Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Monday 12 th of December 2005 and It was nice to be onboard with all my luggage. Hmm, my cabin was on the deck under the bridge. I was almost dead when I was reaching my cabin on the 7th deck. No elevator. But I had the presence of mind to take pictures of my cabin. Well, not quite, I took the picture after placing my luggage in the cabin. Not nice and tidy as we are used to.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
My cabin

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
My cabin

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Deck from the bridge

So now you know what my cabin looks like. Not Donsötank standard, but well in line with Veritas Tankers standard. I caught myself thinking about running up and take pictures of the bridge. But I'm sure I will have time to do that before uploading next time. Unge Herr Sjöofficeren always asks for pictures from the bridge. I don't want to disappoint him.

I was taking a tour with the 3rd Officer before he left the ship. They should pick him up at 22:00 together with the home going Chief Officer. We started at the bridge. The discharging was in full swing. We went through the paper work on the bridge and we took a tour on deck. Before soon it was time for him to take a shower and go home. I was all by lonesome again.Yet another Smiley on

Well, new stuff to learn and the time turned quick. At 22:05 we started to load and at 22:30 discharging were completed.
While loading we have to check the containers for damage when they are lifted onboard. If you see a broken container there is paper work to be done. It was a nice evening with good weather. My German painkillers had kicked in and I was in a good mood. I spent time chatting with the Foreman. He's from Pakistan and has been living in Dubai for 4 years.

Aladdin's adventure in Jebel Ali with MV Pegasus
He is happy to sign off

Aladdin's adventure in Jebel Ali with MV Pegasus
Taking on board provision

Aladdin's adventure in Jebel Ali with MV Pegasus
Loading containers in Jebel Ali

Aladdin's adventure in Jebel Ali with MV Pegasus
Loading containers in Jebel Ali

Aladdin's adventure in Jebel Ali with MV Pegasus
Loading containers in Jebel Ali

Aladdin's adventure in Jebel Ali with MV Pegasus
Stevedore on deck

Aladdin's adventure in Jebel Ali with MV Pegasus
The Foreman on deck

Aladdin's adventure in Jebel Ali with MV Pegasus
Loading containers in Jebel Ali

Aladdin's adventure in Jebel Ali with MV Pegasus
Another ship loading containers in Jebel Ali

Aladdin's adventure in Jebel Ali with MV Pegasus
Loading containers in Jebel Ali

Aladdin's adventure in Jebel Ali with MV Pegasus
Loading containers in Jebel Ali

Aladdin's adventure in Jebel Ali with MV Pegasus
Loading containers in Jebel Ali

Aladdin's adventure in Jebel Ali with MV Pegasus
Loading containers in Jebel Ali

Aladdin's adventure in Jebel Ali with MV Pegasus
Loading containers in Jebel Ali

Aladdin's adventure in Jebel Ali with MV Pegasus
Loading containers in Jebel Ali

Aladdin's adventure in Jebel Ali with MV Pegasus
Loading containers in Jebel Ali

Aladdin's adventure in Jebel Ali with MV Pegasus
Loading containers in Jebel Ali

Aladdin's adventure in Jebel Ali with MV Pegasus
2nd Officer relieves me at midnight

The workers in UAE are coming from all over the world, of course, mostly from the poor part of the world. And it was a very interesting watch, first time for me on a container ship and it was very exciting with all the new things. Exciting or not, I was tired after being on the way for the last day and running around the ship during the afternoon and evening. A few hours of sleep at the hotel weren't very much.

It was nice to be relieved by 2nd Officer at midnight. I went for a shower and I spent 1 hour writing on my web page before going to bed.

Tuesday 14 th of December 2005
and we completed cargo operation around 9 o'clock in the morning. We left Jebel Ali for Ad Dammam just after 10 o'clock. Its some 20 hours to Ad Dammam andAladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasusthere were plenty paper work to do.

When I came down for lunch I discovered n utella ®. Yes, there were n utella ® all over the mess room. Please, fer fåcks sake! Not this! n utella ® is something of the most dangerous thing known to mankind. It's very easy to get hocked on this Hazelnut and Cocoa spread. Well, this was bad news for me and my diet. I don't know what to do about it, it's so yummy.

I remember when me and me Sheila was in the supermarket. There were these free sampling offering n utella ®. Well, I filled our basket with n utella ® and I got hooked and I had to work hard to stop using the stuff. I managed just because I'm cheap. I was desperate to stop. I bought a big jar of Nnuuttttla or whatever it was.

They have a similar brand name to fool customers to buy the stuff. The price tag was aAladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasusfifth of the real n utella ®. I understand why, it took me months to finish the jar.

Otherwise a jar of n utella ® lasts for 18 minutes and 37 seconds. (The big jar) Well, the make this story short, I haven't been eating n utella ® since and now I'm scared. I must come up with a plan,and it has to be a very good plan.

Coming on my night watch and I made some tea first thing. When coming to the bridge first time I could see the entertainment centre, but not the tea machine. But there are both tea machine and refrigerator for milk. So I have what I need on the bridge. Or as I use to say, a well equipped bridge.
I will take some picture for Unge Herr Sjöofficeren ASAP.

Wednesday 14 th of December 2005
and I was called for at 05:00. We were about to arrive to Ad Dammam. I took a hot shower and I went out on deck and I started to lock all the boxes with fire hoses and other stores. Great risk for theft so we lock everything while in port. Also a part of the new ISPS code.

Our stevedores came onboard and started unlashing of the containers at 07:10 and we started to discharge at 09:10. They had been ready since about 8 o'clock to start discharging. But it was dense fog and they didn't operate the cranes in fog.

I did some paper work in the afternoon and I went to bed, but I could not sleep more than 1 hour or so. Now I had a terrible cough. Well, it's a little better than a sore throat. IAladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasuswent to our Mess man, they call Mess man for Steward on German ships. But in the Russian navy it was the Mess man that was the Doctor onboard. So our Mess man is our Doctor and I suspect that being Doctor in the Russian navy they have given you a good training. So I was very confident when asking Mess man for cough syrup.

Now my cabin looks like a drug store. Well, anyway, a better stocked drugstore than the one on Munich airport for sure. I felt good and I was in a good mood cracking jokes with the crew.

Not being the sullen Swede with a sore throat coming on board in Jebel Ali. Giving Swedes a bad reputation, well, not to the extent that the Captain on Astoria did when we lifted him ashore with our deck crane. Being drunk for a week and trying to end it all with all the narcotic onboard. I'm sure all the Russians standing on the jetty with eyes the size like tea saucers were impressed.Yet another Smiley on

But I think they made even bigger eyes when the company sent him back onboard. That's the reason I gave my notice. They told me that the last time he was onboard one of the ABs had to drop the anchor because the Captain were drunk. Yeah, it's unbelievable. And he came back to the ship and this time he had been drinking and tried to finish it off by eating all the narcotics onboard. If we hadn't found him he would have been dead.

Anyway, I would have been scared waking up knowing that one of the ABs had to drop the anchor for me because I was drunk. I would have been scared for myself and I would have called the company ASAP and asked for a reliever.

But not this guy, he had an inferiority complex like no one I have seen since I was working in Stolt. He had to tech everyone everything. Countless were the times I had to listen to trite like: “I'm the only one knowing how to do this”
Or what about this one?
- I had to go through hell when coming here the first time. Teaching them how to fill ballast and navigate in ice.
- I had to go through hell to teach them this and that.
Well, I use to say to him:
- If I got a ¢ every time you said that you were the only one able I would have been a millionaire by now.

I told him that they could promote the other Chief Officer to Captain when they were looking for a new Captain.
- He doesn't know his way around the CCR and the bridge, he said.
What! He can find his way out of his cabin, we don't have to lift him ashore. That's more than we can say about you. This is what the company hears from the Captain onboard. I relieved the Chief Officer 2 times and everything seemed to be in a very good order when I came onboard.

