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Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Richard Maersk

Thursday 13 th of June 2013 and it was full storm when I came on the bridge at 8 o'clock in theAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Richard Maerskevening. Nice summer wehave!

I turned on the kettle and I was soon enjoying my tea while we steered towards West and the North Hinder where we will change to 222°(t) and steer towards Dover.

But the wind was decreasing slowly during my watch and I hopeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthat I will wake up to a beautiful day tomorrow. The guys have plenty work to do on deck and we need nice weather. We have 4 days to Spain and we don't want to waste these days with bad weather. We will have to see how it turns out.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Richard Maersk
We are overtaking one chemical tanker bound for Algeciras in Spain

Friday 14 th of June 2013
and it was gloom and grey for as long as I could see when I came on the bridge at 8 o'clock in the morning. I just had time enough for a quick cuppa before it was timeFire drill on board M/T Richard Maerskfor our monthly drills.

STS- Ship to Ship operation in Rotterdam with M/T Sten Skagen and we have just left this adventure behind and it is time for a new action packed drama, a fire drill.

Today's scenario: FIRE IN THE ENGINE ROOM. Auxiliary boiler is on fire and the fire alarm is going off. All crew muster at theFire drill on board M/T Richard Maerskfire station and we're soon having a smoke diving team ready to enter the engine room through the IG room from poop deck.

Smoke divers are soon back on the poop deck, the fire is out of control andEmergency Generator on board M/T Richard Maerskwe're muster for a head count at the fire station. We need to make sure all crew are present without any one missing before releasing the CO2 in to the engine room.

The CO2 will kill everything in the engine room, the fire and any crew remaining in the engine room. So it is important that everyone is out of the engine room.

Chief Engineer walked us through the progress of releasing the CO2. We have 3 CO2 stations in the CCR, engine control room, engine room and ballast pump room.Fire drill on board M/T Richard MaerskWe have one station outside the IG room for the IG room and we have one outside the paint store for the paint store.

When we were ready with the fire drill it was time to show the crew how to start the emergency generator, should start by itself, but you never know.

There are 2 possibilities to start the emergency generator if the auto start fails. By push buttons, works if the battery is charged and by a crank. Emergency Generator, a very important machine, they said on BBC News that the whole fiasco, no disaster at Fukoshima in Japan was due to a Emergency Generator that didn't started and the cooling system went down the drain.

Our crew started our emergency generator and our Lloyd Trainee got the opportunity to try the crank start. And who knows, if our Lloyd Trainee had been at Fukoshima with proper training he might have saved the world from that disaster.

Emergency steering on board M/T Richard Maersk
Emergency steering on board M/T Richard Maersk
The crew coming down to the steering engine compartment

We finished the emergency generator and we went to steer the ship by the emergency steering. I told the crew to stay on poop deck and I went down the ladders to the steering engine room.

I asked them to come down and I took a few pictures of our enthusiastic crew coming down the ladder. We were steering the ship by the help of push buttons and when we were ready we left for the life boat. Life boat muster and we will have to start the life boat engine.

Emergency steering on board M/T Richard Maersk
Emergency steering on board M/T Richard Maersk
World's best DJ on board Richard Maersk?

We completed the life boat muster and we went to the bridge to discuss the drills. Of course,Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbefore we left I took the opportunity to take a picture of the crew. We completed our drills and we discussed the dangers of using the cranes and lifting appliances on board. And it was way past lunch time when we were ready.

I sent down our 2nd Officer so he could get something to eat before he relieved me on the bridge. Yesterday it was full storm, well, a gale force 8 and this morning it was blowing force 6. By now it was coming down to almost nothing and we only wait for the sun to break through the clouds.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Time for life boat muster

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Well, there is always one guy we have to wait for and we have to take a second picture

Our Cadet and 2nd Engineer were going down our ballast pump room after lunch and I made a entry permit. When we went outside I discovered that it was cold, but I had forgotten my parkas on theAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maerskbridge after the drills. I called our 2nd Officer and he threw down the jacket to me on deck.

It was very nice to get my parka, summer, yes, butYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stit is stil very cold.

When they were back up from the pump room I returned to the CCR and I did the monthly calibration of our gas detectors. Our Lloyd Trainee was in the CCR and as we have to have Lloyd's on board in Spain for renewal of our certificates I asked if he didn't have the check lists with him. And yes, he had the check list for his training and IYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsuggested that he should start the inspection. I mean, he is here for training and he is better off taking the opportunity.
- GREAT IDEA, he said

He went to get his inspection forms and I asked if I could see them. Then I came up with an evenYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbetter idea.
- Great, he said.
I finished my gas detectors, filled up the gas detector log book and I got dressed for the winter.

