OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

No longer any need to use the Internet Explorer or run the Internet Explorer rendering engine. I gave up IE after the introduction of Internet Explorer 11
Page is tested in Fire Fox, Chrome and Safari. Looks like it works OK in all browsers, except the sounds in Safari.
Of course, browsing www.aladdin.st in Safari on an iPad is a different story, nothing looks as it should
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk

Wednesday 18 th of December 2013 and we were slowly approaching Chittagong when I came downAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskfor breakfast. The water around us looked like mud so not much water under the keel. So slow speed only. Still no berthing prospect so we could not start with the pre arrival tests.

And we could not start any other jobs as we don't know for how long we can work. I had 2 guys for painting and our Pump Man started to purge the cargo pumps. Our 2nd Officer wanted to test the ODME so we got started with this.

There was an alarm on the ODME and we went to the engine room and our 2nd Engineer took us to the emergency generator room to reset a switch.Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Enclosed space entry and paper work toYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stget down the pump room to open the valves.

Test run and the ODME was soon giving an alarm. Analyser worked good but no feedback to the overboard valve. According to the manual it is a bustedfuse so something have happened with the electric system during the night.

Well, we got news to drop the anchor until tomorrow. Not good, I had been hoping for us to come alongside so I could go to check out Chittagong scrap yard before my reliever arrives tomorrow night. Well, maybe I will have the time to go shore for an hour or two to check it out. The scrap yard is the only thing Chittagong is known for.

We dropped our anchor at 13:30 and we were soon having “business people” around us trying to sell fruits, phone cards and shrimps etc. The shrimps looked very nice, 20 to 30 cm long. But where have they caught them? Around here and I won't eat them.

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
As soon as we had anchored there were “business people” approaching in canoe looking boats

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
As soon as we had anchored there were “business people” approaching in canoe looking boats

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Floating market

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Floating market

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Want to buy a goat?

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
They tied up alongside us and I had to tell them to leave

Well, the day were soon coming to an end and we have planned for a movie tonight, my last movie with the guys before I sign off? My reliever arrives tomorrow night and we might have other stuff to do. I'm pretty sure he needs some sleep after the trip and I might be ashore exploring Chittagong for fine dining.
Or I might be busy with the Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos.

Thursday 19 th of December 2013
and we were still anchored when I woke up 10 minutes before my alarm was set to go off. We expect to heave up the anchor at 10 to be at the Pilot station at 11 thirty. Then it is a few miles up the Karnaphuli River to Chittagong and our jetty.

We did the pre arrival tests and at 9 o'clock I had my flight details, leaving Chittagong to Dhaka Saturday afternoon at 16:15. 5 hours waiting at Hazrat Shahjalal International and flying with Bangkok Airways arriving 01:20 Sunday morning. Good, 1 day extra salary and no time to waste any money Saturday night in Bangkok. And no hangover on Sunday.

Can be a good thing as I heard they will start the protests again on Sunday and Asoke intersectionTops Market in Bangkokis just a few minutes' walk from my place and I will have to pass through it on my way to buy groceries at Tops Market.

This is a crowd I'm better off avoiding with a hangover.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

We finished the pre arrival tests and I also had time to try to rebuild my new computer after newAladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maerskinstructions from Maersk's IT department. Well, failure again and we will see if there is the time to try again before going home.

Our anchor was aweigh at 10:42 and I made the first entry in to our new NEVPD (or something like that) binder. The changes comes in to effect on the 19th of December 2013 and that is today. We need all these logs and check list before entering US waters.

And one of the log is when we heave up anchor and we have rigged an extra hose to clean the anchor chain and this was all logged and we're ready for inspection in the US. They had been talking about a voyage from Singapore to Guam so we're better off being prepared.

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Crowded on the fo'c's'le when we heave up the anchor

I checked internet for fine dining and 5 star hotels in Chittagong, I only found one, the AcradabraAladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maerskor something like that. Dinner tonight?

Coming on the bridge for the Pilot and I discovered that our new US binder was called NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System and not NEVPD as I thought.

High water and there were plenty ships entering Karnaphuli River. Pilot boarding at the mouth of the Karnaphuli River and they had obviously told all the ship to be at the pilot station to get Pilot at 11 thirty.

All ships leaving with the high water and all ships going up the river at high water so it was congested at the mouth of Karnaphuli River.

