OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page. So
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one.
So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

August 2011

Wednesday 17 th of August 2011 and the off signers were waiting under the helicopter platform, they were waiting for our survival suits and then they took off with the helicopter. I had a fewAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridwords with my reliever and he was going to join Stockholm MuayAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T RandgridThai club when he came back home. Where I have I heard that before?

I also told him that it was a shame to meet like this. No lose objects alowed in the helicopter and I had wanted to buy him a Thai Easter egg. I think we all remember his Easter egg that he brought onboard M/T Ternvik.

We said bye bye and see you in 30 days and I was off towards the accommodation. And the weather, it is August and it felt like November. Rain and cold,hmm, I can imagine how it will be here in November. Well, anyway, I went to the bridge and I meet Chief Officer Jr and we were soon looking for working clothes for me so he could take me on a safety round on deck.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
We are waiting to start the loading, sometimes tonight when Navion Britannia is ready with her loading. We expect to stay here for about 2 weeks. Yes, that's how long the loading will take. And Navion Britannia will be back before we're ready because they must start to load her before we can stop loading.

We're getting the crude oil straight from Heidrun oil rig so we can't stop loading. If we do they will have to stop the production on the rig and then it will take them several days to start up again.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
And you don't need to be burdened with much student loan to be able to imagine how much money this would cost. So this is something we want to avoid.

I went on a safety round with Chief Officer Jr and we were ready just in time for dinner. I meet our galley crew, 2 Cooks and 3 Mess men and they promised to help me keep my diet on track.
- Tuna and onion, but not until tomorrow!
They promised to help me out and I was in a good mood when I returned to the bridge.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
It is always nice to get onboard a new ship. New people and new things to learn and time turns realAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridquick. Can't say that I was glad to join a ship for 4 weeks only. But when I left Bangkok it was quite nice to know that I would soon be home again.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

And a shuttle tanker is quite different from an ordinary tanker so here is much new stuff to learn and I'm looking forward to it. And be sure, you will soon also know a lot about a shuttle tanker. Discharging is the same, but the loading is a wee bit different. Just make sure to POP by www.aladdin.st for all the latest excitements.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Thursday 18 th of August 2011
and I managed to get a 2 hours of sleep before I went for my watchAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridat midnight. I relieved the 2nd Officer and I had been working with him when he was Bosun on Dala Corona back in 1991. So we had a lot to talk about and none of us missed M/T Dala Corona.

Our Chief Officer were going watch together with me on my first watch and we had a good opportunity to goAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridthrough the equipment on the bridge. Loading is done from the bridge but we discharge from our CCR an A deck. When we're loading from STL (submerged Turret Loading) or from a BLS (Bow Loading System) we might use our DP system and we need to be on the bridge.

And we're connected online with the Heidrun oil rig so all the equipment is on the bridge. You will know all about this and our equipment in a few days, just get me some times to get to know them. And they have all the important stuff on the bridge, tea machine and a fridge full off Diet MAX so I'm enjoying myself.

We are 4 Deck Officers, Norwegian Chief Officer and the rest of us are from Sweden. We also have one Engineer from Sweden. The rest is from Norway and the Philippines and it seems to be nice people onboard. At least the people I have meet so far.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
4 hours passed pretty quickly and it was soon time for me to go to bed. And I was called for againAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid20 minutes past 11. 12 to 4 my favourite watch, it is like beeing back home. Go to sleep at 4 and I wake up at 12.

I skipped lunch as I want to look a bit better coming back home and I could have a few slices of Knäckebröd on the bridge with my tea.
- What the
Some f@cker had put a big plate of pancakes on the bridge and my healty lunch was down the drain.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
We're loading with a rate of about 500 m³/h and we will load about 130,000m³ so it will take quite some time. We're loading at an STL (submerged Turret Loading) so we have a hole at the bottom of the ship and we had pulled up the Turret from the sea bed and we loading through this. The turret is connected to Heidrun via a pipeline.

Our cargo system is online with the oil rig and we call it the GREEN LINE with the following criteria:
• Loading on
• Loading permitted
• Coupler valve open
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid• Crude line valve open
• Accumulator pressure normal
• Cargo System ready
• Crude oil pressure normal
• Coupler closed
• Manifold in position
• Body locked
• Buoy in position

In some of the above criteria is not full filled they will stop the production and the loading from the rig and then it will take several days for them to start up. So you don't want to be responsible for closing down the oil rig. For example, we must have at least 2 cargo valves in the centre tanks open to 100% or the system will shut down.

Our cargo system is connected with the rig so if I forget to open two valves (normaly 1) toAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridone tank the system will shut down and my as is grass.

On the left hand side we can see our cargo control on the bridge. From left, Consultas cargo computer, then we have the panel with the connections to Heidrun where we can read Heidrun's cargo figures that we compare with our Consultas.

The two last screens are the standard cargo monitoring and remote valve operation. So the main difference isAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridthe GREEN LINE and that we're connected to a buoy that we have pulled up through the bottom of the ship.

So why are we loading on the bridge, all this equipment could as well have been placed in the CCR. Yes, we have a traditional CCR onboard with all the normal equipment. But when we're loading from the buoy we need to stay in position and in case of bad weather weAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridneed to maintain our position by means of our DP system. Then we need to be 2 deck officers on deck watch, one operating the DP system and on to take care of the cargo operation.

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Our DP control

And the DP system is the reason for me to be here. I have the basic course and I need 30 days on a DP ship before I can take the advanced course. Then I need 6 months of practice before I canAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridget my certificate. And there is not enough people with the DP certificate. They are desperately looking for people everywhere and experienced DP operator can charge between 500 to 1000€ per day and that's a salary I could get used to.

F@ck, I'm tired to live like a scavenger, I buy a Diet MAX and my salary is gone.

But first I will have to do my practice as a Trainee and I need several more DP courses. But it is fun to learn new stuff and I'm looking forward to my DP advancedSan Miguel Lightcourse in Manila. I haven't had a decent San Miguel light since November 2010 when I had my last courses in Manila. San Miguel Light in Bangkok is OK, but nothing like the originals I get in Manila.

Well, yet another exciting day had come to an end and it is time for me to go relieve 2nd Officer on the bridge at midnight. 4 hours of action before I can go to bed at 4 o'clock.

Friday 19 th of August 2011
and I spent most of my watch reading manuals, plenty new stuff to getAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridfamiliarized with. The DP system only is a bookshelf full of binders and manuals. But I will not start with those until we have run the DP system.

Our Deck Cadet came on the bridge to get something and when he left I asked if he smoked.
- Yes
- Can I borrow a pack of cancer sticks?
- No problem!
He brought me a pack of fags.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid- SABOTAGE!

Time turned pretty quick and suddenly our Chief officer Jr was on the bridge to relieve me. 4 o'clock already and time for me to catch some sleep.

At least I needed some sleep, but as it is nice people onboard I stayed for almost one hour for a chat about the good ol' times before I went to bed.

We are far up North and it feels like winter even though it is in August. So I was surprised to see the day light at 4 o'clock in the morning. I realized that it was summer and in just a few months it will be pitch dark 24/7.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
I was delayed by my computer for a while back in my cabin and I was a wee bit late to bed. I have been sleeping badly the last two nights, maybe because it is a new bed. Well, the first night I wasAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgriddreaming about Bangkok Fight Club and as this was exciting I didn't slept very well. Our fire alarm went off at 11 and it turned out to be a false alarm and I didn't bother getting back to bed. A shower and I was off for some tea on the bridge.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

I have to do one work report per week and sendto the company. That means that I will have to watch someone doing their work observing if the work is done in a safe manner and if there can be any improvements regarding the safety.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T RandgridI decided to go check out the galley department and I could pick up 2 cases ofAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T RandgridDiet MAX at the same time.