Lloyds Register on board M/T Richard Maersk
Lloyds Register on board M/T Richard Maersk
Lloyds Register have a trainee on board and we started to prepare for the load line certificate

We will renew our load line certificate in Huelva and Lloyds Register will come on board. So Lloyds Register'sLloyds Register on board M/T Richard Maersktrainee and I walked over tank deck to check the items in the trainees check list.

We finished the inspection for the load line certificate and I went to my cabin trying to get an hour of sleep before dinner. I failed and I had a hot shower and a Diet MAX before I went for dinner in the mess room.

Our Cadets started to go on and on about my Marabou Schweizernöt. I suggested that they should give me 1000$ each and we could go to munch on a few blocks of my Marabou Schweizernöt. I also asked our trainee from Lloyds Register to make a contract that they would give up and claims on the 1000$ and we could go to eat some Marabou Schweizernöt.

Of course behind locked doors, I don't want to risk anyone else running in to me eating the Marabou Schweizernöt, would cost me thousands ofAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maerskdollars. And I'm sure I can find better things to spend the money at.

Our Cadet came to my cabin with his hard drive, he wanted to copy the pictures. He had been listening to Verdens længste rap with Østkyst Hustlers, Danish Hip Hop and he was impressed, 1 hour 18 minutes and 27 seconds, 1 song, the longest rap in the world.

He copied the song a few Weeks ago, he was hardly born when Østkyst Hustlers made the song

Well, anyway, he searched my garbage bins and he was disappointed when he didn't found any Schweizernöt wrappings. He is really peckish for someMarabou SchweizernötSchweizernöt and he had been going on and on about the Swedish chocolate the last few days.

When we had copied my pictures and some bonus videos with Hip Hop from Skåne he started to go on about what a niceVerdens længste rap, Østkyst Hustlerstime we could have listening to Verdens længste rap with Østkyst Hustlers while eating Marabou Schweizernöt

Well, now we have been reading about Verdens længste rap, Østkyst Hustlers for more than 10 years here on www.aladdin.st and it is about time that I give you the opportunity to listen to this wonder work. But be prepared, the tune is 1 hour 18 minutesVerdens længste rap, Østkyst Hustlersand 27 seconds long, this is of course 1 hour 18 minutes and 27 seconds on full blast!

Verdens længste rap, Østkyst Hustlers
Verdens længste rap, Østkyst Hustlers
FINALLY!!! Here it is, the world's longest rap with Østkyst Hustlers. PrepareVerdens længste rap, Østkyst Hustlersyourself for some Danish Hip Hop extravaganza. Crank up the volume to full and enjoy
Verdens længste rap, Østkyst Hustlers

I realise that you have read this page both 3 and 4 times before you are even through half of the Verdens længste rap with Østkyst Hustlers. So as a special service I will put a link here and you have another player in a separate window . Talk about service.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Our Cadet trying to convince me on how a good time we will have with Østkyst Hustlers and Marabou Schweizernöt

I haven’t have had the time to Learn Thai with Mod or watch the videos with Alif Silpachai for a few days now. And it is a long time since I had had the time to open my Thai books. And for sure, having people in my cabin searching my garbage don't help.

A beautiful afternoon had turned in to a gloomy and grey evening. I was enjoying my tea when our Cadets and Lloyds Register Trainee came up on the bridge. And now they were serious about the Marabou Schweizernöt. They had a voucher for me that I was relieved from my bet for today. Eating Marabou Schweizernöt was for free and this was an opportunity I didn't wanted to miss. I told them were my Marabou Schweizernöt were. And I prepared tea while our Cadet went to get the chocolate in our Cook's fridge.

Marabou Schweizernöt
They hand me the “Get out of jail” for free document

Marabou Schweizernöt
My “Get out of jail” for free document

Marabou Schweizernöt
He brought the Marabou Schweizernöt wrapped in a towel so no one would see
Look at the guy, beaming of joy. Says it all about Marabou Schweizernöt

Marabou Schweizernöt
He brought the Marabou Schweizernöt wrapped in a towel so no one would see

Marabou Schweizernöt
The festivities can start
Look at the guy, beaming of joy. Says it all about Marabou Schweizernöt

Marabou Schweizernöt
First Marabou Schweizernöt ready to go
Look at the guy, beaming of joy. Says it all about Marabou Schweizernöt

Marabou Schweizernöt
First time our Lloyds Register Trainee eat Marabou Schweizernöt

Marabou Schweizernöt
Took us 0, 5 to finish the first Marabou Schweizernöt

Marabou Schweizernöt
But we have more Marabou Schweizernöt

Marabou Schweizernöt
Marabou Schweizernöt, probably the best chocolate in the world

Marabou Schweizernöt
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stWhat theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st? Can't believe my eyes
They are destroying the Marabou Schweizernöt by drinking coffee

Marabou Schweizernöt
Packing up the remaining chocolate, for tomorrow?

