OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
M/T Rita Maersk
Singapore anchorage 26 June 2019 - Picture by Aladdin

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
From https://www.marinetraffic.com

Wednesday 26 th of June 2019 and the car was here at 5 o´clock. We left 10 minutes past 5 o´clock in the morning and Sukhumvit was almost empty. We were hauling arse and I was in to immigration at 6 o´clock and it took 30 minutes to get through the immigration.

Only 4 desk was open and luckily enough, only one desk was using the fingerprint scanner. I avoided that queue as it looked to be problem with this scanner. Maybe the reason for not using the scanners at the other desks.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Taxi is here to pick me up

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Asoke / Sukhumvit Intersection

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
I had some time to kill

I had a few soda waters in the lounge before I went to Gate C4 and Thai Airways flight TG 403 to Singapore. We were flying in an Airbus 350 and I cannot remember even heard of a 350 before. A new model? I don´t know, but there was plenty space in the seat.

It was a comfy flight and I was sleeping all the way to Singapore. Immigration was a few seconds and my bag was one of the first on the belt. The Driver met me outside the custom and we were soon on our way for lunch. I will have lunch at a hotel and our 4th Engineer is waiting there.

Thai Airways flight TG 403 to Singapore
It was a comfy seat

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Tea in Singapore

Rita Maersk is in Singapore to have a Surveyor on board to take sample on the gas oil they have been using for flushing the tanks. Yes, remember last time I was on board, the cargo was off spec. PTT had manage to find someone to receive the cargo and they had discharged the off spec cargo at Nipa. STS to m/t Kingfisher.

They will take FW and bunker at the eastern anchorage and we will take a launch from South Marina Pier to join the ship.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
We can see Rita from South Marina

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
South Marina Pier

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
South Marina Pier

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
South Marina Pier

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Ready to leave

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Singapore anchorage

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Approaching Rita Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Approaching Rita Maersk

I was on board just after 2 o´clock in the afternoon. We will leave when was have received our bunker and we will go back to Eastern OPL to drop anchor. Next loading date is scheduled for 2 of July and we have to do 2 hot water tank cleaning on the anchorage and we are leaving for Bongkot, บงกด to load 180,000 Bbls of condensate on the 30th of June.

Saturday 29 th of June 2019
and I get a message from the manager at my condo. There had been a fire in my condo. She send pictures and it looks like it is my new computer screen. BRAND NEW! Bought it on the 25th of June and on the 29th the screen is burning.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
My new computer screen had burnt to garbage

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
My new computer screen had burnt to garbage

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
My new computer screen had burnt to garbage

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
The sprinkler have filled my room with water

The sprinkler at released and extinguished the fire. My condo have wood floor and the floor was filled with water and I´m worried about the wood. The staff at the condo managed to clear the water and I called Maid Delivery and they will send maids on Monday to help clear out the condo.

Two of my friends went to check the condo on Sunday and they will have a look. And Maid Delivery will send Maids and they will start with 3 days. I have told them to clear the room where the fire had started.

The will also take out my curtains and bed sheets and dry clean it. My friend and the condo manager had taken care of my oriental carpets and they will clean them in the shop not far away from the condo. I don´t care much about the carpets, only 2 Persian Kiman carpets that I really don´t want to lose. Good if they can save the Pakistani carpets, but the 2 Persian are the important. But I will see if they have been successful when they are ready with the carpet

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
20,000 Baht to clean the carpets

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
My friend come to have a look

Tuesday 2 nd of July 2019
and we take the pilot at Bongkot 6 o´clock in the morning. We start to load 4,000 Bbls that we will use for tank cleaning. Cleaning during the afternoon and we start loading at 20:45 and we expect to be ready tomorrow afternoon.

Maid Delivery have removed everything for dry cleaning and my carpets was in the carpet shop. The wood floor looks OK, but I´m more worried about water under the floor. There had been a representative from the insurance company.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Maid Delivery is making progress

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Only thing remaining to do, remove the furniture

We drop anchor at Map Ta Put in the late afternoon on the 4th of July and they will come on board to take samples to make an analyse of the cargo before going alongside to discharge. 4 months anchored with off spec cargo and they just managed to get rid of it. They had just managed to get rid of the cargo in Indonesia and I joined in Singapore.

