Aladdin's Northern adventure on Svalbard, Iceland and Greenland

Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard
Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard
HERE you can find the story: “Chilling game of hide and seek with a hungry polar bear” from

HERE is the same story: “Playing a deadly hide-and-seek with a Polar Bear” from

Friday 19 th of June 2015 and I'm in a taxi on the way to Suvarnabhumi to catch Thai Airways flight TG 950 to Copenhagen. How did I end up in this winter adventure? And I hate the cold! Well, back in August 2014 when I was on board Roy Maersk I watched a movie about a guy goingto Greenland to look for a Photographer.

For me this gave me an idea for a new adventure and I was thinking about Polar Bears and I checked out tours to Greenland on the internet. I sent out maybe 5 or 6 e-mails to different companies. The first answer wasPolar bear questfrom Polar Quest and they told me I had to go to Svalbard if I wanted to see Polar Bears. This was a surprise for me.

I had soon got an interesting itinerary from Grönlandsresor, Svalbard cruise, round tour of IcelandPolarQuestand Greenland. But by then I had decided to go to Svalbard with Polar Quest. But as I was going up North IPolar bear questcould as well take the opportunity to see Iceland and

Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators – is an international association for expedition cruise operators operating in the Arctic and others with interests in this industry.

AECO - Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators

The association was founded in 2003 and has since become an important organization representing the concerns and views of arctic expedition cruise operators. AECO is dedicated toAECO - Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operatorsmanaging responsible, environmentally friendly and safe tourism in the Arctic and strive to set the highest possible operating standards.

The association’s geographical range is considered to encompass the Arctic area north of 60 degrees north latitude. The core areas are Svalbard, Jan Mayen, Greenland, Arctic Canada and the national park “Russian Arctic”.
Greenland and I booked these tours with Grönlandsresor.

Well, how did a movie turn out to a tour around the North Polar circle? I don't know, but when I get a stupid idea it is a GO!

A few days after the movie I was booked for an adventure in the NorthIceland volcanoand here we are on the way to the airport. Yet again another adventure, my last adventure?

Maybe as I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully not have to do any more visa runs in my life. Anyway, next stop Suvarnabhumi International and I really hope that the volcanic activity on Iceland is down until I'm back home in Bangkok. And while I'm in theVolcano on Icelandtaxi you have three booklets below that you can study so you know what we can expect from the Polar Bear Quest.

One of them are in Swedish only, but there are some nice pictures that can be worth to check out. For sure, some animals living in the area you're not seeing in the wild in an area close to you.

And we might be the last generation to see them in the wild, so there is no time toWalruslose. This will be fun and I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be able to see at least one Polar bear. The walruses are quite common so I'm quite confident that I will see a walrus.

I keep my hopes high and I will for sure be disappointed if I don't see at least one Polar bear. It would be golden to see a Polar bear hunting a seal. Or to come close enough to get a selfie together with a walrus. And of course, if I can see a blue whale I will be very happy as they are very rare to see. But I will make 3 or 4 whale watching tours when I come to Iceland after Svalbard so I might get lucky.

Polar Quest - En introduktion till Svalbard
In Swedish only - But nice pictures
Guide lines for the visitor to the Arctic
In English and nice pictures

Polar Quest - En introduktion till Svalbard
My Svalbard check list over animals and plants that I will see

I have booked an extra weekend in Reykjavik, just to get a chance to check out the night life. Well, if I feel for it by then. Otherwise I will just relax and spend the time whale watching. Anyway, if I decide to go for a beer or two I might need music. I discovered some music with a guy, Jonas Escobars just before it was time to leave for Svalbard.
Österns PärlaYes, going to Svalbard with a stop over in Skåne for some Swedish spring rolls at ÖsternsSkånePärla in Helsingborg. Well,hmm, there will be a total of 3 THREE stop-overs in Skåne for Swedish spring rolls at Österns Pärla

I'm almost sure that I will brake at least one law if I don't stop by for some food when I'm so close to Skåne.

I will stay for a few nights at Marina Plaza in Helsingborg beforeKalle på Spångengoing back home. I will rent a car and I will explore some of the restaurants in Skåne.

