OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

No longer any need to use the Internet Explorer or run the Internet Explorer rendering engine. I gave up IE after the introduction of Internet Explorer 11
Page is tested in Fire Fox, Chrome and Safari. Looks like it works OK in all browsers, except the sounds in Safari.
Of course, browsing www.aladdin.st in Safari on an iPad is a different story, nothing looks as it should

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Richard Maersk

Saturday 17 th of August 2013 and they called me just before my alarm was set to go off. It was 10 minutes to go until the Pilot would come on board, nice, we will soon be out of here again.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stHopefully

I brought a Diet MAX to the bridge as I suspected that there wouldn't be any time for my GOOD MORNING tea. We approached the port of Alexandria and I could see Alexandria beach front. Or El Iskandarîya beach front, Alexandria is El Iskandarîya in Arabic and is the second biggest city in Egypt. As soon as we had passed the breakwater I could see plenty ships loading and discharging from and to barges on the roads. And there were plenty ship wrecks.

Aladdin's adventure in Alexandria with M/T Richard Maersk
Passing the outer breakwater entering the port of Alexandria

Aladdin's adventure in Alexandria with M/T Richard Maersk
Entering the port of Alexandria

Aladdin's adventure in Alexandria with M/T Richard Maersk
There were “Quality Tonnage” lying about all over the port of Alexandria

Aladdin's adventure in Alexandria with M/T Richard Maersk
There were “Quality Tonnage” lying about all over the port of Alexandria

Aladdin's adventure in Alexandria with M/T Richard Maersk
There were “Quality Tonnage” lying about all over the port of Alexandria

Aladdin's adventure in Alexandria with M/T Richard Maersk
There were “Quality Tonnage” lying about all over the port of Alexandria

There were 3 gas tankers in the small basin we were going in to and we took the last jetty available. Alexandria Petroleum port wasn't very big but thanks to a skilful manoeuvring on the bridge they managed to turn around and back in to the jetty, port side alongside. I was on theAladdin's adventure in Alexandria with M/T Richard Maerskpoop admiring the manoeuvre and suddenly it was time to send the mooring ropes.

We had head/ stern lines and the spring lines forward and aft ashore when the boat men started to scream about cigarettes. And at the same time we had 2 tug boats honking their horns on the starboard side, yes, they were wasting fuel using the ship whistle trying to get cigarettes.

We had all fast at 09:30 and we had 2 Loading Masters and Surveyors on board 50 minutes later and we could start with the tank inspection and calculations. We completed everything 20 minutes past 1 o'clock in the afternoon and we were all by lonesome again. They told me it would take about 3 hours for the analysis of the cargo before we could start discharging.

Aladdin's adventure in Alexandria with M/T Richard Maersk
Alexandria (El Iskandarîya) beach front from our jetty

Aladdin's adventure in Alexandria with M/T Richard Maersk
Alexandria (El Iskandarîya) beach front from our jetty

We finally started to discharge at 17:36 and I was back in my cabin at 7 o'clock to update my web page with the latest drivel. Saturday night on board and as I cannot spend the evening with San Miguel Light in FUNKY TOWN I will spend it with the Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos. Or I might skip them and watch a movie instead.

Sunday 18 th of August 2013
and I woke up at 7. I was almost falling asleep in front of my desk yesterday evening and I really forced myself to stay up until midnight. I turned off my alarm clockYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwhen I went to bed. But typically, I woke up at 7. I had a Diet MAX at my desk before IAladdin's adventure in Alexandria with M/T Richard Maerskreturned to bed and I managed to sleep until 9 o'clock.

I had a shower and I went to the CCR to get my tool box in order. I was told that we have a tool store on board and I need a tool box in the CCR. I got the tools and I arranged anew pad lock, 1 key for Pump Man and 1 for me.

We have one of our gas detectors with defect IR sensor and I need to fix this.

