Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club
“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk

Friday 6 th of March 2014 and I didn't recognised the ABs at the gangway when we came on board so they have obviously have crew change since I left. But I recognised the Mates and our 2ndAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy MaerskEngineer. Mess Man and Chief Engineer was the same as when I left.

And yes, it was nice when I put my bag in the cabin I was going to use for the night. Chief Officer is not leaving until tomorrow and I can move in to my cabin.

Dinner and they asked me about my diet bet. I informed them that we would get the diet bet up and running ASAP. But I discovered chocolate mousse for dinner and I had 3 plates. Yet another killer for my diet. So I will work on my new and improved diet bet tomorrow and I will post it in the mess room. “Best looking guy in town '14” diet up and running again.

Saturday 8 th of March 2014
and I sprung out of bed at 4 o'clock in the morning. But it turned out that they had called the wrong cabin from the bridge. I was back in bed and it was 7 thirty next time they called me. I had asked them to call me at 7 thirty and I got out of bed withAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskgreat problem. 2 pillows like 2 bags of cement and my neck was stiff and I had a lot of pain.

I had a shower and I went to the mess room with one of my tea mugs that I left on board when I left the ship in Chittagong. A pot of tea and pancakes and I was soon in the CCR to check out the paper work.

Our off signers will leave us at 13:00 and Pilot is ordered for 14:00 and it will be nice to leave the anchorage. But I would not haveYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stmind to come to some other place than Japan, it is too cold and the cargo have a pour point of 46 °C. And someone told me that it was 2°C in Japan. And I think I rememberYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsomething about blizzards in Japan from the news. But I'm not sure about that, can asAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskwell have been in Sweden.

We had lunch, I have not yet had the time to prepare myself for the “Best looking guy in town '14” diet and the diet bet. Time was soon 1 and the service boat came to pick up the off signers for transportation to hotel where they will wait for the flights leaving tonight.

Only 4 of them leaving as 2 of the crew members and one of the Cadets left yesterday with the same service boat we arrived with. Of course, the off signer's spirit was high and they were unpatiently waiting for the off signing Chief Engineer.

Chief Engineer came down on deck and the crew boarded the service launch and they were soon off towards Singapore. Now we just hadAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskto wait for the Pilot and we could take off towards Tokuyama in Japan. As soon as the off-signers had left us I went to the bridge to complain about the expected weather in Japan.

I don't know who had told me that it was 2°C in Japan. But maybe it was good information because I was very pleasantly surprised when we checked our weather program SPOS. The water temp in the area is 16°C and the air temperature was around 14°C. And as it will take us 10 days to get there it willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully get a wee bit warmer by the time we arrive.

Good news, yes indeed and my mood was instantly improving to EXCELLENT. Pilot was on board 13:35 and we left Singapore anchorage 1 hour later after have had to wait for a service launch to comeAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskto pick up a bunker sample.

Light traffic when we entered Singapore Strait and we were soon East bound and I left the bridge. Our 2nd Officer informed me that we had plenty new videos on board when I came on board yesterday. Yes, I had been wondering how it had been going with our “MOVIE CLUB” and it had been aliveYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stand thriving while I had been home.

And today it is Saturday so this is a great opportunity to get in to Roy Maersk'sYet another Smiley on“MOVIE CLUB” routines. And as my diet bet have not kicked in there might be a possibility to enjoy some snacks with the movie.

Sunday 9 th of March 2014
and I woke up at 10 o'clock by a PA announcement. We will have drills at 10 thirty and of course, while having the drills I took the opportunity to have a group picture
Yet another Smiley on
Yet another Smiley on
of the guys. It was almost time for lunch when we were ready with the drills. My last lunch? I'm about to put my new and improved “diet bet” in to effect and the crew are delirious with expectations.

Yes, there are thousands of dollars to be made get catching me eating and I'm already imagining myself walking down Sukhumvit with a V-shaped torso.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk

Monday 10 th of March 2014
and I started the day with the lemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink and myYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stvitamins when my alarm went off at 7 fifth teen. A shower and I went to the mess room for my morning tea. I had printed my new “diet bet” yesterday, but I decided to waitAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskuntil after breakfast to post it in the mess room.

