OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

M/T Roy Mærsk

Sunday 1 st of May 2016 and we're steaming north towards Si Racha, ศรีราชา and Thailand. Arriving on Wednesday but we will not start discharging until Thursday according to the latest news.

Monday 2 nd of May 2016
and today it is time for the inspection of the last ballast tank. It will be nice to put this behind us. But first we will have to have our tool box meeting, and of course, the “Good morning PEP” gymnastics. And today it was one of our Painters leading the TEAM.

M/T Roy Mærsk

M/T Roy Mærsk
“Puh hvor er jeg træt”

We completed the tank inspection just in time for the crew to go for their coffee break. I wentM/T Roy Mærskfor a shower before I got started with the ballast tank inspection reports.

I like day s like this, OK, I would not have minded doing something else instead of going down the ballast tank. But time is passing quickly. Inspection reports and after lunch I will start with the discharge plan.

After the coffee break in the afternoon we will have a safety meeting and then I will start to plan for the drills tomorrow morning. I had time for a very quick cuppa with the Chief Engineer before we kicked off the safety meeting in the duty mess.

Always something about the good ol' days to talk about when you enjoy a cup of tea. We were soon joined by the other safety committee members and weYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.ststarted the meeting.

I was in my cabin for a quick cuppa before dinner and we can put yet another day behind us. Captain and I was working to get our e-cigarette order confirmed and we will have our equipment delivered to our Agent in Bangkok tomorrow.

Tuesday 3 rd of May 2016
and today is the day we will have our drills. Fire drill, Oil Spill, MOB and some security stuff, and more on top of that. But we will of course start the day with our good morning gymnastic. And today it was one of the ABs leading the exercises.

M/T Roy Mærsk

M/T Roy Mærsk

M/T Roy Mærsk

I prepared paper work for our drills and I had some arrival condition report and the last paper work for the discharging to do. There were plenty to do so time turned quickly and it was soon time for our drills.

We started with fire in the engine room and then we moved on to oil spill and enclosed space rescue. Oil spill in the pump room so this was going together with the rescue from enclosed space.

Man over board and a recovery from sea and a bomb threat exercise before we went for the life boat muster. And we completed the drills with a demonstration of the EEBD (Emergency Escape Breathing Device) on the bridge. And yes, it was soon time for lunch.

M/T Roy Mærsk
Unconscious person exercise

M/T Roy Mærsk

We got our next voyage confirmed, MINIMUM 29,000 Ton HFO from Singapore area to Hong Gai in Vietnam. So it will be tank cleaning when we leave Thailand. A wee bit of excitements to look forward to. Good, we will be busy and time will pass quickly.

Wednesday 4 th of May 2016
and we kicked off the day with the good morning gymnastics. But today I added a 2 minutes “disco dance” warm up before the good morning gymnastics. And today,Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.styes, I took charge of the session. And when we leave Thailand I will start the with the “LEADER” roster again. Makes wonders for our TEAM building.

And they don't seem to bother for some good morning dance, at least as long as the music is good. And the music is usually good in my office, at least when I'm there.

We dropped anchor at 14 thirty and latest news is that the Pilot will board us at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. They expect us to be ready late tomorrow night

Thursday 5 th of May 2016
and they called me 20 minutes after 6 or something like that. I had a shower and we were approaching the jetty when I came on the bridge with a soda water in myM/T Roy Mærsk in Si Racha, ศรีราชา, Thailandhand. No time for tea this morning.

Loading master had come on board with the Pilot 15 minutes past 6 o'clock in the morning. So we went down in the CCR when we had all fast at jetty #4 in Si Racha, ศรีราชา. The jetty is a, what we call an island. So a boat is required if we want to go ashore.

I gave 1000 Baht to our 3rd Officer as he is going ashore with our 2 Engineer, a few Diet MAX can come in handy. So now we will seeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwhat they can come up with while ashore.

The off signers and the crew going for shore leave left us after lunch and I hope they have something nice to bring back to the ship. Discharging, they have told us that we will start at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, so that means that we are looking forward to a full night.

