OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

No longer any need to use the Internet Explorer or run the Internet Explorer rendering engine. I gave up IE after the introduction of Internet Explorer 11
Page is tested in Fire Fox, Chrome and Safari. Looks like it works OK in all browsers, except the sounds in Safari.
Of course, browsing www.aladdin.st in Safari on an iPad is a different story, nothing looks as it should
Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Richard Maersk

Friday 5 th of July 2013 and we were anchored when I woke up 15 minutes before 10 o'clock. I had such a terrible head ach it was almost impossible to get out of bed. So the first thing I did on FosYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stanchorage was to write an e-mail to radio medical in Denmark. Well, I had a shower before starting to write the e-mail.

I have had a head ache coming and going for the last week to 10 days. Mostly when I wake up and then some times during the day. But today was the worst. Is it a tumour or is it a developing migraine? The Doctor willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully have the answer, and of course, I hope for the migraine! Or something better than migraine.

No e-mail from the Doctor and no news from the Pilots. We were supposed to get our pilot on board at 17:00. I had finished all the pre arrival checks and at 4 o'clock I went to check my e-mail. Still nothing from the Doctor so I called Radio Medical in Copenhagen.

The doctor wanted me to check my blood pressure, both arms and the reaction of my pupils. This check he added after I mentioned that I thought it could be a tumour. We checked blood pressureand pupils, all normal and we called the Doctor again. He thought it could be some muscles in the head and I think he is right, my bed is something of the most uncomfortable I have slept in and it is very hard to sleep. Well, anyway, it was good news and I was in a good mood even though I had some head ache.

I was on the bridge to check our berthing prospects and our 2nd Officer called the Pilot station on the VHF radio.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Do you have any berthing prospects for us
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- How long time you need to get ready?
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- 1 hour to start the engine and 30 minutes to heave up the anchor
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- OK, you can start your engine now

So I will get my parcel within a few hours. and honestly, calling the Radio Medical in Denmark and my biggest worries was, well, the tumour, but when he started to ask about my blood pressure IAladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maerskwas more worried that I had wasted 550€ on my new Ovale e-cigarettes.
- Do I have to give up nicotine?
But blood pressure was OK, maybe just a uncomfortable bed and I can go on smoking on myYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stnew e-cigarettes when they arrive.

We started to heave up our anchor after dinner and the Pilot came onboard just before the anchor was a weight. Hurry up! I have a parcel waiting for me. I was delirious with anticipation about my new e-cigarettes, especially the Oval Elipse.Aladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard MaerskThe Ovale Elipse should be a small wonder according to rumours.

Well, within a few hours and I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully have the parcel.

I was on the fo’c's'le checking when they heaved up our anchor. We had completed all the, well, most of the pre-transfer checks during the morning and afternoon so I could concentrate on some paper work so everything would be ready at arrival to Fos 2. I expected us to start discharging well before midnight so I could go to bed for some well needed sleep.

Aladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maersk
They are heaving up our anchor

It was a gorgeous evening and there were plenty pleasure crafts around us when we entered theAladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maerskport of Fos. We also passed a sunken sail boat with only 2 masts sticking up from thewater. Would be a perfect place for snorkelling. We had the gangway down at 20:20 and our Agent wasAladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maersksoon in my office and I asked about my parcel from DHL. Our Agent told me that the parcel was on theAladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maerskjetty with several other parcels and it was on the way on board.

We also got our stores and I left my office to see if they had brought on board the sodas. Yes, they had, and my good mood turned bad instantly. 20 cases of Diet MAX turned out to be ordinary Pepsi.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stWhat theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

So I asked our Safety guy that will stay on board while we discharge to ask the Agent if he could buy 3 cases of Diet MAX for me.