Nothing you can read about in the manual and nothing that’s recommended to do. If the HC sensor is not working they recommend that you send the detector to the factory. Well, we can imagine how much this cost, 1000$. I didn't want to do the job with the present tools in my toolAladdin's adventure in Alexandria with M/T Richard Maerskbox. All the screwYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stdrivers looks like bananas and the rest of the tools belong in the garabge bin.

But now I have new tools from the tool store and the old tools are to be found in the garbage can. I was working at the table and our 2nd Officer was hovering about picking up tips for the future.

1 hour later the gasdetector was working again and I calibrated the instrument and we had saved 1000 US$ for Maersk Tankers. Well, an example on how spending a few dollars extra on quality tools can save money. Before I knew about our new screw drivers I was about to send ashore the instrument.

I remember one ship, no names mentioned. Captain and I were pondering different ideas on how to repair the free fall life boat davit. The wheels felt of when launching the boat and they had this job for next dry dock. We came up with a foocking brilliant idea. To make a long story short, we ordered drills for our drilling machine. They were delivered in Singapore and we had our Top Gun to do the drilling while Captain and I were watching.

Looked like the drill worked its way in to the metal like it was butter and our Captain and I were atYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stleast to say beaming of joy, we were jumping up and down screaming of joy. Not only were we saving a lot of money for Maersk, we were also expecting a token of appreciation from the company, well, at least to be mentioned in the Tanker Magazine.

When our Top Gun removed the drilling machine we discovered 2 things instantly. The cheap, good for nothing and a waste of money drill were completely worn down and there was not even a scratch on the wheel axle. What a waste of money these drills turned out to be. And I have plentyexamples of waste of time working with cheap tools.

I was going to repair a tank radar with a “Glorious morning” wrench and a pair of “Happy Tiger” pliers. I gave up after a few minutes and as this was pre 1 January 2013 when we were allowed to throw metal in the sea the “Glorious morning” wrench and the “Happy Tiger” pliers were soon at the bottom of the ocean. Well, most likely they had corroded away before they reached the bottom of the ocean.

So our Pump Man and I decided to upgrade our work shop from garbage to something we could work with. We got new tools in Singapore and we made tool racks and it looked pretty impressive when we were done. New socket sets, well, pretty much everything was new and I was delirious with anticipation while waiting for the opportunity to test our new tools.

Yes, something broke down and our Pump man and I were screaming of joy while rushing towardsYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stPump man's work shop. We grabbed our “ambulance” tool bag and a socket set and we dashed off to deck.

We opened the new socket set and we selected a socket, 32mm and we just started to lose the bolt when the whole socket cracked. And as this was pre 1 January 2013 when we were allowed to throw metal in the sea Blog Advertising - Advertise on blogs with SponsoredReviews.com the whole “Golden Gate” socket set ended up at the bottom of the ocean. Well, almost the whole set, I was pretty sure the handle was made of metal. But not 100% sure so the handle ended up in the plastic garbage and this was the last time I ordered any tools.

Anyone remember Bahco, Kamasa Tools, Gedore and Sandviken? What happened with these brands? Yes, too expensive, but you bought a wrench for a life time and people bought the cheaper alternative. And now there is only the cheap shit alternative remaining.

Yet another true story! We had an expensive Fitter cleaning and sharpening the Sandviken blades for the Jack saw. We had received thousands of these blades, not Sandviken but made in China and they broke even before he could use them the first time. So what is cheaper?

And the worst part, Maersk pay the Bahco, Kamasa Tools, Gedore and Sandviken price. We send an order to the Ship Chandler, he gets on his push bike and he go down to the local “99 Cent” store. He buy a socket set for 99 Cent (or less) and he send a bill to Maersk and they have to pay a few hundred dollars for the 99 Cent (or less) socket set.

Monday 19 th of August 2013
and I woke up at 8 thirty. I called the CCR and we had 400m³ of cargo remaining to discharge. I popped open a Diet MAX and I enjoyed a coffin nail sitting at my
desk before going for my shower.

