OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rosa Maersk
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rosa Maersk
M/T Rosa Maersk
From http://maritime-connector.com

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rosa Maersk

Saturday 8 th of July 2017 and I had time for a last session of Thai boxing with ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, The Red Devil at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym. I was late as I had to book AOT limousine and the ticket. Thai Airways flight TG 920 to Frankfurt, the biz is full so I will have to sit in the back. Nothing I look forward to,

Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym
Kicking arse at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym
Kicking arse at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

Thinking about the seats might have been a PEP at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym hoping to get from 2,8 to 2,79 meter between the back pockets. Of course, I don't think it helped with a cubic ton ofDinner in Bangkokchocolate mousse yesterday evening.

A huge setback for my diet.

Well, today it was fruit all day long to finish my fruit. I bought a cubic ton of fresh fruit yesterday and when I came home the called andThai fruitasked if I could go. Well, I gave the fruit to my friend so now he have fruit for a few days.

AOT will be here to pick me up at 8 o'clock, and they usually come early so I bring down my garbage at 7 thirty to see if they are here waiting, then I can take off to the airport.

And yes, the car was there and I went back to get my bag. I stepped out of the taxi at Suvarnabhumi quarter past 8 and I was in the lounge 30 minutes later.

And as I was hungry I threw myself over the food, nothing much to be impressed by. But there was some spinach quiche or whatever they call it. Nothing to get impressed by, but where are their spring rolls with the sweet chilli sauce? I had to get out again and now they had brought out the chilli sauce and spring rolls.

Immigration at Suvarnabhumi International
Not many people in the immigration

I was so full I felt ill when I finished the food, this was good. The sweet chilli sauce must be one of the best chilli sauces I have had. So I might go for another “refill” but I have to wait awhile so there is a change of waiting passengers in the lounge. If they see me again they might think there is something wrong with me.

Anyway, I think Thai Airways celebrated 57 years not long ago, and still not learned how long time it takes to prepare a plane. Never boarding in time, amazing. But never mind. I wa svery happy that the seat next to me was empty.

Coming on board and I was soon discovering that I had forgot my camera in the lounge. Well, guess we have to live with the mobile phone camera until I have bought a new camera. Or until I'm back at Suvarnabhumi to collect my camera.

Thai Airways flight TG 920 to Frankfurt
This is the kind of quality we can expect until I have bought a new camera

Thai Airways flight TG 920 to Frankfurt
This is the kind of quality we can expect until I have bought a new camera

Thai Airways flight TG 920 to Frankfurt
12 hours, BRING IT ON!

Sunday 9 th of July 2017
and yes, departure was delayed, but this was not a surprise and we were soon airborne. They asked what kind of food I wanted to eat. I told them that I just wanted a bottle of water and that I was going to try to sleep. I poppedPopping pillsone and a half sleeping pill. I pulled the blanket over my head and I woke up at 3 o'clock German time.

That is 8 o'clock Thai time and I had about 7 hours of sleep, not bad for being in the “back” I went to the galley and I had 4 or 5 cups of tea talking with the Steward. Back in the seat I tried to get the entertainment centre to work and after a while, I have no clue what I did. Suddenly I could see all the movies. Maybe I had activated some parental control before and I could only see Bambi and Mickey Mouse.Mickey Mouse

Anyway, it was working and the last 3 hours of the flight passed by quite quickly watching a series I had started when I was flying from Kuala Lumpur. Breakfast, not like when sitting up front, but it was OK. A sausage, omelette and some kind of potato, well, it was OK.

Thai Airways flight TG 920 to Frankfurt

Thai Airways flight TG 920 to Frankfurt
Approaching Frankfurt

Thai Airways flight TG 920 to Frankfurt
In Frankfurt

Frankfurt International Airport
Long to go

The flight had not been bad, but it was nice to get off the plane. My flight with Air Europa was departing from Terminal 2. The only information I had. But there was no directions to the terminals. Only to the gates: A B C D E.

And it was far between the terminals. I was shocked when I discovered the distances. But still no information on at which terminals the different gates was at. But it seems like Gate D is at Terminal 2 so I followed the signs toward D and I ended up on a train.

Frankfurt International Airport - Sky train
I have to go with train

Frankfurt International Airport - Sky train
I have to go with train

Frankfurt International Airport - Sky train
I have to go with train

Frankfurt International Airport - Sky train
Passing some airplanes

I get off the train and now I have to go through Immigration and then back in the terminal and security. I pass a vending machine with Pepsi MAX but, well, my card was not working so I proceeded to the security check. Terminal 2 had not much to offer regarding shopping and restaurants. So I guess I will have to survive with my mobile phone camera.

Frankfurt International Airport - Pepsi MAX
Pepsi MAX available - But I could not work out how the credit card thing was working so...

I walked past a restaurant and I decide to have a look. The only thing I miss about Frankfurt Airport is the breakfasts. Otherwise it is one of the worst airports. This place had a SELF SERVICE and a TABLE SERVICE area. So make sure you walk all the way in to skip the SELF SERVICE area. The breakfast was excellent and I got tea from a pot. You can enjoy the breakfast watching the airplanes passing by outside the window.