And as I said to one company. It's scary that the company calling the Captain all the time to ask how the crew is behaving. Yeah, Yeah blah-blah I'm working hard and I did this and I did that. (Who's the fåcker lying in front of the TV all day and night?) When are they doing all this stuff they tell the company? Well, you can imagine the chock finding out it's a drunk after hearing that

You don't need a degree in some advanced studies to understand who's being blamed here. Well, one thing is for sure, I'm the troublesome and difficult person according to the Veritas Tankers. Not the Captain drinking and embarrassing the crew. And I mean really embarrassing. My skin was burning, that's how ashamed I was when we lifted him ashore. But it seems to be hard to embarrass the company.

My friend told me that I was now known as a trouble maker in the shipping industry.
- I know, but I prefer living on welfare than accepting stuff like this.
I was the only one giving my notice to the company. The Swedish labour union movement and the Swedish Employers' Confederation have really got their wish come through. Swedish sailors are so afraid to lose their jobs they accept anything.

Let's do a test! This will be an interesting test, it's 100% accurate. You can give an honest answer because you don't have to tell anyone what you answered.
- Would you accept staying on a ship with a drunk trying to commit suicide?
- Would you accept being lied to by your employer?
- Would you liked to be tricked in to taking an employment?
( We will give you a million and they give you fåck all )

I think you all have been in a bar or on a party drinking just soda for whatever reason. You're about to crack after 1 hour listening to all the drunks screaming and laughing. We don't like it, but we can handle it for one night just to be social.
Now imagine being on a boat with a drunken blah-blah-bla all day long for days.
- Your good Aladdin! Blah-blah, 20 years at sea, Crossing the Atlantic 1993, Blah-blah, Aladdin, you're a good friend, Blah-blah.

Yeah, you're getting crazy. When you finally tell them to fåck off they're getting black eyed. On a bar it's no problem, when you meet someone black eyed you just say that you're off to the toilet and you're out of there.
But on the ship you have to meet them every day and it's no more: Aladdin you're my good friend. Now you have to listen to stuff like:
- Why don't you like me? Do you want to fight? I thought we were friends. You don't like me drinking

I'm getting crazy. I'm working at least 12 hours a day, then listening to someone watching TV all day long telling me they are working hard and then I have to spend my fåcking dedicated sleeping time carry him ashore. Like this isn't enough the company is sending him back onboard and telling me that I'm a trouble maker.

Would you leave a ship under any of the above circumstances even though it means you're going to be considered as a trouble maker?
the sun shines from the Captains behind.
- Oh! How could that happen? Captain drunk!

He wanted me to put more overtime.
- That's not enough. I always wrote 30 hours, he said.
I told him that I only write the hours that I'm working. Then later on when our 2nd Officer wanted more overtime, yeah, you guessed it. I got the blame for that one. Really nice to leave that company.

On one of Veritas other ship the pilot calling the police when coming onboard finding the Captain dead drunk. That story made headlines in the newspaper, publicity a tanker company can live without.

In Russia I was the only one wanting to take him back onboard so we could get him to Sweden. The other crew didn't want him onboard again. I didn't want him back either, but the company asked if we could take him to Sweden.

I said yes even though there were protests from the crew. We had to put a watch in his cabin because I was afraid that he might put his cabin on fire or jump overboard.

And after all this the company tries to fåck me over. I asked them to issue a certificate for the reason that I gave my notice. Giving our notice isn't seen on with a light heart in Sweden ravaged with unemployment. They sent that, and I quote:
“Aladdin did not get on well with one of our Captains”.
This is the kind bulls••t they sent me and then they didn't reply on my e-mail were I pointed out that this was not the kind of stuff I expected from a serious company. Well, it's a long story and it will be told when I have the time.

All people I'm telling this story for think it's unbelievable. They suggest that I should tell the news paper. People are concerned about the oil transports on the sea and especially on the Baltic Sea and they have Captains onboard that can't even find their way out of their own cabins. Well, as one guy said. Veritas hasn't created a distinctive image for themselves as a serious company.

Well, back to Pegasus in Ad Dammam, we continued discharging containers. The Foreman was from Bangalore, India and we had a chat.
- Have you been to Bangalore? He asked.
I told him about my adventure going on a train in India, the “Horror Epic” on the Bangalore - Calcutta Express. The 54 hours nightmare.

At midnight 2nd Officer came to relieve me and I was off to my cabin and a hot shower. Some cough syrup and I was off to bed after editing the pictures I took during my watch.

Ship's Fo'c's'le on board MV Pegasus
Fo’c’s’le on Pegasus - Click HERE for bigger picture

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
A Stevedore and the Foreman

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
The Foreman

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Assistant Electrician and a AB keeping our Steward company when he is the gangway watch

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Assistant Electrician and a AB keeping our Steward company when he is the gangway watch

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
MV Pegasus in Ad Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Thursday 15 th of December 2005
and they stopped cargo operation when I came on my watch at 06:00. It was dense for and they will not operate their cranes in fog. Well, that gave me time toAladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasushave tea with our British Engineers. Our Chief Engineer is having a cup (almost) the size of the barrels I use to drink tea from. I will see next time in Jebel Ali if I can find myself a beer mug.

We expected the fog to disappear around 9 o'clock like yesterday. But the fog wouldn't go away. It was getting a little boring, one hour with no action is OK, but after one hour it tends to get a wee bit boring.

So nothing was happening except the action in the tea department. Our Bosun found himself paint and a brush and went downon the jetty to paint our draft mark amidships. I took a few pictures of the adventure. But I was soon off to the office for a little paperwork. There is plenty new paper work to familiarize myself with.

Finally at 11:40, just when the boredom was starting to make me run up the walls they started to discharge again.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Chief Officer and our Bosun

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Assistant Electrician doing something

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Bosun painting draft marks in the fog

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Bosun painting draft marks in the fog

When I came on my night watch they told us that they will be ready until midnight/ midnight 30 with the loading. We were in a little, well, in more than a little doubt about it. But they cut out their break between 19:00 and 20:00 and they completed loading just after midnight.

Friday 16 th of December 2005
and we left Ad Dammam at 01:36. After completion we had to secure our deck cranes and we had to do a stability test to calculate our GM. Calculated GM was 1,8m and with the test the result was about 2m. This took us about 45 minutes including our stowaway search. Pilot was ordered for 01:00 but he came a little late.

I went to bed after departure and I was called for at 07:40 again. I relieved Chief Officer on the bridge at 08:00. My first morning on the bridge keeping sea watch since I joined the ship. Nice, I made a big barrel of tea and I enjoyed the nice weather.

After my watch I went for lunch in the mess room and I asked our Captain about Diet Coke. Our stores are full, but we will order provision in Spain. I asked for 20 cases and he dropped dead on the mess room floor.
- 20 cases???!!!!!Yet another Smiley on
- Yeah! That's nothing. You can as well prepare yourself to order another 20 cases soon, I said.
- In that case I can call the ships chandler. Maybe he can deliver 20 cases tonight, he said.

He thought that I should order 2 cases and for that the ship chandler wouldn't bother coming down to the ship. Well, I hope I can get my diet surprises delivered to the ship tonight or tomorrow morning.Yet another Smiley on

When I came on my night watch I had just locked all our boxes with fire hoses. I had also locked our fire stations. The pilot boarded us just after 20:00 and we had all fast 21:48. They started to remove the lashings at 21:55 and at 22:10 they started to discharge. They were really kicking a•s. We had almost discharged all our containers at midnight and they started to load at 00:35. But by then we were ashore.

Saturday 17 th of December 2005
and we had planned to go ashore doing some shopping when I got off my watch at midnight. It was our 3rd Engineer and me going. Our Steward wanted to come as well and I told him:
- The more the merrier, I said.