We started to discharge our crude oil at 14:48 and it looks like we will be ready very early morning. So I'm better off trying to get some sleep as it will be a long night

M/T Roy Mærsk in Si Racha, ศรีราชา, Thailand
3rd Officer come to relieve our new 2nd Officer in the CCR

M/T Roy Mærsk in Si Racha, ศรีราชา, Thailand
3rd Officer come to relieve our new 2nd Officer in the CCR

M/T Roy Mærsk in Si Racha, ศรีราชา, Thailand
3rd Officer come to relieve our new 2nd Officer in the CCR

M/T Roy Mærsk in Si Racha, ศรีราชา, Thailand
3rd Officer come to relieve our new 2nd Officer in the CCR

I left around 4 o'clock. Our 3rd Officer relieved our new 2nd Officer in the CCR. We got a new 2nd Officer, Captain, AB and 3rd Engineer when we arrived to Si Racha, ศรีราชา. And the off signers left us after lunch together with some of the crew going ashore for some shopping.

Friday 6 th of May 2016
and I woke up just before 1 o'clock in the morning, after 6 or so hours of sleep. I was lucky to manage to fall asleep after dinner yesterday and now I'm ready to take on whatever they throw at me during the night.

We completed discharging at 02:48 and we left just before 5 o'clock in the morning. It was a beautiful morning and we started to prepare for the tank cleaning as soon as the Pilot had left us.

M/T Roy Mærsk in Si Racha, ศรีราชา, Thailand
Leaving Si Racha, ศรีราชา and Laem Chabang behind

M/T Roy Mærsk in Si Racha, ศรีราชา, Thailand
Leaving Si Racha, ศรีราชา and Laem Chabang behind

We started the tank cleaning at 06:40 and I had spent quite some time looking for my diet MAX. At first I thought that he had not bought any. But then I heard that he had brought backM/T Roy Mærsk in Si Racha, ศรีราชา, Thailand“plenty” and that he most likely kept them in the cabin.

He is coming on watch at 8 o'clock and I called him 25 minutes past 7 to remind him about his breakfast
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- And please bring the drinks to the CCR
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- I will do that
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- And on the motherfoocking double!
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Ay Ay A** ****

He came down and I ripped open a can and I was instantly happy that he had not found diet drinks for the full amount of 1000 Baht. Tea is better, but I had, well,hmm, several cans during the tank cleaning. I willM/T Roy Mærsk in Si Racha, ศรีราชา, Thailandtry to finish them as soon as possible and then I will not bother buying any more for the rest of my life.

We expect 10 hours of tank cleaning and then we will blow the lines and strip the cargo tanks tomorrow morning. We finished 20 minutes before 5 in the afternoon and it was almost 5 o'clock when I left the CCR. Dead tired as I have been up since 1 o'clock this very morning.

A shower and dinner and I will try to stay awake until 9 o'clock. Earlier to bed and I will wake up in the middle of the night again. So I will force myself to stay awake for a few hours enjoying a club soda.

Saturday 7 th of May 2016
and we started the day with good morning gymnastics, new crew members so we had 2 new participants today. One new AB and Captain. Tool box meeting and twoM/T Roy Mærskwork aloft permits.

And of course, our new AB had to do a safety harness exercise before I sent them to the life boat davit.

It seems to be a stupid exercise, same as with the “closing the door” and lift the empty paper box etc. trainings we have in the mornings. But just to talk about things is pretty useless, here we have to do what we're talking about and they won't forget it.

We started to blow and drain our cargo lines and I offered a dietFock Christmas MAX to our 3rd Officer and suddenly, a dull Saturday turned in to a festive moment. It was almost like it was Christmas, just as we're used to from Swedish ships.

M/T Roy Mærsk

M/T Roy Mærsk
Aladdin Spy Cam Action©

M/T Roy Mærsk
Aladdin Spy Cam Action©

We did a enclosed space entry permit after lunch and then I tested our ODME before 3 o'clock when it was time for safety and security videos with the crew.

Sunday 8 th of May 2016
and we will try to discharge our slop water through the ODME during the afternoon. ODME= Oil Discharge Monitor Equipment. So we started to prepare deck, check lists, risk assessments and pre ODME meeting before lunch.

We started to discharge the slop water after lunch and we completed at 18 thirty after having discharged about 360m3 of water from our slop tank. Tomorrow and we will transfer the remaining water and oil to the residual tank and a quick blast with the tank cleaning machine and we're ready to load FO in all our cargo tanks.