5 months since we were loading in Bongkot and they were very happy to have us back. There had been a lot of problems with the ships they had chartered while we were anchored.

Our, as our Agent calls him “Time Keeper” will be back again after 5 months off the ship. And he really can´t wait to come back on board after 5 months of the ship. He have “bombarded” me with line messages since I joined the ship.

But now he is coming and he is waiting for us at the service boat station. He have bought a tea cup for me and I can´t wait to try it out.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
I had sent an sample picture

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
He is sending me a picture from the shop

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
He is sending me a picture from the shop

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
He is sending me a picture from the shop

I sent him a message that we had one hour to go to the anchorage and he was waiting together with 3 Surveyors. They boarded the boat when we approached the anchorage and I got a few bonus pictures on Line. MAX is on the way.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
MAX on the way

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
MAX on the way

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Our “Time Keeper” on the way in the boat

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
One of the Surveyors

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
One of the Surveyors
Our “Time Keeper” was on the way approaching us with the Surveyors. Suddenly I got a distressYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stmessage on Line. They had been, well, almost at our shipside when they had lost the propeller.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stThey came to a full stop and they were drifting back towards shore again and our “Time Keeper” sent me pictures of Rita Mærsk disappearing in the horizon.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
I ran out to have a look expecting to see them screaming swimming around in the rough sea. But our “Time Keeper” called Mama Boat Service and they sent another boat to come for assistance so we can get our “Time Keeper” and surveyors on board.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Approaching Rita Mærsk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Drifting back without propeller

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Rita Mærsk disappearing in the horizon

A little drama during the late afternoon but they made it on board and our “Time Keeper” was very happy to be back on board after 4 months ashore. He had brought MAX for me and I opened a bottle first thing.

Pilot booked for 08:00 tomorrow morning if the samples pass the test. The Surveyors was ready with the sampling 21:30 and I went back to my room to try to get some sleep.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Our “Time Keeper” bring MAX

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk

Monday 8 th of July 2019
and I have a chance to go home to have a look at the condo. The service boat was on the anchorage at 7 o´clock in the morning and the car will for me when I arrive to the jetty in Map Ta Put. We left Rita a few minutes after 7 and we expect it to take about 45 minutes to reach Map Ta Put.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Leaving Rita early in the morning

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Captain on the wheel

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Leaving Rita Maersk behind

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Next stop Map Ta Put, at least I thought so

We stopped at a Thai tanker to pick up 4 of their crew members before we continued to the jetty in Map Ta Put. Arriving to Map Ta Put and the driver came to greet me. I asked him to stop at the mini mart up the road from the jetty. I filled up the back seat with MAX and we were soon on our way. ETA to my condo 11 o´clock and I will also have lunch with my friend.

I need to buy some stuff at HomePro and some other things to bring back on board. Too early to do some shopping in Rayong and I will have to do it in Bangkok. Empty high ways and we were hauling arse towards Bangkok.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Full speed towards Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Reaching Bangkok and the traffic come to full stop

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Reaching Bangkok and the traffic come to full stop

I was home around 11 o´clock and I spent about two hours in my condo before going back to Map Ta Put. I had brought my camera equipment so I can keep an eye on the equipment and I hope they can start work in the condo while I am on board.

We removed the desk and shelfs and it ended up in the garbage. I was in contact with a company that AXA Insurance had recommended on the way back to Map Ta Put and they will come to have a look. Very little damage from the fire, nothing, just fresh paint, but the water! The floor looked very nice but I could hear that there was water under the wood.

So we will have to remove all the wood, about 150m2 of 25mm thick teak wood. They are working with a floor company and to put new wood is 4 weeks and to put something they call engineered wood will take 7 days. But the wood floor was the pride of my condo so I will most likely go back to wood.

I have cancelled my safari and bird watching tour to Tanzania and Ethiopia in September / October. I still hope I will be able to go, but I will have to see how it turns out in my condo. But it will safe me 15000 US Dollar to skip my adventure in Africa.

