“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia

Monday 10 th of September 2012 and it was a gloomy and grey morning when I came to the bridge5 minutes past 8 o'clock. 2nd morning with a failed wake up alarm. I launched an investigation later on in the afternoon and I discovered that my alarm was set to go off at 16:44. So this willhopefully work as is should tomorrow morning. Well, anyway, I asked our 2nd to give me a “BACK UP” call at 7 thirty.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
“Good morning PEP” meeting and group hug on the bridge

The ship is still rolling, but not that bad and we decided to take down the remaining star onAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiathe funnel. The crew had prepared everything 6 o'clock this morning. And they would call me when they had the last bolt to go and I would change course in order to stop the rolling.

The guys left for the funnel and I had my tea and 2 slices of micro waved black bread.

I went to see the new owner's representative on my way to my watch yesterday evening. I can see that he is worried about the loading computer so I asked him to come to the bridge during the morning. So I gave him a task for the loading computer when he arrived toAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiathe bridge. Load:
15,000MT Dai Den=0,87 Temp 30°C
10,000MT Dai2 Den=0,74 Temp 28°C
17,000MT Dai3 Den=0,62 Temp 36°C

Then discharge:
8,000MT Dai
10,000MT Dai2
10,000MT Dai3
We made the Dai and Dai2 (Dai is his name) parcel yesterday so today’s task will include to add and edit grades. Check stability, trim and list with ballast. When he is ready with this he know how to use the loading computer. He left the bridge for the CCR and I continued to enjoy my tea while I kept an eye on the guys in the funnel.

They called me when they had 1 bolt to go and I changed course, 35° to port and we got the sea in from behind and the rolling stopped and they could take down the star. The star was downAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaaround 10 thirty and our new friend turned cartwheels in to the bridge 15 minutes later. He had finished his LOADING COMPUTER task and he was very happy.
- Very good, now you know how to use the computer.

I wanted to take a picture of him handing me the paper work for the task. But this was not good enough.
- NO NO!! You and me together
- What the

Well, I guess he had been in enough of our group hug by now and maybe this is something that hewill bring to the new crew coming in Hong Kong
- DARN! I knew I should have sold this idea.

I told him that I would see him after lunch so weAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiacould test the alarms in the CCR.

I also printed the inventory list I made before he joined the ship and our Pump man will take him around deck tomorrow morning so he can see all the stuff. And then I think it is pretty much it. Of course, plenty manuals to read for him.

Yet another exciting slide show:
The last star is coming down from the funnel, ENJOY!

Well, I finished the test with our new friend and pump man and I returned to my cabin and I enjoyed a few bottles of Diet MAX . I also found the time for a short power nap. My alarm went off at 16:44 and I went to my desk to continue my Diet MAX .

I had a shower and I went for my dinner with our 2nd Engineer and Captain. And at 8 o'clock I was on the bridge for yet another watch. We were steaming NW north of Papua New Guinea and it was a nice watch. Not exciting, but not boring.
Our 2nd Engineer came to visit and we had one of our OS to practice hand steering.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
I ended up in Captain's cabin after my watch
He just can't get enough

Tuesday 11 th of September 2012
and today my alarm went off as it should, 1 minute after mywakeup call on the phone. 7 thirty and I had plenty time for my good morning shower. I grabbed my plate with my prepared breakfast, 2 slices of black bread with cheese & onion.

Pump man and Bosun came to the bridge and I asked Bosun to put the crew on the funnel. We willpaint the whole funnel black and we expect this to take a full day. Our Pump man went on deck with the new owner's representative. I had printed our inventory list for our new friend and our Pump man will show him around.

It was a nice morning even though the weather was strange. Cloudy, sunny and passing showers. But no rain on our ship so the crew could finish the funnel.

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Svarte Petter

I attended to my tea as soon as I was alone on the bridge. I wasn't alone for long, Captain joinedAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiame and we talked away a few hours and it was soon time to go for lunch.

I stopped in my cabin on the way to the mess room. I wanted to get Captain's hard drive so I could give it to him at the lunch.

Captain had deleted some of his home movies by mistake and I had told him that I could recover them for him with a program called Recuva, a free program found on internet.
- Are you sure?
- Pretty
He promised to kiss my ars*, orhmm, was it my hand? So I got the hard drive and our 2nd Engineer came out from his cabin and Captain came down the stairs. He saw me with the hard drive and when I called him and the 2nd Engineer he ran off. He knew what was going on when I asked our 2nd Engineer to take my camera.