But it is not a big restaurant so it is getting crowded and kind of uncomfortable at times. And some people seems to use it as a waiting area while waiting for their flights

Mondo Bar Cafe at Frankfurt at Frankfurt International Airport - Terminal 2
Mondo Bar Cafe

Mondo Bar Cafe at Frankfurt at Frankfurt International Airport - Terminal 2
Mondo Bar Cafe

Mondo Bar Cafe at Frankfurt at Frankfurt International Airport - Terminal 2
At Mondo Bar Cafe looking at the airplane while having breakfast

Mondo Bar Cafe at Frankfurt at Frankfurt International Airport - Terminal 2
A real breakfast

Mondo Bar Cafe at Frankfurt at Frankfurt International Airport - Terminal 2
Our plane pass by outside the window

Mondo Bar Cafe at Frankfurt at Frankfurt International Airport - Terminal 2
Mondo Bar Cafe

Time passed quickly at Mondo and I was soon off to find my gate for Air Europa flight UX 1502 to Madrid. A 3 hour flight I'm not looking forward to, and on top of that it is almost 3 hours from Madrid to Tenerife. BOYAA!

We started boarding in time and I was soon discover that we had to go by bus. And when it was my time to get on the bus they stopped me. The bus was full and we will get on the second bus coming. Good, not many passengers remaining and there were plenty space on the bus

Frankfurt International Airport
The second bus is coming and I'm first in line

Frankfurt International Airport - Air Europa flight UX 1502
Our plane that will take us to Madrid

Frankfurt International Airport - Air Europa flight UX 1502
Boarding flight CU 1502

Frankfurt International Airport - Air Europa flight UX 1502
Boarding flight CU 1502

Air Europa flight UX 1502
Preparing for take-off

Air Europa flight UX 1502
Safety instructions

I took my seat, that I had paid 20€ for when I checked in on the internet. The Steward was soon at my place asking me to change seat. I have my knee support and this was obviously nothing they liked as it is an emergency exit and you need full mobility. I told him that I was OK and he left to investigate. He was soon back and I had to sit somewhere else during take-off and landing.

I moved over to an empty seat and I told the guy next to me that he could take my expensive seat. He was happy and I had a row for myself. The only empty seat on the plane next to me.

We had a long bus ride to come to the plane and the TAXI was as long. My two seats was perfect for about 30 minutes and I was kind of having a wish to get off the plane even before take-off. We were soon airborne and I was looking forward to arriving in Madrid.

Air Europa flight UX 1502
Waiting for a Lufthansa flight to take off before us

Air Europa flight UX 1502
Approaching Madrid

They charge for everything on board, but as I was suffering from a restless leg I got a free glass of water with the paracetamol they gave me for free. But there was a lot of paperwork involved in the paracetamol. I don't know, maybe it helped a bit for the restless leg.

Madrid airport, will never grow to be a favourite. It is better than Frankfurt, the only good thing with Frankfurt International is the breakfasts. No place to buy a Canon camera and the only thing I managed to find was a lip balm. And I was shocked when he asked for my boarding pass.
- To buy a lip balm! You're joking?

No, he was dead serious and I had to show the boarding pass to buy a 7€ lip balm. Air Europa flight UX 9048 to Tenerife Norte was departing from Gate D 56 and I was not happy to see the line of passengers at the gate. I have paid 20 € for an XL seat at internet check-in. I had not much hope for the seat to be XL. But the leg room was enough and the seat next to me was empty. The only seats available on the flight was at the exits, so I guess no one wanted to pay the 20 € extra for the extra leg room.

I was hungry and I bought a soda and a sandwich, the sandwich was good, very good. But the meal set me back with 8 € 50 ¢ and I told the Steward that it was expensive
- Where to you come from?
- Denmark
- Copenhagen?
- Yes
- Then 8 € 50 ¢ is cheap. You pay more in Copenhagen, he said
- I have never paid on a flight before, I said and he had nothing to say. Of course, it is also cheap comparing to a 100 € soda

Air Europa flight UX 9048
Not much space on this flight and I was happy to have invested in the XL seat

Air Europa flight UX 9048
Bring it on!

The plane sounded like an old sail ship and we were also moving like an old sail ship approaching Tenerife Norte. Well, I'm too old for this and I was, well, maybe scared is not the word I'm looking for here. But it wasn't any experience I'm in a hurry to have again.

The battery in the camera ran flat during the making of the movie. We arrived safe, well, the cover for my bag was missing when it came on the luggage belt. Darn! A camera and a cover missing on the trip to Tenerife.

I was picked up at the airport and the guy arranged for a taxi and we took off. We stopped to look for Pepsi MAX and as it is Sundayeverything is closed. But we stopped at a gas stop and I bought all their MAX, 8 cans.

Off to meet our Agents driver and I changed taxi. Immigration and then to the ship and I was on board at 6 o'clock in the evening. And I will only be on board for a short while as they will change to UK flag in August, but anyway, why change a winning concept. So just click on any month below:

July 2017 - Joining in Tenerife Spain

August 2017 - Drifting in the Mediterranean - Signing off in Piraeus

August 2017 - Flying to join Roy Mærsk in Malaysia

I joined M/T Rosa Mærsk in Tenerife, Spain 9th of July 2017 and we did the below voyages before I signed off in Piraeus 16th of August 2017:

Voy No.
Load Port
Discharge Port


Huelva, Spain

Gasoline and Gasoil

HappyI join the ship


Sarroch, Italy

Minimum 30,000 MT ULSD 10 ppm up to MAXIMUM

ULSD = Últra Low Suplhur Diesel

Up to 3 ports/ berths in Lebanon

Second: BEIRUT

After discharging in Lebanon:
We go to Piraeus to change from Danish to UK flag and I will sign off in Piraeus. I will fly straight to Malaysia to join Roy Maersk


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