were missingAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiafrom the manholes on deck while I kept an eye on theAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiasteam pipes. And I was having a good time in my office. I had brought some diet drinks to the refrigerator in my office so I was enjoying diet drinks whilelistening to music.

And yet again, the time turned very quick, I had had no time for coffee break or to have a quick mug ofAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaflaxseeds. Captain was in my office 10 minutes past 12 toget me for lunch.
- Time for lunch baby
- I'll be right with you
I'm busy preparing my discharge plan, as soon as we arrive to Singapore I will most likely be busy with other stuff. Vetting and several annual inspections for renewal of certificates.

So Aladdin's good ol' “One Step Ahead” philosophy will come in handy in a situation like this. The other day our 2nd Officer asked me how I had time to do the cargo plans if there was only a short time between port stays. I told him that it had never been any problem, and sometimes we're in and out from ports all the time. Preparation is the key word.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Bosun painting markings on the deck crane

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Bosun painting markings on the deck crane

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Bosun painting markings on the deck crane

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Bosun painting markings on the deck crane

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Bosun is ready with the marking

Well, anyway, my lunch break started very good, bowl of broccoli soup with some cauliflower I found. Second bowl and I added some potato with the cauliflower, same with the third bowl. OK,Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiapotato is not good for the diet, but it felt good. I had given up the rice and now I will give up the potato. But I was feeling pretty good about my diet when I left the mess room for my office.

The steam line was hot up to 4 meters from the branch to the heat exchanger for the tank cleaning water. I asked our 2nd Engineer to crank up the steam. He started with 2 bars and nowAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiawe had some steam coming out from the drain pipe before the heat exchanger.

I went in to my office and I called our 2nd Engineer in the engine room. I asked if he could crank up the steam and it didn't take long before ourBosun came to my office.
- We have a big steam leak on deck

I went out on deck and it was the leak we had discovered when we started up the steam. Now it was full pressure on the steam and the small hole had turned in to a steam whistle. Well, we knew about this hole, but I wanted full blast to check the rest of the steam line.

Our Pump man and I checked the rest of the steam system, 1 leak forward, no problem, we will blind the steam pipe after the branch to the heat exchanger. Well, I went back inside and I called the engine room and I asked them to turn off the steam. We had planned to run the water and try out the heat exchanger today, but we decided to do it tomorrow when we discovered the leak this morning. Our Pump man will fix the leaks and we will do the test run tomorrow.

And we will have a fire drill at 5 so no time today. I asked our Pump Man to repair the steam pipe after the drill and this would have cured until tomorrow so we can start again.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
I could not help myself, I just had to take a picture of a Maersk and Broström boiler suit side by side

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
I could not help myself, I just had to take a picture of a Maersk and Broström boiler suit side by side

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
I could not help myself, I just had to take a picture of a Maersk and Broström boiler suit side by side

Our fire alarm went off at 5 o'clock and we mustered at the fire stationFirere in theAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiachemical store, stb side on poop deck. We were soon having 3 teams doing boundary coolingand as soon as the area was cooled down we sent in thesmoke divers to extinguish the fire.

Of course, in the middle of the excitements we had one of the crew members getting hurt.

Our First Aid team came running with the stretcher and the crew were sooncarrying our Bosunto the hospital where it didn't take long for him to recover. We finished the drill and we went to the bridge for some pyrotechnic familiarisation. No end to the Saturday afternoon excitements.

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Group picture after the drill

And of course, the whole crew on the bridge and I just had to take a picture. It was notAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaas good as I had hoped for, the sun was setting shining straight in to the bridge. But it is better than nothing. Well, we finished all our drills and I sent Pump man on deck to repair the steam pipe.

I checked all the blinds for the T/C line on deck and I could not discover any leaks. I went back to my office and my cargo plan and our Captain came by my office quarter past 6. Yeah, good luck trying to skip meals when he is feeling lonely.
- Time for lunch baby
- Motherfoocker, you really don't give up until you have foocked up my diet completely!!

Well, I asked him if we should go have a look at Bosun's new marking on the crane before we hadAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaour dinner. Our Captain was enthusiastic and we left to have a look at the crane. I wanted to have a picture of him with the marking in the back. I wanted a picture from a worm's-eye view. But he wanted to take a picture of me instead.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia

And he really doesn’t master the worm's-eye view technique. Hell, he don't even understand the “Shoulder up ONLY” technique.

I started my dinner with a bowl of our Cook's delicious Broccoli soup with some left over
Diet Day 9

Breakfast: 2 slices of garlic bread (melted cheese style)
               &nbspTea, of course

Before lunch snack: No time for any snacks

Lunch: Broccoli soup with cauliflower and potato
          Of course, a big mug of tea

Afternoon snack: No time to relax in the afternoon

Dinner: A bowl of broccoli soup with cauliflower and
          potato. 2 plates of tenderloin and French fries
          Ice cream
          I big mug of tea

Well, it s Saturday so some ice cream is never mind. Well, anyway, I was yet again very pleased with my day, at least regarding my diet.
cauliflower and potato from the lunch. I went for a second helping, this time tenderloin and French fries.

Well, it is Saturday and I had decided to eat on Saturdays even before I joined the ship in Dampier, Australia. Yes, it sounds stupid, but I had planned for this diet already back in Bangkok before leaving for Australia. And so far it has been, well, Ok. Not good, but it improves by the day.

