Air Greenland flight GL502

19JUL: Flight to Ilulissat
Whale watching and midnight sailing among icebergs

Map of Greenland - Grönlandsresor
Day 9

We fly from Nuuk to Ilulissat and stay at Hotel Arctic that offers a delightful view of the fjord. In the afternoon we will go on a guided tour where the guide introduces the modern life in contrast to the traditional hunting life that continues to thrive in the town.

Whale watching in the afternoon, booked from the ferry to Nuuk. A pleasant surprise, I woke up and our Guide had found a whale watching tour for me in Ilulissat

Evening/Midnight sailing among the icebergs, extra tour booked from the Thai restaurant in Qaqortoq

The midnight/evening sun gives the icebergs a unique play of colours that people return to experience again and again. Midnight sun in Ilulissat lasts from May 21st to July 24th. Sailing during the night with the sun still shining is a fantastic and unusual experience. Almost every visitor in Ilulissat chooses to try this boat trip among the icebergs at least once. During the year, more than 46 km3 of ice flows into the fiord. The result is gigantic icebergs, which can be more than 100 metres on each side and with a height on more than 100 metres above the water surface. These giants strand at the end of the fiord, and that gives a good opportunity to sail among them.

The icebergs are beautiful every kind of weather; in the sunshine the contrasts are very clear, the blue shades are very beautiful, when it is cloudy and the midnight sun casts a unique glow on the icebergs during the night. The boat trip at bright night is definitely an extraordinary experience.

Remember to bring warm clothes or you can rent suit of sealskin.

Sunday 19 th of July 2015 and a 5 o'clock wake-up call is nothing to look forward to, in normal cases. But today we will take an early flight to Ilulissat and I will start the day with a whaleSchweizernötwatching tour and tonight I will go for a midnight sailing between the icebergs. So no, I did not turn cartwheels out of bed at 5 o'clock, but it was as close as you will ever see me turning cartwheels out of a bed.

They start serving breakfast at Hotel Hans Egede at 6 o'clock but by then we're on the way to Nuuk Airport. I had bought 3 big Schweizernöt at the shop next to the hotel yesterday. I had planned to have one of them for breakfast in my room.

And the other two Schweizernöt for another day. But I did a miscalculation and I had finished most of the Schweizernöt that I have planned to have this morning already yesterday evening. So there as not much remaining, well, I had my two “spare” Schweizernöt in my bag.

I was in the reception at 6 o'clock and we left Hotel Hans Egede in a taxi bound for Nuuk Airport. It was a gloomy and grey morning and I had been hoping to get a glimpse of the ice cap from theNuuk Airportairplane when flying to Ilulissat.

We arrived to Nuuk Airport a few minutes past 6 in the morning and I had soon checked in.

We will depart from Nuuk at 07:15 with Air Greenland flight GL502. It is not a NON-STOP flight as we will go down at a place on our way to Ilulissat. All in all it will take us almost 2 hours to get to Ilulissat from Nuuk.

Nuuk Airport
We arrive to Nuuk Airport

Nuuk Airport
Checking in to Air Greenland's flight GL502

Nuuk Airport
We arrive to Nuuk Airport

Nuuk Airport
Waiting to board our flight

Nuuk Airport
Time to board Air Greenland's flight GL502

Nuuk Airport
Nuuk Airport

Nuuk Airport
Time to board Air Greenland's flight GL502

Nuuk Airport
Time to board Air Greenland's flight GL502

Air Greenland's flight GL502
Boarding Air Greenland's flight GL502

Air Greenland's flight GL502
Boarding Air Greenland's flight GL502

Air Greenland's flight GL502
Boarding Air Greenland's flight GL502

Air Greenland's flight GL502
We're ready to take off

Air Greenland's flight GL502
She brings tea

Air Greenland's flight GL502

Air Greenland's flight GL502
We are landing at our first stop

Air Greenland's flight GL502
We are boarding flight GL502 again

Air Greenland's flight GL502
Another flight is coming in for landing

We left Nuuk in time and we had about 1 hour to our first stop. We had no signed seat numbers and as I was the third passenger to board flight GL502 I took a window seat in the last row. The flight is almost full but I hope I can have the seat next to me empty.

And I was lucky, the seat next to me was empty and I actually enjoyed the flight. Cloudy so it was impossible to see anything of Greenland below us. But when we approached our first stop the cloud were disappearing and I had a good view of the landscape below us.

We had to get off the plane and as soon as I reached the terminal it was time to board flight GL502 again. When we left it was almost only our group remaining on board and the flight was almost empty. Nice, this have turned out to be a very nice flight.

40 minutes to Ilulissat and we had been on our way towards Ilulissat for about 10 minutes when the Pilot told us that it was a “open” cockpit and we could come up front to have a look.

We were flying over the ice cap and glaciers. And when we approached Ilulissat we could see the icebergs from the calving glacier. And it was plenty icebergs, and they were huge. The icebergs were like islands and mountains and I was impressed. I can't wait to get out on the fjords to see the icebergs tonight. I had expected huge icebergs but this was something else.

