Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Wednesday 1 st of March 2006 and March 2006 started as February ended, at sea.I spent most of my night watch alone. The AB was down polishing the floor in the office.
The time went pretty quick even though I was alone and at 0400 I was off to bed.

When I came on my afternoon watch the work with chipping and painting the superstructure were in full swing. 2 ABs were sitting on a wooden platform hanging in ropes in front of the superstructure. They were carrying safety belts to avoid falling down on deck.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Today we got information from Maersk that it's possible that we will call Malaga instead of Algeciras next time in Spain. They wanted us to check which chart we needed so they could order as soon as the call to Malaga was confirmed.

Well, we see what happens, right now I don't know where we are going. Were bound for Rio de Janeiro, but we only have 2 containers to discharge in Rio. So it's possible that we will go straight to Santos if there is no cargo for us to load in Rio de Janeiro.

Well, tonight we retard the last hour before arriving to Brazil and we have 3 hours difference to UTC. During the extra hour I kept myself busy with our Ship Mechanics Hip Hop during the evening and it was son time to go to the bridge for my watch.

Thursday 2 nd of March 2006
and I had a little agony for skipping the walk last evening. Well, sometimes it's nice just to relax. Last night we retarded ship time 1 hour and it was nice to go to bed at 04:00 (05:00).

When I came on my watch at 12:00 we were drifting between Cape Sao de Tome and Cape Frio. WeMalmö FFhad to kill some time in order not to arrive to early. The work with the superstructure wereAladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasusin full swing again.

The weather was nice, the wind had turned from east to North and increased to a force 4 from a force 3, but it was still nice weather.

We got a telex just before I got of my watch. It was from Maersk South America and we should have the pilot at arrival. But it said that there were no cargo operation and we could not understand why we were going in to Rio. Well, we have 2 containers to discharge, but it would be cheaper to take them by truck from Santos.

It looks like we arrives to the pilot station at around 1100 tomorrow and we will see what happens. I don't mind skipping Rio and go straight to Santos

Well, I hope we get some cargo in the ship back to UAE. The ship is shaking so it's hard to write on the computer. If we have a draft of 10 - 11 meter its better, but now it's almost impossible to do anything with my web page. I keep the writing to a minimum. To edit the picture is also very hard and it takes very long time.
Hmm, I better spend the time walking on deck.

Friday 3 rd of March 2006
and we had 1 hour to go to Cape Sao de Tome when I came on watch at midnight. Now there were plenty fishing vessels, Supply vessels, ships and oil rigs around us. Well,it's nice to know that you're not alone on the ocean.

When I came on my watch at 12:00 we were anchored in Rio de Janeiro. We had dropped our anchor at 11:36 and everything was ready when I came on my watch. We were anchored just a few hundred meters from the city, hmm, Friday and we're stuck on the ship.

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Rio de Janeiro anchorage

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Limhamn's Jesus on the top of Corcovado (709m)

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Our Agent arrives with a service boat

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Rio de Janeiro anchorage

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Rio de Janeiro anchorage

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Rio de Janeiro anchorage - Bosun heaving up the anchor

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Assistant Electrician

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Passing Rio de Janeiro

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Assistant Electrician

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Assistant Electrician

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Passing Rio de Janeiro

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Passing Rio de Janeiro

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Passing Rio de Janeiro

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Leaving Rio de Janeiro behind

No one understood what we were doing here. A health inspection, it would have been cheaper to send these papers by helicopter to Santos. Well, we're one day ahead of schedule and our order is to proceed slowly towards Santos and drop anchor in the morning of the 4th of March. Berthing prospects; afternoon/ evening 5th of March. Well, as we say on We see what happens!

The best thing happened during my watch was 2 phone calls to my friends in Sweden

It was soon time to leave again and at 17:30 Bosun and I had our anchor up. Bosun had to be stand-by on the way out, but I could return to the accommodation for my dinner. When I came aft I ran into our Assistant Electrician busy taking pictures of Rio de Janeiro. I joined him and we were taking pictures while passing Rio de Janeiro.

We came some 15 - 20 minutes late for the dinner. When we were finished with the dinner weSmiley in Rio de Janeirowent out on deck again. We had been on deck for 5 minutes when our Ship Mechanic joined us and we talked about the good old times while watching Copacabana and the sunset. It was a beautiful evening but it was soon dark.

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Our Ship Mechanic is joining us on the poop deck

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Leaving Rio de Janeiro behind - Limhamn's Jesus on the top of Corcovado (709m)

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Ships Mechanic and Assistant Electrician

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Leaving Rio de Janeiro behind - Limhamn's Jesus on the top of Corcovado (709m)

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Leaving Rio de Janeiro behind - Click HERE for bigger picture

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Leaving Rio de Janeiro behind - Limhamn's Jesus on the top of Corcovado (709m)

While standing on the poop deck watching the city disappear we could hear the AB whistling from the bridge wing. He wanted us to take down the flag for him. He looked happy that he didn't have to go all the 6 deck to lower the flag.

Well, it was almost dark and we decided to meet in the dayroom at 19:30 to watch a movie.
- Good, that gives me an hour for a shower, I said.
- I bring diet drinks. Should I bring linseeds? I asked.
I think we know the answer to that.

Our Ship Mechanics came to the dayroom at 19:30 and this movie, Miami Tail, must be an all time low. We were fooling around and talking drivel during the whole movie. Our Ship Mechanic disappeared several times for a smoke and when he was gone I took the opportunity to fast forward ( X16 ) the movie. I was ready to jump overboard when the movie reached the end. Well I think it reached the end, anyway, we decided that this was the end.
I went to my cabin and I changed cloths and I went off to deck for my night walk.

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Rio de Janeiro behind us and time to take down the flag

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Rio de Janeiro behind us and time to take down the flag

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Rio de Janeiro behind us and time to take down the flag

Aladdin's adventure in Rio de Janeiro with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Rio de Janeiro behind us and time to take down the flag

Saturday 4 th of March 2006
and we were East of Ilha de São Sebastião steering a course of 240°. At 01:51 I changed course to 275°(t). At 03:42 we had EOSP (End Of Sea Passage) and at 04:30 they dropped the anchor (I was in bed) at #5 anchorage South of Santos.

We were still anchored when I came on my watch at 12:00. Nice weather and no wind. Latest news is to go alongside 06:00 Monday 6th of March.

Before I got on my watch I went to see our Doctor.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI had a terrible back pain and I also needed some milk for my tea on the bridge. I got two packages of milk and we went to the shipsAladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasushospital.Hospital

I expected to get a pain killer big as a Swedish meatball, but I got a pepper plaster. What the BIP is this?

This plaster was burning like he•• and I forgot all about the back pain. This is what we use to joke about. Toothache? I will kick your behind and you will forget all about your toothache. Well, we see about the back pain when I remove the plaster.
- Remove it tomorrow night, our Doctor said.
- If it's very hot, remove it tomorrow morning, he continued.
I didn't understand, I thought he was talking about the weather. Well, 5 minutes after applying the plaster I understood, it was burning like...

After lunch it was busy on the bridge, our 3rd Officer were cutting and pasting and our Assistant Electrician repaired a lamp.

After a few days I have realized that there will not come any gossip my way from the AB on my watch. During our morning watch he asked me if I hadTittle-tattlebeen speaking with the Assistant Electrician.
- What theYet another Smiley on!! You saw us on poop deck when we left Rio de Janeiro, I said.
- No, I only saw the Ship Mechanic, he said.
- Did you speak with the Assistant? I asked.
- No, I never speak with this guy, I told you already, he replied.

Well well, what do you hear? I was a little chocked to hear that the AB had told the Assistant that I was talking aboutYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stMiss Daisy all our watches.
- Yeah - yeah, what do you know?
I thought this was our little secretand that he handled the matter with outmostdiscretion. Well instead he was babblingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stabout our secret with everyone onboard and he made it sound likeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI was talking aboutYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stMiss Daisy 24/7. I wouldn't have been surprised to see the story on the news.

I was standing on the bridge looking out in the blue dreaming about Miss Daisy when all of the sudden the Assistant called me, he had his mobile in his breast pocket.
- I just received a SMS, he said.
- Maybe it's from Miss Daisy, I said.
- Let's call the AB to the bridge and we can read it together, I suggested.
He didn't seem too enthusiastic about that idea and I never found out what was in the message.

I spent the evening watching a video with the Assistant Electrician, The Clockers was the name, IYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthink. Well, we ate Pringles® (mostly me) and drank Diet Drinks (only me).

Sunday 5 th of March 2006
and it was blowing force 5 from West when I came on my watch at midnight. I decided to have a serious talk with the AB on my watch.
- I'm disappointed, I said.

I had to let him know that I was not impressed by the intelligence. I told him that I had found out more about Miss Daisy in a few minutes with Assistant Electrician than he had in one week. When we left Rio I took a few pictures and I said to the Assistant Electrician casually:
- Nice pictures!Yet another Smiley on
- Here is a good one of you with Rio in the back!Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stMaybe you can send this one to Miss Daisy or whatever her name was again, I said.
- A passport picture will be enough to send to her, he replied.
- Hmm, what does that mean? I thought.
- Ahaa!Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stThis means that there are hope, I thought.
I'm going to have to work a little harder. Tomorrow I will move in for the phone number and who knows, maybe it will end with a candle light dinner. And after that anything can happen. One thing is for sure. You will always be updated with the latest news on so don't remove the address from your favourites list in your web browser.