I returned to the bridge to send the report and it was almost time for dinner. I had a few minutes with the charts before leaving for dinner. I had a plate of salad with a little more stuff. My second plate was some of the stuff and a little salad and I had only the stuff on my third plate.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T RandgridDARN! I went to see the kitchen staff and I was not happy.

They had promised to KICKMY ARSE whenever they caught me eating.
- What happened with the tuna and onion?

Instead of an answer they talked me in to having a piece of cake, a very small piece. And they talked me in to have a second piece of cake and if I didn't have a third piece of cake they would kick my sorry behind. I had to run out from the mess room and I decided never toAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridcome back. Maybe on Sundays, but I will stay well clear of the mess room from now on.

Our Deck Cadet was in the smoke room and we started to talk aboutdiet. He told me that he wanted to lose 10 kg and I suggested boxing.

We have a punch bag and plenty gloves he said and we went to check out the equipment.

We have a gym on main deck, that's the deck under A-deck where the mess room, kitchen andAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridsmoking room is located.

I was told that the space where they kept the punch bag was very small. The bag was located in the air condition room and not in the gym.

Well, it is no problem with the punching and kneeing and it is no problem witht he kicks. I tried to kick the bag and it would have work just fine, but I could not help being afraid hitingAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridsomething so it was no hard kicks.

Our Deck Cadet suggested that we should move theAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridpunch bag out on deck and we will have to find a place for the bag. But this is not like the summer onboard M/T Ternvik, we're in the North of Norway and itis cold.

Windy and rain all the time, but we will see if we can find a place,and it would be fun with some sparring as well. Yes, keeping Aladdin busy, if he is not kickin' Thai arses he kick Norwegian arses.

It would be nice if we could find a place, worst case scenario is tokeep the bag in the air condition room and to skip the sparring. But I'm sure that we will come up with something, WE NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT!!! I don't want to come back to the girls at Bangkok Fight Club any bigger than when I left. So I need to shape up and no more cake.

And I had a serious talk with the 2nd Officer on the 8 to 12 watch. He has started to exercise and he brought Knäckebröd to the bridge. We have a slight problem with our Mess men bringing cookies and stuff to the bridge every morning. 2nd Officer promised me that he would hide the stuff before I came on the bridge at 12. He was even considering telling the Mess Man to stop bring any cookies to the bridge. THAT WOULD BE THE BEST SOLUTION.

Saturday 20 th of August 2011
and I relieved our 2nd Officer at midnight, well, I had been on theAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridbridge since 30 minutes before midnight. Uploading my web page and we had a chat about the god ol' days.

I had time for a potof tea before it was time to relieve him from his duties.

So what am I doing during my watches? I'm keeping an eye on the loading and as we're only loading about 500m³ per hour there is no topping up during my watches. We load 2Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridmeters in a cross (CT STB + CENTRE + PORT)and then we change to the next cross. Now we're changing between 2, 4 and 6 cross. We need to keep at least 15 meters ullage in CT 6 to be able to run our VOC.

I have to keep an eye on the IG pressure, if it goes downAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T RandgridI close the valve to the VOC and if the IG pressure rises I open the valve to the VOC. When the VOC is not running we have to open the mast riser on deck to let out the gases and thus lowerAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridthe pressure in the tanks.
- What is a VOC?
Honestly, I don't know. But I will try to explain it for you to the best of my knowledge. And it is a pretty nifty thing.

I never seen a VOC before, but instead of letting the gases out in the atmosphere we're running the gases through the VOC. We're sucking crude oil from CT 6 and we pump it through a heat exchanger to cool down the gases and the liquefied gas goes back to the cargo tanks. So as you understand if we're running out of crude oil in CT 6 the VOC will stop.

I heard a figure and I don't know if it is correct. But someone told me that STATOIL saves
200 000 to 300 000 ton of oil every year with the VOC and that is 200 000 to 300 000 tonAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridless of gases in the atmosphere for you and me to breath, pretty good.

So this is what I do during my watches and it is fun, at least now when it is a lot of new stuff to learn. But I can imagine after a few years.

Well, anyway, I was relieved and I could leave the bridge for my bed and it was nice to get some sleep. And I slept until 20 minutes past 11 when they calledAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridto wake me up for my duty. I had a shower and I ran up to the bridge to check out if our 2nd Officer had forgotten our NO COOKIES ON THE BRIDGE policy. I was disappointed.

I found a plate and there was one bun remaining.
- What the
- We got 5 of them and I did my best to finish them before yourAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridwatch! But I'm full.

Well, his best wasn't good enough and I had to take the last bun. But one bun is better than 4 or 5 so I was pretty happyAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridabout the improvements in my diet. And who knows? Maybe I will have an empty plate tomorrow, always something to look forward to.

It was quarter past 5 when I left the bridge for theAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridmess room. My last dinner for a while. I have decided to skip my meals and only to eat Knäckebröd.Saturdays I will allow myself dinner in the mess room. And I will ask the Deck Cadet if he is ready to start the punch bag sessions. Tomorrow or on Monday?

We have an excellent crew in the galley and the dinner was excellent. I was just about to finish my meal and move my arse over to the smoke room for a chat with the guys when our Chief Cook came to my table. He had a plate with the biggest portion of apple pie, ice cream and vanilla custard I had ever seen.
- Yeah, please sit down and join me!
- No, it is for you!
- What theis wrong with you?
He forced me to eat the apple pie and this must have been one of the best apple pies ever, and the vanilla custard. This was very good and I changed from a plate to a bowl and I filled the bowl with vanilla custard. Now we're talking!
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
I really don't understand how they can sit down relax enjoying themselves after having f@cked up my diet

And I was full when I left the mess room, I could hardly move and I returned to my cabin and IAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridhad one hour of sleep. And I was still full when I woke up. No more cake for me.

I went down to the smoke room and I had a chat with our Electrician for an hour before returning to myAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridcabin. And I was pretty satisfied that I finally opened my Thai books and I also managed to finish them before going on the bridge to relieve 2nd Officer at midnight.

I'm usually 30 minutes early for my watch, I'm new so I always have a question or two for the OLD TIMERS and as I don't want them to loose any sleeping time I'm early. And of course, I have to instruct the guy on the 8 to 12 watch not to leave any cookies around when I'm coming to the bridge.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Sunday 21 st of August 2011
and as soon as our 2nd Officer had left I started to read the ECDISAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridmanual, FURUNO, the best radars in the world. But the rest of their equipment.... They are notorious for their manuals. They are thick as the bible and it is impossible to understand what them. The easiest equipment and they need hundreds of pages for the manual andAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridwhen I have read the manual I understand less than when I started to read the manual.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Time turned quick and I was soon off to bed and I slept until 20 minutes past 11. A quick shower and I went tosee if our 2nd Officer have managed to keep the bridge CLEAR from any cookies.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Of course, I was disappointed. There was a plate with 3 Danish when I came on the bridge and they were finished before I had time to complain.

But as soon as I had finished the pastries and my first 2 cups of tea our 2nd Officer got a scolding.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Our 2nd Officer could not understand why I was disappointed. He tried the “you don't have any self discipline” routine with me. But I made sure our 2nd Officer understood how disappointed I was about the Danish pastries he had left for me.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid- I thought we had a deal!
Well, I hope that there are a lot of improvements for tomorrow.

The ship was rolling when I woke up but the weather was excellent. Well, there is always some swell around in the Atlantic that will hit us at Heidrun oil field.

I had yet another watch with the time passing super quick and I decided to make a last visit to the mess room. Tomorrow it is Monday and I will not go to theAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridmess room again. And the main reason for me going today was to get some pictures.