I was out of my boiler suit in a jiff when I was relieved at midnight. We went straight ashore, no time to waist. We really needed some Friday night action, well, actually it's Saturday morning. But for me it's Friday until I wake up after my sleep tomorrow. And as well I needed sleep urgently, but I also needed some pillows in order to get my beauty nap. Well, let's keep it short, we wanted to go ashore.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Jebel Ali container terminal
Taking pictures while waiting for the van to pick us up

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Jebel Ali container terminal
Taking pictures while waiting for the van to pick us up

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Jebel Ali container terminal
Taking pictures while waiting for the van to pick us up

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Steward and 3rd Engineer waiting for the van

They have vans circulating the terminal picking up people for transport to the gate. We waited some 5-10 minutes before a van turned up. It was full and we had to wait a few minutes before an empty van turned up. It took us about 5 minutes to get to the gate. At the gate we meet our Assistant Electrician and a Motorman. They had been ashore for some shopping as well.

We had been uncertain of the closing time. We were told that one supermarket was closing at 11 andAladdin's adventure Talal Supermarket in Jebel Ali, Dubaione at 2 o'clock. Our assistant Electrician told us that they closed at 2 butDubai Taxithere was problem finding a taxi.

Outside the gate we spotted a guy walking towards the parking place. We asked him where we could find a taxi. It was pretty desolated around the gate. No sign of any taxi, or any action.

We were lucky. He drove us to the TALAL supermarket. They sell everything, electronic, computer, cell phones and food. I bought some Diet Coke and 2 pillows ( and 2 snickers ). Our Mess man was on the second floor looking at computers. Downstairs our 3rd Engineer and me were the only customers. The shop keeper and ourAladdin's adventure Talal Supermarket in Jebel Ali, DubaiBritish 3rd Officer thought that I was crazy going on in the shop.

The shop keeper was more than a little annoyed the first 10 minutes. Then they were screaming withYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stlaughter. But I'm used to it,Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stat first they wonder who this lunatic is, then they realize that I'm just joking with them.

We were soon back at the container terminal and we were onboard around 2 o'clock in the morning. When coming onboard we found the stevedores sleeping on deck a little everywhere. I was off for a shower and a power nap, I had my morning watch to think about. And I was looking forward to trying my new pillows.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
3rd Engineer with my new pillows

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Stevedore sleeping on deck

Yes, I was really looking forward to getting in to bed to try out my new pillows. The pillows were at least to say SUB STANDARD, well, at least they didn't keep Swedish standard. But I was warned in Hamburg when I was there for the German Shipping Legislation course. I met one of the Superintendents and he welcomed me to Alpha Ship
- Thank you, I said
- We have a hard time finding people!

AlarmThere was an instant alarm going off in my mind. No, not one, several alarms and warninglights going off in my mind

Why do they have problem finding people? Of course, they look for cheaper and cheaper people and they will sooner or later have people satisfied with sleeping on the floors. But after a while they realise that there are other companies supplying beds for the crew and they move on.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
New pillow VS. Old pillow

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
New pillow VS. Old pillow

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Quilt - Up to standard 2005?

Yes, always looking for cheaper staff, this goes for both on board and ashore. Education, training and experience are never mind. The price tag is the most important and there is always computer based training that gives you a nice certificate but no knowledge.

Yes, the German Shipping Legislation course is a good example of a course in nothing. You get a certificate and off you go for the next assignment.

There is video training in fighting fire, yes, even an advanced fire fighting course on video. Youcan learn to fight pirates with a few minutes in front of a video. Click print and yyou have a nice certificate and the ship and crew is ready to pass through pirate waters.

When I came on my morning watch there were 3 cranes loading us and at 06:15 we only had 2 more bays to load next to each other and they could only use 1 crane. They are a little wider than out hatches so they can't work next to each other. We completed loading at 08:55 and no sign off my 20 cases of diet drinks. I disappointed, but I'm most likely better off without them.

They told us that they should have been onboard yesterday, but no sign off them. No sign of them in the morning either. Bipping bip!!! I should have bought more of the Diet drinks yester day at TALAL supermarket. Well, never mind, it's probably just good for me.

We left Jebel Ali at 09:54 and after my watch I was off for a shower and a power nap. I spentPull tabthe afternoon writing on my web page and I finally caught up and am now up to date with the darn thing.

I enjoyed a Diet Drink while writing. It was a little nostalgic when I opened the can. I haven't seen a pull tab like that on a can for many many years. How many of these old pull tabs broke while opening the can? I don't know, but it was many. Well, anyway, it was nice to leave the Persian Gulf and we have 6 days to Suez. Well, I'm off to relieve our Chief Officer on the bridge so he can have his dinner.

Sunday 18 th of December 2005
and we had sunshine and nice weather when I came on my morning watch. I cracked a few jokes with Chief Officer while waiting for my tea to be ready. I had brought an apple for breakfast, so I got a few vitamins as well.Yet another Smiley on

The crew was washing the bridge deck outside the bridge so I watched them for a while before getting bored with the sight. Of course, I had a few pictures of them while washing.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Washing outside the bridge

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Washing outside the bridge

We were just NW of Ra's Al Hadd TSS (Eastern most part of Oman) and I changed course to South 20 minutes before 10 o'clock. I was on my second pot of tea by then and I had a nice watchiPod radio transmitterwhile enjoying good music. I think, four pots of tea during my watch.

I was happy that I bought a small radio transmitter for my iPod. The entertainment center on the bridge leaves more than a little to wish for. But now I have access to 25 GBof music on the FM band. Yeah-yeah, I know it drives you up the wallYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbut I just have to do it.

It's time for the good 'ol back in the days warning again. Not everything was better back in the day, even though we were younger. Remember carry around cassette tapes and cassetteCassette tapeplayers when signing on ships. You needed a bag just for the music, and that bag was in a size making my portable home look like a small handbag.

Good music and the times turn quick. It was soon 12 o'clock and I was relieved byAladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus2nd Officer on the bridge. He asked about my web page and the address.
- My wife would like to see pictures from the ship, he said.
- No problem. I will try to update my page in Spain.

I was in my cabin writing on myYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stweb page and our Captain came by.

He was looking at my computer and we talked about web pages and stuff.

I told him that I will update my web page in Spain. I also told him that the crew had sent the address to their wife's and relatives. So now they are watching all theAladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasusaction on board MV Pegasus.

- Can you connect to internet with you computer? He asked.
- I use my mobile phone, I said.
He asked about Bluetooth® and my NOKIA phone. I had to buy a new computer before I signed on. Now I have a built in Bluetooth® radio. So Captain borrowed my external Bluetooth® radio I used for my old computer. He also borrowed installation CD for his NOKIA phone modem.

After lunch I went with our Steward to the hospital. I still had a sore throat and he gave me some medicine. It's good with our Steward. Well, if I understood it right they have to study for 3-4 years to be a Doctor in the old Russian Navy. I think that's what they said, I'm not exactly sure about it. Well, anyway, we have a very nice hospital onboard.

I had a sleep during the afternoon and I was a little better in my throat when I woke up. After dinner I sold some telephone cards to the crew. We get a 20 minutes for 18$ with French Telecom during off peak hours. It's almost cheaper than using your cell phone in Sweden.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Our “hospital”

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Our “first aid” room

At 21:00 we retarded the ship time 1 hour. We need to retard 3 hours total before arriving to Spain. Tuesday will be next time we retard the time. We're entering the red Sea and steer a Northerly course and stay in the same time zone.

Monday 19 th of December 2005
and it was nice weather when I came on my morning watch, the wind had increased to a force 4. Nothing to get excited about. After my first cup of tea on the bridge I took some pictures of our bridge. I'm always thinking of Unge Herr Sjöofficeren and his passion for navigational bridges. Well, here are two for you!

The wheel house/ bridge on MV Pegasus - Click HERE for bigger picture

Wheel house on MV Pegasus
The wheel house/ bridge on MV Pegasus - Click HERE for bigger picture

Well, now I hope that Unge Herr Sjöofficeren have his fill of pictures from our bridge. As you can see we're steering the ship from Starboards side of the bridge because of the cranes on deck. We have aWheel house on MV PegasusDECCA bridge with TRANSAS ECDIS.

We have a Phillips cassette player and a Phillips coffee machine, well, I use it for tea. Well, Nicke, there you got a little to think of.

