Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls

Todays pre-booked activities with Victoria Falls Guide
Pick up time
Drop off time
Vic Falls Hotel - Roy Liv Hotel
Livingstone Island Breezer
Devil's Pool
Guided Tour of Victoria Falls
Lunar Rainbow Tour
Cancelled due to clouds

Thursday 6 th of November 2014 and they will come here to pick me up at 14:00. So that gave me an hour with my web page before going for lunch, and straight from lunch to the “Guided tours ofAladdin's adventure at Victoria Fallsthe falls”

They called me almost NON-STOP while in my room. Asking how I liked my stay and of course, I mentioned the water. Now they brought water bottles to my room and when I came to the terrace they came running with a bottle of water and a glass.

Yes, complaining can be a good thing if you stay at a good hotel and Victoria Falls Hotel is a very nice hotel with a good service. And it seems like they will make sure I never runAladdin's adventure at Victoria Fallsout of water again.

I was enjoying my tea and smoked salmon bruschetta when I saw a warthog coming in to the garden. Where is the armed guard, these warthogs can be an annoyance if they get angry. The smoked salmon bruschetta and tea was excellent and at 2 o'clock I went to the reception to meet my Guide/ Driver and we took off towards Victoria Falls.

My Guide/ Driver was waiting for me and we took off to the falls. This was just around the corner and the first thing we saw when we got out of the car was monkey searching for food in the garbage cans.

I had to pay a 30 US Dollars park fee and I had paid the tour company 52 US so it was 82 US. It was just around the corner and I could have walked there. No need for a Guide to walk meAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the fallsaround the area. So I could have done it for 30 US. I would have saved 52US, but of course, now (after) I know and it is easy.

But when in Bangkok I knew nothing and as I don't want to waste time looking around it is worth the extra money to have everything arranged.

Activity, back to the room for a rest for 2 or 3 hours and they come to pick you up again and it is full days with activities, never time to get bored, excellent! We saw monkeys searching the garbage cans as soon as we got out of the car. And as soon as weAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the fallshad closed the doors to the car there was a group of dancers starting a tribal song and dance. They stopped the dance as soon as they realised that we would not give them any money.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls

I was alone on this tour and that was very good and I could to the tour pretty much how a felt like doing it. I paid the 30 US Dollars entrance fee and we took off. My Guide turned right and I continued straight ahead. I asked where he was going.

He was going along the road down to the Danger point and then walk back along the falls from there. I told him that I wanted to walk down to the Danger Point along the falls and then walk back the same way.

We ended up in a discussion and I lost my temper and I sat down my foot and we continued straight forward to the falls where we would turn right and walk east to the Eastern most point in Zambia, the Danger Point.

My Guide suggested the white track on the map above and I suggested the red track. Why the foock do I want to walk along the road, toilets and trailers? I already saw the trailers thisAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the fallsmorning when I passed the border. My Guide could not grasp my plan. He told me that they always walked that way to the Danger Point.

I don't give a rat’s ass, yes, I can hear you thinking that I get upset again. But think about it, it makes sense to walk down to the Danger Point along the falls and then back the same way again. And he wanted to walk along the road with nothing to see.

Same at Devil's Pool, they have been working there for 100 years and no one have ever turned down the breakfast. But now, here we have a Swede coming and he only want a bottle of water. This is impossible, how to handle this situation? Yeah, no need to be paralysed. It was like everything stopped working instead of just giving me a bottle of water.

We continued straight forward for 100 meter and we were at the Victoria Falls. We were at the Devil's Cataract, the westernmost water fall at Victoria Falls. We turned right and started to walk along the gorge towards the Danger Point

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
Map over Victoria Falls

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
Main Fall and Livingstone Island

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
Devil's Cataract

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
Devil's Cataract

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
Main Falls

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
Main Falls
There is a wire across the gorge as they were here walking on the wire a few days ago according to my Guide

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
Main Falls

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
Plenty mist in the air

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
Plenty mist in the air

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
The water pouring over the edge on the Zambian side of the gorge

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
At view point #9

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
At view point #9

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
At view point #9

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
Livingstone Island

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
Rainbow in the mist

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
Rainbow in the mist

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
School class visiting Victoria Falls

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
We reach the Danger Point and we can see the Boiling pot at the bottom of the gorge
This is the Easternmost point of Zimbabwe at Victoria Falls - Zambia on the other side

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
We reach the Danger Point and we can see the Boiling pot at the bottom of the gorge
I will hike down to the bottom of the gorge on Sunday

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
River Zambezi continues towards the Indian Ocean
Victoria Falls Bridge around the corner to the right

We reach the Danger Point and we meet a British couple and I helped them to take some pictures of them with the falls and the gorge in the back. We looked down at the Boiling Pot and it looks toAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the fallsbe a hard hike on Sunday. But if I have seen the falls from above I want to see the falls from the bottom of the gorge as well.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls

But going down to the bottom of the gorge will be a problem to take care of on Sunday afternoon. And by then I really hope my right foot is OK. We spent 10 to 15 minutes at the Danger Point before we started to walk back towards the Devil's Cataract, the westernmost fall at Victoria Falls.

