Helsingborg from Öresund - Click HERE for bigger picture

H elsingborg is situated at Öresund's narrowest point with a great view over neighboring Denmark and the beautiful Öresund. The town is more than 900 years old and has for many years been the gate to Denmark.

Helsingborg has been trade center and stronghold since the 9th century. 21st of May 1085 Helsingborg is considered as Helsingborg's official birth day, this was the first time Helsingborg was ever mentioned. This was in a letter from the Danish king Knut den helige (Knut the holy).

Helsingborg 1589 - Copperplate engraving by Georg Braun
Helsingborg 1589
Långvinkelsgatan left of the Castle and Skeppsbron and the Maria church
Copperplate engraving by Georg Braun - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But people had lived here long before that. In the narrow part of Öresund it was easy to control the waterway. Helsingborg received its town charter 1414.

The simple fortification made of wood was replaced by Helsingborg Castle and later by Kärnan.

Kärnan - postcard from www.minavykort.com

A fort and a ring-wall around it were built during the 12th century and replaced the old wooden fort. It was called Helsingborg Castle. Kärnan was built during the 14th century and replaced the tower from the 12th century. During the 16th century Kärnan was the symbol for domination over Skåne

On the 15th century Helsingborg suffered very much from all the wars between Denmark and Sweden. Skåne and Helsingborg passed from Denmark to Sweden in 1658 but was destroyed during the Danish-Swedish conflicts in the 17th century.

The Danes recaptured it 1676 and changed owners 4 times. During the war 1675 and 1679 most of the city Helsingborg was destroyed. Only the Maria church and the house of Jacob Hansen was saved. 1681-1684 the fort was destroyed but the tower Kärnan was left alone. Kärnan is the only thing left of Helsingborg Castle today.

War of Skåne 1678
Helsingborg captured by the Danes during the “War of Skåne” 1678
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Back in 1710 at the battle of Helsingborg Magnus Stenbock defeated the Danes and Helsingborg has been Swedish since that date. And I suspect that many of the people from Skåne would prefer to belong to Denmark today 2018 when Sweden have become a failed state.

During the 18th century Helsingborg was a small town with about 700 people living there. But during the 19th century and the industrial revolution Helsingborg entered a new era of prosperity. The population increased rapidly.

Port of Helsingborg 1897
Port of Helsingborg 1897
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The old DSB ferry station, The Steam Boat Terminal (To the left in the picture above, black house with green roof) is now turned in to a night club. The building was designed by Statens Järnvägars Arcitect Folke Zettervall and was built 1898. This was a temporary solution as the plan was to have one train station in Helsingborg.

But it went on for hundred years and Helsingborg had two train stations and the train had to cross the Hamntorget, “Harbour Square”, when going from the Helsingborg F (Ferry terminal) and Helsingborg C (Central Station) until they built the new Knutpunkten underground train station and the new ferry terminal on top of the train station.

Helsingborg train station
Helsingborg train station - Built 1865
When Ångfärjestationen opened 1898 they changed the name to the Central station
Picture from Bildbanken Kärnan

Helsingborg train station
Helsingborg Central station 1865
The station was demolished in 1987 to give way to Nya Knutpunkten
Trafikverkets museisamlingar

Helsingborg train station
Helsingborg Central station 1967
The station was demolished in 1987 to give way to Nya Knutpunkten
Picture by Lief Spångberg from Postvagnen

Kungavagnen S3K 2904 at Helsingborg train station
Kungavagnen S3K 2904 in Helsingborg 1970
Picture by Jan Lindahl from Postvagnen

Fun to know! The King, Gustav VI Adolf had his summer house Sofiero just north of Helsingborg. He always travelled between Stockholm and Helsingborg with the train and he had his own blue car. Kungavagnen S3K 2904, King's car S3K 2904 in English. Whenever he was at town his railway car was parked on a track between the Centralstation and Järnvägsgatan. A track they called the King's track.

Kungavagnen S3K 2904 at Helsingborg train station
Gustav VI Adolf arrives to Helsingborg 1972, one year before his death
Picture by Kalle Lind HD - NST

Kungavagnen S3K 2904 at Helsingborg train station
Kungavagnen S3K 2904 in Helsingborg 1972
Picture by Kalle Lind HD - NST

On the picture above we can see the “King's track”, a side track for Kungavagnen S3K 2904. But what's more interesting is the track on the left hand side. This is the, well, it was the track between Helsingborg F (Ferry terminal) and Helsingborg C (Central Station)

Anyway, the King's car was parked on the “King's track” whenever he was visiting Sofiero, and that means it was parked there most of the summer. Even I remember the blue train car standing there from when I was just a wee lad.

Read more here:
Kungavagnen tillbaka i Helsingborg - Helsingborgs Dagblad
När kungen var i stan - Helsingborgs Dagblad

And of course, www.aladdin.st about the summer house Sofiero by clicking HERE

Ångfärjestationen - Färjestationen
Ångfärjestationen or Färjestationen
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They moved Ångfärjestationen 50 meters on the 14th of March 2016
And we can see one of “Sundsbussarna” leaving for Denmark
Video from Helsingborgs Dagblad

Train passing through the city of Helsingborg
Train passing Hamntorget 1967
From Ångfärjestationen in the North to the Central station in the South
Picture by Leif Spångberg - www.tramways.com

Train passing through the city of Helsingborg
Freight train passing Hamntorget back in the 1980's
Coming from the Central Station in the South of Helsingborg
Picture: Helsingborgs museisamling

Yes there was 2 railway stations in the town and I have been waiting for the train to pass many many times. Read more about it in Helsingborgs Dagblad, in Swedish only! Anyway, the chances are great that you understanding more Swedish than many people calling themselves “Swedes” today. Anyway, click HERE . THERE ARE PICTURES!

