Chobe Game Lodge

riverfront is quite simply one of the most impressive safari experiences in Africa. And Chobe Game Lodge boasts the best location from which to explore this incredible wildlifeAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswanaspectacle. Chobe Game Lodge is the only lodge in the Chobe National Park situated on the magnificent Chobe River.

Built in the early 1970's, the luxury 5-star lodge was designed to make the most ofAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswanathe river frontage. The wide front veranda offers views of the river from comfortable and elegantly appointed seating areas – and every room has a balcony that faces the river.

The recently built boardwalk has added a whole new dimension to game-viewing – simply find your favourite spot along this 250 metre elevated platform and settle down to watch the ever-changing wildlife parade across the river, islands, floodplains and even as far away as Namibia.

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana

Monday 10 th of November 2014 and they called to wake me up at 7 o'clock and I continued with my web page, I have been busy from early morning to late night every day and I'm way behind with my web page. At 8 thirty something my phone rang and it was from Shearwater. They were here to return my 180 US Dollars.

I was just about to go for breakfast when they called me at 9 o'clock. This time it was my rife to the border between Botswana and Zimbabwe. I told him that he should not be hereAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotelbefore 10 o'clock. Same yesterday, pick-up for the historical bridge tour was set to 9 thirty and they were here at 9 o'clock. Of course, I was not ready there must be a plan or we can as well just run around like chickens.

If we don't know the clock and if we come and go as we won't the world will come to a full stop. It is not like I'm sitting in my room STAND-BY between 7 and 10 if the pick-up time is at 10 o'clock. Then I will be ready at 10 o'clock. I went for breakfast and I was in the reception checking out just before 10 o'clock

My fifth breakfast at the hotel and, well, even if I had not had any breakfasts before I could estimate how long time it would take. So I went for breakfast 20 minutes before 10 and we were ready to leave at 10 o'clock.

My Samsonite carry on was in the hotels storage and I had packed my new bag that I bought at Victoria Falls Hotel, this bag is really growing to be a favourite and this will become my new weekend bag and travel partner. When they see me coming with this bag they will think “ Here is a guy with style, class and most important, finesse

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotel

We were soon leaving Victoria Falls Hotel and my new friends behind. My driver was going to take me to the border post and there would come a driver from Botswana to drive me to Chobe Game Lodge in Chobe National Park.

Leaving Victoria Falls behind and I give 5Thumbs upout of 5 to Victoria Falls Hotel, Victoria Falls Guide and Shearwater. There are a few moreThumbs upto hand out. Victoria Falls had been fantastic and I can recommend a visit, not a boring moment. Just contact Victoria Falls Guide and they will set you up on a fantastic experience with Shearwater etc.

Into Africa Bush Cuisine gets 5out of 5. Shit can happen, but no answer on e-mails and phone calls. And as soon as I sat my foot on board they asked for 10 Dollars park fee, no explanationAladdin's adventure in Zimbabwewhy they had not picked me up. Into Africa Bush Cuisines STAY WELL CLEAR!!

Would take us about one hour to reach the border to Botswana. My Driver asked where I came from and I said Sweden.
- Oh, maybe you can help me?

He had have some Swedish people that had problem with their ATM card and he had given them 70 US Dollars and he got 600 Swedish Scooby Dollars. Impossible to change in this part of the world, unless you have a lot of them. I told him that I could give him 70 US and he called his wife.

She had forgotten where she had put them. He was disappointed, but I told him that he could pick me up and drive me to the airport on the 23rd of November. Then I would give him 30 US for theAladdin's adventure in Zimbabweride plus 70 for the Swedish Scooby dollars.

I told him not to be late as I didn't want to miss my flight to Johannesburg. Well, I was happy, the ride to the airport was set up. But the driver was even more happy. He got his 7 US plus that he made 30 US for the ride in his private car. Well, maybe I was more happy than him because I was able to help. That's how we operate around here, everyone is happy!

