OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Norden's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

Aladdin's adventure on board m/t Nord Superior

Aladdin's adventure on board m/t Nord Superior
m/t Nord Superior
Picture from www.vesselfinder.com

Type: Oil Or Chemical Tanker
DWT: 49552
GT: 30108
Year Built: 2015
Engine Type: MAN B&W
KW: 9960
HP: 13542
Length: 183 m
Width: 32,23 m
Draft: 13,3 m
Tanks: 12 + 2 slop tanks
Volume: 52100 m3
Pumps: Marflex

Friday 16 th of February 2024
and my alarm went off 5 minutes before 3 o'clock. AOT booked for 4Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sto'clock to get me to Suvarnabhumi. Breakfast and I even ha time for a haircut before I left. Should have done it yesterday, but I forgot it.

The taxi was waiting for me when I came down and we took off at 04:03

AOT Limousine
Waiting for me when I come down

AOT Limousine
We are on the way to Suvarnabhumi

We stop at Suvarnabhumi, gate 6 28 minutes later and I go to check-in. Luggage 2 x 23 kg and I had 26 kg and 13 kg. And now they asked me something that I cannot remember having done ever before. They wanted me to repack as it was overweight, 26 kg, maximum 23.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

They have always accepted 3 to 4 kg extra but today they needed me to repack my suitcase. So, I did and I returned to get my boarding pass.

Security and immigration and I went to enjoy a soda water in the lounge. I did not spend much time in the lounge before the boredom made me leave and I walked to gate C3 to wait for the boarding. Time passed quickly and it was soon time to board.

Suvarnabhumi International
I wait at gate C3

ANA flight NH 804 to Tokyo
Boarding the flight

ANA flight NH 804 to Tokyo
2 empty seat next to me

Boarding started and I found my seat. I had asked at the gate if the seat next to me was empty. They confirmed this, but I was surprised to see that both the seats next to me was empty.

The girl at the check-in had told me that she would try to keep the seat next to me empty. Well, this was very nice.

And it must have been a “super” jumbo we were flying with as there was much space in my seat. Plenty leg room, what a difference from when flying with KLM last time.

I have tried to avoid KLM for the last 20 years, from being a gold member to not have used them for 20 years. Flying back home from Panama reminded me why I have avoided them. ANA was very nice and I was quite comfy in my seat.

ANA flight NH 804 to Tokyo
Plenty room

ANA flight NH 804 to Tokyo
Tea time

ANA flight NH 804 to Tokyo
Onboard shopping

I was killing time in my seat, only so much “gaming” you can do on your phone before the boredomeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stdrives you up the walls. I checked the onboard shopping and I ended up clicking me in the chocolate department. And I felt peckish and I called the Stewardess.

I ordered a bag of caramel and some chocolate cream. She came back with the cream as they had ran out of the caramel. I was disappointed but I bought the cream.

The cream, tasted OK, but it was kind of disgusting, delivered in “mini” toothpaste tubes so it was just to suck while squishing the tube to “shoot” it down the throat.

I did not feel so good when I had finished the chocolate.

And it might have been my imagination, but, was there a little bit less space in the seat?

The flight was OK and the time passed quite quickly and we were soon approaching Narita. Looked cold when I looked out, no light green vegetation so the spring have not kicked off yet.

Internet said 17 °C when I looked yesterday so I had not brought any winter clothing. This might turn out to have been a mistake.

Narita International Airport
Trotting towards the immigration

The Agent is waiting for me at the immigration and he gives me the documents he had prepared for the immigration. There was a lot of people but it went quite quickly to pass the immigration.

I picked up my bags and we went through the custom and I handed them my form that I had filled up on the flight coming here. They did not want to look in my bags and I was soon outside waiting for the Agent.

Narita International Airport
Waiting for the Agent after the custom

Narita International Airport
My wheeled units - A comlete home away from home
Mostly snus and e-liquid

Narita International Airport

Narita International Airport
Waiting for the Agent and his car

I went to buy a bottle of refreshment. The Agent asked if I was smoking. I said no, but I could wait for him while he went smoking. I could wait for him if I just had a bottle of MAX. PepsiPepsiwas not available so I had to buy a bottle of water instead. And I think I am better off.

The Agent did not want to smoke so we went out. It was a gorgeous spring day and I enjoyed waiting for the Agent to bring the car. Cold in the wind, otherwise a very nice spring day.