Saturday 6 th of July 2013
and we didn't started discharging until 00:54 and it was almost 1 thirty when I was back in my cabin. We expect to be ready tomorrow afternoon. Then we will go to drop our anchor again. We have got our next voyage confirmed, Fos to Cyprus with heavy fuel oil so we need to do tank cleaning before we can load.

And I really hope I get the time to start to Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos again, it was a very long time ago I watched the videos. And I can't remember the last time I had time to open my Thai books.

My phone rang just before 10 o'clock
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- The ship chandler is here and he ask for you
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What do I care?Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
Rest hours, I was red when I went to bed and I cannot start work until 13:00 in the afternoon and I'm red. So this call made me red and I have to stay in bed until 3 or 4 in the afternoon until my rest hours turns white again. The phone rang 15 minutes later.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- The Safety guy want to speak with you
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- OK
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- The Agent only found bottles in size 2 litres bottles, no cans of Diet MAX
Aladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard MaerskYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Is it Diet MAX ?
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Yes, MAX. How many do you want?
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Take 10 bottles
As I had told them, don't call me for any stupid shit, but regarding Diet MAX , my phone line is open 24 foocking 7. Don't hesitate to call me!

2nd Officer called me around 3 o'clock and it was 30 minutes remaining of the discharging. I went down to the CCR and our Agent was on board with my Diet MAX . I still have my wine glass on my desk since our Pump Man bought the Diet MAX bottles for me in Malmö.

So I poured a glass first thing and I was enjoying my Diet MAX when we completed the discharging of the Didon Crude Oil at 15:24.

We did paper work and all the documents were signed at 17:00 and the Pilot came on board just past 5 o'clock. We left at 17:45 and I was soon down in the mess room for my dinner. We have a few hours to the anchorage where we will do tank cleaning.

We have a few days at the anchorage as we won't load the heavy fuel oil until the 12th of July, earliest. So we will have plenty time for painting and otherAladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maerskimportant jobs during the anchorage. Always plenty to do on a ship.

At the office ashore they think we do nothing but sitting around drinking Diet MAX all day long.

Our 2nd Officer didn't come to the mess room until 6 thirty and we had agreed on 10 minutes past 6 for our dinner.

I was ready when he came, but I arranged another pot of tea and I kept him company. Sorryto say, but I had to have some toast with honey with my tea. Not good for my diet, but I could not sit there drink tea only while he was eating.

We went to my cabin after the dinner to enjoy some Diet MAX while we enjoyed some of my latest YOU TUBEYOU TUBEvideo productions. Now I have 5 “blockbusters” ready, just the music missing. And during the day I have come up with 2 new ideas for more videos for YOU TUBE.

Ice in the Baltic Sea and I will make a slide show with some of my old ice pictures. And then I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stmake one “Whale watching in Sydney” Yes, we can imagine how many visitors the TAGS for this movie will attract. So when 'm ready with these 2 movies I have 7.

Good morning action, sun rise over the Indian Ocean

And it will be 8 movies when I have done a make-over of my “Sun rise over the Indian Ocean” video that I made on board Britta Maersk back in December 2012 on our way from South Africa to Singapore. New music, what a shame, the music is excellent as you can hear on the above video.

But rules are rules, but I managed to find some royalty free music on the internet. Yes, it was actually quite good, but I was soon to discover that the free music was 69€ per tune if I wanted to have it on YOU TUBE. And, well, whale watching and fire fighting action, I don't think I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stmake any 69€ from my videos and the whole idea will turn into a “lose money” adventure.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stHmm, well,8 videos, 2 tunes per video a 69€ that will be...... A hell of a lot of moneyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stand if I continue to produce videos like this I will soon have to move out to live under a bridge.

And if I want to pay 69€ it should be for a “lose weight” adventure.

Aladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maersk
AB put the “marker flag” on the anchor chain

Aladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maersk
AB put the “marker flag” on the anchor chain

Aladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maersk
Anchored outside Fos du Mer, France

We had dropped our anchor at 21:30 and I returned to the bridge. I stopped in our pitch dark duty mess and our 2 2nd Officers were sitting in the dark. We got a new 2nd Officer here in FosAladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maerskdu Mer and he knew our other 2nd Officer since Navigation school.

