“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk

Wednesday 1 st of October 2014 and it was 7 o'clock in the morning before I was in bed. 25 hoursYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwith no sleep so it is easy to imagine how nice it was to get back in bed. And it is also very easy to imagine how it felt when they called me at 8 o'clock.

But it only a question from the CCR and I was soon back in bed again. And as I didn'tYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfeel like spending tonight tossin' and turnin' in bed I had my alarm to go off at 12 thirty. I could easily have slept for many more hours, but I forced myself in to the shower. Lunch time

Message=I remember the Nordic Link, because I worked at the Port of Blyth from 1976 to 2000. I also remember the dog on the ship and the police arriving and you are correct in stating that one of the dockers phoned the cops. We probably met on the ship as I was often working with the dockers. It was nice to read your page and remember" the good old days"
was over when came down to the mess room. But this was expected as it was 1 o'clock.

Back in my cabin and there was an e-mail from UK. A guy working at the Port of Blyth back in the days. And he remembered Nordic Link from back in the days. This was quite fun to get the e-mail,Aladdin's adventure in Mombasa with M/T Roy Maerskthey remember our adventures even when we have left the places far behind.

We completed the VIVO parcel in the middle of the dinner. I had a quick dinner while they were blowing the lines. I had planned for a trip ashore with our 2nd Engineer. I had called the Mission to Seafarers and they would come to pick us up. So tea and snickers were expected later on in the evening. So a quick dinner was sufficient. We completed blowing the cargo lines 20 minutes before 7 and we finished the paper work. Well, only one paper as the rest will be done when we'reAladdin's adventure at Mission to Seafarers in Mombasa with M/T Roy Maerskready with everything.

I called the Mission to Seafarers 10 minutes before 7 and they would be on the jetty 20 minuts past 7.

I had a quick shower and I left with our 2nd Engineer and the bus from Mission to Seafarers arrived when we passed the security. I took a picture, and as last time, the Guard wanted a copy of the picture. We got in to the bus and we were soon on our way. The business men selling wooden sculptures on the parking held us up for a minute or two. But I told them that I had bought plentyAladdin's adventure at Mission to Seafarers in Mombasa with M/T Roy Maersklast time here in Mombasa.

Mission to Seafarers are just outside the gate and it only took a few minutes to get there. We took a seat in the bar and I asked for the shop and restaurant. Shop was closed since several months and there were no WIFI.

I asked about the WIFI and they had the WIFI in the lounge and we left the bar. We had ordered a pot of tea and a Coke and they brought it for us in the lounge.

I asked for my second pot of tea and I left for the bar to see if they had snickers. No snickersSnickersand both our 2nd Engineer and I was disappointed.

We had expected a restaurant and a shop. Snickers was just a sure thing and the idea that they wouldAladdin's adventure at Mission to Seafarers in Mombasa with M/T Roy Maersknot have snickers had never crossed our minds. Well, He was chatting with his wife and I was soon having a third pot of tea in front of me. No snickers, but mosquitos. Plenty of them. They fired off mosquito coils under our table so I thought IAladdin's adventure at Mission to Seafarers in Mombasa with M/T Roy Maerskwas in a middle of a blaze. But it didn't helped very much.

But it was nice to come ashore for a while and my diet was most likely better off without the snickers. I only manage to download half of the Adobe Acrobat when we decided to leave two hours after leaving the ship.

Aladdin's adventure at Mission to Seafarers in Mombasa with M/T Roy Maersk

We were soon back in the bus and on our way back to the ship. We will complete the Totsa parcel around midnight and after that I will be off to bed. All day and my rest hours have been red. And I'm tired, but I have avoided sleep during the day in order to be able to sleep during the night.

Thursday 2 nd of October 2014
and it was 1 o'clock before I could leave the CCR. The 10 minutes stop had turned in to a 3 hours stop and we stopped IG and generators. Duty Officer would spend the night filling up ballast. And (no surprise) the 3 hours stop was turned in to an almost 6 hours stop. But by then I was asleep since long. And I slept until 20 minutes beforeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stlunch. Well, I had forgot to turn off my alarm so this one went off at 07:15.
But this the time the alarm was not on for very long. I had soon turned off the alarm and I was back in bed in a jiff.

Complete discharging around midnight and it will be yet another full night. So I was lucky that I had been sleeping until “almost” lunch time. As soon as we had got rid of the garbage and I had signed the papers I was off for Whitesand hotel. I had a shower and our Surveyor had called afriend that was driving a taxi.

I took a shower and I was passing the security gate and I was in a middle of a fight as soon as I stepped outside the gate. There were taxis waiting and my driver. Mary was in a fight with all the other drivers waiting for passengers.