Aladdin's adventure in Zimbabwe
Always gaming in Africa

We drove towards the border to Botswana and as always when driving in Africa, it is a game driving and needless to say, we saw plenty impalas. Suddenly the Driver stopped and there were aAladdin's adventure in Zimbabwebig group of giraffes in the woods. We were soon on our way again and we passed a poacher patrol. It is 20 to 25 years (in a Zimbabwean prison) in prison if you get caught poaching and they are still poaching.

And now they shoot first and ask after. The poachers shoot the poacher patrol on sight and the poacher patrol shoot thePoachers in Zimbabwepoachers at first sight. So it is a war out there, but I'm surprised that stuff like this is still going on, it is 2014 fer foock's sake!

We were also stopped by the Police in a road block not far from the border to Botswana. The looked at the driver license and they waved us through. We approached the border and my Driver told me not to take any pictures.
- Why?
- Top secret stuff!
OK, I saw that the tourists took pictures with the Immigration Officers so I took a few pictures. And no one complained and I didn't get arrested, maybe “old” rules my driver is following.

Aladdin's adventure in Zimbabwe
Reaching the border between Botswana and Zimbabwe

Aladdin's adventure in Zimbabwe
I change to a Driver from Botswana

Aladdin's adventure in Botswana
Botswana Immigration

Immigration in Zimbabwe took a few minutes and then I had a driver from Botswana picking me up and we drove to the immigration in Botswana. We had to drive through a pool to clean the tyresAladdin's adventure in Botswanafrom mouth and foot disease

I got my visa to Botswana in 2 minutes and it was free. We left and we had to walk through some liquid to clean our shoes from the mouth and foot disease. As soon as we were in Botswana the roads become much better. I have heard many people say that Botswana is much better organised than Zimbabwe.

Might have been my imagination, but wasn't the weather much better also? My driver told me that we were going to drive on“tar” roads for 30 to 40 minutes. Then we would drive through Chobe National park until we reached Chobe Game Lodge.

We drove along the road and there were some game, but not very exciting games, the by now boring impala and if possible even more boring warthog. But as the rain season is coming up the impalas are about to drop their babies, most of them are pregnant and this will be fun to see.

Aladdin's adventure in Botswana
Driving on a “tar” road in Botswana

Aladdin's adventure in Botswana
Passing some houses while driving on a “tar” road in Botswana

Aladdin's adventure in Botswana
Passing a impala while driving on a “tar” road in Botswana

Aladdin's adventure in Botswana
Reaching Chobe National Park

Aladdin's adventure in Botswana
Entering Chobe National Park

We reach Chobe National Park and from here it is dirt roads until we reach Chobe Game Lodge. I don't know how long time it took us to reach Chobe Game Lodge. But it was an interesting drive andAladdin's adventure in BotswanaI saw impalas with babies, good, now it was kind of fun to watch the impalas and I expect to see many of the babies.

We passed Kudu Antelopes or whatever they are called. And I was excited as I have heard a lot about Botswana, with Serengeti in Tanzania the best place in the world for gaming, or as I call it, safari.

We stopped and my driver pointed up in a tree. I was wondering what the foock he was on about. But then I saw the remaining of an impala hanging from one of the branches. Skin and I could see to legs and the driver told me that it was a Leopard that had been eating an impala. They catch their food and then they eat in the tree. There was no sign of the leopard as they are very shy and they stay out of sight as much as they can

Aladdin's adventure in Botswana

Aladdin's adventure in Botswana
Remaining of an animal hanging in the tree. Remaining from a Leopard dinner
They kill the animals and then the eat them in the trees - And if we look at the legs we can see that it is an impala

Aladdin's adventure in Botswana

I don't remember how long it took to get to Chobe Game Lodge from the tar road, 20 to 30Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodgeminutes and I was impressed when I arrived. It was a very nice place and the staff was very nice.

One girl handed me my personalised itinerary for my 5 days here.

She told me that she would have meeting explaining the activities and an orientation of the lodge while my luggage was brought to my room. I asked for a bottle of water instead of the welcome drink and this was not considered strange or totally unexpected. Or maybe they were justAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodgeeducated and trained in different situations. I have a place fresh in mind, you could see how everything came to a full stop.

Except of course his heart, or he would have died when I asked for a bottle of water. I finished my water and I told the girl that I knew where to find the boat that would depart at 15:30.

