“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk

Monday 1 st of June 2015 and we're still anchored at Nouadhibou anchorage, 3 NM South East of Presque'ile du Cap Blanc, Peninsula de Cabo Blanco. Suddenly, after my watch and things got in motion. Maybe berthing tomorrow and our relievers were soon booked. Sampling was meant to have been done yesterday, but we received an e-mail that they would come today.

But so far, after lunch, no Surveyors or any news about the sampling. And for the third timeduring our stay at the anchorage we had the inbox fullYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stof signing on and off e-mails and flights. And at the end of the day it ended up to nothing, at least I could not see anything coming out of it.

The day turned in to afternoon and it was soon time for me to go to the bridge for my watch. Well, no more e-mails about sampling and flights. But it seems like we will only discharge a part of the cargo before returning to the anchorage awaiting more space in the shore tanks.

Tuesday 2 nd of June 2015
and we were still anchored when I came on the bridge at 4 o'clock in the morning. But a late night e-mail yesterday suggested that we would come alongside around 12Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersko'clock. So we started with the pre arrival tests and preparations after 8 o'clock.

The AB on my watch hosed down port side bridge wing. Full of sand and dust and the water turned black. The whole ship is covered inYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stdust and a good scrub is required after departure from here.

Our Pilot and a Trainee Pilot boarded us at 11 thirty and we were soon approaching Cap Blanc. A beautiful day, well, except for all the dust coming down from the ore terminal.
But it was not so bad as the wind wasn't all that strong. Plenty fishing boats, big bulk carriers and some other ships and Nouadhibou is a quite busy port. But nothing around but sand and I'm for sure happy I don't live here.

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk
Cap Blanc

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk
Approaching Cap Blanc

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk
Cap Blanc

Aladdin's adventure aboard M/T Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk
Loading ore in Nouadhibou

We had all fast at 13 thirty and we were soon having Loading Master and Surveyors on board. We were ready to discharge our cargo at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Now we only have to wait for the lab result from the samples before we can start discharging.

Wednesday 3 rd of June 2015
and I woke up just before 9 o'clock and I checked my e-mail the very first thing getting out of bed. Finally, my reliever had made it on board the flight. He had been on the way to the airport more times than I can remember now, just to have to return home because the paper work had not been OK.

But now he had managed to get on the flight, after much begging and a threat to comit suicide they had let him on board the flight. Not impressive, 2 weeks trying to get here and they had not managed to get his paperwork right. Well, now I hope I can get home. Spent about 30,000 USWith Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in NouadhibouDollars for the darn Polar adventure so I have been more than a little nervous.

Our Agent called and he confirmed 13:00 as the pick-up time for me going to town. We need mosquito repellent before we go to West Africa, area for the killer malaria. So I need to get this arranged before we leave. I spent the time until lunch with my handover for the new Chief Officer. And yes, I wasPolar Bear Questin a good mood. I would not have mind staying a few months extra but as I have the polar Bear Quest, and it is paid for, I want, no, I MUST go home. And there is only a few years left to get a chance to see Polar Bears hunting seals on the ice.

Our Cadets and I left the ship 10 minutes before 1 and it was a long walk ashore. The pier requires a 10 minutes’ walk to reach shore. Strong wind from the North as it have been every day since we left Bay of Biscay behind.

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
Ore terminal in Nouadhibou South of us and we can see the dust blowing

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
Ore terminal in Nouadhibou South of us and we can see the dust blowing

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
We reach the terminal

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
Our Cadets ready to get in to our Agent's car

Our Agent was waiting for us when we arrived. I had brought my loudspeaker for him as I had promised to give it to him if I was to sign off here. Still very uncertain when we came alongsideFunky music
yesterday. Well, anyway, FUNKY music blasting high in my office, impossible to foget my video “A funky day in my office”

Loading Master, Surveyor, Agent and the rest of my visitors threw themself over my loudspeaker.

I have a small speaker with a Micro SD card and it is excellent sound.

They were all wondering where the music came from. They had never seen any loudspeaker like that before. Well, I promised the Agent to give it to him if I was to sign off here. And it seems like I will, at least after reading the e-mail this morning that my reliever had managed to board the flight.