At dinner Captain told me I had an e-mail. It was from my friend working on INTERTANKO in London. He's surprised that I work on a container ship. We used to help each other when we were Chief Officers. When he had problem he called me or sent me an e-mail. I did the same when I needed help. Well, I need to do something new and I enjoy every minute of it. Except being sick, but I'm getting better. Plenty new stuff to learn and the times turn quick. I'm off to my night watch and I hope this one turns quick so I can go to bed.Yet another Smiley on

Tuesday 20 th of December 2005
and we had just passed Ra's al Kalb when I came on my morning watch. We will pass Aden tonight. And we will reach Bab el Mandeb and enter the Red Sea leaving Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea behind. I relieve our Chief Officer at 8 o'clock in the morning and as he has been up since 4 o'clock in the morning he is happy to go for a rest.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Our Chief Officer can go for a rest

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
I'm up in our forward crane checking the fire extinguisher

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
I'm up in our forward crane checking the fire extinguisher

I was up in our cranes during the afternoon. All the instructions on the fire extinguishers are in German and I'm changing them to English. We are retarding ships time 1 hour tonight as well and that gives me 5 hours of watch to enjoy my music and drinking tea.

But before going on watch I did my laundry and I went to see our British 3rd Engineer. He was in his cabin listening to Hip Hop. I was a little impressed by his music taste. We talked about this and that and he followed me to my cabin. I had bought a few computer magazines in Sweden before signing on. Now he wanted to borrow them. He also looked at my web page and he liked the picture of us going ashore shopping in Jebel Ali.
- Hey! There are no pictures of our Captain, he complained.
Well, I have to rectify that.

When I came on my night watch we had just passed Aden and after 90 minutes we changed course to NW and entered the Bab el Mandeb TSS . We have about two and a half day to Suez and we have an ETA around lunch time 23rd of December.
Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Coffee break on the poop deck

Wednesday 21 st of December 2005
and we had nice weather when I came on my morning watch. IAladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasushad my tea and enjoyed the weather and atYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st10 o'clock our Captain came for some tea.

Well, we talked about this and that and the time turned quick. He had been in a company trading Sweden and Norway for 20 years. So he wanted to practice his “Scandinavian” language skills with me.
- Well, forget about Swedish and Norwegian. Skånska is the thing you should concentrate on.

But I think it will be hard to learn Skånska. Well, anyway, we enjoyed our tea and it was soon time for lunch.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
We enjoy ourselves on the bridge with tea

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Always people coming to visit on the bridge

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Chief Officer and Captain on the bridge

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
First day with Christmas decoration

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
3rd Engineer and IT Technician having lunch

When I came down to the mess room it was Christmas. The mess room was decorated with a Christmas tree and other Christmas stuff. First day with Christmas decorations and it felt OK.Christmas on board MV Pegasus21st of December and it is OK with the decorations, not like when workingChristmas on board MV Pegasuswith Filipinos. They start in October and November and I usually have to tell them to hold it with the decorations for a month or so. But now it felt appropriate with the decorations

In the afternoon we held an “Rescue from enclosed space” and a “Collision/ Grounding” drill in the afternoon. At 16:00 our alarm went off andat the muster we found out that our Assistant Electrician was missing in action. A search party of three were dressed in BA sets and the found the Assistant electrician in our Steering gear room. They had to carry him up to second deck were we had a stretcher waiting for him.

The crew was a little unlucky today, it was the 2nd smallest crew member they had to carry. They all wished it had been me they had had to carry from the steering gear room. But you can't be lucky every day.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Lifeboat muster

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Lifeboat muster

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Assistant Electrician rescued from the steering engine compartment

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Assistant Electrician rescued from the steering engine compartment

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Enclosed Space Rescue Drill

We were ready with our drills just before 17:00 and we had a group picture before I left to do some paper work before having my shower. I relieved Chief Officer on the bridge so he could have his dinner

Before going on my night watch I had a Diet Coke while writing a few words on my web page. I got new pain killers from our ships Doctor today. I think my sore throat is a little better now. One thing is for sure, I'm not enjoying my Diet Coke as much as I wished. I hope to be better in a few days', but now I have had problem with my throat for almost 2 weeks.

TEAM Alpha - Click HERE for bigger picture

First thing to do when coming on my night watch is to make tea and while waiting for the water to boil I set up my FM transmitter so I can listen to my iPod on the radio. When the tea is ready I pour myself a cup and I can relax.

Talking about tea, our Chief Engineer disappointed me yesterday. Here I'm walking around giving him the secret signs like we belong to a secret brotherhood or something. But it turns out that its coffee he's drinking from his big mug.

Captain was on his usual visit on the bridge during the night. He saw the picture of the crew that I took during our drill. He borrowed my USB memory and copied them to his computer. He also wanted the pictures of the bridge that I have on my web page. I gave him both the merges pictures and the original. This photo stitch is a very good program for panorama pictures.

----- NAVTEX MESSAGE -----
21ST DEC 2005.
12.57.96 N 046.10.03 E
PH NO 00966 - 2 - 6492697 AND 647911
FAX NO. 00966 - 2 - 647465
TLX NO. 0495 - 603799 RDJD SJ

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stWe're navigating in water where pirates harry. So we have to be careful and keep a sharp lookout for speedboats etc approaching us. And of course, we get message with pirate warnings.

Thursday 22 nd of December 2005
and we had just passed Jeddah and Makkah when I came on my morning watch. We steered a NW course. Wind force 2 and 27°C. A nice morning.

Captain came to the bridge and returned my USB memory with the pictures of the crew.
- I will give it to you in the afternoon with the other pictures I have taken, I said.
- Don't forget the picture were I'm drinking tea, he said.
- I will give them to you in the afternoon, I said.

After my watch I was climbing up and down our cranes again. At 3 o'clock I was ready and I could take a much needed walk on deck before my hot shower.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Taking pictures of the crew on my way to the crane

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Taking pictures of the crew on my way to the crane

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Taking pictures of the crew on my way to the crane

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Picture from our #2 crane

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Picture from our #2 crane

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
An exciting picture from our #3 crane

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
An exciting picture from our #3 crane

It was nice to walk, especially now when the weather is getting a little cooler. Shorts and t-shirt and of course I have my iPod and it is not warm or cold, like a perfect Swedish summer. I enjoyed a Diet Pepsi while writing on my web page and preparing photos for my web page after my constitutional. And I was very pleased with myself and my constitutional.Yet another Smiley on

I must say that I appreciate my iPod very much. I get the Hip Hop blasting high on the bridge withmy FM transmitter. The Hip Hop is even blasting higher in my cabin with my inMotion™ loudspeakers. And the iPod, transmitter and loudspeakers are small enough to carry in my pockets and the sound is great.


I sent some e-mail after dinner and on the way back to my cabin I passed the Engineers deck and I had a chat with our Engineers. And that's pretty much how the days are passing by onboard a container ship. But it's OK and we have a nice crew and the days pass by quickly and soon it's time to sign off. The wind from North had increased to a force 5 - 6 and it was 21°C when I came on my night watch. At 23:08 we passed El Akhawein (The Brothers) and I changed course from 329° to 330° towards Bay of Suez.

The Suez Canal or in Arabic: Qanat as-Suways

The Canal is running north-south across the Isthmus of Suez in Egypt and connects Port Said (Bur Said) in the Mediterranean with Suez in the Red sea. The canal separates the African continent from Asia. I don't need to mention that passing the Suez Canal isMap over Suez Canalmuch shorter distance than passing around Africa. The Suez Canal is one of the world's most heavily used shipping lanes. The canal is 163 kilometres long with dredged approach channels north of Port Said into the Mediterranean, and south of Suez. About 30 miles from Port Said, there is a seven-mile by-pass built between 1949 and 1951 enables convoys to pass.

The canal does not take the shortest route between Suez And Port Said, which is only 75 miles, but utilizes several lakes, from north to south, Lake Manzala (Buhayrat al-Manzilah), Lake Timsah (Buhayrat at-Timsah), and the Bitter Lakes: Great Bitter Lake (Al-Buhayrah al-Murrah al-Kubra) and Little Bitter Lake (Al-Buhayrah al-Murrah as-Sughra).