It would be very embarrassing to come back to Bangkok Fight Club as Porky the human balloon when I have promised to return with a V-shaped torso.

I was the first visitor to the mess room and our 2nd Engineer came a few minutes later. Our 2nd Officer never came to the mess room for his dinner and now I have been let down by our 2nd Officer two times at the same day. I had expected his company during the dinner so we could talk about the good ol' times onboard M/T Dala Corona. Well, I finished my dinner and I learn a new Filipino tradition. I have been in Manila several times for my training and I thought I knew it all.

They talked me in to having some rice cream with blueberry for dessert.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid- What the? You promissed to help me with my diet!
- This is very healthy!
So I had a small helping of this excellent rice dessert. I must say that we have a very good kitchen crew onboard.

Well, anyway, I finished my rice dessert and I said thank you
- Have another plate of rice dessert!
- No thanks, I'm full
- It is a Filipino tradition that you must have a second plate!
- Are you for real?
They explained that if you refused a second plate on the Philippines you would humiliate the host and risk to get a knife in your back. Obviously a well know fact on the Philippines, but I had no clue and I had a second plate of the rice dessert just to make sure I wouldn't have to wake up with a knife in my back.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
I escaped to the smoke room when I had finished my second plate of the rice dessert. For sure, IAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgriddidn't want to hear anything about any stupid traditions about a third plate. Our Chief Cook really likes my new camera and always takes the chance to take a few pictures. The good thing is that I can choose with of the pictures that end up on the internet.

I went back to the bridge to see if they have managed to get our Lotus program up and running so I can update our charts in the ECDIS.

I was soon back in my cabin and I was listening to theFunkyman himself, Lord Finesse while reading my Thai books. I had time for a few stupid words on my web page before it was time to go to the bridge for my watch.

Monday 22 nd of August 2011
and my night watch passed by pretty quick. I was relieved at 4 and it was almost 5 when I left the bridge for my bed. And It took me some time to fall asleep so I wasAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgriddead tired when they called me at 9 o'clock.
- Alco test!

They were having an alco test in the conference room on A-deck and I went down to breath in the alco tester. Our Chief Officer Jr was keeping records at the alco test and we decided to go have a check on our PLTs after the test.

PLT, Pneumatic Line Throwers are used to throw a line to pick up the messenger on the buoy. We pull home the buoy and the attached cargo hose and we can start to load. Most of the time we have a supply ship shooting the line to us, but we need a backupAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridsystem. We had planned to do it at 10 thirty but as I was up we could do it when we finished the alco test.

When on deck we took the opportunity to check the eye washes and oil spill equipment as well. We had a soda in the smoke room when we finished out tour on deck. And I was like:
- What theis this?

I checked my can for the expiry date and I discovered that I had a ordinary soda instead of the Diet MAX and it tasted like shit. I can't remember how many time I have ended up with a ordinary soda when I thought that I had grabbed a Diet MAX . We remember back in June when I was carrying around severalAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridbags of soda in Dublin just to discover that it was ordinary soda and not Diet MAX when I was back onboard.

Well, unnecessary to say, I threw out the soda and I went to my cabin to see if I could getsome sleep before it was time to go on the bridge. And of course, it was impossible to fall asleep.

They called me 20 minutes past 11 and I had aAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridshower before I went to the bridge for my afternoon watch.

My afternoon watch passed pretty quick, but I can imagine how slow the watcheswill be after a year onboard. Our Chief Officer Jr went down to have his dinner and he was back on the bridge 20 minutes before 5 and I went down to the mess room quarter to 5 to see if our 2nd Officer was having his dinner.

I was alone in the mess room when I came down so I was disappointed, but our 2nd Officer came to have his dinner after a few minutes. Good, now I had someone to talk to during my meal. I don't mind eating alone, actually I prefer to have my meals alone.
But I don't mind eating with together with people if they are nice.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
The rest of the crew started to arrive to the mess room after just a few minutes and I movedAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridover to the smoke room. I had a chat with our Deck Cadet and wewill start with the punch bag tomorrow, yeah, about f@cking time. And if I can skip the dinner on top of that.....

Yes, we can just imagine. Well, our 2nd Officer came in with a plate of cake after a few minutes and we were talking about the good ol' times for a while.

He remembered me almost dying in the tank onboard M/T Corona even though this was before his time onboard. We were together onboardAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T RandgridM/T Dala Corona 1991 and I had the accident back in 1985 when the ship was named M/T Corona.

I had been up since 9 and there had not been much sleep so I went to bed. I had asked our Chief Officer Jr to give me a wakeup call at 7 thirty. But by then I was awake and down in theAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridsmoke room with our 2nd Officer again.

I don't want to sleep too much, then it will be impossible to fall asleep at 4 o'clock in the morning when I go off my watch. And I need time during the evening for my Thai books and web page.

I did my Thai boos while planning for my future. I'm in deepAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridshit, the helicopter will come to pick us up at 3 o'clock on the 14th of september. And if I can't get in to the survival suit I will have to stay onboard until the survival suit fits me.

So no more desserts and when I finished my Thai books I went down to the mess room to prepare my breakfast. A can of tunaAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridand 3 slices of SKOVMAN black bread. And I will have the same for dinner, every day from now on.

I finished my Thai books and I went to relieve our 2nd Officer on the bridge. I arrived 20 past 11 so I have some time toupload my web page before it is time to relieve our 2nd Officer at midnight. Our 2nd Officer was busy preparing my tea when I came to the bridge and I was soon having a cuppa in front of me.

Tuesday 23 rd of August 2011
and my night watch turned pretty quick, as always. Last level in the tanks and I was busy checking the ullage and the IG pressure during my watch. It was almost 5Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrido'clock when I left the bridge for my bed and I slept until 20 minutes past 11 when 2nd Officer called to wake me up.

I had a shower and I was on the bridge at 11 thirty. The first thing I see stepping up on the bridge is a huge cake-dish. And it looked like the darn cake-dish was brimmed with freshly baked pastries covered in foil.
Howhard can it be to remove all the unhealthy stuff before I come on the bridge.

I had brought 3 slices of SKOVMAN and a can of tuna and I was ready to take on my new life so aAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridcake-dish was the last thing I wanted to run in to. I poured acup of tea while scolding our 2nd Officer.
- Why do you hate me?
- I thought we had a deal
- Howhard can it be?

As soon as I had poured my cuppa I ripped off the foil from the cake dish.

Our 2nd Officer was behind me screaming.
- You expected freshly made pasties and all you get is fruit. DISAPPOINTED!
- No, I'm very happy.

Well, actually, it would have beennice with some pastries, but as I can't come back to Bangkok Fight Club as Porkythe human balloon I was happy to have my SKOVMAN and tuna. I topped my breakfast with an apple later on. And of course 2 cans of Diet MAX . And it was nice to discover that our 2nd Officer was a real prankster. And Chief Officer Jr had made a new soda list for the bridge. I hadAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridbeen onboard for just 2 days when my list was full and I needed some extra lines.

Today I discovered 3 lines for me and that is when I'm giving up Diet MAX . Well, I enjoyed a beautiful afternoon on the bridge. Gorgeous weather and the loading proceeding with around 500m³/hour and we expect to leave Heidrun Oil Field on the 29th or 30th of August.

Our 2nd Officer was soon back on the bridge, he was going to test our foam monitors and he needed my help.
- I'm happy to help!
I went on deck to check out our monitors while I was operating them from the bridge.

Our foam and water monitors are remote controlled from the bridge so I operate them (and taking pictures) while the 2nd Officer is checking them for movements etc. We started with the monitors on the fo'c's'le.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
When we had finished the monitors forward our 2nd Officer walked aft so we could continue withAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridthe aft monitors. All well forward and I was on the bridgeAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridwing taking his picture when he walked aft.