And I will repeat Captains comet yet again:
“A remarkable change comparing to Maersk Cassandra”

Captain and 2nd Officer were in a hurry to start play boxing on the TV after the dinner. I had a diet drink watching them for a while, but I was soon growing bored and I left for my cabin.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
2nd Officer and Captain playingboxing on the TV

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
2nd Officer and Captain playing boxingon the TV

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
And it looks like we have a KO

Sunday 22 nd of July 2012
and I can't say that I bounced out of bed at 7 thirty. 1 or 2 more hours of sleep would have been fine. But I felt good when I had had my GOOD MORNING shower.
I had my morning tea and the crew was waiting for me when I came to my office a fewAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaminutes after 8 o'clock. Oops!
- Assholes and Motherfoockers!!

We discussed today’s work and the crew left for deck, of course, Pump manreminded me about the group hug.

We will test our T/C water heater today so our Pump man stayed behind when the rest of the guys had left so we could discuss the upcoming adventure with the steam on deck. Careful planning and we willhopefully be ready with everything before lunch.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Good morning group hug

We asked for steam on deck around 9 thirty and I asked for 1 to 2 bars steam pressure quarter to 10. We had steam at the heat exchangers and at the drain on the return line when I went backAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiato my office. We will start the water on deck when our Pump man has had his coffee break. And I had time for some paper work while he enjoyed his coffee break.

The leaks from yesterday were repaired by Pump man this morning and they were holding. But I discovered a new leak on the return line today, but this was nothing to worry about so we decided to continue with the test.

We started the fire pump at 10 thirty and we adjusted the hydrant on deck so we had 8 bars on the water line. We opened the steam slowly and the water temp were soon 45°C! And that was even though our 2nd Engineer only had the boiler on the lowest possible delivery to deck.

I opened slowly slowly until we had full open to the heat exchanger and suddenly the temp on theAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiawater started to go down. I went into my office and I called our 2nd Engineer in the ECR.
- We need more steam
- Aye aye Motherfoocker!!

Our 2nd Engineer cranked up the steam and we were soon having 80°C on the outgoing water and we had 60 °C on the water coming out from the hydrant.

I really like to work with our Pump man and our 2nd Engineer. Everything works out to work very well. As I told our Pump man and 2nd Engineer “I think they are on to something here, Maersk. The Pilipino, Indian and Swedish set up” And of course, they agreed with me. And the heating worked out very well. 61°C on the outgoing water without any problem. We remember the drama in Singapore with Maersk Cassandra.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
Tank cleaning onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra
we were lucky, the steam line burst just before we were ready

We decided to let the water run for some time before we stopped the steam delivery to deck. And our 2nd Engineer stopped the boiler at 11 thirty and we ran water through the heater for 5 to 10Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaminutes to cool down the equipment. And as soon as the steam was stopped the temperature dropped very quickly and I was in my cabin fora shower before it was time for lunch.

I was very satisfied with the morning work. A beautiful day and everything worked out very well with the heating. And I will spend the afternoon preparing my cargoAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiatransfer plan so this will be ready. Then I canput all my energy on the upcoming vetting inspection in Singapore.

Lunch, chicken soup and Gordon Blue or whatever they call it. I had a wee bit too much, but it is Sunday. Our Captain and I decided to have a “Pre vetting meeting” in my office at 3 thirty in the afternoon.

And time turned really quick, I had not finished my cargo plan when he came to my office 20 minutes before 4. I was
Diet Day 10

Breakfast: 2 slices of black bread with cheese
               &nbspTea, of course

Before lunch snack: No time for any snacks

Lunch: 1 bowl of chicken soup and 2 plates of Gordon
         &nbspBlue with some yellow rice
          Of course, a big mug of tea

Afternoon snack: No time to relax in the afternoon

Dinner: 1 bowl of chicken soup with rice (Darn, I had
          given up eating rice) 1 plate of salad and potato
          2 cream filled pastries that our Cook had made
          I big mug of tea

almost ready, and I had done some other paper work as well.
We never had time to finish our “Pre vetting meeting”Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiabecause we had to have an alco test at 5 o'clock. But I had time to finish my cargo transfer plan before dinner, well, Captain was in my office 10 past 6.
- Time for dinner baby
- I'll be right with you

Well, yet another day have come to an end and I was quite pleased. Well, I might have had a wee, just a wee bit too much to eat. But it is Sunday fer foocks sake!

I have handed out all the Maersk t-shirts size M. I have some XL and a box of size XXL. And hundreds of Maersk caps remaining. I went to my cabin after dinner to get a few “BIG” size t-shirts for our Captain's father. I threw in a few caps to make the package a wee bit more exciting.

Captain has his wife and daughter onboard and one of our 2nd Mates has his wife onboard. It is nice to have them onboard and there is never a dull moment with Captain's daughter. But we were running in to a wee bit of a problem with the immigration in Indonesia. In Indonesia it is only Captain and Chief Officer that is allowed to have their wives onboard. Well, I don't know why they have a stupid rule like that. And for sure, I will never have a wife to bring onboard.
Monday 23 rd of July 2012
and I was out of bed at 7 thirty when my alarm went off. I have been sleeping very good onboard since I joined the ship. Hard work and I sleep good... Well, anyway, IAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiawas tired, or it is more like I'm stiff the wayyou are after a very deep sleep.

So I was full of vim when I came out from the GOOD MORNING hotshower. When I'm tired from lack of sleep or a poor sleep it takes more than a hot shower to wake up.
I had 2 pancakes and a mug of tea before I went to my office for our “Good morning PEP” meeting.- Assholes and Motherfoockers!!
We will arrive to Singapore tomorrow afternoon/ evening so we need to prepare the ship. Our 2nd officer on the 4 to 8 watch joined us for the “Good morning PEP” meeting. He needs help from one AB to prepare the lifeboat. And of course, he joined us for the group hug.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia

I had to go get our Cook in the galley so he could take the picture of us doing the group hug. As soon as we had the pictures our Pump man disappeared to get a USB stick
- Can you please copy your pictures?
- No worries!
OK, enough of the pleasantries and I chased the guys out of my office.