There were pancakes for breakfast and I could as well try them out. Well, of course, not good for my diet, but the worst part was theSwedish honeymaple syrup or honey I spilled all over me and I was covered in this gooey and sticky stuff.

I was annoyed all day long until I realised what it was and I went to change my shirt. And yes, ISwedish honeyknew I had the honey with the pancakes, but I never thought I had spilled the honey all over me. But as soon as I realised what it was I changed shirt and I wasPressure test of immersion suits aboard M/T Roy Maerskin a good mood again.

The Cadets were going to pressure test our immersion suits in the afternoon to see if they could find any one leaking. Well, turned out our 3rd Officer had to do it all by lonesome. Our Cadets helped 2nd Engineer after lunch and when they were ready it was soon time for a bridge meeting.

We had a management meeting at 10 thirty and the bridge meeting was at 15 thirty, meetings all day long. And the bridge meeting wasn't ready until 4 thirty in the afternoon.

Pressure test of immersion suits aboard M/T Roy Maersk
3rd Officer pressure test our immersion suits on the bridge

Pressure test of immersion suits aboard M/T Roy Maersk
3rd Officer pressure test our immersion suits on the bridge

Well, I was pretty satisfied with the day, the crew were kicking arse on deck and I was kicking arse in my office. New medicines to take care of, drill records and cargo documentation. All this while having the music blasting high on the Richter scale in my office.

Click on the PLAY button to get the right “Aladdin's office” feeling
  Remeber! It has to be on full blast  

Bridge meeting and even though it was late I had to complete a few “super important” things in my office before I could go for my evening constitutional“Best looking guy in town '14 dietaround the superstructure. So I was late“Best looking guy in town '14 dietfor dinner:
• Chicken
• 2 slices of black bread with cheese
• Bananas
• Tea
And yes, as you can guess, the “Best looking guy in town '14” diet is on track and I'm hauling arse. Lunch was also just some meat and vegetables. So I was pretty pleased with the day when we went to watch a movie in the evening.

I will hopefully soon be up and study my Thai book and watch the Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos and everything will be perfect.

Tuesday 11 th of March 2014
and I woke up 45 minutes before my alarm was set to go off. Darn, this bed is very uncomfortable. But I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully get used to the bed after a few days.

I had myYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stvitamins and fish oil, yes, no daily 300 to 400 gr of salmon and I have to have my fish oil Omega-3 capsules. I chased down myYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stvitamins and fish oil with the lemon flavouredAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskmagnesium “FIZZ” drink.

The lemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink is a very good substitute for my “GOOD MORNING” Diet MAX that I'm used to at home.

Sometimes, and I'm being seriously, the Diet MAX waiting in my kitchen is the thing preventing me from falling asleep again. I just have to get out of bed to have a sip of the Diet MAX Next thing will of course to have the bottle stand-by next to my bed. But I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully have given up the Diet MAX when I'm back home.

And since I gave up Diet MAX , well, not really any choice as we don't have any of them on board.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stBut anyway, no need for my handkerchief anymore. When I'm drinking the Diet MAX my nose is always running and I'm sneezing all the time.

Going to bed in the evening and my nose starts to run like there is no tomorrow, andYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI'm sneezing so I'm afraid the neighbours will complain. When I finally fall asleep is stops,Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskuntil 5 minutes after waking up. So the lemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink is a very good, if not the best substitute.

We had nice weather, some spay over deck, but the crew could continue the chipping and painting on deck.

Our Pump Man was checking our cargo pumps and hydraulic valves on the high pressure hydraulic pipes. All good and we will have the crew to start chipping and painting the hydraulic pipes tomorrow. We started with the hydraulic pipes last time I was on board and now the crew will continue with this job.