It will take an hour to drive to Kashima and the service boat will leave at 18 thirty for Nord Superior. So we have plenty time. I asked about a restaurant at the boat station but there would be nothing. And I was getting hungry after a full day on the GO.

Japanese highway
On the way to Kashima

We reach Kashima and the Agent takes me to a hamburger place so I can have a burger and a strawberry shake. It was OK and the hunger was gone. I was soon back in the car and we left for the boat station.

Getting out of the car in the port was like walking in to a wall. DARN! it was cold in the strongYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwind blowing in from the Pacific Ocean. I ran to the waiting room at the boat station to take cover from the elements.

I crack opened the door to get a picture of m/t Nord Superior that we could see not far away from the boat station. I had been worried about a long trip, but this is just a couple of minutes away with the service boat.

m/t Nord Superior in Kashima
We can see Nord Superior

m/t Nord Superior in Kashima
We can see Nord Superior

There was a boat schedule on the white board and m/t Nord Superior would be serviced at 18 thirty, about an hour to wait. I donned my boiler suit, the only long legged and long-sleeved clothing I got with me.

After a few minutes my Agent asked if I wanted to go now, they could leave early and I was happy to leave.

I had expected to climb up on the accommodation ladder but they dropped me on the jetty and it was a bit to walk. Lucky I had my wheeled “all terrain” units or it would have had been problems.

m/t Nord Superior in Kashima
m/t Nord Superior

m/t Nord Superior in Kashima
m/t Nord Superior

Dragging my shit to the pier and two ABs came to assist with the luggage and I was very happy for that. I was onboard just before 6 o'clock in the evening.

I was dead tired and I spent some hours with paper work and I went to bed to try to sleep. DARN! It was cold and it was very hard to fall asleep.

Saturday 17 th of February 2024
and they called me at 2 o'clock in the morning. 2nd Officer needed assistance in the CCR and I went down. We completed loading at 6 thirty and pilot was booked for 11 o'clock.

But it was changed to 10 thirty and I could report 4 Grey Herons to eBird that I spotted at 10:45 from the bridge.

Coming on the bridge in the afternoon and we were approaching Tokyo Bay. I spotted 8 white seabirds flying out towards the sea, but too far away for any ID. But now I have my birding camera onboard so I am ready if there is any exciting birds showing up.

Wind had disappeared but we had some heavy swell coming in from behind. But there was not so much rolling and I could enjoy my tea on the bridge.

Sunday 18 th of February 2024
and we were steaming towards South West south of Japan when I came on the bridge at 4 o'clock in the morning. I have given special instructions to the kitchen, one 4 egg omelette with cheese and onion in the morning.

So I could enjoy my omelette and tea a bit after 6 o'clock in the morning. The sun is coming up and I enjoyed the morning.

m/t Nord Superior

m/t Nord Superior

I spotted a group of white birds flying ahead of me, but by the time I had my camera they were gone and I never saw them again, disappointed I was.

I keep my camera stand-by in the Pilot Cabin, but after this I will keep it handy at the windows during day light.

m/t Nord Superior
I have to give way for a container vessel

m/t Nord Superior
On the lookout for birds

m/t Nord Superior
On the lookout for birds

Tuesday 20 th of February 2024
and the first thing I spot coming on the bridge at 15:45 is two birds hunting in front of the ship. We are about 150 km SSW of Okinawa. Finally, I might have chance to get use for my camera.

We had seen some groups of white birds on the way, but too far for pictures.

Anyway, I was soon discover that it was Brown Boobies, later on I saw that it was one Brown Booby and one Masked Booby. Very hard to see any colours when they were straight between me and the sun.

And I needed +3 over exposure to get pictures. I was lucky, as I have learned, the Masked Booby was flying aft. The Broown Boobies stay ahead. I discovered that it was a Masked Booby when it came out from the sun.