Kalle på Spången and Edwards Siraps kavring is a must. I'm drooling just by thinking about it. I have decided never to go back to Laxbutiken again, last time they only had self service. But I will call them to see if they have their summer buffet.

I only eat two buffets, Marriott in Bangkok and Laxbutiken's buffet. A summer classic. If they have their classic summer salmon buffet I will for sure take the car and go there.

Well, anyway, I have music for my Reykjavik weekend and while I let my hair down in Reykjavik you can listen to Jonas Escobars - Några tankar. Kick ass video below.

Jonas Escobars - Några tankar
More music by Jonas Escobars at

We were approaching Suvarnabhumi and I was happy. Not without some drama to get here. I tried to book a car earlier in the afternoon. My normal provider was fully booked and AOT was also booked and I tried another company.

Yet another Smiley on Hello!
Yet another Smiley on Hello?? Who I''m I speaking to?
Yet another Smiley on This is Airport Car Service
Yet another Smiley on Then you answer the phone with “Airport Car Service” so I know who I'm speaking to
(Yes, I know. I might be a bit “old school” but this is the only way I know who I speak with. I might have called the wrong number)
Yet another Smiley on OK
Yet another Smiley on Do you have a car from DOWN TOWN to Suvarnabhumi at 20:00?
Yet another Smiley on Just go to gate #3!
Yet another Smiley on I'm going to the airport from Sukhumvit Soi 23!
Yet another Smiley on Ahh, we have a car
Yet another Smiley on Can you please pick me up at 20:00?
Yet another Smiley on You go to Pattaya
Yet another Smiley on I'm going to Suvarnabhumi at 8 o'clock
Yet another Smiley on 8 o'clock. What time are you going?
Yet another Smiley on 8 o'clock. I'm going at 8 o'clock to Suvarnabhumi from Sukhumvit Soi 23Yet another Smiley on
Yet another Smiley on OK, 23 from the airport to Pattaya
Yet another Smiley on WHAT THEYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stIS WRONG WITH YOU? I'M GOING TO THE AIRPORT!!!Yet another Smiley on

Seriously, I thought I was never going to make it to the airport. I had a 1 minute phone conversation to last me for 20 minutes and when I hang up I was still not sure if I was going to get a car to the airport. I sent an e-mail with my address and a map.

He was here in time to pick me off and we took off with screamin' and smokin' tyres. We came to Sino Thai Tower when I realised that I had forgot the board games. I have two 60 year old boardAirport limousine in Bangkokgames and I wanted to give them to my brother to keep for my nephews. They are getting destroyed here in Bangkok.

Same with my book, I have 120 years old book, beautiful books that are getting destroyed here in the humidity. So we had to go down Asoke and turn left at Sukhumvit and up Soi 23 and back home again.

Not the first time I do what we call a “ärevarv” in Skåne. I think it is a lap of honour in English

I took the opportunity to get a big bag as well, I have three boxes with 100 year old silver cutlery etc. belonging to my grand mother, thisAirport limousine in Bangkokwill also be handed to my brother so he can keep it for the nephews. They might appreciate it in the distant future.

Hmm, but I'm pretty sure they would have appreciated chocolate and toys more. At least no, but in 50 years it will be another story.

Anyway, we were lucky, Friday night traffic on Sukhumvit was not as bad as I had expected and we were hauling arse. Soon on the Express way and we arrived to Gate 1 at Suvarnabhumi just after 9 o'clock.

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Suvarnabhumi International Airport

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Suvarnabhumi International Airport

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Plenty people at Suvarnabhumi International Airport

They have moved the TAX REFUND and I had to walk all the way to the other side of the giantSuvarnabhumi International AirportSuvarnabhumi airport to get a stamp on my receipt so I could get the cash after check-in

Check-in, security and immigration didn't take many minutes and I was soon on my way to pick up 15,000 Baht at the TAX REFUND counter.

No people at the counter and I was out of there in a jiff.

I discovered that they had the same machine you see all over Singapore. You push an icon to say how you feel about the service. From “Terrible”Suvarnabhumi International Airportto “Excellent” and at a place where you hand out money you expect them to only receive “Excellent”. At least that is what I gave them.