Well, it's very nice to be anchored, writing on the web page without the shaking is very nice. When I say shaking you think its a little vibration. Believe me this ship shakes so it's almost impossible to write on the computer.
When I want to rename a file the computer ask if I'm sure that I want to delete these files. If I click in one place the courser is somewhere else etc etc. A pain in the behind.

When I came on my day watch the bridge were full of people, security level 5? Our ECDIS refuse to restart after that they shut it down. Engine department wanted to test theAladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasusemergency generator and they turned off the computer before the black out. Hmm, surprise, the Navisailor 3000 refused to restart.

The whole afternoon went and at 6 o'clock it was working again. They swapped computers between the slave and master and most of the time was used to try to get all the input values from the GPS and gyro to work. Our heading didn't work but our Chief Officer didn't give up and around 6 o'clock it was working again.

Washing machineI spent the evening doing my laundry and massaging my back with a new liniment I got from ourDoctor. This back pain is terrible and I hardly make it out of my bed.
The AB on my watch told me that I was lucky Miss Daisy could not see me walking around like a 90 year old.Yet another Smiley on
- A brisk 90 year old, I said.
- You're like an old tractor, he said.

Hmm, tractor, I called his computer a tractor the first time I saw it and now, well, it's strange.Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV PegasusSome things you say everyone understands even if it have a totally different meaning.

When I called his computer for a tractor he understood what I meant. Even you can imagine how his computer looks like when I call it a tractor, no need to waste space on my web hotel for a picture.

Tractor is usually associated with strength and durability. But I meant big, unwieldy and slow when I spoke about his computer and he understood. He took the first opportunity to throw it right back in my face.

Monday 6 th of March 2006
and during my night watch there were a heavyThunder & Lightningthunderstorm passing us. Heavy rain and lightning. But it only lasted for 20 minutes and then it was back to normal. Maybe the wind was a little stronger when the thunderstorm had passed, but otherwise OK. We could see the lightning in the horizon.

Pilot station has promise to give us 2 hour notice before boarding us, so I spent the watch waiting for their call. I hope it will be at lunch time. Lunch time it was, stand-by fore and aft at 12:00 and when I came down on the poop we connected the tugboat first thing.
It was a little gloomy and grey and the rain was in the air, but we we're lucky and there were no rain during the mooring operation.

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Santos container terminal

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
A ship behind us

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Our Steward wants me to take a picture of himYet another Smiley on

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Santos container terminal

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Our Ship mechanic watching the gangway

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Crossing Rio Estuario de Santos with a rowing boat

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Discharging sludge

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Santos container terminal

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Our Ship mechanic watching the gangway

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Santos container terminal

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Stevedore taking a power nap

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Our gangway watch have time to sit down for a few seconds

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Our gangway watch have time to sit down for a few seconds

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Assistant Electrician climbing up and down cargo holds to connect reefers

We started to discharge with 1 crane at 13:20 and at 14:05 we started to load with a second crane. I asked our Ship Mechanic if he were going ashore tonight.
- No, I stay onboard.
ETD was 23:00 and shore leave expires at 21:00. Not much time to go ashore if we go off our watch at 18:00. But later on we got hungry.
- I really want a STEAK, he said.
We decided to go ashore after the watch and at 18:15 we meet at the deck office. Fresh from the shower and handsome we went to the gate. There were a taxi waiting at the gate and we asked him to go to the beach.

We stopped at a nice restaurant. The BBQ house was they kept coming to your table with different kind of meet. They have a special name for it here in Brazil, but of course, I have forgot what theyAladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasuscall this kind of restaurants. But you can find them all over Brazil.

Lamb was first out, and then they kept coming with beef, chicken, tenderloin, filet and all kind of different meet. I had them coming back with the lamb all the time.

And fresh bread, both the ship Mechanic and I loves bread and after a few monthsYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwith only this sliced white toast bread on board it was nice, well, it was very nice with some real bread.

This was a really nice restaurant and we ate until we were full. We really felt good, not as after eating hamburgers or fast food when you feel sick when you leave the restaurant.But after this dinner we really felt satisfied and pleased and we enjoyed the life.
And yeah, imagine this after a few months of linseeds only...

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Arriving to the restaurant

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Escorted to our table
Look at our Ship Mechanic, I don't want to say that he is delirious with expectations. But he is for sure full of expectations

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
The brought in some very nice meat

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
And we were hungry, and we haven't had any good food for a long time

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
They never stopped coming to our table

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
This was a real feast

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
They kept coming and coming

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
They kept coming and coming

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
This was the best restaurant experience in a long time

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Now they came by with the cake cart

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Now they came by with the cake cart

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Now they came by with the cake cart

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
It is not good for you - But it was a cigarette moment
And I had not been smoking or been using snus for several years

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Churrascaria Tertúlia

Yes, I upload these pictures 2014 and I was quick to find the street on Google Maps. And I checked out the restaurant from the street view and I was soon to find out that the restaurant was named
A churrascaria

(Portuguese pronunciation: [ʃuʁaskaˈɾi.ɐ]) is a place where meat is cooked in Churrasco style, which translates roughly from the Portuguese for 'barbecue'.

Distinctly a South American style rotisserie, it owes its origins to the fireside roasts of the gaúchos of southern Brazil traditionally from the Pampa region, centuries ago.

Contemporary churrascarias
In modern restaurants rodízio service is typically offered. Passadores (meat waiters) come to the table with knives and a skewer, on which are speared various kinds of meat, be it beef, pork, filet mignon, lamb, chicken, duck, ham (and pineapple), sausage, fish, or any other sort of local cut of meat. A common cut of beef top sirloin cap is known as picanha.

In most parts of Brazil, the churrasco is roasted with charcoal. In the south of Brazil, however, mostly close to the borders of Argentina and Uruguay, embers of wood are also used.

From Wikipedia
Churrascaria Tertúlia. And now I also found out that theChurrascaria TertúliaBrazilian restaurants are called Churrascaria. Yes, internet is fantastic!

And if you ever come to Santos in Brazil, please, get to the beach front and have a dinner there. Highly recommended. The address is as follows:
Av. Bartolomeu de Gusmão, nº. 187
Ponta da Praia - Santos - SP

I was back 2008 when I was in Santos with Bro Provider. I could see the restaurant when we entered Rio Estuario de Santos and we passed the beach front. Churrascaria Tertúlia will always be my best memory from Santos.

Just when we thought that it was impossible to eat anymore they arrived with the cake car. ICakedidn't believe my eyes.
- Are they trying to kill us? I said.

Yeah-yeah, what to do?
We ordered some nice cake and tea, Cappuccino for the Ship Mechanic. Ok, I know, it's not good but I had a second go on the cake, and it felt GOOD!

Actually we both felt so good that we hadn't felt so good in a long time. I even had a cigaretteAladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasusafter the meal. Our Ship Mechanic was a little worriedthat I would pick up smoking again.

Well, we paid our bill and we had a walk along the beach looking for a place to buy cigars for the Chief Engineer. He had been so disappointed last time in Spain when our Ship Mechanic didn't find any cigars for him.
- You should send PAPA DADDY, I said to him.

Of course, if you're going to kick ass you call the ass kicker. We were back onboard just before 21:00. We called the driver that took us to the restaurant when we passed the restaurant on the way back from our beach walk and we asked him MIF, One of the best hockey teams in the world! to take us to a cigar shop.

We ended up in a shop at a gas stop and they had plenty cigars. But they didn't accept dollars so we had to cross the street to a shopping mall to change money.

They had put away cigars for 100 dollars for us, but at the shopping mall we saw a big cigar shop. But we had to return to the first shop after changing a 100 dollar bill.
Well, they charged 30 dollars for a cigar in the cigar shop so all of the sudden the 2 dollar cigars at the gas stop seemed like a much better deal.

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Back on board and he enjoying a cigar

Aladdin's adventure in Santos, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Back on board and he enjoying a cigar

Pilot ordered for 23:30 so I was busy when coming back onboard with my web page. Arriving to Itajai tomorrow afternoon doesn't give me any time to write anything before going ashore to an internet cafe tomorrow evening.

Tuesday 7 th of March 2006
and we left Santos at 00:12. When I was ready on the poop deck I returned to the bridge.
- Thanks for a good job on the poop deck! The pilot said to me when I come to the bridge.
- I'm just screaming and shouting. It's me boys doing the job, I told him.

ETA Itajai Pilot around 12:00. Good, mooring in the afternoon and I have time to go ashore in the evening. When I came on my watch at 12:00 we were drifting outside Itajai. We were waiting for the Pilot and there were one ship entering the river before us. Itajai is situated at the mouth of the river Rio Itajai - Acú, Rio means river in both Spanish and Portuguese.

Our pilot boarded us at 13:16 and we have to go up the river for a little bit and that gives us an opportunity to watch the city and dream about the night life that we don't have any time to experience, but we are gladly accepting our fate.
And I appreciate that I wake up without the hangover, those are killers now a day.

