The Grand tour of Greenland from south to north

11JUL: Flight from Reykjavik to Narsarsuaq, Greenland

Map of Greenland - Grönlandsresor
Day 1

From Reykjavik we fly with Air Island to Narsarsuaq, which is beautifully situated in South Greenland’s oasis of rough mountains, blooming plains, icy fjords, glaciers, ruins and a well developed agriculture.

In Narsarsuaq we stay at Hotel Narsarsuaq, which lies with the immense nature right outside the door. After check in we will go on a hiking trip to the signal hill where there is a breath taking view of the airport area, Bratthalid and the ice cap. In the evening we enjoy a welcome dinner at the hotel.

Saturday 11 th of July 2015 and to check in on Air Island's flight 465 from Reykjavik to Narsarsuaq was a quick affair. Seat 4B and the girl promised to keep seat 4A available. Well, this was way faster than expected and I returned to the coffee shop to update my web page.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI left the coffee shop at 12 thirty and I was through the security a few minutes later.Airport securityWell, there was a tax free shop and I spent the time there as the waiting room was very small. But time passed quickly and it was soon time to board the plane that was standing on the tarmac. No bus or bridge, a brisk walk and I could look at the airport while walking to the plane.

I asked for an “extension” when I boarded the plane and the Stewardess would bring it to my seat. As soon as she closed the door I moved to the window seat.

We're flying in a small Fokker 50 something and I had expected the plane to be, well, I was very pleasantly surprised. Plenty space in the seat.

Air Iceland's flight to Narsarsuaq
Our flight

Air Iceland

Air Iceland's flight to Narsarsuaq
Coming in for landing at Reykjavik domestic airport

Air Iceland

Air Iceland's flight to Narsarsuaq
Last passenger coming on the tarmac

Air Iceland's flight to Narsarsuaq
Safety instructions

Air Iceland's flight to Narsarsuaq
Leaving Iceland behind

Air Iceland's flight to Narsarsuaq
On the way to Greenland

We left Reykjavik in time and as soon as we had left Iceland behind I was a sleep. I woke up an hour later and as the flight is 2 hours and 50 minutes I had to try to kill almost 2 hours. And there wasn't much to do in my seat. I asked the Stewardess for a diet drink and she would bring it to my seat.

No sign of any diet drink and I asked her again when she passed my seat.
- OH, yeah, I forgot
Waiting and waiting and no diet drink so I had to go back in the galley. She was sitting in the last row and I asked where my diet drink was. Now she got out of her seat. She gave me a diet drink and she asked me to check how much the price was. Yeah, I really can't believe how service minded the Icelanders are. And this service always come with a hefty price tag. 1200 Scooby dollars for a diet drink and 2 small Pringles

I saw ice berg on Svalbard and Iceland, but very small. So I will note today as the day I saw my first ever ice berg, or plenty ice bergs. We were approaching Greenland and I could see the ice from the plane. We were soon flying over glaciers and ice bergs.

Air Iceland's flight to Narsarsuaq
Approaching Greenland

Air Iceland's flight to Narsarsuaq
Approaching Greenland

Air Iceland's flight to Narsarsuaq
Iceberg below, and check out the beautiful blue colour

Air Iceland's flight to Narsarsuaq

Air Iceland's flight to Narsarsuaq

Air Iceland's flight to Narsarsuaq
Mountains through the clouds

Air Iceland's flight to Narsarsuaq
Coming in for landing at Narsarsuaq

Narsarsuaq International Airport
We have arrived to Narsarsuaq International Airport

Narsarsuaq International Airport
We have arrived to Narsarsuaq International Airport

Narsarsuaq International Airport
We are out on the street. Luggage by car and we take the 5 minutes’ walk to the hotel

We were flying over some very beautiful scenery on our way to Narsarsuaq and I was already delirious with anticipation. This might turn out to be a very good trip. Well, so far I have had 2Hotel Narsarsuaqwinners, Svalbard and Iceland. Can I had Greenland to this?

They came to pick up our luggage, but the whole group decided to walk to the hotel some 5 to 10 minutes down the road. We are 11 in our group plus the Guide from Denmark. He was missing me in Reykjavik and he was happy when he found me in the tax free shop.