We completed discharging at 09:24 and our Surveyor and Loading Masters were on board 5 minutes later. Paper work went pretty smooth and at 11 o'clockAladdin's adventure in Alexandria with M/T Richard Maerskwe completed in my office. Pilot ordered for 12 o'clock and I had time to finish everything in the CCR before it was time to leave Alexandria behind.

Pilot came on board 15 minutes before 12 and now we only had to wait for the boat men for our mooring lines and the tug boats. 20 Minutes later and I could hearYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwhistling and a horn blowing.

I went over and I leaned over the rail to discover the pilot boat, they really wanted cigarettes and they were whistling and screaming. They had spent all this time making noise trying to get some cigarettes.

I could see the tug boats coming and 2 minutes after the tug boat the launch with the mooring men came and we could soon letting our mooring lines go. Nice to leave, but it hadAladdin's adventure in Alexandria with M/T Richard Maerskbeen running pretty smooth here in Alexandria so it had been kind of OK.

So I was in a good mood, and that the Cyprus voyage had been cancelled was making things much better. We were going to steam towards the Dardanelles waiting for orders.

I went for my lunch as soon as we were out of the petroleum harbour, nothing to eat for the whole day so I was hungry. SOSP at 13:00 and I did the port report before returning to my shower and bed. And we will see if we get any voyage orders during the afternoon. Dardanelles, is there a chance for me to sign off in Istanbul?

Aladdin's adventure in Alexandria with M/T Richard Maersk
Leaving the petroleum harbour in Alexandria (El Iskandarîya) behind

Aladdin's adventure in Alexandria with M/T Richard Maersk
Leaving Alexandria (El Iskandarîya) behind

Aladdin's adventure in Alexandria with M/T Richard Maersk
Leaving Alexandria (El Iskandarîya) behind

Aladdin's adventure in Alexandria with M/T Richard Maersk
Leaving Alexandria (El Iskandarîya) behind

Aladdin's adventure in Alexandria with M/T Richard Maersk
Leaving Alexandria (El Iskandarîya) behind

Tuesday 20 th of August 2013
and we were steaming slowly towards NNW and the Dardanelles when I came on the bridge at 8 o'clock in the morning. Still no news about our next cargo. But just before lunch we got news, load in Aliaga, Turkey but nothing about the cargo. I was in my cabin in the afternoon when we got the voyage orders. Maximum 33,000MT of HFO so this will be a nice and easy loading for our new Chief Officer coming to relieve me in Aliaga.

Wednesday 21 st of August 2013
and we were in the Greek archipelago when I came on the bridge at 8 o'clock. We were steaming towards NW in the Aegean Sea while I was enjoying my tea.

I made a decision yesterday evening, I will stay in Istanbul for 3 nights before flying back to FUNKY TOWN. And it will be 2 days of party, if I can find some nice fabricsAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maerskand a Tailor. I will throw away all my clothes when leaving the ship and as I only have one shirt remaining I need some new shirts.

Cannot run around Istanbul with the same shirt every day, would be very embarrassing so I really need to find a Tailor and some nice fabrics. I don't know why, but I imagine Istanbul to be a place where to find nice fabric. A PORKY & FLABBY store would do as well, but the chances to find any nice shirts in a PORKY & FLABBY store is next to zero.

Well, if everything goes EXTREMLY well I will be in Istanbul Saturday night, but I think it will be Sunday or Monday. And I will be back home next weekend.

The guys are busy chipping and painting on deck and she will soon be ready on deck. Well, she will never be ready, but the flanges on the pipes on deck and the hydraulic lines will soon be ready. But to keep a ship nice and rust free is an eternal job, but the guys on board have done a very good job and it would have been impossible without the extra painters.

And this is the second day with the Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos. And I can't wait to come ashore to download more videos. The videos I have was much more exciting 3 months ago, by now they are a wee bit tedious so a change is welcome.

Thursday 22 nd of August 2013
and there were 2 emails for me. The AB on my watch told me about a hotel smack in down town Istanbul. He told me it was very close to the sea front drinking places and the shopping centres. He had been 2 days waiting for a ship and they had stayed at another hotel, but they had passed this hotel every day. He didn't remember the name, but yesterday evening he came up with the name, TITANIC.

