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Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk

Wednesday 11 th of September 2013 and I was really happy to be on board. If I had had a shower at the hotel I would have missed the ship. I came in to my room and I brushed my teeth, a shower would be nice. But I decided to call the Agent and then I could relax. If I had had my shower IAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskwould have missed the ship. So I was pretty happy to come on board and I ran in to our 2nd Engineer.
- HELLO DARLING! He screamed

I recognised him from Maersk Claudia and he asked about my diamond. He had obviously not forget our evening in Hong Kong. But he brought bad news, he was going to sign off here in Singapore.
Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk

I heard a scream a few minutes later and it was the Motor Man from Britta Maersk. He threw himself around me. He was also going to leave the ship here in Singapore.

He told me he wanted to stay when he saw my name coming up for new on signers. But he had to go back to Britta Maersk.

I had not been on board for long before our anchor was up and we were on our way to Horizon Terminal to discharge our cargo. Off signing Chief Officer and I had a look around on our way to the jetty and she is almost exactly the same as Richard Maersk.

We will discharge our cargo and then we will go back to the anchorage for bunker, stores and freshAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskwater. We no nothing about our next voyage, but we will have a SHELL vetting at next discharge port. And it looks like we have to do a lot of work before that.

We had all fast at Horizon around 6 o'clock something and the Surveyors were soon on board for paper work and sampling. We expect to be ready tomorrow afternoon with 2 cargo arms connected.

The sampling and analyze takes a few hours and we can not start discharge before the samples have cleared.

So I had a look around on the ship while waiting and I went to the papper locker to get a newAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskbinder and dividers so I can make my “Cargo Transfer Plan” I also took the opportunity to familiarize my self with the paper work.

The Surveyor gave us a 30 minutes notice before start discharging and we called the Duty Engineer. 3rd Engineer on duty but our 2nd Engineer wanted to keep an eye on things and I joined him to start the IG plant. It was almost the same as on Richard Maersk. But I had a goodAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy MaerskYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stchat with our 2nd Engineer.

I was in bed around midnight and beleive me, it was nice to get to bed. No sleep since our Pattaya adventure it didn't take me long to fall asleep and I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be full of vim tomorrow.

It had been an exciting day and I'm happy that I don't have to wake up at a hotel tomorrow going through all this tomorrow with an extra lap top for 3000 Dollars to carry around. I will buy one when signing off.

Thursday 12 th of September 2013
and I woke up at 10 o'clock, and it had been so nice to get some real sleep, 10 hours of it. We completed discharging 20 minutes before 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Pilot ordered for 18:00 and we were at the anchorage around 8 o'clock. Now we waitAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskfor on signers, bunkers and stores.

We were soon surrounded by barges. Stores and provision arrived on starboard side and we had a huge bunker barge on port side. Well, that what we thought, he said he was going to take sludge and slop.

I prepared the heating for our slop tank but we never had to turn on the heating, there had obviously been a mistake and the barge left.

5 minutes later we had a bunker barge alongside and there was a service launch delivering the on signers. The very same service launch that would have been delivering me if I hadAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskmissed the ship yesterday. So yes, I was happy to be on board.

We sent ashore all our garbage with the barge that had delivered the stores and it was full when we were ready. And we had 2 more slings to send, but the gantry crane gave up. So we have to send ashore the last two slings next time.

And it was 2 slings with metal scrap. They wanted to save the scrap for Chittagong so they could sell it for a few hundred dollars. But I don't want to have this shit on board so I told them to send it to the barge. And the poorly paid barge crew can make a few extra dollars. But they were unlucky, maybe next time.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Sending garbage and scrap to the barge

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Sending garbage and scrap to the barge

Friday 13 th of September 2013
and I was dead tired when they called me at 7 thirty. I had asked them to call me at 7 thirty as I had put my luggage including my alarm clock in off signing Chief Officer's cabin. I was very tired, but a hot shower and the excitement to get started on a newAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskship alleviated the tiredness. I meet the crew in the CCR at 8 o'clock.