We got our rooms and we would meet in the reception at 3 for a meeting and that gave us 30 minutes to relax in our rooms. We discussed what we would do tomorrow and then our group tookHotel Narsarsuaqoff on a hike. I stayed behind, I wanted to explore the area, but most important. My throat was getting worse, most likely after the whale watching yesterday.

The whole village reminded me of a space camp. Ok, there were a few houses, but it was mostly barracks and the hotel was also like a barrack. The cafeteria was like a canteen. I asked for fish and chips, and God help me. I'm always careful at Queen Victoria onHotel NarsarsuaqSukhumvit Soi 23 as their portions are like Super tankers.

But what I got here was ridiculous, it was, well, food for a soccer team. I could only finish 20%. And I don't know what it was, but IYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthad to rush out to the parking lot to throw up. And this was in the middle of the part preparations as they have some celebration here today.

They prepare for BBQ on the parking lot and there are band coming to play and as they said: ItNarsarsuaqwill be party all night long and I have a wake-up call at 7 thirty tomorrow. I left the hotel for a walk around the village. There should be a shop in the village and I will go to see if they have something for my throat.

The shop was closed for today and I had walked around the village in a few minutes and I was soon back at the hotel.


old spelling: Narssarssuaq) is a settlement in the Kujalleq municipality in southern Greenland. It had 158 inhabitants in 2010. There is a thriving tourism industry in and around Narsarsuaq, whose attractions include a great diversity of wildlife, gemstones, tours to glaciers, and an airfield museum.

Narsarsuaq is located within the Eastern Settlement of the Greenlandic Norse; the Brattahlíð farm of Erik the Red established in 875 was located on the opposite bank of Tunulliarfik Fjord, where the modern settlement of Qassiarsuk is situated.

In 1941 the United States built an air base at Narsarsuaq code-named Bluie West One (BW1).(Bluie was the Allied military code name for Greenland.) Thousands of planes used BW1 as a stepping stone on their way from the aircraft factories in North America to the battlegrounds of Europe. A 600-bed hospital was built in order to deal with casualties from the Normandy landings. After the end of the war, BW1 continued to be developed, and was a major hospital site during the Korean War, with the military hospital expanded to 1,000 beds.

However, it was rendered surplus by the advent of mid-air refueling and the construction of the larger Thule Air Base in northern Greenland. In 1951, it was agreed that Denmark and the United States would jointly oversee the airbase. Although it closed in 1958, but it was reopened the following year by the Danish government after the loss of the vessel Hans Hedtoft and all crew south off Cape Farewell. The hospital was destroyed by a fire in 1972, although the ruins remain.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Beautifully coloured ice

Road to the airport

Hotel Narsarsuaq
Hotel Narsarsuaq

Hotel Narsarsuaq
Preparing BBQ at Hotel Narsarsuaq

We met in the restaurant for dinner. I got my starter and then it was way too long waiting. And I just saw them pouring out a truck load of BBQ red Danish sausages on the parking lot. So I went down and got a plate brimmed with BBQ sausages. I brought it back to the restaurant and IHotel Narsarsuaqenjoyed, well, I was full after half and I left them behind. 3 beer mugs of tea and I was soon back to my room to take some rest.

Wake up at 7 thirty tomorrow and departure at 08:45. A short trip by boat and we will explore a village for a few hours before we continue with the boat for 90 minutes or so. Then a one hour hike to our hostel.

So time to go to bed, but first I want to go check out the party. I have heard a lot about these parties on Greenland, fist fights, stabbing, misery, tragedy and ugly people. Yeah, pretty much like a night out in Bangkok back in the days when I was drinking beer.

Hotel Narsarsuaq

I was surprised, of course, every one was drinking, but it was a much quieter affair than when I used to be drunk. Good bands playing and handsome boys and beautiful women. Nice people and it was a very nice party.

So far the village Narsarsuaq and the people have been nothing but pleasant. OK, the JUMBO French fries is something I could have lived without. And do you know the peanut bags they hand out on board airplanes? You struggle to work your way in to the bag just to discover 2 peanuts. Yeah, why bother?

I have not had any of those bags for years as I always say NO THANKS! Just a waste of time and plastic. Here in Narsarsuaq they have the same bags, but they come in a 25 KILOS SIZE!!! Yeah, imagine a “party mix” 25 kilos bag! That is a long lasting party! Well, another exciting day have come to an end and I'm looking forward to continue the adventure tomorrow. We just need to click HERE to find out what kind of adventure we will experience tomorrow.

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