I gave the loudspeaker to the Agent and he was very happy. At first he was getting grumpy when he saw the Cadets with me.
- You said you were alone
- The Cadets are joining me

He had obviously only applied for a shore pass for me and the Cadets could run in to big problems (sent back to the ship) if they were caught at the gate without shore pass. But he started to beam ofWith Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhiboujoy whenYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthe got my boom box.

He was turning in to a ray of sunshine and we took off to the gate, no problems with the missing shore passes.

Well, no one was asking and we were soon driving through the Sahara desert.

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
Driving through Sahara

Sand and dust for as long as we could see. Well, suddenly we came to a traffic light. Only traffic light around our Agent/ Guide told us. There are no traffic lights in town and, well, no traffic lightsWith Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhiboufor thousands of miles that he knew of.

Well, the traffic light was exciting, but not so exciting that we wanted to stay around making an adventure out of the traffic light. So we continued towards Nouadhibou. Our Agent/ Guide was suddenly starting to fiddling about with his bag.

He told us that we were approaching a Police check point and cash could come in handy. He looked at the clock and he told us that the police were going for lunch any second. He slowed down and we could see two guys dressed in green going back to the road side house.
- Look, we're lucky

As soon as the police guys were inside the house he speeded up and we passed the place in a cloudWith Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibouof dust, literally!

We could soon see the water front of Nouadhibou and the bay was full of fishing vessels.

Many of them looked to be mothing more than wrecks. But that was also the impression the guy writing the blog at www.airliners.net He was flying over the bay approaching Nouadhibou from Nouakchott and heWith Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibouthought it was looking like a ship graveyard.

And as I have spent some premium dollars on Adobe Acrobat I downloaded the page as a pdf file and you can read it by clicking HERE It is a few years old but it is about the same today. Hell, maybe even the same fishing boats laying around like ghost ships. Well, I got a picture before we continued towards town.

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
The goo on the lens is kiwi dripping on my camera hanging around my neck eating on the bridge
Removed as soon as I discovered the goo, way too late

We left the road and we turned right towards the port. Our Agent were going to stop to arrange shore pass for our Cadets before we continued to DOWN TOWN Nouadhibou. We were waiting in his car and we observed that every second car we saw was a Mercedes, old models and new models. But they had one thing in common, it was duct tape and rope that hold them together.

Our Cadets got their shore passes and we continued to the city centre, well, it was nothing but a dust road. No shopping malls or Family Mart. I had not been thinking about Pepsi Max, and if I would have had Pepsi Max on my mind I would for sure have given up that idea by now.

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
We stop to buy SIM card in DOWN TOWN Nouadhibou

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
We stop to buy SIM card in DOWN TOWN Nouadhibou

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
We stop to buy SIM card in DOWN TOWN Nouadhibou

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
I go look for Aspirin

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
DOWN TOWN Nouadhibou

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou

First stop after having got the shore passes was at a street vendor to buy a SIM card for the Charterer's representative that joined us yesterday. He will stay on board during discharging andWith Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibouhe needed an internet top up for his phone.

Next stop was to look for mosquito repellent and glue paper for flies. Since arriving to the anchorage we have millions ofYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stflies on board. And there are even more flies here in Nouadhibou so I doubt that we will find any glue paper here. But it is worth a try. But one thing is for sure, fine dining is not available here. The Charterer'sWith Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibourepresentative stay in a hotel and he was very happy when we came alongside. He will stay on board.

There are no food available ashore, at least no food that he likes to eat.

We were around at a few different Pharmacies but no one had 20 bottles of mosquito repellent on hand. We saw razor wire around the Spanish consulate and our Agent/ Guide asked if this was the kind of razor wire we would like to have. He told me that he would go to ask if someone if they knewWith Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibouwhere to buy the razor wire.

I was surprised to see a Supermarket and I went inside.With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in NouadhibouThey had a bottle of Diet Pepsi and a bottle of Pepsi Max and I bought both of them.

We took off to the hardware shop to see if they had any razor wire. And they didn't had any so our Agent told me that he would contact their office in Nouakchott. If they found any razor wire they could send it to us by the bus.