They were screaming as I had not heard anyone screaming before. Mary told me to go with some of the other drivers. But as we had called Mary I stayed in her car and we took off. And of course, if something happens on board the Surveyor can call Mary to reach me. Pretty smart!

She was angry speaking on the phone

But Mary was not a happy cookie when we left. She was soon on the phone, I guess it was with the Surveyor. She was not happy and she was screaming non-stop. Well, we passed the gate and the traffic came to a full stop. But Mary knew a “Short cut” and we managed to dodge the traffic andAladdin's adventure in Mombasa with M/T Roy Maerskwe were at Sarova Whitesands Beach Resort quicker, much quicker than expected.

I connected my laptop to the internet and when I had finished my starter, Brocarelli or whatever it was called. Mozzarella and Italian green leaves. And my main course, spaghetti Carbonara and my dessert I had downloaded Adobe Acrobat XI Pro.

The food was good, 2 white and dark chocolate mousse (with a big bowl of whipped cream) for dessert. 3 pots of tea, or was it 4? Never mind, I was full when I left Sarova Whitesands Beach Resort. According to may I have asked it is the best hotel in Mombasa. Well, Serena was as good. Just a matter of taste.

Mary was waiting and we were soon on the way again. Of course, I stopped at two of the female security guards for a picture before leaving Sarova Whitesands Beach Resort. A souvenir from my visit.

We were soon back in Mombasa but the traffic was light and we were hauling arse. At least until we got stuck in the traffic, and it was totally unexpected. Millions of goats and a Shepard had decided to visit Mombasa and he blocked the street. But it was fun, not totally unexpected. Well, it was unexpected but not surprisingly and it was at least a different traffic jam in downtown Mombasa. We were soon on our way again and I was back on board just before 9 o'clock.

Aladdin's adventure in Mombasa with M/T Roy Maersk
Goats coming down the road

Aladdin's adventure in Mombasa with M/T Roy Maersk
Goats coming down the road

Aladdin's adventure in Mombasa with M/T Roy Maersk
Surrounded by goats and the smell of goats

We had also been stopped by the Police on our way back to Mombasa. But when they saw me they told us to continue. Tanzania and Kenya and they really don't want to embarrass the tourists. Orders from the highest office. They realise that the tourists are important and you can really feel the difference from, well, why not have Thailand for an example. Police spot a tourist and you can see how they starts to glow.

Searching bags hoping to find something so they can have some tea money. We know the cigarette police , what a disgrace they are for a country. Operation SHUT DOWN Bangkok in full swing around the corner and instead off establish law and order they stay in phone booths along Sukhumvit lurking on tourists. I bet they are proud coming home to their children in the evening after a day's hard work.

The latest from Bangkok is that they want tourists to wear wrist bands . (Yes, and we notice that Aladdin have down loaded the Adobe Acrobat) Well, anyway, these wrist bands are for the safety of the tourists. The other day it was about the Dictator teaching us about democracy. No end to it, never a boring moment. At least for me, but imagine beeing born there with no money and only means of support, a rice paddy and 16 hours a day of bending back in the sunshine.

Cartoon from Korean News paper (Obviously South, not North)

Friday 3 rd of October 2014
and they called from bridge at 12 o'clock. I had asked them to wake me up at 12 when I left the bridge at 7 thirty. I was in bed just before 9 so I was deadAladdin's adventure in Mombasa with M/T Roy Maersktired when they called at 12. I was setting my alarm for 1 o'clock and I felt asleep.

1 o'clock and I didn't feel much better when the alarm went off again. I grabbed my phone and I had it to run on “snooze” for 20 minutes in 5 minutes intervals.

If I stay longer in bed I will get problems to fall asleep tonight. I had spent the whole night in the CCR as we finished discharging at 1 o'clock in the morning. Paper work completed around 5 and by then the Engineers had started the bunkering. 100 ton FO so we can make it back to Fujairah.

We left Mombasa just before 7 thirty and I had a quick omelette for breakfast before going to my office to make a risk assessment. Time to put up the razor wire and a risk assessment are required. But as soon as I was ready with this I took off to my bed.

And I got my final itinerary from Grönlandsresor when our internet kicked in. 20,000 US but it looks to be a fantastic trip. This is the Iceland and Greenland part of my Northern adventure next summer. I will kick it off with a cruise around Svalbard looking for polar bears and I will fly straight from Svalbard to Iceland. Well, via Oslo and Copenhagen.