I called him and he played hard to get, but no kissing my hand
- I have to check first... blah-blah-bla... I'm not sure....
But our 2nd Engineer got a picture of me giving him his hard drive, and I'm pretty sure I'm better off without someone licking my hand.
Aladdin's adventure with the Karkar volcano onboard M/T Maersk Claudia

When I came on my night watch I was looking for a place to discharge through the ODMEAladdin's adventure with the Karkar volcano onboard M/T Maersk Claudiatomorrow. I discovered that we would pass very close to an active volcano. Karkar Island and there is an active volcano on the island.
I checked the distance and we will pass during my watch tomorrow morning. It was raining during my night watch, but I hope it will be clear weather when we pass Karkar Island.

I had a busy night watch steaming NW towards the Bismarck Sea and the South Pacific Ocean between the islands on the northern Papua New Guinea. Plenty traffic coming towards us bound for Australia and the time turned very quick. Just the way I like it, busy while enjoying my tea.

Wednesday 12 th of September 2012
and what a disappointment this morning turned out to be, gloom and grey for as long as I could see, which was not long due to heavy rain. We were just South East of Karkar Island but I could not see the island.

An hour later and the clouds were gone and I could get a sight of the island, and it was not even close to as exciting as I had expected. No smoke, no lava, only a cloud covering the top.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Karkar Island, not very exciting

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Karkar Island, not very exciting

I had a power nap in the afternoon. My alarm went off at 3 o'clock and I had a shower before IAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiawent to my office for some paper work.

I'm ready with my office, only some remaining papers to throwaway and I will finish this work tomorrow or the day after.

If we have nice weather tomorrow afternoon we will give the ODME another try. But it requires calm weather so the ship isn’t rolling and destroys the oil/ water interface.Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk ClaudiaVery sensitive and it is very hard to get the discharging started.

Our Captain and me went for an constitutionalat 4 thirty and suddenly it was 5 thirty. 1 hour passed very quickly while we walked the tracks solving the problems in the world.

We finished our constitutional with SQUAT downs on the fo'c's'le before going for a shower. I turned in to a dare devilon my way in to the shower. I decided to try on my “SEXY” boiler suit that I neveruse because of the buttons that opens with a SNAP every time I move. I bended over and I was sitting down and I was
even turning cartwheels and the buttons stayed closed. So my diet is doing me some good.

Can't wait to come back home to my Thai boxing, or? Are they runningAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Clubout of punching bags in Bangkok? First a message from the Teacher at Bangkok Fight Club and yesterday an
Subject: hi aladdin

i miss you so much
e-mail from the Teacher at Sophia Muay Thai Gym.

Well, I hopeit is not because they are running out of punch bags. But I'm looking forward to get back and to start losing weight. 2 more weeks...

Thursday 13 th of September 2012
and it was a gorgeous morning. Tropical storms and hurricanes developing around us, but the sea looks like a windmill pond around us and we have sunshine. OK, cloudy and passing showers, but I was in a great GOOD MORNING mood when I enjoyed my morning tea with the black bread topped with onion & cheese.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
A glorious morning, the sea looks like a mirror with the clouds reflecting in the sea

I was enjoying the sights when I discovered something in the water.
- Stupid a**holes throwing garbage in the sea
But it turned out to be a big turtle and I rush out on the bridge wing trying to getAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaa picture. I got 3 bad pictures, not easy to focus in the reflections in the water. But 3 bad pictures are better than no pictures.

And of course, if I hadn't had the picture you would have been thinking that it was a tall story. Giant turtles in the middle of the South Pacific?? IMPOSSIBLE!

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Our new friend and our Pump man waiting for the ODME to be ready
I like Pump man's “modified” helmet to protect him from the sun

We were more than 60 NM from nearest shore and we were going to give our ODME a second try.Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk ClaudiaOur new friend joined me and our Pump man (wearing a modified helmet)
- What theare you wearing?

Well, anyway, we meet in the CCR after lunch. I went through some of the equipment with our newAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiafriend and when we had done all the tests we were ready to start the discharge through the ODME.

Yes, of course, we had a group hug in the ship's office and we could start. We were ready at 14thirty, no success, and Captain reminded me about our constitutionalwith the gymnastics on the fo'c's'le at 4 thirty. OK, no time to sleep and I went to update my web page.

Well, our daily constitutionalturned in to pretty much the same as our diet, shit.Well, that was a good thing that our diet turned bad and I had to start my “EXTREME” diet.