Aladdin's adventure on Karnaphuli River, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Entering Karnaphuli River - Millions of small ships moored at the mouth of Karnaphuli River
They use these ships as lightering ships for the big bulk carriers on the anchorage

Aladdin's adventure on Karnaphuli River, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Millions of small ships moored at the mouth of Karnaphuli River
They use these ships as lightering ships for the big bulk carriers on the anchorage

Aladdin's adventure on Karnaphuli River, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Loading a ship by hand, nothing you've seen around for the last 30 years
At least it is not an “EVERY DAY” sight

Aladdin's adventure on Karnaphuli River, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Loading a ship by hand, nothing you've seen around for the last 30 years
At least it is not an “EVERY DAY” sight

Aladdin's adventure on Karnaphuli River, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Loading a ship by hand, nothing you've seen around for the last 30 years
At least it is not an “EVERY DAY” sight

Aladdin's adventure on Karnaphuli River, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Some factory along Karnaphuli River

Aladdin's adventure on Karnaphuli River, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Some factory along Karnaphuli River

Aladdin's adventure on Karnaphuli River, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
More factories along Karnaphuli River

Aladdin's adventure on Karnaphuli River, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Passing Chittagong International. The Shah Amanat International

Aladdin's adventure on Karnaphuli River, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Scooby Airline approaching the Shah Amanat International

Aladdin's adventure on Karnaphuli River, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Scooby Airline landing on the Shah Amanat International

Aladdin's adventure on Karnaphuli River, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Quality tonnage along Karnaphuli River

Aladdin's adventure on Karnaphuli River, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Bangladesh navy passing us

Aladdin's adventure on Karnaphuli River, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
We have arrived to our jetty
And we can see M/T Atlantic Blue arriving to the jetty behind us

Aladdin's adventure on Karnaphuli River, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
A dead cow or buffalo floating at our jetty

We had all fast at DOJ 6 at 14:00 and we were soon having my office full of Surveyors and aAladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy MaerskLoading Master. Sampling, ullage, calculation and paper work and we were ready around 7 o'clock.

Most of the time was spent trying to complete the ship shore safety check list regarding communication. They have a wee different opinion how to do things safe in this part of the world.

Loading Master was at least happy when I let him leave the ship and I was kind of satisfied with our agreement.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stNow we wait for the terminal to be ready to receive cargo and our 2nd Officer entertained the SurveyorsAladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maerskwith some card tricks while waiting for the terminal to be ready to receive cargo.

They were all soon engaged in our 2nd Officer's card tricksYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stand they were quite impressed.

We started slow discharging at 19:42 and I was back in my cabin at 9 thirty and no sign of my reliever. I think he was to arrive here around 7 or 8. Well, I will meet him tomorrow. And the going ashore for dinner plans went South, only allowed ashore between 06:00 and 20:00 so it was toolate for any fine dining.
And I got a hot tip from our Surveyors. Peninsula Hotel, it was a 5 star hotel. The Acradabra Hotel was obviously not so fancy according to them. Maybe tomorrow

Friday 20 th of December 2013
and I woke up 40 minutes before my alarm was set to go off. Waking up and I was not in a good mood, I could have slept for 40 more minutes. But I was realizing that it was time to go home and I was happy in a jiff and I jumped out of my bed to have my lemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink and my vitamins.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

I was in the CCR at 7 thirty to see how the discharging went, still on 4 bars pressure on the manifold even though they had asked for 6 bars when we did the pre transfer papers. My reliever was in the mess room when I stepped in to the mess room a few minutes before 8 o'clock.

My reliever and I was on deck when the terminal asked for 6 bars on the manifold and suddenly we discharged with 900m³/h and then we will be ready in the middle of the night instead of tomorrow afternoon. Well, I don't think we can leave before the high water anyway and that is around Saturday lunch time. But by then I will be off the ship.

Our Cadet/ Cook is leaving for the airport at 16:00 and we decided to join him hopingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthat wecan hire the car for a tour to Chittagong scrap yard after dropping himAladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maerskat the airport. They told me that they did not like strangers as Greenpeace and other organisations are there trying to stop their activities.

Greenpeace, terrorists for trying to stop this horrid business? And at the same time, we're considered environmental terrorists if we throw food waste within 12 NM from shore. Explain that if you can!

They called us like 20 minutes before 4 o'clock and asked the Cadet to be at the gate for transportation to the airport so we were sure it was the white van waiting for him.
Our Chief Engineer, 2nd and 3rd Officer was joining for the tour to the scrap yard.