It was lunch time and at 3 o'clock it was tea and at 15:30 we would take off on a sun set cruise on Chobe River. We would be back around 18:30 and dinner would be served at 19:30. I went to my room with my luggage and then I returned to the restaurant for some lunch. I choose the Kebab with rice and a pot of earl grey tea.

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
I was not alone for my lunch

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
I was not alone for my lunch

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
It was a very good lunch

I will join the other guests for the sunset cruise tonight and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I will do the game driving in my own car. The fourth day I will go with the other guests on their gaming activates. I returned to my cabin after lunch and I tried to get my web page up to date. I decided to skip the 3 o'clock tea and I went to have a look at Chobe Game Lodge 20 minutes past 3 o'clock.

It is a darn nice place and I'm very happy with my room, of course it comes with a price tag. The staff are very nice and they hovering around ready to assist.

We're in the middle of nowhere and the bathroom is like any other 5 star hotel. There is everything I need and as at Victoria Falls Hotel there are mosquito repellent. I read so much about safari and the different parks and lodges wen planning this trip. And everywhere the told, notMosquito repellentrecommended! They told that mosquito repellent is a MUST to bring for your safari in Africa.

And I bought mosquito repellent, tons of it and as I didn't want to go through immigration and do the check-in at Johannesburg International I smuggled it on board the plane in my carry on. I'm thinking Africa and the only thing they have in the Supermarket is peanuts and Hokus Pokus. Well, look who’s stupid now!

I managed to get all the liquid mosquito repellent on board but I will not take it back home, so I'm showering in mosquito repellent in order to finish it before going back home.

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
Chobe Game Lodge - Main building- Restaurant, bar and reception etc

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
The rooms at Chobe Game Park

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
My Room

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
My Room

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
Relaxing area

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
Relaxing area overlooking Chobe River

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
Restaurant overlooking Chobe River

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
Relaxing area

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
Relaxing area

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
The bar

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
The bar

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
The bar

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
Wildlife all the way up in the garden

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
The pool

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
View over Chobe River

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
Bar on the second floor

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
Bar on the second floor

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
Bar on the second floor

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
TV Room on the second floor

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
A balcony to sit and relax

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
A balcony to sit and relax

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
Pool room next to the bar on the second floor

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
Pool room next to the bar on the second floor

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
Pool room next to the bar on the second floor

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
Restaurant prepared for dinner

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
Restaurant prepared for dinner

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
A guest at Chobe Game Lodge

Chobe Game Lodge, a beautiful place in beautiful surroundings
And as some would like to say (especially after a few drinks), handsome guests

The weather was not so nice so some of the Guides/ drivers cancelled the river tour. Well, my driver told me that it was cancelled and we would go on a gaming drive instead. I was in the gardenAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodgelooking around and I told everyone going down to the boat that it was cancelled.

Talk about making a tit out of myself, it was first later I understood that it was only some of the drivers that had cancelled. Well, I made a mental note: In the future, shut up! Don't try to be helpful!

What do I know? I thought we were going on one boat, but they have several small boats. Well, anyway, we took off with ourAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game LodgeGuide/ Driver. 4 or 5 jeeps with 8 passengers in each jeep. I was lucky, we were only 7 in my jeep and I got the full back seat.

In front of me a couple from USA, in front of them a couple fromAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming DriveSwitzerland and on the first row a couple from France. We took off and we saw, yes, plenty impalas and monkeys. And we saw dung bugs or dung beetles or what they are called.

I was happy to see them as I have heard about them and this might turn out to be the most interesting sight today. The American girl in front of me were soon pointing out two jackals.

Also something that I wanted to see. So I was in a good mood when we had seen the dung bug and the jackals. We passed a giraffe, but I have seen so many of them so I can't say I was excited.

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drive
Impala with baby

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drive
Impala with baby

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drive
My new friend the dung bug

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drive

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drive
We drive along looking for animals

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drive

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drive

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drive
Dead Water buffalo

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drive
Dead Water buffalo

The American girl spotted the jackals and then she spotted the mongoose. I discovered some water buffaloes. The Guide told us that they had changed name to African Buffaloes because they livedAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Driveall over Africa, not only in the water.