Aladdin's adventure in Itajai, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Ship Mechanic prepare for arrival to Itajai

Aladdin's adventure in Itajai, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
AB on poop deck waiting for the mooring action in Itajai

Aladdin's adventure in Itajai, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
AB on poop deck waiting for the mooring action in Itajai

Aladdin's adventure in Itajai, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Chief Officer on the bridge wing

Aladdin's adventure in Itajai, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Motorman on poop deck ready for arrival to Itajai

Aladdin's adventure in Itajai, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Assistant Electrician and Ship Mechanic at the gangway

Aladdin's adventure in Itajai, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Assistant Electrician and Ship Mechanic at the gangway

Aladdin's adventure in Itajai, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Assistant Electrician and Ship Mechanic at the gangway

Aladdin's adventure in Itajai, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Itajai behind the containers

Aladdin's adventure in Itajai, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Stevedore in the cargo hold

Aladdin's adventure in Itajai, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Watching the gangway

All fast at 14:30, that's a perfect time. It will soon be 18:00 when we can go ashore. Last time in Itajai we meet this Greek guy with a shop just outside the gate. Last time I had no money, he didn't accept any card, so I could not buy any shoes.

When I was in the shop our Chief Officer came and he told me that he bought the same shoes 6 months ago.
- They are very good, he said.
I took his word for it and I bought 4 pairs and it set me back 220US. I tried to haggle over the price.Aladdin's adventure in Itajai, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV PegasusMan! This guy was a tough negotiator, but I managed to get a chocolate bar with the shoes.

I don't know what's about me and shoes. You can't walk by a shoe store with a girl without them wanting to buy shoes. I wondered about this and I launched an investigation.

Someone told me that the reason that girls like to buy shoes is because they can gain all the weight in the world and the shoe still fits. Well, if you gain 200kg I suppose it will be hard to get on a shoe you bought when you were 45 kg. Hmm, maybe you can jump from a stool or they can drop you from a helicopter. Anyway, it will be hard to bend over to tie your shoestring

Maybe it's the same with me. This is something in the subconscious and it's something I don't think about. Every time I see a shoe it's like I have to pull my wallet.

I took my giant bag and I left the shop. First stop was a drug store. I really need some painkillersfor my back, the pepper plaster doesn't do it for me, and I can hardly walk with my back. Getting out of the bed in the morning is a real drama. 31US were spent at the drug store and I really hope these painkillers are good.

I called my friend the other day. He's in charge of the home front. He's taking care of my mail and stuff.
- They sent your salary, he said.Yet another Smiley on
- Are you working for peanuts? He asked.Yet another Smiley on
- It doesn't seem like much, but the gross salary is excellent, I said.
And I continued.
- Then I have to go ashore buying medicine, pillows, rug and food.
After buying all the necessary stuff the gross salary have became a net salary that is nothing you're bragging about on the internet.

Next stop was an internet place. The place I used last time was closed and I had to ask for theItajai churchdirection for another place. A 4 minutes walk and I were at the internet place. I uploaded my web page and I sent my e-mails, it took me about 40 minutes and cost me 1 or 2 US.

I took a walk towards the walking street. I was hungry and I was looking for a nice restaurant. I passed the church and the church was full of people. I think it was some kind of holiday. Yeah, I asked the Greek guy why he closed 9 o'clock.
- Last time you closed at 2200, I said.
He said something about something, but I didn't pay him any attention. I was haggling (eating chocolate bars) about the price, remember?

Hmm, hang on, I will just go down to see our Assistant Electrician, he should have some pictures of the church. He's ashore everywhere taking pictures.
-OK, I'm back with a picture he took last time we were in Itajai. He took the picture from the ship while entering the river.

I passed the park or square or whatever it is and I crossed the street to the walking street. I was plunging down the walking street when I caught sight of 2 beautifulYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stgirls sitting on a bench. I cudgel my brains for something to ask for.
- Hmm. where is the post office? Hmm, no, where is there a nice restaurant? Yes, that's the one I'm going to use!
I approached the bench when I heard someone calling:
- Aladdin!!
- No, it was our Steward
What to do? I could not ignore our Steward but I really wanted to speak with the girls. I did the only right thing. I stopped between the girls and our Steward.
- HOW ARE YOU? I asked our Steward some 10-12 meters away.
Next second I was leaning towards the girls ( I really leaned forward and I were about 78cm from the girls) and with my mellifluous voice I asked for the direction.
- Hablar inglesia? Hablar espanol? Hablar babbla? I tried everything.Yet another Smiley on
- Do you speak English?Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stThe girl with black hair asked.
- A little, I said.Yet another Smiley on

Well, do you speak English what about all she could say in English. My skill in Spanish or Portuguese isn't any good, well, actually it's none exciting. I was hanging around for a while babbling my home made Spanish. They were really beautiful, especially the girl in the black hair.
- Sueco?Yet another Smiley on
- Si claro! I answered.( What could I say? What is Skåne in Spanish? Skåneco? )
- Ristorante en donde? I tried.Yet another Smiley on
- Hablar Espajol? She asked.Yet another Smiley on
-Leider nicht! No comprende!Yet another Smiley on
It was frustrating not to be able to communicate and I mixed all kind of languages. I even asked our Steward if he knew how to say: Do you want to get married?
But he didn't knew, I even tried:
- Mai mi Mia!Yet another Smiley on
-Qué!Yet another Smiley on

- How do you say “ What's your name? ” in Spanish?
LoveI'm in love! Last time all the girls looked like truck drivers or Stevedores. But these 2 girls were beautiful, really beautiful. I could have been babbling on for hours. But you know, after 10 minutes of “donde este” & “si claro” its getting a little awkward.

I had a lot of things to do, buy shoes, medicine, internet and I had to find a nice restaurant, so I was busy running around the city. And me running around the city is about as sexy as picking up doggy-poo. Well, lack of time and the language barrier made it a little hard to get to know her.

I left with the Steward and we walked down the walking street. We found a pub at the end ofFerrythe street and we sat down ordering diet drinks.

Well, before continue I think it's time for one more of our Assistant Electrician's pictures.

We finished our Diet Drinks and we walked back toward s the church. There are a lot of strange holidays around the world. Once in Manila I ended up with a lot of people crucifying themselves.

This night was maybe a “Let's spend the night in the park” holiday. In one corner there wereRavepeople, well it reminded me of the hippies I meet in India some 15 - 20 years ago when I was on the RAVE parties in Goa, observer only, and they all looked the same.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stLooked like they were camping in the park. There were plenty taxis waiting and I could see these two girls sitting on a bench. They had moved from the walking street, across the street to the park. When we passed them I said:
- Buenas nochesYet another Smiley on
-Yet another Smiley on

That was the last time I saw her. We returned to the Greek shop and I asked for a BBQ restaurant and he ordered a taxi for me. I had my meal and I returned to the ship. Outside the gate there was a caravan they used as a kiosk. I bought candy for my last Scooby Dollars.

Wednesday 8 th of March 2006
and we loaded when I came on my watch at midnight. We completed cargo operation at 04:30 and Pilot was ordered for 5 o'clock. We left at 05:25 and it was nice to go to bed after a busy night and no sleep yesterday evening.

When I came on my watch at lunchtime we were in the Baia de Paranagua approaching the port of Paranagua. (Baia means bay in Portuguese) We had all fast at 1318 and we started the cargo operation at 13:30. At 15:45 we completed loading, but pilot was ordered for 18:00 due to the bunkering. Bunkering was completed at 17:10 and we left Paranagua for Rio Grande at 17:54. Nice, it's about 24 hours to Rio Grande so we can have a full 8 hours of rest tomorrow morning.

Thursday 9 th of March 2006
and it was nice to come on a navigation watch. No worries except to keep my tea hot and the music blasting. We left Paranagua at 17:54 and I got a few hours of sleep after dinner. I usually don't sleep at the night. But in and out of port the last few days and lack of sleep had make me a little tired.

It was also nice to come on my watch at 12:00. 2 navigation watches in a row was very nice. After this I'm ready to take on anything. Two watches with tea and good music, no running around checking container lashings and stuff.

They told me that we should anchor at arrival, berthing prospects tomorrow morning. Start cargo operation at 12:00 and leave Rio Grande at 18:00. 1 night at the anchorage.

Well, on a tanker is nice with a night at the anchorage, but here is never mind. Then it's better to get on the way to Jebel Ali. 20 days or something in the sea, plenty rest.

I was called for stand-by at 20:50 and I went down to meet my team. Control “BRAVO” and I found out that our team on the poop deck has got an additional member. A new Ship Mechanic joined the ship in Paranagua, so now we have 2 German Ship Mechanics onboard and both of them are in my team on the poop deck at arrival.

Aladdin's adventure in Rio Grande, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Control BRAVO on poop deck at arrival to Rio Grande
Motorman, AB and 2 Ship Mechanics

Aladdin's adventure in Rio Grande, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Ship Mechanic pepping himself

Aladdin's adventure in Rio Grande, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
2 Ship Mechanics on poop deck

Aladdin's adventure in Rio Grande, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
AB preparing the heaving line on the poop deck

Aladdin's adventure in Rio Grande, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
AB preparing the heaving line on the poop deck

Aladdin's adventure in Rio Grande, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
AB and Ship Mechanic on the poop deck

Aladdin's adventure in Rio Grande, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
AB and Ship Mechanic on the poop deck

Aladdin's adventure in Rio Grande, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
AB and Ship Mechanic on the poop deck

Aladdin's adventure in Rio Grande, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
3rd Officer

We were STAND-BY on the poop deck just after 21:00 and not long after we had made fast the tugboat on port quarter. At 21:54 we had all fast, 4 stern lines and 2 spring lines and I was off to my cabin. I had to edit my photos and I have to take this opportunity when the ship is alongside and not shaking.