I was getting thirsty and my right foot started to ache after all the walking during the day. And we need to be on the west side to see the rainbows at Victoria Falls. We will do the Lunar rainbowAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the fallstonight. According to rumours there should be a spectacular rainbows in the moon shine. Of course, full moon and a cloud free sky is necessary.

Lunar rainbow was cancelled yesterday due to clouds. It looks better today and I hope we can do the Lunar Rainbow tonight.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
Time to leave the Danger Point

But as my Guide said: The weather can change very quickly. But as it looks now we will do the Lunar rainbow tonight. We had a fantastic hike along the gorge and it is a sight you never get tired of.Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the fallsLas Vegas, coming in to the “indoor” Venice and it was very impressing. Second time you come in to the “indoor” Venice

Victoria Falls are different, this is a sight I'm not getting tired off. So no problem to walk up and down along the gorge instead of walking along the road with waiting trailers. The Guide asked me why I liked to do all the activities alone.
- I can go where I want
- Yes, if we would have been 5 we would have had to walk the other way

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI didn't said anything, but I was thinking, well, you can guess what.

Well, anyway, we walked back to the Devil's Cataract. We could see people walking towards the Devil's Pool and my Guide told me it was possible and it was a wee bit cheaper than taking the boat. But it is a long walk over the rocks.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
People at the Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
People at the Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
People at the Devil's Pool

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
Well, we could have taken the walk path along the road

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
When we came back to the wire there was a guy preparing to cross the gorge

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
When we came back to the wire there was a guy preparing to cross the gorge

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
The gorge from West

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
The gorge from the Westernmost point

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
The gorge from the Westernmost point

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
The gorge from the Westernmost point

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
Devil's Cataract

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
Devil's Cataract

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the falls
The guy on the wire

We reached the westernmost point of the gorge at the Devil's Cataract. It was beautiful and we could see the guy on the wire. We could see him falling off the wire a few times but he had theAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Guided tour of the fallssafety line, good for him. I took a picture of the Livingstone statue and we walked back to the park entrance and the car.

It had been an excellent day, Devil's Pool on the Zambian side of the gorge and a hike up and down the gorge on the Zimbabwean side of the gorge. I was happy, Victoria Falls is a place I can recommend to visit. Way better than to drink away your life in Pattaya or Phuket.

Now back to the hotel and wait for 3 hours before it is time for the Lunar Rainbow. My room was full of people when I came back to my hotel. People checking my water, it started in the lobby with a DO YOU NEED WATER? Seriously, I don't think I have ever been on a more service minded hotel. They also come by in the evening to prepare your room for the night.

I always put the DON’T DISTURB sign on my door when I'm out and the other night there was a message. They had observed my DO NOT DISTURB sign and they didn't do the evening turndown service. What the foock is the evening turndown service?

They were knocking on the door while I was waiting for the Lunar Rainbow and they wanted to do the evening turndown service. I asked what it was and they told me that they prepared the bed.
- No thanks, I'm a grown up and I manage by myself
Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls Hotel- Do you need any water?
- Yes, please!
I got one more of the porcelain flip top bottles. Now I have collected quite few of them and I have hidden 4 of them in my bag.

Pick up for the Lunar Rainbow was at 19:30 and they called me at 18:45. They were waiting in the reception and I asked what time the pick-up was.
- At 19:30
- And what time is it now?

But as I suspected, the Lunar Rainbow was cancelled as the sky was overcast by now. So I went to bed, pick up at 06:15 for the Elephant back safari and I asked for a wakeup call at 05:30.

So I'm off to bed, but first dinner. The terrace closed at 9 0'clock and I arrived 10 minutes after. I asked for a smoked salmon bruschetta. They told me that the restaurant closed at 9. I asked for another restaurant, they had the Livingstone Restaurant.
- But you must dress for that restaurant. Jungle Junction close at 10.

But they offered me to eat on the terrace but I told them that I wanted to go to the Jungle Junction as the staff on the terrace needed their rest. No need to disturb them and I went to the Jungle Junction and the Waitress came with a glass and a bottle of water first thing when she saw me. I said no thanks and I asked for a pot of Earl Grey tea.

No end to the excitements, tomorrow we start early with the Elephant back safari so hang on! This might be fun so click HERE to end up in the middle of that adventure!

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