We had to fill up our shore passes before we could go ashore and there was like millionsAladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maerskof questions. And question #11 was OTHER VISIBLE DISTINGUISHING MARKS and the only answer I could give was HANDSOME.

Well, anyway, we were in for a surprise when we left the ship. There had been a white van waiting outside the gate for the last few hours and we thought it was the car for the Cadet

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
He had to go to the airport in a cage on wheels
Not exactly what you expect, after surviving the rough seas for 4 months you have to risk your life to go to the airport

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
He had to go to the airport in a cage on wheels
Not exactly what you expect, after surviving the rough seas for 4 months you have to risk your life to go to the airport

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
SAFETY FIRST always. Close the cage
Not exactly what you expect, after surviving the rough seas for 4 months you have to risk your life to go to the airport

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
They take off towards the airport with screamin' and smokin' tyres
Not exactly what you expect, after surviving the rough seas for 4 months you have to risk your life to go to the airport

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Leaving us behind
Not exactly what you expect, after surviving the rough seas for 4 months you have to risk your life to go to the airport

The van was not for our Cadet and there was no sign of any other cars or the Agent. Strange, they had been going on for 20 minutes about how we had to hurry up. Hurry up and wait. Our Agent arrived within a green vehicle, I would for sure not set foot in this vehicle, wellhmm,Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maerskmaybe if I had have a few San Miguel Light. But I don't think so.

It was a jaw dropping moment when our Agent told our Cadet that this was his transportation to the airport. He blamed it on a flat tyre on his car.
- Don't even think about sending me to the airport in this one tomorrow! I said.
- No no, I will have my car tomorrow
- I'm not joking, I refuse!
- No problem! I will have my car tomorrow.

Well, our plan to go with the car to the scrap yard via the airport went South. We sent off the Cadet and our Agent called a car for us but they told us not to go to the scrap yard. Big problem in Bangladesh. Upcoming election, riots and they were on strike. They had thrown a bomb at the scrap yard so they didn't let us go there in the Agent's car. We were disappointed.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Fer foocks sake! I live in Bangkok and we're used to riots!

Well, what to do? We decided to take the car to down town Chittagong trying to find some fine dining opportunities. The roads were full of all kinds of jalopies. Only thinking about getting theseAladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maerskjalopies on the road in Sweden or any civilized country would have get you in to jail. Well, no one would have come up with the idea to get in to any of these things.

We managed to get to downtownYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stChittagong and the driver asked us where to go.
- Where you want to go? I asked
- Up to you
- No no, I'm not going to throw myself out from that hill. Then you will blame me if it is a shitty restaurant! (The same reason why I never choose the video)

We passed a restaurant and this was the “best” restaurant in Chittagong according to the driver and we made a lightning quick decision and we made a U-turn. The restaurant was closed and they would open in one hour @ 18:30. We decided to leave and we went out to the car and the driver again. Someone told usAladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maerskthey opened at 7 and then it was changed to 6. Well, no one knows and they just throwing out different times guessing.

We decided to go to Peninsula and we passed through a sad looking Chittagong but when we spotted Peninsula hotel there was a glimmer of hope in the car. The hotel looked very nice from the distance

We were very hungry and the hotel looked very nice so we were in a good mood. They had a restaurant on the fifth floor with and international buffet. We went to have a look but they were not open until 30Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maerskminutes later. But the restaurant looked very nice. They had an Indian restaurant and BBQ on the rooftop and we went to check it out.

We took a table at the swimming pool and I was glad that our malaria tablets finally came to use. So far not one single mosquito, bet here were several of them. Well, the malaria medicine has not been a complete waste of Maersk's money.

They had a “FULL” rack of lamb and I ordered this item. Plus butter Nan and the biggest pot of tea they could find in the kitchen. I asked about rosemary for my BBQ lamb and they Cook came to our table to get cooking instructions. Plenty rosemay, pour a cubic ton of rosemary over the lamb!
- This will take 50 minutes
- 15 minutes?
- No, 50 minutes
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

OK, I decided to wait for 50 minutes. Our 3rd Officer ordered Indian food and our Chief Engineer and 2nd Engineer asked for lobster and tiger prawns. I suggested that we should go down to the restaurant on the fifth floor for dessert when we were ready. There was not really any dessertAladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maerskon the menu but we had spotted sweets at the buffet restaurant when we had a look there.
- A very good idea, they said.

I went to the bar to see if I could find any Diet Pepsi, but they only had Diet Coke, instant disappointment. I decided to try one and it was not so bad, not as good as Pepsi but it was kind of OK. I had a sip or two and I discovered that the label was in Thai. Importing Coke from Thailand? Well, why not?