I turned on the light and I discovered that they were eating chocolate in the dark. Well, we got chocolate for 1000€ in Fos du Mer and they were obviously afraid that the chocolate would turn old. Me? I don't care, I'm still on the 1000$ bet.

I can't afford to eat the chocolate, especially not if they are going to charge me 100€++ for the music for each of the videos I have planned to put on YOU TUBE.

But I received a PEPPING e-mail during the evening and he thought that I could earn a penny or two on my videos. Well, a penny or two is stillYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sta lot short of 69€


But I have something to kill time with while making the videos. But I need some self discipline, I get carried away and I forget to Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos. Well, I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be back to my Thai study routinesby tomorrow evening again. After all, study Thai is more important than to lose money on YOU TUBE. But making slide shows are funnier than to study Thai.

Sunday 7 th of July 2013
and today I could chase down my vitaminYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sttablets with Diet MAX . We have a new 2nd Officer and he forgot to call me at 7 thirty. So he called 5 minutes past 8 and I was on the bridge 20 minutes past 8. And it was a gorgeous morning, no wind and sunshine.

I did a work permit for 2 of the ABs so they could continue to chip and paint the deck crane. Deck on Starboard side is ready and they are soon ready on the Port side.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk

We were going to start the tank cleaning after lunch and yet AGAIN!!! Our 2nd Officer on the 12Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stto 4 watch changed to Chief Officer Jr. He had been on and on about the tank cleaning and he wanted to join me.

And what a transformation it was, he changed from 2nd Officer to the “SUPER CHIEF”Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stin a jiff. And Dear God, was he lucky? We needed to line up for tank cleaning in theAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard MaerskPump room. So an entry permit has to be made and as previous cargo was crude oil we needed to check for Mercaptane and Benzene.

That means 1 test tube for Mercaptane and 2 (TWO) test tubes to test for Benzene. The Benzene pack contains 10 tubes but it is only for 5 tests.

We need to use a tube to remove moisture before the Benzene tube. And believe me, I have opened many packs of Benzene tubes just to discover that all for Benzene tubes are gone (or the moisture remover) and they have not noticed that 2 tubes are required in one test.

If you discover a 3cm long rubber hose when you open a pack of test tubes there should be an alarmgoing off. Look carefully at the tubes and you see that there are 2 different tubes, 5 ofAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maerskeach and they should be used together. So KEEP anYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.steye out when open the packageswith the test tubes.

Well, anyway, our 2nd Officer will have more experience with the toxic gas detection tubes than many other people when he signs off Richard Maersk.

We used the portable gas detector to draw sample air from the bottom of the pump room to a sample bag we had connected to the exhaust pipe on the gas detector. We started by testing the air for Mercaptanes and when we were ready our 2nd Officer sat up the test tubes for Benzene. No toxic gases found in the pump room and ourAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard MaerskPump Man and 2nd Officer went down to line up for the tank cleaning.

I was in my office pre-paring some paper work and when Pump Man and 2nd Officer were back up we started the tank cleaning.

We were ready at 6 o'clock with everything. I had started the IG to purge the tanks and we went for dinner. We will run the IG over night to purge the HC from the cargo tanks. Going from Crude to fuel oil. We need to purge as the fuel oil is a wee bit sensitive regarding flash point.

I had an hour of quality time in my cabin before it was time to go to the bridge. I enjoyed someAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard MaerskDiet MAX while starting to prepare to make www.aladdin.stAladdin.st YOU TUBE readyYOU TUBE ready

I also had time to Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos. But when I opened my Thai books I was almost fallingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stasleep. HopeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stit is as easy to fall asleep at midnight.

We got new medicines for our hospital in Fos du Mer so I will be busy during the night checking all the stuff. Good, time will passquickly and I don't mind.