Saturday 4 th of October 2014
and I went to bed 10 o'clock yesterday evening and I woke up when my alarm went off at 07:15. I woke up 2 times during the night worrying if I would be able to fallAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskasleep again. No problem! I was sleeping like a log all night long.

The crew got started with the cup brushing and painting of the spots they chipped before arrival to Mombasa. But today they will only work until 3 o'clock as we will watch safety videos after the 3 o'clock coffee break.

It was almost 5 o'clock when we finished with the movies and I went for a quick cuppa before dinner.

Sunday 5 th of October 2014
and we can put yet another day behind us. 1 week to go and we will see when we can leave the ship. I will for sure have to stay during the loading as it is the first time on board Roy Maersk for the new Chief Officer.

Monday 6 th of October 2014
and I was dead tired when my alarm went off quarter past 7. I hadYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbeen tossin' and turnin' until almost 5 o'clock in the morning. And YES!!! I opened my Thai books for the first time since I joined Roy Maersk back in July.

So it was not all that bad. I had myYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stlemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink and my vitamins before I went for my shower. I felt kind of OK after the shower, or was it the lemon flavouredAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskmagnesium “FIZZ” drink? I don't know, I felt better but I was still tired.

A bucket of tea and 2 slices of black bread before I went to my office to see the crew.

I had 2 ABs and our OS to continue with the cup brushing and painting on deck. Our Pump Man got started with our Scanjets while we were waiting for the engine department to drain the hydraulic lines on deck. As soon as they are ready we're goingAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskto put back the new hydraulic pipe to the aft mooring winch on tank deck.

Management meeting after the coffee break so we got started just before lunch. I was busy with loading plans and stowage plans so I was 20 minutes late for lunch. Yeah, time turns quick when you have fun.

I very quick lunch and a short constitutional before I went to finish my stowage and loading plans. I went to discus this with Captain and it was soon time for our safetyAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskmeeting. Well, they days turn quick and I was on deck giving pointers (Annoying) the guys putting back the new hydraulic pipe to the winch. This was ready just in time for dinner. But now the pipe is back and we have some small jobs on the hydraulic system to do tomorrow before filling up the pipes again. Then I will start with the ballast exchange. Never any chance to relax, not even for a second or two.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Putting back a hydraulic pipe

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk

It had been a gorgeous day, Indian Ocean was like a windmill pond. Not too hot and it was actually very nice to be on deck during the afternoon. Of course, not as nice as in my office doingAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskimportant paper work listening to music.

Well, evening and I gave some instructions for the crew for tomorrow and I took a picture of the sun set over Somalia before I went for a shower. And today there was no time for any tea before the dinner.

Sausages and fried onion and I had a kilo of papaya for dessert. Plus all the papaya seeds. Papaya seeds for lunch and for dinner and this should be something of the healthiest you can eat, and I feel good.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Sun is setting over Somalia

And I was reading Bangkok Post when I was back in my cabin after dinner. It is like the movie The Groundhog day, 1st of April every day. Wristbands for tourists, Dictators are teaching us about democracy and today I read: Bonus for traffic cops who reject bribes - The Metropolitan Police Bureau (MPB) on Monday announced plans to reward traffic police officers with a 10,000 baht bonus if they arrest a motorist who tries to bribe them. Read all about it HERE!

Tuesday 7 th of October 2014
and I woke up for yet another day East of Somalia, some 400 nautical miles out in the Indian Ocean and it was a gorgeous morning. Indian Ocean was like aAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskmirror and I had our Top Guns on painting detail the whole day.

Our Pump Man was busy helping the engine department filling up our hydraulic pipes. As soon as they are full and tested we will start with the ballast water exchange. Everything was tested and ready just before the coffee break in the afternoon and I started to discharge our fore peak at 14:50.

I was on deck waiting for DB 2 to be empty and I took the opportunity to admire the sunset over Somalia. Our 2nd engineer came by to see if I was ready with the power pack. He saw the sunset and he wanted a picture of him with the sun setting in the back. I told him to cover his reflexes on the shoulders or they would foock up the picture. He disappeared inside and he came back with a old T-shirt.

e thought I wanted him to wear the T-shirt around his neck to give him a “SPORTY” look. But as soon as I had explained for him that he had to cover the luminous reflector tape on the boiler suit it went well. I finished with the ballast pumps and I stopped the power pack. I started to fill DB 2 by gravity and I was off for a shower before dinner. No time for my tea before dinner today again. Well, I will have a bucket or two for dinner.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
And yet again, sun is setting over Somalia

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Well, we need you to cover the luminous reflector tape with the T-shirt

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
OK, he looks less “SPORTY” but he covers the luminous reflector tape

Yet another evening to kill in my cabin and I spent some of the time reading Bangkok Post online. Seems like there are some Red buffalo sticker banned in Thailand.