I decided to go check out the desserts on the fifth floor and I asked if it was possible to pay for the dessert only.
- No, this is for buffet only
- This looks very good, can I try
- Yes
I had a peice of some chocolate stuff and it was good
- You can try more if you want
I had a second piece.
- Can I order to the desktop restaurant?
They called the roof top restaurant and they would arrange Black Forest cake and chocolate cake to the rooftop restaurant. I left the restaurant and I returned to the rooftop. My friends were eatingAladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maerskpeanuts when I came back, no sign of the lamb or any other food. But we got thebutter Nan and it was very good together with the tea.

I was on my third pot of tea when my friends got their food and they told me it was the best lobster they have ever had. Chief Engineer told me it was better than the lobster he had been eating in Thailand. Yeah, well, where is my “FULL” rack of lamb? Now we had been here for almost 2 hours and they told me 50 minutes.

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
They finish the dinner with a water pipe

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
They finish the dinner with a water pipe

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
They finish the dinner with a water pipe

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
They finish the dinner with a water pipe

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
They finish the dinner with a water pipe

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
They finish the dinner with a water pipe

My friend was finished since long and they had a water pipe next to the table and they were smoking away. I was on my fifth or sixth pot of tea and I was getting full of butter Nan. No sign of my “FULL” rack of lamb and by now we had asked for the “FULL” rack of lamb so many times that the Waiter was hiding.

I was worried, I told them no sauce or anything for my “FULL” rack of lamb.
- Only rosemary!
I was expecting lamb chops like they do it on the Argentinian restaurant on Sukhumvit Soi 23 inEl Gaucho, Sukhumvit Soi 23 in BangkokBangkok. But now I was worried, what are they doing in the kitchen?

The first alarm went of when they asked if I wanted my “FULL” rack of lamb spicy or mild.
- Only BBQ with rosemary, nothing else!

It was 7 thirty by the time they brought my “FULL” rack of lamb to the table. By then my friends had finished the water pipe and I had chocolate and Black Forest cake on the way to the table together with the bill. And the lamb was nothing like El Gaucho in Bangkok.

Rack of lamb, it was a foocking leg and it would have been enough for a soccer team. What a disappointment! Hanging around here for nothing! And what a luck I had all the butter Nan!

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Rack of lamb, Bangladesh style...

El Gaucho, Sukhumvit Soi 23 in Bangkok
... nothing like El Gaucho in Bangkok. DISAPPOINTMENT!

I tried a tiny piece and I knew already BEFORE trying it that I would not like it. Indian BBQ so it was some foocking Tandori or Tika style BBQ leg. Impossible to eat and no sign off any rosemary. Only some thick Tandori or Tika sauce drenching what was supposed to be my “FULL” rack of lamb.

And the Tandori or Tika tasted like, well, it was a very unpleasant experience. As you can imagine, expecting a kilo or two of El Gaucho “styled” lamb chops and they drop something looking likesomething you throw out in the garden when you want your dog to foock off out of the house.

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Easy to imagine the disappointment

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Easy to imagine the disappointment

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
I forced our 2nd Officer to have a go on the whatever it is

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Our 2nd Officer gives it a go

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Our 2nd Officer gives it a go

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
That's the spirit!

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Our 3rd Officer gives it a go

OK, all in all it was a very nice evening. I had chocolate cake, butter Nan and a cubic ton of tea. And I had a bag with 6 cans of Diet Coke when we left the Peninsula hotel. And my friends wereAladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maerskvery satisfied with their food

It was heavy traffic on the way to the ship, most of the jalopies were missing light and it was very dark in Chittagong. But I was more worried that we would have to get up in the middle of the night to complete discharging.

We told the Agent that we would be ready 2 o'clock in the morning when we left. He told us that we would leave on Sunday. He called the terminal and they confirmed Sunday. Strange, we're discharging with 900m³/h and we expect to be ready in the middle of the night. But discharging rate was at a whopping 200m³/h when we came back on board.

Good, I can sleep all night long, just what I need, plenty pictures to upload after our adventure at Peninsula hotel in Chittagong. And of course a few cans of Diet Coke while working with the pictures. And I'm afraid that there won't be any time to Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos tonight. Maybe when I'm back home on Sunday.