When I was alone in my office I updated our garbage log book. DARN! In the evening when it isAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiatime to update my darn web page I have forgot everything we did during the day, and that's even though I have been so busy and there had not been any time for coffee breaks.

But I was looking for pad locks. I have a big fridge in my office and I stuffed a case of diet drinks in sticking out from my fridge.
- What the
Yes, our Surveyors helped themselves to my diet drinks, and this was my last diet drinks and I was not happy. To make a long story short, they went ashore and they bought new diet drinks for me. As I explained for them:
“You can go to 7 Eleven, I have nowhere to go when I run out of diet drinks”
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Barcarolle
Our Surveyors in Pajaritos - Bringing diet drinks for me

We were mostly going between Mexico and US for Pemex. And when I was looking for the pictures of our Surveyors I was reminded about the PEMEX representative we had onboard. PEMEX, theAladdin's adventure onboard M/T BarcarolleMexican oil company and we were always taking PEMEX cargoes and on my last voyage with M/T Barcarolle we had a PEMEX representative onboard. He joined us in Beaumont and he left us in TUXPAM. We went to Pajaritos to load Naphtha for Houston.

How I remember the PEMEX representative? Well, look at the white board behind the Surveyors. When I saw the picture I wasAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Barcarollereminded about our POW POW in my office.

We had a conversation about oil and our environment. And I explained it very pedagogical for the PEMEX representative, atAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudialeast that is what I think. A “happy fish” swimming around Barcarolle, of course, he could have been happier. And a “sad fish” swimming around aPanamaGreek ship.

Well, anyway, back to M/T Maersk Claudia. I didn't find any pad lock for my fridge. OK, I found hundreds of pad locks, but no keys so it is pretty much the same as no pad locks.

I had our Captain in my stores and I gave him a pair of dungarees and he was instantly looking 10 years younger. And yet again, for the second time today I was reminded about the good ol' days. Dungarees, yes, back in 1993 and I step inside my door and there is a letter from the bank jumping up and punch me first thing.
- Oh no, yet another letter demanding money from my bank!

Back then it was no problem to overdraw the visa card,Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNno connections to the bank. They used a magazine to see if the card number was on the list over cancelled cards. And out of 1000 purchases they checked it, maybe, 1 time.

Friday evening at the bar, you can imagine how many bartendersthere were taking the time to go through this magazine issued a few times per year. Well,anyway, it was not about any demands and overdraw, I had 4 or 5000 Dollars that I had forgot about. Yes, it was like winning the lottery.

My friend wanted to borrow half of it.
- No problem!
And we took off to Bangkok and my friend was wearing dungarees and everywhere we went people was screaming “Baby Man” after him. It took us a whileAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbefore we understood that it was because of the dungarees.

Well, anyway, 1993 and this is 20 years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday.

Back to 2012 and our Pump Man was busy blinding steam pipes to the cargo heater and I was out checking on the progress. Our extra Painters are chipping and painting tank deck. I told them to prepare our paint store before they finished for today. We need to paint the paint store so it looksAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiagood before our vetting inspection.

Time turned very quick and it was soon time for lunch. No time for coffee break and a quick lunch and I were back in my office.

I will have a Deck crane drill with the crew in the afternoon and before that we will test our IG plant.

I was ready with the gs measurement so four cargo plants when they finished their coffee break. I asked them to study the signals to be used while using the crane. Our Pump Man closed the funnel and P/V valves to the cargo tanks and we went to my officefor the crane exercise. This is so I can make a new “Authorized crane operator” certificate before the inspections.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Of course, I had to take a picture of Bosun's new marking
And we can see that the crane is topped to MAXIMUM - The indicator arrow is just on the limit to go red from green

We will put pressure in the cargo tanks while we do the crane training so we needed to close thefunnels and P/V valves. When we're ready we will stop the IG. Our deck crew could not believe their luck. When we were ready with the crane training we had time for a “BONUS” group hug extravaganza adventure on the deck.

The whole ship has turned in to a “HUG ZONE”. And talk about team building. We finished the afternoon BONUS group hug and the crew turned cartwheels when they were going back to their work.

Full of vim and they were happy thanks to our group hug. I returned to the CCR to check the IG pressure and our Pump man was stand-by on the main IG valve.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Afternoon “BONUS” group hug

We stopped the IG and I left the responsibility to our 2nd Engineer and I could start with our computerized maintenance program. We have greased the cranes and winches and I need to removeAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiathese jobs from “work to do” to “completed jobs”. I don't know where the time disappears. But the day was coming to an end.

I was on the bridge to sign the log books and we have got news that we will go alongside at arrival. Pilot 14:00 and 3 hours to the anchorage where the immigration will come onboard. And as soon as we're cleared we will go alongside to start discharge the condensate.

So I went back on deck. I had planned an arrival meeting with the crew in my office. But now I hadAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiathe meeting on deck before the crew went for dinner. We lined up tomorrows work and we were off to dinner.

I had meat and cauliflower and my second plate was brimmed with salad and a little meat, a very good dinner. Healthy andtasty, well, at least until we tried out the chocolate cake.

We moved in to the day room when we finished the dinner.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk ClaudiaThe day room was full with people playing boxing on the TV game. 2nd engineer, Captain and I are almost alone having dinner and lunch every day, therest of the guy s finish in 2 minutes and they are off to the day room leaving us behind. Well, I'm too old for racing,karate, soccer, boxing and I don't know everything they are playing.