So maybe go for the Engineered Wood and finish in 7 days and take off to Africa. The Engineered wood looks good on picture, off course it does, and it is 3mm real wood on top of some other wood board. I got an information catalogue from Double Floor and you can study the catalogue HERE .

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Japanese food in Rayong

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
The boat is waiting for me in Rayong

Back in Rayong and I went for Japanese dinner with my driver. I had been there before and the food is good. I was back on board around 6 o´clock in the evening and I had brought my camera equipment so they can start to work in the condo any time.

I ordered whiskey and chocolate from TOPS online and I sent it to the office at my condo. The staff had really been doing a good job and without them it would have ended with a disaster.

Our Time Keeper had brought Mango from Bangkok and I had kept them in my room for about 10 days before they were ripe. They were huge so it took a very long time for them to turn yellow, well, these mangoes turned more orange then yellow.

I was full of anticipation when we tested them outside my room. I usually eat my mangoes on deck outside my room while enjoying the view.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Mango time

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Mango time

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Mango time

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Mango time

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Mango time

I got a video from the condo office via line, a video from my condo when they fire had been extinguished with the sprinkler. It was not so nice to watch the video. The amount of water the sprinkler had delivered, I was really happy that the fire had started during the day time.

Imagine if it had started at 2 o´clock in the morning. BOOM! We would have filled my condo and the condo below me with water.

Our cargo samples had failed and no news when we will discharge. But we were lucky and they decided to bring us alongside and our Time Keeper came back on board. He have been home for 5 months when we were anchored with the off spec cargo. He came on board when we arrived to Map Ta Put and when the cargo failed the lab test he went home again.

Now he is on board and he is joining us on the “Good morning PEP” gymnastics in the CCR.

My friend sent me a video of Rita Maersk and I asked why he had not come on board to say hello. He told me that it was his friend, working as a Agent that took the video when going to another ship on the anchorage.

We started to play lotto, Loading Master, Captain and our Time Keeper and I. I sent in a few numbers on lime and we have to pay 84 Baht each per week and we are playing for 10 weeks. We won about 270 Baht first week, around 70 Baht each and I was not so very happy.

I decided that we need more luck and our Time Keeper is an expert in Thai magic. Our Loading Master is also in to Thai magic so we really have high hopes to win big this time.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Tea time

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Loading Master in Map Ta Put

Our Time Keeper is very worried about out lottery. He don´t know how he will get his lottery money from Sweden to Thailand. He say that it can be trouble to send 10 million from Sweden to Thailand. And he is on about it every day asking me how we can send the money to Thailand. I told him that he could travel to Sweden and bring back the money in cash.

And it didn´t become any better when I decided to buy some “good luck magic” Now he was convinced that we would win BILLIONS of Baht. And this will be a huge problem for him. Our Loading Master told him that he could use his account, no problem.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Our Time Keeper polish and clean my new magic

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Our Time Keeper polish and clean my new magic

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Our Time Keeper polish and clean my new magic

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Our Time Keeper polish and clean my new magic

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
My lottery magic is ready

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
“LOTTO” magic

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
My new “LOTTO” magic

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
My new “LOTTO” magic

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
My new “LOTTO” magic

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
My new “LOTTO” magic

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
My new “LOTTO” magic

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
My new “LOTTO” magic

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Monk riding around on an elephant helping people

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Monk riding around on an elephant helping people

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
My new “LOTTO” magic

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk

We always have a lot of Little Terns looking for fish in our wake arriving and departing from Map Ta Put. And as I have been home to get my camera equipment I tried my luck when we left Map Ta Put. Very hard to get them on picture as they are very small and quick.

Little Tern, Sternula albifrons, นกนางนวลแกลบเล็ก, Småtärna
Little Tern / นกนางนวลแกลบเล็ก - 20 February 2016 - Map Ta Put port entrance

Little Tern, Sternula albifrons, นกนางนวลแกลบเล็ก, Småtärna
Little Tern / นกนางนวลแกลบเล็ก - 20 February 2016 - Map Ta Put port entrance

Little Tern, Sternula albifrons, นกนางนวลแกลบเล็ก, Småtärna
Little Tern / นกนางนวลแกลบเล็ก - 20 February 2016 - Map Ta Put port entrance

Mama Boat Service had brought Mango, Bananas and MAX for me when we were anchored and when I had finished my old stock I ripped open one of the cases. I discovered that it was MAX raspberry and I was not happy.