Wednesday 9 th of October 2014
and yet another morning getting out of the bed dead tired. A hot shower and myYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stlemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink and I was full of vim coming down toAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskthe mess room for my breakfast.

We will continue with the ballast exchange and as I expect deck to be flooded with ballast water I sent the crew to wash our fo'c's'le. And as I'm running a power pack they will grease our winches in the afternoon. We kept ourselves busy and time passed very quickly. Of course, I took the opportunity toAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskdo some other NOT less important work while we exchanged our ballast water.

Our 2nd Engineer was also seen on deck and he was beaming of joy as he is signing off with us in Fujairah next week. I had finished the empty/ refill exchange of all but 4 ballast tanks in the afternoon. I will save 2 for tomorrow and I will do DB 4 by the overflow technique during the evening.

So yet another evening to kill in my cabin, I will of course pester our Captain and 2ndYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stEngineer. Maybe open my Thai books otherwise there isn't very much to do.

Well, it is only a few more evenings to kill before it is time to leave the ship. Maybe next Thursday or Friday and it will be nice.

Thursday 9 th of October 2014
and we finished the ballast water exchange. We had 2 (TWO) meetings during the day. We finished some important jobs on deck and I was actually quite happy with the day when I left for a shower before dinner.

Friday 10 th of October 2014
and we're coming closer and closer to Fujairah. Expect to arrive early Monday morning and our 2nd Engineer is excited, our relievers will arrive on Monday. Arriving early morning to Dubai International and is expected on board early afternoon.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
I was lucky, very lucky with this picture

I was on deck and as always with a camera in my pocket. We have an explosion proof camera on board and it is hard to aim with it. Focus, leaves a wee bit to wish for. Out of 20 pictures I'mAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersklucky to find 1 or 2 that is good.

Well, anyway, I was on deck preparing for purging when we spotted dolphins frolickingAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskin the water around us. There were plenty of them and they looked to have a jolly time.

There were, well, the sea was boiling because of all the dolphins. And I could also see whales swimming around, but they were a wee bit further away. I called the crew and I told them that the dolphins were her to thank us for keeping the seas clean and for taking ashore our garbage.

This was a nice break, if even just for a few minutes. We completed the purging in the afternoon and it was soon time for a shower and dinner. I also had time for the quickest bucket of tea in the world before dinner.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk

Saturday 11 th of October 2014
and it is most likely the last Saturday on board. We started the day by checking gas detectors in the pump room. Risk assessments and paper work and while I was at it I prepared the risk assessments for tomorrow, rigging pilot ladder and removing razor wire.

I was on deck checking so the crew would manage to finish today's jobs before 3 o'clock. I came around the corner and I saw one of our ABs getting up on the cat walk. Suddenly he started to run forward. I could hear a bellow from forward. Sounded like a roar from a hurt animal. I2 Ton Supermanshat my pants and I started to run forward.

I could hear the roar all the ay and I imagine all kinds of stuff. What could have happened? Is someone lying forward without arms and legs?Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stImagine 2 ton Chief Officer running down the cat walk, yes, not a nice sight. Flapping belly and at the same time having to worry about what to find.

This was a perfect ending of the week. When I came forward, well, IAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskwas very relieved to fins everything OK. The AB had been the one screaming while running. He had been screaming for the OS to save the paint for him.
Of course, I had a word with them about bellowing and running, for EMERGENCY only.

A few minutes later we spotted a circle of what looked to be boiling water in the middle of theAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskocean. I ran to my cabin to get my camera and I continued to the bridge. Well, we passed too far awayYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfor me to get any pictures.

The day was pretty quick and it was soon 3 in the afternoon. Tea and a shower as we will watch safety videos after the coffee break. Well, and that is pretty much all for today.

Sunday 12 th of October 2014
and I had my alarm to go off at 9 o'clock. And I had double and tripple checked everything wise from previous experience. Well, today it was working just fine and I had time for a quick cuppa before going to my office. Tool box meeting and risk assessments with the crew before they could start removing the razor wire.

As soon as the boys were out on deck I made a risk assessment for our provison coming on board in the middle of the night. One step ahead and no need to do this when the stores arrives.

Monday 13 th of October 2014
and we were anchored off Fujairah when they called me just after 7 o'clock in the morning. Our relievers had come on board 5 thirty in the morning together with a Superintendent and our provision/ stores.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
2nd Engineer busy with important paper work in my office

But they were all sleeping when I got up. They started with the bunker and I kept myself busy with the ballast and the stores we had received early morning. Superintendent was up and about 10 o'clock and I spent most of the day with him. We were on deck checking out what needed to be done in the dry dock. I also had time to introduce Roy Maersk for our new Chief Officer.