Well, everyone was happy and satisfied with the day when we were back on board. Well, a wee bit disappointed about the scrap yard and the riots. But we might get the chance again. And our extra guards were happy as well, our 3rd officer asked for a doggy bag for the lamb leg or whatever it was so they were happy. We had to ask for a doggy bag, the Cook came to our table and he asked why I didn't eat the lamb.
- I'm full
- Not good?
- Very good but I'm full

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stHe looked so sad but he looked happy when we asked for the doggy bag, and I had to leave half of my Black Forest cake behind to make the story about me being full a wee bit plausible. Embarrassing to ask for a doggy bag, but it was worth it when the Cook was smiling at us. He looked very sad when we didn't eat the lamb and he really wanted to do good food. But it was not what I had expected. But should I feel bad for that?

Certainly not, I ordered rack of lamb and just to make 100% sure I did an image search on the internet. I WAS RIGHT! A rack of lamb is lamb chops not a whatever it was.

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN& Bangkok
I did a image search on Rack of lamb
Nothing looked like what they served in Chittagong

Saturday 21 st of December 2013
and I woke up 20 minutes before my alarm was set to go off and that's even though they called me 2 o'clock in the morning. My last day on board M/T Roy Maersk.

Well, I'm still confused over how internationally agreed food terms can be misused here in Bangladesh and especially in a nice hotel with foreign guests. How did they turn a rack of lamb in to a leg? At least I learnt a lesson and I will be more careful in the future.

I packed my bag and I attached the stickers from Chittagong custom and leaving Bangladesh willAladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy MaerskhopefullyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbe a hassle free experience.

But this is my first experience getting tags for my luggage. I filled up my personal effect list and how many bags I had and the Agent delivered the sticks. Printed on a A4 page and I cut the paper in to 3 stickers and taped on my bags.

Thinking of it, quite convenient, but let's see how it have worked out when picking up my bags at Suvarnabhumi Airport.

Aladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maersk
Boat passing us selling living chicken
And hold it right there for a second! If there is a business for living chickens at the jetties we can imagine what kind of ships coming here

My last lunch on board and I had 3 (small) bowls of the best soup ever. I added some boiled potatoes and it was a feast. I finished the meal with a freshly made bun with Nutella.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- 1000 US$
- Hold it right there Buddy Boy, I have signed off!!

I had a shower after lunch and it was soon time to get off the ship. Our 2nd Officer was in theAladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maerskoffice when I came down. He went to bed at 12 but he was back now to say good bye.

One of the ABs had suggested a last group hug earlier in the morning. But we have had enough of the group hugs but I appreciated our 2nd Officer's spirit and he got a hug before I left the ship. Our Agent came on board and they helped me with my bag. The car was on the jetty and we were pretty much ready to take off to the airport.

I asked our Agent where he had the Christmas cake he have promised every time we have seen him since we arrived to Chittagong. It is always tomorrow, and we're not asking for the cake. I can for sure live without a cake from Bangladesh. He told us the first day that he would bring a cake for us and after thet it was “I bring the cake tomorrow” every timeAladdin's adventure in Chittagong, Bangladesh with M/T Roy Maerskhe see us. Well, never mind, I don't care for any Christmas cake. We loaded my bags in to the car and we were soon on the way towards Chittagong International.

I have been to many airports in my life but the road to Chittagong international was the worst road I have ever been on going to an airport. It was more like a dirt track and I was happy that I was sitting in a car and not in the green jalopy our Cadet was going in. We were at the airport after 10 to 15 minutes. I went in to the terminal and this was not a modern terminal. It reminded meAladdin's adventure with BIMAN Bangladesh Airlinesabout Indian airports 25 years ago. Bangladesh standard and I was not happy about the flight with Bangladesh Airlines. BIMAN Airlines, a notorious airline and I had heard a lot about this airline. But I never heard anything good.

If you have the time next time waiting for your flight you can have a look at www.airdisaster.com and I'm sure that you will find enough material to PEP you for the flight.

Aladdin's adventure with BIMAN Bangladesh Airlines
Aladdin's adventure with BIMAN Bangladesh Airlines
Aladdin's adventure with BIMAN Bangladesh Airlines

Aladdin's adventure with BIMAN Bangladesh Airlines
Aladdin's adventure with BIMAN Bangladesh Airlines

Aladdin's adventure with BIMAN Bangladesh Airlines
Aladdin's adventure with BIMAN Bangladesh Airlines

Check in was not open when I stepped in to the terminal and I sat down imagine all the stuff that would happen during the flight. As I mentioned, I have heard horror stories about BIMAN. Of course, this was many years ago. But I was not very happy, I expected us to go in a small pre World War 2 airplane and there were plenty people coming in to the check-in. I heard that you could join a full BIMAN flight for a “small” fee. But you had to stand up during the flight. And of course, I was expecting life chicken, goats and rack of lambs and whatever I could imagine them to bring on board this BIMAN flight.