Marabou Schweizernöt
Leaving with the remaining chocolate

The guys left with the remaining chocolate and not long after that we got strong head winds and passing showers. Really bad weather and we can't have this weather, we have plenty to do on deck. Tomorrow the plan is to go down #2 Port ballast tank and we have deck seals and P/V breakers to take care of. So nice weather is required tomorrow.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
It was a very gloomy and grey evening in the English Channel

Saturday 15 th of June 2013
and the weather was as bad as when I went to bed yesterday. No entry to the ballast tank today. But I had the crew to change some of the mesh in the ventilatorsWhale watching in Bay of Biscay with M/T Richard Maerskwe inspected yesterday. The weather turned good in the late afternoon and I'mYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopeful about our ballast tank tomorrow.

We will have a safety meeting at 15:30 and I went to bed after lunch, lo and foocking behold, I managed to fall asleep for an hour. Just what I need, not exactly full of vim when my alarm went off at 3 o'clock. But a hot shower and a Diet MAX alleviated my tiredness. The safety meetingAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maerskjust left me enough time to have a Diet MAX before it was time for Saturday dinner. And our Cadet had promised an Aladdin Marzipan apple pie so I was delirious with expectations when I left for the mess room.

Yet another Saturday dinner consisting of toast and disappointment. Our Deck Cadet had been talking about his apple pie for a week and he came upWhale watching in Bay of Biscay with M/T Richard Maerskwith exactly nothing. It was almost 7 when we left the mess room and not much time before it was time to go to the bridge. And I didn'tfeel like a million after too many toast with cheap ice cream toppings.

It was a beautiful but cold evening, the wind was gone. But we had heavy swell from SW, but it was a nice evening and the kettle was soon on.
- What was that?
I looked on our port side and yes, it was a spray. And I could see from the spray that it was from a huge whale. I called our Cadets and the Lloyds Register Trainee in the TV room. And they were soon coming bursting inYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stto the bridge. And they were excited, one of our Cadets had brought his camera and the Lloyds Register Trainee grabbed a binocular.
- WHERE IS THE WHALE?Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
Well, the other Cadet was like “Wått's dø madderfakking diil?” What's the big deal?

Whale watching in Bay of Biscay with M/T Richard Maersk
Whale watching in the Bay of Biscay
Well, looking at this picture and I can't help but thinking about Verdens længste rap with Østkyst Hustlers:
“To store håndværkere Kansasklædte hængerøve der kun lallede rundt”

Whale watching in Bay of Biscay with M/T Richard Maersk
Whale watching in the Bay of Biscay

Our Cadet showed me his camera and I have never heard so many contradictions within 5 minutesWhale watching in Bay of Biscay with M/T Richard Maerskbefore. It was Nikon, professional, high quality, top of the line, Nikon, best camera, WE PROFESSIONALS and a few other superlative that I have forgotmentioned in what seemed like one long sentence.
- Fer foock’s sake, I said pointing to the other Cadet.
- His NOKIA phone takes better pictures than your Nikon camera!

I was still feeling bad after my Saturday dinner when they left and I updated my “DIET BET” with the added: White toast and chocolate or strawberry flavoured ice cream syrup to the list of Forbidden items. But I added one real light product to my list of allowed items. Our Cadet's desserts, ONLY HEARD OFF, NEVER SEEN!!

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
New and updated “Diet bet”

Sunday 16 th of June 2013
and it was full storm when I came up on the bridge at 8. Yeah, nice summer in Spain, 16°C and gloom and grey for as long as I could see

We're still steering 209° and we're will reach the NW corner of Spain tonight. Time was slow and it was very nice when the clock turned 12 and I could go for lunch.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
TEAM “ A lot of talk about making dessert but nothing happens ” reading my updated “Diet bet”

We will have a safety meeting and management meeting in the late afternoon so I went to bedAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maerskafter having calibrated the HC sensor for the cargo tanks.