To the west of the canal is the low-lying delta of the Nile River; to the east is the Sinai Peninsula. The only important settlement before they completed the construction of the Canal 1869 was Suez, which in 1859 had 3,000 to 4,000 inhabitants. The rest of the towns along the Canal have been built after the completion, with the possible exception of Al-Qattara.

The canal were dug in the ancient past and have fallen in to disuse and been restored frequently. It was finally was blocked about the 8th century. Later there were many projects and surveys, but nothing happened until 1854, when Ferdinand de Lesseps, who had served as a diplomat for France in Egypt, persuaded Said Pasha, the viceroy of Egypt, to grant a preliminary concession for construction of a new canal across the isthmus.

The canal opened on Nov. 17, 1869 and has been constantly improved; originally 200 feet wide with a maximum depth of 24 feet, it was widened in 1954 to 500 feet at water level and 196 feet at a depth of 33 feet, with the main channel 45 feet deep, enabling ships of a maximum draft of 37 feet to navigate the canal.

The Canal was nationalized by Egypt in 1956, it was blocked in 1967 after the Arab-Israeli War and remained so until 1975.

The Suez Crisis

On July 26, 1956, the Egyptian president, Gamal Abdel Nasser, nationalized the Suez Canal. The canal had been owned by the Suez Canal Company, which was controlled by French and British interests.

The Suez Crisis was provoked by an American and British decision not to finance Egypt's construction of the Aswan High Dam, as they had promised, in response to Egypt's growing ties with communist Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union.

Nasser reacted to the American and British decision by declaring martial law in the Canal Zone and seizing control of the Suez Canal Company. The Egyptians collected the fees from the ships passing the canal to pay for the Aswan High Dam construction.

Britain and France were afraid that Nasser might close the canal and stop the oil transports from the Persian Gulf to Western Europe. When they couldn't settle the crisis with diplomatic efforts, Britain and France prepared for military action to regain control over the canal.

Britain and France found an ally in Israel, Nasser's blockage of the Straits of Tiran and the numerous raids by Egyptian-supported commandos into Israel during 1955-56 had fuelled Israelis hostility towards Egypt.

The Israeli army invaded Egypt and advanced toward the canal, routing Egyptian forces on October 29, 1956.
Britain and France demanded that Israeli and Egyptian troops should leave the canal. They announced that they would intervene to enforce a cease-fire ordered by the United Nations.

On November 5 and 6, British and French forces landed at Port Said and Port Fuad and began occupation of the canal zone, but growing opposition at home and in the UN and Soviet threats of intervention put an immediate stop to the Anglo-French action. On December 22 the UN evacuated British and French troops, and Israeli forces withdrew in March 1957.

The Egyptian president Nasser emerged from the Suez Crisis as a victor and a hero for the cause of Arab and Egyptian nationalism. Israel did not win freedom to use the canal, but they regain right for shipping in the Straits of Tiran.

Britain and France lost most of their influence in the Middle East as a resultof the Suez crisis. Well, there is always someone getting their ass kicked.

Friday 23 rd of December 2005
and we had entered strait of Gubal during the night. When I came on my morning watch we passed Belayim Oilfield. It was blowing force 6 from NNE and it was 16°C. I was freezing like a dog, this was not the kind of weather I was hoping for. But when we came closer to Bay of Suez the wind decreased to a force 4 and when I got off my watch it was nice to be on deck.

We dropped our anchor at the outer anchorage at 13:12, but they wanted us to change to the inner anchorage so we had to shift anchorage. Finally at 15:06 we were safely anchored and at 15:25 we had free pratique. I missed all the action on the bridge because I was on my watch below. But I got to see all the action in the ECR. Our ECR is located at the deck office and I was there cracking a few jokes with our Engineers. Well, there were plenty action in the ECR, at least 2 phone calls to answer during the anchoring operation.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
3rd Engineer busy in the ECR

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Or engine

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Or engine

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
OK, there are time to relax as well

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Captain and 2nd Officer on the bridge

Our Agent came onboard and he told us that they expected us to go inside 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. The convoy starts at 01:00 and they expect us to be under way at 06:00.Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV PegasusOur Agent disappeared with the speedboat after a few minutes. He's was mostly interested in getting cigarettes.

I was off to my cabin and a hot shower. I only have 2 diet drinks left in my refrigerator so I really don't want to waste time at Suez anchorage, I want us to get to Spain real soon so I can fill up my cabin with diet drinks again.

Before soon it was time for my night watch, my first watch at anchor on MV Pegasus. Exciting??!! No, I don't think so. Tea?? Yes, plenty! Maybe Captain will come and tell me some cock-and-bull story from his life at sea.

Our Agent called us during my watch and told us that they expected us to enter the Canal at 09:00 tomorrow morning. It was by luck I could hear them call Pegasus on VHF channel 14. There is constant babbling on all VHF channels all the time. So it's not easy to hear anything.

But I must say that it has become much better. I had to turn off the VHF last time in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea. It was impossible to have it on because of all the babbling and noises. It was: Banana Radio, Banana Monkey the whole time. This time I only heard it 2 or 3 times during the last week. Hmm, well, we haven't passed off the India coast yet. Passing India and it use to be terrible and you must turn off the radio.
Christmas decoration

Saturday 25 th of December 2005
and I wish I could wish you a Merry Christmas but I won't be able to upload my web page until Spain. But I suppose you're all feed up with Christmas already, watching Christmas decoration since October. But any way: Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas
Christmas treeChristmas palmWell, Christmas or not, a•• has to be kicked and when coming to the bridge for my morning watch I was sent straight to the Fo’c’s’le. We started to heave up our anchor at 08:10. We heaved up to 3 shackles on deck and then we waited for the pilot to come onboard before taking up the rest. We had the anchor up around 9 o'clock and I was on the bridge 09:15.

Bosun heaving up the anchor - Click HERE for bigger picture

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Bosun heaving up the anchor

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Ships anchored waiting to enter the Suez Canal

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Assistant Electrician on the fo'c's'le taking pictures

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Assistant Electrician on the fo'c's'le taking pictures

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Bosun heaving up the anchor

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Bosun heaving up the anchor

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Anchor is up

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Approaching the Suez Canal

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Approaching the Suez Canal

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Entering the Suez Canal and we see Suez on the left hand side

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Ship yard in Suez

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

We entered the Canal just before 10 o'clock and I did it with a cup of tea in my hand. I had brought milk to the bridge when coming back from the Fo’c’s’le. But our Steward had already filled up our refrigerator with stuff. There was also a new packet with Earl Grey tea.

We drank tea talking about the weather and wind while passing the city of Suez. Not a Christmas tree around. Only palms and it reminded me of Christmas and New Year raves in India some 10 - 13 years ago. Here in Egypt there are no rave party in sight and I am as happy. Getting older, but not necessarily any wiser, and rave party is something I have put behind me.

There was a strong wind and we could see a tendency for a sand storm a few miles ahead of us, otherwise it was a gorgeous day. Well, my pictures had obviously got our Captain to want more. He asked me if I could take a few pictures of him with my camera so he could send them to his wife. Our Pilot made sure he was on every one of them. Sneaking up from behind. So I could as well take one picture of the Pilot together with the Captain.

Our Pilot became very happy and he beamed of joy. I thought he had enough with that. But no, when I took a picture of our AB at the helm he came sneaking up again. He managed to get on the picture again and this time he was jumping up and down in excitement.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Captain on the bridge

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Captain and pilot on the bridge

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Captain posing for pictures for his wife

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AB on the wheel for hand steering

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Our Pilot always where the camera is

We could see much military camps and stuff along the Canal. They're expecting the Israelis to come charging cross the Sinai any minute. Along the Canal they have floating bridges stand-by. Along the Canal there are sentries standing on watch. This must be a very boring task standing on a look out in the middle of nowhere.

For sure enough to make me want to throw myself in front of a bus after 5 hours. But the Israelis are lurking around the corner and you have to defend your country. This is what they expect from you even if your country has done f••k all for you. All these countries with oil, gold and all the other things coming out of the ground and the people can't afford to buy shoes.