But now they have built a tunnel under Helsingborg and there is only one station now. On top of the railway station is the ferry terminal and a hotel.

Very convenient if you come with train. When I come to Helsingborg now a days I always stay at hotel Marina Plaza. Coming with the train from Kastrup International and it is only a few steps up to the hotel.

Helsingborg port
The main port of Helsingborg, the medieval fortress tower “Kärnan” is seen to the right in the background. To the left, the Town Hall. The two floor yellowish building closest to the water on the left, is the Sundbusserne terminal
Picture from Wikipedia

Ångfärjestationen or Färjestationen
We can see the old ferry terminal from Marina Plaza
And Sundsbussarna is still using their old terminal in the yellow building
Picture from www.hotels.se

Marina Plaza
Hotel Marina Plaza
Picture from www.hotels.se

Old post card from Helsingborg

SundsbussarnaSundsbussarna is still going from the yellow building in the middle of the picture above.
I remember 1 time long a go. We found a guy from the north of Sweden. He had fallen of the train. He was with us for a few days drinking beer and having a good time. Well, we were young and we liked the good things in life and we had our pockets full of money to spend and I have spent more than a few hours on DSB drinking beer on the way to and from Denmark.

The DSB ferries and LB ferries are now 1 company called Scandlines but there is a new company operatingHH ferriesbetween Helsingborg and Helsingør since 1996. It's the HH ferries .

When I say new it means the line was not operating when I was operating (going to Helsingør for drinking beer) in the area. Back then it was only DSB, LB and Sundsbussarna if we wanted to go and drink beer in Helsingør. Well, much blah blah bla about the ferries but the connection between Denmark and Sweden has always been important. If you like to read more you are just one click away.

The ferries are still going strong despite the new bridge between Malmö and Copenhagen opened for traffic in the summer 2000.

Well, I must mention the best soda water in the world, Ramlösa is a brand of carbonated mineral water from a source in Ramlösa Brunnspark in the southern part of Helsingborg, Sweden. Ramlösa goes back to the year 1707 when a health spa around the source was founded by Johan Jacob Döbelius.

Marketing the healing waters of Ramlösa Hälsobrunn began early on. In 1708 Johan Jacob Döbelius had a brochure published, which described the park at the spa. Readers could then get an idea of the beautiful natural surroundings, the district's many sightseeing opportunities and read an objectiv account of the resort's excellent postal service.

Ramlösa Spa
The Spa Pavilion at the Ramlösa mineral water spring in Helsingborg, Sweden.
www.guidebook-sweden.com | Photo: Håkan Dahlström (CC BY 3.0)

The health spa's guests were farmers, manual workers, lawyers, tailors, noblemen and soldiers. For the very poor,Ramlösa mineral watertheir visit to the health spa was free of charge. Thanks to generous donations from the rich, they were able to drink the water and receive proper health care. For the rich, their stay at Ramlösa was in many respects a pleasure trip.

They drank the water and were treated by the spa doctor, but the social life and entertainment were the most important.

Drinking of the spring water began at 4 o'clock in the morning. The poor were first in line. When they had finished, it was the turn of the farmers and manual workers. At about 11 o'clock in the morning the rich came down to the spring to fill their crystal glasses.

Ramlösa Spa
The Spa Pavilion at the Ramlösa mineral water spring in Helsingborg, Sweden.
Picture from Wikipedia

For almost 200 years, people drank the water that came out of a sandstone rock in Ramlösadalen. But the natural Ramlösa mineral water was accidentally discovered at the end of the 19th century. At the time, a team of workmen was drilling for coal near Brunnsparken.

Luckily they never found what they were looking for. They only found large quantities of water. Drilling was therefore stopped, and the sad team went home.

A few years later, in 1895, the superintendent of the spring was having trouble with his steam boilers. Scale was continually forming in them, and better-quality water than that being taken from the nearby stream was needed. The Managing Director at that time, Baron Uggla, suggested using water from the borehole. The boiler scale disappeared.

Ramlösa Mineral Water

Ramlösa Mineral Water

Ramlösa Mineral Water

Surprised by these results, he had the water analysed, and the reply was more positive than he could ever have hoped. The water was just as pure and rich in minerals as the famous Neuenahr's health water of the time. A new era had begun. The water that we know today as the natural Ramlösa mineral water had been discovered.

Ramlösa is today a wholly owned subsidiary of the Danish brewery group Carlsberg. And today Ramlösa Spa has turned into a park. And we can read the following on www.guidebook-Ramlösa Brunnsparksweden.com:

Ramlösa Brunnspark is the approximately 15-hectare and more than 300-year-old, former spa garden of Ramlösa, a southern suburb of Helsingborg.

The extensive park consists of a large natural part with a free-growing deciduous forest and a cultivated part. The overall picture of the second part is determined by lawns with large old trees as well as chestnut, linden and maple trees. There are also other different gardens from different eras of the park and some beautiful old villas.

The buildings in and around the park are from the heyday of the former spa in the 19th century. Among them is the former spa hotel, which is also one of the largest wooden buildings in Northern Europe, as well as the old spa clinic, the former bathhouse and the old doctor's house, just to name a few. In all buildings are now private apartments or offices.

To conserve the park, including the buildings in its entirety, the complex was declared a monument in 1973. With the result that the buildings may not be demolished or altered externally, no new buildings can be built and no major change in the appearance of the park may be made.

Helsingborg Travel Poster
Helsingborg Travel Poster

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