I have about 1, 5 hours before my watch begins at midnight. They expect us to leave at 05:00. This is a very good time for me, plenty sleep before my watch at 12:00. But as we say on We see what's happens!

We know one thing for sure and that is that ass will be kicked during the night. Discharging commenced at 22:25 and was completed at 23:20. Loading commenced at 23:45.

Friday 10 th of March 2006
and cargo operation were in full swing when I came on my watch at midnight. Coming on watch at midnight it was 6, 5 hours since dinner. We had been up workingHungry crew on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasusbetween 21:00 and 22:30 and then it's time for our watch at 00:00.
At least 6 hours of work, now we expect to leave around 6 o'clock in the morning, so it will be about 7, 5 hours of work.

Then you come down to the mess and find an empty refrigerator. Some evenings there are 7 slices of white bread for a crew of 19.

There is not even a drop of milk if you want for your tea. There is nothing, not even a bread crust. 18 hours between the meals. If you were treating you dog like that in Sweden the police would come and pick you up. 2 months in jail for cruelty to animals.

But this is Panama, oh, sorry, German flag. In Swedish ships they say:
- I'm hungry, I have to go eat so I see you in 10 minutes.

On board Pegasus the crew working all night long without regards to STCW 95 and the legislationHungry crew on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasusfor rest hours and NO food. I had enough when our AB, a 60 years old He-man was crying in the office because he was hungry

I had to steal 2 cans of tuna during the watch. My cabin is full of food that I bought ashore, but I wanted to try to work as the rest of the crew under the same conditions. So I didn't eat anything. And at 2 o'clock in the morning I was very hungry.

I sneaked in to the store room and I stole 2 cans of tuna. Yes. I sneaked around like a common criminal. I found 2 cans and we split the cans. The store room was pretty empty.

The crew is hungry and there is no food. It's like being trapped on a desert island without food. At home is just to buy food, but here is nothing. What would happen if you work 8 hours on a factory in Sweden without food? They would have to close the factory. And on board Pegasus you work 12 hours ++

Hungry crew on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Stolen food on deck

Even though I had the tuna I had to go to my cabin for pumpernickel and a Diet Drink before departure. I was very hungry and I was glad that I had my own provision. We completed loading at 04:15. Pilot was ordered for 06:00 and we left at 06:24. 13 hours since the last meal and I was off to bed just after 7 o'clock, 13, 5 hours after last meal and 4, 5 hours to next watch.
Hungry crew on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Hungry crew on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Hungry crew on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Our refrigerator on different days. It looks about the same every day
About 19 crew members and the fridge is smaller than the mini bar in a hotel room, and no food

Hungry crew on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

I like it, it's very good for my diet and I feel good. But I'm glad that I bought all the oatmeal and pumpernickel. We were rolling for heavy swell from SSW when I came on my watch at 12:00. I was tired from lack of sleep and it was nice to go of my watch at 16:00. Tonight we're going to advance ships time by 1 hour. I don't want to sleep but I think I must. It will be hard to fall asleep tomorrow morning. But that's another day.

Saturday 11 th of March 2006
and we were still rolling when I came on my watch at midnight. Swell from SSW, 4-6 meters in heights made the ship rolling and I really had to hold on to that tea cup.

It was soon time to go off my watch. But it was hard to fall asleep. We advanced the ship time by 1 hour yesterday evening, we're moving to the East. So it was like 3 o'clock for me and I sleptAladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasusyesterday evening due to lack of sleep in Rio Grande.

Well, I managed to be brisk and jolly when I came on my watch at 12:00. The rolling had decreased and the swell was getting lower and longer by the hour.

Our Ship Mechanic came to the bridge after 12 o'clock to make a phone call. He told me that he took some of my oatmeal yesterday on his night watch. He had been so hungry and there were no food for him when he got of his watch.

We were in his cabin during the evening and when it was time for him to go on watch at 20:00 heHungry crew on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasusasked me if he could take some of my oatmeal tonight.
- Yeah, go ahead, I have 10 - 12 kg, I said.
- What are you going to do with it when you sign off? He asked.
- I will not bring it back home, if there is anything left. But I have seen that it's not only you and me eating of my provision.

Yes, I had noticed that my oatmeal and linseeds disappear and theHungry crew on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasuscrew is complaining every day about their hunger. He wanted me to leave the oatmeal that was left on the bridge when I was signing off.

Hmm, who could have imagine that the “ Oatmeal Surprise ®” would be that popular. But hunger is the best spice. We left his cabin and we stopped in my cabin and I gave him 2 bags of oatmeal. Was that a tear I could see in his eye?

When he left for the bridge I got changed and I went out on deck for my evening walk, it has been a few days since my last constitutional now. My back is better,Hungry crew on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasusthanks to the drugs I bought in Itajai. I have a burn wound from the pepper plastic, but that's never mind.

I walked for 2 hours and I came up with a crazy idea. The other night when I told one of the ABs about the girl in Itajai I told him:
- I will never see her again.
- You never know, he said and he told me an incredible story.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stHe had been diving on Cuba and the owner of the diving shop daughter and he had got a crush on each other. But he left Cuba to never see her again, he thought. But he had met her a few years later in Amsterdam and then again after a few years on the airport in Frankfurt.

I got new hope and I will ask our Ship Mechanic if he can extend his stay until Brazil and I can fly down to Santos when he signs off. We can stay a few days in Santos, Rio de Janeiro and Itajai.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI will have to buy a phrase book.
Yet another Smiley on Mi amar te!
HEY! Maybe we can read the article about MAERSK HOLYHEAD together!Yet another Smiley on

Sunday 12 th of March 2006
and I felt good coming to my midnight watch after 2 hours of walking on deck yesterday evening. I even meet one of our Motormen in the “Jogging track”, so I'm notAladdin's adventure in Rio Grande, Brazil with Alpha Ship's MV Pegasusalone out there.

I had been on my afternoon watch for about 30 minutes when our Assistant Electrician came to make a phone call. We had time to talk about this and that (Miss Daisy) while Captain was connected to the server so he could send and receive e-mails.

But he cannot send my e-mails, it's too expensive. Yeah, what do you know? Just when you think you have seen it all. But it's nice to have the Assistant Electrician to talk with on the bridge. Well, he had just left when our Ship Mechanic came to make a phone call. Busy day on the bridge and the times turns quick.

When our Ship Mechanic was ready with the phone he attacked the oatmeal. He had two quickOatmeal Surprises in a row. Well, if I had told you about my “ Oatmeal Surprise ®” and the growing popularity a few years ago you would have thought that I was crazy.

Hungry crew on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Schmeckt so gut!

Hungry crew on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Schmeckt so gut!

Hmm, who knows, in a few years I might have my own line of health products. I'm too familiar with the face of failure and defeat and I think that I deserve the success after all these yearsHungry crew on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasusdragging around diet powder, linseeds and oatmeal.

Pssst!Hmm, maybe a hungry crew is a part of the success with my “ Oatmeal Surprise ®”.
Please don't tell my investors.

After my watch I made the inventory of my provision store in my cabin, 11kg of oatmeal and 12 packages of Pumpernickel and rye bread. Enough to last me until Dubai.
But if our Ship Mechanic isYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stgoing on like this it will be finished in the middle of the next week.

Hungry crew on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Schmeckt so gut!

Hungry crew on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Schmeckt so gut!

Ja du, unge Herr Sjö Officeren. D trodde du inte våren 2000 på när vi var på Tärnfors att “Suprajsarna” skulle dra på segertåg runt jorden. Hmm, som d kan gå!
Jag sa ju till dig att du skulle investera din avmönstring o se nu hur d gick.

Evening and I asked 3rd Officer to turn on the light on deck so I could go for a walk. It was 9Malmö FFo'clock and I had 2 hours to walk. But I had forgotten that it was time to advance ship time by 1 hour. Well, I can walk to 2330 and that's 1, 5 hours walking. That's long enough.
- Was it cold or what?

When I came on deck I turned around and went back in again. 19°C is too cold for me. Well, a little agony, but not too much, this is the second day with my refrigerator full of chocolate and I have not touched the chocolate.

Monday 13 th of March 2006
and me and me AB relieved the gang on the 8 - 12 watch a few minutes before midnight. We had time to crack a few jokes and then we were ready to take on just about everything that could come up during the watch.

When they called me at 11:40 I was very tired, we changed the ship time yesterday,
remember? It was still like 1040 for me due to the advance of the ship time. By now you should know all about the different time zones and about changing the time, if not visit my web shipWebship

ShowerI jumped in to the shower and I stood in VERY hot water for about 10 minutes and then I was ready to relieve the guy on the 8 - 12 watch. It was nice weather, 18°C and the wind came from South with a force 3-4.

I had 2 Albatrosses following me and I sneaked out on the bridge wing to take a picture. It's really big birds and I was impressed. Yesterday we meet a big whale porpoise her/his way towards the West, otherwise the ocean is empty. I haven't seen a single ship since we left Brazil.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Albatross following us

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Albatross following us

I don't know what happened after dinner, I was sitting writing on my web page when I
OK, jag kan förstå Unge Herr Sjö Officeren om han inte tror att jag kan leva utan chokladen tills Jebel Ali. Vi har ju dom gröna Dumlena färska i minnet. Påsken 20:00 var ju en riktig rysare.
dozed off and I woke up at 21:30. A hot shower and I called 3rd Officer on the bridge.
- Can you please turn on the light on deck, I'm going for my night walk?
- It's very cold, only 16°C, he said.
- I give it a try, I replied briskly
I was on deck at 21:50 and it was not warm. But I stayed for 90 minutes and this is also the 3rd day without any chocolate. I FEEL GOOD!
- How many of you think I can leave the chocolate alone until Jebel Ali?
- Aah! Come on! Have a little faith in me!