I put the alarm on 15:00 and I actually managed to fall asleep, so that means an extra 90 minutes of sleep for me. Every minute counts.

We finished the meeting 10 or 15 minutes after 5, soon time for dinner and not any point of starting anything. I had managed to make a test log over our cargo thermometers during the meeting and now I have one more item I can remove from the PMS (PeriodicalAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard MaerskMaintenance System) for this month.

So I had a few minutes to kill before dinner and I went to pester our Cadet in his cabin. He was sittingfoot up on the table taking pictures of his feet when I stepped in to his cabin.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stare you doing?
- Ah, you know....
He started to go on and on about his Scooby 750 camera again. He was learning about aperture, shutter speed and depth of focus etc.
- Good, when you have leant something and decide to continue taking pictures you can buy a Canon.

And yes, finally, I had the time to Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos. I even had time to open my Thai books before I went to the bridge at 8 o'clock.

We changed course from 209° to 180° at Off Cabo Finisterre TSS when I came on the bridge. It was a gloomy and grey evening, but the windwas gone. Not for long, but when it started to blow again it came from behind. I saw a flipper during my watch, the only exciting thing during the evening. But time turned quick and I was soon in bed.

Monday 17 th of June 2013
and it was cloudy when I came on the bridge at 8. Wind force 6 to 7 from NW and it was cold. Sun was soon breaking through the clouds and it was warm on the leeside. I must have seen at least 10 whales during my 4 hours on the bridge. Well, I didn't see any whales, but I saw their water spray.

So it was pretty boring comparing to our whale watching adventure outside Sydney last year. But it might be possible here in a fewyears if the Japanese whale hunters stay away.

After lunch the Cadets and our Pump Man fixed the leaking man hole in ballast tank 2 port while our Lloyd's Trainee were watching them in the tank.

When they were ready we tested the ODME and it was 16:30 before I was back in my cabin. Just enough time to get started with the Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos before it is time for dinner. Not much time, but I'mYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully about the prospects of complete myAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard MaerskThai language training today. And that will make it 2 days in a row.

We had just passed Lisbon when I came on my watch at 8 o'clock. Wind and swell from NW so we were rolling and yawing our way towards Huelva.

I had checked the baring to the sun so I could compare with our gyro compass when the Cadet came on the bridge.
- What are you doing?
- Checking the compass error
- What is that?

He pointed at the books I'm using to get the true bearing to the sun so I can compare with our gyro compass. We need the Nautical Almanac and a sight reduction table to find out the true bearing. I asked him what he was using.
- Sky mate
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st? SKY MATE!! Then you can as well have your 7 years old sister running around the ship with her Nikon camera pushing buttons.
- Yeah, that's the point with the computer program
- But you don't know what you're doing. Just get a result and you haven't a foocking clue. At least I think it is fun to know what I'm doing
- Hmm, yeah, you got a point there

We did one calculation together before I sent our Deck Cadet to the bridge wing to take the bearing to the sun. He did the calculation and I explained about GHA and LHA and when he understood what he did he really enjoyed it.
- Go ahead, knock yourself out!

He did a second check on the compass error and when he was beaming of joy when he finished hisYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stown calculation. He was running around on the bridge. There was nothing stopping him, he went on and on about how he was going to pick up girl in the marina when he wasback home on Læsø in Denmark. A famous place for leisure sailors during the summer.

He would walk around the marina talking about the sun and astronomical navigation with the girls coming in sailboats to Læsø. And I can really imagine him prowl around the wharfs in the marina eager to use his freshly obtained knowledge about the sun as an aid to navigation.

He made me promise him not to tell the other Cadet that he had been here taking bearings to the sun. His plan was to bring the other Cadet to the bridge tomorrow. He would pester the other Cadet for not knowing how to do.
- Don't you remember this, that is bad! Very bad!
- Well, maybe you should be careful with that, I suggested.

He was taking bearings and I was watching whales swimming around us and it was a beautiful evening. Our Cadet was ready with his bearings and he was about to leave.
- EH EH EH EH EH!!! What about the moon? You have to take the moon as well!

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Our Cadet taking the bearing to the sun

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Our Cadet taking the bearing to the sun

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Our Cadet taking the bearing to the sun

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Then he have to calculate true bearing, and we start with the Nautical Almanac

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Then he have to calculate true bearing, and we start with the Nautical Almanac

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
He have to fill up the GYRO error log book when he have calculated true bearing to the sun

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Before he can leave he had to check the compass error against the moon

He did the moon and he got some error in his calculation. I knew that he would fail with this one, just the reason I wanted him to do the moon. With the sun we had same declination and latitude. I knew the moon had a south declination. So I asked him to do the moon so he would learn that there is a difference. I explained and he used the Declination CONTRARY to latitude in the sightreduction table and he got the right result.
- You were lucky that the other Cadet wasn't here! I said.

