Rewritten onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra on the way from Brisbane to Singapore February 2012

Bro Nelly

Bro Nelly
M/T Bro Nelly
Photo from Photo by Frans Sanderse in Rotterdam 29th of June 2003

Name: Bro Nelly IMO No: 9130808
Ex: United Nelly built in Valencia, Spain 1997.Builder: Union Naval Levante
Type: Chemical Tanker
Flag: Sweden
LOA: 99.75m
Draft: 6.71m
Depth: 9.10m
GT: 4,137
NT: Beam: 16.43
Speed/Cons: 12.00/10.00
Engine Type: Holeby
She is on 5750 DWT and she have 13 stainless steel cargo tanks with the capacity of 6397 m³ (98%)

UNITED NELLY1997-00 United Tankers AB, Sweden
BRO NELLY2000-03 United Tankers AB, Sweden
NELLY WONSILD2003-07 K/S Nelly Wonsild, Denmark (DIS)
CLIPPER NELLY2007- K/S Nelly Wonsild, Denmark (DIS

Bro Nelly is a chemical tanker with stainless steel tanks. We transported not only chemicals like caustic soda, methanol etc. We also loaded petroleum products so it could be heavy tank cleaning.

I signed on M/T Bro Nelly 5th of June 2001 in Gothenburg. Broström Ship Management has the management for M/T Bro Nelly and I knew the personnel manager from navigation school. I called him when we passed Singapore on our way to Alang, India with President Jefferson and he needed a guy on M/T Bro Nelly.
- But I only need a 2nd Officer
- Never mind, anything is better than Master Cody.

I signed off Master Cody in Singapore on the 31st of May when we returned from Alang. I had 2 nights of party in Singapore and 2 nights in Bangkok. My friend picked me up at Don Muang when I came from Singapore. We were in his car when I realised that I had forgotten to pick up my luggage. I only carried my new computer that I bought in Singapore.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKYTOWN/ Bangkok
At my friend's office in Din Daeng

Yeah, I was drunk at arrival to Bangkok and it is easy to forget the luggage. Straight from Immigration to the bars. Well, I had to go back in and I was going the opposite way through the custom. The asked where I was going.
- I'm just going to pick up my luggage.

We took off towards my friend's office in Din Daeng as soon as I had my luggage and I woke up with a force 9,8 hangover when my friend called.
- We're having lunch at Tai Pan. Come over!
- OK, I'll be there in 3 minutes

Just around the corner and we had our lunch. I remember going to bed early in the evening, 3 daysAladdin's adventure in FUNKYTOWN/ Bangkokof party was enough for me and I needed sleep. Well, at least I got one picture of my condo, pre redecoration days.

So I arrived back to Sweden on the 4th of June and I went straight to the Doctor to get a FIT FOR SEA SERVICE certificate. It was a holiday and the clinic was closed. I was not happy, I was going to join the ship tomorrow morning and I needed my FIT FOR SEA SERVICE certificate.

I had called the doctor from India to book a time on the 4th of June. When I called them the nurse told me it was just to come. I said to her:
- Just put my name in the book so I'm sure you have time for me.
- OK, she said.
When I came to the doctor it was closed because of the holiday. When I came back in the morning on the 5th I was pissed off.
- NO, we never made a reservation for you. Yesterday was a holiday. How can we book you on a holiday?

Now I got even more pissed off. We had a big argument in the reception. When I came in to the doctor I told him to fire his nurse.
- Your lucky, you didn't have to work yesterday. He said
As you understand I got pissed off again and I'm never going back to this doctor at Innerstadens Vaccination & Läkarmottagning on Vasaplatsen 1 in Gothenburg. After this I went back home and picked up my bag and took a taxi to the ship. Arriving in time for lunch.

I knew the Cook from when I was working onboard M/T Stena Barbados back in 1998 to 1999 so I knew there was going to be good food.