But of course the can charge a working guy 50% tax + 25% VAT in some far away country up North so they can send money for a pair of shoes for the population and plenty Champagne andRussian caviar for the Dr This or Dr That running the country for the day. Our tax money should cover a lot of things so I willingly pay my tax so a drunk can spend the summer at home on sick leave while the not drinking guys have to work and pay tax so these “Kick backers” can enjoy themselves.

Or as I said to J “50-skylten” Andersson when I asked him to return our rented DVDs. We hadPopcornrented 4 DVDs when we suffered a terrible hangover and the only thing to do was to watch movies. We had planned for them to last until the next day. But a bag of popcorn later we had watched them all.

J “50-skylten” Andersson was going to the shop and I asked him to return the DVDs even though we could have them one day more
- No no, he said. Then they can put them out for hire again and make more money.
- That's good, I said. Then they make more money and can pay more tax for schools and hospitals.
Yeah-yeah, blah-blah!

But I'm impressed, someone has really come up with a good idea on how to compete with the Chinese with our “quality” Swedish stuff. Tax the workforce so no one can afford to hire them, then send the tax money to the countries where no one pays tax.

When the Chinese and the rest of the world are out of competition our manufacturing industry will be on “full ahead” employing millions of Swedish taxpayers. So it's never mind having one or two drunken “Kick Backers”Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stgoing home on sick leave. But I think it's strange that the people that really need the sick leave are chased and interrogated like they are criminals while drunks are spending the summers relaxing on the beach.

Well, at the end of my watch we reached Little Bitter Lake(El Buheiret El Murra El Sughra). Just before reaching El Buheiret El Murra El Sughra we passed a building in the middle of the Sinai desert. It looked strange with and old building surrounded by sand as long you could see. Not a building you’re walking to, at least, not without a lot of water.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Passing the last buildings of Suez

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Suez Canal

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Suez Canal

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Suez Canal

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Suez Canal

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Leaving Suez behind

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Leaving Suez behind

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
A guard watching out for the enemies

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Pontoon (floating) bridges stand-by to be deployed

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
A military training place

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Not only sand in Egypt

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Steaming North in the Suez Canal

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Passing a building with a jetty

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Now he wanted a picture with the desert in the back

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Yet another sentry

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
There is something in the desert

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Is this what we call “in the middle of nowhere” ?

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Reaching Little Bitter Lake (El Buheiret El Murra El Sughra)

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Reaching Little Bitter Lake (El Buheiret El Murra El Sughra)

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Little Bitter Lake (El Buheiret El Murra El Sughra)

The Sinai peninsula, east side of the canal is only desert and the west side is all green because the River Nile. But now they are building water pipelines from the river Nile to Sinai. So in a few years the desert will be green. Hmm, that's the plan anyway.

I was relieved by 2nd Officer just before reaching El Kabrit between Little Bitter Lake (El Buheiret El Murra El Sughra) and Great Bitter Lake (El Buheiret El Murra El Kubra). I could see all the South bound ships waiting at the anchorage at Great Bitter Lake. (El Buheiret El Murra El Kubra) They were just waiting for us to pass so they could continue South.

At lunch I was as usually drinking my tea scratching the bottom of a n utella ® jar.
- Do you want a new jar? Steward asked.
- No no! I thought we had a deal. You were going to give me a jolly good beating every time I was eating n utella ®, I said.
I don't think he understood because he came with a new jar. I was sitting with a new jar and a spatula wishing I had the self discipline to walk out of the mess room.

After lunch I went to deck for my walk.
- Are you going to the shop? They asked when I was on the way out.
Well, I realized that nothing had changed. Last time passing the Suez they had set up a souvenirSnowmanshop onboard and I thought those days were over. Yesterday when I wrote about the discipline on the VHF I was close to be caught by the spirit of the season and I almost wrote about the changes in Suez Canal as well. No more:
- You're my friend!
- Cheap souvenir!

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Souvenir shop on board

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Selling leather jackets

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Selling leather jackets

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Our Bosun window shopping

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Souvenirs for sale

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Our Cook is looking at a fishing rod

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Negotiations in full swing

Luckily I didn't write any of that. It would have been a waste of time wouldn't it? But I managed to scare the living daylight out of our 4th Engineer.
-How much for the belt? I asked one of the shop keepers.
- 10$
- 10$!!!!????
I pretended to faint. Our 4th Engineer saw me and he thought that I had became ill.
4th Engineer was wetting his pants and the shop keeper lowered his price to 5$ in a few seconds. But I got belts enough to last me a few years so I didn't bought any. Our Cook bought a fishing rod though.

I was called for at 19:00 to escort our Pilot down to the gangway.
- Are we leaving the pilot already? I asked.
- It will be nice, I can drink tea and play music on my watch, I said.
- Well, it's 1, 5 hours in the buoyed channel after we left the pilot, Captain said.
He continued:
- So you have to have me on the bridge for 1, 5 hours.
- No problem, you're like family by now, I said.
Chief Officer was laughing.

Captain also gave me the bad and the good news. The bad news is that the Ukrainians are celebrating Christmas 6th of January. I think that it's more than enough to celebrate Christmas one time. Second time will be a torment. Well, the good news was that we're going to celebrate Christmas two times. Well, news and news, I already knew that this was the company of milk and honey.

I hope you catch the spirit of the Christmas and I hope your thinking of the less fortunate and that you are joining Greenpeace and Amnesty now. They need every cent they can get. It's as simple as visiting their web pages and join. You only need your credit card number and expiry date. I did it and it took me 23 seconds. and

Well, we left our pilot around 19:40. We passed the last buoy at 20:43 and at 20:48 we started sea voyage. It was blowing from NW and the wind increased during my night watch.

Sunday 25 th of December 2005
and its Christmas. Well, for me and Captain it was yesterday, but forChristmas reindeerthe rest of the crew it's today. I don't know if I got it right, but Captain told me that the Ukrainian celebrated Christmas 6th of January. Well, we see what happens.

I listened to the news on Radio Sweden, my friend in London sent me the frequencies, Thanks! But after the news I spent the watch drinking tea and listening to Hip Hop. Captain did what he could to help me finish the tea while I had to listen to storiesYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stabout the seven seas back in the good old days.

After my watch I had my lunch and, well, it was plenty n utella ® for lunch and agony will strike for sure. But before finish my lunch I was in for a second chock regarding our British Engineers.
Our third Engineer was ready with his lunch when I came to sit down for my lunch.
- I keep your company with a cup of coffee, he said.
- What! Are you drinking coffee as well. None of you drinks tea?
I was surprised, here I've been walking around thinking that at least one of our British engineers were drinking tea and it turns out that it's only me and the Captain. Hmm, yeah - yeah.
I called my love after lunch and we had a 20 minutes chat. Plenty people calling during Christmas and the satellite must have been overloaded. I was connected to France where a lady answered:
What's this I thought for myself and I said HELLO! The only answer I got was:
- Qui!
- Faute numeric telepatique, I said and hung up.

After my chat I managed to fall asleep and I slept the whole afternoon. I woke up at 15:30Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsomething, or was it around 16:00? Does it matter? No, I don't think so.

I spent an hour with our British Engineers before going to relieve Chief Officer on the bridge. I usually relieve him so he can eat his dinner. I started with this when I came on board, a greatYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stidea, I will be on the bridge and I'm dodging the dinner. And my diet comes out as the winner from this deal.

I went to the bridge at 17:30 to relieve Chief Officer, but he was soon back from the mess room.
- Christmas dinner is at 18:00, he said.
- You should go down and take a picture of the Christmas pig, he said.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Christmas pig

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
The only thing I need for Christmas

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Our Steward wanted me to take a picture of him

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Our Steward wanted me to take a picture of him

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Engineers having a Christmas beer

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Chief Officer coming back from dinner

I went down and took a picture of our Steward and the Christmas pig before returning to theSantabridge and the Chief Officer. I made a stop in our Chief engineer's cabin on the way back to the bridge. He was having a Christmas beer with the 3rd Engineer. They offered me Pringles and I was quick to turn around. Pringles is nothing for my diet. When Chief Officer came back he told me that there were plenty diet stuff for dinner.
- What about diet n utella ®? I asked.