Pressure test of immersion suits aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Our Danish Cadet pressure test our immersion suits on the bridge

Pressure test of immersion suits aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Our Danish Cadet pressure test our immersion suits on the bridge

While they were busy on deck they were busy pressure testing the immersion suits on the bridge.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stAnd I kept myself very busy in my office. There are millions of job to do according to theAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskcomputer based maintenance. And we managed to finish a whole lot of jobs during the day.

Testing the cargo computer was red and that means overdue so I got started with that after lunch. All these test conditions have toYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbe keyed in by hand and it takes a very long time. But I managed to finish all the conditions except one before 5 o'clock.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
The dinner boys

5 o'clock means afternoon constitutionalYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stand our dinner is at 5 thirty, but I usually takes 10 minutes extra of the constitutional if the weather is nice. Meat, broccoli and salad with my tea for dinner and I can put yet another successful diet day behind me.

And I read my Thai books yesterday and my plan is to do the same tonight, and every night from now on. Will there be time to Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos tonight? But first a movie with the boys in the TV room. And then a few words and pictures on

Wednesday 12 th of March 2014
and today I woke up 5 minutes after my alarm was set to go off. My alarm was not working today but luckily enough I woke up in time. A few of my vitamin pills andAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerska lemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drinkYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbeforemy shower.

I was soon in the mess room for my tea and 2 slices of black bread with cheese. This willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stkeep me going until lunch.

We got 2 new Pilot ladders in Singapore and I had the crew to change the Pilot ladders first thing in the morning. And I told them that they could cut up the old ones and put in the garbage room.Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy MaerskWe will save a few of the steps to have as spare and the rest goes ashore with the garbage next time.

When the crew were ready with the Pilot ladders they started to chip and paint the hydraulic pipes for our high pressure hydraulic system. While they were on deck I was in my office with the musicon full blast finishing the test of our loading computer. And it felt very goodYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwhen I completed this job.

We also got a new BA set and 2 UPS for the CCR in Singapore and I started to set these up. The BA set was delivered with 2 air bottles but they were empty so I had to set one of my TOP GUNS on the job to fill them to 300 bars.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
AB chipping hydraulic pipes to the winches on the fo'c's'le

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
AB chipping hydraulic pipes to the winches on the fo'c's'le

I had one of my best guys to help the 2nd Engineer after lunch. They got new pipes delivered in Singapore and they needed to get them down in to the engine room. Of course, we had to put ourAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskbest guys on the job.

And there is a service hatch to the engine room so the job was done pretty quickly and the AB could continue with the painting on deck. All hands needed as there are plenty to chip and paint.

Our 2nd Engineer was supposed to come and help me with the UPS when they were ready. But he was obviously busy and we did the job after the coffee break instead. I had prepared most of theAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskstuff. I had connected the UPS to the loading computer on my desk and he was surprised.
Yet another Smiley on Are you ready?
- No, we have one to go! Saving a wee bit of exciting job for you.

We ran i to some problems with the cargo computers, only a minor problem, but it was 4 thirty before we were ready. And that our 2nd Officer came to disturb us with the biggest piece of cake I have ever seen didn't help to speed things up. He came for a signature on a work permit and as soon as he was off we continued. And it was 4 thirty when we were ready and no time to start anything new so I went to the ship's office and I watched a training video before I went for my constitutional.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
2nd Officer comes in to the CCR with the biggest piece of cake I have ever seen

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
2nd Officer comes in to the CCR with the biggest piece of cake I have ever seen

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
That's the spirit!

Now I have 7 or 8 of the “mandatory” training videos to do and believe me, the Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos are much better. But I will do 1 or 2 per day and I willAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskhopefully have finished all the training videos before arrival to Tokuhama in Japan. But the videos are, well, I almost fell asleepYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stin front of the video today.

I was ready just after 5 o'clock and I went for my constitutional around the superstructure and I was late for dinner again.