I gave one of the cases to our Pump Man and I asked our Time Keeper to take a picture and send to “MAMA” so we´re not running in to the same unpleasantly in the future.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
MAX Raspberry

Then we realised that “MAMA” would not take it seriously if it was all smiles on the picture and we took a proper picture showing how upset and angry we were. Add plenty of disappointment on that and we will for sure only get the real thing in the future.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Not happy

Our Time Keeper want to introduce a new exercise to our “Good morning PEP” gymnastics. And according to him it is something unbelievably good. Asian mysticism at its best and why not? If itYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stcan help us win the lottery I´m ready to try anything.

I got some instructions and we will see if we can introduce the exercise in tomorrow’s “Good morning PEP” gymnastics in the CCR. We have done it before but no one had taking it really serious, but tomorrow? After the instructions, maybe time to get serious?


Anyway, success at the “Good morning PEP” gymnastics or not, I have a stupid video that I can spread via Line. And who knows? Maybe this is something you can start with, 30 times and you willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbe 100 years old. But who wants to be 100 years old?

“Good morning PEP” gymnastics

And what a success the new “move” turned out to be. We tried it first thing coming to the CCR in the morning. And our Time Keeper made a video that we can spread via Line.

We got the pilot at arrival and the Surveyors boarded us as soon as we were alongside TTT 2B jetty in Map Ta Put. They need to take sample and send the cargo for analysis before we can start discharging. Cargo failed the test and we left the jetty at 23:00 to go drop the anchor at the anchorage to await further instructions.

MAMA sent coconuts and MAX with her boat. A very good service and I had 50 coconuts in the CCR that we will enjoy after our “Good morning PEP” gymnastics.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk

I was lucky, I got my MAX and coconuts before the bad weather hit us and the Surveyors had some trouble coming on board when they arrived with the tug boat to take more samples. I started to transfer the cargo to make room for 40.000 Bbls that we will go to load at FSO2 Pathumabaha at Greater Bongkot South Gas and Condensate Field.

We will be very full after having loaded the additional 40.000 Bbls so I really hope we can discharge the cargo when we come back to Map Ta Put.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Time for coconuts

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Time for coconuts

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Arriving to Bongkot

Arriving to Bongkot just after 1 o´clock and we left at 23:00 and we steamed back to Map Ta Put.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI got sick during our stay in Bongkot and our Time Keeper turned in to a Nurse and served me some hot lime drink with some secrets ingredients.

Tasted horrible and I don´t know if it helped. But I appreciated the effort.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
In the kitchen to find limes

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Bringing the remedy

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Well, not tasting any good

Seems like there is an on-going problem with the cargo quality and we had to skip one loading after voyage 942 as we could not discharge the condensate at arrival Map Ta Put due to high arsenic content. We dropped anchor for a few days before they had negotiated the price of the cargo.

And as we had missed the loading we dropped anchor after discharging and we could start chipping and painting in ballast tank 3 port.

Our Time Keeper left and he went home for a few days, he will be back on the 21 August and we will leave on the 22 early morning. We will be in Bongkot 06:00 on the 23rd. He had missed us and he was very happy to come back on board. And he brought all my parcels with stuff I had bought on line, snus and some “e” stuff

New Dorco razors as I have given up on Gillette after their stupid commercial. The Dorco razor turned out to be much better and cheaper than Gillette. Good quality and a good feel to the handle. I also got snus and a parcel from Heavens Gift in Singapore.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Parcels for me at the Agent office

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
New magic

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
New magic

He also brought back a souvenir, a new magic with Shiva and Ganesha so if I don´t win the lottery now I don´t know what it takes. Our Time Keeper spent the evening in my room showing the “crazy” exercise and I got a new instruction video.