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
Building a house in Nouadhibou

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
We're back in DOWN TOWN Nouadhibou to look for fly paper and mosquito repellent

Well, we had made some progress with what we had come ashore to do. They will most likely be able to send razor wire from Nouakchott. Now we need mosquito repellent and the fly papers. Our Agent/ Guide were talking about a Chinese. And we went to his shop. This was what I call aWith Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in NouadhibouBazaar, you know the kind of shop where nothing cost more than 50¢ and everything is made out of plastic.

So this is not a place to buy a toaster. They had many kitchen appliances on display, but for sure nothing I would have bought.

Rice cooker, 50¢, the house would have burnt down to the ground before the rice would have been ready.

And we were close to burn down the darn Bazaar. Our Agent/ Guide had asked us if it was OK for him to smoke. It was no problem, but he didn't had any lighter. He asked the Chinese running the Bazaar if he had any lighters. The Chinese pointed to a shelf and our Agent/ Guide grabbed aWith Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhiboulighter. Of course, I tried the lighter and itwent in to thousand pieces and we were close to an explosion.

Chinese Bazaar, everything made in China. Cheap shit and, yeah, you get the picture. Nothing you want to have in your home. And cheap can turn out to be very expensive and then it is not so cheap anymore and the “Made in and country with laws against pollution and labour abuse” turns out to be much much cheaper. That is really the way you want to go when shopping.


(Arabic: موريتانيا‎ Mūrītānyā; Berber: Muritanya or Agawej; Wolof: Gànnaar; Soninke: Murutaane; Pulaar: Moritani), officially the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, is a country in the Maghreb region of western North Africa. It is the eleventh largest country in Africa, and is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, by Moroccan-controlled Western Sahara in the north, by Algeria in the northeast, by Mali in the east and southeast, and by Senegal in the southwest.


The country derives its name from the ancient Berber Kingdom of Mauretania, which existed from the 3rd century BC to the 7th century AD, in the far north of modern-day Morocco. Approximately 90% of Mauritania's land is within the Sahara Desert and consequently the population is concentrated in the south, where precipitation is slightly higher than the rest of the country.

The capital and largest city of Mauritania is Nouakchott, located on the Atlantic coast, which is home to around one-third of the country's 3.5 million people. The government of Mauritania was overthrown on 6 August 2008, in a military coup d'état led by General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz. On 16 April 2009, General Aziz resigned from the military to run for president in the 19 July elections, which he won.

About 20% of Mauritanians live on less than US$1.25 per day. Slavery in Mauritania has been called a major human rights issue, with roughly 4% (155,600 people) of the country's population – proportionally the highest for any country – being enslaved against their will, especially enemies of the government. Additional human rights concerns in Mauritania include female genital mutilation and child labour.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I found some glue paper in the Bazaar and I bought 2 packs and we left. Back on the street and we decided to go have a look for some mosquito repellent. There was a Supermarket across theWith Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhiboustreet and we were just about to cross the street when I spottedYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sta donkey on the road side. A photo opportunity?

The darn donkey refused to stay next to me, he always turned his ass to me and an excellent photo opportunity was down the drain.

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
The donkey refuse to be on the picture

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
The donkey refuse to be on the picture

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
Come here you little...

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
What the duck...

We went to a few different Pharmacies and we picked up 20 bottles of mosquito repellent at three different places. About 220 US Dollars. Our Agent had to go get more cash at the second place and e returned with a plastic bag with cash. About 20 US per bottle, very expensive, but comingWith Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibouto West Africa without mosquito repellent is NO OPTION!

We were back in the car and our Agent/ Guide asked what we wanted to do. Well, going back to the ship was the best option. He asked if we wanted to eat. Well, for sure, we had not seen any hints of fine dining in the area.

He had told me about a Spanish restaurant when he came on board yesterday when I interrogated him about 5 star hotels and restaurants. He told me about the Spanish restaurant while the Charterer's representative was shaking his head.

Anyway, I asked our Cadets, we looked around and we decided that we could wait with the food. We told our Agent/ Guide that we just had had lunch on board. So we decided to drive back to the ship. I asked about the border to Moroccan-controlled Western Sahara.
- We can go have a look? Should be just around the corner?