Brown Booby
Brown Booby

Brown Booby
Brown Booby

Masked Booby
I am lucky and the Masked Booby coming aft to say hello

Masked Booby
I am lucky and the Masked Booby coming aft to say hello

Masked Booby
I am lucky and the Masked Booby coming aft to say hello

Masked Booby
I am lucky and the Masked Booby coming aft to say hello

Masked Booby
I am lucky and the Masked Booby coming aft to say hello

Masked Booby
I am lucky and the Masked Booby coming aft to say hello

Masked Booby
I am lucky and the Masked Booby coming aft to say hello

Japan Rare Bird Alert

My friend has received the first of two parcels for my new electric grill I ordered before leaving Thailand. I will have the grill on my balcony for when we do BBQ. No need to use charcoal,Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.styes, it is better, but now I will not annoy any neighbours.

And it is just to pull the plug and it is off, and not soot and dirt on the balcony, so IYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stguess it is a good thing to have. It is not like I will be poor and I will not have to live on the streets because of this purchase.

And it will be nice with some BBQ pork collars while sitting in the sofa looking out with the grill just with in a comfortable reach from the sofa.

Electric BBQ
Parcel for me

Electric BBQ
Cleaning brush and the cover for my new electric BBQ grill

Wednesday 21 st of February 2024
and we had retarded the ship's time by an hour during the night. So there was daylight at 06:40 when two masked bobbies joined me. 20 minutes later and one Red-footed Bobby joined us.

At first I thought it was a young Brown Booby, but as I have my camera with me this time I could get pictures. The bird is far away, but I could see that the feet were red.

Masked Booby
Masked Booby

Masked Booby
Masked Booby

Masked Booby
Masked Booby

Masked Booby
Masked Booby and Red-footed Booby

We were about 250 km east of Taiwan, but eBird reported the birds as having been sighted at Okinawa, Japan. So now I have recorded three different boobies in Japan. Taiwan is still white on my eBird map so I hope I get a chance to report something in the afternoon.

When I reported the Masked Booby yesterday afternoon it was a Rare Bird Alert. But today it was a normal bird. But the Red-footed Booby was a Rare Bird Alert.

Red-footed Booby
Red-footed Booby

Red-footed Booby
Red-footed Booby

Red-footed Booby
Red-footed Booby

Red-footed Booby
Red-footed Booby

Red-footed Booby
Red-footed Booby

Japan Rare Bird Alert

Well, when I came on the bridge in the afternoon, we had Japan behind us and we had entered Taiwan waters. Arriving with a BANG, one Rare Bird Alert first thing. And the birds visited us very quickly and as I was a little busy, I never got any pictures.

I only got an ID on the Masked Booby, the other booby, I think a young Brown Booby. But I am not sure so I just reported it as a Booby S.P.

Japan Rare Bird Alert

We were in Philippine waters when I got of my watch and I was a little disappointed with Taiwan. But I only got a very short transfer outside Taiwan, but one Rare Bird Alert on the first Taiwanese eBird checklist is not bad.

And Taiwan is no longer a white spot on my eBird map. But Philippines are, so I am pretty exciting to see what’s on offer around here.

I was disappointed, but my Yoga Teacher is enjoying herself and she let me know with a video.

Thursday 22 nd of February 2024
and I was excited to come on the bridge at 4 o'clock in the morning. Will I be able to put some colour to Philippines on my eBird map? I was supposed to have been on the Philippines for my VISA run, but I had to join Nord Superior instead.

But now I have the chance and I keep a sharp look out. The sun is rising and there is no sign of any birds. But almost 2 hours more before I go for my power nap.

m/t Nord Superior
Washing windows early morning

m/t Nord Superior
Washing windows early morning

8 o'clock and I was disappointed, not one single bird had been seen. Well, the windows were clean when I went for my power nap. Now I really hope something is showing up in the afternoon.

And the day ended up as a disappointment, not one single bird spotted while steaming towards Singapore east of the Philippines.

m/t Nord Superior
Steaming SW west of the Philippines

m/t Nord Superior
Steaming SW west of the Philippines

Friday 23 rd of February 2024
and we are steaming towards SW and Singapore. The Philippines behind us and we have Vietnam on our starboard side. Several hundred kilometres away. In the morning, not one single bird.

In the afternoon, I had been on the bridge for almost an hour when I spot one single Brown Booby. Between me and the sun, and it is really bright sunshine and I used +3 over exposure. But for nothing, the pictures did not turn out any good.

Brown Booby
Brown Booby

Brown Booby
Brown Booby

The bird was with me for less than 5 minutes before it disappeared. It came back after 10 minutes, at least I think it was the same bird. They should come in the morning when the sun is behind us and I am between the sun and the birds.