Tuesday 14 th of March 2006
and I was in good mood (90 minutes on deck) when I came for myLandskrona BOISnight watch. My mood swung from good to anxious. I got alarming news from our Ship Mechanic.
- They are coming from the Engine Department to eat oatmeal.
I will for sure take back my provision to my cabin. I will not risk running out of oatmeal or black bread before Jebel Ali, or as I said to the AB and Ship Mechanic:
- I don't care if they call me cheap, penny-pinching, tight-arsed or even an a-hole. But I spent several hundred dollars for this food and I don't want to run out of it before arrival to Jebel Ali.
- I will give you all my food when I'm going home. There is enough for me and some treats at times. But if I'm going to feed the engine department we will run out of food in 2 days.
We know the story.
- You have so much!
- Yes, it's much for me. But if we start to ship in people by the buses to eat my oatmeal we will be out of oatmeal quicker than we can say HUNGRY.

I had also promised them my pillows and my rug when going home. But our Ship Mechanic will go ashore in Jebel Ali to buy pillows and bed linen so someone else can have my pillows.

Yeah-yeah, blah-blah, I and the AB were soon alone on the bridge and I could enjoy my tea and oatmeal. It was gloomy and grey when coming on my watch at 12:00, 16°C. It was nice when the sun was shining and you were standing on the lee side.

Not long after coming on watch our Deck Ship Mechanic came on the bridge. He wanted me to take a picture of him holding a board with greetings to his friend.
- Then you can put it on your page and they can see it on the internet, he said.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
He is not only on the bridge eating my oatmeal

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
He is not only on the bridge eating my oatmeal

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
He is not only on the bridge eating my oatmeal

Today it was too cold for my evening walk. I also think the walking on the steel deck is the reason for my back pain. I walked 2 hours and yesterday 90 minutes and I had some back pain when I woke up this morning. But I didn't eat any chocolate.

Wednesday the 15th of March 2006 and it was 14°C during my night watch. At 03:22 we reached Amnesty a position 47 - 48 NM North of Gough Island and 170 NM SE Nightingale Island in Tristan da Cunha Group. I changed to 086°(t) from 092&deg. We have been steering South in the Great Circle between Brazil and Cape Agulhas in South Africa. Now we start steering back North again.

Hmm, well, the only exciting to watch during my afternoon watch was the crew chipping and painting on the poop deck. I love the sound from the chipping machines.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
There is especially one guy sticking out with his hands in the pocket

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
There is especially one guy sticking out with his hands in the pocket

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
There is especially one guy sticking out with his hands in the pocket

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
We can also sit down

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Now it is getting embarrassing

Thursday 16 th of March 2006
and as usually I started my watch with tea. We are still in a time zone where I can’t listen to Radio Sweden during my watches. But were coming closer to Africa and I hope that I can listen tomorrow. We will advance the ship's time tonight again. Then we will have Swedish time onboard. 3 hours difference to Jebel Ali. It will be nice when we arrive, this advancing of the time makes you tired. It's the same when you fly, to the East is the worst, travelling to the west is not so bad.

During my afternoon watch I turned my Hip Hop blaster to a language school. I listened to my language course for 1 hour. This is what I will do every day from now on. Actually I should have done this since I came onboard. But better late than never.

As I said, I have been very tiredsince we left Brazil and I dozed off for 1 hour during the evening. I woke up at 19:20 and I jumped out of bed (where did my back pain go?) and I was at the refrigerator in 2 steps and I ripped the wrappings off a MARS chocolate bar.

When I finished (0.7 seconds) the MARS I took a hot shower. Agony was not far away and I called to the bridge where our deck Ship Mechanic was on look out.
- Do you want to buy the last Ritter Sport? I asked.
- Yes!
- OK, I bring them to the bridge, I said.
I got rid of the Ritter chocolate, but I keep the last 2 MARS chocolate bars, just in case. You never know when you feel peckish.

Hungry crew on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
He is hungry

Hungry crew on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
He really wants the chocolate

Hungry crew on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
There is nothing in the fridge so he is very happy for the chocolate

Needless to say our Deck Ship Mechanic was happy when I brought him the chocolate. I also tried to get rid of my last MARS and my last Pringles® but I failed. Well, I have to eat it myself.

But I must tell you that our Ship Mechanic tried to get a bag of oatmeal in the deal.
- NO WAY! This is my iron ration.

Friday 17 th of March 2006
and it's time for a fire drill. We need this drill to get the right mixture of action(drill), loveYet another Smiley on, horror(our refrigerator and e-mail, well, that's nothing compared to what happened in Veritas Tankers) and daily life on

Well, not all people are sturdy enough for the reality, it can be hard when the real world hit you in the face. One Captain in Veritas Tankers complained about my web page to the Swedish Data Inspection Board. I was looking forward to see the police assaulting my home. Well, we we're waiting for them, but nothing happened and we were disappointed.

The world on the seven seas was a little too much for my friend as well. The summer is closing in and he's looking forward to sunny days on the beach with his kid.Morning teaHe reads in the newspaper, almost every day, how worried they are about the oil transports in the Baltic sea. He was, at least to say, alarmed when he read that we had to carry ashore the Captain.
- Don't worry! It will not happen again, I told him.
- I'm really looking forward to playing with my kid on the beach this summer. I don't want the beach to be full of oil, he said.

I just managed to calm him down when I had to tell him the news that Veritas Tankers are sending back this Captain on their ship.
- What will happen now? My friend asked with horror in his voice.
I'm really trying to comfort him, but what can I say?

People really can't understand how they can send this guy back on a ship. He's back like jack-in-the-boxand no one understands how this is possible.

Imagine me starting a TAXI company, we can call my freshly started company for “The drunken driver”.PictureMy drivers all have a history as drunken drivers.

How many of you think that anyone from Veritas Tankers would send their children to school with my taxi company?
Is there anyone thinking that anyone at Veritas Tankers wish any of those cars to traffic the streets?
- What was that? No one!
- Can someone then please explain for me why they want me to stay on their ship accepting a drunken driver?
They also tried to fåck me for 3000US because I left the ship!

We also have those (one or two) thinking that I'm too harsh and hard-hearted against this winos.
Well, as I said to one guy:
- I really want to hear your opinion when a drunken guy on a ship hit and sunk a ferry carrying your family.
- You cannot say like that, he said.
- Why not? You can imagine the horror receiving the news that a drunk have hit your wife or kids.

What would they say if they had to lift the school bus driver on and off the bus? I wonder how many times he would have been allowed to take the children to school.

Accidents will always happen, and it can be me hitting that ferry tomorrow, but GOD HELP ME! PLEASE GOD! HELP ME! I REALLY HOPE THAT I'M SOBER WHEN I HIT THAT FERRY!

We have my “ Near miss ” in the Persian Gulf fresh in mind. If I hit that ship it wouldhave been a small notice in the newspaper about a collision between 2 ships.
Now imagine if I were drunk hitting that ship.
This had been on the first page and follow up stories every day for a few days. Televised debate and TV documentary with invited guests saying that drinking is no good.
Representatives from some Shipping Company saying:
- On our ship there is no alcohol!

ActionWell, anyway, an action filled drill is always welcome. By now we need something to spice up the web page a little. At 16:00 our fire alarm went off and the crew mustered at the muster station.
- Fire in the kitchen!

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
AB stand-by with a fire hose on poop deck

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Smoke divers enter the kitchen

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
AB at the fire hydrant

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Fire is out

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
We launch the MOB boat when the fire drill is over

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
We launch the MOB boat when the fire drill is over

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

OK, the drowsiness sneaks up on me while sitting here writing. This action filled day takes its toll and I need a rest.BedI will continue after my POWER nap so until then you have to entertain yourself. But I will soon be back.

OK, 21:40 and I'm back. It was nice with 2 hours on the pillow. Hmm, where were we? Yes, the fire in the galley. After the fire drill we held a rescue boat drill and when we were ready and we had our meeting at the office I took a picture of the crew.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
The crew - Click HERE for bigger picture

Saturday 18 th of March 2006
and I found out that someone had been nibble on my rye bread when I came on the bridge at midnight. Hmm, I have to keep my iron ration in my cabin.

When I came on my watch at lunch we were just South of Cape Agulhas. The weather was very nice. A little swell but almost no wind. At the end of my watch the wind had increased to a force 4 and the swell were coming from ESE, height 2 - 3 meters.

After the drill yesterday our appetite has really been whetted. Tonight, after dinner we will watch aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stVIDEOTEL video. Talking about a Saturday night boredom killer.Yet another Smiley on
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI can always dream about my love in Itajai.Hmm, maybe I should ask for an extension and sign off in Itajai?