We took off and we passed something that looked like a shanty town on the way.

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
We get the full tour going back to the ship

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
We get the full tour going back to the ship

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
We get the full tour going back to the ship

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
We get the full tour going back to the ship

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
We get the full tour going back to the ship

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
Out there somewhere in the Sahara desert is the invisible border to Western Sahara

We drove along the rail track and our Agent/ Guide pointed to the track. Just beyound the track and there was the border to Moroccan-controlled Western Sahara. OK, now we had seen theWith Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in NouadhibouMoroccan-controlled Western Sahara and we continued towards the ship.

The track is used for train bringing minerals (ore) and they ship it from here on the big bulk carriers we saw on the anchorage.

When we left for the city our Agent/ Guide told us that we just missed one train arriving with ore. The longest train in the world according to our Agent/ Guide. 120 to 130 wagons loaded with ore. I made a quick calculation in my head. 15 meters long and the train would be about 2km long. The longest train in the world? Maybe, but imagine the engine to pull all that ore!

According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, it is not the longest train in the world. But it is on the list and there was a picture of the Mauritanian ore train so it was not bad.

Longest trains

The length of a train, including the longest trains, may be measured in number of wagons (for bulk loads such as coal and iron ore) or in metres for general freight. Train lengths and loads on electrified railways, especially lower voltage 3000 V DC and 1500 V DC, are limited by traction power considerations. Drawgear and couplings can be a limiting factor, tied in with curves, gradients and crossing loop lengths.

Conventional freight trains can average nearly 2,000 metres. Freight trains with a total length of three or four times that average are possible with the advent of distributed power units, or additional locomotive engines between or behind long chains of freight cars (referred to as a "consist").

These distributed power units enable much longer, heavier loads without the increased risks of derailing that stem from the stress of pulling very long chains of train-cars around curves.


Rio Tinto—29,500 tonnes of iron ore—2.4 km, three locomotives
BHP Billiton iron ore typically 336 cars, 44,500 tonnes of iron ore, over 3 km long, six to eight locomotives including intermediate remote unit

The record-breaking ore train from the same company, 683 cars and 7,350 m long, once carried 82,000 metric tons of ore for a total weight of the train, largest in the world, of 99735 tonnes. It was driven by eight locomotives distributed along its length to kep the couplings loads and curve performance controllable.
Leigh Creek coal - 161 wagons and 2 locomotives.
Cane tramway - 75 wagons

Carajás Railway gauge iron ore typically 330-car trains, each 3 km long.

Daqin Railway coal trains—20,000 t, 3.2 km, 210 wagons
Mauritanian ore train
Mauritania—3 km—iron ore from Zouérat—trains lurch violently when accelerating or braking

Indonesia (proposed)
Muara Wahau coal to Bengalon port — 2196 m

The longest train there was recorded in 1986, carrying Kuzbass coal in 439 cars, for the train length of 6500 meters and total weight of 43,500 tonnes.

South Africa
Sishen–Saldanha railway line ore trains — 4100 m

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I asked about Camels and we were told that they had Camels and they used them pretty the same we use cattle in Europe, for milk and meat. But there was no signs of any Camels. Were we disappointed, I don't know, but Sahara makes me think of Camels and Bedouins. I don't know if it was my training from the African Safari. But we drove along and suddenly I spotted Camels. IWith Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibouasked our Agent/ Guide to stop.

We got out of the car, but we were soon back in again. A few quick pictures was enough, it was like being grit blasted.

Strong wind and the sand blowing all over us and it was quiteYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stpainful and I was happy that I was wearing glasses. We were soon on our way again. We passed the Police Check-point and we were soon reaching the only traffic light (in Mauritania?)

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
Well, Camels in Sahara. But where are the Bedouins?

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
Passing the police check-point again

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
The only traffic light (in Mauritania?)

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
Pass på!