At 8 o'clock I go down to my room and I get pictures from my friend. The motorcycle Technician have delivered my scooter to my friend’s house and he will keep it until I am back home.

Honda Giorno
My scooter at my friend's house

Honda Giorno
My friend cover my scooter until I am back home

Saturday 24 th of February 2024
and no birds in the morning. But I had a visit from a Red-footed Booby at 17:35 in the afternoon. Between me and the sun so the pictures were no good.

But it turned out as a Vietnam Rare Bird Alert in eBird.

Red-footed Booby
Red-footed Booby

Red-footed Booby
Red-footed Booby

Vietnam Rare Bird Alert

Sunday 25 th of February 2024
and I spotted one Barn Swallow just after 7 o'clock in the morning. Kind of strong wind and overcast so the bird might have had a rest on deck.

Suddenly the swallow was in front of the bridge and it flew off towards Vietnam in the north. And that was the only bird for today. Afternoon had nothing to offer but a gorgeous evening on the South China Sea.

m/t Nord Superior
Sun is setting in the South China Sea

Monday 26 th of February 2024
and we take pilot in Singapore at 19:42. Two hours to the anchorage (West Anchorage B) and then it will be a busy night discharging slop. And I hope the barge is waiting for us when we are arriving to the anchorage.

Slop barge was waiting for us when we dropped the anchor at 21:30. I could start the slop discharge at 23:20. There was an onslaught of people coming on board when we dropped the anchor at West Anchorage B.

Lloyds, Surveyors, a guy to take ballast sample and Technicians for the cargo system and life boats. So it will be a busy night.

Tuesday 27 th of February 2024
and I completed the slop discharge and tank cleaning at 4 o'clock in the morning. And when I woke up at 9 thirty, we were alone on board again.

Latest news is berthing tomorrow morning so I could enjoy the afternoon on the bridge.

Yoga Teacher
My Yoga Teacher enjoy a refreshment

We are anchored and we expect stores to be delivered with a barge between 9 and 10 o'clock in the evening. But by then I will be asleep. I enjoy some water spray show that I could see on Sentosa. There was some firework show as well.

Time turned quick and I was soon off to bed.

m/t Nord Superior
Evening at Singapore Anchorage

m/t Nord Superior
Evening at Singapore Anchorage

m/t Nord Superior
Evening at Singapore Anchorage

m/t Nord Superior
Evening at Singapore Anchorage

m/t Nord Superior
Evening at Singapore Anchorage

m/t Nord Superior
Evening at Singapore Anchorage

Thursday 29 th of February 2024
and I went to bed at 11 o'clock Pilot booked for 13:30, but I will be at sleep by then. I had been up since 6 o'clock in the morning, YESTERDAY morning.

We came alongside at VOPAK, Banyan #5 in the afternoon and the discharge orders had been changed on the way from the anchorage. I made a new discharge plan that was ready when we reached VOPAK.

They were soon changing the plans again and at 8 o'clock we got the last discharge order. We will discharge a few tanks until empty and we will remove some cargo from the other tanks and we will load on top in Malaysia.

The gasoline mix will be brought to Australia. Anyway, it was nice to leave VOPAK and Singapore behind while I was in bed sleeping.

We dropped anchor at Pengerang, Malaysia at 20:24 and we do not have any berthing prospects. So th emonth of March 2024 will most likely start as February ended.

Click HERE to check it out!

I joined m/t Nord Superior 16th of February 2024 in Japan. We did the following voyages before I signed off at Pax Ocean Shipyard in Xiushan, China 20th of April 2024

Voy No.
Load Port
Discharge Port


Kashima, Japan
I join the ship Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

50.000m3 Gasoline
Singapore, VOPAK Banyan

About 35.000m3 will be taken to Pengerang, Malaysia where it will be mixed with Malaysian gasoline.


Pengerang, Malaysia
Load about 102.000 Bbls of gasoline

- 18.200 bbls RON 95
- 65.000 (3 grades) to mix RON 98
- 18.400 Bbls to mix to make 184.000 Bbls RON 91
- Keep about 50.000 Bbls of the gasoline from Japan for Australia
Kwinana, Australia


SBM Bergading, Malaysia
Gulei, China

Going to Dry Dock at Pax Ocean Shipyard in Xiushan, China


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