I looked around for some monitor with the result, but nothing, so what is the point?

Suvarnabhumi International Airport

I walked back to Thai Airways lounge and I asked for the pass word. They took my boarding pass and they scanned the “whatever they call it” and the machine printed a user name and password. First time I see this and I was not happy. And I let them know?

I asked if it was so they could keep track of what people are doing on the internet. That must be the reason, before we just got a note with the password and user name. What's next, I will be accused for being a terrorist because I look at a web page the government of today don't like?

The girl looked at me like I was crazy and I never got any answer. Well, anyway, I was soon in the internet room. I set up my IT center and while the computer was starting I went to get some snacks.

Suvarnabhumi International Airport - Thai Airways Lounge
Thai Airways Lounge

Suvarnabhumi International Airport - Thai Airways Lounge
Thai Airways Lounge

Suvarnabhumi International Airport - Thai Airways Lounge
Thai Airways Lounge

Too much to eat, but their ham sandwich is very very good and I always take a huge brimmed plate (or two) But still no Pepsi. I updated my web page and time was very quick and it was soon midnight and time to go to gate C8 and flight TG 950 to Copenhagen. Better known as the Polar Express

Saturday 20 th of June 2015
and I left Thai Airways lounge at 00:30 for a walk down to gate C8. Swedish spring rolls tomorrow! Gate C8, quite a walk from the Royal Silk Lounge. I had mySuvarnabhumi International Airport - Gate C8computer bag and the duffle bag with the board games to carry, so it was not much.

What made it hard was that I had to take care not to destroy the board games. I also had my new camera and 1 point five kilo lens hanging around my neck.

But it was OK and I was thinking about the spring rolls and smoked salmon with new potatoes. Otherwise I only think about the luggage and cursing myself for carrying so much shit. There were quite a lot of people at gate C8 when I arrived. But I only had to wait for 2 minutes and I was the first one to beard the flight after aSuvarnabhumi International Airport - Gate C8family with children.

The girl told me to follow here when she left for the door with the boarding placard. It was so nice when I finally sat down in my seat.

The carry on in the over head luggage compartments and the rest of the shit in the cargo hold below us. I was soon having a bottle of water in my hand.

Suvarnabhumi International Airport - Gate C8
Gate C8

Suvarnabhumi International Airport - Gate C8
Gate C8

Suvarnabhumi International Airport - Gate C8
Gate C8

Thai Airways flight TG 950 to Copenhagen
Thai Airways flight TG 950

Thai Airways flight TG 950 to Copenhagen
Thai Airways flight TG 950

The flight was pretty full but boarding went without any mishaps and they were soon closing the doors. Taxi and we were soon taking off and I took a few pictures of Bangkok before we reachedThai Airways flight TG 950 to Copenhagenthe clouds. Pictures we could for sure have lived without. But as I took them I can put one of them online.

They handed out the menus and I asked for the cold cut platter for breakfast. I told the girl that I would like to skip the dinner. And as itYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwas about 10 hours and 15 minutes to Copenhagen I took my sleeping pills. Two pills and I was soon asleep.

The seats are quite comfy and they are turned in to a flat bed with a push on the button. I woke up some 6 to 7 hours later and I was soon findingThai Airways flight TG 950 to Copenhagenmyself in the galley looking for some sweets. I don’t know why, when I wake up on board an air plane I want some sweets.

Hmm, maybe because when I'm home I van have a shower. Well, anyway, they had some leftover desserts from the dinner.

Thai Airways desserts are among the best you can be served in the sky. I had a plate of something white and delicious. I had a chat with the stewardess and I was soon back in myThai Airways flight TG 950 to Copenhagenseat sleeping. I woke up when one of the Stewardesses woke me up asking if I wanted some breakfast.

We started with a fruit platter and then I got my cold cut platter.

And of course, copious amount of tea. I had my “double cup” system running. And as it is Thai Airways I drank from real tea mugs.