I asked him the other day if he had told his family about my web page.
- Your kids can check out daddy on the internet.

He did not want his children to read about our adventure onboard M/T Dala Corona back inAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridthe summer of 1991.

A beautiful day and the crew were busy on deck. Better off taking the opportunity with this weather, in this area we canfind ourselves in a storm before very soon. But so far we have been very lucky and Heidrun Oil Field is the area with the worst weather in Norway, at least this is what they told me.

I put yet another quick watch behind me and when Chief Officer Jr came to relieve me at 4 I continued with my e-mail to C-MAP, the supplier of chart to our ECDIS. I have a few questions and I hope C-MAP can answer me.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
I left the bridge at 17 thirty. I had had my dinner on the bridge, a can of tuna with 3 slices ofAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T RandgridSKOVMAN. SKOVMAN is Danish and it means lumberjack in English so you can imagine how Iwill look like when I sign off in 3 weeks.

Well, anyway, was I lucky that I bought my new camera before joining the ship? No cameras or electrical equipment allowed on deck. But with my 200mm lens Ican get pretty good pictures of the fo'c's'le from the bridge.

I left the bridge at 17 thirty and I could hear voices from the mess room when I came down on A-deck. I had to go in to check it out. DARN! I had been hopingAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridfor the dinner to be over but our kitchen crew were having their dinner. DARN!
- Have a piece of cake!
- NO!
I discovered something that looked tasty
- What is that?
- Fish
I had a small plate of fish before I turned around to leave.
- Have a piece of cake!
- NO! Next time I eat a piece of cake it will cost you 100US!

I will only eat dinner on Saturdays and the other days it will be SKOVMAN and tuna. I left the mess room satisfied with myself and I ran in to our Deck Cadet. He was busy writing a report and we decided to start the boxingAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridquarter past 8 tonight. Good, my diet is back on track. ABOUT TIME!!

I studied my Thai books while waiting for our Deck Cadet to finish his work at 8 o'clock. I finished more than halfof my daily Thai studies on top of my bed.

What a waste of time my Thai books are, no one understands me when I'm talking and I have been giving up my studies more than once the last 15years. But reading my Thai books is better than wasting the time eating in front of the TV. Well, anyway, no call and it was almost 20 minutes past 8 so I wentAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgriddown to our smoke room to see if I could find him.

No sign of him in the smoke room and no one had seen himAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridaround. But he showed up a few minutes later and wewent down to the punch bag on main deck.

Our Deck Cadet had never been punching a bag before and he thought it would be like having a walk in the park. I decided to start with 3 x 60 speed punches and 3 x 50 knees to avoid getting him a soar and aching body tomorrow. He has a lot of work to do on deck so we need a Deck Cadet that is fit forAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridhard work tomorrow.

I told him that we would crank it up to 5 times on Monday so he got sometime to get used to it. A walk in the park,Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridafter 2 by 60 speed punches he was half dead and for sure, it isn't as easy as it looks. And when we started with the knees he was happy that we only had planned for 3 by 50.

When we finished with the punch bag we wanted to do some sparring, but where? We could not find anyAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridreal good place so we had to do it in the aisle outside the gym.

Luckily enough one of our Mess Men wasin the gym lifting weights so he could take some pictures of ourheroes sparring in the aisle. And I can send some of the pictures to my Teacher at Bangkok Fight Club. His Facebook is mostly pictures from me and IAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridwill continue to fill up his Facebook with stupid pictures until he begs for mercy.
- ALADDIN! Please no more pictures! I give you anything you want! PLEASE!! No more pictures.

Orhmm, he will kick my arse. Well, the aisle wasn't the very best place for sparring and our Deck Cadet will look for a better place tomorrow. We can't be outside, I never brought my training suit that I bought in Dublin and I never bought any shoes for the boxing. So we need to be inside the accommodation.

I also tried something new, I took pictures while sparring and this turned out pretty good. More pictures for my Teacher's Facebook.

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
When we finished the sparring our Deck Cadet went in to the gym for some weight lifting. I stayedAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridfor a few pictures before going to my cabin for a shower and the rest of my Thai books.

I made a quick stop in the mess room. I didn't eat anything,Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T RandgridI promise, I swear. I just wanted to check out the place and I ran in to our Assistant Electrician.

He was making a few sandwiches
- Do you listen to Hip Hop? He asked.
- What?
- Do you listen to Hip Hop? I hear your music from your cabin
We had a chat and suddenly I found myself to be in a hurry. I need to finish my Thai book before relieving 2nd Officer on the bridge at midnight. Otherwise I will have to do it 4 o'clock in the morning and by then I want to sleep and not read any books.

Wednesday 24 th of August 2011
and my night watch passed pretty quick and I left the bridge, well, it was almost 5 o'clock when I left the bridge. Took me about an hour to fall asleep and I woke up at 10 with a terrible cramp in both of my calf's. DARN! It was painful and I was dead tired at the same time.

So I was, well, I was in a good mood coming to relieve our 2nd Officer on the bridge. But I was a wee bit tired. But the tiredness disappeared as soon as the excitement took off on the bridge.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Our 2nd Officer came back on the bridge in the afternoon for some of his works. He has to test our radio equipments and stuff and he received several meters of navigational warnings. LuckilyAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridenough I was there with my camera.
- Is it only me on your web page? He asked.

When he finished his work he called to Telenor to make inquires about their mobile broadband. It was no problem that he was living in Sweden, well, until he was connected to the last of many service people he was talking to.
- Swedish? Impossible, must be living in Norway.
So he had wasted 40 minutes talking with Telenor all for nothing.

He was disappointed when he left the bridge.
- Think about all the money you're saving! I tried.
My watch were soon coming to an end and I did someAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridwork with the charts when I was relieved by Chief Officer Jr at 4 o'clock. Passage planning and chart corrections and I left the bridge 20 minutes before 7. Gives me a wee bit of time for my webpage and Thai books before it is time to go kickNorwegian arse at the punch bag. And we will hopefully be able to start a wee bit earlier today.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
I finished 2 of my Thai books and I will save the last book until after the punch bag session. I was almost falling asleep and I got out of bed when our Deck Cadet called me quarter past 8.
- Are you ready for the boxing?
- Yes
- See you 8 thirty at the bag
- I'll be there

I had a hot shower before going down on the main deck. Our gym was full of people but no sign of our Deck Cadet. So I guess that he was at the punch bag and I went there.

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
We finished the speed punches and knees and we were ready to start with the sparring when ourAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T RandgridCook came by.
- You're late! We're ready with the bag.

I told him that we would start the sparring and that IAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridwould give him hell for forgetting my can of tuna for tomorrow morning. Well, I had forgotten about it but it felt good to blame our Cook.

We started to practice the left arm and Itold our Cook and deck Cadet that we would only use our left arm the first month.
- When you master the left we start with the right.

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
We were doing the sparring in the aisle outside the gym and we really need to find a bigger place for our sparring. But it also good, there is no way to run so we have to stay and fight.

Our Cook and deck Cadet were exhausted after 30 minutes and we decided to continue tomorrow. I asked our Cook how old he was.
- 50
- What the!!?? You look like 30
At 50 you're allowed to be exhausted after a few rounds of throwing punches.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
I returned to my Thai books and web page in my cabin. But first a hot shower and when I'm ready with my Thai books it is time to go to the bridge and relieve our 2nd Officer.