When I came down from the bridge the Christmas dinner was in full swing and before returning to my watch on the bridge I got a bag of Christmas chocolate. Yeah, exactly what I need.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Steward serving wine

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Our Captain

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3rd Engineer and our Steward

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
3rd Engineer

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

During our night watch we retarded the ship time one hour and now we have Spanish time onboard. No more retarding until we leave Spain and are on the way to Brazil.

It was nice to go to sleep after 5 hours on the bridge. But it had been a nice evening with decreasing wind and not too much traffic. But plenty tea and good music.

Monday 26 th of December 2005
and I and Captain had to make an inventory over how much Earl Grey tea we had onboard. Will it last us all the way back to Jebel Ali or do we have to order in Algeciras? I found 500 bags of Earl Grey tea and that will last us to Jebel Ali.

It was a nice morning with sunshine and no wind. But when Captain came for his tea it started to blow from SW and it started to rain. Gloomy and grey.

When our Steward served my dinner I reminded him of our agreement.
- I'm only eating soup and black bread from today, I said.
I had soup and tea for dinner and no n utella ®.
(I had spent the afternoon eating Christmas chocolate. So I was full)

It was soon time for my night watch. I prepared a few papers for our drills tomorrow afternoonAladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasusbefore going to the bridge. I decided to wear my pink socks today. The crew had requested them for the Christmas dinner, but then it would have been no fun.

Well, fun and fun. I have several pairs of pink socks and I didn't think about my pink socks until they asked if I should wear my pink socks for the Christmas dinner. Well, now we had enough of Christmas and can someone please turn of Christmas now!!!??

At the end of my watch we reached Capo Passer on Sicilia. There were plenty traffic in Malta Channel and the time turned quick.

Tuesday 27 th of December 2005
and we were just North of Isola di Pantelleria in the SicilianYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stChannel when I came on my morning watch. It was a nice morning with a force 4 wind from SSW.

A little later the wind increased and it was strange weather the whole watch. Sunshine and rain, wind and no wind.

At 16:00 it was time for a fire and abandon ship drill. The alarm went off and the nimble crewwere soon mustered at the muster station. The crew was counted for and all were reported present.

We remember last drill were our Assistant Electrician was reported missing. Well, this time we had a fire in the work shop. Our two smoke divers were soon ready to enter the engine room to fight the fire.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Chief Officer mustered the crew

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Chief Officer reports ALL PRESENT

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Crew mustered

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Yet another Smiley on What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stis this?
Smoke diver in a very dangerous suit. When the air bottles are empty you die because you can't get out of the smoke diving suit. Captain agreed with me and I showed him pictures of Swedish standard equipment from my Swedish ships. He disappeared to order this equipment first thing.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Look at this! How can this be allowed? In Germany 2005!
No way to check your air and when the air bottle is empty it is impossible to get out of the suit!

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Lifeboat drill

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
The crew taking their seats in the lifeboat

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
The crew taking their seats in the lifeboat

After our fire drill we held a lifeboat drill and the whole crew entered the lifeboat after being counted for. Hmm, I can imagine going crazy after 2 weeks in the lifeboat. There is no space for tennis or ping pong when it gets boring.

After the lifeboat we launched our life raft (We used drums filled with water as a dummy) with the life raft davit. We finished off with a demonstration of the safety hook on the life raft davit. By now it was blowing a full force 8 and the crew was in a hurry to come back in.

When I came on my night watch we had a headwind blowing force 8 and we were down to between 15-16 knots and the wind is slowing us down, but I'm in no hurry.

Wednesday 28 th of December 2005
and I passed Alger on my morning watch. My watch started with strong wind and rain. But at the end of my watch the wind was almost gone and I could see a little sunshine and a rainbow. There wasn't much happening during the day, except for a safety committee meeting at 13:00 with 3rd Engineer and Bosun.

When I came on my night watch we received a telex. Due to heavy congestion in Algeciras our cargo operations will not start until 30/08:00 at the earliest. ETD 31/ 14:00

Our 3rd Engineer came on the bridge for a cup of tea. He also wanted to try his telephone card that he bought from me. It's cheaper to call via the satellite than with his GSM phone.

Thursday 29sup>th of December 2005
and I had to go straight to the Fo’c’s’le when coming on my morning watch. We dropped our anchor at 08:24 in Gibraltar Bay. It was a nice morning with sun and a force 3 wind from the North.

I had network coverage with my phone and after my watch I sent some e-mail and I uploaded myweb page. I will take this opportunity to wish you all a happy new year.
I don't know when I can upload next time.
They still don't know when we are going alongside and if we stay at the anchorage during the afternoon they will have the bunker barge coming out to the anchorage. We have ordered 1600MT HFO for our engine.

Well, when I went to the bridge at 17:20 to relieve Chief Officer we were still anchored and no bunker barge.
- Maybe tomorrow, Chief Officer said.
Like I told Captain (He already been almost 3 months over his contract) if we’re getting a little more delayed you can jump right on your next contract without going home.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Gibraltar from the anchorage

Well, Chief Officer and I have other plans. I finish my contract 12th of April, that will be in Jebel Ali next trip. But we have planned to stay onboard until Rio De Janeiro. We want to stay for 2 or 3 days on Copacabana. I'm walking on deck every day and by then I should be darn handsome. The adventure of the “Handsome Boys”. If I fail with my diet I can always have a 100 dollar bill sticking out from my pocket.

But I hope that won't be necessary, but who knows. Every time I see our Electrician he gives me candy and Captain comes with chocolate when I'm in his office. Our Steward has got strict order to kick my a•• every time he catch me eating anything else than black bread and soup. But so far no a•• has been kicked, it's only:
- Do you want this or that?

Yeah - yeah, another day gone, but I managed to upload my web page. The crew has sent the address to their relatives at home so they can watch all the action onboard.

Friday 30 th of December 2005
and they called me at 02:50, we were going alongside. At 04:00 we were alongside and I could go back to bed. I could not sleep, I was coughing all the time and I asked our Steward for cough syrup when he started to work at 07:00. Our bunker barge arrived at 08:10 to deliver our 1600 MT of HFO, otherwise there were noting exciting happening on my watch until our provision arrived. The whole crew was fascinated of the sling with 20 cases of diet drinks going up to my cabin.

I was lucky that we have a crane on poop deck that reaches all the way up to my deck. So no need to carry the diet drinks but I bought two cases of mineral water. Our Cook keeps them in his store on main deck and I live just under the bridge so it is a long way to walk. Our Cook, ex military, helped me with one case. Well, as an ex commando he was running up to my deck with his case. When I (no ex commando) came halfway up they sent a rescue team for me. I was half dead. I can just imagine carry 20 cases of diet drinks up all those stairs. I wish it were true the things I use to say to our pilots when coming onboard.
- We're waiting for spare parts for the elevator!

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
20 cases of diet drinks in my cabin

Well, I'm still calling my diet drinks Diet drinks, so you can guess my “sponsor” deal have turned sour. Or more right, there have never been any to go sour. But I'm working on it. I slept a few hours during the afternoon so there was no time to go ashore with the Chief Officer. I needed to go ashore to buy a carpet for my cabin, but I was tired from the lack of sleep.

It was a cold night and I was glad that they gave me a nice parka. It kept me warm during the night. We discharged with 2 cranes until 23:35 when BAY 33 was ready and we discharged with 1 crane from BAY 1, the last BAY to discharge. At 23:50 we started to load with 1 crane.

Saturday 31 st of December 2005
and first I want to wish you all a Happy New year! BeforeNew Yeargoing to sleep I will send some e-mails and upload my web page. I don't know if I got a chance again before leaving. Some say that we will be ready at 08:00and someAladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasussay that we will be ready at 13:00

Maybe I can upload the latest New Years Eve gossip before leaving. They say that we will leave even if we are not ready. They stop work here for New Years Eve and the calibration. I don't mind celebrating New Years Eve in Algeciras. But it meant that we should be on the way by then.