These mugs are for sure one of the reason for me to choose to fly with Thai Airways. Of course, the friendly crewThai Airways flight TG 950 to Copenhagenare also a very niceThai Airwaysthing to have when flying with Thai Airways.

And as always, good breakfast on board Thai Airways. OK, not so good as on board Thai Airways flight to London 3 months ago.

That was, must have been one of the very best breakfast I have ever had in the sky.

Anyway, I was very content sitting in my seat having the tea coming to my seat non-stop. I must have had several litresThai Airways flight TG 950 to Copenhagenof tea in my seat.

Nice crew makes a real difference. Of course it will be nice to arrive and to check-in to the hotel. But I was in no hurry as I enjoyed myself. You know, we have all been on board planes and sometimes you just cannot get off the plane quick enough.

But here I am enjoying myself drinking tea and thinking about Polar bears and walrusses. And there are also time to crack jokes with the crew. But it was not all pleasure. They told us that it was 12, yes, TWELVE degrees in Copenhagen and cloudy.
Yes, just by looking out the window and I could see that it was cloudy, for as long as I could see.

Thai Airways flight TG 950 to Copenhagen

Looked like Scandinavia and north of Europe was covered in clouds. Well, 12°C 7 o'clock in theThai Airways flight TG 950 to Copenhagenmorning and it willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be a wee bit warmer during the day. At least when I cross the bridge to Skåne.
Thai Airways flight TG 950 to Copenhagen
Skåne, the weather is ALWAYS a little better in Skåne so I wasThai Airways flight TG 950 to Copenhagennot very worried about the weather. We descended and we wereSkånethrough the clouds and suddenly I found myself flying over Skåne.

What a pleasant surprise this was, I was studying the landscape under us and suddenly I could see Malmö and Öresund. That means a few minutes to go before landing at Kastrup, Copenhagen International Airport.

I was looking at Malmö and there were some really strange clouds. Looking like a huge blaze in Malmö as the clouds were formed like smoke from Malmö.

Thai Airways flight TG 950 to Copenhagen

Thai Airways flight TG 950 to Copenhagen

Thai Airways flight TG 950 to Copenhagen
The Öresunds bridge

Thai Airways flight TG 950 to Copenhagen
Time to get off the plane

Thai Airways flight TG 950 to Copenhagen
She want me to take her picture

Thai Airways flight TG 950 to Copenhagen
She want me to take her picture

Kastrup - Copenhagen International Airport
Kastrup - Copenhagen International Airport early morning

Kastrup - Copenhagen International Airport
Airplane landing

Kastrup - Copenhagen International Airport
Kastrup - Copenhagen International Airport early morning

Kastrup - Copenhagen International Airport
Kastrup - Copenhagen International Airport early morning

Kastrup - Copenhagen International Airport
I'm soon at the Train station

Not much people at the immigration and I'm soon at the baggage claim area. My luggage arrived after a few minutes and I went to buy a train ticket. I was soon at the platform waiting for theKastrup - Copenhagen International Airporttrain to Helsingborg. There was a guy asking if he could go to where ever he was going from here.
- I have never heard of the place, I said
- Rackarrrravvaraa
- I have no clue

Kastrup - Copenhagen International Airport

He pointed at a sign. Ah, Østerport. I told hime that this was track 2 and he had to go to track 1. I was surprised, Kastrup, anÖresundståget/ Øresundstågetinternational airport and all signs are in Danish. How the fock are this guy supposed to know that SPOR (Danish) is track in English?

I was really disappointed, what are they thinking? International Airport, bah! I directed him to the right track and my train was arriving. It was nice when I had all the luggage on board the train. Another thing, airport train and no space for the luggage. Otherwise the train is very convenient, I will soon be in Helsingborg and it is about 100 meter to my hotel.

Öresundståget/ Øresundståget
Öresundståget/ Øresundståget
As no surprise, I had to stand up all the way to Helsingborg as I had to keep an eye on my luggage. But it was OK, it is just an hour to get to Helsingborg from Kastrup International.