And of course, we have what must be 1000 Ibuprofen tablets on board. The radio medical Doctor told me to eat Paracetamol. Then he said the Ibuprofen was better. So we asked the Agent to buy 600mg Ibuprofen tablets. Must have been some misunderstanding, he brought a whole foocking sack of Ibuprofen, and I'm not joking. But my head ache is much better.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
He is drawing a explanation of what we did during the day
I can see on how he use the “HIGH LIGHTERS” that he will soon be a fully fledged Chief Officer

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
He is drawing a explanation of what we did during the day
I can see on how he use the “HIGH LIGHTERS” that he will soon be a fully fledged Chief Officer

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
He is drawing a explanation of what we did during the day
I can see on how he use the “HIGH LIGHTERS” that he will soon be a fully fledged Chief Officer

I told our 2nd Officer to make a drawing to explain for me what we had done during the day and when I came on the bridge he was busy colouring his drawings. That's good, he needs all the practice he can get using the “HIGH LIGHTERS” before he can become a Chief Officer. He explained for me what we had done during the day and now I know that he had understood what we have done, and WHY we had done it. I always use to say that it is AS important to know why we do something then what it is to know what to do. If you understand why we do something you will be able to figure out what to do in most of the cases, if you understand what I mean.

Monday 8 th of July 2013
and we were still anchored when I came on the bridge at 8 o'clock in the morning. I had time for a bucket of tea while the guys prepared our free fall life boat. Have to be in the water every 3 months. And as the sea looks like a windmill pond we decided to put the life boat in to the sea. We took this decision to do this yesterday and today it was time to put the idea in to motion.

I went out to assist them around 9 thirty and we started by lifting the boat into the sea with our life boat davit. Not necessary to have any people in the boat while launching.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Our new 2nd Officer and the life boat on the way into the water in the back

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Our new 2nd Officer and the life boat on the way into the water in the back

When the life boat was in the water we went to the MOB boat, we have to send 2 guys to the lifeAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maerskboat with the MOB boat. We need to start the engine and to do the test of the sprinkler system on the life boat.

We went up to the MOB boat and we decided to do an emergency launch. We usually launch the boat with the davit. But is should be possible to launch the MOB even though we don't have any power.

So there is hydraulic pressure on the davit all the time and we can launch the MOB boat one time without any power using this hydraulic pressure.

Emergency launching worked just fine and they managed to get to the life boat and do all the tests. And we had the MOB boat back on board after about 30 minutes. Not bad, some ships use a full day and this is nothing we have time with. The ship is red like a fox and painting is needed. So I was satisfied with the exercise.

Launching the MOB boat on M/T Richard Maersk
Ready to board the MOB boat

Launching the MOB boat on M/T Richard Maersk
Here we go!

Launching the MOB boat on M/T Richard Maersk
On the way down

Launching the MOB boat on M/T Richard Maersk
Running the life boat engine

Launching the MOB boat on M/T Richard Maersk
Testing the sprinkler

Launching the MOB boat on M/T Richard Maersk
They are ready with the life boat and on the way back

I spent a few hours in my office in the afternoon preparing a little for our next cargo. I went for a quick power nap and I don't know what happened, my alarm went off at 1600 something, but IAladdin's adventure calibrating Riken Keiki GX-2009 on board M/T Richard Maerskmust have felt asleep and it was 18 thirty when I woke up again. I had missed dinner, well, nothing to missYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stactually. But it will be hard to fall asleep tonight.

We have a new 2nd Officer and we had decided to have an introduction to the gas detectors after his watch in the evening. And our other 2nd Officer is eager toYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stlearn so he will take the repeative gas detector “evening” course.

They brought all the gas detectors and the test gas and we could start. We started with the Riken Keiki GX-2009. And they were changing all the filters in the GX-2009 gas detectors.