A quick shower and aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stchange of clothes and we were off to the TV room for a movie. And after the last few days of at least to say boring movies we decided that it was my turn to choose entertainment. Mark Walenberg and that was a guarantee for a good movie, Pain and gain, a comedy and it was the best movie I have seen since I came on board. OK, Red 2 yesterday was not bad.

Thursday 13 th of March 2014
and I thought just another minute or two when my alarm went off. My alarm stopped by itself and I felt asleep but luckily enough I woke up 15 minutes later. So I had plenty time for a hot shower after my GOOD MORNINGYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stvitamins and lemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink.

I had my 2 slices of black bread and tea before going to my office to meet the crew for our “Good morning PEP” meeting. We have nice weather and the crew will continue with the chipping and painting on deck and I have our Pump Man and Cadet for some special tasks. I completed my last training videos during the day, well, there is one more but that video doesn’t work.

2 days with Thai studies and Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos. 1 hour of constitutionalYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stevery day so I'm pretty pleased. Dinner, meat and vegetables only, even though it is hard to see the others eating ice cream, cake and other forbidden fruits. And we're usually spending an hour at the dinner table talking about the good ol' times.Yet another Smiley on

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Here we go again with stupid experiment

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
A loud exchange of views around the table

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
They brought the glass to the TV room and there was no end to it

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
I thought they had forgot all about it when the movie came to an end - Obviously not

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Time to call a friend

Today we got hold up by a discussion, well, never mind what it was about. But they were all saying that I was wrong and as I don't bet. Well, last time I made a bet was just here on board Roy Maersk and I won, 20 items of my choice from the slop chest. But I told the guy that I didn't wanted anything when it turned out that I was right. Well, anyway, I didn't want to bet as I know how hard it is to lose.
• First they have to admit they were wrong
• Then they have to hand me money
Admit that you're wrong and then hand out money on top of that, a recipe for disaster and I always say no so we just did an experiment. Or they did the experiment, I knew that I was right. They brought the experiment to the TV room and I thought that they had forgotten about it when the movie came to an end.

But not and our 2nd Engineer came by and he asked if I have told them about Maersk Claudia. The 2nd Engineer was with me on Maersk Claudia, and we had one guy claiming something so stupid it wasYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbeyond comprehension. I told him that he was wrong. He started to scream that I did know nothing.
- Do you want a bet?
- I don't bet
- Ha, you are wrong!

It went on and on and suddenly we had a bet. He really pushed it forcing me to make the bet, 1000 US dollars something. It had started with 20 Dollars and he really pushed it and it ended upYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stat 1000. And it was so stupid. But me and Captain were pissing ourselves laughing.

Maersk Claudia
Maersk Claudia 2012 - Yet another stupid experiment to prove that I was wrong

Maersk Claudia
Maersk Claudia 2012 - Of course, he wasn't happy when he realised that he was wrong
And on top of that he had to pay me 1000US Dollars

Of course, he was not happy when he realised that he was wrong, and on top of that he had to give me money
- I give you your money!
- Never mind, this was so fun so keep your money.
He was very happy to keep his money, but, if someone tells you that 2+2=5 you know he is wrong. BUT NEVER EVER MAKE A BET, it will end badly!!!

Friday 14 th of March 2014
and my alarm was working this morning. I woke up 30 minutes before the alarm was set to go off. Do I dare trying to go back to sleep? What if the alarm doesn't work? Well, I felt asleep and the alarm was working. But I cannot trust the alarm and I will have one of my TOP GUNS to buy a new alarm for me in Japan.

My best man

Getting an alarm should be a easy task for my best guy, but I still have Shiba fresh in memory. Our Cadets went ashore and they come back with foocking donuts. DONUTS? We're in Japan! TheAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskonly thing to eat around here is Kobe Steak and not donuts.

VitaminsYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stand my lemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink, a shower and off for a quick cuppa with 2 slices of black bread with cheese. And I was in my office at 8 o'clock to meet the crew for today’s jobs. We have strong head wind and waves spraying over deck, so no work on the tank deck. I had the crew on the poop deck to grease the emergency towing wire system and the mooring winches.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Work with the emergency towing wire

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Work with the emergency towing wire

I had 2 guys to clean the accommodation and after lunch I sent one of them to help our 2nd Engineer in the engine room. I finished my last training course when I had updated my cargoAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersktransfer plan with the latest update from our SMS. Of course, work permits and risk assessments had to be done.