Captain and I are most likely going to take our DP courses in October and we're in contact with a training centre in Bombay, Bibby. Captain will take the basic DP and if I'm accepted I will take the advanced course. I was reluctant, I have been in India and the only thing to eat was omelette and rice. And I had a dinner at Taj Mahal hotel in Bombay, I didn't touch the food. So I was surprised when they called it a 5 star hotel on the news during the shootings there a few years back.

Our 2nd Engineer told me that there was an “vibrant” night life in Bombay
- VIBRANT!!?? My arse! No beer!
- There are plenty beer
- Yeah, Kingfisher! If I had to choose between a Kingfisher and jump in front of a bus I would have chosen the bus, I said.

Well, I was in Bombay 25 years ago and the whole city looked like a gypsy market with houses that looked like they were going to fall apart any second. But it has obviously changed. Well, I remember how Bangkok looked 25 years ago, and what a change it is. So it must be theAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiasame in Bombay. Now they have all the international hotels so there must obviously be restaurants. 25 years ago, never mind how nice hotel, I only had omelette and rice with ketchup.

But now there is plenty new international high standard restaurant and there seems to be plenty night clubs and bars. I was at Bombay's top disco 25 years ago, only 3 guys and Kingfisher beer. I did not even bother ordering a beer, I just turned around and left. And the girls, they were not allowed to go outside back then. But it is obviously a different story today and I'm looking forward to visit Bombay.

Well, looks like we're signing off on the 21st of september. The new owner's crew is coming in theafternoon and we're leaving at 18:00 on Friday afternoon. No point staying, the new crew won't speak any English. So it looks like there will be a party in Hong Kong Friday night. Will see how many of us staying behind in Hong Kong, some of us are going home and some of us are going to transfer to another Maersk ships. But I have finished my contract.

Friday 14 th of September 2012
and it was yet another glorious morning when I came to the bridge at 8. We had retarded ship's time by one hour during the night so it was like 9 o'clock inAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiathe morning. The sea was like a mirror, but we were rolling due to the swell.

Well, we have been rolling since we left Sydney, but the weather is very good. Some passing showers otherwise sunshine.

Pump man and Bosun came to the bridge and I asked them toprepare for the BBQ on the bridge wing. We keept one crew topaint the helicopter winch area on deck, but the rest helped to prepare the BBQ.

I was steaming on an NW'erly course and when I saw the showers approaching I changedAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiathe course a little bit to pass clear of the rain. Of course, there were some rain drops coming on deck, but it dried up in a jiff when we hadput the shower behind us.

The crew prepared for this evenings BBQ, our last weekend onboard and we will have competitions with prizes (and of courseAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia“surprise” prizes) so the crew is looking forward to this evening.

Our Fitter had made a grill, but we had forgotten toorder charcoal in Australia. But we have plenty wood so no problem.

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia

And it seems like our Pump man and ChiefEngineer was in charge over the grill. Good, just to gp get the food when it is ready.

Well, Friday today and I'm only alowed 1 (ONE) plate or I lose 1000 US Dollars to each and everyone who catch me. So I'm better off waiting until they are ready so I can fill my plate to the brim. And I'm really hungry.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
It was a gorgeous evening

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
We kicked off today's event with a group hug

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
He is calling for the compulsory group hug

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
The whole crew + our new friend in a group hug

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Last weekend onboard

Yes, I was really hungry and I could not wait for the food to be ready. But first we had to get through some competitions. Nice prizes and cash, and of course, I threw in a surprise prize. But IAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiawanted to lose, the loser got 100 US Dollar in the first Bingo and 200 US Dollars in the second Bingo game.

I don't have any space in my luggage to carry any stuff back home, and I already have everything I need. But I might be lucky and find some space for a few hundred dollars in my valet. So we had to get started so we could hand out all the stuff during the evening. We started withAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia“throwing the egg” 2 guys throwing a egg at each other and if the egg didn't broke we took a step backwards and we continued until the egg went to pieces.

I was first out with the AB on my watch and it didn't take long before the egg bounced out of my hand and the AB won the chocolate.

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
        Look at the 2nd Engineer, must be professional
And yes, turned out that he was an (almost) professional cricket player
Kick boxing champions and cricket professionals! What next? The biggest loser?
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
        Look at the 2nd Engineer, must be professional
And yes, turned out that he was an (almost) professional cricket player
Kick boxing champions and cricket professionals! What next? The biggest loser?
Well, no one sticked out like very good in the egg throwing, actually, it was a pretty mediocreAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaperformance. So I was surprised when our 2nd Engineer and Bosun managed to throw the egg between each other until they were running out of space.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia

And they continued throwing the darn egg and I was starting to think that they would go on until Hong Kong. I could not believe my luck when Bosun hit the bulkhead and the egg went to pieces.