Well, the time turned quick and who knows? We might start taking heights in a few days, that will be something to impress the girlsYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stin the marina with. We see if we get the time.

Tuesday 18 th of June 2013
and the sun was shining when I came on the bridge. The wind had turned to WNW and decreased a wee bit when I came on the bridge at 8 o'clock. But it was soonYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stgloomy and grey again, for a few hours. It was cold until mid day when the sunAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maerskbroke through the clouds. And it turned warm and nice as soon as the sun started to shine.

The crew prepared our emergency cargo pump and we will test the pump in the afternoon. So there are some afternoon excitements to look forward to.

We were steering 072° towards Huelva, just changed course when I came on the bridge at 8 o'clock and we kept 072° for the remaining of my watch. Pretty boring, at least until we got the NW bound traffic from Gibraltar Strait on our starboard side. Well, this turned out to be pretty dull as well, but time turned quick and it was soon time for lunch.

I stepped in to the mess room quarter past 12 and I was surprised.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- NO CASSEROLE
There was something that looked like meatballs and I filled a plate with meatballs, onion and greenAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maerskand yellow pepper

I topped it off with 2 slices of toasted black bread, my ration that I didn't eat this morning.

I went on deck after lunch for the emergency cargo pump, but our Pump Man was busy with some steam valve and I went back inside to complete a safety officer course. And our Pump Man was in progress to start up the cargo heating when I was ready and I went back to bed. We can do the emergency cargo pump later on in the afternoon. And I need a power nap so I took the opportunity while he was starting up the heating.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
I don't know, is it just me? But it seems like this guy is everywhere

We tested the emergency cargo pump before dinner while we approached Huelva anchorage. I did some of the Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos after dinner, and I started my Thai books. But I was soon off to look for our Cadets and Lloyd's Register trainee, needed someone toYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stpester before it was time to go to the bridge at 8 o'clock.

Our 2nd Officer asked me what I had been writing about Sunny Radio and gifts on my web page.Sunny Radio in RotterdamHe had got an e-mail from his nephew and the nephew had complained. NO GIFTS FOR ME FROM SUNNY RADIO!!!

And he has the right to complain, no gifts, and this was of course expected when 2nd Officer had spent millions at Sunny Radio. Well, I had to step in with a
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stforceful reaction and I went to my cabin to pick up the propeller cap the Cadets bought for me in Malmö. It was my best cap, but it was heartbreaking to learn that our 2nd officer never bought a gift for his nephew, so what to do?

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
There he is, lying around couldn't care less about gifts to his nephew

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
But there is someone caring for his nephew

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
It is from me...

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
... and not from him, he cares nothing about his nephew

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
If he try to sell the propeller cap to you - DON'T BUY IT!!! IT IS A GIFT FROM ME!!!!!

It was a beautiful evening when I came to the bridge at 8. Anchored and I could see the port of Huelva. Looks like we will stay anchored until the 21st of June. They will come to take cargo samples tomorrow and that will save us time when we come along side. I only wish we could get some information about discharge sequence so I can do a cargo plan.

That will save us a few hours coming alongside because I need to have the cargo plan ready before we can start. Many many times we ask for the sequence so we can prepare the discharge plan.Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard MaerskBut nothing and I have to do the plan with Loading Masters and all kind of people going on and on about starting the discharging.
- When can we start?

But a hot tip is to never start beforeyou're ready with the cargo plan. Of course, they will tell you no problem. You start and there is a leak, on board or a shore,Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stnever mind. The shit hit the fan and someone has to be found to take the blame.

And suddenly you have found yourself in more trouble than you have asked for and the ol' cargo plan is forgotten. ThatYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stis until the cavalry is coming over the gangway in search for the TERRORIST causing all this. And believe me, the “NO PROBLEM” Loading Master is nowhere to be found. And they will soon discover your “forgotten” cargo plan.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Start discharging without a cargo plan! Are you a total imbecile? Off to jail you go!

Our Cadet came on the bridge around 9 o'clock and he was looking for the sextant. But by now theAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersksun was about to disappear

A light, portable instrument with a graduated arc of 60 degrees used for measuring the angular distance between two objects, most commonly the altitude (angle above the horizon) of a celestial body.

