Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stShe just told us to shut our mouths when looking up when she was hit
Millions of birds above you and something has to come down
Aladdin's Polar Bear Quest on Svalbard

Wednesday 24 th of June 2015 and they woke us up by a message on the PA at 7 thirty. As you understand the message started with a Good Morning. Then they told us that we were going to aSwedish word for today with PolarQuestfamous bird cliff after breakfast. And in the English message they had a new Swedish word for today “Industrialiseringsproblematiken” And as they said, pretty useless world. At least when going to the bird cliff

I passed the white board with today’s activities on my way to the restaurant and the breakfast.

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest

And again, we will start with a Zodiac cruise. That's what I like. Trekking, well, I have done that in Himalaya and we will see more animals from the Zodiacs. We will leave for Alkefjellet at 9Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjelleto'clock. And Alkefjellet is a world famous cliff for watching birds living on the cliffs.

Again, I was in the last Zodiac and we were only 5 passengers in the Zodiac and it was quite comfortable. It was colder today but it was OK. But I was really happy that I had bought my boots and the gloves I had bought.

Stupid me, I want to travel “comfy style” and that means nothing to carry. Well, I would not have made it here for long without my boots and gloves.

And losing my bag, good, now everyone feels sorry for me believing I have all my “polar” equipment in the lost bag. And I can't tell them that the only thing I have in my bag is juice for my e-cigarette (DARN!) and swimming trunks and a underwater camera. ThenPolar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjelletthey would have changed from feeling sorry for me to believing that I'm a lunatic on the loose.

Well, we were soon on our way towards the world famous cliff at Alkefjellet and I could see a huge glacier. We had been on the way for a few minutes when we could hear the birds.

There must be a million of them. And of course, I forgot the name of the bird 13 seconds after our Guide told me. IPolar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjelletasked one more time and then I never asked again in order to avoid making a fool out ofBirdmyself.

Even though we are surrounded by glaciers and snow it is spring and the birds are sitting on their eggs laying directly on the cliffs. We could soon start smelling the bird poo as well.

Back on board again and I found out (asking a different guide with my art list so I could thick off this animal from the list) If you have missed the art list just click HERE Names in English, Swedish and Norwegian. Also the scientific name, but that is not so interesting, at least for me.

Anyway, the name of the bird is Spetsbergsgrissla, in Swedish and Brünnich's Guillemot in English. Alkefjellet is located on the Lomfjord halvøya. Just for us to know when we're looking at the pictures. Nice to know what we're looking at

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet
A glacier

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet
A bird, he had been eating so much so he could not take off

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet
Impressive glacier
Razor sharp edge between the white and black rock

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet
Birds living on the cliffs. We can also see the different types of rocks
Razor sharp edge between the white and black rock

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet
Razor sharp edge between the white and black rock

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet
Razor sharp edge between the white and black rock
I could see three layers of different rocks, white - black and the top white again

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet
Spetsbergsgrissla in Swedish/ Brünnich's Guillemot in English

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet
Spetsbergsgrissla in Swedish/ Brünnich's Guillemot in English

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet
Millions of birds

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet
Spetsbergsgrissla in Swedish/ Brünnich's Guillemot in English

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet
Eating a dead Spetsbergsgrissla in Swedish/ Brünnich's Guillemot in English

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet
Arctic Fox

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet
Arctic Fox

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet
Arctic Fox

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet

We had seen Spetsbergsgrissla in Swedish/ Brünnich's Guillemot in English to last us for a life time when we were back on board just after 11 o'clock. We heaved up the anchor and we continued South in the Hinlopen Strait between Nordaustlandet and Spitsbergen. But we had to turn around because of the ice.

We had entered Wahlenbergfjorden after lunch and they spotted a Polar Bear on the ice. But it was too far away and I was soon losing interest. We were just at the mouth of Wahlenbergfjorden and we had the Palanderbukta on our right hand side. Dramatic and beautiful landscape. But the Polar Bear was a disappointment.

They called on the PA and we rushed from our lunch table. Just to discover a Polar Bear very far away. We were waiting in the ice for the Polar Bear to come closer as they are kind of curious

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Alkefjellet
Zeipelodden- Wahlenbergfjorden to the left and Palanderbukta to the right

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Wahlenbergfjorden

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Wahlenbergfjorden
Everyone looking for the Polar Bear

Polar Bear Quest with M/S Quest - Wahlenbergfjorden
Everyone looking for the Polar Bear

I could not see the Polar Bear, well, i saw a dot and I went down to my cabin to check ourt my pictures. I heard on the PA that they would try to wait a bit to see if the Polar Bear was coming closer. Next message was that the Polar Bear had laid down to rest.

So they decided to leave Wahlenbergfjorden and next stop will be at Brageneset/ Brage Point for an excursion and “wet” landing. Well, this adventure is not far away and just by a click with your mouse HERE you will be there easy like that.

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizen visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

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