Aladdin's adventure at Chittagong International Airport - Shah Amanat International
Chittagong International and Domestic Airport

Aladdin's adventure at Chittagong International Airport - Shah Amanat International
Domestic terminal
This is it, no more and not less. Looks like a place where you wait for the bus

I checked in and I passed through the security. Well, they took my matches, and I came in to a waiting room. Looked like a waiting room at a bus station. I had expected a terminal with aAladdin's adventure at Chittagong International Airport - Shah Amanat Internationalrestaurant or, well, something to drink at least. I went out again and I found a kiosk, they didn't have Diet Pepsi, but I bought 2 cans of Diet Coke.

They accepted dollars but they only gave Tika back, I think Tika is the name of the Bangladesh currency. Well, now I have some souvenirs from Bangladesh. I came up with aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stidea, I took a pictures of the Bangladesh bills and I don't need to keep the bills. Whenever I need a souvenir from Bangladesh I can look at the picture.

Aladdin's adventure on board BIMAN Bangladesh Airlines flight BG 038 to Dhaka Hazrat Shahjalal Airport
BIMAN Bangladesh Airlines flight BG 038 to Dhaka
I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered a Boeing 777 - But when was the last service? Sometimes during the spring 1973?

When they opened the door to the waiting room we were surprised. We were waiting at the door leading out to the tarmac as we expected to walk to the aircraft. But the opened a door next toAladdin's adventure with BIMAN Bangladesh Airlines flight BG 038 to Dhaka Hazrat Shahjalal Airportthe entrance and there was an escalator. Escalator! WOW! Welcome to 2013!

I turned left when I got off the escalator and I saw a Boeing 777 with Bangladesh Airlines colours. I was very happy to make this discover, no small airplane and as the waiting room was full I had expected an overfull flight to Dhaka.

The waiting room was brimmed with people, but the waiting room was very small so 100 people filled the room. But I was hoping for plenty empty seats on thisAladdin's adventure with BIMAN Bangladesh Airlines flight BG 038 to Dhaka Hazrat Shahjalal Airportbig air plane. But the flight was full and most passengers had joined the flight in Saudi Arabia. Chittagong was the first stop and Dhaka was the end destination.

Of course, I was disappointed, but I had a seat at the exit so it was quite comfortable. And the flight was only 30 minutes or something like that. So no worries.

They came to offer us orange juice but I said no thanks and I tried to get some sleep. I had been up since early morning and I don't expect to be home for another 12 hours. But I failed to fall asleep, just to take of and then we were approaching DhakaAladdin's adventure with BIMAN Bangladesh Airlines flight BG 038 to Dhaka Hazrat Shahjalal AirportInternational airport.

I almost shat myself when we landed, we bounced down the runway sliding to the left and the right. But the Pilots were soon in control of the airplane. At least I hope so.

It was very nice to get off the plane and I followed the ARRIVAL signs and suddenly I was at the immigration. I had expected us to go straight to the luggage claim as I was on a domestic flight. There was one gate with no immigration Officer and I passed through this gate. I saw some other people passing this gate so I decided to do the same. Someone was shouting at me.
- You come from Chittagong?
I said yes and she lost interest and I was soon outside the immigration area. Easy to understand that our new Cook didn't had any arrival stamp from Dhaka. He arrived to Dhaka from thePhilippines and he arrived on board without any entry stamp in hisAladdin's adventure with BIMAN Bangladesh Airlines flight BG 038 to Dhaka Hazrat Shahjalal Airportpassport. Our agent told me that we had big problem.

I didn't understand how he could enter Bangladesh without passing the immigration, but now I understand. There was a monitor, flight BG038, luggage at belt #8. I walked to belt 8 and someone asked if I came from Chittagong.
- Yes
- You have to go to the domestic terminal to pick up your luggage

Aladdin's adventure at Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Domestic luggage claim area
I had to run around like a track horse before I found the luggage claim area

Aladdin's adventure at Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka, Bangladesh
They brought the bags on luggage trolleys so it took long time to get the luggage

Aladdin's adventure at Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka, Bangladesh
They brought the bags on luggage trolleys so it took long time to get the luggage
Go to the domestic to pick up my luggage, are they joking? Not any sign about any domestic terminal, only ARRIVAL and then the monitor showing belt #8 for my flight BG 038.
- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stis this?

