22JUL: Day hiking trip in Eqi lagoon and ice cap

Day 12

From the cabins we walk around the small lagoon, located south of the glacier and cross the river on an easy transition and proceed up the great moraine where we can see down into the glacier’s huge cracks. From here we can see a large part of the up to 80 meter high glacier front and see and hear mighty calvings. A wonderful trip in the middle of the wild paradise.
The Grand tour of Greenland - Hiking around Eqi

Wednesday 22 nd of July 2015 and I woke up around 12 o'clock and I started the day with some of the chocolate I bought yesterday. Wise from the “dinner buffet” experience yesterday I didn't expected much from the lunch. So I had my chocolate and I left my cabin at 1 o'clock bound for the Lagoon.

I greased myself up with mosquito repellent and I didn't used my mosquito net as it would be impossible to see the birds etc. in the nature. I walked over the first ridge and it was a little tricky to climb down the cliffs. There was a walk path but I had soon lost the walk path. It was a gloomy and grey morning but it was kind of nice to walk towards the Eqi glacier with all the noises.

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
Eqi glacier from my cabin

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
Eqi glacier from my cabin

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
Eqi glacier from my cabin

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
Eqi glacier from my cabin

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
Eqi glacier from my cabin
Don't really understand the size of the glacier until there is something to compare with. Here is the boat we arrived with

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
Leaving my cabin in Ice Camp Eqi behind

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
Leaving my cabin in Ice Camp Eqi behind

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
Walking towards the Eqi glacier

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
Hiking around Eqi

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
The boat in front of the glacier

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
Some kind of monument

I reach a monument that consists of a pile of rocks and a gas bottle. I find a place to sit down and I just enjoy the view and sounds. Sound from the ice in the glacier, water fall, the sea and the birds that came when I had been sitting down for a while.

As soon as I got “one” with the landscape and nature the birds came pretty close. I wanted to continue to the Lagoon but first I had to improve the monuments and this will be like graffiti and in 200 years there will still be marks of my visit to Eqi.

I also saw when the boat we had arrived yesterday leaving the glacier bound for Ice Camp Eqi. When she passed the “chips” from the glacier it was possible to really see how big these “chips” were. The boat was soon disappearing behind the cliffs and 10 minutes later Disko Line's boat Aviaq Ittuk left bound for Ilulissat.

And I was soon leaving the monument, the improved monument bound for the Lagoon. I reached the ridge at the Lagoon and I was soon looking down at the Lagoon and there was a waterfall. Close to hr glacier and I was enjoying all the sounds in the area.

I was sitting there and after 45 minutes it started to rain, well, it was a drizzle but I started to walk back towards Ice Cam Eqi. Of course slowly to look for birds, Polar foxes and Polar rabbits.

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
A bird

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
Beautiful nature

Disko Line's boat Aviaq Ittuk
Aviaq Ittuk passing a“chip” from Eqi glacier

Disko Line's boat Aviaq Ittuk

Disko Line's boat Aviaq Ittuk
Aviaq Ittuk leaving Ice Camp Eqi again

Disko Line's boat Aviaq Ittuk
Aviaq Ittuk bound for Ilulissat

Disko Line's boat Aviaq Ittuk
I can see the Lagoon and this is where I'm going

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
Leaving the monuments behind

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
Leaving the monuments behind

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
We can see the grey marking on the mountain. This is the marking from the glacier back in 1850

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
A bird and we can see the drizzle

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
Another bird

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
Another bird

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
Another bird

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
Leaving the Lagoon area behind

Greenland - Hiking around Eqi
Back at Ice Camp Eqi

I went to Cafe Victor when I came back to Ice Camp Eqi and I bought 10 chocolate bars. I was hungry and I didn't had much hope for the dinner tonight. I took the opportunity to scold the staff. Not scold, but I gave them a few hot “tips”
• If you have a restaurant with 8 tables you need more than ONE salt shaker
• You cannot charge 350 DKR for “dinner buffet” and serve some mushy mash
• Why on earth didn't you have potatoes on a 350 DKR dinner buffet?

I think I called the “dinner buffet” yesterday for a joke. But as normally, you complain and there are action. But people never complain. We were a bus full of people eating on Iceland
- How was it?
People were climbing each other’s to tell the Waitress on how good it had been. And me?
- It was the worst shit and the service should be reported to the Police!

And they looked at me like I was crazy. When we were back in the bus, ALL OF THE PASSENGERS started to complain as soon as we sat in the buss. I told them to PLEASE be quiet, IGreenland - Hiking around Eqidon't want to listen to this. They should have told the Waitress how foocking poor the place was. I already know how bad it is.

The Guide came to knock on my door 10 to 8 and he asked if I wanted to eat. They were getting worried as I never went to eat. Now they were boiling potatoes for me and they were waiting. BBQ lamb shops and I decided to save my chocolate. As we stood outside my door I saw the iceberg falling off the glacier.

I had been waiting for this all day long and now I missed it again. Well, I justGreenland - Hiking around Eqisaw the last piece coming in to the water and a huge wave. We stayed to watch the tsunami before we left for the dinner. The best dinner in a very long time. Actually, I have not had any better since the smoked salmon with the boiled potatoes.

Service minded staff, actually, they have been very nice and I think most of them are students working here during the summer and they seems to love their jobs. I was really not happy after the “dinner buffet” yesterday. But if you come here you can just tell them what you want. A lovely place and the time passes very quickly out in the wilderness.

I'm very very restless and to sit down for 5 minutes without anything to do is impossible for me, but here I can sit for hours just looking and listening. Great staff and a lovely cabin and I can really recommend the Ice Camp Eqi. A must do thing if you're coming to Greenland, much tanks to the staff as well. Mushy mash for 3 days would have driven me up the walls.

We will return to Ilulissat tomorrow with Disko Line's boat Aviaq Ittuk. And as we know by now, just to click HERE to be in the middle of that adventure

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