We calibrated the instruments and we checked the alarm limits and they were very lucky, we had broken HC sensor so they got first hand experience on how to change aAladdin's adventure calibrating Riken Keiki GX-2009 on board M/T Richard Maersksensor.

They changed filters in 5 Riken Keiki GX-2009 personal gas detectors and we changed one HC sensor. Still one Riken Keiki GX-2009 with a broken HC sensor, but we don't have any new on board so I ordered one new sensor.

And you can be sure that I took pictures of every moment so it won’t take long beforeYOU TUBEYOU TUBE will feature a “How to calibrate and repair a Riken Keiki GX-2009” personal gas detector. And I expect quite a few “hits” on this video.

Of course, not as many as my THAI BOXING videos, imagine how many “hits” theAladdin's adventure calibrating Riken Keiki GX-2009 on board M/T Richard Maersktags on those videos will generate. I asked our 2nd Officer how many people there were every day searching for THAI BOXING on YOU TUBE.
- A million?

So now we can just imagine how many of them that will choose to watch my movies. And the music for these videos is no problem. I downloaded some “drive youThai boxing/ Muay Thaicrazy” Thai boxing music. So they are pretty much ready for upload. Just some last minute fine tuning to do B4 uploading.

Well, anyway, we finished the Riken Keiki GX-2009 detectors and we continued with the portableAladdin's adventure calibrating Riken Keiki GX-2009 on board M/T Richard Maerskgas detectors. And we also did the test tubes

I showed how to suck sample gas from the bottom of a 20 meter deep tank in to a sample bag with our Riken Keiki RX-517. And s we were calibrating the Riken Keiki RX-517 we drew gas from one bag over the sensor to be calibrated. The exhaust gas was let in to another bag that we would use to check the test tubes.

When we were ready we logged everything in the gas detector LOG BOOK and the guys signed the record of gas detector training and they could go to bed for some sleep before taking on new and interesting tasks.

Aladdin's adventure calibrating Riken Keiki on board M/T Richard Maersk
Saving test gas
Calibrating the detector with gas from a sample bag pumping the gas to the next bag to be used with the test tubes

Aladdin's adventure calibrating Riken Keiki on board M/T Richard Maersk
And as important, to LOG everything when we're ready with the instruments

I returned to my cabin at 1 o'clock after having turned off the IG plant and I uploaded the latest drivel to my web page before continuing with my YOU TUBE movies. Now I have 10 movies andAladdin's adventure with YOU TUBE on board M/T Richard Maerskmaterial for a 11th movie “How to calibrate and repair a Riken Keiki GX-2009”

My friend suggested that I should put the links on shipspotting.com “These people live and breathe ship” Well, we see about that

I was satisfied with the day when I went to bed, we had managed to get a lot of stuff done during the day. Now I will have to see if I manage to fall asleep.

Tuesday 9 th of July 2013
and we are still anchored. It was a pretty eventless day, except for the deck crane. Our crew is almost finished with the paint and it looks beautiful.

Wednesday 10 th of July 2013
and we are still anchored. And our deck crane is completed and it looks like new. And I did the Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos, not bad.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Our freshly painted deck crane

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Our freshly painted deck crane

Thursday 11 th of July 2013
and we started to heave up our anchor just after 15 thirty, we will shift to Fos du Mer's anchorage. Laycan starts at 00:01 on the 12th. But we're not expected to go inside until earliest at 10 o'clock tomorrow.

We dropped anchor in Golfe de Fos at 20:25 and by now berthing prospects was changed to “earliest” on Saturday. Very good, we will have our divers coming tomorrow doing the underwater survey and to polish the propeller.

When our 2nd Officer came on the bridge he told me that his nephew had complained. He had asked him if the Chief Officer was sleeping because there had not been any updates for a few days. Then he turned on his iPad.
- This is what you should put on YOU TUBE! You will have millions of hits!
He turned on the video and it was m video “A FUNKY day in my office” And of course, I went straight to my cabin and I made a YOU TUBE version of the video “A FUNKY day in my office”

Friday 12 th of July 2013
and the boat with the divers had just arrived when I came on the bridge atAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk8 o'clock.