Before it was soccer 24/7 and then it was racing.Now it is boxing 24/7. But when Iasked if anyone was interesting in getting down to the punch bag in the gym they were not interested. We have gloves and punch bags onboardand I really tried to get them going:
- Real sparring is much more fun than the stupid TV game.

Well, as soon as we have put the annual inspections behind us I will get started with my boxing and Thai books again. But right now I don't have the time. I'm normally spending my lunch
Diet Day 11

Breakfast: 2 pancakes
               &nbspTea, of course

Before lunch snack: No time for any snacks

Lunch: 2 plates of pasta
         &nbspBlue with some yellow rice
          Of course, a big mug of tea

Afternoon snack: No time to relax in the afternoon

Dinner: 2 plates of meat, first plate with cauliflower and
          the second plate with salad
          I big mug of tea and 2...Hmm, no, 2 pieces of
          chocolate cake.
reading my Thai books, but now I spend the time with Captain and 2nd Engineer.

I will skip my lunches from now on and I will sneak away to my Thai books in my... hold on, I'm just going to move my Thai books to my bed room.

OK, I'm back, finally I have my Thai books in my bed room. My intention have been to get them to my bed room the last 10 days, but something has always come up and I haveforgot my books. Well, now they ar eon my bedside table. And if I'm lucky I will start to read them.

But I will have to tread carefully, very carefully. Our Captain and I have discussions, well, he calls our discussions for arguments so if I stop coming for lunch they will think that I'm sullen. So I will try to explain it for the tomorrow.

And seriously, I think I can blame him, didn't he promise to kick my behind if I would let myself go getting my diet of the track? So yes, I have all the rights in the world to be sullen and bitter!

Tuesday 24 th of July 2012
and we were approaching Singapore when I came down to the mess room 10 minutes before 8 for my morning tea. What a difference from the other mornings, plenty ships around us and we had ETA to the Pilot station at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

I finished my morning tea and I went for our “Good morning PEP” meeting in my office.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia- Assholes and Motherfoockers!!
Today we had to prepare for arrival to port. Pilot at 2 o'clock and we expected to drop anchor 1 hour later at 15:00. Immigration at the anchorage and then Pilot at 16:30 to take us alongside at Oiltanking terminal.

Very good, no middle of the night work. Our Extra painters had to complete the painting on deck and Bosun and one OS had to prepare some stuff. AB onwatch was look out on the bridge and the rest of the guys were sleeping in order to have them full of vim tonight. And I started to do my “pre-arrival” checks and tests so I don't have to do that when we have millions of people onboard.

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
We're right on to our GOOD MORNING routines

Pilot boarding time was changed from 16 thirty to 19 thirty. 3 hours at the anchorage so CaptainAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaarranged for the Bureau Veritas to come onboard for the annual inspection of our deck and equipment. We will also get service for our internet equipment, annual survey of our radio equipment and the Schat Harding to inspect our life boat davit.

So we prepared our deck for inspections beforelunch. I had a quick lunch and I went to the bridge to ask our 2nd Officer on the 12 to 4 watch to give me a wakeup callquarter to 2. I expect a long night so a quick power nap is needed.

Lo and foocking behold, I managed to fallasleep and when I woke up it was 4 o'clock. I woke up in the nick of time, we were arriving to the anchorage and I had planned for some tests and checks before arrival. Our 2nd Officer on the 12 to 4 watch was in the day room and I asked him about my wake up call. - I forgot!
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Singapore anchorage

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Singapore anchorage

We were soon having a service launch approaching us with the Bureau Veritas Inspector, Radio equipment inspector and the guy for our internet. 2 Inspectors from a Nigerian company that willAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudialook at the ship to see if they want to buy the ship.

Captain, Chief Engineer and I started in the conference room with the Bureau Veritas Inspector.

Then the Inspector went to check the bridge and when he was ready we went on deck. He checked cargo equipment, and he checked whatAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiahe needed to check to issue a new load line certificate.

He was in the CCR doing the ODME when the service launch came to pick up all the Inspectors at 19:30. But we did the loading computer before he left and we finished the deck inspection and now he come back to check the engine room next time we drop the anchor.

It was hectic and we were lucky the Schat Harding guy never showed up. We would not have been able to handle him as well. All inspections and the 2 Inspectors for the buyers went to inspect a ballast tank. And thatAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiawas of course requiring work permit and a lot of paper work. But our 2nd Officer on the 4 to 8 watch took care of those guys so it never bothered me.

Pilot was onboard at 8 o'clock and our anchor was a weight 20:15 and we steamed slowly towards Oiltanking berth #9 where we had all fast at 22:06.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Arrival to Oiltanking #9

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Assisted by tug boats at arrival to Oiltanking #9

Well, I had expected us to have started with the discharging before midnight, especially since we had a Surveyor onboard at the anchorage to take the samples. But time just went on and on and soon it was the 25th of July and I had no hope to be in bed before 4 o'clock in the morning.

Wednesday 25 th of July 2012
and our 2nd Officer came on watch at midnight. He started studyAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiamy Cargo Transfer Plan right away.

Planty to study before he is ready to start the discharging. But it is fun with all the different colours.

I was drinking diet drinks waiting for them to be ready to receive our cargo. And when our 2nd Officer was ready with the Cargo transfer Plan he started with some BEAT BOXING in the CCR. I think it was my music that inspired him. Well, anyway, he letAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiahim self go and he was BEAT BOXING away and luckily enough I had my camera in my front pocket.