But the food wasn't quite ready yet so we threw in a tug-of-war competition, deck departmentAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaagainst the galley and engine department. Well, they borrowed our Pump man so they were kicking our arses

Captain was all over the deck crew when we finished as losers.
- Aladdin can't do all the pulling by himself

The food was ready and I waited until almost last so everything that I wanted to eat was ready. I filled my plate and I felt good when I was finished, very good food. But way to much food and there were plenty leftovers
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
We start the bingo and I really hopethat I will lose. 100 US Dollar for the loser
In the 2nd game the loser got 200 US, but I neither won nor lose. My usual luck

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
We start the bingo and I really hopethat I will lose. 100 US Dollar for the loser
In the 2nd game the loser got 200 US, but I neither won nor lose. My usual luck

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
We start the bingo and I really hopethat I will lose. 100 US Dollar for the loser
In the 2nd game the loser got 200 US, but I neither won nor lose. My usual luck

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Our hero with sweet chilli sauce all over the face

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Our hero with sweet chilli sauce all over the face

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
3rd Engineer won cash, a state of the art DVD player and more chocolate than he can eat
But I'm 100% sure that he appreciated the “SURPRISE” prize, a hug, the most

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
2nd game and I won foock all, no surprise there

We finished the bingo just in time for my watch and I relieved 2nd officer on the bridge and I enjoyed tea and Diet MAX on the bridge until midnight. It had been an excellent and fun evening, even though I didn't won anything, but most important was the food and that we had a good time.

Saturday 15 th of September 2012
and the North Pacific Ocean looked like a mirror when I came on the bridge at 8 o'clock in the morning. We're steaming on a course 317°(T) towards Palau Island in Micronesia. When we reach the island we will change to 311°(T) and steer towards Luzon StraitAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiabetween the Philippines and Taiwan. Then we're in South China Sea and Hong Kong is very near.

Well, anyway, at the end of my watch I spotted something dead ahead. A huge log? No, it is moving and I checked with the binoculars. I saw birds in the water and I thought it was birds rippling the water surface on an ocean that looked like a mirror. I returned tothe chart table when I saw it aging and it turned outto be 2 huge whales crossing our bow. And they were pretty close so I called our Captain
- Bring your camera!
- What's happening
- Whales ahead!
- I'm coming!

But please! Don't tell the Japanese, they will soon send a “research” vessel and we willnever see this whales again. Well, maybe next time eating sushi.
I had an afternoon power napafter lunch and I gotout of bed when my alarm went off at 4 o'clock. I was still tired, but I had to get out of bed or it would be very difficult to fall asleep at midnight.

I spent 2 hours in front of my lap top and I went to the mess room for my dinner at 6 o'clock. The latestAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudianews is that the new crew will take over the ship at 12 o'clock on Friday 21st of September at Hong Konganchorage. I will stay for at least 2nights in Hong Kong, Friday and Saturday to check out the night life and I will see if I'm ready to get on a flight to FUNKY TOWN on Sunday.

After 2 days as Charisma Man with the charm ON it might be better to stay one extra night to have a rest. But I don't have any TAXI CDs.

But our 2nd Officer brought a few empty CDs for me when he relieved me on the bridge at midnight, and of course, he was rewarded with a hug.

Sunday 16 th of September 2012
and how is it possible? I discovered an even more gorgeous morning than yesterday when I came on the bridge. The sea like a mirror even though we wereAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiarolling for swell of about 2 meters.

I put my black bread with the onion & cheese in the micro waver and I prepared my good morning tea when the crew came on the bridge for the GOOD MORNINGgroup hug.

There won't be many more of the group hugs now, arriving Hong Kong Thursday night or early Friday morning depending on the weather. We finished the “Good morning PEP” meeting and the crew went down on deck and IAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaenjoyed my black bread and tea. Looking out the window hopingto catch sight of something exciting.

I had just pop open a Diet MAX when our new friend from China came on the bridge. He discovered my new tea cup.
- What is this?
- My tea cup
- Will you bring to your family when you go home?
He obviously wanted to have my tea cup when I leave the ship. But as my chance to find a new one like this again I will bring it back home. If I can find the place in my bag that is.