I also need 1 more month for my diet. I can imagine myself plunging down the walking street in Itajai, handsome like a spring day. I will see Miss Beautiful again and I will jauntily say:
- Buenas nochesYet another Smiley on
- Ohh! Con estiloYet another Smiley on

Well, well at 1815 we meet in the dayroom and we watched this video about ISPS and terrorism. Where do they come up with all things? All the terrorists and robbers in the movie were swarthy or brown skinned. Except one example with some Caucasian men dressing up in suits pretending to do some important business while they sneaked around stealing in the cabins.

But all the dangers came from swarthy and brown skinned men, hmm, maybe this VIDEOTEL is a Naziorganization spreading their message through training videos.
Well, anyway, when we were ready with the video we all knew the color of the skin of the terrorists and thief's. Nocturnal visitors with dark skin are better of waiting until daylight.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Watching Videotel's Nazi propaganda

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Watching Videotel's Nazi propaganda

Anyone seen the video? They interviewed on guy about the security, fair enough, but why didn't the VIDEOTEL told this guy that there were a potato sticking out from his nostril when they interviewed him. He could have removed the potato before the interview, now we had to sit andYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwatch this eye sore.

This was the only thing I could think off during the whole show. Even when this poor guy wasn't in picture the only thing I could picture was the potato sticking out of his nostril.

And by the way, wouldn't it be more fun to see a video with a canoe full of Caucasiansin suits attacking a ship? No, this video got exactly 0 out of 10. Or a full 10out of 10And we're wasting time to watch this bullshit.

For sure an old Nazi that had made that movie!

Sunday 19 th of March 2006
and we steamed along the coast of South Africa, I tried to find a good radio station but I failed, so I really appreciated that I have my iPod. When I got of my watch we were just about to pass Port Elizabeth

When I came on my watch at 1200 we steered a course of 055°. After 20 minutes something we reached our WP East of East London and I changed course to 045°(t). We had a wind force 5 - 6blowing from behind. But it didn't help us, we only made 15 knots and we increased from 98 rpm to 100 rpm.

At 15:40 we reached Mbashe Point and I changed course to 043°(t)

I spent the evening in my cabin working with my web page. At 23:40 I went to the bridge for some tea and a chat with the guys watch. Our Ship Mechanic turned bananas when I came up.
Hungry- Please! Please! Can't you open your bag of oatmeal?
- OK OK! Easy now! Are you so hungry? I asked.
- No No, I just want to try your Oatmeal. I never tried this sort before, he said.

I ripped the bag open and he filled a cup with oatmeal quicker than I could say “ Oatmeal Surprise ®”. When I saw him eating the “ Oatmeal Surprise ®” I was convinced that this would be an excellent idea for a line of health food. I will find me some investors and we will set things in to motion. You better keep your eye out for “ Oatmeal Surprise ®” in your nearest health food store.

If you’re not convinced, take a look at this video This video was removed 2014, 800Kb and the quality was substandard, at least to say. I made a new video of my 2 videos and they are available below. 2014 and no problem to upload the 30,7 MB video. Just go down to the 22nd of March and you will have the 2 movies put together as one.

Monday 20 th of March 2006
and there wasn't very much happening during the night/ morning watch. But in the afternoon there was full action on the poop deck and I had my “SPY” cam up and running. Our hero was busy on the poop deck

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Our hero busy on the poop deck

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Our hero busy on the poop deck

The saga continues on our poop deck

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Well, there was more action in front of the bridge

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Well, there was more action in front of the bridge

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Engineers busy with the MOB boat engine

I spent 60 minutes walking on deck in the evening. I got a little back pain, but it was gone after 15 minutes. It was nice to be back in the track again. At 23:00 I went for my shower and then I went to the bridge. I didn't bring my camera to the bridge this time.
I'm afraid that I'm running out of space at the web hotel.

Tuesday 21 st of March 2006
and I discovered that someone been eating my oatmeal when I came on my watch at midnight. Hmm, Chief Officer is also hiding his oatmeal. Well, he says he keep it in a safe place. I call it hiding. Someone had eating all the oatmeal and he was afraid to run out of oatmeal before arriving to Jebel Ali. Well, anyway, I had nice weather during the afternoon. Steering 030° in the Mozambique Channel towards the Comores.

I was in the mess room at 17:30 for my dinner. No tea, but there were 2 glasses of juice next to the tea machine, 1 full and 1 half full, and I thought:
- What the heck! I take a glass of juice.
Bad idea!
- NO NO! THIS GLASS IS FOR THE CHIEF COOK! Our Steward came screaming.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI was almost wetting my pants. I asked for an empty glass and our Steward went out to Fort Knox and he returned with an empty glass. I went out and filled it with water.

I didn't bother with the tea, there were no milk in the refrigerator and I have asked for milk HIF, One of the best soccer teams in the world! every single day the last 3 and a half months. In the beginning the told me that there were milk in the duty mess. Those times I checked the duty mess there were no milk. They had to brought me a bottle with, I say, 13ml with a little bit of a good will.

Today they didn't had to bring any milk, I estimate (a humble estimation only) that they saved 25¢ including the saving for the juice.

So far I only had 1 glass of juice since I signed on, at my first meal.
- Do you want some juice?
- Yes, please.
I finished my juice and I was looking for a refill. It's not necessary to waste time and energy to tell you what they told me about the refill.

Here we have a very good example on how it goes when we get used to something. We're getting stuck in old routines and all of the sudden the unexpected happens and Aladdin wants a glass of juice. Same goes for me, I'm also stuck in old routines. I'm so used that it's just to get a glass of juice whenever you want. Hell, even 2 or 3 glasses so never occurred to me that this might not be the case under German flag. Same with the e-mail, for 10 - 15 year I have been used to have e-mail as standard onboard. So I never asked the company if they had e-mail onboard, my own fault.

Soon the whole mess room was involved in my glass of juice and I decided never to have a glass of juice onboard again.Water is hassle free (except for getting the glass) and it tastes better. Water also goes together with my new line of fitness products.

At 21:00 we advanced ship time by one hour and it was soon time for my watch again.

MIF, One of the best hockey teams in the world!

Wednesday 22 nd of March 2006
and I spent the first one or two hours of my watch reconstructing thelast evening in the mess room. I'm still not sure what happening.

I went for a glass of juice and all of the sudden the mess room turned in to a foockingOK Corral. This is not what I had expected. HEY! It's 2006 and the difference between German and Swedish flag is bigger than I thought it would be.

I was confused with all the action around me, but I think that it was Wyatt Earp I could hearapproaching on his white horse. He had to bring back the order and settle things.

Well, anyway, I'm happy that it didn't come to a shoot-out. Yeah-yeah, this disturbance is by nowShoot-outShoot-outburnt in to our memory and will forever be known as the BIG juice incident. Don't be surprised if I will take you down the memory lane in the future. When your grandchildren ask you if this is really true you can say “I was there when it happened” Well, anyway, be careful with that juice in the future!

The rest of my watch I was planning my “ Oatmeal Surprise ®” business. Keep an eye out! There will soon be a “ Oatmeal Surprise ®” available in a store near you.

During the afternoon the boys were painting and chipping on deck. We were standing North in the Mozambique Channel and we had sunshine but there were rain showers passing our path and I was busy on the bridge dodging the rain.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Passing showers in the Mozambique Channel

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Passing showers in the Mozambique Channel

Well, busy and busy, I changed course some 10 - 20°, to avoid the rain. After 3 minutes the rain had passed and I could change back again. I had time to take a picture of the rain so now all of you can see how a passing shower looks like.

Well, things were soon getting serious. At 15:20 our Ship mechanic came to the bridge looking for food. He asked for the oatmeal. All the oatmeal is in a safe place as our Chief Officer puts it. ButAladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV PegasusI told him about the müsli in the drawer and he made himself an Müsli Surprise.

We recorded a video of him making the Müsli Surprise, but I think it's too big to put on the internet. We remember the last video, we almost had to compress it beyond recognition in order to get the file size down to 800kb. This video will be much bigger.

But what the heck!!! As a special service for you broadbanders I will upload it on my web server, and for the rest of you, it can be worth waiting for the download. It's a pretty good video. Press PLAY Well, the video is 5MB and I decided to cancel the video.

UPDATED 2014! Below you have the full 30,7MB video. It is both the video from the 19th of March and the video from the 22nd of March. So enjoy!

2014 and no problem to upload the video

The best thing happening during the day was my 90 minutes of walking before my watch at midnight. I ran in to our Electrician and Assistant Electrician. They had problem with a reefer container and they needed to fix this or the cargo would get destroyed.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
I ran in to Electrician and Assistant Electrician in my track

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
I ran in to Electrician and Assistant Electrician in my track

Thursday 23 rd of March 2006
and we were approaching the Comores when I came on my watch at midnight. I kept a true course of 030° and I was closing in on one ship ahead of me. I had to adjust 2-3°, to port to overtake him at a good distance. I came close to the island Anjouan and I could see the silhouette in the dark, there was some moonshine. The highest top on Anjouan is 1472m high. On our Starboard side we had Île Mayotte, the highest top on this island is only 658m high. We passed about 29 NM from Île Mayotte and I could not see the island.

I could not see any lights on Anjouan until I was very close, we passed 8 NM from this island. At 02:15 I reached a position between the two islands and I changed course to 020°(t) When I changed course I could see the lights from a small village (I think) on the East side of the island.

