Well, last week in Funky Town didn't turn out very well.In the wake of my hangover I got a cold and I had to spend Monday and Tuesday in bed.I cancelled school and my GYM Monday and Tuesday.

2 days in bed, 3 days including the wasted hangover Sunday and I couldn't wait to get out of myapartment. So at 1630 on the Wednesday I got out of bed and I left for school.

It was nice to be back in school and when I finished at 7 I meet my friend and his wife outside the GYM. I already knew that I would not do any exercises today, still not feeling 100. We skipped GYM and we went for tea instead. Tomorrow I hope to be fit for the GYM again.

Well, Thursday and it has been almost a week since last time at the GYM. I had been in bed for 4 days and I need energy. You know, after beeing sickthe first sign of getting better is that you want acoffin nail. Beleive me, it is. But I gave up smoking long ago so snus does it for me.
2nd sign off getting better is that you get hungry. 4 days in bed without any food, not verymuch anyway. You need energy, SUGAR, and I was of to FOOD LAND and I bought rolls and a jar of Blueberry jam.

And that's even though I had heard on the radio (This very same morniong) that eating fat was good when on diet. No carbs and only fat and vitamins, according to a fresh studie
Body Mass Index (BMI)
is a tool that can be used to tell how healthy a person's weight is. You can use the BMI to find out if you're a healthy weight for your height.

If you know your height and weight, you can work out which weight range you're in using the simple steps outlined below.

Take your weight in kilograms (kg) and divide it by your height in metres (m). Then divide the result by your height in metres (m) again. For example, if you weigh 70kg, and you're 1.75m tall, your BMI would be 22.9 (70/1.75 = 40 and 40/1.75 = 22.9).

The BMI weight ranges, as set out by the World Health Organisation (WHO):
• BMI is less than 18.4, you're underweight for your height.
• BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9, you're an ideal weight for your height.
• BMI is between 25 and 29.9, you're over the ideal weight for your height.
• BMI is between 30 and 39.9, you're obese.
• BMI is over 40, you're very obese.
This is general advice for adults only. It does not apply to children, pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding.
Also, your BMI may not be accurate if you:
are a weight-trainer or an athlete, So it dosen't apply to me
• are over the age of 60, or
• have a long-term health condition.
this was the best and quickest way to go from FAT TO FLAT.
Never mind, I need sugar. But just for today. I have only been eating Ham, cheese and tea for the last weeks and I have already much more space in my trousers. This diet together with a daily visit to the GYM had make me feel and look very good.

And the reason for my new healthy (serious) lifestyle is, yes money. To work on Norwegian ships you must have a BMI less than, well, I don't know. But my BMI was (Before my healty lifestyle, and it doesen't apply to weight-trainers or an athletes) 1 or 2 million. So I was a wee bit over the top limit. I work on Swedish ships and I have to pay 10,000US in tax every month I spend on the ship. In Norway I keep this money and thus I need to decrease my BMI a bit.

I talked with my friend on the phone the other day. He is working on Norwegian ships.
Obviously they had to skip the BMI rule and it's all go, even for Porky.I get offers everydayKronvikenfrom Norway and I have always rejected the offer.
- Sorry, my BMI is just over 2000 so I can not go.
Well, I can not write like that. I always write that I have a new ship (Hoping to have a BMI of 20 or so when signing off) and I will give them a holler when I sign off.

I got an offer yesterday, Chief Officer on M/T Kronviken, a 115,000 DWT crude tanker. I wasStorvikenquick to reply that I was going to Bro Provider and that I was available in October.

They were doing 6 weeks on and 6 weeks off on the ship and I wrote that I prefered to do more than 6 on and off because I live in FUNKY TOWN. I got an instant reply, we have to 150,000 DWT tankers and we need people in October. Keep us updated when you sign off!
Well, we see what happens in October. Broström is a good company and a good salary is, well, to pay tax. Someone has to do it? Otherwise we end up like a third world country where no one can read or write. Schools and hospitals turns to shit.Well, I think Sweden is sliding down that hill already.

Well, it's time for me to leave Funky Town. I will sign on Bro Provider on the shipyard in Viana Do Castelo, Portugal. Back in May 2008 when Broström asked me if I wanted sign on Bro provider at Viana Do Castelo shipyard the first thing I asked was:
- You will not try to do a Marimba with me now?
No worries, I have been in this company before and I have been a few times at shipyard with this company and it's a slight difference from my last company.

I accepted the job even though I had three offers from Norway with better salary. I sent the offers I got from Norway to Broström and there was an instant reply:
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Bro provider- Yeah, but in Broström you got cake every day!
- HEY! What about my diet?
But, well, I have money and I know I will like it in Broström from previous experience. I asked them to send me a picture of the ship that I could use on my web page. I got a swift reply:
- What kind of sat do you have onboard? Can I send a 30MB picture?
- HEY HEY! What kind of company are you working in? Keep it small, we have internet via the GSM network.

He sent me a crew list and some other info about the ship and I'm looking forward to join in July. Broström already knows about my web page so I don't have to worry about my web page while in Broström. I remember a few years ago when signing on one Broström ship and the first thing Captain asked me was:
- Is it you that have the web page?
- Web page??!!
- Yeah, whenever we are on courses or meeting with Broström they recommend us to visit your web page.

OK, I'm off to the airport and my 12 hours flight, check in, boarding and all the other stuffthey have you to do on the airport, this will be exciting.

But at least I feel good, Saturday and this is the first we spent at the GYM, actually, this is the first Saturday without hangover. My self-confidence has got a real boost since we started at California WOW. Believe it or not, but today one of the girls told me that I was handsome.

Make your choose:
July 2008
August 2008
september 2008
October 2008
Holiday & School

Well, I joined the ship 20th of July 2008 at the shipyard in Viana Do Castelo, Portugal and we did the following voyages before I signed off in Beaumont 8th of October 2008:
Voy: BI039
(LOAD) ETHANOL - ABT 16.000 CBM CHANGED TO 20600 20000 CBM
Paulsboro, NJ
BP Curtis Bay, Baltimore
New York

Voy: BI040
Pointe-a-Pierre, Trinidad
130,000 Bbls Cat Naphtha
100,000 Bbls Heavy Naphtha Changed to 97,000 for line flush space
3000 Bbls Line flush
Port Arthur
Cat Naphtha
Heavy Naphtha

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