I handed out the work orders and the crew went on deck to start the work. Painting and chipping and there were plenty stuff from yesterday to take care off.

While I started to put my stuff in order in theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stCCR our off signing Chief Officer ironed his “Go ashore”. The service launch will be here at 11 thirty and the off signers were full of anticipation.
The anticipation had worn off around 12 and we went for lunch

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Off signing 2nd Engineer gives a few last minute pointers to the new 2nd Engineer

I had asked them 20 minutes before if they were going to join me for the “last” lunch, but they said no “The service launch will be here before lunch”
1 hour later, and they had extended the lunch by having ice cream and they had plenty time to spend before the service launch arrived. We had time to take pictures for “remembrance” in the CCR. And when the service launch arrived the sky opened up and they were delayed again.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk

The guys flying to Manila has a Philippine Airline flight at 3 o'clock arriving to Manila at 19:00, Friday night and a perfect arriving time. I told them that I wish I could join them for a night atAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy MaerskCowboy Grill and maybe the band have got the courage to finish Ted Nugent's Stranglehold.

The off signers left and I was on deck with our Pump Man in the afternoon planning for jobs. And I had plenty jobs in the CCR and I didn't finished until dinner time at 5 thirty.

My last dinner? I hope so, and to make thingsYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stworse! I bought 6 Riter Sport Marzipan and I felt very bad when I had finished theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stchocolate. I had come up with a plan by the time the Riter Sport was finished.

I will spend the lunch break walking on deck and I will skip dinner and have an hour of heavy duty constitutionalYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stduring the dinner. Maybe munching on a fruit while walking up and down on deck. Now it is time to get serious.

Saturday 14 th of September 2013
and serious it was, well, kind of. I had planned for a “Kick A” constitutionalYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stat lunch but it started to rain. We left the anchorage around 9 o'clock and weAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskdropped anchor at Singapore OPL anchorage around 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

I had spent the afternoon in the CCR taking care of our new gas detector stuff. I changed battery in one of our GX-2009 and this would make a very good video. But I'm new on board and Idon't have the time, there are plenty stuff to do for me.

We're not allowed to work on Sundays according to Danish legislation. Yes, I never heard of this before. But I will take the opportunity to do some training courses tomorrow. Yes, I take the risk to break the law. I just don't have time just to spend a day doing nothing.

I was pretty please with my day. Gas detector cabinet completed and I have started the remote gas reading in our ballast tanks. My “Cargo Transfer Plan” binder is completed. But there is still plenty to do so Sunday will be a hectic day even though I'm risking to go to jail.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

And munching on fruit running up and down on deck instead of dinner, well, I skipped the ice cream. Better than nothing, but tomorrow... At least I have started to learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos, plus some other videos I down loaded before leaving Bangkok.

Sunday 15 th of September 2013
and my alarm was set to go off at 7 thirty even though I could been sleeping for the full day. I had been sleeping since 10 o'clock yesterday evening. Well, I woke up at 4 thirty, but I managed to fall asleep again.

Breakfast and I was about to start with my training courses, but not allowed to work Sundays so I returned to my cabin and I watched my learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos, plus some other videos I down loaded before leaving Bangkok. One video with Learn Thai with Ms Snow Rice, utter trite and I deleted that video. I watched 2 videos with our Cadets and by 9 o'clock I was so tired I went for my sleep.

Monday 16 th of September 2013
and yet again a full night of sleep, well, except that I woke up quarter to two and around 6 o'clock in the morning. But I managed to fall asleep again and I wokeAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskup when my alarm went off at 7 thirty.

We had our GOOD MORNING meeting in the CCR at 8 o'clock. And as soon as the crew was off to work our Pump Man and I took a tour on deck. We checked the freshly red painted sledge hammer and bitter end under the fo'c's'le.

Yes, we're preparing for the SHELL vetting next week and seems like I don't do anything else here in Maersk than prepare for SHELL vettings. And there are plenty to do.