Otherwise I spent the watch drinking tea and Diet Drinks. I listened to my language course while MIF, One of the best hockey teams in the world! thinking about the life. I listened to the news from Radio Sweden and Malmö Ice hockey Team had won a game with 6 to 1 and they are the best team in the league.
- Yeah, please! Try to surprise me.
After this news the tea tasted a little bit better, well, it was not any news. But it was a confirmation of what we already know.

At 04:00 it was nice to go to bed and I slept until 1140 when I was called for my watch again. It was nice weather when I came on my watch. But darn! It's hot, 30°C in the shadow.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Working on deck

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Working on deck

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Working on deck

At 13:13 I reached a position West of the Aldabra Island Group and I changed from 020° to 033°. We will keep this course until East of Somalia, 2-3 days from now. I was standing on the Starboards bridge wing, there are some shadow and the wind cools me down a bit. I watched some Dolphins and I saw a turtle swimming by.
- Where is my camera?

I went in on the bridge to get my camera. I'm better off having the camera stand-by if something interesting is coming up. The only interesting happening when I had my camera was theAladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasusstrange looking birds flying around the ship. They were chasing flying fish and whenever they caught something the other birds were trying to steal the fish. The bird was looking a little strange with yellow head and a blue beak.

Imagine Donald Duck after drinking a few “ Blueberry ” Bacardi Breezers.

I managed to get a picture of one of the birds. I didn't bother trying to get a picture of the flying fish, I mean, after my last picture of the flying fish (A classical picture by now) it can only be worse. And downhill is not the direction we want to go on, well, sometimes I'm not really sure in what direction we're going.

Yes Sir! At 2130 I called the bridge for some light on deck and I opened my door to get my sneakers. I have them in the aisle outside my cabin. I could hear the door to the bridge open and then the sound of someone running down the stairs, it sounded like a drum roll.
- Someone is in a hurry, I thought.
It was our Ship Mechanic coming.
- Do you have oatmeal?
He was really hungry, he had been waiting for me to open my door all evening.
- I know you have oatmeal in your bookshelf, he said.
Yesterday when I came on my watch he asked for my oatmeal.
- My oatmeal is finished, I said.
- I saw one bag on your desk when I was looking for you, he said.
- My last bag, I said.
- Your book shelf is full of oatmeal, he said.
- What the BIP ! Are you running in my cabin when I'm not there! I said.
- No No, I was never in you cabin. I was just leaning in through the door and I could see your oatmeal, he said.
- Just leaning in!? A Chinese circus performer would have been green of envy if they could see you!

Hmm, yesterday we had a discussion about the drinking water and I told him about Swedish ships.Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV PegasusHe turned sarcastic:
- On Swedish ships you're all living like counts, he said.
- I can't remember one single time when a crew member was running around the cabins looking for food during my years on Swedish ships.

His sarcasm got stuck in his throat.

I was on deck at 22:00, delayed 30 minutes due to the oatmeal incident. At 22:25 I was almost giving up the walking due to rain. But at 2230 it stopped and I could walk until 23:00. 60 minutes of walking is better than noting and I returned to my cabin.

I had to write about the oatmeal incident and take a shower before my watch at midnight.

Friday 24 th of March 2006
and my AB was back on watch at midnight. The last 3 days I have been alone on the bridge due to painting on deck. Hmm, it was nice to be alone and no one was complaining about the music.

Well, my afternoon watch was trotting along and it was soon 16:00 when I could leave the bridge. The last week onboard is always boring and nothing you do seems purposeful. It's never mind if you have been onboard for 4 weeks or 4 months, it's always the same.

Today you can write “ Aladdin busy with his constitutional between 22:35 and 23:05 ” in your calendar. 90 minutes, give and take a few seconds, and I feel good.

Saturday 25 th of March 2006
and we passed the equator at 01:50 something. We were passing Somalia and we were East of Mogadishu. Somalia is notorious for all the pirates.30 minutes or something later there was someone calling me on the VHF.
- This is the coalition warship calling the ship in position XX XX,XN and XXX XX,XE. Keeping course 026° and a speed of 15 knots. This is the coalition warship on your port bow, distance 18 miles.
I was the only ship around but I didn't answer. A coalition warship should be able to plot my course and speed. They were wrong with 10° and several knots. And the position left more than a little to wish for. If the give positions like that I understand why the trash wedding parties etc when they want to bomb terrorists.

A little later they called again.
- This is the ship 13,5 miles on your port bow.
She was 12,5 miles away and I didn't answer. Maybe it's pirates calling us and pretends to be a coalition warship.

- Have anyone else noticed that this “ Coalition Warship ” has became very popular the last year?

When you leave the Suez Canal and enter the Mediterranean there is also a
Coalition Warship ” calling ships. Last time there was someone calling and I could hardly understand the English they spoke. Obviously they didn't understand on the ship they called either, they never replied. One time when passing North Africa there were a VTS or a military something calling one ship.
- What's you cargo?
- We have (I don't remember what it was, but they replied) onboard.
After repeating the question and answer for several times shore came back with:
- Can you please repeat that in French?

Well, when they called the third time I answered them.

Today I also got new hope for my diet. I found this tablet in a South African magazine onboard. They call the tablet for XLtoS®. And the promise, listen to this!
Triple slimming action! Ensures:
1. Calorie burning
2. Fat release
3. Water elimination

Among other fabulous ingredients we find:
XL to SArtichoke extract that, listen to this! Optimizes the
“ FLAT STOMACH EFFECT ” and facilitates digestion. HEY! Hang on, there is more:
Green tea extract: Contributes toward fat release.
- Where the BIPPING BIP do they come up with all this bull?
This reminds me of the quack doctors and charlatans travelling the Wild West selling remedy from a wagon. The charlatans rolled in a guy on the scene.
- He can't walk!
He gave him a pill and the guy smiled and took his wheelchair under his arm and walked out of there. Well, either the charlatans got shoot or he became very rich after selling the whole stock of Scooby Doo pills.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

I called my friend in Sweden today.
- Where are you? He asked.
- I'm outside Somalia
- When you ask other people calling, they say 7/11 or something, he said.

He had a hangover force 9,2 after a party yesterday and he told me that this was the last partyhe was going to attend for the rest of his life.
- You say that every time, I said
- Today I will go on a birthday party, my friend turns 40, he said.
- What the BIP ! Is it possible to get that old? I asked.

I can imagine the cake, there must be like 1 million of candles to blow.
During the evening we had a BBQ and I was the official photographer.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Preparing for BBQ

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus

Our 3rd Engineer will sign off with me on the second call to Jebel Ali and he asked me to burn my pictures to a CD for him. I missed my nocturnal walk on deck. I had a combined beauty & power nap and I woke up at 21:45. That gives me time for a shower and I also have time to write a few words on my web page and we have to see if I can go ashore to upload my page in Jebel Ali.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Playing computer game

Sunday 26 th of March 2006
and I saw 2 fishing boats during my night watch, I think it's Korean fishing boats. You can see these white fishing boats all over the Indian Ocean. I also saw someHorn of Africafishing boats during the afternoon.

I was relieved at 1600 and some 20 minutes after they reached the waypoint East of Africa's Horn and Chief Officer changed course from 033°(t) to 007°(t). Next WP is Ra's al Hadd TSS and now all of you familiar with the area know that we will now soon be in Jebel Ali.

When I came to the mess room for dinner I had a cup of tea at and I was surprised to find a package of milk in the refrigerator. There was about, well, I would have guessed on about 1 dl left in the package. I took 2 cl in my tea and I returned to my seat.

I could not believe my eyes when I saw one of our Ship Mechanics take the package of milk from the tea machine. He took it back to his seat and I watched him pour the last 8 cl of the milk in a glass. He drank it without any hesitation.

It was like in one of those dreams were you're running but you are not moving. I saw him rise from his seat and walk towards the tea machine and the milk. I knew what was going to happen, but I could not move or speak. I saw him returning to his seat with the package and I tried to scream.

I tried to rise and run for the milk, but it was like a night mare. I could not move and not a sound came from my mouth. I saw him pour all the milk in a glass (1/3 of a glass) and he drank it in oneAladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasuszip. Yes, all of the 8cl disappeared like an aspirin. He slammed the glass in the table and now I got my voice back. I was at his side in 0,2.
- You're the reason for them not to have milk! You just drank milk for, yes, maybe 10 cents. Are you crazy?
- Next time we see milk will be tomorrow, If we're lucky, I said.

Well, I had to drink my tea without milk, well, I guess its optimizes the “ FLAT STOMACH EFFECT ”
I was joking with our Ship Mechanic just to see the reaction from our kitchen department. The kitchen department was sitting next to all the“ ACTION ” and it stroke me was that no one even moved a limb to go get a new package of milk. Hmm, I guess we had had our ration of 1 dl for today

I managed to squeeze in a 90 minutes constitutional even though we advanced ships time with one hour during the night. I had also managed to get a short power nap and I dreamed about my friend. I don't remember what we did.

But I had spoken with him earlier during the evening and he was packing his bag for a business trip to Korea, maybe this was the reason for my dream.

Monday 27 th of March 2006
and, yeah, it's Monday again. I saw a few fishing vessels during my night watch. I also noted that all those people are back screaming on the VHF.

When I came on my watch at 1200 the sea was like a mirror and it was 28°C, very nice. It was what we call a comfortable weather. I try to listen to my language course at least 2 hours every watch. And it feels nice when you can understand more and more. I'm just listening while doing other things and I'm learning without thinking of it and I'm practicing listening to a new language.