There was also a Inspector from Lloyd's Register to inspect the boilers and to have a look at theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stdivers video when they were ready with the underwater hull survey.

The divers will take a movie of the bottom of the ship and then the Lloyd's Register guy willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stevaluate the movie.

Our Chief Engineer and I made work permits and risk assessment on the bridge and 20 minutes before 9 the divers got in to the water. They stated from forward and it didn't take long for them to check the bottom.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
The divers start from forward

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Some boxes are going ashore with the divers and their boat

When they were ready with the inspection they had to polish the propeller and they were ready with everything before lunch time. The Lloyd's guy had to check the video and it was around 2 o'clockAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard MaerskYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwhen they left. One off signing 4th Engineer left with the boat together with the 2 welders that had been on board welding on our boiler.

I enjoyed a gorgeous day with a cup of tea while watching the crew painting on deck. I hope that they will be ready with the Port side tomorrow soYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI can have some of the guys to wash down our fo'c's'le and port side of the deck. Freshly painted and the dirt is noticed immediately. Especially with all the yellow markings on deck. We see if we find the time.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Painting on deck

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Painting on deck

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Painting on deck

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Painting on deck

2 of our ABs were pulling out all our mooring ropes from the winches. Has to be done every 3Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maerskmonths for inspection of the ropes.

So the guys use one winch to pull off the rope from the other winch. Open the brake and disconnect and the drum is in a free spin.

Easy to inspect the ropes and when they finish the rope they just heave it back in the drum and then they can inspect the rope on the other drum. Pretty nifty, and no need to put any weight on the rope when spinning it back on the drum.

Latest news was earliest tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. But now they said that we might come alongside tonight.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stWhat theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stThat means that all crew will have their rest ours red andAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard MaerskI told them to finish work after dinner. Just to finish up what we had going on and they can finish the last 2 ropes on the way to Cyprus, and we have one rope that needs a splice. We see, we willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be anchored here tomorrow as well.

I tried to get 40 minutes of sleep at 7 but I failed and I got out of bed at 19 thirty and I had time to update my web page before it was time to go on the bridge at 8 o'clock for some tea.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Painting on deck

Saturday 13 th of July 2013
and we were still anchored when I came on the bridge at 8 o'clock. Good, we have time to do our drills today. So I was in a good mood when I turned on the kettle.Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard MaerskDrills were planned for after the coffee break at 10 o'clock.

Our Pump Man came to the bridge complaining about pain. So we called our Agent to arrange a boat for him so he could go see aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stDoctor. Our Agent informed us that the on signers would come out with a boat. Our Pump Man could take the same boat ashore. The boat would be here at 10:15.

By now it was 09:45 and I calledour Pump Man on the radio as soon as I had the news. I told him to go have a shower and a change of clothes. And I also told him to come to the bridge to pick up some money before heYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stleft. I wanted to have some French bread and I thought it would be a good idea to send some money with our Pump Man.

He came on the bridge and I gave him 50€ and I asked him to buy 5 French breads for me.
- What kind of bread do you want?
- The long French bread, I said doing the internationally recognised sign for “longFrench bread” I also added some other items to my list and our Pump Man left the bridge. And of course, I wished him good luck with the Doctor. And of course I wished him to be back with the bread soon.

The boat arrived at 10:15 and we got a new Pump Man, AB and 3rd Engineer on board, we also got a Maersk representative on board and he will be on board until the Vetting on Cyprus.

It was 10 forty something before we could start with our drills, westarted with a fire drill. Fire in the garbage room and when we finished with the fire we held an oil spill drill. We tested our oil spill pump and we went through the danger of vapours from oil on deck.