Well, anyway, the American girl was in the lead 2 to 1.

We came down towards the river and there were lions, 4 or 5 adults and about the same amounts of lion babies. They were just laying around and it was pretty boring. The dung bug was much more fun toAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drivewatch, at least some action.

Watching these lions was as fun as watching paint dry and I offered to get out of the jeep.
- The lions will think the jeep got a baby and that will stir up some action!

I discovered 3 African Buffaloes coming down from the tress, my second spotting and I was up to even with the American girl. The lion spotted them and one of the lion rose up and started to walk towards theAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drivebuffaloes.

There must have been almost 10 safari jeeps there watching the lions and I can't understand why. When the buffalo came down from the trees you could see all the lions lifting their heads looking at them. Dinner is coming.

The first lion rising up walking slowly towards the buffalo and then he lies down. There are soon 2 other lions following him and they lay downAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drivebehind the first lion. I had been hoping for some action.

The babies was left behind while mama lions was watching the buffaloes. There were soon plenty more buffaloes coming down from the tree line. One lion don't take a buffalo so they need to be a few lions and they are looking for the old or youngAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drivebuffaloes in the group. And lions are not very quick so they need to sneak up on their victim.

And my guess is that they were not happy when suddenly 20 more buffaloes came out from the woods. The three lions moved ahead slowly and it was like they gave up. They stopped and they just laid down watching the buffaloes and we started to realize that there would be no action. Our GuideYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sttold us that the lions are not quick, they need to sneak up on their victim and it can take several hours. Many times during the dark and then they eat in the morning. But the lion can stay without food for 3 to 5 days without any problem.

Will they get dinner tonight, for sure, not as long as there are daylight. The buffaloes moved further away and we wold not see the lions catching any buffalo.

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drive
More and more buffaloes

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drive
Moving closer to the buffaloes

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drive
Watching the buffaloes

Suddenly and unexpected, a t least for me, all the jeeps disappeared and my new friends from USA told me that it was time for a “sundowner”
- They take the sundowner seriously!
Well, must be a very important tradition to leave the gaming to go for a drink from the back ofAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drivethe jeep. I got a diet drink while the others drank the traditional Gin & Tonic.

Well, never mind, we will not miss any lion action. We finished our drinks and we drove back to have a look at the lions. We could see them walking away towards the buffalos. There were 10 to 11 of them and the babies were playing behind the mama lions while walking. They will most likely sneak up on the buffaloes when it is dark. That's the spirit! We drove back to the hotel.

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drive
Evening drink

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drive
A glass of wine

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drive
Passing impalas on the way back to the hotel

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge - Gaming Drive
Passing impalas on the way back to the hotel

I stopped at the bar for a few cans of diet drinks. They had prepared drinks and snacks, I guessAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodgeit is what they call an “after safari” drink. I got my 4 cans of diet drink and I went to my cabin.

I checked my pictures and I was pretty happy. I enjoyed one or two diet drinks before I went to the restaurant for dinner. There were plenty people at the salad table and I made yet another mental not: Don't come to dinner before 8 o'clock in the evening. I started with salad and I had steak as main course. Excellent food at Chobe Game LodgeAladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodgeand the restaurant is very nice. I really love the place, fantastic is not enough to describe it. OK, I have to go to the restaurant to get WIFI. But what to expect in the middle of nowhere surrounded by lions and stuff.

I even had dessert and I decided to only have salad from now on. Cannot go to Africa with a V-shaped torso and come back home as the human balloon.

I uploaded my web page while eating my dessert and I finished my second pot of tea. They will wake me up at 04:30 tomorrow and I need to get to bed. I haven't had much sleep since I arrived to Africa and tonight won't give me much sleep either. But every hour counts and I was off to bed just after 10 o'clock and I managed to fall asleep without any problem. Yeah, sometimes even I'm lucky.

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
Time for dinner

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
Time for dinner

Aladdin's adventure at Chobe Game Lodge
Time for dinner

Well, tomorrow will be my first day of private gaming and tis promise to be exciting. So click HERE to get in to the middle of that adventure. Don't forget your safari uniform.

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