Thursday 25 th of August 2011
and I was pretty stiff when I got out of bed to answer my wakeup call 20 minutes past 11. A hot shower and I grabbed my tuna and SKOVMAN and I was off to relieve 2nd Officer on the bridge. It was a nice day and the excitements started right on with a supply ship arriving to Heidrun oil rig.
Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgrid
I had to eat 3 buns filled with meat when my tea was ready. Our 2nd Officer had left a plate ofAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridbuns and I was nothappy about it.
- WHY?
- They are not any good
- They are not any good so no need to eeat them
- No more pictures of you on the internet!
- OK, it will never happen again! PLEASE!!

I spent the watch watching the loading while I kept an eye on the IG pressure. I also opened and closed some valves to our fire fighting system on the helipad. Our 2nd Officer and Deck Cadet was on deck checking the fireAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridfighting system and they needed my assistance to operateAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridthe remote valves.

I was a wee bit hungry when they finished with the fire fighting system and I put on a kettle and I took a few pictures of the crew going for coffeeAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridbreak. Those 3 buns didn't keep me full for very long. I need some tuna and SKOVMAN. The buns are just water and flour thatAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridturns in to sugar as soon as I have swallowed and I'm soon hungry again.

But tuna and rye bread will do the trick and I will be full until dinner, a can of tuna and 3 or 4 slices of SKOVMAN. My watch turned pretty quick and when I prepared the log book for the 4 o'clock entries our Deck Cadet came on the bridge. He was going to do a BRIDGE EQUIPMENT familiarisation withAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T RandgridChief Officer Jr at 4 o'clock.

We talked about the boxing and we agreed that we needed punching mitts. He checked out internet and he found boxing mitts in a jiff and they will order them tomorrow and we willhopefully get them in Mongstad next week. Oh yeah, we will kick arse on main deck with the new punching mitts.

I did some passage planning on the bridge before I went tothe kitchen to get a can of tuna. DARN! They had been painting the store so I could not get any tuna. So I had to eat smoked salmon and this was the first day without any cake forAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgriddessert since I came onboard.

You know how it is after a meal, you just want a small piece of any sweets. So I was looking for the smallest crumble of cake just to discover that it was ice cream for dessert. DARN! I had to take a big glass of ice cream and my diet was destroyed.

Yes, I blame our Cook, if he had managed to save a can of tuna for me before the painting I would have been onthe bridge eating SKOVMAN and tuna insteadof the ice cream. He will get what he deserves at the boxing tonight.

After the ice cream I went for a quick nap in my cabin.Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T RandgridWhen I woke up I started with my Thai books and at 8 thirty I went down to the punching bag on main deck.

I had expected our Cook and Deck Cadet to be waiting at the punching bag eager to start. But no sign off anyone. Our Deck Cadet arrived 2 minutes' later and we startedto punch the bag. We were on theAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridsecond round of speed punches when our Cook arrived.

Our Cook had to do double rounds to catch up with our Deck Cadet and me. When we finished the speed punches we started with the kneeing.

Back when Bangkok Fight Club was at Thonglor we did kneeing every day, but now we don't do them so often. And when we do it is for 2 minutes. Pretty useless, it was better when we did them for 20 or 30 seconds. Then we kicked arse for 5 rounds. Now we kick arse for 30 seconds and slowing down and after one minute there is one or two occasional knees hitting the bag.

The other day I woke up with cramp and today my legs were sore. But as I told the Deck Cadet and Cook:
- This week is a warm up, on Monday we will do 5 rounds.

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
I know that my Teacher at Bangkok fight Club likes the SPRING KNEE so I made a picture to putAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridon his Facebook. When we finished with the punch bagAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridit was time for sparring.

I started with them one by one and we had to use my boxing gloves. But next week we willhopefully have real mitts. We did a few rounds with the “mitts” (my gloves) and I took pictures at the same time.
Our Cook was about to die. He was exhausted and now it was time to start the fight.
Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgrid
Our Cook had to go sit down in the gym while our Deck Cadet and I were waiting impatiently.
Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgrid- C'mon already!
- Just a second
Our Cook explained that he liked pain and I promisedAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridhim that this was what he was going to get if he didn't get his arse up from the bench.

I started with the Deck Cadet and then our Cook and Deck Cadet sparred while I was taking pictures.
Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgrid
Our Cook and I took the last round, for sure, our Cook wasn't up for anymore. But I told him to be ready for the next week. This is thewarm up. He guaranteed that he would be ready for action on Monday. And he told us for the fourth or fifth time that he liked pain.
- You look like you're about to die
- I'm OK, this is very good exercise!
- Don't you go die on us!
We need our Cook or we will starve to death.

Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgrid

Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgrid
I went to the galley to pick up 2 cans of tuna on my way back to my cabin. I'm better off havingAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridtwo cans prepared both for lunch and dinner and I will not have to go down the mess room in the afternoon risking to run in to any ice cream.

I had a shower and I finished my Thai books before movingover to my desk and my web page. And time turned very quick and suddenly I had to answer my wake up call.
- 2330
- I'm coming!

Friday 26 th of August 2011
and I woke up when my phone rang. I thought it was my wake up call. But I was dead tired and there must have been a million signals before I reached the phone. Well, even though I didn't went to bed until 5 o'clock this morning I should not be as tired as I am now.Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T RandgridI could feel that something was wrong.
- Can't you talk on the phone while drinking coffee?
- What??
- Can't you talk on the phone while drinking coffee?
- What theis wrong with you?
- Who am I talking to?
- Are you for real?
- Is it Aladdin? OH I'M SORRY! WRONG NUMBER!!

I returned to bed and I was instantly asleep again. I woke up at 11:35. Strange, no wakeup call from our 2nd Officer. Well, maybe he has become a wee bit docile after the early morning mishap with the phone call. I was in the shower when he called to wake me up and he wasAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridvery friendly, almost submissive when I came on the bridge. The first thing I noticed was the buns in the garbage bin.
- You're learning, I said.

Well, dial the wrong number can happen to anyone and I was happy to discover that he had the wrong number and that I could return to bed. So never mind, and if I would have started to scream it would have been very awkward next time I'm dialling the wrong number. Yes, believe it or not, but it have happened to our hero as well.

It must be almost 30 years ago when people started to realise what AIDS was. I was watching a Finnish documentary about a guy with AIDS in Finland. I will never forget this documentary even if it was almost 30 years ago. People threw rocks through his window and they screamed insults after him when he was walking down the street. The Reporterasked him what he thought about this people.
- I feel sorry for them. How will they feel about themselves if they get AIDS?

So right, who knows what will happen tomorrow. Maybe I dial the wrong number, getting AIDS orNavion Norvegia at Heidrun Oil Fieldgrowing bald. Well, I'm alreadybald and how many times to you think I'm regretting every time screaming SLAPHEAD after someone on the street backwhen I was young with plenty hair. Growing old and now I have hair on all the wrong places. Well, anyway, something to think about before opening the mouth next time. Or throwing a rock through the window to an apartment where a person dying in AIDS lives.

I had had the last Diet MAX in the bridge fridge during my morning watch and I was pleasantly surprised to see that they had refilled the fridge. I had hardlyNavion Norvegia at Heidrun Oil Fieldtime to finish my tuna and SKOVMAN before I threw myself on the fridge and I ripped open a Diet MAX .

I enjoyed my Diet MAX while watching Navion Norvegia mooring at Heidrun DSL #1 buoy. She will start loading on Monday when we're ready. They must have another ship connected to the oil rig because they can't stop the production.

If there are any stops they will have to shut down the oil rig and we're talking big money. So whenAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridwe're full they switch pipeline and start load Navion Norvegia and we can leave for Mongstad to discharge our cargo. And we will resume loading here when Navion Norvegia is ready in 14 days.

Our 2nd Officer is training our Deck Cadet and they spent the afternoon on the bridge working on the fireAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridfighting equipment.