Thursday 29 th of August 2019
and Double Floor started to remove my floor. They will remove the floor and then it will dry for 10 days or so. They will remove the plywood and replace it with the termite SMART BOARD. The handy man had taken a few pictures that the Condo Manager went to me via Line.

Double Floor in Bangkok
Removing the floor

Double Floor in Bangkok
Removing the floor

Double Floor in Bangkok
Removing the floor

Double Floor in Bangkok
Removing the floor

Double Floor in Bangkok
Removing the floor

Replacing the floor will set me back by 827,000 Baht and then I will have to see how much the insurance company will refund. Took them almost a week to remove the floor and they will start to install the SMART BOARD on the 16th of September and by then I will be home.

Double Floor in Bangkok
Almost ready having removed the floor

Double Floor in Bangkok
Almost ready having removed the floor

Double Floor in Bangkok
Almost ready having removed the floor

Double Floor in Bangkok
Almost ready having removed the floor

Double Floor in Bangkok
Almost ready having removed the floor

Double Floor in Bangkok
Almost ready having removed the floor

Double Floor in Bangkok
Almost ready having removed the floor
Loading at Bongkot and we leave on Friday 6th of september. Saturday and it will be my last Saturday on board and I made some spaghetti sauce “Skåne Style” for lunch. All paper work readyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfor arrival to Map Ta Put in the evening was ready so I had time to do some cooking.

Starting by chopping onions and our Cook had made minced meat yesterday so this was ready. Our Time Keeper disturbed me by coming to take pictures every now and then.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Time for lunch

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Time for lunch

My reliever came on board just after 2 o´clock in the morning of the 12th of september. He came with one of the pilot boats when we were going in for discharging at Map Ta Put. No allowed to go ashore at the TTT jetty. Before it was OK to go ashore.

But some years ago and a ship had have crew ashore. The crew had complained about bad smell on the jetty and after that they are not allowed to come ashore. So my reliever had to come by boat and I will sign off at the anchorage after discharging.

I will be back at the dry dock in Singapore and we expect to be there in the beginning of October. So I have time to attend a Maersk Tanker Seminar in Copenhagen between 30 Sep to 2 Oct.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Our Time Keeper not happy when I go home

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Down in the service boat

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Our luggage coming down

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Leaving Rita behind

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Rita Mærsk / Rita Maersk
Best picture

We left Rita just before dinner so I was quite hungry when we stepped ashore. And we had to wait for the driver, as usual. I went to pay for my Pepsi MAX. And our Time Keeper on board had sent kisses to “MAMA” running the shop and boat service. We had expected to use her boat service but no anchoring.

So I will pay for the drinks today and she will send the drinks next time she pass Rita on the anchorage. We had to wait for almost an hour for the driver to come pick us up, well, the serviceBurger King in Thailandhave nothing but deteriorated since they changed Agent. The previous Agent was always keeping TOP NOTCH service.

Anyway, we left Map Ta Put and we asked the driver to stop at a Burger King place and we learned that it was some 35km from the pier. We were hauling arse towards Bangkok and I was very hungry by the time we reached Burger King

I threw myself out of the car as soon as we had parked. I busted through the doors and I asked for a strawberry shake “HUGE SIZE” first thing. Then I ordered two of the biggest looking burgers on the menu. No fries or soda.

Burger King in Thailand
Reaching Burger King

Burger King in Thailand

Burger King in Thailand

Burger King in Thailand

Burger King in Thailand
The shake was good

Burger King in Thailand
My burgers are ready

I took my shake and we went to a table to wait for our food. The brought my burgers and they were for sure not looking as they did on the menu. Huge gorgeous looking burgers on the menu but when I removed the wrapping it was some very tired looking burgers that popped up.

I did not even finish both burgers. We left and I made a mental note to never come back to Burger King again. Well, maybe for a shake.

Burger King in Thailand
Burger King in Thailand
My choice for the evening

Can´t say that I felt very good when we left Burger King but I was not hungry. I was home around 10 thirty and I went straight to bed as I will be busy tomorrow. I need to go see them at Double Floor between Sukhumvit Soi 72 and 74 and as it is Saturday they close at 12 o´clock.