Our Pump Man and I went down the pump room in the afternoon to check out our ballast pumps and tomorrow we will check the anodes in the ballast pumps.

We were back up on deck just in time for the coffee break and we had got the latestYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stdischarge instructions and I can start with my cargo plans. Good, I keep myself busy and the time passes by very quickly. And these last few days had passed by quickly and it is soon time to sign off.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
2nd Engineer disturbing me best guys on the poop deck

It was soon time to call it a day and there was no evening constitutionalYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stdue to the bad weather. I skipped my lunch constitutionalYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stas well. It is OK walking behind the superstructureAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskbut the wind is too strong forward of the superstructure and an enjoyable walk turns in to something not so nice.

Ship's time will be advanced by one hour tonight and our 2nd Officer skipped the movie and we ended up in his cabin planning for our weekend in Moscow in June.

The plan is to meet there for a weekend of fun and suddenly Las Vegas was not the next time for me having a beer. Well, I can squees in a visit to Moscow with beer drinking before going to Las Vegas. Well, we will see what happens, would not be the first time a lot ofYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stblah-blah-bla turns in to nothing.

Saturday 15 th of March 2014
and as we had advanced ship's time by 1 hour during the night I was dead tired when my alarm went off. Strange, even though I was so tired I could not see IYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stappreciated that my alarm had went off in time. Yes, this was my first thought when I woke up. Vitamins and the lemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink didn't do much to alleviate the tiredness. But after the shower it was OK.

Saturday, weekend, but we were facing a day full of jobs, and of course, excitements. We would start the day by checking the anodes in the ballast pumps. But the first thing to do as soon as I had finished my tea was to make my Cargo Sequence Plan and send it to Japan. Then a work permit and risk assessment before we could go down to the ballast pump room.

We started with the port side ballast pump, there are 3 anodes in each pump. We use anodes to protect the pumps from corrosion. We also have Zink anodes in the ballast tanks and on the hull.Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy MaerskZink paint has pretty much the same effect.

A metal anode that is more reactive to the corrosive environment than the pump is electrically linked to the pump.

The anode corrodes or dissolves, which protects the pump. As an example, an iron or steel ship's hull may be protected by a zinc sacrificial anode, which will dissolve into the seawater and prevent the hull from being corroded. Sacrificial anodes are particularly needed for systems where a static charge is generated by flowing liquids. Yes, like in a ballast pump.

As I use to say to the guys on deck, don't mix stainless steel and normal steel, it will be like a carAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskbattery. Quite often I see people that want to put stainless steel bolts on ordinary steel. Of course, it is easier to remove the bolt, but it is a killer for the steel. So always,Painting on board Roy Maerskpaint and put rubber etc between steel and stainless steel.

We entered the Pump room 20 minutes after 9 o'clock something and our Pump Man removed all the anodes and I took pictures of the anodes for my report. We had finished the inspections in time for lunch, well, a few minutes past 12 before the pump room was cleared.

Zink anode
Anode from the bottom of the pump
And we can see that the anode is corroded and maybe 30% is gone

Zink anode
Anode from the top of the pump, looks like new

Pump room on board Roy Maersk
3rd Officer get down to the pump

Pump room on board Roy Maersk
3rd Officer remove the anode at the level switch

Pump room on board Roy Maersk
Pump Man removes the top anode on STB pump

Saturday and I had some buns with some sweet spread, it was good, but I could as well have livedAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskwithout it. Maybe I should amend my “diet bet” to exclude all bread except the black bread.