Lunch time, and I had 2 slices of black bread with cheese plus a small setback, 2 freshly made buns. But I got almost 45 minutes of constitutionalYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stduring the lunch break so I was pretty pleased.

Of course, I was so hungry around 5 o'clock I almost started to cry and I had a wee bit more than I had planned for dinner. But tomorrow it will be another story. At least I hope so.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Our Cadets are going to repair the consoles on the bridge wings

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Our Cadets are going to repair the consoles on the bridge wings

Our Cadets spent the day on the bridge wings repairing our consoles. They are corroded and need a face lift before the vetting inspection. A video night was turned in to a night of training courses for me. I completed one course but when I wanted to print the result it disappeared and I had to do it all over again. The second course also disappeared, but I managed to print the result before it disappeared. So no need to do that training course again.

Tuesday 17 th of September 2013
and I wasn't so lucky falling asleep yesterday so I was a wee bit tired when my alarm went off at 7 thirty. A hot shower and a cup of tea and I was full of vim.Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy MaerskThe guys started on deck and I spent time in myYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stoffice doing a hot work permit for the consoles on the bridge wings.

We're in the middle of the rainy season and itYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stis raining every day. They gapped at me when I told them to chip on deck in the rain.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Chipping in the rain?

Yeah, there is plenty to chip and we will lose time just hanging around waiting for the sun. So weAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy MaerskYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stcan chip in the rain and when the sun shine come we can cupbrush and paint.

But now they are used and as soon as there is any sign of rain they change to chipping on deck and the crew is kicking behinds and it is nice to see the progress every day.

Upcoming vetting and no time to sit around doing nothing. Our Chief Engineer and I had a look at one of our tank radars and the cargo/ ballast valves. I did a stowage plan, we will load on the East coast of Malaysia for an STS operation not far away from Singapore. So we expect the vetting at discharging and not many days to go.

Wednesday 18 th of September 2013
and I seems to have run out of luck with my sleep. I spent hours tossin' and turnin' in my bed before I could fall asleep. A wee bit tired, but a hot shower, aAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskfew vitamin tablets and one of my lemon flavored “magnesuim” fizz drinksYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stlater I was full of vim drinking morning tea in the mess room.

I meet the crew in my office at 8 o'clock and they were soon at work. 2 guys to continue the work with the consoles on the bridge wings. And of course, chipping and painting.

One of the ABs greased our emergency towing arrangements and I went to check it out as soon as I had finished our hot work permit. We need to get all the paper work in order for the hot work ASAP so they can finish this job.

We need to make Enclosed Space Entry Permits so we can test the bilge alarms in the void spaces.Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy MaerskAnd I cannot be in charge for both hotYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwork and enclosed space entry at the same time.

Our Pump Man completed the holders for our new EEBD (Emergency Escape Breathing Devices) that we will have on the manifold during cargo operation. One less remark on the vetting.

Our extra painters are chipping and painting on the cargo line flanges and it looks very good now, they will not be able to complete the job before the vetting. But it is a great improvement.

My “cargo transfer plan” binder is almost ready and things start to fall to place. Now I only have to get serious with my diet, I had almost 30 minutes of exercise, a kick arseYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stconstitutional at the lunch break. But I will try to skip the meals and I have a new plan.


I will have a fruit (or two) 5 minutes before lunch and dinner and I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be able to stay away from the mess room during the meals. But I'm getting hungry and after a full day ofAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskwork it is nice to meet people and the meals are the chance.

I have a quick lunch, but at dinner we're sitting for about an hour + + drinking tea talking. And as my self-discipline left a lot to wishYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfor it means an hour of eating and drinking tea. NOT GOOD AT ALL!

I need to shape up and that's quick.

They completed the hot work around 13:30 and I started with the enclosed space entry permits. We checked all the bilge alarms in the void spaces. We will need to go down in void space #6 and the pump room tomorrow, so new permits. One of our 2nd Officers will do the permits and he willAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskjoin us as he asked if I could do the TOPS with him. No problem.