I had an hour of beauty sleep after lunch and then I went to help Captain with the cash prizes for the crew and it was soon time for my last Sunday dinner onboard M/T Maersk Claudia.

Monday 17 th of September 2012
and we had increasing wind and rain during the day. But it was maximum force 4 s it was not bad. But the rolling increased due to heavy swell. Most likely fromthe Tropical storm Sanba that have turned in to a Typhoon by now.

She is moving north and she is over Okinawa by now, but we just passed the position where she started to develop some days ago.

We were giving the ODME a last try after lunch, but as we were rolling heavily at times we didn't had any success. I finished my last paper work and I'm ready to hand over the ship to the ChineseAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiain Hong Kong next Friday.

We had a meeting on the bridge at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the new Chinese crew will come at Hong Kong anchorage Friday morning and we will send most of our crew ashore. Me and Captain, Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer, Pump man, Motorman and our Cook and mess man will stay until the evening.

At 12 o'clock the new owner will take over and they will change the name to M/T Eagle Gulf and I willhopefully sit in a nice bar with my TAXI CD blasting high from the loudspeakers with ahopefully San Miguel Light in front of me early the in evening.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Sorting the garbage before throwing it

Tuesday 18 th of September 2012
and I came up to yet another gorgeous day. But we had some very heavy swell so we were rolling heavily at times. My watch passed pretty quickly. Our internetAladdin's adventure at Kimberly Hotel in Hong Konghad kicked in again and I was going to book my hotel in Hong KongAladdin's adventure at Kimberly Hotel in Hong Kongafter lunch. But before that I went on deck to measure the oxygen content in our cargo, slop and ROT tanks with the new owner's representative.

The rest of the crew, well, most of them will fly home, but some will stay and our Agent have booked them at Kimberly hotel in HongKong. I'm also booked at the same hotel, but as I want to stay longer I booked a few extra days at the hotel online.

Wednesday 19 th of September 2012
and 11 bottles of Diet MAX to go. Well,hmm, I had 12 bottles when my alarm went off but only 11 when I went in to my shower. We were in Luzon StraitAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiawhen I came on the bridge 10 minutes before 8 o'clock in the morning to prepare my tea and black bread.

We had put Luzon Strait behind us and we were in South China Sea when I left the bridge at 12 o'clock. Arrival Hong Kong anchorage tomorrow night andwe're soon out of here.

Rolling has come to anend even though the wind have picked up in force. We had sunshine in the morning so the crew could do some “last day” painting on deck. But the afternoon turned gloomy and grey.Never mind, the crew was busy taking care of all the paper and garbage (Old paper work and records) that we will throw now when the ship is sold.

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Late afternoon in South China Sea

Thursday 20 th of September 2012
and I had 11 bottles of Diet MAX when my alarm went off at 7thirty in the morning. 11 bottles,hmm, how is that possible? There was 11 bottles leftwhen I went for my shower yesterday morning. Obviously, I must have been very reckless while counting the bottles.

And obviously, I never took off my shoes when I reached 10 bottles. Should have taken of my shoes when I was running out of fingers, overweening as I was I thought that I would be able tocontinue counting without any help. BIG MISTAKE! But it was a pleasant surprise to discover 11 bottles this morning. Now I will have enough to last me until Friday afternoon.

And it was a gloomy and grey morning when I came on the bridge 5 minutes before 8 o'clock in the morning I made my tea and black bread and when I was ready preparing my breakfast our Pump man and Bosun came to the bridge.
- They are downstairs
Yes, last morning with “Good morning PEP” meeting and group hug so we need all crew for theAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaoccasion. They crew came on the bridge a few minutes later and we could take the pictures.

Well, of course, our prankster the Pumpman delayed us by playing around with my new tea cup.

We got the pictures and I told the crew to go prepare their cabins. They will leave 5 o'clock tomorrow morning when the new Chinese crew arrives to the anchorage. Pump man and Bosun will go to test the life boat davit with the new owner’s representative. And then they will prepare their stuff as well.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Arrival Hong Kong tonight so this is our last “Good morning PEP” meeting and group hug

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
Arrival Hong Kong tonight so this is our last “Good morning PEP” meeting and group hug

I returned to my tea and black bread a soon as the crew had left the bridge. We're steaming West towards Hong Kong and I had our new Chinese friend on the bridge. He was taking pictures and I asked him what kind of camera he had.
- Well, good enough as long as you don't take photography seriously, I said.
- SONY no good??!!
- Well, throw the camera in someone’s face as hard you can if they try to rob you, I suggested

Then he started to run after me on the bridge and he was taking pictures of me and when heAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiafinally stopped I told him to bring the pictures back home and he could show them in thevillage. And maybe, I say maybe there will be some girl that wants tomarry the Swedish Mr. Handsome.
OK, I admit, the chances are less than slim, but he thought it was a great idea.