I'm off to bed and we see what happens tonight.

I was called for my watch 20 minutes before 06:00. I had time for a hot shower before going on deck. It was sunshine when I came on deck, but I was happy for my parka.

We were kicking a•• on deck, we were in a hurry. Well, not me but Maersk. I wouldn't mind celebrating New Year in Algeciras. At 08:00 we had to shift our ship a few meters forward. They could not reach BAY 18 with the crane forward. At 08:15 we were resuming loading. Almost the whole crew had been ashore yesterday and our 3rd EngineerPolicewere happy when I offered him a cold Diet Drink.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Cargo operation at Maersk Terminal in Algeciras, Spain

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Cargo operation at Maersk Terminal in Algeciras, Spain

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Our Bosun

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Gibraltar from Maersk Terminal in Algeciras, Spain

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Cargo operation at Maersk Terminal in Algeciras, Spain

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Assistant electrician busy with something

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
3rd Engineer having soup for lunch

One of our crew members was still ashore, and he didn't sleep on a five star hotel. Our Agent had been onboard 03:00 this morning with the news. There were stories that he had stolen computersAladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV PegasusYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stand stuff. But we all said that this can't be true.
- It's a very nice guy.

At 11 o'clock our Agent was here to pick up Captain and Chief Officer. Chief Officer was needed as interpreter. After all the stories we heard we expected ourYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stmissing crew member to do hard time. I don't know the full story yet, but our crew member came back onboard, so I suppose it wasn't any theft of computer or grand theft auto or any of the other horror stories which were told on tedious moments on deck.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Agent on the jetty to pick up Captain and Chief Officer

No one is guilty until proven guilty. It's easy to judge and condemn other people, but then you have to take the consequences when you do your own mistakes. People screaming high when other people makes a boo-boo.
- They should be fired!
- They must take their responsibility and give their own notice!
- They are useless!
Well, all my respect to those puffed up with conceit. They are so full of smugness they don't realize it's time to give their own notice when they fåck up big time them self.
No no, they just continue with the self-praise.
- Only I can!
- The other useless fåck ups!
- I saved this ship and that ship
- Blah blah

Let me tell you a short New Year tale. I'm soon of to my watch and it's no use to sleep. I have the time to tell the story and I hope you find the time to read it. Maybe we can learn a thing or two from it.

We got a new Captain onboard our ship. He always asked me to come help him with the computer and why not. It seemed to be a nice guy and we help each other on the ship.
Well, after a week I found out what kind of guy it was and I could not find the time to help him anymore.

I think I said it before, 4th time they ask the same question you answer (slightly annoyed) and the 13th time you don't answer. I found out that the only thing this guy did onboard was to drink.

Arriving to Cape Town, we were sending ashore stowaways and taking provision. I was on the bridge with Captain and one man on the wheel. About 300 000 m³ of crude oil onboard.
- We have about 2 hours to go, Captain said.
- Where are you going Bozo?
- Oh, it's good to be more than one on the bridge so we can detect our mistakes, Captain said.

Passing Singapore with a draft of 20 - 21 meter is no joke. I had prepared everything in the chart. Bearing lines were ready in the chart, just to mark with the distance.
Yeah, you guessed it, when I came in the chart room for position (Pre ECDIS days) this MOTHERFÅCKER was sleeping on the chart table. It's unbelievable, 150 kg alcoholic sleeping on my charts.
- Get out of here!!! I screamed.
Then I could hear how he stopped engine.
- We are there already, bozo said.
Not even close and I was furious.

One time we dropped the anchor to pass One Fathom Bank. It was time to heave up our anchor and Captain asked me:
- 28 miles, is that to One Fathom Bank or next way point?
I lost it. There was a bawl from me. The bridge was empty in 3 seconds. It was only me and the Captain left and I'm not going to quote what I screamed to Captain. A Captain should at least know where he is, well, that's my opinion. Obviously not this Captain.

He was sleeping on the bridge at arrival to the SPM buoy. Pilot was almost crying on the bridge. 150 kg alcoholic sleeping on the bridge with 2 buttons in his white shirt. The top button and the 3rd from top. A nice sight.

1 week before signing off I gave him a letter that I had wrote.
- This is my evaluation of you, I said.
It was only me signing the letter. There were a new 2nd Officer that wanted to sign it, but it's all or nothing. Then it's better only me signing it.

Captain read the letter and he threatens to commit suicide.
- My life is destroyed! Give me a chance!! I will kill myself!
I told him that the only different between him and a monkey as a Captain is the amount of beer disappearing from the slop chest. He started to cry:
- Please! Give me a chance to give my own notice!
And now we have got to the crux of the story. I told Captain:
- You didn't give our Pilipino crew member a chance in Rotterdam.
- I knew it all the time, this would hit me back, he said.

We had a crew member from the Philippines signing off in Rotterdam. He was a very ski full and capable sailor.
But the Captain and Chief Engineer did an inspection of his luggage and found a jar with Danish Butter cookies.
They reported him and he lost his job.

The Captain and Chief Engineer, both full blown alcoholics were crying that I had destroyed Captain’s life. Captain getting fired have the possibility to go on sick leave scratching his a•• while I'm working and pay tax.
This is more than we can say about the guy from the Philippines. Now those two super Swedes walking around (When the Chief Engineer and Captain were able to walk) firing people. Like I said to the Chief Engineer:
- I consider it theft that you accept your salary!

Chief Officer wasn't drinking, but he refused to sign my letter:
- You will destroy Captains life!
It was OK to destroy the Pilipino sailor's life. Yeah, respect!

We worked for a serious company and Captain was fired immediately. As soon as I came home they called me and told me that this Captain was no longer in the company.

I don't see it as I destroyed Captains life. Maybe I saved his life, he could have made himself very very unhappy with 300 000m³ crude oil onboard.

Well, anyway, it was easy to kick a sailor. But when it was his own time to get kicked he cried and threatened me to commit suicide.
Well, it reminds me of a TV program some 20 years ago when AIDS was new for us all and no one knew was it was. This program was about a guy in Finland with AIDS. They were throwing stones through his windows and they screamed insults after him on the streets. The reporter asked the guy what he thought of the people doing this.
- I felt sorry for them. It will not be easy for them if they catch AIDS them self in the future.

Well, I was almost carried away there again. Well, where were we? Yes, Algeciras, Spain at Maersk container terminal. We were not ready when I went in at 12 o'clock and we were not ready at 14:00 either, but they stopped working for the New Year and we left for Santos, Brazil a few containers short.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Passing Gibraltar when leaving Algeciras for Santos, Brazil

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Passing Gibraltar when leaving Algeciras for Santos, Brazil

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Yet another picture of Gibraltar
Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Algeciras anchorage

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
On our way to Santos in Brazil

I was sitting in my cabin drinking Diet drinks and I was getting hungry. The will have our New Years dinner at 20:00 and I have starved to death by then. Hmm, maybe I can go up and drink tea and eat biscuits on the bridge while pestering Chief Officer, he always has a story to tell.

I was relieved at 22:00 and I went down for my New Year dinner but I was full of biscuits andYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sttea already. When I came down the dinner were in full swing. I made me a pot of tea and I had some meat. There were a little room for some chocolate cake as well.

Well, it was soon midnight and time for the toast. Happy New Year and I was off to my bed, there are a••es to be kicked tomorrow as well and I need my power nap. But before going to bed I wish you all a Happy New Year!

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
3rd Engineer and Chief Engineer in the mess room

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
By now everyone wanted to have their picture on the internet

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
By now everyone wanted to have their picture on the internet

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Chief Officer and Chief Engineer

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Last night 2005

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Last night 2005

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Last night 2005

When you're ready with the celebration you can see what happens on Pegasus in January 2006

Malmö FF, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
MIF, One of the best hockey teams in the world!
HIF, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
Landskrona Bois, One of the best soccer teams in the world!

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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