Our Pump man passed on deck outside the CCR and he cught sight of our 2nd Officer. He passed the window and it was like he couldn't beleive what he was because he passed the window and he took a step to have a look in through the window.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia- What the
He turned around and he stepped inside the CCR 3 seconds later. And our 2nd Officer started all over again witht he beatboxing.

It was 01:18 when we started to discharge our cargo, topping off tanks ONE BY ONE untild 95% alarm deactivated and we could start discharge with full speed and it was 4 o'lock before I was in bed. And by then I was happy that our 2nd Officer had forgotten to wake me up in the afternoon. I was soon asleep, but they called me around 7 thirty in the morning.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Beatboxing in the CCR

I went down to the CCr and I was back in bed at 9 thirt and I sleep until 11 when they called to wake me up. I had asked them to wake me up at 11 so I would have time for some paper work. And it would have been very hard to fall asleep in the evening if I would have stayed in bed looling around all afternoon.

Well, if I knew how this would have turned out I would have stayed in bed. I kept myself busy the whole afternoon, loading plans. But it was impossible for me to fall asleep in the evening and when they called me sround midnight thirty I had not been sleeping at all. And by now I really needed some sleep. I was dead tired but it wa simpossible to fall asleep.

Thursday 26 th of July 2012
and I was in the CCR after a hot shower and a mug of tea. We completed discharging at 01:18 and the paper work was completed an hour later. Pilot was ordered for 5 thirty so I had a few hours for sleep, if I will manage to fall asleep.

I was dead tired and it was almost impossible to fall asleep, but I managed to fall asleep around 4Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiao'clock and I got 1 hour of sleep before they called me
- Pilot will soon be onboard
- OK, I'm coming

I had a cup of tea on the bridge before we left Oiltanking #9 and as soon as 2nd Officer was on the bridge I went down to my office. Our Bosun and Pumpman helped me to prepare for the tank cleaning. Day light started to break and I was on the bridge waiting for the steam line to the tank cleaning heater to warm up.

There was a small ship overtaking us and he called on the radio and asked us to give way. As I told Captain:
- Don't blame the guy, he is most likely only having a salary of 500$ and God know when they had food last time.
Well, I don't expect much from a guy with a 500$ per month salary. And with these salaries we can just imagine how serious the company is regarding “Trained, good and competent” crew. Hell, it would be impossible to find anyone “trained, good and competent” offering this salary.

We had steam on the heater and we started to clean our tanks at 10 o'clock. 25 minutes hot water wash followed by a fW machine rinse per tank. We started with the small pump, but this was not enough so we asked for the big pump and we could run 2 tanks at the same time keeping 60°C on the hot water. We were kicking arse!
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
We're passing a ship that had run aground

We were ready with the hot water wash when we reached the OPL anchorage. 25 minutes of hotAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiawashing and we only had the fresh water washing left to do.
I called the 2nd Engineer and I told him that we were ready with the hot water and that he could turn off the steam.

I had to run water through the heater for around 10 minutes to cool it down. Then they had to swap to fresh water from the AP so I could use the fire pump to rinse the tanks.

When the heatexchanger had cooled down I stopped the pump and I left for the bridge to see what was going on. They were about to drop the anchor when I came in to the bridge.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Bosun and Pump man on deck

I had a chat with Captain before I returned to the CCR for the fresh water rinse. Pump man wasAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiastripping the tanks when we finished with the freshAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiawater and we drained all the cargo lines.

We completed everything around 14 thirty and I was off to my cabin as soon as I had showed our Fitter and 2nd Engineer some work that we needed to have done on deck.

And more than 50 hours action with only a few hours of sleep, the longest sleep for about 3 hours, 2 one hour Power naps and 1 power nap for about one and a half hour I needed some sleep. But I can't go to bed at 3 then I will wake up in the middle of the night or late evening. So I killed some time with a movie and I went to bed at 8 thirty in the evening.

Friday 27 th of July 2012
and and I woke up with my alarm clock at 7 thirty. I guess I could haveAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiagot to bed a few hours earlier yesterday and still be able to sleep until 7 thirty.

Well, anyway, I looked out my window and it looked like we were at OPL anchorage. Surprise, I had expected us to be at Singapore anchorage. We were supposed to leve the OPL for Singapore anchorage around 1 o'clock in the morning.

When I'm coming down to my office I see a ship along side. What theis going on? No crew at our good morning meeting and I can't see anyone on deck. So I take the elevator to the bridge. It turns out that we're discharging engine sluge to the ship. And when they are ready we willAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiadischarge our slop.

We will clean the slop tank to the slop barge and we will have tank inspection tomorrow morning at Singapore anchorage. We had just changed to a new anchorage during the night and now we were close to shore, but not Singapore.

The crew need to mop the cargo tanks and I started by measuring the cargo tanks for gas and we held a meeting in my office quarter past 9 o'clock. Captain were present so he joined us in thegroup hug. We divided our crew in to 2 teams and they went down in the tanks to mop theAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiawater from the tank cleaning while our Pump Man and I discharged the slop to the slop barge.

When the slop was discharged we had to wash the slop tank and we would discharge to tank washing to the slop barge while washing. Hot water and fresh water and we completed the washing at 18 thirty.

We signed the paer from the slop barge Ele Star and we were in a hurry as we had ordered pilot for 23:00 and we needed to be on our way at 19:00. But Ele Star had problem to get her engine started and we were hanging over the rail watching their deck watching the dogs on their deck.

When we let go of their mooring lines the dogs were running after the lines while barking like there was no tomorrow. And when the grew tired of chasing the mooring lines they barked at us. Finally, 10 minutes past 7 the Ele Star was clear from us and we started to heave up our anchor.