At 4 o'clock our Chief Officer Jr came to relieve me on the bridge. We're almost ready with our ballast so I stayed behind to check out theAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridballast system when we changed from pumps to ejectors. But it was the same as on all the other ships I have been on so it was pretty straight forward.

I started to do the passage planning for the shifting on berth in Mongstad. We will shift jetty and wait for a few days before going back to Heidrun oil field to start loading again. I finished my work and I went to my cabin and my Thai books. I had a quick stop in the Mess roomand our Cook told me that one of ourMess men would join us for the boxing today. No problem, more arses for us to kick. “The more the merrier!”

I was in the gym at 8 thirty prompt, and no sign of our Deck Cadet and our Cook. Our Mess manAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridwas in the gym and we went to the punch bag for speed punches and knee. We had just started when our Deck Cadet arrived.
- Sorry, I just finished work.

That's the spirit we're looking for, he did not even changeAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridfrom his working clothes, straightfrom work to the punch bag. But our Cook “Mr I like the pain” was a no show. Our Mess man told me that he was in pain and that he would skip today's punch bag session.

It is better to be 3 than 4 and when we finished the punch bag session we started the sparring.
Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgrid

Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgrid

Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgrid
I returned to my cabin after the punch bag session and I completed my Thai book. I charged the battery to my camera, it is almost empty. Not bad, I have taken many pictures and it is 2 weeks since I bought my camera. I had expected to have to charge the battery every day. Canon, good quality. Now imagine the disappointment if I had bought a Scooby Doo 500 or a Lady 750 to save some money. I would have had to charge the battery several times per day.

And the boxing, we're taking turns fighting and when it is my time to rest I experiment with my camera. You can get quite effect full pictures if you get the shutter time right. If it is too quick the picture looks static and if it is too long the picture gets blurred.

Remember the picture of the girl at Bangkok Fight Club? NO? OK, I will put it here once again.
Aladdin' adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
It is almost perfect, just a little shorter shutter time and it would have been perfect. But for me it is a good picture. I'm learning, last time I used a camera like this was back in the early 90's so I have forgot all about taking pictures.

Well soon time for me to go on the bridge and upload the latest excitements so I'm out of here.
Navion Norvegia at Heidrun Oil Field
Saturday 27 th of August 2011
and I relieved our 2nd Officer on the bridge at midnight. The ballastAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridwas just ready when I came on the bridge so all I had to do was to keep an eye on the cargo ullage and the IG pressure.

I looged the weather and rate every full hour and I also logged the AB on deck when he entered the pump room and the STL on his hourly checks.

Drinking tea and Diet MAX like there was no tomorrow while waiting for our Chief Officer Jr to come and relieve meat 4 o'clock. But I will try to skip the tea and Diet MAX from now on. Impossible to fallAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridasleep at 4 o'clock and I'm tossin' and turnin' in my bed until 7 when I can finally fall asleep.

And as you can understand, I'm pretty tired when 2nd Officer calls me for my afternoon watch 20 minutes before 12. Well, Saturday and Sunday and we don'tdo any boxing so I can have a POWER NAP in the evening.

Time passed pretty quickly and it was soon time to prepare coffee for the Chief Officer JrAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridso he have fresh coffee when he comes to relieve me at 4 o'clock.

We had a chat about the good ol' times when he came on the bridge at 4. Turned out that he knew one guy I had worked with. He had received an e-mail that our friend had seen him on my web page.
- Do you know Mr. Fredde?
- Yeah, why?
- He is on your web page watching us

Yeah, I know, he used to tell me that he took a bottle of Whiskey and he spent hours reading my web page when he was bored. Well, my suggestion: GET A LIFE!!

Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgrid
I was called for 20 minutes before 12 and I had a shower before going on the bridge. First day with my amended wakeup call time. I asked our 2nd Officer to call me 20 minutes before 12Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridinstead of 20 minutes past 11 and I can have 20 minutes of extra quality time in my bed.

I checked our bridge wing consoles after my watch and I was in the mess room for my dinner quarter past 5. Yes, Saturday and I can have dinner. But I felt pretty bad after having had the dinner. OK, 3 pieces of cake didn't make me feel any better. But it was our 2nd Officer that got me started.
Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgrid
I had a power nap after dinner and our Chief Officer Jr called to wake me up at 7 thirty. No boxing and no Thai studies during Saturday and Sundays so I can spend the evening with my web page. I'm in progress to update our hero's adventure onboard M/T Vestria back in 1984 and I willhopefully be ready before signing off in the middle of september

Saturday 28 th of August 2011
and I stayed behind on the bridge after my morning watch. We had received new chart corrections and I wanted to finish our British charts before going to sleep. I hadAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridasked them to call me 09:50 in the morning so I had time for a shower and a Diet MAX before our fire and lifeboat drill at 10 fifth teen.

The weather had turned for worse during the morning and it was blowing a force 7 that increased to force 8 and I cancelled my work with the bridge wing console after my watch. I stayed inside and I did P & T notices for the voyage to Mongstad and I was in the mess room just before 5 thirty. I passed our smoke room and our deck Cadet asked if I wanted to participate in the quiz at 7.
- Yeah, can you please wake me up 10 to 7?
- No problem

I woke up 10 minutes before 8 and our Deck Cadet had obviously forgotten to call me 10 minutesAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridbefore 7. I had a shower and when I came down to the crew day room on Deck-B the quiz was over.

Our Deck Cadet spotted me entering the day room.
- Oh, Aladdin! I'm sorry
- No problem, I needed the sleep.

I continued down to our mess room for a glass of apple juice and two sandwiches with smoked salmon. Our Cook was all over me earlier during the day. He had been on my web page and he knew about my adventure on Oslo's adventure.
Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgrid- You don't eat the salmon?
- Well, yeah, is there any.
- I always put out smoked salmon. It is better than the 2 lousy sandwiches you paid 2000 Baht for at the airport.

I had one salmon sandwich right away at the dinner and I went down to see if there was any remaining salmon. There were salmon, all the salmon I left behind after dinner so it seems like I'm the only one eating smoked salmon onboard.

I took the remaining smoked salmon with 2 sandwiches and that make it 3 sandwiches today, 3000 Baht. And that is 90000 Baht per month, TAX FREE.

I was in the smoke room eating my salmon sandwiches with a glass of apple juice. Yes, I had beenAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridin the fridge at the duty mess looking for Diet MAX but they were gone.

So I was enjoying my salmon all by lonesome in the smoke room when the crew came down from the quiz. The burst in and the smoke room was soon full of people that liked me to take a picture of them. Well, who am I to say no? And when I went to refill my glass in the mess room our Cook kept himself taking pictures. The picture of our Bosun and me is quite OK, but there is still a long wayAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridto go before he masters the technique.

I spent the rest of the evening in mycabin in front of my computer. And this will be the last night that I will have to go on cargo watch on the bridge. We willhopefully f@ck off out of here tomorrow evening. And it will be nice to leave for Mongstad after almost 2 weeks at Heidrun Oil Field. But we will soon be back and we will start load here again in about 12 days. And the helicopter will arrive at 3 o'clock in the afternoon onAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T RandgridWednesday 14th of september.

I will only get 28 days onboard and if I'm lucky the weather will be bad so the helicopter can't come. If we're delayed by 2 days I will get my 30 days required to take my DP advanced course.

I went to relieve our 2nd Officer on the bridge. I was feed up with the drivel on my web page and the boredomwas about to drive me crazy so I left for the bridge at 23 thirty in order to try to alleviate my boredom. I had a chat with our 2nd Officer and I took the opportunity to scold him for not havingAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridmy tea ready.
- You should not be here until 12.
- You're allowed to improvise!