And I can have a look at the sights, not every day I have the chance to see Skåne. One day only and I made up plans. Swedish spring rolls at Østerns Pärla, not something I want to miss

Smoked salmon and new potatoes, also something I will keep an eye out for. And it will be nice when I can put the stuff for my brother in the hotel's store room. Then I only have the “Polar” adventure pack to keep track on. Originally theHotel Marina Plaza“Africa” adventure pack. The duffel bag is bought at Victoria Falls Hotel and the wheeled unit and comuter bag is bought in Johannesburg, South Africa.

I stepped in to my hotel at 9 o’clock. No room empty, but people were checking out and there would soon be a room for me. Nice to be in Helsingborg. I have always arrived early morning and no problem to move in to the room. Coming to other places and you have to wait until the afternoon. But here, if they have empty room, just move in.

Hotel Marina Plaza, I always stay here if they have rooms available. Good service and the best breakfast. No problem to kill time waiting. I had printed all the vouchers for this trip back home, and they are still on my desk back home.

So I asked for their business centre and I had soon printed all the vouchers again, and now they had a room for me. I left my bag in the room and I went for breakfast.

The breakfast at Hotel Marina Plaza, the best in town? Maybe, probably so. I had a huge plate of Skånsk sausage. Black bread Skåne Staajl.

Skåne Staajl - Baggy jeans, kepsen på sne

Black bread, Skåne Staajl, almost as good as “Edwards jävla kavring” at Kalle på Spången. Skånsk liver pate and pickled cucumbers Skåne Staajl. I had too much and I went back to my roomRoy's Mat & Barrealising that I had to put the Swedish spring rolls on hold for a few hours.

I had interrogated the hotel staff about restaurants serving smoked salmon and new potatoes. They had suggested two fish restaurants, Sillen & Makrillen and Roy's Mat & Bar. My plan was to go for a snack and then walk around town for a bit before going to Österns Pärla for some Swedish spring rolls. I called Sillen & Makrillen.

Sillen & Makrillen, I don't know what they had, so I called Roy's Mat & Bar. They had somethingNorra Hamnenthey called warm smoked salmon.
- Do you have new potatoes?
- Yes
- I will be there in a jiff!

I was soon in a taxi, Helsingborg is not a big town and I expect a taxi driver to know where the place is. At least when he accept the ride.
- Roy's Mat & Bar
- OK

We were on the way and it didn't take long before I understood that he didn't had a clue.
- Norra hamnen, I said
- Most people are getting off here
- And where the duck are they going?
- I don't know, but they get off here
- We should go to Norra Hamnen
- This is Norra Hamnen
- There is a ducking sign saying Norra Hamnen in that direction over there, I said
- This is Norra Hamnen
- No, this is bad. I'm a tourist and I expect you to know where you're going!
- Most people are getting off here, he told me for the twentieth time

I had to direct the driver, this was bad, I know sweet duck all about Helsingborg. It is 30 years since I moved from here. Well, anyway, Roy's Mat & Bar, not what I had expected. The foodHelsingborg ferry terminalwas good, but not what I had expected.

Well, I walk back to town and I can have a few Swedish spring rolls at Österns Pärla before going to bed.

I stopped at several restaurants to ask if they had smoked salmon, or grav lax. Non of the restaurants had any salmon. I was pretty alone on town. The streetsHelsingborg, a ghost townwere empty. Most likely because it was midsummer yesterday and the people are home suffering from hangovers or worse.

Helsingborg was like a ghost town, not even a place to buy soft ice cream. I missed Bangkok, but Polar Bears or bust!

I was also keeping an eye out for a place to buy aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sttooth brush and tooth paste, but everything was closed.

Midsummer is the day when the Swedes are drinkingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe most and it looks to have been a hell of aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stparty yesterday. And yes, I'm very happy that I'm too old for stuff like drinkingSpring rolls at Österns Pärlanow a days.

I came back down to Järnvägsgatan and I was soon standing outside Österns Pärla. Two spring rolls? Nah, maybe I try to go for four of them.
Can as well take the chance when I'm here, never know when I come back again.

Spring rolls at Österns Pärla

Österns Pärla in Helsingborg

I stepped inside and I was very alarmed. It looked like they were knocking down the place. TheÖsterns Pärla in Helsingborgfloor was gone and someone was crawling around onÖsterns Pärla in Helsingborgthe floor with a hammer. Yes, no spring rolls for me today.