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Pump man waiting for the slop barge to be ready to leave

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Leaning on the rail having a good time

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Time to heave up the anchor after discharging our slop and engine sludge

I went forward with our Bosun to heave up the anchor. It was a beautiful evening and I was in apretty good mood even though I was dead tired. Maybe, well, most likely because we were finalyAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaon our way.

But I was tired, I had been up since 8 o'clock and it had been work non stop, with out any brek for any breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Yeah yeah, they are taking about rest hours and they only want you to lie when filling up your work hours. None of them have ever been working for 12 hours with out any break for lunch, dinner and coffee breaks.

Rest hours, no one gives a sh.. It is all about talking, we take this serious and blah blah bla. Well,
Diet Day 15

Seriously, the last few day s I have had no time for neither lunch or dinner.
I grab a cake or what ever convenient and quick when I have the time. So of course the diet suffers.

I have had no time for flaxseeds or anything healthy

as I told our Captain today, I was in my office zippin' on a diet drink
- Breakfast, coffee break, lunch and dinner, all in one can

And I finished my last diet drink before we went to cast off the slop barge. We will get provision tomorrow and I will get 10 cases of Diet Pepsi.

Well, anyway, we decided to knock off for today and we will continue at 4 o'clock in the morning on Singapore anchorage.

We will have to mop our tanks again, or at least check them. Our tank cleaning machines was leaking while cleaning Slop port so there was water coming in to the tanks..

Our Pump man and I will be busy blinding the ROT tank and to strip slop tank port and the Surveyor will come to inspect the tanks tomorrow morning.

Satuday 28 th of July 2012
and Captain called me at 03:15.
- It is time baby
- I'll be right down
He told me that he would start doing the paper work at 3 thirty in the morning before I went toAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiabed yesterday.
- Call me and I will come to help you
- Not necessary
- I'm looking forward to work with you. It will be fun.

I told him to call me 15 minutes before so Ihad time for a hot shower. And of course, I was dead tired when he called me at 03:15. A few days of non-stop work and I was tired, and I didn't feel asleep until 1 o'clock or something like that.

Tired or not, I was in a good mood coming down to my office, well, I stopped in the galley to get a mug of tea before I went tomy office. Captain was in my office when I arrived and the ship's office was full of Engineers and bunker people. Good, the bunkering of HFO and GO is in full swing.

I enjoyed my tea while I tested our gas detectors and filled up the logs and our Pump man wasAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiadown in the ROT tankkicking arse at 4 o'clock. The rest of the crew were in the cargo tanks and we completed everything before breakfast.

Only the slop tanks remaining and we were ventilating the tanks.

We were told that the cargo Surveyors would come onboard at 8 o'clock to inspect the tanks. But there were no sign of them at 8 o'clock. The bunker barges were still alongside, GO on stb sideAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaand HFO on our port side. We were also expecting divers to come to polish our hull, but they had to wait until the bunker barges had left.

We had the Bureau Veritas Inspector, Schat Harding and some radio people onboard and on top of that the provision arrived at about the same time our cargo Surveyors came to inspect the tanks.

My Canon started to take water (Literally) onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra. But I still use the camera even though there is some problem with the camera. I really like my camera and I had been onboard Maersk Claudia less than a few minutes when Captain asked me if I had my red camera with me. So he remembered me andAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiamy red camera from Maersk Claudia.

Well, I dropped it to the floor this morning and now there is a lens error. And there is a strange sound from the camera when I try to start the camera. Well, I have one more Canon, the same canon I bought in Singapore when I signed off Maersk Cassandra. Well, I will buy a new Canon, I need two, one extra when the other breaks down.

We got soda, but my diet Pepsi turned out to be ordinary Pepsi. What theWe order Diet Pepsi and they send Pepsi. Va e d för en jävla brus tomte som skickar Pepsi när man beställt Diet Pepsi?

Impressive service! But I got 100 cans of snus so I was not in a very bad mood, snus was the most important and no Diet Pepsi is most likely the best for me.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Getting rid of all our garbage

But we got rid of our garbage, very nice, all our plastic waste was sent shore with the provision barge before the left us. The cargo Surveyors had inspected all tanks by 13:30 and they hadAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiatested our IG plant at 14:00 and we were cleared to load the Gasoil and then to load the Jet Fuel, no cleaning between the gasoil and jet fuel. Good, we willhopefully get some time to relax a bit between the different terminals in Singapore.

It was so nice when the Surveyors left, Schat Harding were soon off and all the provision people left us. Only the Bureau Veritas Surveyor and the radio guy remaining onboard. Things calmed down a bit and the deck crew started to close everything on deck so we could start to purge our cargo tanks with IG.

I told the crew to knock off when they were ready. They have been working very hard for the last few days and they need to have their rest. We don't know if we're going alongside to load tomorrow evening or on Monday. But we will soon know.

I went for a shower and before our Bureau Veritas Surveyor left they wanted to test the bridge watch alarm in my cabin. And then we were all alone gain, well, we had the divers polishing our hull. But they are underwater and they don't disturb us. And I went for my first diner for a long time.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Singapore anchorage

I think the whole crew was asleep for dinner and it was only our 2nd Engineer and I in the messAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaroom. We talked for an hour drinking tea in the day room when we finished our dinner.

We had got a new TV for the crew’s day room and some games delivered by the ship chandler.

The crew was busy playing something when I was in the day room when I had been there to lookfor Bosun at dinner. I also saw that they had got a bingo machine and I asked where theAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaprizes were. Playing bingo without prizes are, well, not very fun.

