Fem fina - Motvind

Thoomaas, du kommer väl ihåg den gammle klassikern Fem fina med Motvind?

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok
I ran in to a terrible “back pain” But I was lucky and I got help with my refreshments

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok
They sent the strongest driver

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok
They sent the strongest driver

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok
Hard working Mr. Dynamite

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok
Hard working Mr. Dynamite

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok
You would think that they would have got used to it by now. But no, yet another interrogation

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok
Approved and see you in Kuala Lumpur

Sånt ja Tompa. Nu ska vi se om dom lyckas få mina “gottisar” till Kuala Lumpur. Ska väl inte va några problem o d ska nog bli lite fest på hotel rummet ikväll.

Pepsi MAX in Malaysia

Pepsi MAX

Pepsi MAX in Kuala Lumpur
My 2 boxes were the forst of the luggage belt in Kuala Lumpur

Pepsi MAX in Kuala Lumpur
My driver help me to the car

Pepsi MAX in Kuala Lumpur
We're ready to leave for Kuala Lumpur

Pepsi MAX in Kuala Lumpur
On the way to Kuala Lumpur

Pepsi MAX in Malaysia

Pepsi MAX

Pepsi MAX at Holiday Inn Express in Kuala Lumpur
At the hotel

Pepsi MAX at Holiday Inn Express in Kuala Lumpur
At the hotel

Pepsi MAX at Holiday Inn Express in Kuala Lumpur
Check-in in Kuala Lumpur

Pepsi MAX at Holiday Inn Express in Kuala Lumpur
Sånt ja, då e skiten på rummet

Pepsi MAX in Malaysia

Pepsi MAX

Jaha Tompa, the saga continues. Time to leave Kuala Lumpur o all skit ska med. Men jag räknar med att det inte ska behövas att bära särskilt långt

Pepsi MAX at Holiday Inn Express in Kuala Lumpur
Time to leave Kuala Lumpur

Pepsi MAX on Malaysian highway E8
Sitter man o hygger sig i baksättet

Pepsi MAX on Pulau Perhentian Kecil - Perhentian Island
Ett Skepp kommer lastat

Pepsi MAX on Pulau Perhentian Kecil - Perhentian Island
Vilken kämpe!

Pepsi MAX on Pulau Perhentian Kecil - Perhentian Island
Skulle ha varit med i “ditt” TEAM på Walenius

Pepsi MAX on Pulau Perhentian Kecil - Perhentian Island

Pepsi MAX on Pulau Perhentian Kecil - Perhentian Island
Double speed please! My MAX cannot stand the sunshine!

Äntligen frame på BuBu Long Beach Resort. Nu ska d bli gott med en MAX Men du får tro mig om du vill Tooomaaas. Jag checkade in på BuBu Long Beach Resort o d bara högg till i ryggen. Jesus Maria vilken smärta! Jag fick tillkalla hjälp för att få mitt luggage till rummet.
Pepsi MAX on Pulau Perhentian Kecil - Perhentian Island
Jaha, d va ju en jävla tid ni skulle ta på er!

Pepsi MAX on Pulau Perhentian Kecil - Perhentian Island
Careful please! Sensitive under water equipment!

Pepsi MAX in Malaysia

Pepsi MAX

Jaha Thooomaas, the saga continues. Nu e d dags o sticka. O d e väl mest havregryn i lådan. Inga restaurant besök, jo du, den planen kapsejsade ju redan första dagen i Kuala Lumpur så nu får man fara runt på kartbladet bärandes på skiten.

Pepsi MAX on Pulau Perhentian Kecil - Perhentian Island
Luggaget redo för avresa

Pepsi MAX on Pulau Perhentian Kecil - Perhentian Island
Gammle gubben som man är o ryggen är ju inte som för 30 år sen

Pepsi MAX on Pulau Perhentian Kecil - Perhentian Island
Yes, my “NO RESTAURANT” plan had failed and now I have carry around the oatmeal

Pepsi MAX on Pulau Perhentian Kecil - Perhentian Island
4 bottles of MAX only remaining, the rest is oatmeal

Pepsi MAX on Pulau Perhentian Kecil - Perhentian Island
My box, by now almost only oatmeal at the jetty and we wait for the boat

Pepsi MAX on Pulau Perhentian Kecil - Perhentian Island

Pepsi MAX at Kuala Besut jetty
Arriving to the Kuala Besut jetty

Pepsi MAX on Pulau Perhentian Kecil - Perhentian Island

Pepsi MAX in Malaysia
Genting Highlands next! 3 bottles of MAX remaining

Pepsi MAX in Malaysia

Pepsi MAX

Jo du Tompa. Sista läsken, men man fick fan i mig hålla koll på MAXISARNA sista dagarna så det skulle räcka ända tills d va dags att åka hem. Men va fan, man har ju fyllt 18 så d va inga problem.

Pepsi MAX in Malaysia
Sista MAX en

Pepsi MAX
Pepsi MAX
Pepsi MAX
Pepsi MAX
Pepsi MAX

Saturday 17 th of May 2017 and I stopped at the convenience store to pick up my case of Pepsi MAX that I bought yesterday. So stopped at the convenience store on my way back home from MBK Center. They asked if I wanted my case of MAX They had prepared 2 paper boxes for me.

I asked if they had 3 extra bottles for me to bring home and enjoy today and tomorrow morning. But they didn't had one single extra bottle available.

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok
My drinks on a cart

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok
They have empty boxes for me

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok
They have empty boxes for me

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok
She comes with my drinks

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok
First box is full

Two paper boxes and we filled the first one and I was soon realising that we didn't had enough to fill the second box. There were no more MAX to be found in the store. So we decided to keep my drinks here for another night. hey will get more MAX delivered tomorrow afternoon. So I canYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully get 5 or 6 more bottles to fill up the last box.

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok
We decide to keep my MAX here for another night

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok
She have to roll out my MAX to the store room again

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok

Pepsi MAX

Jo du Thoomaaas, the saga continues. Tebaka i affären dagen efter o nu hade dom allt på inköpslistan. Först började dom br&aringka o fr&aringgade vart jag hadde varit. Jag kom ju inte förrän 8 o “maxisarna” skulle ju komma klockan 6.

Men d va nog för att dom saknade mig. Jaja, dom tog ut lådorna igen, plus lös flaskor.

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok
Here we go again. My boxes and some extra bottles are brought out from the store room again

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok
Loaded with refreshments

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok
Malaysia next!

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok

Pepsi MAX

OOOOOOOOOOO du Thooomaaas! Nu e d dags o sticka

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok
So, my luggage is ready

Pepsi MAX in Bangkok
In the elevator

Pepsi MAX


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