He told me it was a 5 star hotel 20 meters from the huge shopping mall. And as I need shirts it sounded like a nice place to spend 3 days. But I was a wee bit suspicious, the AB told me it was a

Sorry for the delay, just got on the net

Titanic hotel, good reports, clean 5 star hotel, looked on trip adviser and no complaints, looks good.
5 star luxury hotel. And when I asked him if he had been there and how he knows it is a luxury hotel he said that it was a big hotel with 30 or 40 floors. OK, just because it is big doesn’t mean that it is a luxury hotel.

So I sent an e-mail to my friend and one to my brother. My brother has not yet bothered to answer. But my friend sent 2 e-mails and it was a 5 star hotel. Well, one review said it was a 4 star hotel, Let me quote: “ The hotel feels like a 5 star hotel (it's only 4 stars) and the service

Some reviews from people who have been at the titanic (not from me)

• The rooms were clean and nice which made our stay enjoyable. Wi-fi is provided by the hotel and there is also a bar right on the top floor with views of a bridge in Istanbul. Friendly and helpful staff as well.

• ... located close to Taksim Square so it is a short walk to shopping areas and there are plenty of good restaurants within easy walking distance.

• ...The well equipped rooms were very clean and spacious and the staff was always helpful. Breakfasts are a real delight with plenty of everything laid on. The streets around the Hotel have a variety of Restaurants and convenience stores as well as shops selling pretty muchanything you could ask for, at night the area is full of people dining out. The rooftop bar has great views over the city and is certainly worth a look.
OK, the roof top will be something for our hero to check out Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

• This is a very gallant area, with the recent renewals to the streets. But the shops and traders thereYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stare not very good, they try to sell in outrageous prices. Don't buy anything from them. The local people can abuse drinkers at cafe/bar/bistro. Be careful!\

Abused by the locals!!?? What is that?
Beautiful girls lurking around the corners?
Blog Advertising - Advertise on blogs with 
SponsoredReviews.com   OK, I WILL BE CAREFUL!
from each and every staff member we came into contact with was great

Well, then everything is 5 star in Turkey because you have to look for friendlier people

And I also learnt that the name of the hotel was Titanic City Hotel. I liked the reviews so this will be my hotel while in Istanbul, if there are any rooms available. I will book a room first thing when I'm off the ship. I will take a car to the air port in Izmir, about 40km South of Aliaga and from there I will fly to Istanbul.

I went to the CCR after lunch and I discharged ballast from DB 1 and I filled ballast in DB 5 toget a draft of 8 meters aft. We will have divers coming to inspect theAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maerskrudder tomorrow and we need minimum draft of 8 meters aft for them to be able to inspect the rudder.

We expect to drop our anchor outside Aliaga around 6 o'clock tomorrow morning and the Agent will be on board around 9 o'clock for clearance. As soon as he is ready the divers and the Lloyd's Inspector can come on board. They willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be ready in time for lunch so I can start discharging the ballast from DB 5.

We were still drifting 50 NM West of Aliaga when I came on the bridge at 8 o'clock in the evening. We have been drifting since around 5 o'clock this morning and the plan is for us to startAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maerskmoving towards Aliaga at 22 thirty.

So at 22 thirty I put hard to starboard and dead slow ahead and when we were on course 030° I put slow ahead and the rudder midships. Auto pilot on and we were soon on a course 088° towardsYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stAliaga anchorage #3.

I have my arm in a bandage since I felt over a mooring line in Alexandria.Porky plunging down deck in Alexandria to check the valves and deck before we start discharging.

I passed the first spring line like a horse on a show-jumping. The second spring line and my left safety shoe got stuck on the rope and I felt. A lightning quick reaction and I stopped the fall with my right under arm.