I put on the kettle and I uploaded the latest drivel to my web pagewhile waiting for the water to be ready. I talked about the good ol' times with 2nd Office and I didn't discover our Deck Cadet until after 15 minutes. He was in the chair writing e-mail to his wife, well, at least when I was not disturbing him.

He told me that he had taken his DP advanced after just 28 days on a DP ship so it seems to be possible to get an exemption from the 30 days rule. But not less than 28 days. I will investigate when I'm back home. Our 2nd Officer was soon off to bed and I took over the watch.

Monday 29 th of August 2011
and the weather during my morning watch left a whole lot to wish for. Strong winds, it was blowing a full gale and I had 3 alarms on the DP.
We have an alarm when we move more than 20 meters and as soon as we're outside 20 meters the alarm goes off. 3 times during my watch we came to 22 meters, well, nothing serious and we didn't had to start our thrusters to keep us in position.
Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgrid
It was so exciting that I had forgotten all about my new life and I had a few of the Filipino SkyFlakes crackers. NO problem, they told me that the SkyFlakes was like eating air.
Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgrid- No calories?
- Are you sure?
- I promise I swear!

My last morning watch (for this time, we're soon back) at Heidrun Oil Fiel passed pretty quick and I was soon relieved by Chief Officer Jr. I did a few chart corrections before leaving for the bridge. Our passage plan to Mongstad is ready and I can have a goodsleep.If I manage to fall asleep that is!

I came to my afternoon watch and we expect to complete loading around 8 o'clock tonight. Our Chief Officer took over the loading in the CCR in the afternoon and I spend the last of my watch doing paper work. When Chief officer Jr came to relieve me I did the last bridge wing console and I'm up to date with ourAladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T Randgridmaintenance program.

Expected loading to be ready at 8 and we will start to disconnect the buoy not long after and I asked our 2nd Officer to call me when he would start with his check list
My new life DAY #1
Finally I have got real serious with my diet. Soontime to go home and I don't want to arrive to FUNKY TOWN International as the HUMAN BALLOON.
Breakfast/ Lunch: 1 MegaMan vitamin tablet. A pot of tea with 4 slices of black bread (Skovmand) and a can of tuna. And I almost forgot to mention the 3 buns our 2nd Officer had on the bridge when I came on my watch- Schhh, please don't tell anyone.

Dinner: A pot of tea with 4 slices of black bread (Skovmand) Lo and behold, our Cook forced me to eat schnitzel back in the mess room

Night time snack: Just thinking about it gives me agony
so I could come with him. Now the excitements start. I have completed loading more times than I care for, but I have never disconnected a STL buoy before. So this will be fun, new things to learn.

I had time for some SKOVMAN and tea on the bridge and when I went down to the smoke room my new life capsized.Aladdin's adventure at Heidrun Oil Field onboard DE/T RandgridOur Cook forced me to eat schnitzel, and to make things worse he had made Gordon Blue, schnitzel filled with cheese and ham. Well as you understand I felt bad when I left the mess room.

We went out on deck at 7 to make the STL disconnection checklist. We completed loading at 20:08 and we flushed the cargo line and we disconnected our manifold at the bottom of the ship. The bouy is secured to the ship by 2 hydraulic shafts. And we need to fill the STL room with water before disconnecting the STL buoy. We have a draft of 15,26 meters and if we let go of the buoy, 2 to 3 meters in diameter the water will burst in to the ship from the hole in the bottom of the ship. So we fill the STL room with water. Release the buoy and lower the buoy to its position 40 to 60 meters below the water surface and 20 to 300 meters above the sea bed.

Then we close the hatch at the bottom of the ship and we're leaving while pumping out the water from the STL room. They run the pump and ODME from the bridge so I returned to the accommodation with 2nd Officer and our Deck Cadet. I had time for a Diet MAX with our Deck Cadet in the smoke room before going for a shower. And I was on the bridge to relieve our 2nd Officer 5 minutes before midnight. My first sea watch since I came onboard 12 days ago.

Tuesday 30 th of August 2011
and we left the 10NMZ at 00:25 and we started our sea passage at 00:30. A new bridge and time really turned quick. It was 4 o'clock before I even had a chance to finish my Diet MAX . But I had time for a few of the Filipino SkyFlakes crackers. NO problem, they told me that the SkyFlakes was like eating air.
- No calories?
- Are you sure?
- I promise I swear!

I was on the bridge 10 minutes before 12 for my afternoon watch and it was a gorgeous day.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
I just sat my first step on the bridge when I was meet by an onslaught of complains. Our 2ndAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T RandgridOfficer started to remind me of stuff I had forgot.
- Signature here
- Signature there
- We try to keep Swedish standard.
- Blah-blah-bla
What the? Not even time for a quick cuppa before it starts.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Well, our 2nd Officer and Deck Cadet leftthe bridge for their lunch and I could finally enjoy my tea and SKOVMAND.

And now I get the shock of the life time. I'm munching on the SkyFlakes and I read on the box.
- What the
One serving of SkyFlakes is 120 calories and 10 servings is enough to last me a day. And believe me, one serving is not very big. 3 crackers, thin like a sheet of paper and one serving disappears like an Aspirin.

F@ckingyou can see the church tower through the darn cracker. That's how thin the darn crackers are, I promise.

I was really shocked to discover how much energy this piece of “air” contained. What happened to the “SkyFlakes was like eating air”
- No calories?
- Are you sure?
- I promise I swear!
Of course, this information was a huge set back and I did a quick calculation. Millions of calories instead of the expected ZERO. I was in a very very bad mood and I
My new life DAY #1
Here we go again

I few of the SkyFlakes crackers during my morning watch.
Breakfast/ Lunch: 1 MegaMan vitamin tablet. A pot of tea with 4 slices of black bread (Skovmand) . And I was eating SkyFlakes like there was no tomorrow until I discovered how many calories they contained.

Dinner: A pot of tea with 4 slices of black bread (Skovmand) and some meat in the mess room

Night time snack: 2 sandwiches without anything on. I hope I will be able to write ZIP here tomorrow.
decided not to have another SkyFlake again.

And how many time will I have to start over with my “My newAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridlife DAY #1”? I will hopefullybe able to start my new life tomorrow and I willhopefully be able to keep my new life on track.

For sure, I will attend the boxing session tonight. I had to cancel yesterday due to our departure. I even had to cancel my Thai books.

Well, I was not alone on the bridge for a very long time. Our 2nd Officer and Deck Cadet were soon returning. Time to test the foam monitors again and this time the Deck Cadet would be in charge of the remote controls so my help wasn't required.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
When our 2nd officer was confident that our deck Cadet knew how to operate the remote controls he left for deck.
- Aladdin can show you if you have any questions!
It was a pretty busy afternoon on the bridge, our Electrician and Assisting Electrician came to work with the fire alarm system. And one of our 2nd Engineers came to hand me a “Wake up” list. We expect to take Pilot around 22:30 and depending on the time we have to call different Engineers.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

I'll be darned, my watch disappeared like nothing and our Chief Officer Jr was suddenly standing behind me ready to take over. Good, I could do some passage planning before I was off to myAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridcabin. I had a quick stop at the mess room for some meat and the smallest sandwich (Nothing on) I had ever seen. I'm behind on my web page so IAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgriddecided to skip my Thai books so I could put some of the stuff on my web page behind me before the boxing session.

When I came to the punch bag it was only our Mess man present, no sign of the Cook and Deck Cadet. Our Cook came 20 seconds later and it turned out that our Deck Cadet was on watch between 8 and 12.So there were only 3 of us and we did the speed punches and Aladdin's version of the SPRING KNEES.