There was no sign for the domestic terminal and I asked several people that looked like they wereAladdin's adventure with BIMAN Bangladesh Airlines flight BG 038 to Dhaka Hazrat Shahjalal Airportworking at the airport for directions. It was in the other end of the terminal and the domestic terminal was a room with a conveyor belt. And it was full of people waiting for their luggage to arrive.

They brought in the luggage on a luggage trolley so it was 3 to 4 bags at the time. They but the bags on a 3 meter long conveyor belt that lead to another 5 to 6 meter long conveyor belt thatAladdin's adventure with Diet Pepsi at Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka, Bangladeshended in the middle of the domestic terminal. So it is easy to understand how easy it was to get your luggage unless you stayed where they brought in the bags.

I got my bags and I left the domestic terminal. Well, I just went outside for a quick coffin nail and I was back in to the domestic terminal. Well, now it was the international terminal. How to get up to the departure hall? I asked around and it was a lot of different directions. Someone said go to the right and some people I asked said got to the left.

The last one I asked, a female cleaner said right and I turned right and there was no sign of any elevators. I asked another guy in a taxi service booth. He told me to go back where I came from, the elevator was at the other end.
- I was told it was at this end of the terminal
- The elevator is at the other end

I got a wee bit upset and I asked him what theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwas going on here. Some people said this and some tells me the opposite. Now he changed his mind and he pointed to the corner. I walked over there and I found an elevator from the VIP lounges to the departure hall. I stepped out from the elevator and I hit a kiosk and they had Diet Pepsi and I bought 2 cans.

Bangkok Airways check in counter was not open. I went outside to enjoy my Diet Pepsi and a coffin nail while waiting for the check-in for Bangkok Airways flight PG 746 to Suvarnabhumi

Aladdin's adventure at Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Outside Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Aladdin's adventure at Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Outside Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka, Bangladesh

There were plenty people outside and there was a few guards chasing away people. Not alowed to stay outside the terminal, had to cross to the other side of the road where they drop offAladdin's adventure at Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka, Bangladeshpassengers. They asked everyone to go over to the other side, well, except for me. They brought an empty luggage trolley for me to sit on.

It was quite embarrassing, people looking at me wondering why I was allowed to stay while they were chased away.

I was supposed to have a 5 hour stay at Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka before my flight with Bangkok Airways. But we were delayed from Chittagong and all the running around looking for my luggage and now it was only 3 hours remaining. Had had planned to get a taxi to one of the 5 star hotels for diner because I was hungry. But nowAladdin's adventure at Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka, BangladeshI only had 3 hours and I gave up the idea.

I was hungry and there was no restaurant around here, at least not any restaurant I wanted to set foot in. So I guess I will have to wait until I get home, just drop my7 Eleven in Bangkokbags and go to my local 7 Eleven to pick up something.

2 cans of Diet Pepsi disappeared in a jiff and i went back in to the terminal and the guard helped me through the security check and I left to see of Bangkok Airways check-in had opened. There were 5 people queuing up in front of the check-in counter. There was a sign saying CLOSED but I expected them to open soon so IAladdin's adventure at Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka, Bangladeshstayed in the queue.

There were cockroaches crawling over the check-in counter and the whole place looked very nasty. I had to wait for about 20 minutes before they opened the check-in for Bangkok Airways flight PG 746 to Suvarnabhumi. The family in front of me brought out a pile of passports.

Looked like there were 100 passports, but it was maybe 25++ of passports. I looked around and there were plenty people waiting in the sit down area and they were obviously belonging to this group. Now they started to bring trolleyAladdin's adventure at Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka, Bangladeshloaded with millions of bags.
- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

These people could easily have spent the whole day waiting and noneAladdin's adventure at Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka, Bangladeshof them would have had to spend more than 5 minutes in the queue if they took turns and thus occupying the whole check-in. And they must have had a cubic ton of luggage.

I asked for an aisle seat when it was my turn to check in and I had had a comfy seat between Chittagong and Dhaka so I asked if they had a seat at the exit. The girl told me that she had a seat withAladdin's adventure at Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka, Bangladeshextra leg room
- Thanks

I also got a free transport voucher, good, Maersk save some money. I went to immigration and it took quite some time. I wish I had been in the queue next to mine.