I stopped to get a haircut on the way to Double Floor so I was looking like a proper tw#t arriving to their show room. I stopped at Soi 49 to see a carpenter when I was ready at Double Floor and they will come have a look in the afternoon. They will do the painting and new desk for me.

Aladdin in Bangkok
Aladdin in Bangkok
Looking like a proper tw#t

Pepsi MAX
Pepsi MAX coming on board

Our Time Keeper is updating me with pictures from Map Ta Put anchorage. My MAX has been delivered and they will wait for me so I have a little something in the dry dock in Singapore. If we go to the dry dock, buyers on board to have a look at the ship, and if they buy the ship dry dock will be cancelled.

Monday and I need to go to the bank and get money for my new floor. I stopped at Via Vai for Spaghetti Salmon after the bank and I started to transfer money to Double Floor while eatingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stspaghetti and drinking Earl Grey tea.

Double Floor have started with the SMART BOARDs when I´m back home from the bank. They have to put boards before they put in the wood floor. They expect it to take 2 days for the SMART BOARD.

Next week and they will install the desk and shelves and I have asked Double Floor to make the wood floor ready in the small storage room beginning of next week.

Double Floor
New SMART BOARD in my bed room

Double Floor
New SMART BOARD in my bed room

Double Floor
Putting new SMART BOARD in my guest room

Bangkok handyman
Painting the storage room

I spent quite a lot of money buying new stuff and a new mattress that will be delivered next week. Thursday and Friday and they will paint the storage room. The ceiling will be painted when theHandy Manfloor is ready. We completed the electric work on the Thursday and when they left it was knocking on the door, the Painters had arrived.

So it is busy days and not much boxing, 3 times only before I left for a whale watching trip with Wild Encounter Thailand.

But I need all the exercise I can get and I take every opportunity so as soon as there are no work going on in my room I take a taxi to Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym for a session Muay Thai with ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil.

I will fly to Copenhagen for a seminar so I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully have a few more opportunities before I leave on the 26th september. My flight to Addis Ababa is on the 18th of October so if they cancel the dry dock there will plenty opportunities for more boxing. And I will pick up YOGA again.

Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym
At Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil

I take the opportunity to update my IT Centre and we open the ceiling and we draw LAN cables to all the rooms so I have full strength WIFI in the whole apartment. I have one router but the apartment is too big to get WIFI in the whole apartment.

So new LAN cables are installed and I will have AIS to come here to install a new router, the old one was destroyed in the fire. I will get NOKIA WIFI extenders from AIS and I will have a Technician to come and install everything.

Bangkok handyman
Pulling new LAN cables in my apartment

Friday and I was off to have my third boxing session. My friend was here to remove a cabinet and I will ride with him back to Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym. We were about to leave when the painters arrived, I exploded, they should have been here at 9 o´clock in order to finish the painting before Monday when they will install the desk and shelves.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st - DUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!

I was really angry, I´m not a painter, but I understand that you have to paint more than one time when you paint white paint. Not this people, they were ready. Fer ducks sake, one day and the paint was already falling off.

Bangkok handyman
New paint falling off

The Painters left and we left to deliver the cabinet to my friend´s house and from there we will go to Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym. We leave Sukhumvit and we reach my friend´s house an hour later.

I took the opportunity to decorate my friend´s house with the super magic and holy flags I bought in Nepal. And I hope that this will give us some well needed luck.

Holy flags
Decorating my friend´s house

Holy flags
Decorating my friend´s house

On the way back to the gym, well, we decide to go eat at Sweeter Day. We had a bit of debate in the car. I had my friend to decide and he told me to decide.
- No, up to you!
- OK, let´s go to the gym

I was a wee bit disappointed with this. So I asked our other friend, he was hungry and we ended up on Sweeter Day. We took a table and we ordered Earl Grey tea first thing. I ordered one of their Nutella thing and two sandwiches.