He started to show me pictures of his family and from his home in China. And the first few pictures were quite interesting, but the picture show was soon turning... Yes, we have all been there, people showing pictures fromAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiatheir holidays and stuff.
- OH!! What was that?
- It is ...
- Sorry, later! I have to dash off!
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia

We were soon passing the first fishing boat and at around 10 thirty there were millions of them. Good, plenty to do and the time passed very quickly while I was dodging fishing boats and it was soon time to go for lunch.

We dropped our anchor at 20:18 and our Agent and Immigration arrived at 23:00. Now we only wait for the Chinese crew to arrive early tomorrow morning so we can send ashore half of our guys and we will leave in the evening.

Friday 21 st of September 2012
and I had 5 bottles of Diet MAX remaining when my alarm went off at 7 thirty. I popped open 1 bottle first thing so I only had 4 bottles left when I went to theAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiabridge 10 minutes before 8. I ran in to the new owner's Superintendents on my way to the bridge. And when on the bridge I was surprised to see the new crew boarding us.

I asked where our crew was and I was told that they had left at 5 in the morning. Well, I thought the new crew would come with this boat. Never mind, now our guys are ashore, only a few remaining.

I prepared my tea and black bread and I had a chat with our 2nd Officer and Captain while waiting. I realised that I had forgot my Diet MAX in my cabin when I went for the bridge. So I left to get 2 bottles, enough to last me until 12 o'clock. When the new owner is taking over and M/T Maersk Claudia will be M/T Eagle Gulf

I had my tea and black bread when suddenly all the Chinese people came on the bridge, they areAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiataking over at 09:00. Good, I prepared the log books and I made a slop receipt. The new owners are taking over our slop and we need a good measurement. Not possible to get on the way from Australia due to rolling. We have some heavy swell here on the anchorage as well, but not as bad.

Well, just for you to know what a good Pump man we have, the measurements was almost the same, 2m3 difference. Not a bad measurement by our Pump man in the middle of a roaring Pacific Ocean.

And while we were handing over the ship we discovered an American Eagle Tanker coming straight towards us. Captain called the crew stand-by at the anchors and the Engineers had to prepare the main engine just in case.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
American Eagle Tanker at Hong Kong anchorage

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
American Eagle Tanker at Hong Kong anchorage

Well, the ship was passing just ahead of us and luckily enough she didn't touch our anchor chain. We were stand-by at the anchor with our engine ready while watching here going around theAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudiaanchorage annoying the other ships anchored.

I left the bridge when I had had the new owner's Captain to sign all the log books and I will meet the new Chief Officers in the CCR for a tour on deck before sign off.

Well, our Superintendent from Paris came onboard yesterday evening and Captain told me that they had had an Port State Inspection onboard Maersk Cassandra in Rotterdam before she was sold. The Port State Inspectors knew all about the ship when they came onboard. And this had been a good thing.
- How do you know?
- The Superintendent told me. The Port State Inspectors had read your web page
- Sounds like a bad thing!
- Why?
- Then they expected 2 handsome guys, you and me to be onboard. And now they came onboard to discover... WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT!!

Well, anyway, I meet the new Chief Officer(s) in the CCR at 10 thirty. Yes, they sent 2 ChiefAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk ClaudiaOfficers and we started to look at the equipments in the CCR.

I could see the American Eagle Tanker on our Port side, she was still trying to drop her anchor. The other ships were complaining and Hong Kong Port Authorities told her to leave Hong Kong waters.

Well, that will be a nice one to explain for the company.

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia
New crew familiarize themselves with the deck

I returned to the bridge when we were ready on deck and we could see the American Eagle Tanker leaving us. And yet again she was very close to us. Our Superintendent, Captain and I were looking at him leaving. Our Superintendent suggested that I should put this on www.aladdin.st so Captain had obviously told him that it was me that was running the page.

Lunch, n utella and people started to ask for 1000 dollars. Well, I handed over the ship to the new Captain at 09:00 and he stamped my log book with his stamp “Master - Eagle Gulf” and I'mofficially off the Maersk Claudia and every bet on what I'm doing onboard M/T Maersk Claudia is thus void.

Well, now I'm only waiting for the launch to take us ashore to Hong Kong's night life .

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

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