Our Agent/ Guide slowed down approaching the traffic light. When we reached the intersection he turned left. He wanted us to show the village, or a suburb called Cansado. Owned by the mineral company and their workers are living there.
- You really are giving us the full tour, I said

He was so happy about the loudspeaker he said and this was just a pleasure to show us around.With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in NouadhibouExcellent for us and we could discover the area from the comfort in our Agent/ Guide's car.

He told me that this was the nicest town in the area. There were trees and he told me that we never saw any trees in Nouadhibou. Well, it was nicer than Nouadhibou. But I was pretty happy that I live in Bangkok. Saturday night in Nouadhibou. What to do? Well, I guess

is a coastal town in north-western Mauritania on the Ras Nouadhibou peninsula. It is located in the Nouadhibou Department in the Dakhlet Nouadhibou region.

It was built from scratch in the early 1960s for the staff administering the port and railhead for the iron ore mining company MIFERMA (Societe Anonyme des Mines de Fer de Mauritanie) as part of their iron mine development project at Zouérate.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
there is a reason for hashish is popular. As I told Charterer’s representative when I was back on board with his SIM card.
I would have smoked myselfYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stretarded living here!

Took us 2 minutes to drive through the town, and we didn't drive fast. When we came out on the other side we saw the sea and the jetty where Romø Mærsk was discharging. Of course, we stopped to take a picture.

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
Back at the gate to the jetty

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
Almost home again

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
Back on the jetty and our adventure in Nouadhibou have come to an end


(Arabic: نواذيبو‎; formerly Port-Étienne) is the second largest city in Mauritania and serves as a major commercial centre. The city itself has about 118,000 inhabitants expanding to over 140,000 in the larger metropolitan area. It is situated on a 65-kilometre peninsula or headland called Ras Nouadhibou, Cap Blanc, or Cabo Blanco, of which the western side, with the city of La Güera, is part of Western Sahara. Nouadhibou is consequently located merely a couple of kilometers from the border between Mauritania and Western Sahara.

The city is divided into four major areas: the city centre, including the airport; Numerowatt to the north; Cansado, the main residential area, to the south; and a dormitory town for Port Minéralier in the far south, from which iron ore mined in Zouerat is exported.

Attractions in Nouadibou include the Table Remarquable, several markets, a ships' graveyard and Mediterranean monk seals. The port of Nouadhibou is the final resting place of over 300 ships and hence the world’s largest ship graveyard. Unlike the arrival en masse of ships at Mallows Bay, here the number of craft has built up over time, as corrupt officials accepted bribes from boat owners to allow them to dump their vessels in the area.

The major economic activity is fishing; however, the largest industry is processing iron ore that is transported by train from the interior mining towns of Zouérat and Fdérik.

On 30 June 1973, at the time of the second-longest solar eclipse in the 20th century, an Aerobee rocket was launched at Nouadhibou for solar research.

From February 2006 onwards Nouadhibou has become the departure point for African migrants trying to reach the Canary Islands. This extremely dangerous route to reach the European Union has become popular as a result of increased emigration controls along the Moroccan coast and around the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in the second half of 2005.

The city is reputedly also a centre of trading of meteorites found in the Sahara.

You just know that you have been on an adventure when “PAVED ROADS” are mentioned as a way of getting there!


Paved roads
Nouadhibou is linked with the Coastal Motorway RN2 to the capital Nouakchott (a distance of 450 km) and by highway to the Moroccan border in the north (a distance of 70 km).

Nouadhibou also is connected by railway to the iron mines in Zouérat, 670 km to the east. The freight trains can be as long as 3 km, reputedly the longest in the world. The railway also carries passengers and calls at Choum.

The city is served by Nouadhibou Airport.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was nice to be back on board again. I opened some of our new fly glue paper trap and I placed three of them in the CCR. But now there wasn't many flies around. One fly landed next to the gluepaper and he could not fly again when I tried to get him on the paper. Made in China! I got scared.

Yes, madi in China and I realised that there could be anything in the glue. the fly was half dead just by landing next to the glue. If they put poison in baby milk, what do they put in the glue? I warned the guys and told them to wash their hands carefully if they by accident had touched the glue.