Sweeter Day
At Sweeter Day

Sweeter Day
Earl Grey tea

Sweeter Day

Sweeter Day

Sweeter Day

Sweeter Day

Sweeter Day

Sweeter Day
My Nutella thing

Sweeter Day
My Nutella thing

Of course, a huge setback for my diet. Back home and I paid the handy men at the condo to paint my storage room or we would miss the opportunity to install the desk on Monday. They will put the floor in the storage room on Tuesday so I just have enough time to put in my stuff before leaving for Copenhagen and the Maersk seminar next week.

I see a delivery truck outside 7 when I come back home and I go to see if it is my MAX coming. I have ordered 3 cases of MAX to bring for my bird watching in Ethiopia. I bring back one case and I will pick up the remaining 2 cases tomorrow.

Pepsi MAX
Delivering MAX to 7

Pepsi MAX
7 fully stocked again

Pepsi MAX
First of my 3 cases of MAX

Handyman Bangkok
Handy men painting the storage room

The handy men at the condo painted my storage room in the evening so now I hope they come to put in the desk on Monday. And I can fill up the room on Tuesday when they are ready with the floor. They expect the apartment to be ready end of October.

First weekend off the ship and no one come to work in my room. So I have booked a whale watching trip with Wild Encounter Thailand so it will be bird and whale watching on Saturday. Click HERE to see if I am lucky with the birds and whales.

I joined M/T Rita Mærsk in Singapore on the 26th of June 2019 and we did the below voyages before I signed off 13th of September 2019 on Map Ta Put anchorage:

Voy No.
Load Port
Discharge Port


Joining the ship in SingaporeHappythen we went to load in Bongkot, บงกด

4000 Bbls of Bongkot condensate to be used for tank cleaning before loading
80,000 Bbls Bongkot condensate
96,000 Bbls Bongkot condensate

Map Ta Phut, มาบตาพุด,


Missing this loading and PTT sent another
ship to lift the cargo as we were anchored
in Map Ta Put. Analyse of the cargo had
showed arsenic and we had to wait before we could discharge



Bongkot, บงกด

60,000 Bbls Bongkot condensate
120,000 Bbls Bongkot condensate

Map Ta Phut, มาบตาพุด


Bongkot, บงกด

70,000 Bbls Bongkot condensate
110,000 Bbls Bongkot condensate

Map Ta Phut, มาบตาพุด


Bongkot, บงกด

60,000 Bbls Bongkot condensate
110,000 Bbls Bongkot condensate

Map Ta Phut, มาบตาพุด
Discharging at a different jetty, GC 1 so we could have our vetting inspection. No visitors allowed at TTT 2B


Bongkot, บงกด

60,000 Bbls Arthit condensate
60,000 Bbls Bongkot condensate
70,000 Bbls Bongkot condensate

Map Ta Phut, มาบตาพุด


Bongkot, บงกด

70,000 Bbls Arthit condensate
110,000 Bbls Bongkot condensate

Map Ta Phut, มาบตาพุด


Bongkot, บงกด

65,000 Bbls Arthit condensate
115,000 Bbls Bongkot condensate

Map Ta Phut, มาบตาพุด
Cargo off spec and can not discharge.


Ordered to go back to load an additional Arthit in Bongkot, บงกด

40,000 Bbls Arthit condensate

Map Ta Phut, มาบตาพุด


Bongkot, บงกด

60,000 Bbls Arthit condensate
60,000 Bbls Bongkot condensate

Map Ta Phut, มาบตาพุด


Bongkot, บงกด

90,000 Bbls Arthit condensate
130,000 Bbls Bongkot condensate

Map Ta Phut, มาบตาพุด


Bongkot, บงกด

80,000 Bbls Arthit condensate
100,000 Bbls Bongkot condensate

Drifting at Bongkot for 2 days waiting to load a 3rd parcel:
50,000 Bbls Bongkot condensate

Map Ta Phut, มาบตาพุด
Leave 40,000 Bbls ROB to discharge in Map Ta Put Voy 946


Bongkot, บงกด

80,000 Bbls Arthit condensate
100,000 Bbls Bongkot condensate

ROB 40,000 Bbls from voyage 945

Map Ta Phut, มาบตาพุด
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stSigning off


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