Early morning turned in to evening in a jiff and I checked the internet for the latest news from Thailand. And just when I thought I have heard it all... They never disappoint...

Khaosod English - Thai Authorities To Promote 'Martial Law Tourism'

Tuesday 14 th of October 2014
and I spent most of the day with our new Chief Officer. Our Danish Engineer and our 2nd Engineer left us 6 o'clock in the evening together with our Superintendent. Now it looks like it will be dry dock after next discharging. But by then I will be enjoying myself on my African safari in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Botswana.

Wednesday 15 th of October 2014
and we were still anchored when I woke up quarter past 7. I continued the hand over to the new Chief Officer. We tested the ODME in the morning. We started with the loading computer after lunch when suddenly, they called and wanted us to come alongside. All plans were down the drain.

Well, maybe I can make it to Copenhagen for Friday afternoon. We had all fast just before 4 thirty in the afternoon and, well, I had expected us to start loading pretty quickly. Well, at 22:00 there were still no sign of them wanting to start the cargo transfer. Finally, @ 22:40 we started loading and I was in bed at midnight when we finished the line displacement.

Thursday 16 th of October 2014
and they called me just before 7, my rest hours turned red instantly. Red when I went to bed and red when I woke up. They were soon calling a second time and it didn't take long after that before my alarm went off at 7 fifteen. I went to get my alarmThai Airwaysand I stayed in bed until 8 o'clock snoozing in 3 minutes intervals.

Mess room was full of ship yard people when I came down in the mess room. I was surprised, two of them came on board at midnight and they had obviously been joined by yet another guy during the night. They are on board check the ship and to make a quotation for the jobs that will be done in the dry dock after next voyage.

Well, I will most likely fly to Copenhagen around oneThai Airwayso'clock Saturday morning. Most likely Lufthansa, but most important, Thai Airways from Copenhagen to Bangkok. So I'm happy with my ticket.

But we will see what happens. There can be many changes before Saturday.

And as it looks now we will completed loading early Saturday morning and I will have to spend a full day in Dubai, well, there are nicer places. OK,Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy MaerskLumiNoxmaybe I have the time to repair my military special forces LumiNox piece of crap for a wrist watch while waiting in Dubai. Always something to kill my time with while waiting for my flight.

The day was spent in the CCR with the on signing Chief Officer. We went through the last paper work and we ejected ballast tanks. Maximum draft in Mombasa 9,75m and we need to get as much ballast out of the ship as possible.

Last parcel of the first 3 parcels and IRoy Maersk in Fujairahhad expected us to be ready late afternoon. But they are stripping the shore tank and we can expect it to be ready very late evening. And from there 12 hours to go until completion.

And as I have not have much sleep I'm very tired and I can't wait to get to bed to get some sleep. As no surprise, it was way past midnight before I was back in my cabin again.

Now I hopeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI can get a full night’s sleep without any calls.

Friday 17 th of October 2014
and I had just felt asleep wen they called me around 5 o'clock in the morning. When they called yesterday I had head ache from lack of sleep. And today it was even worse and it took me quite some time before I found my phone so I could answer.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- The Agent will pick you up at the gate 07:00
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What??!!
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- You have to leave the ship 3 hours before we complete the loading
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy MaerskYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- I'm coming

Yesterday it was decided that they would pick up our 2nd Officer at 08:30 and our fitter was not allowed to leave until after departure. So I had expected to stay on board to assist our new Chief Officer until completion.

Our Cook made an Aladdin “special” omelette for me for breakfast. And I enjoyed my Aladdin “special” together with hot chocolate. I had signed off and all bets were off.

I enjoyed my breakfast when our off signing 2nd Officer came for breakfast. Our Cook asked him for help to get a picture together with me. And it took quite a few tries before he got it right andAladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maerskour Cook was happy.

They were about to be ready with the loading and our new Chief Officer came down in the CCR 20 minutes before 7 and we had a last chat before it was time for us to leave the ship. The car didn't came until quarter past 7 and that was even though I had reminded them a few times.

We had to go through the security and then we were off to the Agent's office. Next stop was at the Immigration and then the Custom where they scanned our luggage before we could leave for Dubai. Our 2nd Officer will go straight to the airport after they have left me at me hotel. 12 hours in Dubai before I fly to Copenhagen to getYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stscolded at the office. So hang on and click HERE for my next adventure.

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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