Maybe we're all waking up dead tomorrow? I would not be surprised, finally time to go home for my Polar Bear Quest and I will die.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stHopefully the poison won't kick in until I'm back home from my Northern adventure. Well, maybe I should be more concerned aboutWith Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibouthe Pepsi Max! Anyway, I went to look for my wine glass as I was delirious with anticipation to try my Mauritanian Pepsi.

I was not very lucky in finding a wine glass. I knew that we had at least one wine glass after having enjoyed my sodas I bought in Go:teborg. But I was lucky, our Mess Man came in to the mess room and I asked him if he had seen the wine glass. And he was quick to help

He was soon finding my wine glass, well, first he brought he shoot glass I had used in my office. This was not good enough and he dived in to the cupboard again. He was soon holding aWith Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhiboureal wine glass in his hand.

I was very happy and I grabbedYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe wine glass and I said THANK YOU and I dashedYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stoff to my cabin with my wine glass and 4 litres of Pepsi.

I poured a glass first thing and then I checked my e-mail and I had my flight details. I knew that Turkish Airline didn't had any flight tomorrow. And that business class was full next available flight.

But I had asked Captain to book me on ThaiThai AirwaysAirways and that is as good. But of course, no baklava. I will fly with Air France to Paris and from there with Thai Airways to Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi. I sent an e-mail to Thai Airways to see if I could upgrade the Paris to Suvanabhumi leg to biz.

Passengers(s) :


Thursday 04 Jun 2015 AF 727

    Air France
    22:40 Nouakchott - Nouakchott Arpt
    05:40 Next Day Paris - Charles De Gaulle Intl Arpt Terminal 2E
    Confirmed Economy Class
    5 hours
    Seating to be allocated at check-in
    Airbus Industrie A330

Friday 05 Jun 2015 TG 931

    Thai Airways Int
    13:40 Paris - Charles De Gaulle Intl Arpt Terminal 1
    05:55 Next Day Bangkok - Bangkok Intl Arpt
    Confirmed Economy Class
    11 hours 15 minutes
    Seating to be allocated at check-in

Thursday 4 th of June 2015
and it was only the excitement of going home that got me out of bed when my alarm went off at 7 thirty. I felt asleep 4 this morning, yeah, I know, stupid to drink 2 litre of Pepsi Max just before going to bed.

And that didn't stop me from rip the last bottle open first thing when my alarm went off. It is for sure not tasting as good as the Swedish Pepsi, but it is kind of OK I think.

Our relievers will leave Nouakchott at 12 arriving Nouadhibou 45 minutes later. We expect them to come on board around 2 o'clock. Our Chief Engineer and I will leave around 4 o'clock. Flight leavingWith Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in NouadhibouNouadhibou @ 19:30 and we willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully have enough time to catch the Air France flight from Nouakchott.

I spent the morning to complete the handover notes and after lunch I packed my bag and I was ready to leave. We had expected our relievers to be on board around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I went up onWith Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibouthe bridge to see if I could see them.

Chief Engineer and Captain was on the bridge looking for them as well and we waited on the bridge while talking about the good ol' days.

It was around 2 thirty in the afternoon when we could see them coming down the jetty.

And as it is a very long jetty it took them quite a while to reach the ship. As soon as they were on board we left the bridge and our new Chief Officer was soon stepping in to my cabin.

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
The arrive to the ship

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
The arrive to the ship

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
Climbing the gangway

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou
And they are on board

We had a quick handover as we were going to the airport with the same car that had brought them to the ship. We had time to discuss the handover notes and we went to check out the hospital. WeWith Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibouwere soon back in the CCR to check out a few things before our Chief Engineer and I left the ship.

Our driver was soon joining us and he wanted to have a picture. He started to nag about pictures as soon as I meet him in the duty mess. Well, who am I to say no?

We left the ship around 4 o'clock and we were looking forward to the walk up the jetty in the strong wind. Well, we were happy to leave the ship and we were gladly taking the walk up the jetty.

With Romø Mærsk/ Romoe Maersk in Nouadhibou

Well, this is pretty much it from Romø Mærsk. But hold on! Next adventure is just about to begin so just click HERE for some “going home” action. I will have to take three flights before I'm back home so there are always a chance to run in to some excitements.

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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