Signing off day is coming close and the crew asking for my oatmeal.
Window shade- What will you do with your oatmeal when you sign off?
- Can I buy your oatmeal?
- Will you bring your oatmeal back home?
I will leave the oatmeal on the bridge when I sign off and I haveWindow shadepromised our milk drinking Ship Mechanic my 2 new pillows and my rug.
- I don't have any window shades to give away!

There are no window shades onboard. We are using aluminium foil and cardboard.

Panama GreekWell, it looks like a PanamaGreek ship at the first glance. But then I realize that it's good, no pirates will think it's worth waste any energy on us.

When the pirates see our window they think it's impossible that there are any valuables onboard that ship and they turn around and leave us alone, good!

The only thing not so good is that I cannot sit in my cabin watching the sunshine over the ocean. Well, it's more important to have a dark cabin when you want to sleep.
But of course, the best thing would be to use theSwedish solution, window shades or blinds. Or what we say on Swedish ships, a rullgardin. Standard since many years now.

Well, today you can put me down for another 90 minutes on deck. You can skip the “ Give and take ” part, I took a few minutes extra just to be sure. While you note this in yourHot showercalendar I'm off for a hot shower. See ya tomorrow!

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Hard work removing rust from deck

Tuesday 28 th of March 2006
and when I came to relieve our 3rd Officer at midnight they told me that signing of will be in Suez.
- They have trouble getting German VISA in time, they told me.
- Good, that gives me diet a few more days, I said.
I continued:
- I need to crank up the “ FLAT STOMACH EFFECT ” a few notches if I want to go from “FAT TO FLAT” before Suez.

I really don't want to sign off in Suez, Spain of UAE is the best. And coming to Sweden in April is not what I wish for. So I called the crewing people on Cyprus during my afternoon watch.

I told them that I don't want to sign off in Suez, Spain or Brazil (The girl in Itajai) would be best for me. They told me that my reliever had been waiting for long already.
- If you want you can sign off in Jebel Ali or with the rest of the crew in Suez. Your reliever is ready with his VISA, they told me.

Well, it would be nice to sign off in Jebel Ali, but I told her that she could do the most convenient thing.Hmm, stay one day in Cairo and watch the pyramids??!! I don't know, signing off in Suez doesn’t sound that nice.

Well, I was enjoying my tea and the nice weather when our Ship MechanicCensored, pure ghastlinesson deck called me on the bridge.
- Do you have your camera on the bridge?
- Why?
- Go and take a picture of me at the poolside, he said.
- What the ...??!!

For sure I'm not going to put that eyesore on the internet, in Sweden we call it for ghastliness.
- Puh hvor er jeg træt!

I got myself a hair cut after the dinner. I used a hair trimmer on deck and on the way back to my cabin I passed our Deck Ship Mechanic's cabin.
- Wha t the ...!!?? He screamed.
- Come in here and take a look in the mirror, he said.
- Well, hmm, it’s nothing a shower wouldn't take care of, I said.
The looks doesn't matter, it's how much you have in your valet that counts. ( Old proverb )

- Puh!! OK, put me down for another 90 minutes.
I had a chat with our Chief Engineer when I was on the way out on deck for my constitutional. He told me that they had got news from MAERSK. Berthing on arrival and we will stay until 31st of March. We arrive tomorrow and so far we have got no news. We are 2 days before schedule and usually we drop anchor. It's not just to go inside and discharge and load and leave. Maybe we have to load cargo coming from Asia or Australia and this ship arrives the 30th of March. Well, then we will miss this containers. Everything is done by a time schedule.

I told the Chief Engineer that I thought this was good news, anchoring is boring, and now we can go ashore and visit Dubai.
- That's good, then we have time to visit Tony Roma's, I said.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
OK, it is 2014 and here we have the poolside picture

Wednesday 29 th of March 2006
and we were in the Ra's al Kuh TSS when I relieved 3rd Officer at midnight. We entered Strait of Hormuz just before 3 o'clock and we were almost out of HormuzAladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasuswhen I got of my watch at 4 o'clock.

ETA Jebel Ali Pilot 10:40 and I don't mind if we're delayed by an hour or two so I can get maximum of sleep. I need to have all the rest I can get because I hope I can go ashore tomorrow night and upload my web page and send e-mail on some internet place.

Well, I was lucky and they didn't call me until 11:30.
Yet another Smiley on Fore and aft at 12:00
Yet another Smiley on I'm coming

We had all fast at 12:18 and cargo operation commenced at 12:35 when the stevedores started toAladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasusremove the lashings. And our AssistantElectrician had a huge job disconnecting all the power supply to the reefer containers.

At 12:45 we started to discharge with 1 crane and at 13:00 they stopped for a 30 minutes break. When they started to discharge again they used 2 cranes. During the break I went to the TAX FREE truck. They have a tax free truck going around the port with tax free stuff.

I meet Chief Officer and 3rd Officer in the truck. They were looking for stuff to buy, our Chief Officer wanted to buy a digital camera.
Later on I found out that he bought Pringles® (I had to eat them all) What could I do? He forced me to do it?

Well, At 17:50 they started to load with 2 cranes and we discharged with 1 crane and at 18:00 I was in the shower

At 19:35 I stepped in at Tony's. Well, they didn't have my favourite, Baby back. They only had beef ribs and I only like the baby back. So I ordered Baked Potato soup (2) and Lamb chop in rosemary instead of Baby Back. Lamb chop and rosemary is also my favourite.
-Hmm, very good!

2, is that how much you liked the soup on a scale between 1 and 5, or how many bowls you ordered? What? I have never been so insulted before. Me order 2 bowls of soup?
Hmm, I asked if Tony ever heard of the “ FLAT STOMACH EFFECT ” and, well, Tony could not recall that he had heard anything like that.

At 20:00 I was out of there and my driver was waiting outside. We went to an internet cafe and I could upload my web page. I think I found the problem with the missing pictures from January and February. So you can go back and watch them while I go on deck and load the ship.

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Tax free truck in Jebel Ali

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
I ran in to our Cook and Chief Engineer when I left for the tax free truck

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
3rd Officer and Chief Officer in the tax free truck

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
3rd Officer and Chief Officer in the tax free truck

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Chief Officer coming back on board

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Chief Officer coming back on board

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Electrician and Assistant Electrician

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Electrician and Assistant Electrician

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Our Ships Mechanic on gangway watch duty

Aladdin's adventure on board Alpha Ship's MV Pegasus
Bosun and AB

Thursday 30 th of March 2006
and we were loading with 3 cranes when I came on my watch at midnight. One by one the cranes stopped loading due to lack of cargo. That gave me time to sneak up in my cabin for some pumpernickel and Philadelphia® spreadable cheese (LIGHT). I had stopped at a supermarket in Dubai on the way back to the ship. Me and my driver carried as much Philadelphia® spreadable cheese (LIGHT) and pumpernickel we could. Our deck Ship Mechanic had been ashore and bought cheese and bread that he ate at the gangway.

At 06:00 we loaded with only one crane and they stopped cargo operation just after 6 o'clock. We resumed cargo operation at 13:20 and they told me that they expected us to leave around 18:00
I was disappointed, I really had looked forward to go ashore during the evening again.

Some container ships arrived during the morning and we could have our last cargo and we completed loading at 16:20 but the whole cargo operation was completed at 1705. We had found one container that was leaking and we had to discharge this container. They also had to lash the containers on the last BAY and we were ready at 17:05. Pilot onboard at 17:30 and we left at 17:48.

We will drop the anchor at arrival to Saudi Arabia. Good, I can sleep until lunch tomorrow, I hope.

Friday 31 st of March 2006
and I was full of pumpernickel and Philadelphia® spreadable cheese (LIGHT) when I came on my watch at midnight. No walking on deck yesterday, just sleeping and eating. I tuned in Radio Sweden when I came on my watch and I could hear that MIF had won their game, 4 to 0 or 4 to 1. Good news. Otherwise I was busy during my watch, plenty supply ships, fishing vessels and oil rigs. 4 hours turned quick and I was off to my cabin.

MIF, One of the best hockey teams in the world!

I was called for at 11:40 and I asked when we should drop the anchor.
- At 13:00, 3rd Officer said.

When I came on my watch we were just North of Ra's Tannurah. There were one ship leaving the North Jetty and they were all crazy at Ra's Tannurah Port Control.
- Slow down!
- Increase speed!
- Leave the channel at buoy “Golf” and keep buoy “Hotel” on your starboard side.
- Starboard to Starboard ( Same as Green to green, visit my web ship if you don't know what it means ) with the departing tanker!
- Keep all anchored vessels on your starboard side!

- Leaving tanker!!?? Where?
We could see 2 VLCC, Front Ace and Asian Progress II ( We remember me working on Asian Progress, now they must have run out of ideas for new names on their ships ) loading at the “Sea islands”. But I told Captain that they were empty and would not leave in a long time.

When we where South of Ra's Tannurah Captain saw this tanker leaving North Pier. Then this ship was already north of us, and he was leaving in the main channel and thus north bound.
- If we had kept our speed we would have been far from here by now. We would be anchored already, Captain said.

Finally at 14:08 we dropped our anchor 2,3 NM NE of RTE 7 L/B and we will stay here until April

Malmö FF, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
MIF, One of the best hockey teams in the world!
HIF, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
Landskrona Bois, One of the best soccer teams in the world!

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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