Air Greenland's flight GL502
Open cockpit

Air Greenland's flight GL502
Open cockpit

Air Greenland's flight GL502
Approaching Ilulissat

Air Greenland's flight GL502
We can see the ice fjord

Air Greenland's flight GL502
We can see the ice fjord

Air Greenland's flight GL502
Flying over icebergs

Air Greenland's flight GL502
Flying over icebergs

Air Greenland's flight GL502
Flying over icebergs

Air Greenland's flight GL502
Arriving to Ilulissat

Air Greenland's flight GL502
Our Luggage

Ilulissat Airport
Ilulissat Airport

Ilulissat Airport
Ilulissat Airport

Ilulissat Airport
We load our luggage on the trailer and we leave for the airport

Ilulissat Airport
On the way to our hotel

Ilulissat Airport
On the way to our hotel

We land at Ilulissat Airport in time and we were soon on the tarmac walking towards the terminal.Hotel ArcticOur luggage was on the belt after a few minutes and we went out to wait for the mini bus from Hotel Arctic. It was a gorgeous morning and we could see the icebergs in the Disko Bay from the airport. And it was an impressive sight.

I was told by a guy on the airport that the Disko Bay had been blue 2 days ago, no ice in sight at all. Yesterday, in the middle of the night the pressure had pushed out a big iceberg blocking the ice fjord

The mini bus came and we loaded our luggage on the trailer and we were soon on our way toHotel Arctic and Disko BayHotel Arctic. We could not check-in when we arrived as the hotel was full.

The rest of the group went in to the town to walk around killing time until they could check-in. I stayed at the hotel for some breakfast and I waited for my room to be available. My room was available at 11 and I went up to my room to leave my luggage before takingHotel Arctic and Disko Baythe free shuttle from the hotel to the town.

World of Greenland and Hotel Arctic have the same owner. I booked my extra midnight sailing, whale watching and helicopter tour with World of Greenland and I need to get there to pay my tickets. I paid 5300 DKR for the tickets and I went to check out the barber shop. The barber shop was closed and I returned to my hotel

Hotel Arctic and Disko Bay

I was back at World of Greenland quarter past 2 for the whale watching tour. There were 2 other passengers from my group waiting for the whale watching. Quarter past 2 and a girl came to tell usWorld of Greenlandthat they didn't knew where the boat was. The boat was delayed because of all the ice and they could not reach the boat driver with the telephone. She told me that we would meet here at 3 o'clock again.

This was of course nothing I liked. I asked what we should do here in Ilulissat. She suggested that I should go visit a church and there was Cafe Ilulissat across the street. I was for sure not going to the church. And I had not had had anything to eat since breakfast and I don'tTraffic sign on Greenlandexpect anything to eat until the evening.

So I chose to go for lunch at Cafe Ilulissat and the menu was a disappointment, French fries and burgers. Or burger styled meals. But there was salmon and creamed spinach so this was the obvious choice.

A cup of Earl Grey tea and I thought we had picked a winner. I got my tea at the bar, yes, it was a self-styled service type of restaurant but the only restaurant in Ilulissat. And there was no other things to do to kill time. I had realised that it was Sunday so I had given up the idea to get a haircut. So salmon it was.

I had been at my table for 20 minutes ++ and the tea was getting cold and it was just a few minutes until we would meet outside World of Greenland's office. I asked where my food was.
- Sorry, this food need special cooking
Yet another Smiley on What theYet another Smiley on
- It takes longer than to make the French fries
Yet another Smiley on What theYet another Smiley on

I told them that I wanted my money back, this was too bad. A restaurant and the only thing they can make is the French fries, impressive. Imagine to work there and to call yourself a Cook.

Ilulissat Marina
Ilulissat Marina is full of ice

Ilulissat Marina
Ilulissat Marina is full of ice

Ilulissat Marina
Ilulissat Marina is full of ice

Ilulissat Marina
Ilulissat Marina is full of ice

Still no news about the boat and I told them that I would go back to my hotel and they could come to pick me up when it was time to leave. They had suggested that we should hang around until 3 o'clock and if the boat was not back by then we should continue hang around down town Ilulissat where there was exactly foock all to do! I exploded!

I explained that we were paying customers and I had for sure more fun things to do than to hang around a church or to eat French fries at the dump Cafe Ilulissat. I have bought tickets for 6000 Danish Scooby Doo dollars, midnight sailing among icebergs (2 trips), whale watching and the helicopter trip Kangia Classic over the Ilulissat Glacier.

Not their most important customer, but I will NOT hang around waiting for them to be ready. They are here to serve me and not the opposite. Of course, if they would have offered these trips for free it would have been another story.

I was back in my room and they called me 10 minutes past 4 o'clock. The tour leader was in the reception and we were ready to go for the whale watching. And if you want to see some Humpback Whales you just have to click HERE

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