I watched a video with our Cadets after the dinner, and we watched without eating any chocolate. First time without snacks so there has been some kind of improvements.

We finished the video and I did 6 computer based training course and I kept myself busy until 11 o'clock and now I think I have managed to complete all the mandatory courses so I'm ready for the vetting. Now I hope I can get some time for the Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos. I watch them every day with the Thai Language Hut videos. But I haven't opened any of my Thai books yet, tomorrow? After the vetting?

Thursday 19 th of September 2013
and we're looking forward to yet another action filled day onYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stdeck. I had my alarm to go off 10 minutes earlier than normal, at 07:20, and this willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbe my new wake up time. And I will get some extra time with hot water in the shower. I estimate that 10 minutes extra in hot water is about the same as 1 hour of sleep, so it is a winner.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
I went to the CCR after my morning tea and we started by making an enclosed space entry permit. We tested the bilge alarm in void space #6 yesterday and the alarm got stuck. So we needed toAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskget down to the void space to fix this. This was soon fixed and the crew could secure the hatch.

There was no end to it, we made an entry permit for the pump room after lunch and we went down to inspect the pump room for the vetting. It looked good and we tested bilge alarm, emergency telephone to the CCR and we adjusted two gas detectors.

And from when I came upYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfrom the pump room I was busy calculating cargoes all afternoon, actually I was busy until 7 o'clock in the evening. No problem, I have completed all the mandatory computer basedtraining so I had time to watch a movie with our Cadets.

It was a real sleeping pill, but we didn't eat any chips or chocolate so itYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwas OK. But I have a problem, our Cook is making some very good bread and I have only have had 2 slices of black bread since I came on board.

But this willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully change tomorrow. All my courses are done so I had time to watch someYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stLearn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos before going to bed. And I will try to open my Thai book when going to bed and I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be sleeping before reaching the third page.

Full of vim tomorrow? We left Singapore OPL anchorage around 11 this morning and we will drop anchor at Kerteh tomorrow morning. But we don't know when we start loading.

Friday 20 th of September 2013
and we dropped our anchor at Kerteh just after 10 o'clock. Our crew took of the mooring line from port side winch when we had dropped the anchor. We will loadAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskfrom a SPM and we need a messenger to heave on board the mooring hawser.

I topped up the ballast tanks 5P/S when we had the power pack running and now we have the required 6 and 7,5 meters draft.

We expect to get to the SPM at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning so this will pretty much be the last day of preparation for the vetting and we were busy on deck. We checked our torque wrenches for the mooring winches and we instructed the crew on how to use them. And I had old vetting reports to study. Well, by now I know many of these remarks by heart. And on top of that plenty cargo calculations for our next voyage. But time was quick and it was soon time for lunch.

Our Pump Man and I will check our oil spill equipment after lunch so this is up to date for the vetting. Our 2nd engineer came and asked me if I had the time to look at the emergency generator. I had asked him to show me how to start the generator, same as on board Richard Maersk, but a refresher is always good.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Our Pump Man and 2nd Engineer with the emergency generator

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Our Pump Man thanks our 2nd Engineer for the lesson

Pump Man is new on board so I called him so he has a chance to learn how to start the emergency generator. And we also went through the process of getting the emergency generator hooked up onAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskthe electrical system. No use having a generator running if it isnot connected to the electrical system.

Our Pump Man and I went straight on to the oil spill equipment when we were finished with our 2nd Engineer and the emergency generator. We tested the pump and checked all equipments and suddenly the clock was 3 and the guys went for a coffee break.

And I had to do yet another few cargo calculations. Well, I don't drink coffee so the coffee breaks are just a waste of time for me. Chief Officer has always a lot to do and our Cadets were waitingfor me in the TV room with a video stand-by and it was almost 19 thirty before I was ready for today.

Lucky, it was a short movie, 80 minutes something and I was back in my cabin before 9 o'clock. Skipping the Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos, and of course my books. Straight to bed and I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be asleep without any problem. I expect a day full of action tomorrow. So let’s check it out, september 2013 - Part 2

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