So gas measurements and a full chemical suit with BA set will most likely beAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersknecessary. This took us about 20 minutes and when we were ready we would do a life raft davit drill.

Our new 2nd Officer had prepared the life raft hook in our gantry crane. We would pull on the hook with the gantry crane and thus simulate a heavy life raft hanging in the hook.

There are 2 wires attached to the hook, one for releasing the life raft and it is impossible as long as there is a load on the hook.

This is to prevent the release of the hook when the raft is hanging in the air. As soon as the raft is in the water the load on the hook is gone and it is possible to release the hook.

The second wire is having a red ball at the end, this is the emergency release and this release the hook even if there is a load on the hook. We operated the life raft davit in power less mood and we had an ISPS drill and it was time for lunch.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Testing the Emergency fire pump with 2 fire hoses

I did some work after lunch and I was in bed around 1 thirty in the afternoon, the alarm was set to go off at 15 thirty. The alarm went off but I must have felt asleep again because it was 16 thirty next time I woke up.

I had a shower and I went in to Captain's cabin for the latest updates. No one there but I could hear his voice in the stairway and he was all dressed up when he came up from the stairs and I understood that we were about to go alongside. He told me that the Pilot would be onboard at 17 thirty. In the middle of the dinner and I was disappointed, not about the missed dinner.

I had been looking forward to some fresh bread with butter and honey. And of course, this would come with plenty tea. Maybe I have the time before the Pilot is coming.
- Is Pump Man back on board?
- No, he will come when we're alongside
- Motherfoc...

Aladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maersk
Showing our new Pump Man the manifold arrangement

Aladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maersk

I was on the bridge at 5 thirty when they heaved up the anchor and then I got dressed and I went on deck to check our cargo lines and valves. I ran in to our new Pump Man and he went with me onAladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maerskdeck for an introduction. It was not long from the anchorage to our jetty so it was soon time to go for mooring stations.

We came alongside and I saw our Pump Man coming on the jetty while heaving on the aft spring lines. I saw that he was carrying a big paper bag and it look like it contained long French bread.
He held up a brown paper bag while screaming YES
- Get your sorry arse back on board ASAP!!

I was in my office not long after we had all fast pre paring some paper work while waiting for them to get down our gangway. And our pump Man got on board and he came in to my office as soon as we had the gangway down. I got my bread andAladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maerskthe change and I said thank you. I went to look for our 2nd Officer.

I told him to pre pare tea, butter and honey for 23 thirty tonight. I was really hoppingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthat we would have started to load by then. And our 2nd Officer willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stcome on his watch at midnight so that would give us 30 minutes, enough for a feast.

Aladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maersk

I was busy doing paper work with the Loading Master and the Surveyors when our 2nd Officer came to the CCR. It was around 10 and he was carrying plates, jars with honey and butter. He brought a thermos with tea. But I sent him backto the kitchen with the thermos. It was marked with COFFEE and every te drinker knows that you can't have tea in a pot that have been used for coffee.

He was soon back with the TEA ONLY thermos and I went to get a pack of milk. And as our 2nd Officer said “This is better than chocolate”

Aladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maersk
We have time for a feast while waiting for them to start loading

Aladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maersk
We have time for a feast while waiting for them to start loading

Aladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maersk
Does this look like someone that needs to eat more

Aladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maersk
Does this look like someone that needs to eat more

Aladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maersk
Strange how some people stop to care what it cost as soon as they come on board a ship

Aladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maersk
Strange how some people stop to care what it cost as soon as they come on board a ship

Aladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maersk
Strange how some people stop to care what it cost as soon as they come on board a ship

Aladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maersk
Well, this was the best bread in a very long time

Aladdin's adventure in Fos du Mer, France with M/T Richard Maersk
And yes, it is better than chocolate

Well, we started to load at 22:54 and it is about time to split the month of July in to a third part. So hang on, just click the link . Yes, pretty much the same procedure every time.

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