Day 5

We travel the shore of many scenic fjords, beautiful beaches, and pass through small fishing villages until we reachMap of Iceland - Grönlandsresorthe majestic fjord Arnarfjörður, surrounded by high mountains. At the bottom of the fjord we come across the unique waterfall Dynjandi with its seven levels of plunging water, declared the country’s most beautiful waterfall by the people of Iceland. We continue over a mountain pass and travel along the southern shores of the West Fjords.

This is a route less travelled and is characterized by sheer cliffs, deep cut bays and narrow stretches of coastal lowland. We overnight at the remote Vogur Country Lodge in West Iceland. This is a truly peaceful and beautiful place close to Breiðafjörður Bay, giving you the feeling of being all alone in Iceland.

Sunday 5 th of July 2015 and I was feeling much better when I woke up at 7 thirty when they knocked on my door. I had a shower and I packed my bags and I was in the restaurant at 8. I had my breakfast and departure time was delayed to 9 as the restaurant at not opened until 8.

We packed the trailer and we got on board the mini bus/ van and we took off towards the waterfall Dynjandi in Arnarfjörður. Our only stop for today a we will drive almost 400km during the day. 400 km, something I do in ust over 2 hours on a Swedish highway, at least back in the days when I was a young dare devil flying down the Swedish highways in an Audi. Now I hardly dare to get behind the wheel.

And the Icelandic roads up and down the mountains are no high ways and 400 km will keep us busy the whole day. We will stay overnight at Vogur and it looks very close on the map. But we have to drive along all the fjords to come around the mountains and it is long fjords.

Grand Tour of Iceland with Grönlandsresor - Látrabjarg
Leaving the hotel

Grand Tour of Iceland with Grönlandsresor - Látrabjarg

Grand Tour of Iceland with Grönlandsresor - Látrabjarg

Grand Tour of Iceland with Grönlandsresor - Látrabjarg

Grand Tour of Iceland with Grönlandsresor - Látrabjarg

Grand Tour of Iceland with Grönlandsresor - Látrabjarg

Grand Tour of Iceland with Grönlandsresor - Látrabjarg

Grand Tour of Iceland with Grönlandsresor - Látrabjarg

Grand Tour of Iceland with Grönlandsresor - Látrabjarg

Grand Tour of Iceland with Grönlandsresor - Polar Fox
We pass a Polar Fox

Grand Tour of Iceland with Grönlandsresor

Grand Tour of Iceland with Grönlandsresor

Grand Tour of Iceland with Grönlandsresor
We make a photo stop on the way to Dynjandi

Grand Tour of Iceland with Grönlandsresor
We make a photo stop on the way to Dynjandi

In some of the fjords we can go up and down the mountain at the bottom of the fjords, saving us some distance but the roads are not very good. But slow makes it and it is a beautiful landscape.

It was a cloudy morning and we drove through the clouds. But our driver promised that it would become sunny before we were in Patreksfjörður. We reached Patreksfjörður and we turned rightIcelandic fish farmsand followed road #63 toward Arnarfjörður. We made a comfort stop in Bildudalu, a pretty un-exciting village.

We passed a small waterfall and we stopped for some pictures. We saw a lonely duck baby swimming around and I hope the baby can find the mama duck again.

We drove through a beautiful landscape and we spotted a few fish farms and we ended up in a heated discussion about fish farms. We reached road #60 and we turned left and we were soon at the waterfall Dynjandi.

It was windy and cold and as I was afraid of my cold I just went out to take a few pictures before I was back in the mini bus/ van again. And it was nice to leave the wind and cold behind.





Dynjandi from the car when we're leaving

I really don't want to catch a cold during this trip and on Greenland. And I'm better thanSmiley with a cold - Blowing noseyesterday and if I get out of this I will be stronger. I'm usually only sick for a few hours and I'm good again.

We stayed for an hour and we drove back on road #60 towards Flokalundur where we will have our lunch. We made two photo stop on the way to Flokalundur. On top of a mountain looking down the Arnarfjörður, the Southern branch of the Arnarfjörður.

Driving on top of the world

We also made a photo stop at a bridge looking down the valley leading to Flokalundur. And of course, I have a map that I got from our Guide and I follow the progress and I mark the places we go to. Well, better than just looking out the window without any clue where we are.

Photo stop #1 - Arnarfjörður

Photo stop #1 - Arnarfjörður

Photo stop #1 - Arnarfjörður

Photo stop #1 - The road we came from

Photo stop #1 - Arnarfjörður

Flokalundur viewing point
Photo stop #2 - Flokalundur viewing point

Flokalundur viewing point
Photo stop #2 - Flokalundur viewing point

Flokalundur viewing point
Photo stop #2 - Flokalundur viewing point

Flokalundur viewing point
Photo stop #2 - Flokalundur viewing point

Flokalundur viewing point
Photo stop #2 - Flokalundur viewing point

Flokalundur viewing point
Photo stop #2 - Flokalundur viewing point

Flokalundur viewing point
Photo stop #2 - Flokalundur viewing point

We had our lunch and, well, I had a smoked salmon salad and fish and chips. One of our couples from Canada had a “Cake of the day” without whipped cream. I asked for a “Cake of the day” withFlokalundurDOUBLE whipped cream after having had the waitress in an interrogation about the whipped cream.

Lunch stop for an hour and I bought a bag of diet drinks and we were soon on our way again. It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon and we expect another 3 hours to our hotel.

We made another photo stop to take pictures of some lambs, but I stayed in the mini bus/ vanIcelandic lambstaking pictures through the door as it was cold outside. I don't want to risk waking up my cold.

And I really want to do the whaleYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwatching tomorrow, but thisWhale watchingI will do even if I have a cold.

Vogur Country Lodge and the name did not sound very promising, not any hotel in the name. But when we arrived I was quite impressed, maybe the best room since we left Icelandair's Hotel in Borgarnes.

The best bed, the other places had only bought their bed based on the price. Cheapest was the best, and the smallest beds available. Here I had a queen size. And the homemade bread was the best so far, even the dinner was the best so far.

Vogur Country Lodge
Approaching Vogur Country Lodge

Vogur Country Lodge
The restaurant

Vogur Country Lodge
View from my window
They asked if I wanted to change room because I had such a beautiful view from my window. I had not even noticed

Vogur Country Lodge
Vogur Country Lodge

Vogur Country Lodge
Vogur Country Lodge in beautiful surroundings

Vogur Country Lodge

Vogur Country Lodge
Vogur Country Lodge

Vogur Country Lodge
Having our dinner

And the staff, I interrogated them about the breakfast. There will be real bread and I also told them to serve smoked salmon. The salmon here on Iceland is fantastic, it is almost like you can drink the smoked salmon.

We had an excellent dinner and I was feeling better from my cold and I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be full of vim tomorrow. There will be, I really hope so, a chance to go for a whale watching in Husavik. Husavik, the whale watching capital of Iceland.

We will also have a look at Iceland horses and visit a Viking museum. So click HERE and hang on!

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