Monday 9 th of May 2016
and we started the day with the good morning gymnastics. Well, I checked so all of them had all of their fingers and eyes first of all. I was happy to discover thatM/T Roy Mærskthe crew had not lost anything since the last tool box meeting.

We kicked off the gymnastics and as soon as we were ready we started with the tool box

I started by asking 4 of them to bring a chair to the laundry room one deck below. I told them to do the job mentally before anything else.
- You have 20 seconds

20 seconds later and I asked them about the difficult part of the way to the laundry room. All 4 of them had came up with the same things.
• Walking in the stairs
• Passing through narrow doors
• Thresholds

I asked them to have a quick “TAKE FIVE” before they took off with the chair. A take five is when they stop and think about difficulties and dangers before starting a job. They went through the job verbally and they were soon on the way to the laundry room with my chair.

I followed them to see how they managed and I noticed the “team spirit” while they did the job. They reached the stairs and they stopped to discuss the difficulties ahead one more time. AlwaysM/T Roy Mærskstop and reflex over the situation and make a plan for the next step before throwing yourself out from a steep. In Skåne we call it the “One step ahead” technique

They were half way to the laundry room when I asked them to stop the drill. They had done a good job and we returned to my office. We do small drills like this every day and this have a far better effect than just to sit and talk about safety around a table. I tell them every morning that the most important on board is to get home in the same good condition as when theyM/T Roy Mærskjoined the ship.

We sent the crew on deck and I started a tank cleaning plan for me and Pump Man and at 11 o'clock we started to transfer the tank cleaning water from the slop tank to the residual tank.

15 minutes of tank cleaning and we have 98m3 to discharge to the slop barge in Singapore tomorrow.

Will be a busy day tomorrow with bunker, provision, new life rafts and to discharge our slop water.

Tuesday 10 th of May 2016
and we were anchored in Singapore when I came down to my office. No time for good morning gymnastics, but we held a tool box meeting. Divers came on board not long after for inspection of the hull.

When the divers were ready the bunker barge arrived. Provision and stores should be delivered with a barge at 13:00 but they didn't arrived until 14:00. Slop barge was waiting and as soon as the bunker barge left we had the slop barge alongside. It was 18 thirty before I could return to my cabin and a nice cup of tea. Yet another very busy day we can put behind us.

Wednesday 11 th of May 2016
and as they were going to do a crank case inspection in the engine room I had to go down to measure gas before our 2nd Engineer could enter the main engine for the inspection. And of course, I was there to document everything.

Lucky for you or you would never had been able to see the below action pictures form the engine room on board m/t Roy Mærsk. And we can also see that it is a big engine.

Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk
2nd Engineer in the crank case

Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk
On the way back up again

Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Back out from the main engine

Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk
And back in to the main engine again

Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Inspecting the crank case

Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk
Coming out again

Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk

Crank case inspection on board M/T Roy Mærsk

I was back in the CCR and there was a new cargo calculation. After Vietnam and they are looking for a voyage from Thailand to Singapore. This can be good, if I sign off in Singapore. It will be too early to sign off in Thailand. This is regarding my Australian adventure.

But I have a back-up plan, I can cut the south of Australia and just take the North this time. And of course Sydney as it is the season for the big humpback whales.

Map of Australia
Full size map, click HERE

Yes, I have made up some nice plans, so I really hope I don't need to cancel anything. But if I need to cut anything I will cut everything SW of Sydney and I will come back in October.

And I have sorted out my e-cigarette concerns thanks to a company I e-mailed in Cairns. A few question marks were straightened and I'm ready to take off.

Its very unlikely anything will happen. Ecig hardware is perfectly legal in Queensland. Nicotine is the only thing that is banned but not enforced. Just remove any nic mg labeling from the bottles and just say its 0 nic if questioned.
You should be fine. Enjoy your holiday.
A helpful person in Australia

On 11 May 2016 8:11 PM, "Aladdin" wrote:

Thank you very much

I will fill my e-cigs to the brim and I will bring 200ml on top of that. Plus a few bottles in my pockets, if they bring me in for a full body search I will be ducked anyway. Should hopefully last me for a month

Best regards

From: A helpful person in Australia [mailto: name changed to protect the innocent]
Sent: 11 May 2016 16:34
To: Aladdin
Subject: RE: Liquid

You should be fine bringing 100-200ml with you in your checked baggage. Importation is kind of a grey area at the moment but everything gets through customs in the end.

