“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk

Thursday 1 st of May 2014 and the fender boat was next to us when I came on the bridge at midnight. Mooring Master and Surveyors on board. Our Mooring Master was busy with the fendersAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskand one Surveyor started with the sampling just after midnight. We're expecting to come alongside M/T Eagle Phoenix around 4 o'clock in the morning

We had all fast at 6 o'clock in the morning and we started to discharge at 09:12 and I was in bed at 11 o'clock, needless to say, dead tired.

I woke up at 5 o'clock in the afternoon and I had time for a pot of tea and a shower before I went for dinner. I spent 3 hours in the CCR after the dinner, we will load after discharging and I have of course prepared allAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskthe loading plans and calculations. But they have changed it to a “blend on board”

So we will have to blend 2 parcelsYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.ston board and I had to do it all over again. But it was nice to finish the job, or I would have to sit and do it early tomorrow morning before we could start loading.

And I will be tired tomorrow morning and I know that I need to getYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stto bed as quickly as possible.

Our Surveyor was doing paper work in the office and he told me that he had missed my music when I came in to my office. Yes, it is known to get FUNKY in my office at times. Crazy FUNKY!

Friday 2 nd of May 2014
and they called to give me the 1 hour notice at 4 o'clock. One hour to go before completion, well we didn't completed until 06:54 and I can't say that I was happy for theAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskmissed sleep. I was awake at 3 thirty and I had just felt asleep at 4 o'clock when they called me.

Our Surveyor and Pump Man dipped the tanks after discharging and they were empty. Inspection ready at 07:42 and we were ready to receive the cargo for Kapar, Malaysia.

I sent Pump Man for breakfast as we had done the pre transfer check list with the ABs on duty. They had told us 2 hours waiting before we could start loading but it was almost 3.
We expect to be ready early morning again and I was off to bed at 11 thirty. Yes, it will be very nice to put NIPAH STS area behind us. Or NIPA as it is spelled according to our Mooring Master.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Sun is rising over Eagle Phoenix on NIPAH STS area

We started the second parcel at 21:18 and it looks like we will be ready around 8 o'clock in the morning, good, I can get some sleep during the night,Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully

Saturday 3 rd of May 2014
and we completed loading at 08:18. I was called for at 07:15.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- 1 hour to go
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- OK, I'm coming

It was 4 o'clock before I managed to fall asleep so I was tired, but I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be able toAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersksleep tonight, and all night.

We left Eagle Phoenix at 12 o'clock and we dropped anchor a few minutes later. There was a boat coming to pick up the cargo hoses and fenders before we heave up the anchor bound for Kapar, Malaysia.

And it looks like I will have to stay on board until Singapore, Malaysian immigration only let me fly to Sweden and not to Thailand so my ticket was cancelled. I don't mind, more days more dollars. And I can claim 100$ tax refund at the airport for the SAMSUNG S5 I bought in Singapore.

Sunday 4 th of May 2014
and they called me at 7 o'clock in the morning.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- 20 minutes to Kapar power station
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- I'm coming

I was on the bridge 20 minutes later and we approached Kapar Power station. We recognised theAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersklines men and the Loading Master from last time when we came alongside.

This time they skipped the Mr. Universe routines and it was only waving and smiling.

We had all fast 5 minutes after 8 o'clock and I went for a quick breakfast before going to the CCR. Immigration came on board and when they left our Loading Master and Surveyor came on board.

Paper work was completed at 11 o'clock and we started discharging at 12:24, topping off tanks 1 by 1 until 94%Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskand we were on full rate at 13:48. I ran in to our Cadet while we topped off the tanks. He was drinking coconut milk and he asked if I wanted a coconut. He brought a fresh coconut and it looked like too much work. I said no thanks. But he didn't give up and he showed meAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskthe knife our 3rd Officer had been using to open the coconut.

Well, seemed like too much of a hassle for a glass of coconut milk. I went back to the CCR and our Cadet was soon showing up with my tea bucket and a glass for the 2nd Officer.

3rd Officer stepped inside 1 minute later with 2 coconuts and spoons for our 2nd officer and me. We dug in and it was quite refreshing. Of course, not quite as refreshing as the coconut “surprises” we had poolside in Pattaya some 10 years ago.

But of course, I needed help to get out of the pool after a few of those coconut “surprises” and this kind of excitements is nothing we're going to try in the CCR

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
2nd officer and I get coconuts in the CCR

My reliever will come on board around 5 o'clock in the afternoon and I will have to stay in Singapore. Last time they were happy with my Thai driving license but this time they needed more documents. I'm happy, Malaysia loses some business that will go to Singapore. Hotel, transportation, tickets and Agent fees etc. My reliever came on board just after dinner and we will have 2 days together before I leave in Singapore.

Well, Malaysia gained some unexpected business. Some of the crew was ashore and I asked them,Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskby routine by now as I know I will be disappointed. But it is a reflex
- Chief? Can we go ashore?
- Buy Diet Pepsi/ Pepsi Max

I was in my cabin with my right index finger up my nostril and the left hand was scratching my behind when our OS stepped in to my cabin. I looked at him and he held up a bag.
- This is what they had!

I had forgotten all about the Diet Pepsi. Yes, I just say “Buy Diet Pepsi or Pepsi Max” per automatic. Like breathing or saying that I'm on diet. So I was pleasantly surprised, but I just had to make sure. IAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskhave had more than my fare share of set-backs on board Roy Maersk
- Is it Pepsi? No Coke in my cabin.