Our 2nd Engineer and I were enjoying the evening in the day room when Captain entered. We were both surprised, we thought that he was in his cabin sleeping. Well, anyway, he had a big board under his arm and a bottle of baby powder in his hand.

It was a game, I don't know what they call it, but I think it is from India and some kind ofbilliard with coins instead of balls and we use our fingers instead of the cue. There are black, white and red coins and you have to collect points. Our Captain and 2nd Officer get right on with the game. I watched them and I joined them when I got the hang of the rules.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Enjoying themselves in the day room

Sunday 29 th of July 2012
and I was called for at 07:00. Captain was worried about our IG purging. I jumped out of bed and I had a shower and I went to investigate. No worries, our purging was on track and I returned to my office for some questionnaires from the terminals. We're going to 5 different terminals in Singapore for loading and discharging and they want answers. Of course, all this is pointless, they are asking exactly the same questions at arrival.

Yeah, what a waste of time. Well, Pilot will come onboard at 15:00so we had to start to prepare deck for arrival. I prepared my Cargo transfer Plan and we did all the pre arrival tests. PilotAladdin's adventure in Singapore with M/T Maersk Claudiaboarding time was soon changed to 14:00. Good, we will be earlier and I will be able to go to bed earlier.

We had a SHELL Surveyor boarding us before the Pilot came onboard. He will be onboard during the full stay in Singapore. Turned out to be a nice guy and he had been a Chief Officer in Maersk before he started to work for SHELL. So he will be onboard checking everything and this is an Australian request for cargoes going to Australia. Well, this is the firstAladdin's adventure in Singapore with M/T Maersk Claudiatime for me to have a guy like this onboard.

I had time for a quick shower before it was time to go to the bridge. We had all fast at the SRC terminal at 17:00. We started the loading at 20:30 and it was almost 10 o'clock when I was back in my cabin for a shower and a power nap. And of course, I had a few words on my web page that only God know when I will upload.

And yet another day with no breakfast, lunch or dinner or coffee breaks. Good for the diet? Well, sounds like it, but instead of eating I grabbed cookies and stuff while whizz past the galley. I hadAladdin's adventure in Singapore with M/T Maersk Claudiatime for some spaghetti and meat balls for lunch. I had 3 plates of the meatballs that our Captain's wife had made. Iwas half standing, half sitting with one leg in my office while having my lunch.

Captain asked if I could help him - No worries
- We need a picture of you in a Survival suit.
The Bureau Veritas guy had put a remark that we didn't had Survival suites “BIG ENOUGH” and they need a picture of me in a Survival suit or we have to order from Europe before we can get out certificate.
- What the? Are you asking this after the lunch??!!

We went to my cabin to get a picture of me in the survival suit, but our 2nd Officer had preparedthem for the inspection so we have to cancel the photo session, at least until tomorrow. But I sent him my favourite picture and with a wee bit of imagination it will look like me in the survival suit.

And of course, I was hoping for Captain to send the picture without looking at it. But no luck, he came down to my office.
- Your picture really cracked me up!!

Well, anyway, I long day have come to an end and I'm off to sleep and I will not turn on my alarm and I willhopefully be able to sleep very long tomorrow. We might go straight from here to the next terminal to discharge the cargo. And that means a long day and night.

Monday 30 th of July 2012
and this day will go to the history as the day Aladdin turned in to the Human Balloon, literally! We had the last inspections with the Bureau Veritas and he asked if there was a Survival suit for me onboard. We said yes and he wanted us to take a picture of me in the Survival Suit.

We can order new survival suits, but we need to get them from Europe and we don't have time to wait. I told Captain to order new suits. Tell the company that we have 2 3rd Engineers that are a wee bit on the large side.
- Don't mention Aladdin.
We need the certificate before we leave for Australia so we were in a hurry so I went to get in to my Survival Suit so we could send the picture. (If I can get in to the Survival Suit)

I had asked Captain to come to take the picture in my cabin when he finished his lunch. I went to my cabin and I picked up my Survival Suit on B-deck where our 2nd Officer stored them for theannual inspection. Otherwise we have the Survival Suits in our cabins. We should have taken the picture yesterday but I could not find my suit. But I called 2nd officer today and I found my suit.

I had 2 legs and 1 arm in the suit when I came to stop. Impossible to get in to the suit, but luckily enough our 3rd Officer came out from his cabin and he helped me.

But we didn't manage to close the zipper. I grabbed my camera and I went down to the mess room and Captain helped me to close the zipper. I called our Mess man and he took the pictures.

Well, we really fought with the Survival Suit, get it on or bust. Yes, we have grown tired of the motherfoocking SLIDE SHOW above and I think we need some Survival Suit Extravaganza to round of the month of July 2012. But remember:
“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
Captain does his best to close my zipper

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
Captain does his best to close my zipper

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
Captain does his best to close my zipper. I have to give it to him, he don't give up

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
Captain does his best to close my zipper

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
Captain does his best to close my zipper

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
Captain does his best to close my zipper

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
Captain does his best to close my zipper

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
Captain does his best to close my zipper

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
Captain is almost lifting me but the zipper just refuse to zip

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
Finally, the zipper is closed and Captain is very excited

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
Wått's dö madderfakking diil?
Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
I even have space in my Survival Suit to show a few sexy poses
We were fighting with the Survival Suit and we were screaming of laughter and I was afraid ourCaptain as going to piss himself laughing. Our Mess man was screaming of laughter and the crew came running to see what was going on.