After 4, 5 months on Master Cody it was very nice to be back on a real ship. I don't remember if we loaded or discharged in Go:teborg, but I remember that one of the guys from Broström crewing was onboard to scold the Captain and Chief Engineer.
Then he continued to the Chief Engineer

And they stayed in the company, I would have left. But he was right about the Captain. He was transfered to another ship and he turned crazy in Norway. Coming on the bridge with a bible throwing him sef on the deck screaming
- Let us pray!!
So the Pilot called the Police and he ended up at some institution. Well, he was strange alreadyAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Bro Nellywhen I worked with him.

I think we got to Brofjorden after Gothenburg to load GO to Mongstad Basen and Maløya in Norway. I remember Maløya, it was just a small jetty where yacht could stop to bunker. And I think it was about 10 hours from Mongstad to Maløya and we had to go in the fjords all the way. Summer time and it was really beautiful.

When I came onboard I was talking with our Cook about fastening. He had done it for 10 days when I came onboard.
- Yeah, are you sure? I can't see any difference I said.
When we discharged in Karlshamn I went ashore and bought a fast box for 10 days. Our Cook prepared my juice every day in the mess room so it should be like sitting down eating dinner. Very nice. Every morning I had to go to the kitchen and check my weight. I was losing 1-1,5 KG every day and the Cook got pissed off again. I was losing and he was gaining (same story on Stena Barbados) and he threw away all my juice bottles.
- If you should fast you should do it properly, he said.

After 2 weeks onboard M/T Bro Nelly they calledme from Tärntank Rederi AB. We were on the way to Stanlow when they called and they wanted me to do 3 contractswhen I signed off M/T Bro Nelly. First on M/T Tärnland then on M/T Tärnsund and one contract onboard M/T Tärnvind. Good, then I knew what to do after Bro Nelly. And no time to spend money.

I took the opportunity to go ashore in Stanlow. I went ashore with the Cadet and we took a taxi to Manchester. The taxi driver took us to a shopping mall outside Manchester. The biggest mall inAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Bro NellyEngland he said. Well, it's the same story everywhere.

Where ever I go the taxi drivers telling me that it is the biggest shopping mall in the country.

I bought a CD writer to my lap top, yeah, now you understand that this was a very long time ago. Today it is standard with DVD writers in the laptop. And I bought a CD writer, not a DVD writer. I don't think they had DVD writers back then.

We took a taxi to the city. I meet a guy on the train from Calcutta to Madras when I was going to Goa a few years ago.
- Hmm, a few years ago? Thinking of it, must have been almost 10 years.
Well, anyway, I had a flight from Calcutta to Goa but Indian Airways was on strike so I had to go by train. I was sick and I was sleeping on the floor at our guesthouse in Madras. I meet a guy fromEngland on the train and he took care of me. I was in no state to go to Goa and we shared a room in Madras.

I was dead on the floor with a rampant fever and he asked if I wanted to borrow his Walkman while he went to buy medicine for me. I could hardly answer.
- Never mind thanks
But I tried the music when he left. He came back with the medicine.
- MOTHERF@CKER! What's on your Walkman?
- " Ruthless Rap Assassins "
- That is some real good music

I had been looking for their records ever since. I found one CD in Australia, but I wanted more so I was reallyhoping to find some of their records n Manchester. I was running around Manchester with our Cadet looking for " Ruthless Rap Assassins ". I could not find any records evenAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Bro Nellythough Manchester is the home town of " Ruthless Rap Assassins ". I was suggested to go look in second hand shops but I could not find any even though we tried the second hand shops we passed.

Before taking a taxi back we went to an Italian restaurant, I had the best garlic bread in my life. They had stuffed the bread with cheese and stuff. Yummy!! And still 2012, this is the best garlic bread I have ever had.

Otherwise I don't remember much from M/T Bro Nelly. We did tank cleaning for Methanol after the gasoil cargo and this took very long time. Tanks were turned down 2 times. Our tank cleaning line went bust. Made out of fibreglass so we had to go repair the tank cleaning line.

Last time we had the Surveyor to inspect the tanks we did it on the anchorage and when they passed we went alongside to load.

I signed off 25th of July 2001 in Rotterdam. I stayed 1 night in Amsterdam for a few drinks and I took my flight to Gothenburg the day after and I signed on M/T Tärnland 28th of July. No time to stay home spending money.

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