I asked what they were doing. I was relieved to hear that it was only a redecoration and they were not knocking down the place. I asked when they were opening again.
- On Monday
- On Monday!!! Then I'm not in town
- We cannot open before Monday
- Yes, I can see that, what a shame

Well, I said good bye and now I only need my tooth brush and tooth paste. There was a 7 Eleven next door and I got what I needed.

I was soon back on the street again and it was cold.
Hmm, cross the street to my hotel or go look for another restaurant? I decided to give Stortorget a try. There are some hotels and they might have smoked salmon.

I came around the corner to Stortorget and I could not believe my luck. A guy walking around with a basket full of flags and he was just about to hoist the flag of Skåne when I came around the corner. And yes, I stopped to take some pictures.

Flag of Skåne

Flag of Skåne

Flag of Skåne
It is so beautiful you want to cry

Flag of Skåne

Flag of Skåne

Flag of Skåne

Flag of Skåne

After this onslaught of beauty I could not care less about the smoked salmon and new potatoes. Or was this a good omen? I went in to the first restaurant.
- Do you have smoked salmon?
- We have smoked salmon as a starter
- Do you have new potatoes?
- I will see in the kitchen.
She was soon back with the good news.
- Ok, then I want new potatoes and smoked salmon
- It will take some time as we have to boil the potato
Kitchen & Table at Clarion Grand Hotel- Take your time

This is the kind service we're looking for. Skåne Staajl, not on the menu, but we set something up. I was happy and I took a seat at a table they suggested.

Well, many tables were reserved for the evening.
- Do you want some bread?
- No, I will only concentrate on the salmon and new potato

I went next door to buy a newspaper to read while waiting for the food. I was soon having a giant plate in front of me. Smoked salmon and new potatoes, and aKitchen & Table at Clarion Grand Hotelbucket of Hovmästar sås. This was the best I have had in a very long time and I was soon asking for a second plate.

Kitchen & Table and Österns Pärla, two places you should not miss when in Helsingborg. Seriously, 5 star food. The second plate was as good as the first plate. Yummy! This tasted more! MUCH MORE!

Kitchen & Table at Clarion Grand Hotel
My first plate

To find this place was like winning the lottery. Second plate and when she brought my extra dill I had finished my second plate. OK, I hurried up to finish the food when she went to get dill. I hadYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sta plan! I want a third plate but it would be embarrassing.

So when she came back with the dill
- Oh, you're food is finished!
- DARN! And now you have been through all the trouble to get me dill!
Yeah, you get the idea. I asked for a third plate to BE NICE TO HER!

I was full when I left Kitchen & Table at Clarion Grand Hotel and I stopped at Pressbyrån for aPressbyrånfew bottles of Diet MAX on my way back to the hotel. I asked for a 8 o'clock wake-up call. My flight to Svalbard leaves 4 in the afternoon so I have plenty time. But it is nice to have plenty time going to the airport. And there is a breakfast I will have to eat.

But the ice is melting and I'm in a hurry to get there. This is not there for the next generation to see. Well, unless we grow bald and save energy on hot water to wash our hair and to blow dry our hair. Our here from an Idiot abroad coming up with this clever idea.

An Idiot abroad

Bald or not, using hair drayer or not. I'm off for the Polar Bear Quest. I have a slight cold, or isYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stit because of the Diet MAX I bought yesterday.

I stayed home most of the time during the days waiting for this as I didn't wanted to experience any bad stuff preventing me from going. We can imagine the agony and pain to have done something stupid to hurt myself while drunk.

And I spent the day yesterday trotting around Helsingborg in shorts and a shirt. Well, Polar BearsTaking off for a Polar Bear Questor bust, I'm finally off for the Polar Bear Quest and you just need to click HERE to see if I'm having any luck finding Polar Bears and Walruses.Yet another Smiley on

A Blue Whale is also very high on my wish list, but this will be considered as a bonus, a great bonus. But I will be disappointed if I don't get to see any Polar Bears or Walruses.

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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