The observer looks through a small telescope at the horizon (or a small spirit bubble if the horizon is obscured). A mirror on a movable arm above the telescope is adjusted to reflect the light from the Sun or other body on to a half-silvered mirror and back into the telescope, so that the observer seems to see the body sitting on the horizon.

The angle of the sextant arm at this correct adjustment is half the altitude of the celestial body.
behind Huelva.

And the sun disappeared over land so there wasn't any horizon. So he missed the chance to take the sun, but I suggested that he should try the moon

He tried the moon and when he had the height he went in to check the SKY MATE. The hard part with astronomical navigation is to take the height. And we would miss valuable time to find the correct altitude in the tables. He would get an instant answer in the SKY MATE and he could seeAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maerskif he had got the altitude correct. But in a few days he will have to use the tables.

He took the height to the moon a few times before we got on the Meridian Passage. I asked him to find out the Meridian Passage for our position.

Then he could take our mid day height and he will get an instant longitude. Can be fun to compare with our GPS position and I'm sure he will be thrilled when he comes up with the same longitude without any electricity.

Our Cadet left the bridge just before 11 and I studied a few old vetting reports until 2nd Officer came to the bridge. I was soon in my cabin trying to fall asleep. And thinking about trying toYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfall asleep, I learnt a new Thai word with one of Alif Silpachai's videos today, the word for insomnia - โรคนอนไม่หลับ Not bad, one new word every day...

Wednesday 19 th of June 2013
and we were still anchored when I came on the bridge at 8 o'clock.Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard MaerskOur Cadet came on the bridge 5 minutes later and he went straight for the sextant.

The sun was over the Port of Huelva and there was no horizon, but he got some practise with the sextant, just the spirit we're looking for.

Time was quick, we tested all emergency stops for main engine and our thrusters and we finished just before 12 o'clock and I went for a quick lunch. Not much time to sit down relax, we will get Surveyors on board quarter to 1 to sample our cargo. And I will make a requisition for our hospital, so busy busy.

But the weather had become gorgeous and time is passing quickly when I'm busy. Will there be time to Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos? I'm for sure hoping so, a new word every day and I'm soon fluent. At least after a few six packs of San Miguel Light.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
I can see him walking around Læsø marina with a sextant looking for girls to impress

No sleeping and I gave up my Thai books after a few pages, time for dinner and I will try to get a power nap after dinner. I managed to do the Thai alphabet CD and the Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos before dinner, so that is done and I can always do my books tomorrow.

I was in bed by 18:30, alarm set to go off at 19:30. I gave up trying to sleep at 7 and I went into my shower, a darn hot shower and I managed to recover most of my vim. I went to checkYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stout our swimming pool, I expected to see our Cadets and Lloyd's Register Trainee there. But there wasn't anyone at the pool.

I was surprised, I have heard Indianer hyle in my ears every second of the 30 minutes I tried to fall asleep. And the first Indianer Hyle scared me.
- Is someone in distress?

Well, anyway, I returned to my cabin and I ran in to one of the Cadets.
- What's going on? I asked
- Foock all, but I saw our Lloyd's Register Trainee running around with a paper and a few blocks of Schweizernöt. So there are “suspence” in the air and something is going down, he said.

Marabou Schweizernöt
Here we go again, time for Schweizernöt on the bridge

I had my last pack of Lunchkorv from SP Chark in Asmundtorp for dinner, they were already way past BEST BEFORE date. But they tasted excellent and I was rolling back up the stairs tomy cabin. I tried to alleviate the boredom with my Thai books.

I was on the bridge at 8 o'clock and our Lloyd's Register Trainee and one of our Cadets came on the bridge a few minutes later. They handed me a signed document.
- Where is the other Cadet?
- He is on deck, they are discharging sludge, but he will be here as soon as possible.

And he better hurry up, we're in the middle of a Marabou Schweizernöt moment here on the bridge. I haven't had anything real good to eat since our last Marabou Schweizernöt adventure on the bridge last week.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Taking a bearing to the sun while waiting for the other Cadet

It was a gorgeous evening and our Cadet went straight on with the compass error task. He filled up the compass error log book and then he started to show our Lloyd's Register Trainee how to do.Marabou SchweizernötHe was quite interested, for 39 seconds. Then he got bored with the compass error routines. Where the foock is the other Cadet?

We decided to go get a block of Marabou Schweizernöt. We can as wellYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stenjoy something while waiting for them to get ready with the sludge so our Cadet can come to the bridge.