But, OK, the Survival Suit was on and the zipper was zipped and we got the picture. Andwe were in a hurry to get the picture, the Survival Suit looked like it was about to burst any second. But I did a few sexy moves for the camera. Pictures for my private collection so don't expect too much. Well, of course, ifyou have a credit card...

Well, all the screaming and laughter had alarmed the crew. Luckily enough, because if it had been hard to get in to the Survival Suit it was even harder to get out of the darn thing.

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
Now we have to open the darn zipper

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
Now we have to open the darn zipper

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
He doesn't give up easily

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
Now we have to open the darn zipper

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
I think the zipper is stuck in my t-shirt

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
People are rushing in to help

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
People are rushing in to help

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
People are rushing in to help

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
3rd Engineer hanging in the zipper

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
Finally, the darn zipper is open

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
Our Cook and 3rd Engineer helping me to get out of the Survival Suit

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
Our Cook and 3rd Engineer helping me to get out of the Survival Suit

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
Our Cook and 3rd Engineer helping me to get out of the Survival Suit

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
Our Cook and 3rd Engineer helping me to get out of the Survival Suit

Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
I'm out

I returned to the CCR when we were rready with the pictures. We completed loading at 14:18 and our Pilot will be onboard at 18:00. Waiting for SHELL Bukom to be ready to receive the cargo at the anchorage. We might go along side tomorrow morning, but I would not mind a day at the anchorage. Discharging the gasoil and then we will load Jet Fuel at the same jetty. So the question is if we can load right on or if we will have to wait at the anchorage.

Tuesday 31 st of July 2012
and I woke up 20 minutes past 7. I had not turned on my alarm because I had expected them to call me earlier than 7 thirty and then I would have forgot my alarm. And I would not have been there when it would have gone off and the alarm would have been BEEPING all day long in my cabin.

I had a hot shower and I went for my good morning tea. I started my day with black bread with cheese and tea. Captain told me that the Pilot would be onboard around 13:30 so no time forrelaxing on the anchorage. I asked if we had Ibuprofen onboard and our 3rd Officercame down to open the hospital.

The Survival Suit extravaganza yesterday did nothing good to my back and I need Ibuprofen, the only pain killer worth the name. We found the Ibuprofen and I popped 2 pillsfirst thing. Captain arrived to the hospital 20 seconds later, lo and behold, he found a scale.

Well, it seems like something was wrong with the scale. Our Captain stepped up on the scale.
- No, it is correct
- You are full of shit!
He asked the 3rd Officer to step up on the scale.
- You see, it is correct
- It is the cheapest MADE IN CHINA scale I have ever seen.
I told him that my scale, bought in Europe was showing something totally different.

Well, anyway, right there and then we decided to get serious with our diet. Black bread and salad only, and we confirmed with our Cook that we got 10 kg of flaxseeds with theAladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudiaprovision the other day. As soon as things cool down a bit around here I will get back to my normal flaxseeds routines.

Good, finally, Captain and I are on the same page. No more n utella and Milo and he promised that I would look good at arrival to Australia. 2nd Engineer is my witness.

We did all the pre arrival tests before lunch and I did a loading plan for the loading of the jet fuel at SHELL Bukom. We will load jet fuel when we have discharged the gasoil.
Aladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudia
Western Petroleum Anchorage from SHELL Bukom jetty W7 when we're arriving

Our Pilot came onboard at 13:30 and we had all fast just after 3 o'clock in the afternoon. We finished the paper work and calculations and we had to wait for the Loading Master for an hour or so. Captain came down with one of our life jackets. He required yet another picture.
- What theIs this for your private collection?

He got his picture, but he refused to send the picture when I gave him the fingerso we hadAladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudiato take yet another picture before he was satisfied.

Our Loading master didn't come onboard until quarter to 6 and we finished the paper work half an hour later and we started discharging at 18:24. And we had discharged for about 1 minute when the called on the radio. They wanted us to stop because some emergency.

Well, our expediter from SHELL and I went to eat dinner while waiting for them to be ready. He will be onboard during the whole Singapore operation, but he took the opportunity to go home while we were waiting at the anchorage. He was waiting for us when we arrived at SHELL Bukom jetty W7. And of course, my cargo plans was all for nothing, now we will load 35,000 MT jet fuel whenAladdin's adventure in Singapore with Maersk Claudiawe're finished with the gasoil.

But I will not make any cargo plan until we will start loading, or they will change the cargo nomination again.

We started discharging at 18:54 and we had been discharging for a while when our SHELL Expediter got an e-mail. Now they wanted us to load both gas oil and jet fuel. But we had already sent an answer to this question a few days ago. Impossible to load the
Diet Day 1

Breakfast: 2 slices of black bread with cheese
               &nbspTea, of course

Before lunch snack: No time for snacks

Lunch: Smoked salmon and salad
          A diet drink, no, well, I had 2 or 3

Afternoon snack: No time for any snacks

Dinner: Salad, smoked salmon and papaya

Very nice to be back on track with my diet. And I willhopefully be able to get back to my
         flaxseed routines tomorrow.

quantities they require with double valve segregation.

Well, I was back in my cabin at 9 o'clock in the evening pretty happy about my day. I was chocked when I got up onthe scale this morning and I really have to get serious if I don't want to turn out as the human balloon. I will get in to the Survival Suit in 3 seconds (without help) when we arrive to Australia.

My back pain was back and I popped 2 Ibuprofen and the pain was soon gone and I was in a good mood when I wrote about the day on my web page. And the month of July in the year of our Lord 2012 has come to an end. And we swing right over to August 2012 . And don't be surprised if you will find a picture of me in the Survival Suit. And this time I will get in and out without any help, and pack pain.

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
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