On 11 May 2016 7:07 PM, "Aladdin" wrote:
Thanks A helpful person in Australia, appreciated

Is it any problem to fly in with it in the luggage? If you can import it should be possible to bring it on the plane?

Cheers, appreciate your answer

-----Original Message-----
From: A helpful person in Australia [mailto:name changed to protect the innocent]
Sent: 11 May 2016 13:05
To: aladdin@aladdin.st
Subject: Re: Liquid

Hi Aladdin,

Unfortanately, we cannot sell liquid with nicotine in it, in Australia due to the laws. Most people either import premixed juice or nicotine base and mix themselves using concentrates and doublers like I have on the website.

Id suggest bringing plenty with you or order some and have it shipped to you somewhere on your journey.

Your welcome to use my address if you want stuff shipped to Cairns.

A helpful person in Australia

------ Original Message ------ From: "Aladdin"
To: name changed to protect the innocent
Sent: 4/05/2016 1:48:58 AM
Subject: Liquid

>From: Aladdin
>Subject: Liquid
>Message Body:
>Dear Madame/ Sir
>I'm coming to Australia in July, first stop in Cairns. I will then need
>to fill up my bag with e-juice. But I don't understand your juices. I
>use 6mg LOW nicotine now and I cannot see if you have any available.
>Do you have a shop or do I need to buy online for delivery to my hotel?
>I will stay for 3 days in Cairns before moving on
>Best regards
>This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Vapersphere

And when I was back in my cabin I discovered that Thailand was yet again in the international press, and not for any reason you might want to be known for. Anyway, I think you understand that I'm only flying Thai Airways when absolutely necessary.

University student strip searched in public for
protesting against corruption: Thailand

World Today

Thursday 12 th of May 2016
and we were still anchored when we kicked off the good morning gymnastics. We will start to heave up the anchor around 1 o'clock in the afternoon to be at the pilot station at 23:30. By then we will have done the pre arrival checks and tests of our cargo equipment. And my last bottle of diet MAX will be almost empty.

Friday 13 th of May 2016
and the Pilot came on board almost 2 hours late and it was almost three thirty in the morning before we had all fast at ATB Terminal, jetty 2 in Tanjung Bin, Malaysia

Our 3rd officer and I kept our self busy while waiting for them to be ready to start the loading. Tank inspection and paper work didn't took long, but it was close to 7 before we could start loading. And by that time I had been awake for 24 hours.

M/T Roy Mærsk in Tanjung Bin, Malaysia
Early morning action

M/T Roy Mærsk in Tanjung Bin, Malaysia
Early morning action

M/T Roy Mærsk in Tanjung Bin, Malaysia
Early morning action

It was almost 11 thirty when I was in bed and I woke up at 4 thirty in the afternoon. I had time to enjoy a cup of tea before dinner and after dinner I spent the rest of the evening in the CCR and on deck to check drafts. We completed loading at 22:36 with a maximum draft of 10.85m aft and 10.75m forward and we will arrive to Vietnam with about 10.85m draft even keel. Water density will be about 1.015 in Vietnam.

Saturday 14 th of May 2016
and, well, Pilot should be here at 2, later on (02:58) we were informed that the pilot would come at 3 o'clock. Well, it was much much closer to 4 than to 3 o'clock when he finally came on board and I was not back in my cabin until 4 thirty.

Sunday 15 th of May 2016
and I spent most of the day in my cabin watching “My name is Earl”

We have news that we won’t come alongside in Vietnam until Friday. So we will have to wait at the anchorage for a day or two before we can come in on the high water. But we will for sure findthings to do to kill the time while waiting.

Monday tomorrow so we will kick of the day and the new week with some goodYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stmorning gymnastics, a few days since the last gymnastic session. So this is for sure something we're looking forward to. Anyway, time to split the month of May in to a second part and just by clicking HERE you will be there in a jiff.


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