And I have plenty Marabou Schweizernöt so we will not run out, at least not today. So when the other Cadet is ready we will get more, but will we have room for more Marabou Schweizernöt by then? Let's see, we start with one Marabou Schweizernöt.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Our Cadet showing the Lloyd's Register Trainee how to check the bearing to the sun

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
I ordered 10 cases of Diet MAX and who the fåck is drinking all the Diet MAX ?
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stTHANK YOU!!! MOTHERF****R!!!Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
This is not the spirit we're looking for

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Our Cadet shows the Lloyd's Register Trainee the tables to find out the true bearing
And it was obviously becoming boring somewhere between the Nautical Almanac and the Sight Reduction Table because...

Marabou Schweizernöt
... we went to get a Schweizernöt while waiting for the other Cadet
Our other Cadet was busy discharging sludge to a barge and we would wait for him before we would kick off the festivities
But there was nothing preventing us from starting with a BONUS Schweizernöt

Our Cadet went to my cabin to get the Master key and he went to the kitchen stores and the vegetable fridge. He brought one Marabou Schweizernöt to the bridge. I had just prepared aMarabou Schweizernötbucket of tea and we ripped open the Schweizernöt.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stMmm, fantastic, that something so healthy can taste soooo gooood. Yummy is not enough to describe it and it didn't take long to finish the chocolate, but we remembered the Cadet busy with the sludge on deck and we threw one piece of chocolate to him.

Well, I can imagine the incident/ accident report and the reactions if we have managed to hit the Cadet in the eye with the chocolate. Well, we grew out of things to do while waiting, and the Cadet disappeared and when they were ready with the sludge we had to wait for the other Cadet. I called him and he was soon arriving with 2 Marabou Schweizernöt.

Marabou Schweizernöt
Finally, they are ready with the sludge and we can enjoy our Schweizernöt moment

We finished the first Marabou Schweizernöt pretty quickly, but when we opened the third Marabou Schweizernöt we were already full. But as we said, once opened there is no return and our Lloyd'sMarabou SchweizernötRegister Trainee took the last piece of Marabou Schweizernöt.

They were soon leaving me for a movie in the TV room. I asked the Cadet to show the other Cadet my e-cigarette. I had been bragging about my e-cigarette and when I showed him how cool I was looking I dropped the e-cigarette and it went to pieces.

One of the wires came off and had to be soldered back on. And then a bucket of glue to hold it together, he have experience from my other e-cigarette.

Then I told him to put his pack of Marlboro on my desk while he showed the Cadet my e-cigarette lying on my desk.
- Why? You just gave back the cigarettes and you make me promise to say NO next time you asked. This is less than a short time ago!

I called them in the TV room after an hour just to confirm that everything had went according to instructions. Time was quick and when 2nd Officer came on the bridge and I showed him the pictures from the Marabou Schweizernöt moment and he was soon starting to complain
- Why you not call me for the Marabou Schweizernöt?
- There is a lot of forms to fill up! Formalities and blah-blah-bla and then you will complain that you never get any sleep!

I discovered the pack of Marlboro on my desk when I was down in my cabin. When I opened the pack it was filled with a secret message.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stis this? Is this supposed to be funny?

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stWhat theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
I looked inside, and there was a secret message

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Jag kiggede i skuffe no 2

Well, it was actually quite funny and I had a coffin nail before I went to bed. I was dead tired after a long and exciting day on Huelva anchorage, and I don’t expect less excitements tomorrow.

Thursday 20 th of June 2013
and we're still anchored when I come on the bridge. My watch was pretty quick and we spent the afternoon calibrating gas detectors in the pump room. And I was surprisingly enough managing to get an hour of sleep before dinner.

Dinner time and 2nd Officer continued to complain about our Marabou Schweizernöt on the bridge
- We will call you next time, I said
- Call me also, 2nd Engineer said
I told our Lloyd's Register Trainee to prepare a long contract for all the people. Our Cadet told me that it would be easier to use the crew list in the future.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st - Make it a STANDARD PROCEDURE in the SMS!