Well, what do you know? It was Diet Pepsi and I ripped a can open first thing. I was sippin' on my soda checking out the weather in Skåne. My friend sent me an e-mail about the weather in Sweden and it was worrying news as I'm off to Skåne in a few days. So yes, I'm concerned.

And for sure, I had been hoping for more.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk

Monday 5 th of May 2014
and I slept until 10 o'clock as we expect to be up until late tonight. I spent the day with the on signing Chief Officer and we went through the paper work and the work on deck. We completed discharging at 21:18 and Pilot is booked for 01:00

Tuesday 6 th of May 2014
and I got out of bed at 10 o'clock. We expect to arrive Singapore in the middle of the night. If we're going alongside I have to get off the ship before we comeAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskalongside. So it might be a long night. But latest news is that we will be anchored until the 9th of May. There will be a service boat to pick me up at 08:30 tomorrow morning and I'm off to the airport.

So it turns out that I would have been better of getting out of bed at 7 fifteen. Well, never mind, I'm pretty sure that I will manage to get out of bed tomorrow as I don't want to miss my flight to Suvarnabhumi International.

Well, I had packed my stuff, 5 minutes' job and I'm ready to get out of here now. I really look forward to some boxing with my friend. For a few days only and I'm off to Sweden for my courses.

Wednesday 7 th of May 2014
and they called me at 3 thirty in the morning. By then I had been trying to fall asleep for a few hours and was still awake. Our Emerson Technician had come on board and he was waiting in the CCR. I had a shower and I went down to the CCR. Our new Chief Officer was in the CCR and I recognised the Technician from last time he was on board to repairAladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maerskour remote controlled valves.

We went to bed and my alarm went off at 7 fifteen, two hours later. I had had 2 hours of sleep and I was dead tired. And no Diet Pepsi as I had my last can when they called me 3 thirty this morning. I had planned to have the last can when i woke up at 7 fifteen, but no I had to make a cup of tea instead.

I was in the CCR with my bag and computer at 8 o'clock and the service launch arrived 20 minutes later. We loaded my bag and computer and we were soon off leaving Roy Maersk behind.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Launch driver take care of my bag

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
3rd officer on the bridge wing

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Leaving Roy Maersk behind

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Roy Maersk
Leaving Roy Maersk behind

No one waiting for me at the terminal and I was soon given up waiting. I stopped a taxi and we took off toward the airport. I got my tax refund for my SAMSUNG S5 and I spent 4 hours walking around Changi Airport waiting for Cathay Pacific's flight to take off. The say Singapore's airport is so very good, well, at least at Terminal 1 there isn't any restaurants. I had a salmon bun and a chocolate cake at the Tea Leaf and everything was served on plastic plates. I had to ask for a real tea cup.
- We only sell them as souvenir
- Who the foock wants a souvenir from the Tea leaf? They don't even have tea cups, only the paper/ plastic cups? This was bad!

The girls took one of the cups and I was served tea from a real cup. When I was ready I started to walk around the airport and I was happy that I bought my SAMSUNG S5. I connected to the WIFI and I could listen to Swedish Radio. But time was slow and I was very happy when they opened the gate at 12 thirty, 10 minutes late.

The flight was almost empty and I was sitting alone and it was not a bad. A wee bit uncomfortable in the seat though and I checked the “emergency card” and as I thought. I was sitting on board an Airbus. And yet again, Boeing is a more comfortable airplane.

In flight safety move and we took off from Singapore's Changi Airport. I had not been eating since salmon bun on the plastic plate at the Tea Leaf.

The Steward and Stewardess came to my seat with the food cart.
- Chicken or fish?
- Up to you, I said.
He gave me fish and I could see that he was happy, seemed like most of the passengers asked for the chicken.
- Something to drink
- Diet Pepsi
- We only have Coke
- Then I only drink the water or die of thirst


Fish with rice and it was not bad. I finished the food and I went back to buy a clock I saw inLUMINOXCathay Pacific's tax free catalogue when I flew to Singapore to join Roy Maersk. I asked them if I could see the watch. The stewardess opened a box and she brought out a LUMINOX watch. In a box!
- Can I have a look?
- Do you want to buy the watch?
- I don't know until I have seen the darn thing

She looked at me like I was crazy and I could see herLUMINOXthinking “What the foock is wrong with this guy wanting me to break the seal on the box” But 3 seconds later I could see in her face that she realised that my request made sense. She opened the box, I liked the watch and I paid 400$ for the darn thing.LUMINOXBut now I have a watch that I can use in the dark, LUMINOX ALWAYS VISIBLE, at least according to the box.

The Stewardess told me it was a good brand, very famous. High end!
- I have never heard of LUMINOX!
But it is Swiss made so it should be good, well, anyway, I will try the watch next time on board Roy Maersk and I can give my old watch to Pump Man.

Arriving to Suvarnabhumi and I have arrived to Suvarnabhumi on almost all the different time possible. But I had never seen it like today. Completely empty, one guy at the immigration and I was soon in a taxi drinking a Diet MAX that we had bought at 7 Eleven. I asked the driver if Yingluck had lost or won in the court earlier today. And she had lost and I could read all about it in Bangkok Post when I was back home. BBC World's web page had a few interesting articles and videos as well.

Bangkok Post

BBC World
BBC World

There are plenty more on the subject on BBC's web page. Just click the link HERE

Well, I'm only home for 3 days before it is time to take off to Sweden and my fire fighting courses. There might be time to Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos before it is time to leave. I can't say that I spent much time with the Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos on board Roy Maersk. Well, anyway, before leaving for Sweden I will have to go to the Embassy to cast my ballot for the European Parliament.

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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