But 82 kg Chief Officer falling on the arm was obviously too much and it felt like I dislocated my already damaged right shoulder. So I guess I will have to pass on Bangkok Fight Club and Sophia Muay Thai Gym when I'm back home. Well, I might show up and use my left arm only.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Friday 23 rd of August 2013
and we were anchored when I came on the bridge. Agent and Custom was on board at 9 thirty and I got 90 days in Turkey before I have to leave the country. I had aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stquick lunch, the Diver arrived during the lunch and then I went to prepare for my TAXIYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stCDs. If I'm going to stay in Istanbul I need some TAXI CDs with some FUNKY music while cruising around DOWN TOWN in a taxi.

Saturday 24 th of August 2013
and they called me 20 minutes past midnight. Surprisingly enough I was in bed sleeping. I went to bed around 8 o'clock yesterday evening and I managed to fall asleep. I woke up 22 thirty but I was obviously soon a sleep again and I woke up midnight 20 when they called me.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Pilot on board and we expect to be along side in 30 minutes
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- I'm coming

We had first line ashore at 01:00 and all fast at 01:22 and our Surveyor and Loading Master wereAladdin's adventure in Aliaga, Turkey with M/T Richard Maersksoon on board with our Agent.
- So you're the lucky one?
- What??!!
- You sign off!
- Yeah
- You will stay at hotel in Izmir tonight and fly to Istanbul tomorrow
- Maybe we finish so I can be in Istanbul tomorrow

But we will most likely not be ready to leave here until tomorrow evening so a night in Izmir is better than arriving to Istanbul late night. And according toYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stour Agent and Loading Master the place to be at Saturday night is Izmir. Well, so I might discover the night life in Izmir tonight. But I'm not looking forward to my Sunday evening flight to Istanbul as “The Hangover Man”.

We checked out Titanic hotel on the internet and I tried to book myself for 3 nights, but it was full so I will have to try another hotel. I tried to find Marriott on agoda but they came up withAladdin's adventure in Aliaga, Turkey with M/T Richard MaerskZIP. 0 result for your search. OK, I will see where I end up when I give it another try tomorrow afternoon.

We started loading at 03:18 and we stopped for a line displacement at 04:00 and I was back in my cabin 30 minutes later. I need a power nap so I'm ready for tomorrow evening. My reliever arrives around lunch time and I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be able to sleep until then. And I made sure to turn off my alarm clock before I went to bed.

Alarm clock or not, I woke up at 8 thirty and it was impossible to fall asleep again. And that was good, then I canYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully sleep early tonight. I got my new flight detail and my flight to Istanbul leaves at 10 o'clock tomorrow and I will fly from Istanbul at 8 o'clock in the evening ofAladdin's adventure in Aliaga, Turkey with M/T Richard Maerskthe 28th of August. Arriving FUNKY TOWN 9 o'clock in the morning on the 29th of August.

My reliever was onboard in time for lunch and we started with lunch. Then we went for a tour and he got new safety shoes and a boiler suit and he was off to his cabin for a shower.

We had a Vetting Inspector from TuprasYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stTerminal coming on board in the afternoon and well, 0 remarks as we have been growing used to.

As soon as the Inspector had left us our new Chief Officer and I took a tour on deck. We completed around 4 o'clock, around 2 hourYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stremaining on the loading and as soon as we have completed the loading and the paper workAladdin's adventure in Aliaga, Turkey with M/T Richard MaerskI will take off to my hotel in Izmir.

Finally, at 18:48 we completed loading and by now my good mood had turned in to a bad mood. I had been up since 20 past midnight. Well, I managed to get 2 hours ofYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsleep and I was darn tired by now.

So I'm looking forward to some sleep at the hotel, when ever that is going to be. But we completed loading at 18:48 and all paper work was completed at midnight. And I had booked 3 nights at The Marmara Taksim Hotel on our Agent’s lap top. So I have a place to stay when I’m arriving to Istanbul tomorrow evening.

Well, time has finally come to leave the ship and I'm off for some, well, first one night at thehotel in Izmir, but tomorrow morning I will be off for some “WALL TO WALL” fun in Istanbul with Charisma Man.

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