The immigration officer called all the European looking passenger to come up front. And when there was a new Caucasian passenger coming he called them up front. The Bangladeshi looking passengers got pissed off and started to scream at the immigration Officer. I went to look for a restaurant and I found a place called Spicy and IAladdin's adventure at Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka, Bangladeshordered chicken and toast. I had a cup of tea, but I didn't bother asking for a second cup. It was not whatAladdin's adventure at Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka, BangladeshI had been hoping for so I asked for a bottle of water.

I have been on many airports, in India back in the 80's and that was not even nearly as nasty as Dhaka International. Dhaka International is the worst airport I have ever been to. The smoke roomYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stlooked like it had never been cleaned. The toilets, well, you didn't need to ask for any directions there. Just follow the stench.

Dhaka International airport was at least to say a nasty experience. I was sitting in the garbage in the smoke room at gate 1/1A when I guy asked what I had been doing in Bangladesh.
- How did you like Bangladesh?

Why do they ask these things? Here we have a guy from Bangladesh asking me how I liked Bangladesh. Impossible that he can be unaware of the fact that 99.99% of the population wants to leave the country. I refuse to believe that he is unaware of the fact that Bangladesh is a, well, you know what. He expected the ordinary pleasantries and trite.
Well, he was in for a surprise with Aladdin and I asked him why everyone wanted to leave the country. I told him that there he had the answer of what I thought about Bangladesh.

Aladdin's adventure at Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Aladdin's adventure at Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka, the nastiest airport I have ever been at

Look at the picture above, this is the international airport. Bangladesh's face to the world so this should be kept in top condition. What makes you think the rest of the country looks better? HeBangkok Airways logogot my point even though he didn't look very happy. Never mind, I left for gate #3 to board Bangkok Airways flight PG 746 to Suvarnabhumi. Departure time and now I saw the aircraft landing so delays are expected.

I was sitting down on a bench waiting for both my flight and for the bench to fall apart and I was very happy when they opened the door and we could board the flight to Bangkok. And I'm not sad to leave Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka behind.

Aladdin's adventure on board Bangkok Airways flight PG 746 to Suvarnabhumi
I almost soiled myself
Going from pitch dark and suddenly they turn on the EXIT signs and I thought we were about to do an emergency landing

I ended up in a seat with fixed armrests as there wasn't any seat in front of me with a table. Even though the days with 2,8 meter between the back pockets are far behind me it wasn't very comfortable. The Stewardess came and she asked if I wanted to change seat.

I moved back and I had an empty row, but there wasn't much space for my legs and it was very uncomfortable. But it is only 2H 30M to Bangkok and I will try to survive. I had 2 bottles of waterBangkok Postand I read Bangkok Post. Trying to sleep, failed and I read the in-flight magazine. Can't say there was anything exciting in the magazine, but I looked the pictures and I kept myself busy for 2 to 3 minutes.

They prepared the cabin for landing and they turned off the light, pitch dark in the cabin. Suddenly they turn on the exit signs and I almost shat myself. Are they preparing for an emergency landing? I was waiting for the announcement but nothing and I guess it was normal procedures. Arriving and we had to go by bus to the terminal.

Going to the plane in bus is a pain in the behind but I don't mind going by bus from the airplane in Bangkok. We arrive at the immigration and we don't have to trot around for hours toAladdin's adventure at the immigration at Suvarnabhumi airportreach the immigration. It was 2 o'clock and thousands of Korean tourists had arrived and I had expected immigration to be empty 2 o'clock in the morning.

Well, and on top of this they had closed down most of the immigration. 3 or 4 counters open the the rest was closed and I expected to spend a long time waiting to get through the immigration. And it was almost 3 o'clock when I had passed the immigration.

Well, I got the free taxi service from AOT Limousine service, took a wee bit longer than usual as they had to process the voucher before we could take off. I was outside drinking Minute Maid while waiting and they came to pick me up and we took off towards Sukhumvit. Yes, very nice to be back home. And now I have the internet so I can check out new Swedish music.

Nice with some new music and this time from the North of Sweden
From the Random Bastards label GONZA-RA “BLÄSTA UT DEN (VE ERK)”

And when talking Random Bastards we can as well have an episode from Random Bastards TV
Episode #3 from 2009. There are many more episodes from Random Bastards TV on youtube

Well, looks like I will be busy making new taxi CDs with all the new music. I need some fresh taxi CDs for my trip to Honolulu on the 9th of January 2014. But before I leave for Honolulu we will have to celebrate a birthday .

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