As I was busy with the pictures of the anodes during the lunch break, it was almost 2 thirty before I had the time to finally get on with my constitutional.Yet another Smiley on
I prepared my cargo transfer plan during the coffee break and a management meeting at 3 thirty. And when we were ready I had yet another 30 minutes of constitutional before I went for a shower. I ran in toYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stour 2nd Officer and he was on the way to the gym shaking a protein shake.

Smoked salmon, 2 steaks and I don't know ow many pancakes for dinner, so I was full when we left the mess room after 1 and a half hour. Will be nice to get back to my normal eating habits tomorrow and for the rest of the week until next Saturday. And I'm seriously thinking about amending my “diet bet” to avoid any more pancakes with whipped cream. Maybe start to do some hula hop?

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club
At Bangkok Fight Club

Sunday 16 th of March 2014
and I have started to make a new up dated page about the adventures on board Rainbow Warrior back in 2006. And I got started a few days ago and I didn't realised how many pictures I had been taking back then. And on top of that there are plenty pictures from our professional photographers that were on board with us.

Back in 2006 when I uploaded the pictures I had to keep them very small in size, and I had to be very selective. And now I decided that it was time to update the pictures and videos. It is a big job and it is good training for me. I do 1 or 2 hours every day. It is very hard to stop, I'm usually sit up until 5 or 6 o'clock in the mornings to finish a job. So I really need to get a relaxed atitue towards the “complete a job” And now a take an hour or so every day.

Rainbow Warrior 2006
Rainbow Warrior 2006
Pictures uploaded 2006

Same pictures uploaded 2014

Same pictures uploaded 2014

So there are time to Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos and my Thai books and I'm pretty pleased so far, both with the Thai studies and my diet. Of course, could have been better.

Monday 17 th of March 2014
and I was very tired when my alarm went off. I felt a wee bit better after my vitaminsYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stand the lemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink. It was not cold outside,Aladdin's adventure on board Roy MaerskI had expected it to be cold, but it was very nice. I had a few of the guys to mop in the pump room while our Pump Man and I steamed #1 cargo line.

Our Cadet assisted us while steaming the cargo line. Time passed quickly and it was past 4 o'clock when we were ready with everything and our Pump Man could start purging our cargo pumps.

Aladdin's adventure on board Roy Maersk
Steaming cargo lines

Aladdin's adventure on board Roy Maersk
Steaming cargo lines

The completed the ob in the pump room just after 2 o'clock and I had them to continue the painting on deck. We need to cover the cream paint on deck with the red brown deck paint and aAladdin's adventure on board Roy Maerskthird layer of primer is a must before we arrive to Tokuyama tomorrow.

We don't know for how long we stay in Tokuyama, but at least 2 days and we need to get top coa ton the primer ASAP or all the work is for nothing.

Reading Bangkok Post before going for dinner and it don't look good.

Jutaporn, the new Red Shirt leader warns of battle ahead. Read Bangkok Post's article HERE . And People’s Democratic Reform Committee have their Security Guards to take an oath making vows to obey their supervisors. This makes me think Bangkok Post about Nazi Germany

From Bangkok Post: Fists of fury Security guards for the anti-government People’s Democratic Reform Committee raise their fists during an oath-taking ceremony. They made vows to obey their supervisors at the Lumpini rally... Full article HERE

What's next? They start slaughter each other with machetes on the street. We always think it will never happen to us, but they have tried to prevent this since the end of World War II. Well, atBangkok Postleast there have been a lot of talking. But we see it again and again.

Calling each other all kind of things from stages around town and suddenly they get started with machetes like in Rwanda, a million people slaughtered over night. Yugoslavia springs to mind, neighbours killing each others

Not long ago they beat up refugees on a Thai beach, next to a resort. Beating up the refugees and sending them out on the open sea again with a bottle of water (Best case scenario)

Of course, no one cares, but a lot of blah-blah-bla. Imagine these people coming home to their children in the night.
- Same ol' same ol'
So when humans are involved anything can turn in to a disaster, and very quick. Well, anyway, arriving to Tokuyama tomorrow and the only thing we need to do to get right in to the middle of that adventure is to CLICK THE LINK

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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