And I'm not sure that our Teacher at Bangkok fight Club would have called it spring knees. But id did the trick and it didn't take long before our Mess Man begged for mercy. Our Cook wanted to do an extra round and he is more than welcome.
Our Cook told me that he had done 5 rounds of each yesterday, but,hmm, he was alone yesterday so I don't know.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Our Cook has 4 daughters, between 8 and 19 and they are all doing Thaikwondo or whatever they call it. And the 19 years old daughter is in the national team. But she wants to start with MuayAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T RandgridThai and our Cook has planned to start training Muay Thai withAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridher when he is back home.

Of Course, I suggested him to take his daughter to Bangkok Fight Club or to the Chakrit Muay Thai School in Bangkok. Or why not do it like Aladdin and join both clubs? But both our Cook and Mess man was half dead, and that was even before we got started with the sparring so exercise is required.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
We took turns with the sparring and at 9 o'clock our Cook was half dead and I was surprisedAladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgridthat our Mess Man was half dead as well, I mean, our Cook and I are like 150 something. But our mess Man is 20 and he should be able to do more than 30 seconds before letting down his guard to the knees.

Our Cook could hardly move and I was afraid that wewould have to carry him to his cabin. He told me that there were tuna in the corner behind the cold cuts before he tried to rise up to leave. he was really in pain and he could hardly get up.

He was disappointed by himself.
- Only 30 minutes and I'm dead, I want to do 1 hour. If you come back here we continue with the boxing and I will do the punch bag sessions while you have your holiday, he said.

We left the gym on main deck and when we passed the elevator he pushed the button.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid- EH EH EH! What are you doing?
- I'm taking the stairs!
- That's the spirit!
Our Cook went straight to his cabin but I'm not sure if he took the stairs all the way, he might have taken the elevator from B-deck. I stopped in the mess room to look for the tuna and I found ZIP. So I went to ask our Mess Man and he found my tuna in a jiff.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

We expected our Pilot to arrive around 22 thirty so I went on the bridge 20 minutes past 10 in order to try to get some pictures of the Pilot arriving with the helicopter. I missed my own arrival so I need some pictures of our helipad.
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

The wind had increased since I left the bridge after my watch. So it was hard to hold my camera steady in the wind, but I was pretty satisfied with the pictures anyway.

And of course, I took the opportunity to get some night action pictures of our 2nd officer on the bridge before I went out on port bridge wing when the helicopter arrived hoping that this would be a quick operation. I was wearing my boxing gear and it was not any summer weather on the port bridge wing.

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Pilot helicopter is about to land

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Pilot helicopter is about to land

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Pilot helicopter safe on the helipad

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Pilot onboard and the helicopter is leaving

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
I returned to my cabin for a shower and a change of clothes before going on my watch at midnight. Pilot onboard and we will soon arrive to jetty #7 in Mongstad where we will discharge our crude oil. EXCITING! And you will soon be able to read all about this adventure.

Wednesday 31 st of August 2011
and after all the “Pilot Helicopter Adventure” extravaganza it isAladdin's adventure at Statoil's refinery in Mongstad onboard DE/T Randgridimpossible for you to have missed that we had our Pilot onboard when I came on my watch at midnight.

We were proceeding towards Statoil's refinery in Mongstad where we will discharge the crude oil. I was busy taking positions on our way and the clock was almost 1 o'clock when I left the bridge.

I went to our CCR where our 2nd Officer and Deck Cadet were waiting for us to come along side. We had time for our Deck Cadet to take a few pictures of our 2nd Officer and meAladdin's adventure at Statoil's refinery in Mongstad onboard DE/T Randgrid(Also known as Mr Handsome and Mr Not quite so handsome) before going on deck.

We started by releasing our tug boat on the poop deck so he could move forward for the crew to connect him on starboard side on tank deck forward. We got a new tug boat that we made fast on our tank deck aft. We moved alongside jetty #1 and we had all fast about 45 minutes later @ 02:25.

The normal paper work and we started to discharge our SLOP just before 5 o'clock. This took 9 minutes and then weAladdin's adventure at Statoil's refinery in Mongstad onboard DE/T Randgridstarted to discharge our cargo at 05:25 and it was almost 6 o'clock when I went to bed. Of course, all the excitement made it hard for me to fall asleep so I was dead tired when they called me at 10 thirty.
- Drug test
- What the

I had a shower and I went down for the drug test. Impossible to do the urine sample so I had to go back to the CCR to drink plenty water and Diet MAX .
tro mig. Fan va tradigt när du har åkt hem. Ingen att busa med och ingen som kollar så att man inte glömmer signaturer och andra SKIT viktiga grejor.

Chief Officer, 2nd Officer, two 2nd Engineers, Assistant Electrician and several other people will sign off here in Mongstad. Our Deck Cadet left us 4 o'clock in the morning. So there was plenty people in the CCR waiting to get off the ship.

The on signers were on their way and they stepped on deck around 11 thirty and the off signers could leave. At 1 o'clock the guy with the urine samples came to the CCR and he asked if I was ready. I had hoped for him toAladdin's adventure at Statoil's refinery in Mongstad onboard DE/T Randgridforget about the urine sample. But I gave it another try and all the water and Diet MAX helped.

Our Chief Officer Jr came to the CCR at 3 o'clock and he was freshly shaved. It turned out that his wife was complaining about his pictures on www.aladdin.st. He was told that he looked like a scavenger so now he shaves every day because he knows that I always carry my camera. Yes, it is not the first time I discover the impact ofAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Ternvikwww.aladdin.st, impossible to forget the 2nd Officer always taking of his shirts when I had my camera around.
- What are you doing?
- My wife doesn't like my shirts
- What the
Aladdin's adventure at Statoil's refinery in Mongstad onboard DE/T Randgrid

I was relieved by our GOOD LOOKING Chief Officer at 4 and I went for a safety inspection of our deck before I went on the bridge to do our passage plan to jetty #14. We will shift to jetty #14 when we're ready with the discharging and we will stay there until Monday or something when it is time to return to Heidrun Oil Field.
Aladdin's adventure at Statoil's refinery in Mongstad onboard DE/T Randgrid
We expect to complete the discharging around midnight so I need to get the passage planning done. I already made one plan, but that was from jetty #7 and we're at jetty #1 so I need to do some minor changes.

When I finished the plans I went for a quick dinner that I ate standing up in the mess room. Sitting down and it really feels like having dinner and dinner is something I don't eat since I started my new “KICK ASS” diet. So standing it is and when I wa ready I ended up in the smoke room with our new Chief Officer.

Totally unplanned, I was dead tired and I needed to go for some sleep. I had asked our Chief Officer jr to wake me up at 8 but as I had just felt asleep when he called I felt asleep again and I didn't woke up until almost 10. Will I be able to fall asleep at 4?
Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid

Aladdin's adventure onboard DE/T Randgrid
Loading at the STL we're using the CCR (Cargo Control Room) on the bridge, but at discharging we're using the CCR on the A-Deck. So it is just next to the fridge (that I filled with Diet MAX today), the mess room and the smoke room. So the location is perfect.

Drug tests, helicopter adventure extravaganza and discharging and I think we have had enough of excitements for one month. Time to swing over to September in the year of our Lord 2011.
This should be pretty easy, right? But no.
- I cannot see my pictures on your web page!
- My wife cannot see my pictures on your web page!
- My children cannot see my pictures on your web page!

Well, I have made instructions below in I don't know how many languages. Of course if you wife is 89 it can be a problem. We might have a problem if you children are younger than 4. But between 4 and 89 it should be pretty straight forward to discover a link. A text link is an underlined BLUE word or if it is a link you have clicked already the word turns from blue to purple.

But I will try again, if you want to continue to the month of September click the text link

and you will be there in a jiff, depending on your internet a jiff can be everything from 0,5 to an eternity. But it might turn out worth waiting for the download to complete!

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