We got a new voyage, we will load 210, 000 bbls in Tunisia on the 30th of June, discharge port unknown. We will also come alongside in Huelva tomorrow afternoon. It was confirmed again after the change to 3 o'clock on the 22nd. Of course, 3 o'clock in the afternoon is much better.
Dinner in Huelva tomorrow night? Maybe maybe, I wouldn't mind coming ashore for a bit.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Finally, our Cadets plan to impress the other Cadet came into effect

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Finally, our Cadets plan to impress the other Cadet came into effect

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Finally, our Cadets plan to impress the other Cadet came into effect

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Finally, our Cadets plan to impress the other Cadet came into effect

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Finally, our Cadets plan to impress the other Cadet came into effect

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Finally, our Cadets plan to impress the other Cadet came into effect

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maersk
Finally, our Cadets plan to impress the other Cadet came into effect

I had been on the bridge for a few minutes when the Cadets arrived. And today was the day he would set his plan to impress the other Cadet in motion. The stepped right out on the bridge wing.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stis this? You don't know how to take the bearing to the sun!!! EMBARRASING!
I was on the bridge calculating our new cargo, 210,000 bbls of crude oil. But I could hear them
Marabou Aladdin chocolate- Don't you know this!? That is just too bad!

Our Lloyd's Register Trainee was soon coming on the bridge and we were soon growing bored with the Cadets and the sun and whateverYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthey were doing. I asked him to make a new waiver.
- But today we make it for Marabou Aladdin chocolate.
- Not the Schweizernöt?
- Lets go crazy and try something new!

He was busy with the waiver and when he was ready he came out on the bridge wing.
Marabou Aladdin chocolate

Our Cadets was busy with the azimuth instrument on the bridge wing and I had tried to call our 2nd Officer. Well, maybe he is in 2nd Engineer's cabin. I called and I was right, our 2nd officer was with the 2nd Engineer.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Come to the bridge
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- On the motherfoocking double!

He was on the bridge in a jiff and I asked him to get my keys and to pick up a box of Aladdin chocolate in the vegetable fridge.
- Where is the Aladdin chocolate?
I told him to look for my green duffle bag in the fridge, impossible to miss and he took off.Marabou Aladdin chocolateHe was soon calling asking for my keys.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- On the desk in my cabin
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- No, they are not here

Our Cadet told me that he had put the keys on my desk in the CCR yesterday and I relayed the information to the 2nd Officer in my cabin.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- They are on my desk in the CCR
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- OK, I have a look

Our 2nd Officer and 2nd Engineer were soon coming on the bridge and I discovered that the 2nd Officer had brought my camera.
- You need some pictures!
- I have my camera
- What camera did you use yesterday? He asked
- I used this one, I sad while bringing out my camera.
- Do you have 2? Why?
- I need a “BACK UP” camera if something happens with my camera!

Marabou Aladdin chocolate
Today it is not Marabou Schweizernöt, we will try Aladdin chocolate

There is a whole lot of paper work and stuff to go through before we can start eating theMarabou Aladdin chocolatechocolate. Everyone had to sign the waiver our Lloyd's Register Trainee had made or I risk to lose 1000 US$, FOR EACH AND EVERYONE THAT HAVE NOT SIGNED THE PAPER!

So I had t make sure everyone had signed the document and when I we were ready our 2nd Officer ripped open the box withYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stMarabou Aladdin chocolate.

And of course, I had not had many pieces of the Aladdin chocolate when one of our Cadets said that he had forgot to sign the waiver. Well, I couldn't care less. Now he had forfeit his right to any 100 US $ compensation. It didn't take long before we were on the bottom layer in the box.

Marabou Aladdin chocolate
2nd Engineer is signing the waiver

Marabou Aladdin chocolate
2nd Engineer is signing the waiver
And thanks to our 2nd Officer bringing my “BACK UP” camera we have a picture of me taking a picture of 2nd Engineer signing the waiver

Marabou Aladdin chocolate
All paper work is completed and he can RIP open the Aladdin chocolate box
Hell, it is more paper work to get a piece of Aladdin chocolate than to make a tank entry permit

Marabou Aladdin chocolate
They are soon reaching the second layer

Marabou Aladdin chocolate
A box of Marabou Aladdin chocolate doesn't last long

Marabou Aladdin chocolate
Yet again, 2nd Officer taking a picture with my “BACK UP” camera

They left me alone at 10 o'clock and I checked the pictures and our 2nd Officer and 2nd EngineerMarabou Aladdin chocolatehad obviously been abusing the Marabou Aladdin chocolate while taking pictures with my “BACK UP” camera

Well, all the pictures made me blow yetYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stanother wab page out of proportions.

And if you're sitting with a slow ScoobyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stconnection the down load time can drive you crazy.

And as we're going alongside in Huelva tomorrow I think it is a great opportunity to split the month of June 2013 in to a fourth part, coming alongside in Huelva. So hang on! THIS WILL BE FUN

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

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