Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa

Monday 17 th of November 2014 they woke me up at 6 o'clock and I had a few diet drinks while updating my web page. Breakfast at 8 o'clock and I put my computer on charging.

My battery was flat, well, when I went for breakfast there was 7% remaining. I finished my breakfast and I was sitting in the bar working with my web page. My flight is leaving at 12:45 andSafari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxathey wanted to bring me to the airport at 11:45.

I told them that it was better that we left at 11 thirty for a slow drive.

We were in the car at 11 thirty and suddenly the flight was leaving at 12:15. I was angry, we had to drive in full speed to make it and no safety belts in the back. How foocking hard can it be? Flight leaving 12:45 and I want to leave at 11:30 for a nice, slow and safe rideSafari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxato the air strip. Departure time changed to 12:15, and we're still going to leave Ghoha Hills at 11:30.

Why the foock didn't they change the departure time from the camp to 11 o'clock? Yesterday there were 2 guys breaking ribs because their jeeps had hit a pot hole. Drive slow fer foocks sake! When on safari you should not use safety belts as you're busy moving around looking for animals. I was scared shitless plunging down the dust road in 200, yeah,Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxagive me an attacking lion any time. But now I was scared.

There was a jeep from Desert & Deltas (the camp I had tried to stay at) waiting for the plane. The jeep was empty so that means that they are picking up guests. I wonder why Desert & Deltas (the camp I had tried to stay at) is full and I was the only guest at Ghoha Hills. Maybe something about the price and location.

We arrived to the air strip and we had one airplane coming in for landing. I told my Guide that it wasSafari Air Botswana logonot my flight as Safari Air's airplane are painted red.

But this was a new plane and not yet painted, well, 4 passengers left for Desert & Delta and I went on board. 3 passengers on board, all bound for the same air strip I was going to. So plenty space and we were soon on our way.

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
My flight is arriving

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
My flight is arriving

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
My flight is arriving

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
My plane stops and I'm ready to foock off out of there

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
The Pilot is getting out

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
The Pilot unloading the luggage and the Driver from Desert & Delta help him

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
The passengers comes out

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
The passengers comes out

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
We're ready to take off

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
Another plane arrives - A busy day at Savute air strip

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
Buffalo at Savute

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
Xakanaxa next stop

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
Savute Air strip

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
Savute Channel

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
Savute Channel

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
As long as the Pilot looks calm there is no need to worry?

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
No sign of trouble

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
Approaching the Okavango Delta

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
We get a list, and it is obvious that it is not to my side

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
We start descending to Xakanaxa

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
Not much for a air strip

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
We have landed at Xakanaxa air strip

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
Seems to be a busy day at Xakanaxa air strip - 2 other Safari Air plane on the air strip!

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
Jeeps waiting for passengers

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
We make a U-turn at the end of the air strip before going back to the “TERMINAL”

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
We make a U-turn at the end of the air strip before going back to the “TERMINAL”

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
They are already taking our luggage to the jeeps

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
We're out of the plane

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
Our hero ready for a new adventure in the Okavanga Delta

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
Our plane is already taking off

Safari Air from Savute Airstrip to Xakanaxa
We made it

The flight might have taken 30 minutes, but can as well have been 40 or 20 minutes. I don't know. But it was not as bad as expected and I was almost alone on board, and the seat belt was OK. There was even belt over when I had buckled up!

The landing was OK, a little bumpy, but this is a air strip with no pavement. When we got out of the plane they had already put our luggage in the jeeps. Well, my luggage was in the wrong jeep, I was the only one going to Xakanaxa, the other three were going to Camp Moremi next door.

We sorted out the luggage and we were soon on our way. New adventures ahead and you just have to click HERE to find yourself in the middle of it.

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizen visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
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noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

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