Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier

20JUL: On your own in Ilulissat
Kangia Classic - Helicopter tour of the glacier

Day 10

This is extra activity that me and our Guide booked from the Thai Reestaurant in Qaqortoq

In the afternoon:
Helicopter tour to the glacier booked from the Thai restaurant in
Kangia Classic
Duration: 1½ hour

This excursion is the only option to get all the way to the heart of the UNESCO-area. Neither by boat or by foot is it possible to get this close to the gigantic glacier.

Ilulissat Glacier is the most productive glacier, not only in Greenland, but in the northern hemisphere. The glacier is 7 kilometres wide and more than 1 kilometre steep. It produces 43 million tons of ice and moves about 50 metres a day. It is an amazing sight to see this infinite amount of ice and experience the enormous power of nature.

The helicopter takes off from Ilulissat Airport and flies, as low as safety and the preservation permit, crossing hills, lakes and ice fiords.

We land on the mountain at Kangia, in the middle of the preserved area, and for half an hour we are going to enjoy the greatness of the wonderful nature surrounding us.

We fly above the edge of the glacier and the icebergs in the fiord on the ride back to Ilulissat. Some of the biggest icebergs strand on a moraine underneath the water just outside the town, and it makes a wonderful finale to this excursion.

Monday 20 th of July 2015 I was in the reception at 13:18. They should be here to pick me up at 13:20. I asked the girl in the reception if she had seen the van. She called the company and theyHelicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glaciertold her that they were on the way.

The van rolled up in front of Hotel Arctic a few minutes later. Only 7 passengers and I was surprised, that gave 8 passengers and I had been told the flight was full.

The Driver told me that the 3 others were coming behind us and I was disappointed again. Well, not disappointed but 8 passengers are better than 11, for the passengers. Anyway, we will land on the glacier and we will swap seats so everyone have the chance to sit by the window. We were soon on our way to the airport and I passed the grave yard by the road for the third time today and IHelicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glaciercould soon see Ilulissat International Airport below me when we came over the ridge

We started by looking at a map to see where we were going to fly. We will fly to the glacier just north of the Ilulissat Icefjord and then we will land on the glacier.

30 minutes’ walk around on the glacier before flying back home over the Ilulissat Icefjord. So going back will be the same as with the airplane. And at the end of theHelicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat GlacierIlulissat Icefjord we will see the iceberg we were sailing among yesterday evening.

We had to see a safety video before boarding the helicopter and the showed the video at Air Iceland's check-in counter. This is where we will check in on Friday when we fly back to Iceland and Reykjavik.

When we were ready with the video we heard that the 3 missing passengers were on the way and we had to wait for them. Yeah, typical, I had been in such a good mood as we would have plenty space on the helicopter. Well, I had a window seat flying out to the glacier and this was a very bad seat.

Could see foock all and it was impossible to take pictures. I was swapping seat with the girl next to me on the flight back and now I was in the middle. PERFECT! I got a good view forward and I could see out the windows on the side. So if you're going with the helicopter take the seat in the middle.

Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier

Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier

Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier
Helicopter tour, the Kangia Classic - Ilulissat Glacier

Walking on the glacier was the best thing today. And sitting in the middle was also a much better experience than to sit at a window. It had been a very nice day and I have seen plenty of the glacier and the ice cap.

Was it worth the money, well, if you're here you can as well do it. The flight was kind of boring and I felt asleep. But the glacier, if you have not been here you cannot understand how big the glacier is, hell, I have been here, two flights and boat trip. I have even been walking on the glacier and I cannot understand how big the darn thing is. They say that about 80% of the fresh water in the world are ice on top of Greenland.

So yes, if you're on Greenland make as many trip as you can to the glacier and the icebergs. Or you might regret it when your back home. It comes with a price tag, but to have spent all the money coming here and then regret yourself for the rest of your life having saved 2000 US dollars on the different excursions here, well, up to you.

I spent the rest of the day in my room. Well, I went for the Greenland buffet at the hotel as our Guide had recommended the buffet. It was good, Greenland specialities (I did not eat any whale) and I was full when I left the restaurant. I asked for a 5 o'clock wake-up call for tomorrow as we will leave early for the Eqi glacier. And you just need to click HERE to find yourself on the boat going to the Eqi glacier. I believe that this is something you don't want to miss!

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